4 t to 1 1 Mf t r w rs 1 K C X C H O O L S H O E S s c H O O L s H o E 1 s 1 I 1 1 1 vV ers Pills r SCHOOL SHOES- cmitfuaammajaw wGiffflfrfVk ewv vWI W fcryVyftflk v ii tJBrKf r isre Si3 KRW piPafttr Act directly on the They cure constinai hllinifonann r r tiiJilA wiuuoujai cnun iicuuiiuiir f Sold for 60 yearsfcAgfcj Want your moustache or beard RliPlflMRUAMQ F1Y aljeautiful brown or rich black TkP PiLV M l I US rirrr ere ok Miuaauis on r p jloi co iiasuua k n f N W0J II l iwSi WJ 1 vgji iSJ f4 A Lesson in Arithmetic You can buy a Range or Stove made of poor material hastily put to gether by incompetent workmen for very little money It will NEVER give satisfaction and will only Inst a few years with careful use On the other hand you can buy a CHARTER OAK RANGE or STOVE made of the best material by the most skilled workman for a reasonable amount of money It will ALWAYS give satisfaction and will outlast a half dozen of the cheap kind It also effects a saving of fuel Which is the Cheapest In the End A Nice Line to Select From at I InPli m H rail fll vL HLIL ram SCHOOL SHOES- O ic pa ii m m k iju mMitav fcgncwosJc McCOOK b NEBRASKA TO EVERY PURCHASER a Pair of School Shoes Our stock of School Shoes is the Largest we have ever shown Our Aim is to merit a reputation for responsibility OBEL SHOE SIORl A E PETTY Proprietor SCHOOL SHOES McCook Nebraska e Man zc tHe Machine Mr Alexander T Brown inventor of the Smith Premier Typewriter is unquestionably the foremost writing machine expert of the world Besides he is a practical and successful business man He built the first Xail J not only for handsome and speedy work but to endure under the severest demands of actual business The Smith Premier is free from the weaknesses of eccentric impractical con struction and to day embodies the latest demonstrated improvements of this typewriter expert Mr Brown as Vice President of this Company will continue to devote his entire time and inventive genius to maintain the Smith Premier where it now stands as the Worlds Best Typewrites Send to day for our little book ex plaining exactly why the Smith Premier is best TJe Smith Premier Typewriter Company Corner lTih and FarnamSts OMAHA NEB CsJSS C H O O L S H 0 E S s c H 0 O L s H O -SCHOOL SHOES Y TgKstsa xfttaumisasssBzass22g FREE RURAL DELiyERY ROUTE NO 1 Improve the roads Dont monkey with tbonisiil boxes Dont fuil to uppreciuto your R E D route The new rural free delivery wngon will be a dandy- Get that mail box and be in tho swim with tho rest of the boys E- E Rogers is building himself a now barn on tho old Meeker place Deacon Morlans new barn in the Delta will be tho pride of tho neighbor hood J Will Johnson and family of Brush Creek have gone to California to make their home there R D Rodgers is pushing along his now house rapidly and will soon be able to occupy tho same School will open in district No 2 the Nelson Downs district next Monday morning with Miss Susie Lellcw of Mc Cook as teacher Colonel and Mrs Walter E Corwin of Lakewood ranch are entertaining Miss Elsie J E Asten and Miss Mary D Harris of New York stato William Baumbach hns let tho con tract for a new brick house on his farm It will bo of brick 32x32 feet dimensions one storv and will cost better than S1200 Mrs W N Rogers left on Monday night for Pueblo where the Colorado state fair is now flourishing Mr Rogers is there with his show herd of prize winning llerefords Emergency Medicines It is a great convenience to have at hand reliable remedies for use in cases of accident and for slight injuries and ailments A good liniment and one that is fast becoming a favorite if not a house hold necessity is Chamberlains Tain Balm By applying it promptly to a cut bruise or burn it allays tho pain and causes the injury to heal in about one third the time usually required and as it is an antiseptic it prevents any danger of blood poisoning When Pain Balm is kept at hand a sprain may be treated bo fore inflammation sets in which insures a quick recovery For sale by all drug gists Time Card McCook Neb MAIN LINE KAST DEPART No G Central Timo 12 14 i AN 1115 020 900 yo No arrives from east at 8 p m MAIN LINE -WEST nEPAET No 1 Mountuin Time 1154 3 11 - 5 750 13 850 p M A M A XI