The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 28, 1904, Image 6

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A Recent Instance Proves That a
Womans Happiness Is Largely De
pendent on the State of Her Blood
When the blood Is disordered every
organ of the body is affected unfavor
ably and fails to discharge its func
tions properly In the case of every
woman nature has made special pro
vision for a periodical purification of
the blood and so long as this occurs
her health and spirits unfailingly re
veal the beneficial results So slight
a cause as a cold or a nervous shock
may produce a suppression of this
vital function and until it is restored
she is doomed to misery The remedy
that has proved most prompt and
effective In all disorders peculiar to
the female sex is that which brought
such great relief to Miss Mattie
Griggs of No 807 Indiana street Law
rence Kansas concerning which she
speaks as follows
In the winter of 1902 from some
unknown cause there was a cessation
of functions peculiar to my sex for a
period of four months I became very
weak and could not get up stairs
without help I had nausea and pain
and a constant headache I was un
dor the care of a physician for three
months but he did not succeed in cur
ing me Then a lady friend told me
about the merits of Dr Williams Pink
Pills which she had used in her fam
ily and she induced me to try them
It was in May when I first began
to use them and in June I had fully
recovered my health and have since
remained perfectly well
In all cases of delayed development
of young girls in anemia or weakness
due to impoverished blood and show
ing itself in pallor lack of ambition
despondency and nervousness also in
the great constitutional disturbances
attending the period known as the
change of life Dr Williams Pink Pills
are invaluable for women whose
health is always closely dependent on
the state of the blood They are sold
by all druggists A booklet of valuable
Information relating to the care of a
womans health at all important peri
ods aiul entitled Plain Talks to Wo
men will be sent free in a sealed en
velope to any one who chooses to
write for it to the Dr Williams Medi
cine Company Schenectady N Y
If a girl wants to be kissed a young
man doesnt have to waste much time
looking for an opportunity
Insist on Getting It
Some grocers say they dont keep
Defiance Starch because they have a
stock in hand of 12 oz brands which
they know cannot be sold to a custo
mer who has once used the 16 oz
pkg Defiance Starch for same money
Could Not Be Bribed
A good story is told of A C Mac
Laren a well known cricket player
He was playing a picnic match up
country in Australia when one of
the batsmen skied a ball very high
between the wickets MacLaren was
waiting for the catch but the striker
in running past cried Oh Archie
drop it do and Ill allow you to kiss
my sister MacLaren it is added
was proof against the attempted brib
Home for Aged Animals
A wealthy Frenchman receives in
his park near Paris aged animals and
birds The oldest inmate is a mule
of seventy three whose affectionate
companion in retirement is a goose
of thirty seven Among the other in
mates is a cow aged thirty six a hog
of twenty seven a bullfinch which has
reached the ripe age of twenty eight
and a sparrow that stepped from the
egg in 18G9
Not the Man The Son
When a man has to support his
grown up ton his mother says he has
an artistic temperament New York
Six Doctors Failed
South Bend Ind Oct 24 Special
After suffering from Kidney Disease
for three years after taking treat
ment from six different doctors with
out getting relief Mr J O Laudeman
of this place found not only relief but
a speedy and complete cure in Dodds
Kidney Pills Speaking of his cure
Mr Laudeman says
Yes I suffered from Kidney
Trouble for three years and tried six
doctors to no good Then I took just
two boxes of Dodds Kidney Pills and
they not only cured my kidneys but
gave me better health in general Of
course I recommended Dodds Kidney
Pills to others and I know a number
now who are using them with good re
Mr Laudemans case ic not an ex
ception Thousands give similar ex
periences For there never yet was a
case of Kidney Trouble from Backache
to Brights Disease that Dodds Kid
ney Pills could not cure They are
the only remedy that ever cured
Brights disease
If husbands and wives were always
sweethearts there wouid be no long
ings for another and better world
What Men Desire
If the man who represented the ma
jority of men were asked what he
most liked in women his answer
would be Give me beauty all beauty
to walk and to frivol with sympathy
all sympathy to talk and to live
with Chic
Tourists Enrich Greece
It is estimated that about 4500 trav
elers from the United States have vis
Ited Greece during each of the las
four years and have annually lef
about lO0000O in the kingdom
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Covering Strawberry Beds
Material should be laid aside for the
covering of the strawberry bed which
work should be accomplished as soon
as the ground is frozen hard enough to
