The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 28, 1904, Image 5

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J h
TO r
I fR j J fife
h I
Ay ers Pills
Want your moustache or beard RSBPKSMR H AMf RYF
abeautiful brown orrichblack Use erJJJAlSiiJlxT
KNIT GOODS of all kinds and in abundance at
HONEST JOHNS Golf gloves mittens stock
ing caps hoods fascinators knit shawls knit under
shirts knit cotton fleeced lined and wool
fl 1
Wake up your liver Cure
your constipation Get rid
of your biliousness Sold
for 60 years
J C Aver Co
Lowell Man
for all ages and classes in all sizes and grades
Kknosha Wis
His New Fall Supply of
Black Cat Hosiery
comprises also anything and
everything you may need in
stocking for the whole family
that will wear the best look
the best and that
Dont miss seeing his immense stock of
Kimona Cloths and Flannelettes
for ioc I2c 15c 20c and 25c yard His stock of
BLANKETS and COMFORTS was never more
complete ranging in price from 50c a pair to 6 50
a pair Dont forget his up-to-date line of JACK
ETS and FURS if in need of a winter garment
His prices are surprisingly low
Phone 16
mKmsmasijmaxmrnmmmaMmasarnKmainamatBaaamiammim m wTranMiMKiEBCWMiMiMBBMM
Be it resolved bv tho Council of tho City of
McCook that a sidewalk bo within thirty days
after tho publication of this resolutionbuilt and
laid to the established crade on tho north side
of Dodse street in tho City of McCook Nebras
ka adjoininp tho following described promises
to wit Lots 6 and 7 block 29 Second addition
lots G and 7 block 24 lots 6 and 7 block 14 and
lots 6 and 7 block 13 ordinal town now City of
ilcCookin accordance with tho following
If HaKstones are used they should
bo 3 inches thick laid on a solid foundation well
imbedded in sand to an even surface with close
joints For concrete excavate 8 inches add 3
inches of cinders or broken stono well tamped
add 4 inches of concrete well mised tamp
again thoroughly and while wet add 1 inch of
smooth surface covering mixed two parts coarse
band to one part of Portland cement and water
spread over to an oven surface For vitrified or
hard paving brick excavate 5 inchestamp well
add 3 inches sand lay brick to a smooth surface
and tamp brick surface after laying cover well
with dry sand For tiling or concrete blocks ex
cavate 3 inches tamp well add 1 inch of sand
lay in cement mortar properly mixed to a
smooth surface All walks to bo laid 4 inches
from the lot line and to be a uniform width of 5
feet Said walk to bo built undor the supervis
ion of the committee on streets and alleys and
tho city engineer and in accordance with the
provisions of Ordinance No 113 of said city as
Passed and approved this 24th day of October
1904 C J Ryan Actiiig Mayor
Seal Attest C I Hall City Clerk
Real Estate Improved
To oai a home I offer a 4 room house with
oak and maple floors fine location near school
well kept lawn and trees nicely started Its a
bargain See L H Lindemann Al
A line large home with both electric lights
and furnace beautiful lawn shade trees barn
near school and postoffico Reader it will be a
comfort to your soul to own such a homo See
L H Lindemann A2
One of 300 acres another of 240 acres and still
another well improved of 3S5 all bottom and
near town See L H Lindemann
For the now and great empire Routt county
Colorado now being rapidly populated in ad
vance of the Moffat line Procrastination in
this case will prove to be the thief of time See
L H Lindemann A4
My list from time to time and do not fail to
carefully consider the fact that the time to buy
citv or farm property is when there is a general
feeling of depression L H Lindemann Real
As long as you wear THE
MODELS warm Shoes and
Rubber Footwear
E A PETTY Proprietor
We have a large stock of Rubber
Felt and Heavy Boots and Shoes
for the cold wet winter weather
both for outdoor and indoor wear
In all Widths and all Sizes
MoGook Tribune and Inter Ocean SI05
Watch next issue for particulars
IBS Time
McCook Neb
No tf Contrul Timo 1115 p M
2 6i0A M
VL 900 AM
II 955 1 M
No 5 arrives from cast at 8 p in
Nol Mountain Timo 1154 am
3 11V5pm
5 750pm
1H 850AM
No 171 arrives Mountain Time 540 P M
No 175 departs 645 a m
SloopinR dininK and reclining chuir cars
eents freo on through trains Tickets Fold
and buKKaKo checked to any point in tho United
States or Canada
For information timo tables maps and tick
ets call on or writo George Scotr Agent Mc
Cook Nobranka or J Francis General Pa6sou
Kor Aeent Omaha Nebraska
Rea Omnn is receiving a visit from his
mother Mrs O H Oman
Ray Gale is n new helper in tho round
house this week a wiper
Nijrht Ticket Agent Moore visited rel
atives in Naponee Sunday
Tio bridge gang repaired bridges east
and west of Trenton last week
Frank Arnold machinists helper
was sick early part of the week
James Kummer spent part of last week
with his parents in Hayes Center
One of Conductor Utters children a
young daughter is ill with scarlet fever
Conductor A II Bigley of Denver
brought in second No 2 Monday morn
Conductor S E Callen was in Hast
ings on bnsiness Thursday between
