i i I k I t C f LJi i t B 1 v i I oy 3 a i i it i i A i B I R tt If effllctod with ore eyoi vie S0CC3OSO3OCG2 rrVKJJUU I UlKf kSIAos lJgrrg s K trade MAmt For Cupboard Corner Jacobs 03 Straight strctig sure Is ths beat household remedy for gsmatism Neuralgia Spsraizao Xusnlago Baxiac3 BacKache Soronesa Sciatica 3ififxao23 Price 25c anc3 50c es3GsGGCG 3033ccQ BLINDNESS APJD DEAFNESS CURED AT HOME If you hrvo vroat oyc failing KUatprauulutoa llda scums ovr the eyes or core oyoB or onv kind catarrh ar deafnoiia write mil ilo ecrlitlou o your cuso auil a trlsd treatment will be cent you FREE OF CHARGE This trial treatment lc mild and liarmlcbK anil litis cured many severe capefe lr Moorn wi invnti Kv two Qorcraors Chief K e and Ear Surgeon to tuo Mis souri State Institution lor the Blind mid was also Pro feiaorof the Uyo and Karln the American Medical Col lege Cross oyes KtralKhtened Ijy new painless method write to Dlt J HAItVEY JHOORE Eye and Ear Intltutoi SuiteSO OddJEullowamdE GtIiOUIs eirry mi Vegetable Healers The Passenger Department or the Illinois Central Railroad Company have recently issued a publication known as Circular No 12 in which is described the best territory m Ms oisnfry lor the KrowiiiK of curly strawberries and early vegetables Every dealer in such products should address a postal card to the undersipned at Dubuque Iowa requesting a copy of Circular No 12 J F MERRY Asst Genl Passr Agent MEXICAN Mustang LimsoaeraS cures Cuts Burns Bruises Thompsons Eye Wate 1 3JITlKTTawPwysF yjj vZrf r 3rtj Z EXACT COPY OF WRABPER I 11 Stntlstlcc as to Languages Thore are 332000000 Chinese speaking the samo language making Chineso the most spoken language Thero are many dialects however which seem scarcely to belong to the name tongue The inhabitants of Mongolia and Thibet can barely un derstand the dialect of the people in Pekin Other widely spoken lan guages are as follows in millions English 120 German 70 Russian OS Spanish 44 Portugese 32 Storekeepers report that the extra quantity together with the superior quality of Defiance Starch makes It next to impossible to sell any othei brand Once In the Tropics Valuable scientific discoveries havi recently been made in the Methow valley in Washington which tend to show that that section of the country was once in the tropical zone Some big ledges of rock have been un earthed which when broken apart proved to be formed in layers and be tween the layers were impressions of grasses and leaves such as are found only in the tropics Worlds Fair Visitors Persons attending the great Exposition at St 1 on 1 5 should secure a room close to the Fair nnd In a safe brick building Ho tel Epworlh has all the conveniences of a first class modern hotel within four min utes walk of Convention nnd Administra tion entrance Rates 100 per day nnd up for lodping Meals nt reasonable prices From Union Stntion go to Oilve street tVe Pelmar Garden oar uolng vreat to C000 Our boys meet nil cars Friends of Seagulls On the northeast coast of England in the neighborhood of Whitby a small society is being formed which has as its object the prevention of disease among seagulls If you dont get the biggcest and best its your own fault Defiance Starch Is for sale everywhere and there is positively nothing to equal it In qual ity or quantity The Eagle The eagle has been used as an em blem from the idea of ancient mythol ogy that it was the bird of Jove and was the one that bore the souls of the dying to their abode on Mount Olympus Whale Indulged in Gin In the stomach of one of the whales caught off the coast of Shetland by a whaling steamer has been found a large Dutch gin bottle It was in per feet codition Married life on twenty eight years an average lasts jaOKcM ffiwwt BTvcu w4ji iir kj Ltii VtLif aa vw it i sxi lu MMMMM iU m tuiinu iuui muuiifi urn 4 ituibtuauiwMHinn u Jiru aji WIIPWBWwws mii it inn u 1 1 ilui Niiiirt i mh mtmmt mmimmiit t iurui ariHiwiwu i Agefable Preparalionfor As similating IheFoodandRcgula ting liie Stomachs andBowoIs of Promotes DigealionChcerfur nessandltestCositeins neilher OpiumMorphine norliiieral UotNahcotic Jhpe cfOUU2rSSiCZLFTGlER fimyJun Seed EotkeUeSeUc ylniscSercl JiennLit Atr hfatoyrriJt Jbjw Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Tion Sour StomachDiarrhoca Worms Convulsioits Fcvensh ncss end Loss of Sleep Tac Simile Signature or new YORK IM Fox Infants and Children The Kind Yoo Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of J A Re IB i d a jr IBaib tmb Of UTAun ooaaNr new vork crrr mrMim Si yiT UnAET TTTrrctAVEI D PONDLT TT7HrD TO THEE sSSW hqivje VISITORS EXCURSIONS FROM ALL POINTS ON s iIgUiti PABFBC RAILWAY i GREATLY REDUCED RATES EAST INDIANA