hold a wagon Caution should be used
against covering too early Some seem
to have the impression that straw
berries are covered to protect them
from the cold This is not the case
for it must be patent to every one that
six inches of straw or cornstalks will
not keep out very much cold If a
thermometer were placed above the
straw and below it on a winter day the
two would be found to register about
or exactly the same The covering
is put on to keep out the heat in late
fall and winter when the plants are
not covered with snow The freezing
and thawing of the ground is the
thing to be guarded against
If the covering is put on too early
the plants may be smothered and
killed for growth Is still going on and
evaporation is taking place from the
leaves While this is the case cov
ering would kill the leaves in some
cases and in others would encourage
the growing on them of mildews
When the leaves are frozen later on is
the time to cover Then all growth
is arrested and the covering cannot
smother them For the same reason
the straw must be removed quite early
in the spring before growth has set in
It is not desirable to use for cover
ing any kind of material that packs
very closely The keeping out of the
air is not desirable but the protection
of the ground from the direct rays of
the sun Coarse straw held down by
boards is good and corn stalks are
also used Sometimes it may be found
advisable to use a little straw be
low and cornstalks above the latter
holding the straw from blowing
As to the advisability of covering
there is a dispute but it is doubtless
true that the man that covers his
strawberries is sure of a crop of ber
ries the coming year while the man
that does not cover is not sure of one
We know of people in the latitude of
Northern Illinois who never cover
their vines at all and usually get fair
crops but we also know that on oc
casional years their beds in the spring
are very sickly looking and the re
sultant crop is small
Further north in the latitude of Wis
consin there can be no question of the
advisability of covering if a crop is to
be expected every year The oldest
growers there declare that they would
not try to grow strawberries without
covering In fact a good many people
in past years gave up strawberry
growing there because they so fre
quently lost their beds in winter But
since covering has become general
the result has been far otherwise
As we go south the need for cov
ering decreases but the practice in
each locality will have to depend on
experience The locality that has for
a long time grown strawberries with
out winter protection will continue to
grow them that way But there are
always localities where the vines are
not covered but should be It is some
work to do the covering and for this
reason the growers are likely to take
the risk of not covering if that risk
is not too great Where protection
is needed it pays to cover
The Maturity of the Apple
Some of our horticulturists are mak
ing a difference between the mature
apple and the ripe apple though the
general public recognizes no such de
stinction We will let our horticul
tural friends have their way however
The apple is mature when it has at
tained its full growth It is not ripe
till it has become mellow with the
operations of sunlight heat and time
The mature apple is in the best shape
for packing If it be left on the tree
till ft is fully ripe it will be a short
keeper while if it is picked at the
time of maturity it will keep for a long
time even under usual farm conditions
As different varieties of apples mature
at different times it will easily be seen
that the mixed orchard is a hard one
to keep track of The old way of
harvesting was to begin to pick the
apples on a certain date and then take
all as they came the long keepers and
the short keepers the mature apples
and the immature apples
The mature apple is a thing we have
to get acquainted with ifrwe are to
Know when it is mature If it is a
Ben Davis it is mature very late so
late indeed that in the vicinity of
Wisconsin it generally has to be pick
2d before it is mature This is the
reason the Ben Davis has lost its
reputation with many people Having
been picked before it was mature it
could not follow out the usual proces
ses of ripening and was always a hard
poor flavored apple In regions where
it has had time to mature before be
ing picked it develops into a fruit of
good flavor and texture ripening nat
It takes a study of fruits to know
when each one matures and this is a
subject that has up to the present time
received little attention Men have
grown apples of certain varieties for a
long time and have never given the
question any consideration The ma
turity of the apple is at last coming
in for its share of discussion and the
light is beginning to shine in a dark
The peach rots very quickly and
where it is to be refrigerated at all
should be refrigerated within a few
hours from the time it is picked
mmt9R v
Sorting Market Poultry
The farmer must learn to do his
own sorting and not leave it to the
commission man The commission
