fa LEBANON Ed FerrilsTiew milk house ia finished Ned Gillespie is helping in the drug store Joahuu Brown has sold his farm to Lew White Wm Helt is out again after an illness -of two weeks W II Booth has treated his house to a bay window Redtfelt Bros have a new wind mill in their feed yard David Painter has sold his 150 to his neighbor H Sorick P F Hupp sold 16 mules to James McClung last week Elmer Widner and wife welcomed a v little son November 5tb A E Pennington has been transferred from St Joe to Raton N M John Kinkaid Jr has moved to Wilsonville from south of the Sappa James Lingo was hauling lumber to the Fitzgerald farm Saturday for a new cow shed Rosa Myers from lndianola is making her home with M C Stevens and is clerking for A Guy J D Willers sold his team of mules last week for 23500 he paid S23750 for them last spring A Kansas nine played the Lebanon third nine Saturday Score 17 to 38 in favor of the Kansas youngsters W R Watt bought 31 mules of Al Metcalf and shipped one carload to Min den first of the week He expects to fill his second car this week A basket supper was given in district No 81 last Friday night II Winner auctioneered the baskets which brought 2000 A good program was rendered Chas Bonbam of Tyrone wis called to tho bedside of his mother south of Wilsonville Friday night We under stand the mother was buried in Wilson ville Sunday The commissioners of Decatur county Ivas and Red Willow county Neb de cided to build a bridge on the Kansas Nebraska line south and east of Danbury the material being furnished jointly by the two counties r rank Borkman of Tyrotio precinct while running hogs Thursday of last week foil and hurt himself in some way The injury resulted fatally and he was buried at the Tyrone M E church last Sunday morning One of Howard Rubys children was taken sick last week The doctor pro nounced it scarlet fever after a consul tation with Doctor DeMay of Danbury The case was taken in charge and is thoroughly quarantined H N French and son of Ilerndon Kansas were in town last week looking for a location for a hardware and drug store The son has a drug store in Herndon and the father has just sold 3 quarters 5 miles north of Herndon for 6400 School Notes The High school and Grammar room had a joint program Friday Several children were taken out of school last week ou account of the scarlet fever scare Examinations Thursday and Friday showed an im provement of about 10 per cent Chas Tole was in from the Sappa Saturday He and the writer husked corn together in 95 and at a party one night where they were short on girls we put on dresses and paint and played the lady Mr Tole has rented his farm on the Sappa and will move shortly to his new homestead north of North Platte The writer received bulletins from the Experiment Station at Lincoln Neb recently and notes the name of W P Snyder on the list as superintendent of H Salt pork is a famous old fashioned remedy for con sumption Eat plenty of pork was the advice to the consumptive 50 and 100 years ago Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs Jnost ScottsEmulsionisthemod ern method of feeding fat to the consumptive Pork is too rough for sensitive stomachs Scotts Emulsion is the most refined of fats especially prepared for easy digestion Feeding him fat in this Way which is often the only way is half the battle but Scotts Emulsion does more than that There is some thing about the combination of cod liver oil and hypophos phites in Scotts Emulsion that puts new life into the weak parts and has a special action on the diseased lungs A sample will be sent free upon request Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy SCOTT BOWNE CHEMISTS 409 Pearl St N Y 50c and v all druggists MEROIOJrSi ZKsnviaran UIJWJ 3UMXlJtCJl tBUWto 1 Mfal s atmt Or any kind of meat from our shop by phone if you wish or send the little folks and you will get the sweet tooth some kind We pride ourselves on freshness and quality of loft the our goods and the promptness of our delivery If you are not now trading with us we would be pleased to have you give us a trial We think you will be pleased Phone 12 the sub station at North Platte Mr Snyder is a brother of Mrs Scofield of Lebanon and was married to Miss Rae Pollock of Wilsonville about two weeks ago At present he is with the Experiment Station at Lincoln Obituary Susan B Hall was born in Fillmore county Neb August i 18721 and died November o 1901 at her home 3 miles southwest of Lebanon She re sided in Fillmore county until her mar riage with Frank W Hoobler January 2 1896 As a girl she attended the Fairmont High school and was also a member of the M Echurchat that place She leaves an aged father and mother a huband and five children two brothers and one sister besides other relatives to mourn her loss The sympathy of every one is with the husband and motherless children IfORTH OF LEBANON Oscar Peters of Minden is husking his mothers corn John Harkey is going to build a new barn about 32x38 Mrs Kreidt and Katie called