A f K r i J ft j A HG i i rar V- Ki SADIE ROBINSON Prclty Girl Suffered From Nervousness and Pelvic Catarrh Found Quick Roilef In a Fow Days WEAKNESS eiiES BY Miss Sadio Itolrinson 4 Hand street Mahh n jliss writes Pcruiia was recommended to me about a year ago us an excellent remedy for the- troubles peculiar to our sex and as 1 found that all that was said of this medicine vas true 1 am pleased to en dorse it I began io use it about seven months ago for weakness and nervousness caused from overwork and sleepless ness and found that in n few days J began to grow strong my appetite in creased and I began io sleep better consequently my nervousness pssseo away and the weakness in the pelvic organs soon disappeared and I have been well and strong ever since Address Dr S 15 1 Turfman President of The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus for free medical advice All corres pondence btrietly confidential Wl EVIagnificent Crops for 1904 On the Trait Woatern Canaans Wheat Crop this Year Will be 60 003000 Bii3lclG and Vheat at Pres ent is Worth SJOO o Bushel The Oat and Barley Crop Will Also Yield Abundantly Pplendid prices for all kinds of prain cattle and other farm produce for the growing 0j which the climate is unsurpassed About irfl000 Americans have settled In West ern Canada curing the past three years Thousands of free homesteads of 100 acres each still available in the best agricultural dis trict v It has been said that the United States will be forced to import wheat within a very few jenr Secure a farm in Canada and become one of those who will produce it Apply for information to Superintendent of Immigration Ottawa Canada or to authorized Canadian Government Aeent V V Bennett SOI New York Life Buildinp Omaha Neb MEXICAN i Mustang Liniment j is a nositivc cure for Piles I followed the trail froni Texas Sit Zr 7- o Montana with with a risn brand n fish brand Slicker used for i cf JrOmmel OltCKCr an overcoat when cold a vird coat vhen windy a ratn coat when it rained and for a cover at night if we got to bed and I will say that T have gotten more comfort oat of your slicker than any other enc article that I ever owned The ES129 ad Addrer of lis wrltsr cf till unsolicited let ter rtuir bo had oa application Wet Weather Garments for Riding WaUunjr Working or inciting ThoEIjnortherfci A J TOWER CO eamw J30ST0IT V TOWER CANADIAN CO Limited 7030NTO CAKADA flHWl8 The Wabash is the Only Line Landing You at the Worlds Fair Rround trip rates from Omaha are as follows 850 sold daily except Friday and Saturday good 7 days 1380 sold daily good 15 days The Wabash is the only line that lands passengers at the main entrance of tho Worlds Fair grounds Also the only line that can check your baggage to the Worlds Fair station Think what a saving of time annoyance and ex tra car fare All agents can sell you through ticket and route you over the Wabash Very low rates to many points South Southeast For beautiful Worlds Fair folder anu all information call at 1601 Farnam St or address Harry F Moores Gen Agt Pass Dept Wab R R Omaha Neb Dont dwell too much upon New trn discovery of gravitation when impressing your children with the j value of noticing things Newton 1 covered something he couldnt make I a cent out of important to Wlothers Esaminc carefully every bottle of CASTOTUA r eafc and sure remedy for infanta and children and tec that it Betrs the Signature of knf7ccAM la Uie For Over 30 Years The Kind Yoa Have Alleys Bought NEWS IN NEBRASKA STRANGER KILLED BY A TRAIN Bcdy cf Unidentified Man is Fcund Near Firlh ADAMS The body of an unidenti fied man vas found on the tracks of tne Burlington road one and onc htff miles east of Firth The face had been so badly mangled that it is im possible to give a description of the features He vas of medium size and the fragments of clothing indicated that he had been well dressed One of his arms had been torn off and the hody was otherwise bruised and lac erated It is thought that ho was struck by the Burlington Flyer No 4 about midnight The coroner was called from Beatrice and may be able to identfy the body by papers which may be found in the torn garments An inspection of the tattered cloth ing worn by the stranger later show