man would as soon the farmer did
not sort for then he will have a
chance to take some off the price oi
the fowls unless he is strictly hon
est If he is honest he is likely to
sell the fowls as he gets thorn for he
knows that he will not get pay for
sorting the poultry and repacking it
That a good deal of repacking by the
commission men is done on the quiet
is to be supposed as they have every
inducement and the power A man
that does that may well justify him
self selling the repacked fowls at a
good price and returning to the owner
the price he would have received for
the mixed up lot This sort of a jus
tification cannot be used when he re
ceives the fowls from the farmer per
fectly sorted and packed
Even culls look best when arranged
together nearly of a size and of equal
plumpness Half fat birds do not
show off so badly when packed with
half fat birds as when packed with
birds that are all plump The same
condition and the same size should be
placed in one lot If it takes smaller
boxes and more of them to contain
the assortment the extra cost should
be more than offset by the better
price obtained
Poultry and Orchards
It is frequently asserted that or
charding and poultry raising go to
gether This perhaps is true on a
small scale but we can hardly con
ceive of a great commercial orchard
comprising hundreds of acres of land
being made also a poultry range In
such a case the combination would be
overdone as the shade from the trees
being constant would militate against
the health of the fowls On a small
scale the combination is a happy one
The bugs and worms are eaten by the
fowls and the grass forms a handy
adjunct to the feeding operations The
grass is not wanted anyway in the
orchard and if the poultry can keep
it down so much the better It will
then not be necessary to even run
the weeder over the ground to keep
the weeds from becoming a nuisance
The plum orchard is a very good
kind of orchard in which to keep poul
try as the limbs of the trees do not
shut off too much sun from the birds
we have seen poultry yards of small
size in each one of which was a sin
gle plum tree growing and thriving
There is no reason why trees in such
locations should not prove to be very
fruitful They are certainly sure of
not becoming grass bound
A Cheap Buttermaker
At one place that I called last sum
mer the creamery had but four months
before passed into the hands of the
farmers They had asked various
creamerymen for advice and were
told that the most important thing
to do was to hire a first class butter
maker and not allow a few dollars
in wages to stand in the way They
however were of the opinion that a
good enough man could be obtained
for 35 or 40 and got a young man
for the latter figure In four months
they lost nearly 400 on the butter and
the day I got there he had left them
after washing up and when I got there
about 7 oclock in the evening the
cream was at a temperature of 70 and
had 5 If degrees of acidit plenty ripe
enough to churn There was no wa
ter in the glass on the boiler and no
water in the tank and the pump was
broken and the churn which was a
new one was in a very bad condition
I got some ice and cooled the cream
down and stayed two days breaking
in a new man who I am pleased to
say has been having good success
some of the credit for which may be
due to his wife who works in the
creamery with him Prof J G
Preparing Potting Soil
On every farm it happens in the
spring that the farmer wants a sup
ply of rich dirt filled with vegetable
matter and that will cause the tender
seedlings to push forward with the
greatest possible speed This dirt is
called potting dirt but it is used also
in the hotbeds To have it ready for
use in the spring its preparation must
begin in the fall long before the
ground is frozen Sod and manure
are the elements out of which good
potting soil is compounded If the sod
is clay sod a good deal of sand will
also have to be added to it in the
spring At this time however the
sod and manure may be mixed A
layer of sod and a layer of manure
piled up to any height to rot is the
foundation In applying the sand it
must be remembered that a good com
post of this kind requires in it final
ly at least three times as ijfjch sand
as clay
Making Market Butter
The churn should always be scalded
and cooled before being used If this
is neglected once the churn is dam
aged beyond repair The temperature
used in churning should be such that
the butter comes in about three quar
ters of an hour The churn should be
stopped while the granules are still
quite small A few small particles of
butter may be lost in the buttermilk
but with fine butter granules it is pos
sible to hold 2 per cent more mois
ture in the butter in a very finely di
vided condition giving the butter a
much drier appearance In washing
butter a quantity of water equal tu
the buttermilk removed should bo
used The temperature of the wash
water should be such as will leave
the butter neither too hard nor too
soft for working Butter should be
salted in the cnurn whether the com
bined churn is in use or not An