WESTERN OHIO LOUISVILLE KY AND INTERMEDIATE POINTG ALSO HAWESYiLLE POWERS LEWISPDRT A8D OWEfiSBCRO KIT September 6ih 13th 20ih 27th anJ October llfh Return limit 30 days DONT MISS THIS CHANCE To visit the old homo and seo your friends of other days POR PARTICULARS IHQUIS OF COMPANYS AQCNT OR II C TOYTCSEXD General Passenger end Tlcixt Agent St Lonls Mo A man may have but one character but he has as many reputations as he lias friends and enemies 100 Reward 100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to leara that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its biases and that I Catarrh Halls Catarrh Curo I the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh belQR a constitutional dlueasc requires a constitu tional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally nctlnc directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by biilldlns up tbo constitution and nsflst ing nature tn doing Its work The proprietors have so much faith In Its curate powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for nuy case that It falls to cure Send for list of testimonials Address F J CHENKY CO Toledo O Sold by all Druggists 5c Take Halls Family Pills for constipation A hang dog look is not always iorn of conscious guilt sometimes it the index of a life of abuse LARGEST IRRIGATION ENTER PRISE IN AMERICA The Twin Falls Land and Water Company located on the Snake river twenty four miles south of Shoshone station the largest irrigation enter prise in America involving r l expen diture of over two million dollars and reclaiming two hundred and seventy five thousand acres of the richest valley lands in the state of Idaho is now practically completed and will be delivering water on the lands within the next sixty to ninety days The main canal sixty nine miles long is eighty feet wide at the bottom one hundred and twenty four ieet at the top and carries ten feet of water The project is being constructed under the Carey act and comes under the im mediate supervision of the Idaho State Land Board Last fall tie Land Board authorized the opening of 30 000 acres of this land to public entry and notwithstanding the fact that no water would be delivered this year all of this land has been absorbed The State Land Board now authorizes the opening of an additional 100000 acres at noon October 20th at Twin Falls City and a great rush is expeoiA ed Mr ilasqueray chief of designs of buildings and grounds at the Worlds Fair St Louis has designed a hotel and townsite known as Twin Falls City in the heart of these lands and a 550000 hotel is now under con struction besides numerous business blocks and residences Over 60000 worth of town lots have been sold within the past sixty days The Ore gon Short Line at an early date will egin the construction of a branch iine from Minidoka through the heart of these lands to the new town ot Twin Falls City It seems to be the general opinion that charity should begin at some Dody elses home THE WORLDS FAJR ST LOUIS Hotel Epworth three blocks from the Admin istration and Convention entrance is a safe permanent brick building of o er 500 rooms Is osts no more to stop at Hotel Eptvorth than at the temporary staff and frame hoteli Kates 1 100 a day and up European plan First class Jininp hall reasonable price Every con venience Headquarters Farmers National Conprcss Rooms may be reserved Deimar harden car on Olive Hctcl Epworth 0300 Washington Ave St Lculs Mo blinding ones own business requires more skill than those who freely rec ommend it seem to realize Hundreds of dealers say the extra quantity and superior quality of De fiance Starch is fast taking place of all other brands Others say they can not sell any other starch I IN GREAT DISTRESS VOMITING SPELLS LONG RESIST ED EVERY EFFORT TO CHECK Mrs Brooka Became So Weak 3ho Thinks She Would Have Died But For Dr Williams Pink Pills Mrs Sarah JL Brooks of No 45 Lin coln Park Chicago Illinois gives the following account of her cure from dis tressing spells of vomiting For five years oli and on I was treated in vain by different doeters for relief from a stomach trouble which showed itself In frequent and trying spells of vomiting Part of the time I was able to work and again I would be confined to bed for three or four days In succession My stomach was at times so deli cate that It would not retain even plain water The spells would some times occnr at Intervals of half an hour and would leave me so weak that 1 would be compelled to He donn between them I would have several oi them during the night following a day of such attacks Finally I be came so weakened that I had to give up working altogether I weighed only ninety fcur pounds Last