The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 25, 1904, Image 2

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IVlcCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
News in Brief
The Berlin Wis National bank
has closed Deposits aggregated 180
Baron Steven Kemeny attached to
the Austro Hungarlan embassy is
dead at Washington
The Eastern Bar Iron association
ordered an advance of 2 per ton in
the price of Its products
The president has nominated John
E Watson of Booneville Mo to be
registrar of the land office at Boone
The straw vote in the American
colony in Mexico City resulted Roose
velt 355 Parker 215 Swallow 13 Debs
10 Watson 4
The steamer Coptic which arrived
in San Francisco from the Orient
brought 2000000 worth of raw silk
and over 200000 In gold
The pressing mills of the Hamilton
Powder company at Windsor Quebec
blew up Joseph Witty and George He
bert were blown to pieces
The report of an encounter be
tween Russians and Afghan at Kushk
resuulting in the blowing up of the
magazine there is unfounded
The Neal hospital in Nebraska City
has been sold to the Sisters of Char
ity who will take possession the first
of the ear It will be made a public
At the meeting of the American
league at Columbus O
twenty seven states were represented
Rev W D Palmere of St Louis de
livered an address
President W W Leighton of the
Lima O Savings Bank and Trust
company was held to answer before
the grand jury for embezzlement un
der bond of 5000
The entire business district of the
town of Dublin Miss on the Yazoo
Mississippi Valley railroad with
the exception of one building was
Wiped out by fire
The navy department has authorized
the commanding officer at the torpedo
station at Newport to accept dis
patches to and from ships at sea by
pray of the Nantucket lightship
The London pier and shed of the
Warren line in Charleston Mass
filled with oil wood pulp and other
highly inflammable material was com
pletely consumed by fire Loss 250
The contract for the construction
of the new postoffice building at Law
rence Kas has been awarded to
Richey Bros of Hastings Neb at
44638 to be completed on January 1
Charles C Brooks formerly pro
prietor of the Broadway Vannuys
hotel of Los Angeles Cal and ac
cused by the federal authorities of
swindling has been held in 2000
A dispatch to the Frankfurter Zeit
ung from Constantinople says that
Turkey is ordering 100 new batteries
of artillery from German French and
English factories at the cost of 10
In view of published statements
from various physicians that the
amount of oxygen in the air in the
New York subway was considerably
below normal an official investigation
is to be made
A private cable from Montevideo an
nounces that the sealing schooner
Agnes Donahue of Halifax has been
seized by the Uruguayan authorities
The Donahue is owned by the Bal
combe company
K C Cooley aged 77 years for
many years chief claim agent of the
Iowa Central railroad was found dead
of apoplexy in a chair at the home of
his daughter in Pueblo Colo where
he had been visiting
Governor Peabody of Colorado is
sued a requisition for the return to
Colorado of Wellington C Lewellyn
now in Joliet prison under the name of
Mabran who is charged with murder
ing two policemen in Denver
The first tribunal of the Seine at
Paris is hearing the sensational di
vorce proceedings of Countess Tzay
kowskl the American wife of Count
Tzaykowski who is secretary of the
Turkish legation at The Hague
Many prominent guests identified
with the work of the Young Mens
Christian association in all its
branches attended the annual dinner
at the Waldorf Astoria New York
Among them were Paul Morton secre
tary of the navy General F D Grant
U S A and Rear Admiral A S Bar
ker TJ S N
Secretary Wilson has designated
Prof Elwood Mead chief of the irri
gation and drainage committee of the
agricultural department to give ex
pert testimony for the government in
the legal contest between Kansas
Colorado and the general government
for the control of the waters of the
Arkansas river for irrigation purposes
Losses of 500000 through shop
lifting have been suffered during the
past year by twenty one department
stores in New York City whose pro
prietors because of such losses have
formed an alliance to fight petty pil
The National Founders association
adopted a resolution disapproving of
strikes and lockouts and favoring ar
bitration whenever and wherever it
will enable them to establish and
maintain Just and equitable relations
between members and their employ
Leaders in Both Houses Opposed to
An Extra Session Speaker Cannon
Against Any Revision of the Tar
