The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 30, 1904, Image 6

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Ecst of Backs Give Out Under tha
f Burden of Daily Toll
J Lieut George G Warren of No 3
Chemical Washington D C Bays
Its an honest fact that Doans Kid
ney Pills did me a great lot of good
and if It were not
true I would not
recommend them
It was the strain
of lifting that
brought on kid
ney trouble and
w e a k c ue d my
back but sinco
using Doans Kid
ney Pills I havo
lifted six hundred pounds and felt no
bad effects I have not felt the trou
blo como back since although l had
suffered for Ave or six years and
othor remedies had net helped me at
For salo by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Mllburn Co Buffalo
Tho moment we feel angry in con
troversy we have already ceased striv
ing for truth and begun striving for
ourselves Carlyle
Bowls This
T7o offer Ono Hundred Dollars Howard for fry
cabo of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by IUIIj
Catarrh Cure
Wo tho undersigned have known F J Cheney
for tho lent 15 voarM aud bullovo him perfectly hon
orable In nil buxliietiB Inmnaclloufl and financially
able to cairy out nny obligations made by hUflnu
WJjoIohmIc Drugstata Toledo O
Hairs Catarrh Cuio Is taken Internally acting
directly upon the blood und uiucou surfaces of the
cyctem TcxtlinonliiU went free lrlco 75 cents per
bottle Bold by all Drtinulslrf
Take Halls Family rills for constipation
The Marriage Partnership
Marriage is a partnership and as
one partner in a business house is
not grateful to the other partner for
paying him Ins portion so a wife
siould not be expected to be grateful
to her husband And if she has a right
to her money she has a right to her
own life which is the gift of God
Everybodys Magazine
Brunettes Before Blondes
The majority of city men choose a
dark girl as typewriter in preference
to a fair one said the manager of a
typist employment bureau They ap
parently think lite brunette more ener
getic and business like
Millions in Melons
Thirty million dollars have been
paid by the East to Colorado melon
growers in the Arkansas valley dis
trict since the discovery of the famous
Rocky Ford cantaloupes
Golf Good Womans Game
Golf is an excellent game for wom
en as the maximum of pleasure and
exercise is to be obtained with tho
minimum of labor
Lcscon For Women
Jersey Shore Pa Sept 2G Special
Douds Kidney Pills have done
worlds of good for me Thats what
Mrs C B Earnest of this place has
to say of the Great American Kidney
I was laid up sick Mrs Earnest
continues and had not been out of
bed for five weeks Then I began to
use Dodds Kidney Pills and now I am
so I can work and go to town without
suffering any I woulfl not be with
out Dodds Kidney Pills I have good
reason to praise them everywhere
Women who suffer should learn a
lesson from this and that lesson is
cure tho kidneys with Dodds Kidney
Pills and your suffering will cease
Womans health depends almost en
tirely on her kidneys Dodds Kidney
Pills have never yet failed to make
healthy kidneys
European Forests
The percentage of the wooded areas
of European countries as compared
with their total areas is as follows
Finland 512 Sweden 493 Russia
404 Austria 32G Luxemburg 291
Hungary 277 Germany 2G1 Servia
249 Turkey 234 Norway 22 Rou
mania and Switzerland 214 each
Bulgaria 208 The other European
countries have less than 20 per cent
of woodland England has the smallest
wooded area 3G per cent
Worlds Fair Visitors
Persons attending the great Exposition
at St Louis should secure a room close to
the Fair and in a safe brick building Ho
tel Ip worth has all the conveniences of a
first class modern hotel within four min
utes walk of Convention and Administra
tion entrance Rooms 100 per day and up
Mens at reasonable prices From Union
Station go to Olive street take Dclmar
Garden car going West to CG00 Our boy3
meet all cars
Wouldnt That Petrify You
At Knaresborough castle in York
shire in a dropping well in which
if pieces of wood sprigs of trees or
flowers are dropped they are petri
fied or turned to stone It would
doubtless serve a humanbeing in the
same way only nobody appears will
ing to try the experiment
Monument tc Lithographers
The town of Eothenhoffen Bavaria
noted for its quarries of lithographic
stones has decided to erect a monu
ment to Seuefclcler the inventor of
n officer sent to Investigate tho
affairs of a government farm in the
Transvaal near Potcerstroom found
an expert at 4000 a year an assist
ant at 2000 and another at 1500 in
charge of 200 cliickens Similar man
