LEBANON laruic Koonaiu laying off with n mash ed foot James McClung dopartod Monday for Okluhomn Jame3 Springer returned homo from St Louis The Lebanon girls practice every day now for the game the 29th Fred Waterman and If Horton are helping in the livery this week II C Rico of Wilbonvillo had SCO taken from his pocket at St Louis MartYnrnalPs little 3 year old boy was buried at Lyle Kansas Wednesday Mrs Mary Nichols came home the 19th from her Nemaha county visit Mr and Mis Mitchell Younc of Dan bury were Lebanon visitors Sunday A number of Lebnmnitios attended the show in Danbury close of last week William llalsey has bought a hullur and William Staples furnishes the en gine J W Slutts was a delegate to the grand lodge of Odd Fellows at Lincoln last week The Garret girls havo engaged rooms and will board in town instead of driv ing to town Win Murphy was shelling corn for Charles Thompson on the Bodwell farm Friday last Mrs Scoiield went to Wilsonville Wednesday to witness the wedding of a brother Thursday John McClung brought his bridn home last week They are living in John Kinkaids property Something is radically wrong when the big girls buy their own tickets to the re cital Earn some money boys Rev Moses Meechamand son Louie of Hendley spent a week visiting the for mer at Lebanon the latter at Danbury Mrs Clark and daughter from near Helena Montana have been visiting the formers sister Mis Charles Smith past week Beunie Thomas was married in Iowa to Miss Suenan about 10 days ago and they got home the 22nd Wo congrat ulate The recital by James Beem Friday was well patronized The Presbyterian church received half of the 30 00 re alized Mrs John Hummel and daughter ac companied the formers brother-in-law to his home in Colorado Spriugs They will return soon E E Fiechter bought the J W Ad Uins quarter last week for 82500 Mrs Fiechters friends are glad to have them back on the old farm A car of apples was shipped in from Iowa last week Not sellint fast enouerh the owner became discouraged and sold the car to the merchants James Horton a brother of Clara Hor ton Mrs Weber and Mrs Eckerd is here with his bride on a wedding trip They come from Nauvoo Illinois William Knight who has been work ing in Cloud eoumy Kansas this sum mer was in towu Friday He expects to work in this part of the country this winter P B Garret received a letter from his brothers Ross and Harry from Colorado They report having sold S800 worth of cabbage some for as low a figure as 25c per hundred Lebanon ball boys won the game at McCook last week against Stockville The weather being unfavorable no more games were played This closes the sea sou Lebanon having won 80 per cent of the games Walter M Pennington was on our market Friday with tomatoes His sales to date from one half acre amount to 8100 He still has 30 bushels of green tomatoes on hand which ho is selling at 40c per bushel E P Day and father have sold their three quarters of land lying north of the railroad for 8G000 possession to be given March 1st An Iowa man was the purch aser They still have three quarters south of the track Duane Bristol and daughter Jennie of Monmouth Iowa arrived Friday for a visit with the MeCartys and Ralstens They stopped a few days on their way out at W C Hunts in Holdrege Mr Bristol with Wm Carty opened the first hardware store in Lebanon selling to D F Hupp years ago At present Mr Bristol has the contract for all the bridge work in his county in Iowa It being a river county this amounts to something worthwhile His son Bert is foreman of the work at a salary of S3 per day NORTH OF LEBANON Charles Bromons new house is done paint and all John Deveney and wife are home from the worlds fair 1 lake AH drilKClsts for cold easilvr1 inroat tender Lungs weak Any relatives have consumDtion Then a cough means a great I Cherry Pectoral deal to you Follow your doctors advice and take Ayers Cherry Pectoral It heals strengthens prevents For 40 years I have depended on Ayers Cherrv Tectoral for coughs and colds I kuowlt greatly strenetlieus weak limits MRS 1 A Kobinson Saline Mich 25c50cgl00 JC AYERCO Toivell Muss i Weak Lungs ffii i i i i hi i wmii iip iii mniiiiii Ayers Pills increase the activity of the liver and thus aid recovery 161 mm chops mn wwrw mwmm wjm Or any kind of meat from our shop by phone if you wish or send the little folks and you will get the sweet tooth some kind We pride ourselves on the freshness and quality of our goods and the promptness of our delivery If you are not now trading with us we would be pleased to have you give us a trial We think you will be pleased Phone 12 Born to Jacob Harsch and wife Octo ber 24 a fine girl baby Fred Bainesberger has finished his new cow barn and is now building a new corn crib John Russell of Indianola is drilling a well at the Lutheran parsonage A wind mill will be erected over it Charles Dunton is moving from the old Dave Deveney farm to the Stankey farm which he bought He will build a new adobe house L A Sheldon of Colorado Springs has built a house put down a well and erect ed a windmill on his farm P N Fough will live there next year We noticed while driving that P B Garret has his trees set in the