ed that he had ho papers and a card bearing the name of J C Dawson Lincoln Neb was the only clue to his identity Some doubt is now expressed as to the cause of his death The finding of his hat half a mile west of the place where the body was found leads many to believe that the man vas thrown or fell from Burlington train iso 120 INDIANS ARE THE Uncntered Land in Richardson CGtinty Not Subject to Homestead Law HUMBOLDT The dreams of sud den wealth which have been indulged in by Dr Wells of Falls City were rudely shattered last week by the ap pearance on the scene of Special Agent O C Edwards of Horton Kas representing the department of the in terior The latter had been sent by the government to investigate the fil ing by Dr Wells of homestead entry papers upon a piece of land found without an owner near Preston in the east part of the county The land was adjoining the Nemaha river of irreg ular dimensions and contained about twenty acres valued at nearly 100 an acre and the doctor was considered quite fortunate by his friends in strik ing the find Now however comes the government agent with the infor mation that the land belongs to the government but was not of the strip opened years ago for settlement and therefore not opened for entry What ever funds are derived from the sale of the land is to go to the Fox and Sac Indians now on the reservation near Reserve Kas Mortgage Record HUMBOLDT Richardson countys records for the month of September shows Farm mortgages filed 9 2 400 farm mortgages released II 27 22152 town mortgages filed 9 7 GSJ town mortgages released 9 5 03g85 chattel mortgages filed 50 3087983 chattel mortgages releas ed 18 181 S7S Child Dies of Poison PLATTSMOUTH The little 2-year-old son of Mr and Mrs Ed Krugcr died from the effects of narcotic poi soning The child in some manner got hold of a bottle of medicine which had been left for Mr Bates his grand father and had taken a large dose before his mother discovered what he had done Soldiers Association Prospers CHADRON The Soldiers and Sail ors association of northwest Nebras ka held a meeting on its grounds on the Bordeaux The report of Quarter master Crowd er showed the financial condition of the association to be good no debts property in good con dition the new tents paid for and money in the treasury Captain Hardy Shoots at Cortland CORTLAND Captain A H Hardy of Lincoln astonished the people of this vicinity by his marvelous shoot ing with shotgun rifle and revolver In his exhibition he hit 500 wood blocks thrown into the air twenty five or thirty feet with a 2 calibre rifle never making a miss He also gave a wonderful exhibition of fancy shoot ing with rifle shotgun and revolver doing all manner of stunts He ex cels any man with a gun who has ever before visited Cortiand Seriously Injured in Runaway NEBRASKA CITY Mrs T C Mc Namara of Seattle Wash was seri ously injured in a runaway here A team that was being driven by her mother became frightened at an auto mobile and Mrs McNamara was thrown out of the buggy Her skull was fractured and her left shoulder Mslocated She vas taken to a doc tors office where her injuries were dressed She will probably recover Always looking for the burglar an openinc Dies from Using Cocaine BLAIR The body of Fred Hodges 24 years old vas found about 200 feet from the Colby school house about five miles north of Arlington by seme of the school children Hedges vas last seen on Saturday forenoon when he left a grip nt the house of Charlie Craven for whom he had recently worked The body lay at the edge of a cornfield under a hedge and some ten feet away an empty bottle which had contained cocaine He was known to have been a cocaiEe and cigarette user THE STATE AT LARGE A man named Oscar Carlson who has been working on tho Union Pa cific near Pickreli went violently in sane Rev F P Blakemore pastor of tho Methodist church at Tecrmsch for the past two years has moved his famihr to Weeping Water his new charge T M Hodgman of Lincoln state in spector of schools was a visitor at the Table Rock schools and expressed himself as being well satisfied with their condition Frank J Morgan grand receiver of the Ancient Order of United Workmen died at his home in Plattsmouth He was 42 