WASHINGTON An extra session
of congress seems to be assured for
the early spring The president de
sires to have legislation on tho stat
ute books covering a number of im
portant matters and he is not mealy
mouthed in telling his desires to his
friends The leaders however in both
senate and house are opposed to an
extra session They argue that there
will be ample time in which to pass
necessary legislation not only affect
ing the Panama canal but tariff revi
sion which now seems certain to come
about during the long session of the
Fifty ninth congress which ordinarily
would begin on the first Monday of
December 1905 The president how
ever believing that legislation is de
manded for the control of the Pana
ma canal particularly having rela
tion to the establishment of a system
of courts and laws for the government
of the strip is emphatic in his declara
tion that an extraordinary session of
the Fifty ninth congress should be
convened very shortly after the ter
mination of the Fifty eighth congress
Realizing the responsibilities which
have been placed upon him by the
vote of the country President Roose
velt in keeping with his whole life is
determined that his administration
shall be notable for the accomplish
ment of results affecting the happi
ness of the country It is contended
that it will be impossible to enact any
portion of the legislation now abso
lutely necessary at the regular session
by reason of the large problems which
confront the American people Tariff
revision in the Philippines is demand
ed and the president it is understood
will insist that the republicans shall
not shirk their responsibilities Then
again reciprocity with Canada is
bound to occupy considerable atten
tion but just to what extent the re
publicans will go toward bringing
about closer trade relations with our
neighbor on the north is problemati
cal One thing however is absolute
ly assured and that is that the tariff
revisionists will have a large follow
ing in the Fifty ninth congress and
that the slogan that was heard during
the recent campaign Let the friends
of the tariff revise the tariff gives
promise of being insisted upon
Speaker Cannon who is now at
Danville 111 resting from his labors
on the stump is expected to arrive in
Washington the latter part of next
week for a consultation with the presi
dent The speakers closest associates
believe that he will set his face firm
ly against an extra session or present
revision of the tariff
Gets Imprisonment for Life
SIOUX CITS la After being out
sixteen hours a jury at Cherokee la
found Harry Hartman who shot and
killed his sweetheart Florence Por
ter on November 30 1901 guilty of
murder in the first degree and fixed
the punishment at imprisonment for
life at hard labor
Reception to Rossa
CORK ODonovan Rossa was given
a rousing reception here Sunday He
received numerous deputations and
was tendered a banquet at night
Movement to Celebrate
of Close of War
CHATTANOOGA Tenn The first
announcement is made of a formal
movement to hold in Chattanooga in
1915 a worlds fair to be known as
the semi centennial peace jubilee ex
position commenorating the end of
the civl war It is learned that assur
ances of aid from the government and
various organizations have been se
cured The following address explain
ing the nature of the exposition has
been issued
From 1861 to 1865 there was in the
United States the greatest civil war
the world has ever seen Peace be
tween the states was established
April 9 1865 The year 1915 will be
the semi centennial anniversary of the
Chattanooga is the geographical cen
ter of the scenes of the civil war
With the great national interest that
centers here the United States gov
ernment will no doubt contribute gen
erously to such an exposition It has
had for years in contemplation the
erection of a peace memorial arch at
Chattanooga which is to surpass any
thing of the kind in the world This
could be finished and dedicated in
Therefore let us have at Chatta
nooga in the year 1915 a semi-centennial
peace jubilee exposition to which
the world shall be Invited
Slain in Fight at Laramie
CHEYENNE Wyo A party of
Swedes negroes and others engaged
in a free-for-all fight at Laramie Gunsi
clubs and knives were used freely
Charles Bussard was killed and others
were injured Eight of the rioters
were arrested but subsequently were
all released except Gust Johnson a
Swede bartender whom the negroes
say fired the shot that killed Bussard
Johnson and his Swede companions
deny the charge William Cleve was
arrested at Cheyenne charged with the
Officers Elected ana a Number of Re
solutions Are Adopted