agement had resulted in a loss to
date of 1500000
It is suggested that perhaps one rea
son why martial law is so often pro
claimed in the South American repub
licse is that it suspends the payment
of debts
Dainty Separate Waists i meeting in the center and small pear
The separate waist Is spoken of as buttons in rows down ench ifir
a possibility for the coming winter I There is a high collar in white with
and many indications point to 3uch a
decree of fashion
Some charming models recently im
ported from Paris suggest that a gen
eral movement in favor of the con-
Taffeta Costumes for the House
These are certainly qujte as appro
priate if not more so for afternoon
and reception wear but they are be
coming and are perfectly suitable for
the house Taffeta this year has
proved one of the most fashionable
of materials It is now manufactured
in such a way that it is soft and pli
able has luster if so desired and has
also rather a dull finish It looks well
plaited and gathered and also shows
to advantage if plain Consequently
it is likely to remain a leading favor
ite for some time to come
A most charming and attractive
mum r Vffo
Design by May Manton
that may be preferred The quantity
of material required for a child of 4
years of age is 3 yards 27 or 2 yards
32 inches wide
Striped o Plaid Blouse
There is a distinct vogue the first
of the fall days for the fancy striped
or plaid blouse tobe worn with a
plain colored skirt This is smart in
a striped soielame the ground being
white with stripes of lilac the bread
ones a deeper color and the hairlines
fainter This is fashioned with the
favorite vest effect the bias strirjes
a shaped strapping in velvet around
the neck below The shoulder takes
almost a cape form and the sleeves
show a puff to the elbow where it is
met by a deep strapped cuff The
venient little garment is already on skirt in white sicilienne has a hin
foot yoke beneath which are many gores
A special favorite would seem to be alternately plain and plaited and
white taffeta Not the stiff unpiastic overlaid box plaits appear front and
taffeta of a few seasons ago but the back
soft flexible goods which now goes
by that name
Daintiness is a prime requisite of
the fancy separate waists and the
French models mentioned are delight
ful examples or what such a blouse
may be
They are elaborately tucked and
plaited with trimming of appliques of
Venetian lace and Irish point bro
derie anglaise and Irish crochet
The French are combining these
blouses witha skirt of white surah
The result is a practical little cos
tume which can be varied from even
ing to evening by a wearer of eco
nomical tendencies
White taffeta skirts are also obtain
ing a wide popularity just now in
Paris They take the place filled by
the white cloth skirt in winter
A Recognized Favorite
Norfolk styles always suit young
girls admirably well and are adapted
alike to jacket suits and to coats for
general wear This one is new as
Lwell as smart and includes a yoke the
extensions of which serve to hold the
box plaits As shown it is made of
blue and green checked cheviot with a
finish of narrow braid and handsome
i buttons To make the coat for a girl
of 14 years of age will bo required 4
VOVflc t mnfofml 97 V vnrlr AA tl
gown made of pale rose pink taffeta
2 yards 52 mches wide
- f ce0o f o f
10 muuucu 111 LUC i j uujjtau Ul UUw v
the autumn brides The skirt is a
most elaborate creation with no less
than seven bias flounces or rather
Shoulder Capes
Some slender women are wearing
ruffles at the back It has the same I uZ T
1 drawn across their shoulders rathei
mimuur m nuui uniy tuey art nuiuu
narrower and nut closer together
above these ruffles is a band of lace
insertion Ihe upper part ot the skirt
is entirely of lace Avith the exception
of a narrow shirred yoke
Capes of Cluny or Yak Lace
Among the prettiest trifles in the
way of smart dressing for the late
summer days are the little circular
capes of some coarse lace Cluny or
Yak dyed to match the color of the
gown or left in their natural color
Some of these fasten down the front
with little black ribbon bows Others
have black chiffon arranged in stole
fashion down either side of the front
with big rosettes of the same at the
neck and heading the fall of accord- j
ion pleated chiffon which forms a
sort of tassel at the waist line
Of Linen Batiste
Simple frocks that are made with
skirt and waist in one giving unbrok
en lines from the shoulders to the
lower edge are always becoming to
the little folk and always in style
This one is daintiness itself and is
made of sheer linen batiste with hand
