The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 04, 1904, Image 4

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JHCffl pitep
Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Theodore Roosevelt
Elmer J Burkott Lincoln
John H Mickoy Osceola
E Q McGilton Omaha
A Galusha Red Cloud
E M Searle Jr Ogalalla
Peter Mortensen Ord
Norris Brown Konrnoy
surT of runiiic instruction
J L McBrien Gonova
G W Norris Red Willow county
Albert Wilsey Moorefield
Philip Gliom Danbury
C E Eldred McCook
Stephen Bolles Box Elder
Moke surprising things have happened
in Red Willow county politically than
the election of Stephen Bolles
Phil Gliems majority will be suf
ficent and conclusive If you will note
the vote from his own country over on
the Beaver you will see how they think
of him at home Our next representa
tive will be a Republican and Philip
Gliem of Danbury is the man He will
give a good account of himself in the leg
islature too
Readers of The Tribune should not
fail to noto that if they want to vote for
the constitutional convention they must
place a cross in the square at the head of
the ticket independent of the cross made
on the party circle Failure to make a
cross in the constitutional squares will
be counted against it Nebraska has
quite outgrown her constitution and
needs a new one better suited to her
growth Vote for the constitutional
For the life of us we cannot see how
any populist can support Mr Mauck
the fusion candidate for congress It is
admitted that he is a Grover Cleveland
democrat and is pledged to Parker and
all the influence behind him He is op
posed to and will vote against all the
populist ticket except himself Populists
have always been opposed to Cleveland
Gold Bug Democracy and we see no
reason why they should be under obliga
tions to vote for Mr Mauck who repre
sents exactly what they have been or
ganized to fight The very worst that
can be said against Judge Norris is that
he is a Roosevelt republican which to
our mind is not a very serious objection
Every voter in this district knows that
Judge Norris was an honorable honest
judge when on the bench He has been
congressman one term and has proven
himself to be just as honorable and un
biased as a congressman and we believe
the voters of this congressional district
will vote to return him to congress for
another term Trenton Register Pop
Dayton Ohio Mrs Mary Simpson
Everything disagreed vith me and baby
until I used Hollisters Rocky Mountain
Tea Now baby sleeps and grows like a
weed 35 cents Tea or tablet form
L W McConnell
Favored toy Both Parties
Republicans and Democrats alike
praise Foleys Honey and Tar for coughs
colds and all throat and lung diseases
as no other remedy can compare with it
It is safe and sure F T Slater mer
chant 171 Main St Gloucester Mass
writes Foleys Honey and Tar cured
me of a very bad cough which I had for
three months though other remedies fail
ed to benefit me I can highly re
commend it for coughs and colds
Sold by A McMillen
What are your friends saying
about you That your gray
hair makes you look old
And yet you are not forty
Postpone this looking old
Hair Vigor
Use Ayers Hair Vigor and
restore to your gray hair all
the deep dark rich color of
early life Then be satisfied
Ayer1 IIMr Vigor rettorcd the natiirnl
Color to my gray hair and I nm Kreatly
plenied It is all you clulin for it
MRS J VAKDKCAK Mechanlcsvlllo N T
0100 a bottle
All drtiKelsts r
InwHI JiTusx
Dark Hair
Baking Powder
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard A
Pure Cream of Tartar Pow
der Superior to every other
known Makes finest cake
and pastry light flaky
cuit delicious griddle cakes
palatable and wholesome
Price Baking
Powder Com
Note Avoid baking powders made from
alum They look like pure powders
and may raise the cake but alum
is a poison and no one can eat food
mixed with it without injury to health
Remember Congressman
Norris closing rally in the
flenard opera house Mc
Cook next rionday even
ing November 7th Let
it be a rouser The Glee
Club will enliven the occa
sion Dont miss it
A Striking Contrast
From 1892 to 1895 Inclusive under
a Democratic administration and a
low tariff the total exports of Amor
lean manufactures were 62485850
From 1900 to 1903 inclusive under a
Republican administration and a pro
tective tariff they were 1G55951
840 The export of manufactures in
any one year of Republican adminis
tration was considerably more than
In any two years of Democratic ad
Must Trust Roosevelt
Western Laborer Omaha
In a former issue of this paper we
said we must trust Roosevelt and we
will trust him and in our judgment
every workingman skilled or un
skilled of whatever race or creed
should at once make up his mind to
trust him aind vote for him instead
of indugling in vain regrets that they
had not when theyi see Parkers
hand if by chance or fraud he Is
Tajicarts Prophecies
A tip to Republicans Dont be scared
by Chairman Taggarts prophecies oi
claims regarding the political out
look In 1S94 when he was chairman
of the Democratic state central com
mittee in Indiana he claimed the
state by 10000 votes up to the night
before the election The next day the
Republicans carried it by 46000 plural
Perhaps the policy of protection
has made business prosperity more
dependent upon politics than it would
have been otherwise but it certainly
has contributed more largely than
anything else to our extraordinary
and unparalleled progress
November Low Rates
To St Louis November offers the last oppor
tunity for seeing the St Louis Exposition the
most magnificent spectacle the world has ever
produced See it now or never
Special low coach excursion rates daily each
week from Sunday to Thursday inclusive
Seven day limit Slightly higher rates for