Port Arthur Attack Kesumed
CHE FOO The general attack on
Port Arthur was resumed November
18 and 19 according to the report of
persons arriving here Sunday from
Port Dalny They say the Japanese
are so secretive that it is difficult in
Dalny to learn the true facts Even
the officers detailed to work at the
base do not know what their comrades
at the front are doing November 16
a particularly heavy explosion shook
every ship lying at Dalny The ex
plosion was ascribed to the blowing
up of land mines or a magazine
gation congress adopted the report of
the committee on permanent organiza
tion The new president Governor Par
dee of California took the chair and
made an address All of the officers
recommended by the committee were
The convention adopted a resolution
thanking President Roosevelt for his
letters and for his interest in Irriga
tion and approving his policy on this
Important resolutions were passed
during the closing hours The pre
amble of one favoring a repeal of the
stone and timber act read
It is the sense of this congress
that tho remaining public domain
should be sacredly preserved to all
the people of the United States and
rlgdly reserved for actual homeseek
ers The congress of the United States
is commended for withdrawing 40
000000 acres of arid lands and 80
000000 acres of forest lands from en
try and the repeal of the desert land
law is urged together with that of the
timber and stone act commutation
tax of the homestead act and a sub
stitute is offered in the sale of stump
As a substitute of the desert land
law it is desired to permit individuals
as actual settlers to enter on only 160
Other resolutions adopted were
those opposing all issues of land
scrips urging the government pur
chase of all lands in the limit of for
est reserves favoring a non interest
bearing loan by the government to an
Irrigation fund to be used by the sec
retary of the interior and repaid un
der the provisons of the irrigation law
Urging a law permitting states to
organize in districts for the sale of ir
rigation lands and upon approval by
the secretary of the interior to be
allowed to employ the engineers of
the reclamation service and favoring
legislation to aid beet sugar culture
Declaring that the presence of the
delegates from the sister republic of
Mexico has strengthened the bond be
tween the two countries and in appre
ciation of the cordial treatment ac
corded this congress while on Mexi
can soil we cordially invite the repub
lic of Mexico to send a delegation to
the Portland congress
Count Cassini Says This is What Rus
sia Will Do
WASHINGTON Russian will pur
sue the war in the far east to the bit
ter end that is until Russia has con
These are the opening -words of an
emphatic statement made at the Rus
sian embassy by Count Cassini the
Russian ambassador
Several times recently the ambas
sador in the name of his government
has categorically denied the possibil
ity of an Intervention in the war but
the recurrence of the rumors that the
powers contemplated mediation has
caused he ambassador to reiterate on
behalf of his government its position
regarding intervention or mediation
of any kind The statement contin
I deem it my duty to reiterate what
I have so often said that Russia will
not suspend in any case her military
operations in the far east All ru
mors and reports regarding the pos
sible success of the direct overtures
for peace which Japan is said to have
made to Russia and regarding the
mediation of the powers in my opin
ion are started for the purpose of
convincing the public that the end of
the war is close at hand In this way
it is hoped that the public may be
led to believe that the Japanese loans
offer attractive investments
Russia can no more admit of in
terference than Great Britain could in
the Transvaal than could the United
States in her war with Spain Where
the prestige of a country is at stake
all other considerations are and must
be put aside Some people may think
that financial difficulties will influence
Russia to end hostilities Such an
opinion is based upon the false as
sumption of Russias financial resourc
es There is no doubt whatever that
Russia whose annual incctae exceeds
1000000000 cannot be influenced in
her attitude toward the outcome of
the war by the amount of war expen
ditures It is not altogether out of
the question that Russia who did not
expect war should in the moment
when she has mobilized her army and
is sending corps after corps in fight
ing readiness to the far east sudden
ly call a halt to hostilities particu
larly after she has for nearly a year
without any difficulty or recourse to
