n fei h Official Paper of Redwillow County By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co -Subscription 1 a Year in Advance REPUBLICAN TICKET rnEBIDKNT Thoodoro Roosovolt UNITED BTATK8 SENATOR Elmor J Burkott Lincoln GOVERNOR John H Mickey Osceola LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR E G McQilton Omalm SECRETARY OF HTATE A Galustin Rod Cloud AUDITOR E M Soarle Jr ORnlallu TREASURER Peter Mortenscn Ord ATTORNEY GENERAL Norris Hrmvn Koaruoy surT or VUIILIC INSTRUCTION J L McBrien Qonova CONGRESSMAN FIFTH DISTRICT G W Norris Red Willow county NATOR TWENTY NINTH Albcrt Wilsey Mooroflold EPRESENTATIVE Fliilip Glicm Dunbury OUNTY ATTORNEY C E Eldred McCook UNTY COMMISSIONER Stephen Hollos Box Elder Mauck a Stralgrlit Democrat The following is an extract from an editorial published in the Lawrence Ne braska Locomotive a Democratic paper published in the home county of Mr Mauck the fusion nomineo for congress You remember how bluntly Congress man Norris stated that IIarr Mauck was riding two horses in opposite direc tions when he became the candidate of the populist and democratic parties for congress The platforms he said being absolutely opposed to each other placed Mauck in this ridiculous position lie did not say that Mr Mauck was the reg ular Democratic nominee and the popu lists believing that because herepresented some great principles for which they have struggled and fought could endorse him as their candidate in the hope that he would represent them to that extent at least MR MAUCK IS NOT RUNNING FOR CONGRESS ON THE POPULIST PLATFORM BUT IS THE CANDIDATE OF THE DEMO CRATIC PARTY SUPPORTING DEMOCRAT IC PRINCIPLES and the populists have vol untarily declared him to be their candi date m Albert Wilsey of Moorefield Fron tier county has been nominated by the republicans of his district for state sena tor Legislative honors have been plenti ful with Mr Wilsey When he was resi dent of York county the republicans here sent him to the legislature Mr Wil sey was straight when he lived in York county and no one here has heard of him having deviated from the narrow path since going away York Republican Our highest hopes are often destroy ed to prepare us for better things The failure of the caterpiller is the birth of the butterfly tho passiug of the bud is the becoming of the rose the death or de struction of the seed is the prelude to its resurrection as wheat It is at night in the darkest hours those preceeding dawn that plants grow best that they most increase in size May this not be one of natures gentle showing to man of the times wheu he grows best of the darkness of failure which is evolving in to the sunlight of success Let us fear only the failure of not living the right as we see it leaving the results to the guardianship of the infinite J W Bryan A Genuine Snap Stove pipe for ten cents a joint at Colemans SHVLOCH Shylock was the man who wanted a pound of human flesh There are many Shylocks now the convales cent the consumptive the sickly child the pale young woman all want human flesh and they can get it take Scotts Emulsion Scotts Emulsion is flesh and blood bone and muscle It feeds the nerves strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole body For nearly thirty years Scotts Emulsion has been the great sriver of human flesh We will send you a couple of ounces free SCOTT BOWNE Chemists 409-4-15 Pearl Street New YorfcJ 50c and 100 all druggists School S3 i V A MATTER OF HEALTH gyAtaa m AKlN3 POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS MO SUBSTITUTE ltttti AAfcft HON F W COLLINS of the Department of Justice Washington D C will speak in the Menard opera house FRIDAY EVENING OCTO 28th He is able and eloquent and has a good subject to talk about He will give you all the good and sufficient reasons you need why President Roosevelt should he elected to the pres idency I II H H4 I H M M CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Advent Sabbath school at 2 p m preaching at 3 Prayer meeting every Tuesday evening Eldeu G H Smith Pastor Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughkan Pastor Methodist Sunday School at 10 Preaching at 1100 and 800 Epworth League at 715 Class meeting at 12 Prayer meeting on Thursday night at 730 Junior League at 300 All wel come M B Carman Pastor Christian Bible school 10 Preach ing at 11a m and 8 pm Y P SC E at 7 p m every Lords Day Morning subject Jesus Christ Evening sub ject What Lack I Yet Good music Special invitation to all G T Burt Pastor Congregational Sunday school 1 0 a m Y P S C E at 7 p m Prayer and conference meeting on Wednesday evening Morning subject A New Act of The Apostles Evening subject The Most Important Thing Coming George A Conrad Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 7 60 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector First Baptist Church Preaching at 11 a m and 745 p m Sunday school at 945 am Junior society at 3 p m BY P U at 645 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 745 