grass but mulched The writer has lowered the water eight feet with a mulch as com pared to 30 inches on ground treated the same without the mulch Remember what this teaches next Arbor Day At the Lutheran church Octo 16th 95 was collected for missionary purposes Last year the collection amounted to S14G At Ash Creek October 23rd 8151 was given Last year at Ash Creek one man cave S100 wrapped in a piece of paper with instructions as to how the money was to be used Total for last year 8211 The difference in the size of the collection- is owing to the short crops this year tjS To Trade for Land S My business property Main st Lebanon L6U it stone one story J a i n - jj tt isu mill prupuibj JOHN adams ueuanon eu Lulu Stanhope St Louis I used to have a horrid complexion I took Hol listers Rocky Mountain Tea and am called the prettiest girl in the city Tea or tablets 35 cents L W Mc Connell Consumptives Made Comfortable Incipient consumption is cured b y Foleys Honey and Tar but we do not hold out false hopes to consumptives by claiming that it will cure this dread dis ease in the advanced stages but if the lungs are not too far gone Foleys Honey and Tar will effect a cure as it stops the racking cough and soothes the inflamed air passages giving them a chance to heal and even in the advanced stages it always gives comfort and relief A A Herron of Finch Ark writes Foleys Honey and Tar is the best preparation for coughs and lung trouble I know that it has cured consumption in the first stages Sold by A McMillen DANBURY Chauncy Messner is going to build a house Dorothy Woods is on the sick list this week Jimmie Wingate leaves this week for for Wyoming J L Sirgent and family spent Sun day in Indianola Miss Jones spent Saturday and Sun pay with relatives in McCook Mr and Mrs William Sandon left for their home in Denver Tuesday night The Royal Neighbors gave a supper for Mrs Sandon before her departure Chas Rogers are moving onto their place which they bought of William Sandon Jas Williams the county surveyor surveyed 40 acres of Mrs Bulls land bought by Everist Mrs Katherina Forester who has been visiting friends and relatives at this place this summer returned to her home in Peoria Illinois Saturday Positively Brntal GraceJust see how much your lit tle wifie loves you She made this cake for you all by herself Arthur Yes my darling And now if you will eat it all by yourself I Bhall possess indisputable proof of your de votion Pittsburg Press She Met It He If I should kiss you what would you do She I never meet an emergency until it arises But if it should arise Id meet it face to face Tale Reo ferd BARTLEY Worth McKean went to Maywood Wednesday Dr Brown made a business trip to Indianola Wednesday A J Crawmer and John Jones were in Indianola Tuesday on business Mrs Hoover and Miss Etta Burton were Cambridge visitors Mondny Smith Rodman returned to his home near Tamora Nebraska on No 12 Miss Irene Flint of Lincoln was hero visiting the homo folks a few days this weok Mrs Sarah Crosby is having her house painted Fletcher Faubin are the artists Toney Dietsch had a horse badly in jured by running against a wire fence Tuesday night Miss Letta Clements is out of school for a few weeks on account of ill health resulting from hard study Mr Sbackelton of Indianola was in Bartley Tuesdayto engage S R Grisell to put up a barn at Friend Nebraska Mrs Canaga went up to McCook on No 5 Sunday evening She had been here visiting her daughter Mrs Perry Ginther Dan Wolf took out a lot of oil and paint Wednesday morning and is hav ing Fletcher Faubin do the ornamen tal work A little daughter of Will Troester got her elbow joint dislocated and two bones broken by falling from a sewing machine Tuesday evening Art Stevens and Jinks Fletcher are smiling papas now Their households rejoice over the advent of a fine daughter in each home Sunday morning Who Will Be President The Lincoln Daily Star Nebraskas favorite evening dail has just inaugu rated a Presidential Dot Counting Con test which is attracting widespread in terest on acconnt of its unique features and tho value of prizes offered 6600 in cash and valuable prizes are to bo dis tributed among Star subscribers on November 7 when the contest closes Anyone may compete for tho prizes as the conditions are few and simple Write a postal card to The Star Publish ing Co Lincoln Neb and ask them to mail you full particulars which they will be glad to do CULBERTS0N Miss Grace Ford spent Sunday in Mc Cook with relatives Miss Goldie Newlon was a Beverly pilgrim Wednesday Miss Ann Miller came down from Strattou Sunday for a short visit H D Stewart Warney Darnell and L W Burney of McCook were in town Sunday W E Croswell departed for Iowa points Tuesday evening for a short visit with relatives Miss Isa Shumaker returned from her visit at Terre Haute and other eastern points Friday evening Mr and Mrs R Knowles drove to Trenton Sunday and spent the day with J M Lyons and family Mrs G W Trimpy left Tuesday evening for Elgin 111 to make an ex tended visit to friends and relatives Mrs Dot Rosenfeld who has been visiting here for some time left for her home in Los Angeles Calif Wednesday morning Messrs