on A C Bartholomews Sunday George Fisher was a caller at Henry Harshs in Tyrone precinct Sunday Charles Cowden was on the Beaver Saturday aftor poles to build a cow shed The pastor of the Luthern church has two children staying with them and attending school Rev Proedoehl of the Luthern church went to Kenesaw Sunday to help dedi cate the new church at that place Fred Quardor is building a new barn the Walter M Pennington put his potatoes in the cellar first of this week and is ready now to sell as they are all sacked and graded He raised 100 bushels Oscar Peters of Minden who has been husking his mothers corn has returned home His sister Lizzie went with him and will work at the Lutheran parsonage at that place Mrs Walter Pennington rode over to her mothers near Lebanon Sunday and stayed a few days She is growing stronger rapidly She has been sick since August 4th Mrs Maud Thomas and her sister Myrtle Cheville went to Hendley to see their mother Mrs Henry Lomax who is very sick L A Thomas drove down Tuesday to bring them home Gottlieb Groesch is here from Cum nMngs county and is helping his brother Max husk corn When they finish they will return to Breemer where Max will study medicine under his father Lebanon Art Studio For all styles of photos They make those large bust pictures that dont need to be enlarged Negatives lilcVUO UUJr JUC3UH Call on Walter M Pennington for carrots dried sweet corn large sweet potatoes etc A Heavy Load To lift that load of of tho stomach take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure It digests what you eat Sour stomach belching gas on stomach and all disorders of the stomach that are curable are instantly relieved and permanently cured by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure S P Storrs a druggist at 297 Main Street New Britain Conn says Kodol Dys pepsia Cure is giving such universal satisfaction and is so surely becoming tho positive relief and subsequent cure for this distressing ailment I feel that I am always sure to satisfy and gratify my customers by recomending it to them I write this to show how well the remedy is spoken of here Kodol Dyspepsia Cure was discovered after years cf scientific experiments and will positively cure all stomach troubles Sold bjL W McConnell Nice smooth stove pipe at W T Colo mans at ten cents a joint CULBERTS0N County Supt OConuell visited public schools here Wednesday Mrs Frank Henderson of McCook is visiting with the home folks this week D M Benedict of Culbwtson is the commissioner elect of the first commis sioner district Ben Williams of Red Oak 111 was in town Monday shaking hands with friends and relatives Ira Ferrier and wife came in from the west Saturday evening to visit his peo ple here several days Miss Grace Benedict camo in from Denver Saturday evening where she has been for several months The vote Tuesday showed that there are 115 Republicans 35 Domocrats 10 Populists and three Socialists in Cul bertson Lester Littel came up from Lincoln Monday evening and cast his vote for the right man He returned to Lincoln Wednesday The closing out sale of W Z Taylor is attracting considerable attention this week A couple of smooth silver tongued auctioneers in the employ of R G Whitmore Co of Minneapolis have charge of the sale About one third of the beets grown in this section have been shipped at this writing The farmers are now busy silo ing the rest and it will probably take until the middle of January or the first of February before the last car load is shipped out A meeting of the beet growers of the country surrounding Culbertson was held Saturday for the purpose of tak ing steps to secure a beet sugar factory for Cuibertson There appears to be a determination on the part of a good many of the growers not to raise beets again unless a factory is built here the coming year Henry Walker of tho firm of Hein Walker returned from Lovelnnd Colo the first of the week where he had been investigating the beet industry Mr Walker is of theopnion that if the farm ers of this section would take as much pains to piepare and cultivate their beet lands as they do in Colorado we would reap larger returns from our cheap land than they do from their 20000 per acre land The contract for fine new bridge across the Frenchman at the foot of Main street was let last week to W C Bullard This bridge is a much needed improve ment to the town Now if the railroad company could be induced to move the depot to a point where the railroad crosses the extension of Main street tho distance from the central part of town would be less than half what it is at present David C Benedict one of the enter prising youug farmers of this section was married Thursday the 31st to Miss Mao ConklinK of Franklin Nebraska The wedding ceremony took place at the home of the brides parents The bride is the accomplished daughter of James Conkling a prominent real estate dealer of Franklin Mr and Mrs Benedict ar rived Thursday and at once went to housekeeping on Mr Benedicts fine ranch