years of age The direct cause of death vas cancer David Martin a man about 40 years old who has been working for Mike Duffey seven miles southeast of Beav er Crossing cut his throat severing the windpipe He will die The report that Kilpatrick Bros Collins railroad contractors had bees awarded the contract for building the Marysville Topeka cut off of the Union Pacific has been confirmed Admiral J H Gills and wife of Melbourne Beach Fla are in Beat rice visiting Mrs Gillis son D C Canfield The admiral is 70 years of age and is on the retired list A young man named Bodinc living a few miles from Osceola met with an accident He was putting a loaded gun on the wagon and it went off and the charge went into the right shoul der Tiie republicans of Dakota Thurs ton and Cuming counties met in con vention at Pender and placed in nomi nation O R Thompson of Wisner as a candidate for representative from the Sixteenth district Dell Tabor the young man who was arrested last week on the charge of selling liquor at Murray without a license pleaded guilty in county court at Plattsmouth and vas fined 100 and costs Rev C W Crofts has tendered his resignation as pastor of the Congrega tional church of Beatrice after serv ing continuously for about twelve years Poor health which a recent trip to Colorado failed to improve vs the reason given Hazle Brady 4-year-old daughter or Mr and Mrs Frank Brady of Madison fell into a cesspool and would have lost her life but for the prompt action of William Test who jumped in and kept her from sinking to the bottom The cesspool was nearly full and Mr Test had difficulty in keeping himself and the child above water until ropes were procured The citizens promptly raised a sum to get Mr Test new clothes as those he had on were ruined Fire of unknown origin broke out in the clothing department situated in the new wing of the asylum for the chronic insane at Hastings and ce stroyed about 300 worth of property The first lasted about one half hour before the institutions fire depart ment could quench the flames While removing the inmates from the dan gerous quarters three availed them selves of the confusion and escaped but were shortly afterward captured and returned An eastbound freight train on the Northwestern line ran over an old man by the name of Taylor Ewing in the yards at Bassett cut one of his legs off below the knee and crushed the other above the knee Mr Ewing was walking up town from his home in the northeastern part of the village and nad passed the train which struck him On arrival of the physicians rt was found necessary to amputate both legs above the knees Mr Ewing died during the operation A notable family reunion of the Dobbs family was held at the old homestead ten miles southeast of Be atrice F H Dobbs and his wife came to Gage county in 1859 Ten children were born to them and all are alive and married and were pres ent Judge William Hay ward of Ne braska City intends to leave for St Louis in his gasoline launch via the Missouri river He will be accompa nied by Ed Gregg of this city and a number of young men from Lincoln They expect to make the trip in less than a week A stranger with a new graft is working among the farmers in Cass county He approaches a iarmer and offers to sell him a water tank which he guarantees will prevent water from freezing in zero weather Failing to make a sale he induces the farmer to act as salesman and has him sign a contract for one to be used as a sam ple as the stranger appears to be very anxions to place one tank in each precinct Two accomplices later ap pear with the contract transformed into a note and demand payment C O English left for McCook to as sume the duties of his new position as general superintendent of the Mc Cook division of the Burlington Mr English has been assistant superin tendent of the Burlington at Aurora for some time The labor unions of Lincoln are plan ning a labor union fair The mer chants will have booths and the unions will establish sweatshops alongside of the union workers in all lines the ob ject being to show the results and objects cf union labor The fair will be held the first week of December Select Wifes Toilets It is a common thing In Paris for a man to accompany