easily soluble salt not too fine grained
should be used It should be so ap
plied as to be thoroughly mixed
through the butter with the minimum
amount of working From three-quarters
to one and one half ounces will
be required according to the condi
tion and amount of moisture in butter
and the demands of the market Aft
er being salted and worked lightly the
butter should stand until the salt has
dissolved when it should be reworked
and packed or printed
Packages should be prepared by
steaming and soaking in brine con
taining 1 per cent of formalin Lin
ers should be of the best quality of
parchment and should be soaked in
the same solution The finish should
be neat and the packages clean J
W Hart
Electroculture is a somewhat new
word in our agriculture It means the
science of making plants grow by the
help of electricity Little experimen
tation has- been done in this line on
the American continent except by
growing plants in the glare of electric
lights But in Europe the matter is
receiving a good deal of attention the
electricity being applied there directly
to the plants in various ways In
France pamphlets are being published
on the results
Under the intensive agriculture fol
lowed near the great capitals of Eu
rope the acceleration of growth means
a great deal Some of the land under
glass near Paris rents for two thou
sand francs per acre per year It is
evident that it is a very important
matter to be able to increase the pro
duction only a little In the United
States it is at present different and
we are not yet driven to applying elec
tricity to the growing of farm crops
The results obtained in Europe are
interesting though not extraordinary
Many plants grew more rapidly when
the soil was supplied with electricity
and in some cases the seed germi
nated much more quickly Thus peas
sown in ground that was supplied
artificially with electricity germinated
in two and a half days while without
being supplied with electricity they
germinated in four days It was found
that an induction current caused the
most rapid growth of the plant while
with the continuous current the yield
was larger So one kind of a current
would be needed for lettuce and an
other for peas
The French scientists do not find it
difficult to get very good results but
say that they are unable to overcome
the obstacle in the way in the cost ot
electriciiy Therefore electroculture
is as yet not a practical science The
question of profit cannot be yet con
sidered that depending on a greatly
reduced cost of making electricity
Health of Hogs
In the breeding of swine the first
thought should be of the health of
the herd Little use is it to build
an expensive plant for the care of the
hogs and to purchase expensive ani
mals to go with the plant unless extra
ordinary precautions are to be taken
to keep diseases away We have more
to contend with1 in tnis line than in the
raising of any other kind of stock
for there is no other class of farm
stock that is susceptible at least in
this country to such a fatal malady
as hog cholera The keeping of the
swine healthy is a matter of details
and many men seem absolutely unable
to master the details of a business
The man that aims to keep his swine
in a healthy condition must expect to
keep their quarters clean both in the
houses and the yards He must watch
not only his own herd but the herds
of his neighbors As soon as cholera
appears in his neighborhood he must
establish a rigid quarantine not only
against his neighbors hogs but agains
their cats dogs rats mice hens
chickens and even visitors A mail
must be hard hearted at such a time
and too much tenderness has result
ed in many a man losing his hogs by
the dread disease Many neighbors
will perhaps be offended if they arc
not allowed to come from disease in
fested herds to visit and examine the
hogs that have not yet become affect
ed But there is no other way but to
prevent such visitations
How One Thing Changes Many
A recent writer on Argentine agri
culture says that were it not for alfal
fa Argentina would occupy an unim
portant place in the list of beef pro
ducing nations at least so far as ex
port beef is concerned The people oi
the United States supposed that thej
had gained control of the English
market and could hold it for all time
But along came the alfalfa plant and
the South American was at onoo able
to send beef to Europe to compete
with American beef One little thing
like that changes the course of com
merce even of agricultural commerce
Up to the present time nations have
been so careless of each other thai
one hardly cared to inquire what the
other was doing But the nation that
finds a sharp competition arising
where there was no competition be
fore is forced to inquire what the
changed conditions are that make it
possible We must henceforth com
pete with alfalfa in Argentina That
is the real fact The beef is merely
the way of marketing the alfalfa But
as a result of that one thing entering
into the problem we may have tc
change our methods in several ways
The ranges of the West are being
continually overstocked and this