south of town They start out in their married life with best wishes of a large circle of warm friends A Physician Healed Dr Geo Ewing a practicing physician of Smiths Grove Ky for over thirty years writes his personal experience with Foleys Kidney Cure For years I had been greatly bthered with kidney and bladder trouble and enlarged pros tate gland I used everything known to the profession without relief until I commenced to use FoleysKidney Cure 16x40 12 feet from sill to plate This Affe t three bottls j Was entirely Will oniQ T rlYi IVt o Inr rf hT in relieved and cured I prescribe it now daily in my practice and heartly recom mend its use to all physicans for such troubles I have prescribed it in hun dreds of cases with perfect success Sold by A McMillen BARTLEY Dane Fletcher has been quite sick for the past week but is better now Dr John Arbogast came up from Creighton Medical College to vote Will Short of Indianpla was in Bartley election day telling the people how to vote Miss Blanche Miller has moved her millinery goods up stairs over the post- omce Dr W A Mackechnie and James McCallum were Bartley callers one day last week John Lang shipped a car load of po tatoes from this station to Oklahoma last week Roosevelt reelected Nov 8th 190i and it snowed the very next day Parker is very very cold now Mrs Joe Hoover left for Iowa Wed nesday on No 12 where she was called to the bedside of her sick father Mrs Barton left on No 5 Wednesday evening for Colorado where she will make an extended stay with her son and family Mrs Rhine a sister of Henry hause who has been visiting here re turned to her homo at Campbell Neb Monday on No VI The Republican vote was the largest ever cast in East Valley precinct and had some surprises for those who were best informed of the situation Elder J n Roberts of Ilendloy will preach in tho Christian church at Bart ley at 11 a m Nov 27 Mr Roberts preached hero for two years and has many friends who will bo pleased to hear him again Some eccentricities of tho vote polled here One party voted for the Repub lican electors and for Norris but voted for W J Bryan as his preference for U S senator Two leading church mem bers wno vote tho prohibition ticket to bo consistent voted for Bolles for com missioner One voter used his great privilege ana voted for revising tho con stitution but for no other person or thing owing to his constitutional frame of mind One who declared he would not vote for any fusionist or socialist crossed out both the fusion and socialist squares down tho whole ticket and left the repub lican Bquares free from mark or blot One voter did not voto for electors but voted the rest of tho ticket I BOX ELDER the Eliza Johnson called on Ida Modrell ounday alternoon Ed Couse and wife visited with and Mrs Wm Johnson Sunday 160 acres in 22-1-29 acres fenced 160 acres in 26-4-30 160 acres in 22-3-27 ERM Mr A cold wave struck this part of the country early Wednesday morning Special meetings will begin this Wed nesday evening at tho church Rev Clifton the conference evangelist will assist the pastor Rev J R Kerr In a letter received from Mrs J A Pinkerton nhe writes that her brother A F Reeves who is in tho employ of tho navy as a draughtsman has been transferred to the Philippines leaving Sh Francisco the 1st of November I was troubled with constipation and stomach troubles lo3t flesh mj com plexion was ruined Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea brought back my health and complexion Mary Allen St Louis 35 cents L W McConnell The Tribune and weekly Chicago In ter Ocean only 105 Dont delay about subscribing Avers Pills NORTH OF TOWN ITEMS Irving Spaulding of the Willow is vis iting at his old home in Iowa Ed Glandon is tho teacher in the North Divide school and is giving good satisfaction The family of Harry Short who moved here from Missouri two weeks since moving onto the Clyde Merriott farm has been having a siege of sickness Mrs Short is very ill at present Clyde Marriott and family and Mrs Marriotts mother Mrs Dellart who came here from Iowa and bought the old Rider farm have traded for a farm in Missouri and haye gone there to live They left many friends here who will join in wishes for success in their new home Doesnt Respect Old Age Itsshamefal when youth fails to show proper respect for old age but just tho contrary in the case of Dr Kings New Life Pills They cut off maladies no matter how severe and irrespective of old age dyspepsia- jaundice fever con stipation all yield to this perfect pill 25c at L W McConnells drug store Vegetable liver pills That is what theyare They cure constipation biliousness sick headache J CAyerCo Iiowoll Mass Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAMS DYE a ueauuiui uruwu ux nun uiaui ruse rim CIS OF DBUGQIST3 0B fi P BALL k CO NASHUA X B SPECIAL LAND LIST Price 900 30 acres in cultivation 40 Price Soo 9 miles to McCook Price r200 100 acres in cultivation well sod buildings 320 acres in 23 and 24-1-29 Price i8oo 29 Sod buildings 160 