P M A M P M P SI AM IMPERIAL LINE No 170 arrived Mountain Time 540 P M No 175 departs 645AM Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars sats free on through trains Tickets sold add baggage checked to any point in tho United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or write George Scott Agent Mc Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Passen ger Agent Omahu Nebraska s5 Wash BLUE For Sate By I I l I ALL ZLs WISE I I I I I GROCERS IIP 1 1 I J r i i T DIRECTIONS FOR USE Wiggle Stick around in the water WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm Be prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee lTN rsSii J Sail lNJ IBBJSHJD rnRflONU3iLS A3 ij 8 Vf a n a TESTIMONIAL Dolmont S D Dec 17 1902 I used L K for hog cholera and it was all right It cured my hogs I had three sick oins and they all got well and done line I al o used it for chicken lice and mites and it is nil you claim for it It is the only Medicine for hog cholera I think Gottlieb Jeeke Harrington Neb Dec 11 1902 I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased with it I am sure I saved mj hogs with it last year and am going to keep it in stock all the time as it is the best thing I ever had on the plnce for everything it is intended for It is good for chicken cholera lice on stock insects of all kinds it will destroy all kinds F W Woman JAHES CAIN Manufactured by tho National Medical Com pany Sheldon Iowa SHERIFFS SALE By virtno of an order of tale issued from the district court of Red Willow county Ne braska under a decree in an action wherein Charles E Gibson is plaintiff and Fannio Coleman et a are defendants to me directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and -ell to the highefc bidder for cash at the east door of the court iiouse in McCook Red Willow county Nebraska on the 3rd day of October lJ04 at tho hour of 1 oclock p in the following described real estate to wit The south half of tho southwest quarter of section 34 in township 4 range 30 west of tho Sixth Principal Merid ian in Red Villow county Nobraskn Dated this 1st day of September 1904 A C Ceabtbed Sheriff Boyle fc Eldred Attorneys atLJS ff r INDIANOLA McCooks coroner was on our streets Wednesday Fred Vering had business at the county seat Saturday last J R Jackson of Lebanon was an Indianola visitorgThursday Allen P Day and wife are visiting relatives and frieuds in Ohio G B Thomas and wife of McCook were Indianola visitors Saturdav JudgoKeyes and family returned from their southern trip Tuesday evening John Lias is confined to the house by sickness Their infant child is also very sick Miss Lolia Fiddler of Bartley was in town Friday and Saturday canvassing for some books Mrs W D Williams and daughter of Bartley were in town Saturday doing some shopping Master Clarence Iloagland visited with Bonnie and Artie Smithjast Satur day and Sunday American hog wiro fence at Colemans at 20c a rod while tho present car lasts Opportunity of a lie time We chronicle another ball game which took place last Saturday between Bartley and Asn Creek Bartley won Mrs Hess and Major went down to Pawnee City for a few weeks visit with her son John Tolman of that place A good rain visited this drouth stricken part of the land Tuesday even ing and settled the dust in fine shape Mrs William McCullum Mrs W D Mackechnie Miss Angie Quick and Miss Flora Quick were McCook pilgrims Thursday The Lebanon base ball boys wero shut out by the Stockville club at Indianola Thursday The score was 7 to 0 in Stockvilles favor Pete Spohn section boss at this place has resigned his position and will go to Culbertson A Mr Miller will take his place on the section Hon J T Ellis of Indiana spoke to a good house at the opera hall Monday evening He is a forcible speaker and made a good impression Robt Humes and wife have moved into the new home they have bought from J J Hillers The children will farm the home place the coming year During the storm of last Tuesday a young son of Joseph Keiku living about seven miles northwest of Indianola was instantly killed by a bolt of lightning A Boys Wild Ride For Life With family around expecting him to die and a son riding for life 18 milesto get Dr Kings New Discovery