sewed tucks hemstitching and French
knots the collar and wrist bands be
ing edged with narrow frills embroid
ered by hand All materials used for
dresses of the sort are however
equally suitable and the finish can be
lace machine embroidery or anything
than fitting over them and often
are they most becoming when trim
med with several cross rows of melt
ings three or four usually Lace rib
bon pinked out soft silks or mousse
lines are used in these ruchings
sometimes matching the capes some
times in contrast with all white capes
They have a pretty Romney effect
with bunched up ends over the bust
or else permitting the ends to hang
in a long stole effect
Cherry Organdie Frock
An organdie in white with bunches
of pale cherries scattered over it was
simply made with a skirt tucked
around the hips for fulness and a
graduated flounce Yards and yards
of white baby ribbon edged with nar
row Valenciennes trimmed the gown
Two rews wont on the skirt above the
flounce and a third one had loops that
extended into the flounce Large dia
monds of the ribbon and lace trimmed
the flounce and the taffeta sash war
outlined with the lace edged ribbon
Bracelets Coming in Again
Bracelets are once more coming
into vogue a tact probably duo to
the return of the elbow sleeve for
house gowns of all sorts A cliarra
bracelet is the latest fad and it is
hung with marvelous little replicas of
I famous statuary animals insects in
precious stones and mummies pre
sumably bringers of good luck
Fashions for Fall
Stocks yokes and berthas cf very
fine lawn will be much worn in the
fall They are counted among the
directoire suggestions A favorite
pattern shows scalloped edges head
ed by bow knots with long grace
ful streamers all done in satin stitch
with mercerized floss Every girl
should have one of these dainty acces
sories in her wardrobe as they will
bo worn with both cloth and silk
New Vay of Making Tea
Among the various was in which
tea can be brewed an authority rec
ommends the following Moisten an
ounce of tea finely ground with cold
water and let it stand twenty min
utes Then pour on the tea a scant
pint of boiling water and in one min
ute it is ready to drink
New and Becoming Fashion
I Sets of jeweled clasps throui
which to thread the velvet ribbon
necklace and bracelet which are now
worn en suite have been brought bad
from London by returned travelers
This fashion is a universally becom
ing one
Flower Sashes
A new pattern in the flower sashes
shows a daisy chain running through
the center in garland drapery Grace
ful bunches of pink clover are set
on either side of the scallops formed
by these garlands
Ropes of Big Black Beads
Big black ebony beads are being
forced on the feminine world by
Parisian milliners Ropes of them
are used to encircle the high crowned
Democratic Norrrlrjees Letter of Ac
ceptahec Made Public
Judge Parke rs letter supplement
ing his acceptance of the nomination
for President of the United State3
tendered him by the national Demo
cratic convention has been made pub
lie In the document he reiterates his
belief in the gold standard and ex
presses appreciation of the action ol
the convention on the subject
The Judge points out what he con
slders the dangers in the centralizing
of power in the national government
and takes strong ground against the
so called policy of Imperialism
Tariff reform is declared to be one
of the cardinal principles of the Dem
ocratic party and its necessity at thii
time great The Dingley tariff law
the Judge asserts is unjust and op
pressive and properly named thii
Mother of Trusts He commits the
party to a change in tariff rates in
the event of a Democratic victory in
November reasserting his belief that
the Republican senate will be unable
to prevent it
Though disproved by official statis
tics the charge is made that the cost
of living has increased far beyond ad
vance in wages and for this condition
the rapacity of the trusts fosterec
by the Dingley tariff is held to blame
On the subject of the trusts the
document deals only in generalities
pointing out no remedy and saying
only I favor such further legisla
tion within constitutional limitations
as will best promote and safeguard
the interests of all the people
Reciprocal trade treaties as advo
cated by President McKInley Judgt
Parker indorses He makes the claim
that tho Republican majority in the
Senate has prevented the ratificatior
or these treaties in the past
On the question of the independence
of the Filipinos the candidate advo
cates such measures of freedom as
the Cubans enjoy but not until il
can prudently be granted