p m Sermon themes Morning Students of Divin ity evening The Prophet of the Desert Become a Court Preacher All invited A B Carson Pastor Rev J J Loughran will conduct ser vices in Indianola coming Sunday In Earnest Then I have noticed said the offhand philosopher that a woman will get a golf dress when she has no intention to play golf Thats so agreed the man with the Incandescent whiskers And continued the offhand philos opher she will get a ball gown when she cares nothing about dancing and a tennis dress when she wouldnt play tennis for fear she will freckle and a bathing suit when she has no thought of going into the water and a riding habit when the very thought of climb ing on a horse gives her the chills and Yes interrupted the man with the incandescent whiskers but when she gets a wedding dress she means busi ness Ever notice that Judge Danorercmn Symptoms The story is told of a Scotch preacher who gave his people long strong ser mons and delivered them in a remark ably deliberate manner One Sunday he asked a friend who was visiting him to occupy his pulpit in the morning An were you satisfied wi my preaching asked his friend as they walked home from the kirk Weel said his host slowly it was a fair disccbrse Willm a fair dis coorse but it pained me at the last to see the folk looking so fresh and wide awake I mistrust twasna sae long nor sae sound as i should hao been Tlie Inconvenience of Illness Patient I cant afford to be sick Specialist Is your business so profita ble Patient No yours is Judge When a woman becomes flurried she feels for a fan When a man becomes flurried he feels for a cigar Shoes OUR GOLDEN WEDDING DAY For fifty goldon years dear wife Weve journoyed side by side Just fifty years apo today Since you became my bride My bonny dark haired lassiedear With eyes a9 dark as night With blushing cheeks and rosy lips And smile so sweet and bright Just fifty golden years dear wife Since you gave me hand and heart Thro weal and woe together still Until us death should part And as wovo journeyed down lifes stream Some clouds looked dark and blue But yonr dear eyes would always see Tho silver lining too Yes fifty golden years dear wife On lifes matrimonial sea Awhile our little barque was full Now theres just you and me Our boys and girls all long ago Ilave left tho old home door And soon woll cast our anchor dear Upon tho other shore Just fifty golden years dear wife On lifes tempestuous sea And soon we know Gods boatman palo Shall sail for you and rae And he will find us ready dear With just one prayer that we May enter thro tho golden gate Together You and mo Mes Lillian Van Confessions of a Priest Rev Jno S Cox of Wake Ark writes For 12 years I suffered from Yellow Jaundice I consulted a number of physicians and tried all sorts of med icines but got no relief Then I began the use of Electric Bitters and feel that I am now cured of a disease that had me in its grasp for twelve years If you want a reliable medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble stomach disorder or general debility get Electric Bitters Its guaranteed by L W McConnell Only 50c Advertised Letters Tho following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice Oct 24 1904 Anderson Martin Furer C J Ford Mrs Edna Ford Mr Thomas Gibbs Mr Guy Lauders Mrs Katio Nims H E Slmltz Mr Roy Slmltz J S Walters Glen Wilcox E G When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster A Love Letter Would not interest you if youro look ing for a guaranteed Salve for Sores Burns or Piles Otto Dodd of Ponder Mo writes I suffered with an ugly sore for a year but a box of Bucklens Arnica Salve cured me Its the best Salve on earth 25c at L W McCon nells Drug Store Arrangements have been completed for receiving the full election returns by telegraph and telephone this year The returns will be displayed in the court room and it is expected that represen tatives of both companies will be in the room with their instruments or any other hour in the moriiing the best breakfast food is 11 high grade groccrjt 2 lbpackagcs at the TTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTT We have been engaged in no j - war ln which those of German 2 nnpriT linvo nnr Imimio thwir full r j share of the burden They have never failed to respond to tbe - first call to arms Senator Fair- lm banks at Indianapolis Sept 3 j5 - 1890 k AAA A ONLY ONE ISSUE LEFT It Ib tho Otllons and tho DemocraU Wll Never Abandon It There is one issue the Democrats have not and never will abandon the offices With a light heart and an easy conscience they are willing to swallow the gold standard to enter a nolle pros as to the tariff robbery to construct the Panama canal and to postpone independence for the Philip pines until the Filipinos have donned clothes but the oilices these they must have or the last excuse for their par tys existence is gone Editor Pulitzer is writing page upon page of open letters in the New York World which prints them because he owns it to prove that Theodore Koose