for con sumption coughs and colds W II Brown of Leesville Ind endured deaths agonies from asthma but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him He writes I now sleep soundly every night Like mar velous cures of consumption pneumonia bronchitis coughs colds and grip prove its matchless merit for all throat and lung troubles Guaranteed byLWMc Connell druggist Price 50c and SI Trial bottles free A Power For Good The pills that are potent in their ac tion and pleasant in effect are DeWitts Little Early Risers W S Philpot of Albany Ga says During a bilious attack I took one Small as it was it did me more good than calomel blue mass or any other pill I ever took and at the same time the effect was pleasant Little Early Risers are certainly an ideal pill Sold by L W McConnell COLEMAN J U Smith brought out a new disc drill Wednesday Preaching October 9th at Pleasant hill by C llauxwell Frank Coleman was in McCook Wed nesday with a load of fat hogs Uncle Billy is at his old tricks again but this time it was peaches he sent out John U Smith has bought a farm and welcomes all visitors to a home of his own American hog wire fence at Colemans at 20c a rod while the present car lasts Opportunity of a life time Mrs Grace Bixler nee Cole of Mc Cook spent a few days this week with the homefolks the old homestead Auntie Coleman returned Thursday morning from Dundy county where sho visited a brother for about ten days A Cold Settled in His Kidneys A J Jennesse9201 Butler St Chicago writes I am a switchman and am out in all kinds of weather I took a cold which settled in my kidneys and I was in bad shape I tried several advertised remedies with no benefit until I was recommended to tr Foleys Kidney Cure Two thirds of a bottle cured me Sold bv A McMillen BANKSVILLE The mail carrier got a good soaking Tuesday p m Tuesday p m and Wednesday were very moist The fall of rain measured here 05 inches W H Benjamin got the benefit of the bulk of tho rain Tuesday but the over coat saved being drenched A number of the farmers have been sowing wheat and there was enough rain to cause the wheat to growC A Weeks had a well drilled and the well driller hauled the tower and put up the wind mill last week Something nvpr 500 fepfc to water Mr Weeks now has two wind mills to supply water for his stock I Sour Stomach When the quantity of food taken is too large or the quality too rich sour stom ach is likely to follow and especially so if the digestion has been weakened by constipation Eat slowly and not too freely of easily digested food Masticate tho food thoroughly Let five hours elapse between mealsand when you feel a fullness and weight in the region of tho stomach after eating take Chamber lains Stomach and Liver Tablets and the sour stomach may bo avoided For sale by all druggists wdtwwmi j i tyfy fSSE MACK SWAIN THEATRE CO HIGH CLASS REPERTOIRE OCTOBER 5 678 Our Fall Line of Underwear 9 now OOSEOOOOOOOf jP V FRANKLIN President VEwrwjmWiJitiiM We have a complete as sortment of both union and twopiece suits for ladies and for men also for boys and girls It will pay you to look at Phone 22 THE- Co A C EBERi Cashier 1CITIZENS BANK OF MeCOOK NEB B Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 C titb hx B B D - DIRECTORS V FRANKLIN WFhlcFARLAND A C EBERT H W B V0LFE C H WILLARD sdSs ftF 4jr tv4e f j Wl DONT YOU I We are surprised that you havent written for our new fall catalog Why dont you Because its free Is that it An old drinker who loved whiskey once got hold of a glass of water by mistake and liked it so well that he wanted to buy a bottle but when they told him it was free he said You ought to charge for it youd sell more and he went back to whiskey again If we charged for our catalog and you paid for it youd make money but we dont charge we just make you spend a cent for a postal card to order it on and send it absolutely free It contains samples of cloth pictures of suits for men women and boys prices of everything to wear- Take a postal address it to Nebraska Clothing Co Oma ha Neb turn it over and write on it your address and say Catalog and youll get it bv next mail THE WAY TO FIX YOUR POSTAL CARD Catalog John Jones Jonesville Nebr J I JFarnam and 25th Sts Omaha- j