acres in cultivation well 240 acres fenced 80 acres in 12-3-29 Price 400 12 acres in cultivation 160 acres in 21-2-27 Price 800 20 acres in cultivation 160 acres in 29 and 30-2-29 Price 900 50 acres in cultivation 160 acres in 23-1-29 Price 1200 130 acres in cultivation 160 acres in 20-1-29 Price 1200 60 acres in cultivation 160 acres in 33-4-29 Price r0oo 75 acres in cultivation 160 acres in 35-2-29 Price 800 25 acres in cultivation 160 acres in 6-1-29 Price 700 70 acres in cultivation 160 acres in 32-2-30 Price 800 80 acres in cultivation 320acres in 21 and 22-3-29 Price 4000 35 acres hog tight fence good 2 story frame house good barn and sheds 275 acres in cultivation 320 acres in fair buildings 160 acres in 26-2-30 Price 1600 220 acres in cultivation 3 1 -1-29 Price 640 Where purchase price exceeds 500 one third cash balance in one two or three annual payments at 7 per cent Sale subject to lease and prices changed without notice Red Willow county land is by many underestimated It is of much value as farming land Be wise and do not undervalue Wes tern Nebraska land Eighteen sections of land in range 7 Nebras ka was once advertised for sale at 100 an acre Furnas county land has doubled and trebled in value within the past three years All the above land should be sold by Christmas Consider the terms and with proper farming it will pay for itself Use the phone or wire if you deem it necessary - it often beats the mail if some other fellow is writing I have 40 farms in Frontier county for sale at 400 an acre up Send for list Lock Box R J HARPER Beaver City Neb Mention McCook Tribune in all communications respecting above land jTMywKrapiiv lux clam b I 4 I ui n STW i77 j I 1 air s ormer uosi i I J s i liie famous S MHBfflmffimmzmm inn a a m8mmwmwm ana g I SiSi American I umeras u iT H ii ua irwi ct r i t n T9 - - N EkiiJkJW J JtSiJJi f B i lOntTino v a r rr in W a A JML Ml S J eiy rlimor I naies as you cnoose a 1 viih Double gS A I Plate HoYder Sii Absolutely new models I H n H roniwioc raKlo sStf L Nil I v wr -- mZ V v I us to furnish cameras SO S a of the highest grade at him flBEtqQfyJ 1 H nriroc wmrh rannnf HciSi B58j8 I i grZlif kfl m 1 be met illl lllW4lSll I 1 Send for illustrated MBrkSSSSHfeta S 1 catalogue telling an bsgWtU I S aKrMff our 27 ifvlA Xi535 I I 3 cr ci s i js a t 9 anu 5ues Kjfg g I a sj JL tJr kHta AMERICAN CAMERA MFG CO Q4fi fit Paul 5U R nrhpetor M V - - W Wf M w wwsiw 111 A I Vani0aiHMHKMHMBnBMHBBHMaMallaHaKEHHHBBaMHaMIM 1 I w Colds It should be borne in mind that every cold weakens the lungs low ers the vitality and prepares the system for the more serious dis eases among which are the two greatest destroyers of human life pneumonia and consumption Chamberlains Cough Remedy has won its great popularity by its prompt cures of this most common ailment It aids expectoration re lieves the lungs and opens the secretions effecting a speedy and permanent cure It counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia Price 25c Large Size 50c Modern Dentistry HERBERT J PRATT DDS Ofiice over McConnells drug store McCOOK NEBRASKA Office Phone 160 Rks Phonk 131 Registered Graduate Dentist Formerly located in At lanta Georgia All opera tions pertaining to modern dentistry performed accord ing to the latest scientific methods used in the large cities J GUNN DENTIST osB 112 Oflico over Grannis store McCook Neb MRS L F GliIGG AGENT FOB ChasAStevens Bros Ready made Garments and Furnishing Goods Threo doors cast of DcGroffs store H P SUTTON McCOOK -v JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office BIdg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Office Residence 524 Main Avenue Office and Residence phone 53 Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA McCOOK NEBRASKA KsxansvsBSBvssss fc j JOHN E KELLHY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTEACTEB McCook Xfrraska EjoAgentof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in Postoflice buildinp C H Botle C E Eidhed Co Atty BOYLE ELDRED Attokxeys at Law Lonff Distance Phone 44 Rooms 1 and 7 second floor Wah Postoflice Building MCL00K Net I F D BURGESS Plumber and 2 Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass m Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings fa Agent for Halliday Waupun Eclipse J 7 Windmills Basement of the Meeker- M 9 Phillips Building 7 HOLLISTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medicine for Busy People Brlng3 Golden Health and Benewed Vigor r 1 t A ana Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea In tab let IOrm So rfntl n nnniilnn mnrln V Hollister Drug Company Madison Wis GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE CHICHESTERS ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS CO1 UmT - iir Aiwars t i CH Itll USTKRS JENWl ivW i JIC51 inonlal and jOHBBTBB CHEMICAL 2100 Mndleoa Square PHIXjL OO VA ataUoaUlaa9w s i F v a MCU1UU ror uonstination Indigestion Live ana Klanev Tmnhipa Pimnino Kv mn imn Blood Bad Breath Sluctrish Bowels Headachn T L fS f