extraordinary measures been able to
carry all thet extra expense
It is not within my scope to com
ment upon the new Japanese loan
That is an affair for the bankers and
for the public who are able to de
cide what advantages or disadvan
tages the investment offers But there
can be no necessity for comment upon
Russias credit
Japanese Are Widening Their Saps
and Moving Their Guns Forward
Czar Receives an Encouraging Re
port from Beleaguered City
TOKIO A telegram from Moji re
ports the destruction of another Rus
sian arsenal and magazine at Port
The Japanese discovered it is said
the location of the arsenal and cen
tered their artillery fire upon it Af
ter dropping 200 shells in the locality
they succeeded in blowing it up
The Japanese are widening their
saps and are using them to move their
guns forward
The Russians continue their spirit
ed sorties using hand grenades in
their attacks upon the saps
sel has telegraphed to Emperor Nich
olas that Port Arthur can hold out
several months
Newspapers devote long articles to
praise of Lieutenant General Stoessel
and the heroic garrison at Port Arthur
and to a general endorsement of the
movement started at Kieff for a na
tional subscription in behalf of the
families of the killed and surviving
A dispatch from Lieutenant General
Sakharoff dated Friday says that
during the night the Japanese attack
ed the Russian position in front of
Poutiloff hill but were repulsed
America is likely to profit both di
rectly and indirectly from the exe
cution of the large naval program
which Russia is now elaborating The
vital importance of the sea power has
been Russias bitterest lesson of the
war and the govsrnment is fully de
termined that the maintenance of the
empires position will be impossible
without adequate sea power
Should there be disaster to Vice Ad
miral Rojestvenskys squadron it
would not only necessitate the entire
rebuilding of the navy but to increase
its strength
While some of the contracts will
be placed abroad owing to the limited
facilities of Russian yards and it is
expected that at least one big ship
will be constructed in America the
admiraltys plans will be directed to
wards ultimate divorce from depend
ence upon foreign ship builders by the
organization at home of vast ship
building armor plate ordnance and
kindred industries For this purpose
it is realized however that foreign
builders and specialists must be at
tracted and some alluring prospects
are likely to present themselves Vick
ers Sons Maxim and Armstrong
Whitworth Co limited of England
have already made advances but ow
ing to the anti Russian sentiment the
British firms are not meeting with a
very cordial reception The disposi
tion is to turn towards France Ger
many and the United States and a
great plant at Libau or on the banks
of the Neva directed by American
Will Be a Number of Them When
That Body Meets March 4
WASHINGTON There will be a
number of new faces in the United
States senate when that body meets
in extraordinary session at noon on
March 4 next Of the thirty senators
whose terms expire with the close of
the legislative day of March 3 1905
a great many will be re elected But
at least ten will be succeeded by new
men and in addition Senator Fair
banks elected vice president will re
tire to make way for another There
are not less than ten aspirants for
the seat to be thus vacated includ
ing Congressman Landis and Gover
nor Durbin But Harry New for many
years a leading republican of Indiana
and a son of John C New former
treasurer of the United States has
announced his candidacy and it Is be
lieved here that he is likely to give
all the rest a very lively hustle for
the honor
of St Petersburg District Are
Called to the Colors
olas will leave for the Caucasus on
December 3 to bid farewell to the Cau
caslon cavalry
The mobilization of reservists of St
Petersburg it is said will be an
nounced next week While the reser
vists of the province in which St
Petersburg is included were called to
the colors some time ago the actual
mobilization of the Russian capital has
been postponed as long as possible
It Is reported on apparently good
authority that the meetings of the
zemstvos which was schedule for to
day has been postponed
McKinley Fund Completed
CHICAGO Announcement was
made of the completion of the fund
of 600000 for the erection of a na
tional monument to the late President
McKinley Alexander H Revell chair
man of the Illinois auxiliary of the
McKinley national memorial associa
tion in a report submitted to the state
committee stated that 50000 the pro
portion allotted to Illinois had been
raised In New York next Tuesday the