velt and he alone is the issue The paramount issue of this campaign the editor writes addressing himself direct to the president is not as you would have it free trade or free silver but YOU YOUKSELF Theodore Roosevelt This issue inforced upon the country by your unusual tempera ment and talent your own strong able ambitious resourceful militant passionate personality your versatile and surprising genius If this were not meant to be alarm ing it would fittingly describe one side of the personality of the Republican standard bearer worthy of being print ed in flaming type and posted at every cross roads in the country Add to it the unquestioned attributes of honesty courage and patriotism and you have the true measure of the head of the Republican ticket Mr Pulitzer cannot find that the possession of any of the impulsive and willful traits he has at tributed to the president has led him into hasty arbitrary or ill considered acts or into any policy mimical to the public welfare or that has not been fully justified by the event No higher tribute could be paid to the president than the way in which he has been singled out by Mr Pulitzer as the one engrossing overshadowing issue of the campaign Now why does Mr Pulitzer wish to get rid of a president of such known and approved qualities to make way for the untested and unexperienced master of Rosemount The answer is plain THE OF FICES Mr Pulitzer is a Democrat a transplanted Missouri Democrat He knows that the national Democracy is very hungry and very thirsty and that it is weary of feeding upon the husks that fall to the share of the op 1 position party at Washington j So long as Mr Roosevelt is in the White House Mr Pulitzer knows that every office outside of the classified service will go to a Republican pro i vided there is no Democrat so much better qualified tor it that to ignore his claims would create a national scan- j dal What Mr Pulitzer and the j cy want is that the only touchstone of fitness for federal offices shall be the j frayed maxim of David B Hill I am a Democrat Upon this issue he has no misgivings as to the firm and ir revocable convictions of the sphinx of Esopus In Judge Parkers eyes the author of the maxim To the vic tors belong the spoils was the great est statesman not excepting I oss Tweed New York has ever produced And Mr Pulitzer believes that a Demo cratic mummy of the Ma rcy school in the White House would not permit any question of fitness to interfere be 1 tween the faithful and the federal pay roll At present the sturdy robust Repub licanism of Theodore Roosevelt stands between the Democracy and the of fices How to remove this stumbling block in the path of the lean and hun gry wanderers of lSJG and 1000 is the supreme the only issue left to the Democracy If a national election could be de cided by the voters wanting a job irre spective of their fitness for it the Democracy under the leadership of Mr Pulitzer would be invincible Imperialism of Steel When the great iron and steel in dustry of the United States thrives other American industries thrive The Democratic party could not legislate to destroy the protection to the iron and steel industry without legislating to destroy the prosperity of the United States The millions of additional profit and wages that have come to the iron and steel industry under Repub lican rule would have been earned if at all by foreign nations had Demo cratic policies prevailed during tue last eight years The gigantic rise of this industry during the last eight years added enormously to the wealth of the United States and every branch or American industry and agriculture aas been stimulated by it Prosperity at home and prestige abroad has indeed been intimately connected with the in creasing imperialism of steel which once was Pauper but now is King The auspicious and momentous fact is that never before in the history of the world has comfort been enjoyed education acquired and Independence secured by so large a proportion of the total population of the world in the United States of America that has oc curred under protection A specialty of office supplies The Tribune Model Omaha Daily news 150 to Jan l 1906 Tho publisher of tho Omaha Daily News will send their daily from now until January 1 1900 for 8150 to all who subscribo during October If you want tho Sunday paper also add lifty cents to your remittance Those who are subscribers can renew under the same conditions One of Many II A Tisdale of Suminerton S C suffered for twenty years with the Piles Specialists were employed and many remedies used but relief and permanent good was found in tho uso of De Witts Witch Hazel Salvo This is onh one of tho many many cures that have been effected y this wonderful remedy In buying Witch Ilazell Salve it is only necessary to see that you got the genuine DeWitts made by E C DeWitt Co in Chicago and a cure is curtain Do Witts Witch Ilazoll Salve euros all kinds of piles cuts burns bruises eczema tetter ringworm skin diseubes etc Sold bv