tickets good in sleeping cars with longer limit
To Chicago Daily low round trip rates
either direct or via St Louis in either direction
with stopovers at St Louis Kansas City or
Live Stock Show One fare plus 200 for the
round trip to Chicago and return on November
26th 27th and 28th
Winter Tourist Rates Low round trip rates
to Galveston and San Antonio Toxas New Or
leans La Mobile Ala Jacksonville and St
Augustine Fla and hundreds of other points
If you are figuring on a winter trip I can fur
nish you valuable information or write L W
Wnkoly gonoral passenger agent Omaha
George S Scott Agent
Chicago Burlington fc Quiucy R R
A Good Complexion
Sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks re
stored by using DeWitta Little Early
Risers so writes S P Moore of Nacog
doches Tex A certain cure for bilious
ness constipation etc Small pill
easy to take easy to act Sold by L W
Healthy Mothers
Mothers should always keep in good
bodily health They owe it to their chil
dren Yet it is no unusual sight to see
a mother with babe in arms coughing
violentlyand exhibitingall the symptoms
of a consumptive tendency And why
should this dangerous condition exist
dangerous alike to mother and child
when Dr Boschees German Syrup would
put a stop to it at once No mother
should be without this old and tried
remedy in the house for its timely use
will promptly cure any lung throat or
bronchial trouble in herself or her chil
dren The worst cough or cold can be
speedily cured by German Syrup so can
hoarseness and congestion of the bron
chial tubes It makes expectoration
easy and gives instant relief and refresh
ing rest to the cough racked consumpt
ive New trial bottles25c large size75c
At all druggists
St Louis Via Chicago
During October and November the
Burlington is quoting very low rates to
St Louis via Chicago
A specialty of office supplies
The Tribune
Mothers Friend
Womans greatest dream of beauty and
is when nature has chosen her to
ecome a mother Every faculty is keenly
alert as she foresees the joy ambition
success and the life long satisfaction com
fug nearer day by day in the dear and
innocent being so soon to see light and
the uncertainty whether she shall see a
sweet girl or a brave boy face beside hex
on the pillow adds zest to her expectancy
Mothers Friend applied externally
throughout pregnancy will relieve the
pain of parturition and no mother and
child can fail to be healthy hearty strong
clear complexioned pure blooded and
cheerful in disposition who are mutually
influenced by the continued use of this
great liniment MOTHERS FRIEND
Buy of druggists ioo per bottle
Our treatise Motherhood mailed free
Docket 194 No U In the circuit court of tho
United States for tho district of Nebraska
James N Clarke receiver Nebraska Loan and
Trust Co complainant vs Walter E Corwin
ct al defendants In chancery
Foreclosure of Mortgage
Public notice is hereby given that in pursu
ance and by virtue of n decreo entered in tlio
above cause on tho 18th day of February 1902
I Oconto II Thnmmel special master in chan
cery of the circuit court of the United States for
the district of Nebraska will on the 7th day of
December 1904 nt tho hour of 9 oclock Central
time in tho forenoon of said day at tho front
door of the Red Willow county court house
building in the city of McCook Rod Willow
county stato and district of Nobraskn soil at
public auction for cash the following described
proporiy to wit Lots soven 7 eight 8 and
nine 9 in block flfteon 15 in the original town
now City of McCook Red Willow county Ne
braska Geo II Thummbl
Special Master in Chnncory
John M Ragan Solicitor for Complainant
at the
We intend In the future to carry on
the government in the same way that
we have carried it on in the past
We are content to rest our case be
fore the American people upon the
fact that to adherence to a lofty Ideal
we have added proved governmental
No other administration in our his
tory no other government in the
iworld has more consistently stood for
i i
the broadest spirit of brotherhood in
our common humanity or has held a
more resolute attitude of protest
against every wrong that outraged the
civilization of the world at home or
It has behaved toward all nations
strong or weak with courtesy dignity
and justice and is now on excellent
terms with all
Our foreign policy has been not only
highly advantageous- to the United
States but hardly less advantageous to
the world as a whole Peace and
good will have followed in its foot
Within the limits defined by the
national constitution the national ad
ministration as sought to secure to
each man the full enjoyment of his
right to live his life and dispose of his
property and his labor as he deems
best so long as he wrongs no bne
It is but ten years since the first
attempt was made by means of lower
ing the tariff to prevent some people
from prospering too much The at
tempt was entirely successful
To uproot and destroy the protective
system would be to insure the prostra
tion of business the closing of factor
ies the impoverishment of the farmer
the ruin of the capitalist and the
starvation of the wage worker
During the last five years more has
beem done for the material and moral
well being of the Filipinos than ever
before since the island first came with
in the ken of civilized man
We did not take the Philippines at
will and we cannot put them aside at
We have striven both for civil right
eousness and for national greatness
and we have faith to believe that our
hands will be upheld by all who feel
love of country and trust in the up
lifting of mankind
We hold ever before us as the all
Important end of policy and adminis
tration the reign of peace at home and
throughout the world of peace which