Mr and Mrs C B Sentance will
make a short visit in Denver first of
next week
Switchman F C Scarborough has
been transferred to Denver as switchman
and brakeman
Conductor John Morris will leave
last of this week for Illinois on a visit
to his aged parents
Conductor ITA Beale had the officers
special over the McCook division last
week and first of this week
The ballast train is about to be taken
off at Woodruff Kansas the rock at
that place being about exhausted
Switchman W W Prall has gone on
with Coi ductor S E Callen and F E
Brigner has gone into the local yard
Conductor Art Lyman and Brakeman
E O Scott were up from Republican
City Thursday morning with an extra
Conductor and Mrs C W Bronson
returned Wednesday night on No 6
from their wedding trip to Denver and
the mountains
Switchman and Mrs E L Hawkins
arrived home first of the week from
visiting his parents in Alma ani he has
gone to work in yard
Conductor F M Washburn had Con
ductor Bronsons run during the latters
absence while Conductor Bunting sub
stituted for Washburn
Conductor and Mrs William Cropp
are visiting in Hastings and Red Cloud
for a few da3rs while he recovers from
his recent minor accident
Ralph Foe is taking a lay off and Law
rence McJimsey is working in his place
as day operator A Mr Parker from
Brush Col is on the night shift Red
Cloud Chief
All trainmen and switchmen are now
operated from McCook on this division
There are about 300 men in all Train
master Wilburns board now has a place
in the trainmasters office here
Engine 2701 which brought No H
into McCook Tuesday night had her
trailer wheels turn cross wise of the track
in the McCook yard just after making
the depot track The platform was
torn up but no damage of a serious na
ture was occasioned It is said that the
length of the tanks on these engines
makes it difficult to make sharp curves
In the car now used by D F Mc
Farland of the Sterling division is an old
piece of furniture with a history said
a Burlington man recently while indulg
ing in the luxury of a reminiscent mood
It is a large solidly built table of
good material with a green colored cloth
top That table has a history and it is
said more money has passed over that
piece of furniture than over a great
many others the Burlington now has in
use In the days of Tom Potter that
table occupied a place of distinction in
his private car Potter loved a friendly
game of poker andhe could play a game
that kept his friends vigilant if they
cared to remain friendly That table has
been retired from its former business but
it is still kept as a relic Lincoln
Offices Will Be Close to Depot
The offices of the B M officials and
of the dispatcher and his men will be
erected just north of the union depot the
B M company having made arrange
ments with the Union Pacific company
for the use of the ground for a term of
years Saturday a surveyor of the B
M staked the ground for the building
and work has been begun on thefounda
tion A part of the material therefor
has been here for a couple of weeks aud
nine additional cars including that
part of the Holyoke depot which will be
utilized arrived Tuesday It will not
take long to get the foundation ready
and the building in shape for occupanc
so that in a few weeks at the latest the
trainmen and their office force will have
more commodious quarters than they
have at present Sterling Advocate
Presidential Election Will Make
No Change
No matter which candidate is elected
Foleys Honey and Tar will remain the
peoples favorite remedy for coughs colds
and incipient consumption 1 1 cures
colds qu ckly and prevents pneumonia
A J Nusbaum Batesville Ind writes
I suffered for three months with a
severe cold A druggist prepared me
some medicine and a physician pre
scribed for me yet I did not improve I
then tried Foleys Honey and Tar and
eight doses cured me Sold by A Mc
Low Rates East
To certain points east of Chicago the
Burlington is offering greatly reduced
rates Ask the agent
Mrs Dow has beon sick the past
Charles A Hotze is in Kentucky visit
ing friends
J W Nutt of Danbury was in town
The children at school have a now
game basket ball
E Thompson has just completed it
neat new granary
The Epworth League will give a nock
tie social Friday evening
Mr Calvin is organizing a class
vocal music
Angie Quick and Ena Gamsby were
McCook visitors Saturday
W A Dolan has moved into tho prop
erty lately vacuted by his father
A little attraction on our streets
Monday morning Nobody hurt
Mart Akers is at home now in tho new
phono building and is tho Hello
James McClung and Elmer Thompson
drove up to Frontiercounty last Sauday
Tho first frost of the season came to
us on Tuesday evening And it brought
some ice
Rev R N Hawkins of the Congrega
tional church is in St Louis for a short
The Misses Flora and Angie Quick
entertained the Browning club Tuesday
Mrs J J Wilson of Denver is here
visiting tho family of her uncle Charley
I M Beardslee was down from Mc
Cook Sunday returning the same
Roscoo Korns was in Lincoln last
week as a delegate from the I O O b
lodge here
Bud Newland has moved into his