his wife to the dressmakers The young wife who has known no gayer attire than the coming out gown of the jesire fillo needs careful advice as to her toilets and her husbanc If he be a certain type of man of tne world knows how to give It Try me just one and I am sure to come again Defiance Starch Hunting in Japan The Japanese always keen sports men used to take most of their game with goshawks and sparrow hawks The only dogs tney used were span iels which Hushed the game But now they are taking to dogs and many good animals are being imported from England Mrs TTlnilowB FVothJnc Syrnp For children teetMcu uoftens thu puna rcdurrr n ttamuiutloa allays p ln cures wlud colli i5c Untie Significance in Colore Colors have three significations when used in decorations one relat ing to things one relative to time one of direction In the first relation red means triumph or success blue means failure blavk signifies death white stands for happiness or peace Many who formerly smoked 10c cigars now smoke Lewis Single Binder straight FJc Ivis Factory Peoria 111 Pay for Abusing Hello Girls An angry man who called a tele phone girl a shecpshcad over the wire in Nuremburg Germany has been fined G25 A Viennese who call ed the woman operator a Chinese in similar circumstances has suffer ed to the extent of 8 I Wont Home to rl from tSravcl Trouble DCK tore failed lr parlil Krniirdys Favorite Ktmedy cured iuc Jlrs C W Kwbii lYturbburfe Antidotes for rlicrobcs A French bacteriologist declares that lemonade cider seltzer and sim ilar drinks will kill typhoid germs while alcohol at 25 per cent destroys microbes an dat 2 per cent prevents their development Murine Eye Remedy euros sore eyes irakes weak eyes strong All druggists 50c Comprehensive If I wrote on till I told you every thing Mavourneen so ran the clos ing paragraph in a certain impassion ed young Irishmans love letter Id still be having a volume to tell you darling New Orleans Picayune Piros Cure for Consumption is an infallible medicine for coughs and colds--X W Saxuez Ocean Grove N J Feb 17 1C00 First Use of Bayonet The bayonet was first used by the French in 1071 It was first made in Bayonne France and was considered a very deadly weapon The British army quickly copied it and other na tions promptly followed suit When Your Grocer Ssys he does not have Defiance Starch you may be sure lie is afraid to koep it un til his stock of 12 oz packages are sold Defiance Starch is not only bet ter than any other Cold Water Starch but contains 16 oz to the package and sells for Fame money as 12 oz Drands What a man can do depends a good deal upon how much faith some good woman has in him The Chum IMPERIAL HERNIA CURE Dr O S Wood cures Rupture by a new process in a few weeks with out loss of time or inconvenience Rectal diseases cured without the knife Send for circular O S Wood M D 521 N Y Life Bldg Omaha A wise girl always pretends to be a little more daffy than the young man she is planning to face the parson with fort to one suffering with sore tender and swollen feet I will recommend ALLENS FOOT EASE to my friends as it is certainly a wonderful remedy Mrs N H Guilford New Orleans La Ohio has second place in the value of mining products cf which the prod uct of coal mines forms nearly one half Kill I III II II I l Hill III I TTB SSSS TE m Two severe cases of Ovarian Trouble and two terrible operations avoided Mrs Emmons and Mrs Coleman each tell how they were saved by Jhho WJ the use of Lydia E Pinkihams Vegetable Compound Deap Jfc PiMKiiAM I Jim so pIojiKcd with tlio rosults obtained from Lylia E rinkhnmH VeliJlo lUniwoimtl that I feel it a duty and a privilege to write you about it I suffered for more than live yoarjj vsih ovarian troubles caus ing an unpleasant discharge a great vnakiiHKH ul at times a fainf ness vould come over nje which no amount oi jnedHii rliet or exereiso seemed to correct Your Vegetable Compound found the weak spot however wi bin a few weeks and avcd uw tvotn an onortiUon all my troubles had disappcjired and j found mysoli once more healthy and well Words fail to describe the real true grafeful feeling that is in my heart and I want to leli eery siek and utVoring sister Donc dally -v ith medicines you krr w nothing