national trustees of the association
will meet and adopt a design for the
Associations in Nebraska Shown to Be
In Prosperous Condition
LINCOLN Secretary Royce of the
state banking board has received from
the printer his report of the condition
of the building and loan associations
of the state for the year ending June
30 The report indicates a prosperous
condition of the associations and a
very gratifying growth At the time
the report was made there were sixty
associations doing business in the
state an increase of three over last
year The total resources of the as
sociations reporting are 621735040
being an increase of 87392102 over
the assets of the fifty five associations
reporting last year By comparison
important items are found to have
been increased and diminished during
the year as follows
Loans increase S930rf901
Stock loans Increase 7104292
Real estate decrease 94SS94
Furniture and stationery in
crease 254811
Cash decrease 16CG024
Delinquencies decrease 403085
Kxpcnse sand taxes increase 617225
Other assets increase 1692465
Running- stock increase 64740521
Full paid stock increase 10312887
Reserve fund increase 4186229
Undivded profits increase 3225359
The receipts and expenditures of the
associations during the year ending
June 30 1904 were 440983287 In
other words these associations did a
business of nearly 4500000 at an ex
pense for salaries of 5416147 and
other expenses of 39705 or a frac
tion over 2 per cent
Of the 549371887 in first mort
gage loans only the small sum of
147110 are in the delinquent class
and but 36821 in process of fore
There are 174022 shares of stock in
force which is an increase of 20598
shares over the number in force at the
aate of the last report
There are 23499 shareholders of
which number 660 are minors
The associations made 2322 mort
gage loans during the year of which
number 1061 were made for building
purposes and 1246 for payment of
homestead mortgages
Enough Old Taxes Uncollected to
Wipe Out Entire State Debt
LINCOLN Deputy Auditor Anthes
is preparing the report of the auditor
for the biennium and the report will
show that if all the counties in the
state that are delinquent would pay up
the state debt would be wiped out and
forgotten in little less than no time
Thirty counties owe the state 742-
70627 some of which money has been
due since 1859 The remainder of the
report of delinquent counties is still
In the hands of the printer and the
amount is more than 2000000 It is
expected that a good portion of this
will be collected under the workings
of the scavenger tax law The counties
that have been received from the
printer are delinquent as follows
Hayes 614491
Hitchcock 1S03449
Holt 5033669
Hooker 82593
Howard 1619356
Tefferson 2510S23
Johnson 23943S4
Kearney 1252797
Keith 709891
Keya Paha 7004994
Kimball 34S0C0
Knox 209S240
Lancaster 10684524
Lincoln 2156707
Logan 724177
Uup 310902
Madison 2457760
McPherson 20S633
Merrick 3650017
Nance 1390930
Nemaha 3199077
Nuckolls 2054390
Otoe 6934649
Pawnee 3027514
Perkins 717323
Phelps 2SS4678
Pierce 2542347
Platte 30215S2
Polk 13907S6
Red Willow 12162S1
Champion Cornhusker
BENNINGTON This little town
has come to the front with the cham
pion cornhusker J Miller is the man
and there are plenty of people here
who will put up money that he can
defeat all comers During the past
week without any exertion Miller
has been husking and cribbing 120
bushels per day working nine hours
By pulling out a little it is believed
Miller can husk 150 bushels per day
W H Reed is Dead
LINCOLN Colonel W H Reed a
veteran naval officer of the civil war
and pioneer citizen died here at the
Windsor hotel He declared just be
fore he retired that he never felt bet
ter In his life He was found dead in
the moraine
W B Rose Keeps His Place
LINCOLN W B Rose has been
selected for assistant attorney gen
eral and has accepted the appoint
ment He has held the position for
the last four years Fred Miller will
be deputy secretary of state
Estimates of States Expenses
State officers and the heads of de
partments are busy these days figuring
out the estimate of what will be re
quired to run the state house and the
state institutions during the next bien
nium in order to ask the legislature
for the wherewithal to do it So far
only a few of the officers have com
pleted their estimates and filed them
with the auditor So far the amount
each office will ask for is about the
same as that asked for two years ago
The office of the state superintendent
9ill ask for 1000 more
West Points new passenger depot
is now ready for occupancy
Tho electric lights have been turn
ed on in the village of Lynch