comes along by doing justice
The constitution must be observed
positively as well as negatively
We do not have to guess at our own
convictions and then correct the guess
if it seems unpopular
A party which with facile ease
changes all Its convictions before elec
tion cannot be trusted to adhere with
tenacity to any principle after elec
As for the navy it has been and Is
now the most potent guaranty of
peace and it is such chiefly because it
Is formidable and ready for use
If on one great Issue they the
Democrats do not mean what they
say it is hardly safe to trust them on
any other issue
Free trade and reciprocity are not
They the Democrats have occu
pied three entirely different positions
on the Philippines within fifty days
Which is the promise they really In
tend to keep
Since the close of the war with
Spain there has been no substantial
change in the rate of annual ex
Where there is no respect there can
be no trust A policy with so slender
a basis of principle would not stand
the strain of a single year of business
Omaha Daily news 150 to Jan l 1906
Tho publisher of the Omuhii Daily
News will send their daily from now
until January 11906 for 100 to all
who subscribe during October If you
want the Sunday paper also add fifty
cents to your remittance Those who
are subscribe can renew under the
same conditions
Low Rates East
To curtain points east of Chicngo tho
Jiurlington is offering greatly
rates Ask the agent
just m time
A motorman in Chicago ran his car
onto the approach of an open bridge but
stopped it with the fender actually over
hanging the gulf below He wouldnt
want to repeat the experiment because
the chances are that hed never again
have the same good fortune
Once in a
while some one
who has travel
ed to the very
edge of the
danger line of
stomach dis
ease stops just
in time to save
his health But
the majority of
people go across
the line and
slight symptoms of indigestion grow to
disease of the stomach involving the
other organs of digestion and nutntion
Indigestion and other forms of stom
ach trouble are perfectly and per
manently cured by the use of Dr Pierces
Golden Medical Discovery It strength
ens the whole body by enabling the per
fect digestion and assimilation of food
3000 FORFEIT will be paid by the
Worlds Dispensary Medical Association
Proprietors Buffalo N Y if they cannot
show the original signature of the indi
vidual volunteering the testimonial below
and also of the writers of every testi
monial among the thousands which they
are constantly publishing thus proving
their genuineness
I have been suffering for about eight years
writes Mrs H Pierce ofMillsprings Ky Have
had several doctors to treat me some for female
weakness and others for stomach trouble but
received no relief When I wrote you for advice
I was hardly able to work and you advised me
what to do I took nine bottles five of Golden
Medical Discovery four of Favorite Prescrip
tion also two vials of the Pellets Dr Pierces
medicines will do all that you elaim for them
Believe I would have been in my grave if I had
not taken them
Dr Pierces Medical Adviser is sent free
on receipt of stamps to pay expense of
mailing only Send 21 one cent stamps for
the book in paper covers or 31 stamps for
the cloth bound volume Address Dr R V
Pierce Buffalo N Y
Terms 1 percent Small afternoon sales
within reasonable distance T Satisfac
tion Kuurauteed
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
m y ttTH TBf run
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
McCook - Nebraska
A Sound Argument
The one that blows without any
thing to blow about wastes time and
energy The excellence of our goods
and delivery service warrant us for
blowing Always the best always
tho greatest variety always the
highest quality
Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats
Poultry Co
Buyers and Shippersjof j
Poultry and Eggs
For the next 7 days
we will pay cash
For Hens 5c lb
Springs 6c lb
Turkey Hens 9c lb
jga 1 1 1 in II lit Wii r
Costs 10 cents and equals 20 cent
worth of any otner Kina 01 ciuing
Wont Freeze Spill Break
Nor Spot Clothes
around in the Water
At All wise Grocers
have a right to expect that
their banking business will
be treated as conf i dentiat
This we do and we also aim
to protect their interests in
every legitimate manner
First National
McCook Nebraska
Early Risers
For quick relief from Biliousness
Sick Headache Torpid Liver Jaun
dice Dizziness and all troubles aris
ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver
DeWitts Little Early Risers are un
They act promptly and never gripe
They are so dainty that it is a pleasure
to take them One to two act as a
mild laxative two or four act as a
pleasant and effective cathartic They
are purely vegetable and absolutely
harmless They tonic the liver
E C TJeWitt Co CSicago
For Sale by L W McConnell
To Prevent Hog Cholera
From appearing on your farm
Be prudent this year and pre
vent a repetition of the losses
of previous years
Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee
2 Mi
Delmont S D Dec 17 1902
I used L K for hog cholera and it was all
riRiit It cured my hoes I had three sick ones
and they all ot well and done fine I alto
used it for chicken lice and mites and it is all
yon claim for it It is the only Medicine for hoe
cholera I think Gotlieb Jekke
Harrington Neb Dec U 1902
I am usiuk Liquid Koal and am well pleased
with it I am sure I saved my hoijs with it last
year and am Kointf to keep it in stock all the
time as it is the best thinn I over had on the
placo for everything it is intended for It is
pood for chicken cholera lice on stock insects
or all kinds it will destroy nil kinds
F W Woman
Manufactured by the National Medical Com
pany Sheldon Iowa