The Republican policy of the re
clamation of arid lands in the Wesl
is indorsed
Immediate building of the Panama
canal is urged though the documenl
criticises the unjust methods by
which it is alleged the United States
secured the route and rights
A policy favorable to the buildinn
up of an American merchant marine
is advocated though the methods bj
which this should be done are ncl
mentioned The granting of subsidies
lor the purpose is denounced
Judge Parker promises in the even
cf the election of a Democratic execu
tive and Congress a full investigation
of all government departments
Liberal pension laws he declares
are simply acts of justice Presidenl
Roosevelts action in promulgating
Pension Order No 78 granting pen
sions to all v erans over the age ol
G2 is sharply censured and the prom
ise made that it will be revoked i
the party is given power
A policy of non interference in the
affairs of the world the Judge de
clares the proper course to pursue
He makes the charge that govern
mental expenditures are too high anc
blames the administration for allege j
Abduction Case Has Caused Sensation
in Cairo Egypt
A sensational abduction case involv
ing a lineal descendant of the proph
et Mohammed and a pair of real Aral
sheiks is reported from Cairo in
Egypt Sheik Ali Joussef fell in love
with the daughter of Sheik el Saddat
The guTs father who is said to be the
sole living descendant of the prophet
Mohammed refused his consent to tuc
marriage as he did not think Ali Jous
set was a fit person to be the hua
band of a girl oi such noble lineage
Ali Joussei however abducted the
girl and placed her in his harem
Her lather appealed to the Egyptian
government with the result that a de
tachment of armed police was uis
11riiari tfi Ali TrsRfif s harem Th
denizens of the harem to follow them
in a veiled procession to the he use ol
Sheik el Saddat where his daughter
was finally selected from the rest of
the women and detained
Ali Jousself has now it is said be
gun proceedings before the British au
thorities and has obtained the serv
ices of an English lawyer
He Wished to Be Truthful
The sour and surly looking visitox
called the little boy to him and tool
him on his knee It so happened thai
at this particular time he wished tc
make friends with him in order tc
stand well with his parents
I like little boys said the visitor
The boy looked as if he doubted
it but he held his peace
That is explained the visitor ir
order that there should be no mistake
I like good little boys and youre
a good little boy arent ycu
Well returned the boy cautious
1- there are a lot worse than me or
our street
I wish that you should lilze me
too persisted the visitor
Again the boy was wise enough tc
hold his peace but he looked as if he
thought the job was a pretty big one
The expression was not lost on the
Dont you like me now he asked
The boy looked at the visitor and
sighed Then he looked at his father
and his expression was one of greal
Pop he said at last does all thai
stuff that you told me about nevei
telling a lie go or not
Then the meeting was promptly ad
journed amid considerable confusion
Secret of Success
My success as a fiction writer
remarked the man with the ink
stained fingers has enabled me to
pile up quite a large bank balance
Indeed exclaimed the new club
member Its queer I never hap
pened to get hold of any ot your
Oh I dont write hooks replied
the literary party My specialty is
writing advertisements for summer
The Ideal and the Real
What a change a woman can make
in a mans life sighed the very
young man
Right you are my boy rejoined
the scanty haired man who had been
up against the matrimonial game for
many years and what a lot of change
she requires while doing it
Mrs Peck Good gracious Henry
how do you wear out your socks so
Henry Why you see my dear you
make me shake in my shoes so much
Philadelphia Bulletin
She was back from Europe
Werent you afraid over
ve asked you a lone young
among ell those foreigners
No she said The only time
I wished to be a man was the day I
got heme to America
Because I didnt have a cent and
a weman cant go around touching
her friends you know
His View of It
carrier pigeon on the wing
said the fancier is the very poetry
ot motion
You mean said the unsuccessful
rhymster that it has the motion of
poetry dont you No matter low
often or how far you send it out its
sure to come back Catholic Stand
ard and Times
Similar But Different
A widow remarked the very
young man always has words of
praise for her late husband
Yes rejoined the man with the
absent hair but its different with