January I read about Dr Wil liams Pink Pills for Pale People in one of the Chicago dally papers and bought a box and began to use them After I had used half a box I found that I could keep on my Btomach the food I ate I was encouraged by this and kept on using the pills for four months At the end of that time the vomiting spells had ceased altogether and my weight went up to 142 pounds and is still growing I think I surely would have died If it had not been for Dr Williams Pink Pills for I sometimes vomited clear blood and for three or four days at a time I could not eat a bite of any thing One doctor said I had chronic Inflammation of the stomach and an other said my difficulty was a cancer but none of their medicines did me any good at all Finally I concluded that 1 did not have blood enough to digest my food and 1 began the treat ment that has cured me I can eat anything now and have strength for all kinds of work 1 always keep Dr Williams Pink Pills on hand and I recommend them to my friends be cause I know they cured me Dr Williams Pink Pills agree with the most delicate stomachs and strengthen the digestive organs until they do their work perfectly They are sold by all druggists tw v - are- - Sight ic Rare One From Mount Genevieve a peak In Gilpin county Colorado a person can see into four states and one territory On a clear day the observer can dls eern the Uintah mountains of eastern Utah the Medicine Bow range or Wyoming the tips of the Rockies in New Mexico and the principal peaks of Colorado The plains stretching to the east are plainly visible clear into Nebraska I do not believe Plows Cure for Consumpyo bas an equal for coughs and colds Jorrr F BorEtt Trinity Springs Ind Feb 15 100Q How to Test a Diamond To test a diamond rub vogorously with a bit of silk for a moment and the stone if a diamond will attract bits of wool cotton or paper Expose the stone to the direct rays of the sun for a few moments and remove to a darkened room If it is a diamond it will glow An Imitation diamond shows a number of images when one looks through it The diamond shows but one Murine Eye Remedy cures sore eyes makes weak eyes strong All druggists 50c Value of Pride We mortals men and women de Tour many a disappointment between breakfast and dinner time keep back the tears and look a little pale about the lips and in answer to inquiries say Oh nothing Pride helps us and pride Is not a bad thing when it only urges us to hide our own hurts not to hurt others George Eliot Lewis Single Binder straight oc cigar Price to dealers 3600 per M They cost some more than other brands but no more than a good 5c cigar should cost Lewis Factory Peoria III Church of Solid Coral A church of solid coral is a curiosity of the Isle of Mahe This island ris ing 3000 feet is the highest of the Seychelles group in the Indian ocean and its buildings are all from square blocks hewn from massive coral and glistening like white marble Dr David Kcrmody8 Favorite Kemedy taTr1 my life I IiimI dvspeppla and kidney disease Ei benalor Albert Merrltt Park Place N II a bottle Expert Testimony There are fifteen symptoms of drunkenness said a medical witness in an English police court The judge hastily fined the defendant 5 and called for the next case rirs V71nglowB Soollilnf Syrnp For children teething sof tens the purcF reduces to flamuintlou allays pain cured wind colli 15c a bottle Dates a Staple in Africa In some partji of Africa dates form the main food of the natives their huts are composed chiefly of the leaves the fibre of the leaf stalks is employed in rope making and from the sap is obtained an intoxicating drink Dealers say that as soon as a cus tomer tries Defiance Starch it is im possible to sell them any other cold water starch It can be uceJ cold or boiled Not one man in ten in usand leaves his impress upon his fellows which probably is fortunate for his fellows Many Children Are Sickly Mother Grays Sweet Powders f orChildren used by Mother Gray a nurse in Childrens Home New York euro Summer Complaint FeverisbnessHeadacheStcinach Troubles Teethiug Disorders and Destroy Worms At all Druggists 25c Sample maied FREE Address Allen S Olmsted Le Roy N Y It would take more than a sky scraper elevator to elevate some peo ple fi W i JL vA fi 8 THE LADY WHO RONS Knows how important it h to usz agood starch Defiance Starch is the best starch m3dc it doesnt stick to the iron It gives a beauti ful soft flossy stiffness to the dothes It wil not blister or crack the goods It sells for less gees farther does more Ask the lady who irons Defiance Starch at all grocers 16 cz for 10 cents HI Ids DfflAKE STA2G1 CO M OMAHA - - KEB n Wmi t y - - it sssr 1 r iwwsmm mm B in9 