about huf f ukc Lyclia E Plulc Iiams Vegetable Compound and take my word lor iyou will be a different woman in a short tiino Alus Laura Jimzions Walker ville Ont Another Case of Ovarian Trouble Cured Without an Operation e- Deati jIns Pikkhui Jor several years I jicv was iroumeu wan ovarian ironine and a painral and inflamed condition which kept me m bed part of the time did so dread a surgical operation T lTirfl rliiliwiii iimiikiiihu liniiimr i r frf Vioffai but nothing seemed o briniv relief until a friend who had been cured of ovarian trouble through the use of your compound induced me to try it I took it faithfully for three months and at the end of that lime vi glad to find thit 1 was a well woman Health is natures best gift to woman iintl if von loso it nnl rvu Iiaw if rcninrfn VV through Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com i nnund I feel that nil KiilVerinir wnmwi should C -V Mcnow of this Mas Laura Belle Cole- j V man Commercia Vegetable Dealt Tbe Passenger Department of the IllinriM Central Railroad Company have recently ivutl a publication Itnown as Circular So Vi in which is described the WEiea The old monk cure strong straight sure tackles prai P n fessf terrifm m this essiita for tlie crowinc oi early strawberries and early dcaier in such 1 prodm Allens Foot Ease Woncerful d - vegetables Every Remedy the underMnul i should address a postal iard to Have tried ALLENS FOOT EASE md j Dubuque Iowa requesting a copy t find it to be a certain cure and gives com- Cireu jrp mebKY Asst GcnIPassr Aprnt GJ Save i on Drugs f T 2L write for our loo pase MiuwuiK iuUJ u cur pni i PATENT MEDKJXKS RlKHKii i GOODS THU i5K SHERMAN McCOKNlLI DRUG CO j Cor 16th and Eodre Omaha Web raises The muscles flex the kinks untwist the soreness dies out Price 25c and 50c Insbeets of PURE ANlLEfjE BLUE o cottle No paddles No waste Gives tbe vunn amount of blueing water each wash day Ask yir trrocer for it or seed 10c for a book of 20 leav The Handy Blueing mk 6sB 1 L Lake Si Chicago III P WlteMY pM SIS1 and will send you prcspectua fee ww 0qus u E tyjtjtfEis cfiSESBfea and full particulars cf NINE SUCCESSFUL GOLD SILVER COPPER LEAD ZINC AND QUICKSILVER Mining Companies if you will send vour name and address Mining Maps Free ARBUCKLE QOODE COiLAlISSJON CO 325 Olive Street St Louis Mo PUTNAM 7 A W W K ArtiL jierytviierc helm Id American market a i S7 to SD1 peril coew to rro x lcs thiu si HI nnAif PT nnv VmmiTinm demand rootn and seed fr silc booklet free wrlio i BEGGS BLOOD P UmFlEE i ozaek onrasMG co DCt b jopiin mo CURES catarrh of the stomach w n u Omaha No 43 -904 Hotel Washville Tenn It is well to rememember such letters as above when wmo druggist tries to get you to buy something which he says is jut if y xl That is impos sible as no other medicine has such a record of cures an Lydia E Iink haxns Vegetable Compound accept no other and you -will be glad Dont hesitate to write to Mrs Pinklmm if there is anything about your sickness you do not understand She will treat you with kindness and her advice is free No woman ever regretted writing her and she has helped thousands nudrcss Lynn Mass FORFEIT if we cannot fnrtbvrltli nrntnn tlio irjluil Mtr3 and slcnatnres of aboro testimonials wLicb vill prove llir ir Lytliu LL iMjjkhuui iiiSin jo Lynn SIu Irawlierr mi v 5 Vr EL JL MLd 2 3 Put your lin ger on our trade mark Tell your dealer you want the best starch your money can buy Insist on having the best DEFIANCE It is i3 ounces for io cents No premiums but one pound of Hie very best starch made We put all our money in the starch y It needs no cocking It b absolutely pure It gives satisfaction or money back THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO Omaha Neb Vbcn iCfnci Advertisements lnivy TIf This Paper DYES Color more coods brighter and faster colors than an- other dye One 10c pactage colors silk wool and collcn equally well anti guaranty- d to give perfect results Ask dealer or we will send post paid at 10c a packace Write lor tree booklet Kcw to Dye aieaclitndHi Colors HUVn vq VnionvUie MUtouri BS3E5f Thompsons Eye Wafsr Icrturjcs in cuh huMly Brown tzasssiszi CUSiS IVIlrHf ALL USE fAtlS tkfUhSirip Tas d kxxL VfZ ii lima -v o by orussts 5 ifiimzi