the sleepy wife when her liege lord
meanders in about 2 a m
Kentucky View
colonel said the young man
with the paper I see that down south
they are finding snakes in cabbage
You dont say sub replied the
surprised colonel Who is it that
has invented a way of distilling cab
Comment on Existing Thingc
Barre Howes was quite indignant
when he heard what you were about
HeEays you cant make a fool of him
police made a forcible entry to the j
premises and in order to be sure thai
they had taken possession of the per
son wanted they ordered all the fair
Shedd Of course net but I can di
rect public attention to what is al
ready in existence
Fair passenger Yvhat are the wild
waves saying
Uneasy escort I think they are
guying me judging from the queer
way I feel Pittsburg Chronicie Tele
No Real Joy
Deacon Jones In that better land I
fully believe There will 02 no classes
but all will be on the same level
Mrs Niftie Mercy Donr you
hink that would be perfectly disgust
ng Nobody to look down upon
Boston Trancript
Feminine Charity
He Miss Dimpleton has teeth like
She That probably accounts for it
He Accounts for what
She The feet that she is dumb as
in ctcr
Rear Admiral Hichborn
i A
Lf1ffTi9 v 5 Jisl W S f til L i
alVhinglonDC fl
Philip HichboroRear Admiral United
States Navy writes from Washington
D C as follows
After tho use of Peruna for a short
oerJod I can now cheerfully recom
mend your valuable remedy to any on
who Is In need of an Invigorating
tonic Philip Hichborn
No remedy ever yet devised has re
ceived such unstinted eulogy from so
many renowned statesmen and military
men as leruna
Our army and navy are the natural
protection of our country Peruna is
the natural protection of the army and
navy in the vicissitudes of climate and
If you do not derive prompt and satis
faetory results from the use of Peruna
write tit onee to Dr Hartman giving- a
full statement of jour ease and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis
Address Dr nartman President of
The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus
W N U Omaha
No 401S04
Every housekeeper should know
that if thoy will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use they
will savf not only time because it
never sticks to the iron but because
each package contains li o one full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up In -pound pack
ages and the price is the same 10
cents Then again because Defiance
Starch is free from all injurious chem
icals If your grocer tries to sell you
a 32 oz package it is because he has
a stock on hand which he wishes to
dispose of before he puts in Defiance
He knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package in Itrge let
ters and figures JG ozs Demand
Defiance and save much time and
monej and the annoyance of the iron
sticking Defiance never sticks
Intemperance amoa young women
in rural districts is said to be rare
Home Visitors Excursion Tickets ta
Indiana and Ohio
Via The Northwestern Line
vill be sold at very low rates on four
Iuesdavs Sept ith 20th and 27th
mil Oct 11th limited to return within
20 days from date of sale
For particulars as to territory to
which excursion tickets may be solJ
2tc apply
City Offices 1 1CM40S Fariiam St
Omaha Neb
No man was ever discontented with
the world who did his duty in it
Very Low Rates to St Paul-Minneapolis
Via The Northwestern Line
Excursion tickets will be sold at
tne fare plus 50 cents en Sept 23th
29th aud 50th with favorable return
limits on account of Gideons conven
City Offices 1401 1403 Farnam St
j mah a Neb
Light heart seldom
joes with a light
The Best Results in Starching
can be obtained only by using De
Jiance Starch besides getting 4 oz
more for the same iriney no cooking
Let prayer be the key of the morn
ing and the bolt of the evening
zZVt Xofltorrc ranaesaTe
Si i 3 riTst days Uot or Dr Kllnr CreotNf rve Kto
or Send for VKE1 SS2Cl t Ii bottlo id treatise
SB K 2 Uiisr Ltd Jil Arch 1 tnt Iilndelplua It
Character is property it is the no
blest of pesse sions
Important to Mothers
nosiine ccrui every boto or CASTOTjIA
t safe and Fiirc rtaeiiy for infanta and chcren
end 2e that li
Bears the
Signature of
c Tor Over CO Yccra
The Kind You Hare Always Boash
Judge not thy friend until thou
stand in his place
He that wrestles with us strength
ens our nerves and sharpens our
skill Our antagonist is our helper
Ones everyday ho is a surer re
vealer of character than ones public
acts J K Miller
We can hardly learn humility and
tenderness enough except by suffer
ing Georgo Eliot
Tranquility is nothing else than a
good ordering of the mind Marcus