newly acquired property in the north
west part of town
The great ball game that was to have
been played here the 18th did not
materialize on account of the rain
A son of Mr and Mrs Hedges who
has been visiting here for some time
returned to his home near Fall City
Wednesday morning
The song service at the Congregational
church last Sunday evening under the
leadership of Mrs Cavin was very
entertaining and of a high order
The ladies of tho Methodist church
held an exchange in the old store room
west of the bank building last Saturday
A small sum was realized from the sale
of the goods
The long looked for wedding has taken
place John McClung and Miss Maggie
Crocker were married on Wednesday of
last week Justice of the peace Phil
lips officiated
A Continual Strain
Many men and women are constantly
subjected to what they commonly term
a continual strain because of some
financial or family trouble It wears
and distresses them both mentally and
physically affecting their nerves badly
and bringiog on kidney and liver ail
ments with the attendant evils of con
stipation loss of appetite sleeplessness
low vitality and despondency They can
not as a rule get rid of this continu
al strain but they can remedy its health
destroying effects by taking frequent
doses of Greens August Flower It tones
up the liver stimulates the kidneys in
sures healthy bodilv functions gives
vim and spirit to ones whole being and
eventually dispels the physical or men
tal distress caused by that continual
strain Trial bottle of August Flower
25c regular size 75 At all druggists
November Low Rates
To St Louis November offers the last oppor
tunity for seeing the St Louis Exposition tho
most magnificent spectacle the world has ever
produced Seo it now or never
Special low coach excursion rates daily each
week from Sunday to Thursday inclusive
Seven day limit Slightly higher rates for
ticKets good in sleeping cars with longer limit
To Chicago Daily low round trip rates
either direct or via St Louis in eitherdircction
with stopovers at St Louis Kansas City or
Live Stock Show One fare plus 200 for the
round trip to Chicago and return on November
26th 27th and 2Sth
Winter Tourist Rates Low round trip rates
to Galveston and San Antonio Texas New Or
leans La Mobile Ala Jacksonville aud St
Augustine Fla and hundreds of other points
If jou are figuring on a winter trip I can fur
nish you valuable information or write L W
Wakely general passenger agent Omaha
George S Scott Agent
Chicago Burlington Quincy R R
The Original
Foley C o Chicago originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy and on account of t h e great
merit and popularity of Foleys Honey
and Tar many imitations are
offered for the genuine Ask for Foleys
Honey and Tar and refuse any substi
tute offered as no other preparation will
give the same satisfaction It is mildly
laxative It contains no opiates and is
safest for children and delicate persons
Sold by A McMillen
St Louis Via Chicago
During October and November the
Burlington is quoting very low rates to
St Louis via Chicago
Saves Two From Death
Our little daughter had almost a fa
tal attack of whooping cough and bron
chitis writes Mrs W K Haviland of
Armonk N Y but when all other
remedies failed we saved her life with
Dr Kings New Discovery Our niece
who had Consumption in an advanced
stage also used this wonderful medicine
and to day she is perfectly well Des
perate throat and lung disease yield to
Dr Kings New Discovery as to no other
meuicme on uanu jluuwhuio jut vougua
and Colds 50c and 8100 bottles guar
anteed by L W McConnell Trial
bottles free
For eruptions sores pimples kidney
and liver troubles constipation indiges
tion use Hollisters Rocky Mountain
Tea Carries new life to every part of
the body Tea or tablet form 35 cents
L W McConnell
l i
or All
The Good Kind Too
Just Received a Fresh Shipment
of the
Werner Made
They fit and wear well
We guarantee satisfaction whether you pay
200 300
500 or 600
the value is right Let us show you the
new materials
i gp aggwaimii 11 11 111 iiiiniummniT mmmnaM a wy
ft - ft
V FRANKLIN President
Phone 22
A C EBERT Cashier
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
We want to call your attention to the fact that we want
to send you samples of the cloths that we make our
Mens and Boys clothing of We want to send these
samples to you so that you can sit down at home and
pick them to pieces burn them chew the rag as it
were to see it you can nna any cotton in mem vi
better still carry them to your home merchant and
compare them with his goods and let him try and find
any cheat or shoddy in them
You know that no sample an inch and a quarter square can
do justice to a whole suit of clothes but we have faith
enough in our little samples and little prices to send tiiem
out to you to compare We send with our catalogue sam
ples of mens all wool suits 6 00 to 20 OO Boys
knee pants suits 2 O0 to 5 OO Young mens suits
4 OO to 12 OO Mens pants from 2 OO to 3 60
Order Your Catalogue Today Its Fa I of Go3d Things
lOlll XllVX a 11 liaia wwc Wl