L W McConnell S500 REWARD ForWqnvEN WHO CANtiOT BE CURED So uniformly successful has Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription proven in all forms of Female Weakness Prolapsus or Falling of Womb and Leucorrhea that after over a third of a centurys experience in curing the worst cases of these distressing and debilitating ailments Dr Pierce now feels fully warranted in offering to pay 500 in cash for any case of these diseases which he cannot cure It Stands Alone The Favorite Pre scription stands alone as the one and only remedy for these distressingly com mon forms of weakness possessed of such positively specific curative properties as to warrant its makers in proposing and binding themselves to forfeit as we the undersigned proprietors of that wonderful remedy hereby do to pay the sum of 500 in legal money of the United States in any case of the above diseases in which after a fair and reasonable trial of our treatment we fail to cure No other medicine for the cure of womans peculiar ailments is j backed by such a remarkable guarantee no ottier meaicine lor womans ills is pos sessed of the unparalleled curative prop erties that would warrant its manufacturers in making such an offer no other remedy has such a record of cures on which to base such a remarkable offer Therefore insist on having Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription and turn your back on any unscrupulous dealer who would insult your intelligence by attempting to foist upon you some inferior substitute under the plea that it is just as good Insist on having the article which has a record of a third of a century of cures and which is backed by those willing to forfeit 500 if they cannot cure you In cases attended by a leucorrheal drain a solution of Dr Pierces Lotion Tablets should be used conjointly with the use of the Favorite Prescription They are sold by all druggists or sent post paid to any address on receipt of 25 cents in stamps Send 31 cents in stamps for Dr Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser Address Worlds Dispensary Buffalo N Y Weak and sick women are invited to consult Dr Pierce by letter fe All correspondence is held as strictly private Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y Dr Pierces Pellets cure biliousness n Mike Walsh DEALER m POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank McCook - Nebraska A Sound Argument The one that blows without any thing to blow about wastes time and energy The excellence of our goods and delivery service warrant us for blowing Always the best always the greatest variety always the highest quality DAVID MAGNER Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats McCook Poultry Co Buyers and Shippers of Poultry and Eggs For the next 7 days S f we will pay cash For Hens Sc lb Springs 6c lb Turkey Hens 9c lb I Shoe ytotfitts Wash BLUE For Sale By pn in 1 TT flfp i 1 1 v p I TT T- ALL WISE GROCERS DIRECTIONS FOR USE Wiggle Stick around in the water xii ib ib Sli ib ib W 2 m ib tfj a m ib ttf ib t ii ib ib ib tic t rtlf itt uS ib ib ib liS ib iiS tfi ib ib ib ib ib ib iffi ofl tfj 4S ib ib ffli IS ite ib b tii H iS aS ib ib ib ib ib rb ib b ib B S ib ir tb ib ib ib ib b Strictly Confidentia CUSTOMERS have a right to expect that their banking business will be treated as confi dentiat This we do and we also aim to protect their interests in every legitimate manner The First National Bank McCook Nebraska w w w w w w w w w ro P s W W W Vi W h fy iji jji if aft W Q 7J fy 5s1 h 1 xj fa iff1 ff W ifo W h S 4 fh 7J ffi if 9 ft ifa ff op i ro 15 Early Risers THE FAMOUS LITTLE PILLS For quick relief from Biliousness Sick Headache Torpid Liver Jaun dice Dizziness and all troubles aris ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver DeWitts Little Early Risers are un equalled They act promptly and never gripe They are so dainty that it is a pleasure to take them One to two act a3 a mild laxative two or four act as a pleasant and effective cathartic They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless They tonic the liver PREPARED OHLY SY C DeWitt Co Chicago For Sale by L W McConnell t v WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm Be prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee B6 ci8 p14JP 4s TESTIMONIAL Delnont S D Dec 17 1902 t USeu Li K for lioir nlinlora ami no riKht It cured my Iiors 1 had three sick ones and they all Kot weu and done fine I al o used it for chicken lice and mites and it is all ypn claim for it It is the only Medicine forhop cholera I think Gotlieb Jeeke Harriimton Xeb Dec 11 1902 I am usinff Liquid Koal and am well pleated with it I am sure I saved my hos with it last year and am coins to keep it in stock all the time as it is the he t thio I ever had on th place for everything it is intended for It is cood for chicken cholera lice on stock insects of all kind it will destroy all kind- F W Woman JAHES CAIN Manufactured by tho National Medical Com pany Sheldon Iowa Store A n w r i i f A s f v- h -A