Knowles Solomon Latta Taylor Eisenhari Parrish Cole Vas tine Crews and Newlon were in Trenton the first of the week attending court Mrs J L Templeton and children left for Kenesaw Nebraska Monday morning where they expect to make their future home During their stay here they have made a host of friends who greatly regret their departure Good for Children The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives instant relief in all cases of Cough Croup and La Grippe because it does not pass immedi ately into the stomach but takes effect right at the seat of the trouble It draws out the inflammation heals and soothes and cures permanently by en abling the lungs to contribute pure life giving and life sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues Sold by L W Mc Connell BANKSVILLE Pine weather after the cold snap and fall seeding is going on Very quiet in the southwest corner of the county about politics No speeches no buttonholing all done on the sly Our precinct management is scarcely controlled by the voice of its voters Yet we glory in the people ruling the republic There is no doubt but that all though ful men are looking forward to the 8th of November when they will have a chance to cast their vote for the best in terests of the republic Dont forget that Teddy Koosevelt admires a law abiding citizen From indigestion aches and pains Your system will be free If youll but take a timely drink Of Reeky Mountain Tea L W McConnell BOX ELDER J S Doyle is working on his new fish pond Born to Mr and Mrs A L Wilson October 26th a daughter Younger Foye are working on T J Ruggles new house this week J B Johnson and Sam Johns started last Wednesday overland to their home at Geneva J B Johnson will stop on the way and visit with his sister Mrs E L Stewart near Alma A Prominent Trainman The many friends of G H Hansan Engineer L E W R R at present living in Lima O will be pleased to know of his recovery from threatened kidney disease He says I was cured by using Foleys Kidney Cure which I recommend to all especially to trainmen who are usually similiarly afflicted J soia oy a Mciuuien RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTE NO 1 A W Stevens has boon appointod Dennis StGorman threshed his alfalfa i l carrier on a new rural free delivery Wednesday John Burtless raised over 3000 bushels of specially fine potatoes on 20 acres of land this season Mr and Mrs JFred Randel arrived home first of last week from their visit in Indiana and at the fair Tho Ash Creek school will opeu for the fall and winter term November 7th with Earl Allen as teacher A E Price moved into the Reuben Waggoner farm half mile north of tho North Star school house first of this week Frank Stillman isstackinghisiastcut ing of alfalfa this week It is not usual to stack alfalfa as late as the latter part of October either Miss Phillips teacher of tho North Star school has been ill with tonsilitis part of the week and school was closed early days of the week on that account opening again on Thursday morning They had an oyster supper at Nelson Downs home over in Ash Creek country last Saturday evening which was a do light to all present Arthur Randel and Alpha Wnrfields intentions were good but they failed to connect with the oysleis Pill Pleasures If you ever took DoWitts Little Early Risers for biliousness or constipation you know what pill pleasure is These famous pills cleanse the liver and rid the system of all bile without producing unpleasant effects They do not gripe sicken or weaken but pleasantly give tone and strength to tlie tissues and organs of the stomach liver and bowels Sold by L W McConnell Broke Into His House S LeQuiun of Cavandish Vt was robbed of his customary health by in vasion of chronic constipation When Dr Kings New Life Pills broke into his house his trouble was arrested and now hes entirely cured Theyre guaranteed to cure 25c at L W McConnells Drug Store SPECIAL 160 acres in 22-1-29 acres fenced 160 acres in 26-4-30 160 acres in 22-3-27 rs route soon tn htart north of Bartley Regin C Fiddler is the substitute cnr rier rV f W A vegetable liquid for governing oi equalising the flow of womens menses which occur once in every lunar month BRADFIELD ITemale iEe ulator is the essential quality of powerful herbs It is a concentrated essence best adapted for womens delicate organism and put iu such form that it is always properly assimilated and taken into the system Stoppages suppression paiuful or other irregularity of the menses and sickly flows are corrected and cured by the regular use of this superior emmenagogue Menstruation or periodic flows neces sitate a breaking down of cells lining the mucous membrane and a reconstruction after every sickness which is accompa nied with marked congestion and loss of blood Such changes are very apt to pro duce chronic catarrh Leucorrhea or Whites is the result of these irritating dis charges Regulator cures these troubles and restores to perfect health the patient who suffered the debilitating losses Buy of druggists ioo per bottle Our illustrated hook mailed free Perfect Heath for Women ME BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO Atlanta Ga T lxfAll