overstocking is well nigh universal
Not5 The following article
Deen widely published and is one of
he most remarkable illustrations of
the value of careful marshalling and
inalysis of facts in presenting a sub
ect to the public
The Mission of Whisky Tobacco and
The Creator made all things we be
If so He must have made these
We know what He made food and
water for and air and sunshine but
why Whisky Tobacco and Coffee
They are here sure enough and
each performing its work
There must be some great plan be
hind it all the thoughtful man seeks
to understand something of that plan
and thereby to judge these articles
for their true worth
Let us not say bad or good
without taking testimony
There are times and conditions
when it certainly seems to the casual
observer that these stimulant narcot
ics are real blessings
Right there is the ambush that con
ceals a killing enemy
Ono can slip into the habit of either
whisky tobacco or coffee easy enough
but to untangle is yften a fearful
It seems plain that there are cir
cumstances when the narcotic effect
of these poisons is for the moment
beneficial but the fearful argument
against them is that seldom ever does
ono find a steady user of either whis
ky coffee or tobacco free from disease
of some kind
Certainly powerful elements in their
effect on the human race
It is a matter of daily histon testi
fied to by literally millions of people
that Whisky Tobacco and Coffee are
smiling promising beguiling friends
on the start but always false as hell
itself in the end Once they get linn
hold enough to show their strength
they insist upon governing and drive
the victim steadily towards ill health
in some form if permitted to continue
to rule they will not let up until phys
ical and mental ruin sets in
A man under that spell and under
the spell is correct of any one of
these drugs frequently assures himself
and his friends Why I can leave off
any time I want to I did quit for a
week just to show I could It is a
sure mark of the slave when one gets
to that stage He wiggled through a
week fighting every day to break the
spell was finally whipped and began
his slavery all over again
The slave Coffee slave as well as
Tobacco and Whisky daily reviews his
condition sees perfectly plain the
steady encroachments of disease how
the nerves get weaker day by day and
demand the drug that seems to smile
and offer relief for a few minutes and
then leave the diseased condition
plainer to view than ever and grow
ing worse Many times the Coffee slave
realizes that he is between two fires
He ieels had it he leaves olt and a
little worse if he drinks and allows
the effect to weir off
So it goes on from day to day
Every night the struggling victim
promises himself that he will break
the habit and next day when he feels
a little bad as he is quite sure to
breaks not the habit but his own res
olution It is nearly always a tough
fight with disaster ahead sure if the
habit wins
There have been hundreds of thou
sands of people driven to their graves
through disease brought on by coffee
drinking alone and it is quite certain
that more human misery is caused by
coffee and tobacco than by whisky for
the two first are more widely used
and more hidden and insidious in the
effect on nerves heart and other vital
organs and are thus unsuspected un
til much of the dangerous work is
Now Reader what is your opinion
as to the real use the Creator has for
these things Take a look at the
question from this point of view
There is a law of Nature and of
Natures God that things slowly evolve
from lower planes to higher a sturdy
steady and dignified advance toward
more perfect things in both the Physi
cal and Spiritual world The ponder
ous tread of evolutionary development
is fixed by the Infinite and will not be
quickened out of natural law by any
of mans methods
Therefore we see many illustrations
showing how nature checks too rapid
advance Illinois raises phenomenal
crops of corn for two or three years
If she continued to do so every year
her farmers would advance in wealth
far beyond those of other sections or
countries So Nature interposes a bar
every three or four years and brings
on a bad year
Here we see the leveling influence
at work
A man is properous in his business
for a number of years and grows rich
Then Nature sets the leveling influ
ence at work on him Some of his
investments lose he becomes luxuri
ous and lazy Perhaps it is whisky
tobacco coffee women gambling or
some other form The intent and pur
pose is to level him keep him from
evolving too far ahead of the masses
A nation becomes prosperous and
great like ancient Rome If no level
ing Influence set in she would domi
nate the world per aps for all time
But Dame Nature sets her army of
levelers at work luxury overeat
ing and drinking licentiousness waste
and extravagance indulgences sf all
kinds then comes the wreck Sure
Sure Sure
The law of the unit is the law oi
the mass Man goes through the same
process Weakness in childhood
gradual growth of strength energy
thrift probity prosperity wealth com