QuiK jIU M 74T Lli l r lvjLcuiy wumcii arcuemea rne nappiness ot children through derangement of the genera tive organs Mrs Beyer advises women to use Lydia E PinlAams Vegetable Compound Dear Mns PrNiciiAar I suffered with stomach complaint for years I got so bad that I could not carry my children but live months then would have a miscarriage The last time I became pregnant my husband got me to take Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound After taking the first bottle I was relieved of the sickness of stomach and began to feel better in every way I continued its use and was enabled to carry my baby to maturity I now have a nice baby girl and can work better than I ever could before I am like a new wo man Mrs Frank Beyer 22 S Second St Meriden Conn Another case which proves that no other medicine in the world accomplishes the same results as Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound iWmz mm tW W l Mm 3 - r mS24 T0 l Dear Mrs Pixkiiax I was married for five years and gave birth to two pre mature children After that I took Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound and it changed me from a weak nervous woman to a strong happy and healthy yife within seven months With in two years a lovely little girl was bora who is the pride and joy of my household If every woman who is cured feels as grateful and happy as I do you must have a host of friends for every day I bless you for the light health and happi ness Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound has brought to my home Sincerely yours Mrs Mae P Wharry Flat 31 The Norman Milwaukee Wis Actual sterility in woman is very rare If any woman thinks she is sterile let her writa to Mrs Pinkhani at Lynn Mass whose advice is given free to all would be and expectant mothers P ftftft FORFEIT if wa cannot forthwith produce the original letters and signatures of Stag IB Eg 1 above testimonials which Till prove their absolute sciiiiinnes5 yHiSU Itfcliu E Iiullfn - - Great Reduction in Rates via WABASH RAILROAD Home visitors excursions sold every Tuesday in September and October 11th Half fare plus 200 for the round trip to all points In Indiana points In Ohio and Kentucky 5850 St IjOus and return sold daily except Friday and Saturday S13S0 St Louis and return sold daily 2715 Buffalo Niagara Falls or Toronto and return sold daily 52150 Detroit and return sold dally 2000 Chicago and return one way via St T ouis sold daily Long limit and stop over allowed at St Iouis on ALL tickets Schedule of our Fast trains Read down 45 a mG30 p m Lv 800 a m645 p m Lv 733 p m 1700 a m Arr 7E0 m715 c m Arr These trains run daily Omaha Council Bluffs Vorlds Fair Station St Louis Read up Arr 300 p mS20 a in Arr S4 p m800 a m Lv 915 a m745 p m Lv 900 a m720 p xn Compare this time with othpr lines The Wabash lands all passengers at and checks baarsrace to Its own stntion at main entrance of Worlds fair grounds Think what this means quick time extra car fare saved and a delightful trip and you are not all tired out before entering the Exposition grounds All Agents can route you via the Wabash R R For baautiful Worlds Fair folder and all information address HARRY E MOORES G A P D Wab R R Omaha Neb 1 f Sr Zyy lm WWMI WMWWBMWBMMMPMJMnWMWiMniiMWMWMiWMMWHWW I 11 jT JKir Li X JrJ r IS eSs 1 fake -Down Repeating Shotguns Dont spend from 50 to S2G0 for a gun when for so much less money you can buy a Winchester Take Down Repeating Shotgun which wil outshoot and outlast the highest priced double barreled gun besides being as safe reliable and handy Your dealer can show you one They are sold everywhere FREE Ox I0 Paqe Illustrated Catelcgze WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO NEW HAVEMCONN 7 lr5 H fi l a l3 4 Bfc inaB PLycisi In sheets of PURE AiILIHE BLUE No waste Givrsthesams imount of blueing water each Abl you r grocer for it or 10c for a booi of 25 leaves Ihs Hand mmtez Book Bl E Lsks Sfr efaicseJU PL U JL J JL Color more ooeds brighter and aster colors than an other dye One 10c packaje colore silk wool and cotton equally eli and s Guaranteed to oive neriect results Ask dealer or we will send post paid at 10c a pckaoe Write for free booklet How to Dje Bleach and Mix Colors MOXHOf IHzl u CO UnionvlUe Missouri Fortunes In little r ens Kanlly crown everywhere bella in J American market at 87 to 813 per lb costs to KrowleB than II Big demand roots ana eeeu lor U dsir OZARK GIXSENG W N U Omaha When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper i IMMsi tel LUflrb VWItKS ALL LLSh fAJLS K3 aie oooKietlree vrrue I I V5Q t iiagn ojrup icstesuooa uru wsa CO DeptTS Jolialfc j SrlQ 151 flftH PTI12T7Tl7P Eg In time aoiq br druggists lf 1 J Sat5