The Jacob Golden commission
house at Geneva was closed by credit
Prof Hornberger well known
throughout the state In an education
al way died recently at Lincoln
Rev and Mrs J W Swan of
Plattsmouth celebrated their fifteenth
wedding anniversary a few days ago
The school truant officer proposi
tion was lost in Dodge county the
vote against it being about two thirds
The Johnson ranch situated in
Liberty precinct Pawnee county con
sisting of 1329 acres was sold to
A J Weaver and J H Moorehead for
55000 cash
Thieves entered the hardware store
of D H Stout at Julian and took a
large number of knives razors and
revolvers They broke open the money
drawer but found nothing therein
J C Williams deliveryman for
Zuckweiler Lutz Plattsmouth had
a close call from being kicked to
death by a horse Several of his ribs
were fractured and he was otherwise
Wm Balfour and Iver Johnson two
Omaha hunters were drowned in
Goose lake twenty five miles from
ONeill while in search of game
Their bodies after much search were
Sheriff McBride returned to Platts
mouth from Des Moines bringing
with him two buggies one horse and
harness which was stolen from H P
Sturn and L W Ingwerser who re
side near Nehawka In Cass county
The property was stolen last spring
A letter has been received by Gov
ernor Mickey from Mrs Lillie Bella
Meyer of St Louis asking for infor
mation in regard to the whereabouts
of her father E J Hannock whom
she has not seen for twenty years She
says that Mr Hanock is somewhere in
The Sit Still society is the latest
of the many organizations in Lincoln
The members are all masculine and
its object is to obtain larger cars and
better street car service in general
for the city The society hopes to at
tain its object by sitting still that is
each member will keep his seat in
the car instead of surrendering it to a
a woman
The authorities of Battle Creek
place are looking for a man who gave
his name as James McClan and pro
fessed to be a hunter from Omaha
and who is known to have driven
away with a load of guns and boxes
stolen from Morses hardware store
in that place and who told the driver
he was going to steal James Gilles
pies daughter from her home fifteen
miles south
John B Boese who shot and killed
his son during a family quarrel soma
time ago and who has been in jail
since was arraigned in the county
court at Nebraska City and pleaded
not guilty to the charge of murder in
the second degree He waived pre
liminary hearing and was bound over
to the district court in the sum of
2000 Not being able to furnish bond
he was returned to jail
Former State Treasurer Hill offer
ed State Treasurer Mortensen a cer
tified check for 381240 in payment
of all that was due on account of
money deposited by Joseph S Bart
ley state treasurer in a defunct Lin
coln savings bank Mr Mortensen re
fused to take the money for the rea
son that the receipt Captain Hill of
fered for him to sign was for all
money due the state from the defunct
bank of which Captain Hill is the
A large amount of new corn Is be
ing contracted for in Sarpy county at
35 cents per bushel
The supreme court must decide the
constitutionality of the state law pro
hibiting the use of the national flag
for advertising purposes N V Hal
ter and H V Hayward saloonkeepers
of Omaha handled a brand of beer
known as the Stars and Stripes
bore the national flag on the label
The men were convicted of violation
of the law by the district court of
Douglas county They have appealed
to the supreme court claiming that
the state law is class legislation and
so unconstitutional
The governor of Illinois has Issued
a requistion on the governor of Ne
braska for the return to the Southern
Illinois penitentiary at Cnester of
Raymond Slater now under arrest in
Omaha Slater was sent to the prison
on an Indeterminate sentence for for
gery and escaped while on parole
Under the indeterminate sentence law
he was subject to release by the state
board of pardons when he had demon
strated his reformation but the viola
tion of the parole under the law now
will require him to serve the maxi
mum sentence for forgery under the
Illinois statue which is twenty years
Scott Harrison of Niobrara com
mitted suicide by cutting his throat
The tragedy occurred in a house reg
ularly occupied by two men Cause is
net known
A Lincoln
says It
will not be surprising if the forth
coming message of the governor will
contain some recommendations to the
legislature that will be on the order
of a revelation to cheap politicians
and hangers on And another thing if
the legislature of Nebraska cares to
enact an anti pass law Governor
Mickey will sign 1L