fort eas relaxation self indulgence
luxury idleness waste debauchery
has disease and the wreck follows
levelem are in the bushes along tho
pathway of every successful man and
woman uud they bag the majority
Only now and then can a man stand
out against these levelers and hold
his fortune fame and health to tho
So the Creator has use for Whisky
Tobacco and Coifee to level down tho
successful ones and those who show
signs of being successful and keep
them back in the race so that tho
great field the masses may not bo
left too far behind
Anil yet we must admit that same
all wise Creator has placed it in tho
power of man to stand upright clothed
in the armor ot a clean cut steady
mind and say unto himself I decline
to exchange my birthright for a mess
of pottage
I will not deaden my senses weak
en my grip on affairs and keep my
self cheap common and behind in lor
tune and fame by drugging with whis
ky tobacco or coffee Life is too
short It is hard enough to win tho
good things without any sort of handi
cap so a man is certainly a fool trad
er when he trades strength health
money and the good things that como
with power for the half asleep condi
tion of the drugger with the certain-
j ty of sickness and diseaso ahead
It Is a matter each individual must
decide for himself He can be a lead
er and semi god if he will or he can
go along through life a drugged clown
a cheap hewer of wood or carrier of
Certain It Is that while the Great
Father of us all does not seem to
mind if some of his children aro
foolish and stupid he seems to select
others perhaps those he intends for
some special work and allows them
to be threshed and castigated most
fearfully by these levelers
If a man tries flirting with these lev
elers a while and gets a few slaps as
a hint he had better take the hint or
a good solid blow will follow
When a man tries to live upright
clean thrifty sober and undrugged
manifesting as near as he knows what
the Creator intends he should happi
ness health and peace seem to como
to him Does it pay
This article was written to set peo
ple thinking to rouse the God with
in for every highly organized man
and woman has times when they feel
a something calling from within for
them to press to the front and bo
about the Fathers business Dont
mistake it the spark of the Infinite
s there and it pays in every way
health happiness peace and even
worldly prosperity to break off the
habits and strip clean for the work
cut out for us
It has been the business of the
writer to provide a practical and easy
way for people to break away from
the coffee habit and be assured of a
return to health and all of the good
things that brings provided the abuse
has not gone too far and even then
the cases where the body has been re
built on a basis of strength and health
run into the thousands
i It is an easy and comfortable step
to stop coffee instantly by having well
made Postum Food Coffee served rich
and hot with good cream for the color
and flavor is there but none of the
caffeine or other nerve destroying ele
ments of ordinary coffee
On the contrary the most powerful
rebuilding elements furnished by Na
ture are in Postum and they quickly
set about repairing the damage Sel
dom is it more than two days after
the change is made before the old
stomach or bowel troubles or com
plaints of kidneys heart head or
nerves show unmistakable evidence
of getting better and ten days time
changes things wonderfully
Literally millions of brain working
Americans to day use Postum having
found the value and common sense in
the change
Generous Deed of Elks
Through the generosity of tho
Bridgeport lodge of Elks Peter Mar
koon of Wallingford Conn will profit
by the unfortunate accident which he
met with while witnessing the Elks
banner raising A runaway horse ran
him down and dislocated his collar
The bone was not fractured as at
first reported Markoon was hero
looking for work and when the Elks
heard that he had a wife and family
dependent upon him for support they
sent a committee out to investigate
Markoon as a result was sent back
to Wallingford to day after the Bridge
port lodge of Elks had paid his medical
expenses secured his ticket given aim
money for incidental expenses and
told him to calculate upon 8 per week
for the next four weeks
The Elks went further They noti
fied the Wallingford lodge to take care
of Markoon and help him to get em
ployment Markoon is not a member
of the order never was and the Elks
were not in any way liable for the ac
cident Eoston Globe
The Eternal Feminine
He Will you O will you be mine
She Mercy no I just accepted
Cholly Saphedde last night
He What Has all your encour
agement to me meant nothing of af
She Oh I assure you it has meant
a good deal In fact I dont know
how Id have managed without you
You see until you came along and I
began to be so nice to you Cholly
Jidnt seem to have any serious In
tentions at all Baltimore American
This One of the Years
Johnny Pa when was the year of
the big wind
Father Any year when there was
an election
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