LIST Price 900 30 acres in cultivation 40 Price Soo 9 miles to McCook Price 1200 ico acres in cultivation well sod buildings 320 acres in 23 and 24-1-29 Price 1800 Sod buildings 160 acres in cultivation well 240 acres fenced 80 acres in 12-3-29 Price 400 12 acres in cultivation 160 acres in 21-2-27 Price 800 20 acres in cultivation 160 acres in 29 and 30-2-29 Price 900 50 acres in cultivation 100 acres 111 23-1-29 160 acres in 20-1-29 160 acres in 33-4-29 i6oacresin 35-2-29 160 acres in 6-1-29 160 acres in 32-2-30 Price 1200 1 30 acres in cultivation Price 1200 60 acres in cultivation Price 1000 75 acres in cultivation Price 800 25 acres in cultivation Price 700 70 acres in cultivation Price Soo 80 acres in cultivation 320 acres in 21 and 22-3-29 rnce 4000 35 acres hog tight fence good 2 story frame house good barn and sheds 275 acres in cultivation 320 acres in 26-2-30 Price 1600 220 acres in cultivation fair buildings 160 acres in 31-1-29 Price 640 1 Pii Wi Vhere purchase price exceeds 500 one third cash J JLfllTlkje balance in one two or three annual payments at 7 per cent Sale subject to lease and prices changed without notice Red Willow county land is by many underestimated It is of much value as farming land Be wise and do not undervalue Wes tern Nebraska land Eighteen sections of land in range 7 Nebras ka was once advertised for sale at 100 an acre Furnas county land has doubled and trebled in value within the past three years All the above land should be sold by Christmas Consider the terms and with proper farming it will pay for itself Use the phone or wire if you deem it necessary - it often beats the mail if some other fellow is writing I have 40 farms in Frontier county for sale at 400 an acre up Send for list R J HARPER L0CT Beaver City Neb Mention McCook Tribune in all communications respecting above land v nSfar Mis I Tst iSsSESKwJzIfl rt 5h Man and tKe Machine Mr Alexander T Brown inventor of the Smith Premier Typewriter is unquestionably the foremost writing machine expert of the world Besides he is a practical and successful business man He built the first Smith Premier Typewriter not only for handsome and speedy work but to endure under the severest demands of actual business The Smith Premier is free from the weaknesses of eccentric impractical con struction and to day embodies the latest demonstrated improvements of this typewriter expert Mr Brown as Vice President of this Company will continue to devote his entire time and inventive genius to maintain the Smith Premier where it now stands as the Worlds Best Typewrites Send to day for our little book ex plaining exactly why the Smith Premier is best The Smith Premier Typewriter Company Corner 17th and FarnamSts OMAHA NEB SgggMJMMS Vvl i y Can You Eat J B Taylor a prominent merchnntof Chriosman Tex says I could not oat becauso of a weak stomach I lost all strength and ran down in weight All that money could do was done but nil hopo of recovery vanished Hearing of some wonderful euros effected by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I concluded to try it Tho first bottle benefitted me nnd nftor taking four bottles 1 am fully rostored to my usual strength woight and health Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and cures Sold by L W McCon nell Modern Dentistry HERBERT J PRATT DDS Offico over McConuells drug store MCCOOK NEBRASKA Office Phone 1G0 Res Phone IM Registered Graduate Dentist Formerly located in At lanta Georgia All opera tions pertaining to modern dentistry performed accord ing to the latest scientific methods used in the large cities DR I J GUNN DENTIST iHONu m Oilicc over Grannis store McCook Nob MRS JL F GliIGG AOENT FOE ChasAStevens Bros Ready made Garments and Furnishing Goods Tlireo doors oast of DeQ rolls store E J MITCHELL AUCTIONEER Mjhok Terms 1 percent Small afternoon sales within reasonable distance 5 Satisfac tion guaranteed H P SUTTON McCOOK V JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phono No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Office Residence 524 Main Avenue Office and Residence phone 53 Calls answered uiht or McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTEACTEK McCook Nebraska ISAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Offico iu PostolIIce buildiiv C II Boyik f E Eluhed Co Atty BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at Law Lonf Distance Phone 44 Rooms 1 and 7 second floor wv Postotlico Building JHCLOOK fleo F D BUKGESS Plumber anil Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun tclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA 3M3NESSSESJVsKSSX5irxVS HOLLISTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bust Medicine for Bus Peonla Brings Golden Health and Benched Vigor A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live and Kidnev Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache and Backache Its Eockv MonntnlnTpa In tab let form 35 cents a box Genuine made by Holijster Dnuo Compact Madison Wis C0LDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE CHICHESTERS EHGUSH PENNYROYAL PILLS os It SH ue SCHiSlfSrttoPWbtftr 2100 HjHESTEB CHBMIOAI CO XuauOliiiMh V 1 n U t A r 9 if 4 1 1 A