The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 30, 1904, Image 4

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    Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Thoodoro Roosevelt
Elinor J Burkott Lincoln
John II Mickey Osceola
E G McGilton Omaha
A Gnlusha Red Cloud
E M Searlo Jr Ogalalln
Peter Mortenscn Ord
Norris Brown Kearney
J L McHrion Goneva
G W Norris Rod Willow county
Albert Wilsey Moorefleld
Philip Glicui Danbury
C E Eldred McCook
Stephen Holies Box Elder
Democratic Charge Against Pres
ident Roosevelt That Is
Without Foundation
And at No Time Has Anything Been
Done That Did Not Tend Toward
I Peace with All the World
When the bitter personal attacks on
Theodore Roosevelt are analyzed and
when a Democratic agitator is asked
to define his opposition to the presi
dent the inevitable reply is that
Roosevelt is an unsafe man
Now is he
What makes an unsafe man When
Is n man safe and -when is he danger
ous How are we to judge a man
by what he has done or by what some
one says he may do Are -we justified
in calling a man unsafe -who has all
his life been eminently safe Is not a
man entitled to the reputation he
makes for himself
For tliree years Theodore Roosevelt
has had absolute power as president
of the United States and yet during
that tliree years although called to the
great office suddenly as the result of a
horrible murder he has never lost his
head He has never done a dangerous
thing he hjs at no time involved the
country in difficulties either at home
or abroad
False Predictions
Immediately following the murder
of William McKiuley predictions were
freely made in the Democratic press
that President Rooseveltwould involve
the country in Avar Has he done so
It was also freely predicted that he
would break with the Republican ma
jority in the house and the senate and
that he would insist on having his own
way disregarding the advice of the
time honored leaders of the party Has
he done so
Does not every one know on the
contrary that the conditions of peace
between the United States and the rest
of the world were never more secure
ly anchored than today This has not
been because the president has not had
an opportunity to go to war There
have been half a dozen such opportuni
ties at the very least since he became
president when if he had been the un
safe man he was alleged to be he
might easilyhave involved us in war
with one or more of the great powers
of Europe He has met every diplo
matic emergency with rough and ready
diplomacy and extraordinary tact
which have won for the United States
the respect of the civilized world
Record in Diplomacy
1 Look over the record of the state de-
For coughs colds bronchitis
asthma weak throats weak
lungs consumption take
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
Always keep a bottle of it in
the house We have been
saying this for 60 years and
so have ths doctors
I have used Avers Cherry Pectoral in my
family for 40 years It is the best medicine
in the world I Know for all throat and lung
ilns J K XOECEOSS Waltham Mass
25C 50c SIKl C ATER CO
All dmccits C wweil Mass
sac ft C I
5BS yfU3F7KX3JSfSi
Daily action of the bowels is
iiy iVI IlClkWZlW vvkai rj i - w
Rffy Years the Standard
MMm HaA ilV fife Kv
Improves the flavor and adds to
the healfhfulness of the food
partment under Theodore Roosevelt for
the last three years and see how
much has been accomplished to uphold
the dignity and the honor of the Unit
ed States without at any time caus
ing the slightest apprehension of for
eign war It was during the present
administration that a special commis
sion was appointed to adjust the dis
puted boundary betweeen Alaska and
the Dominion of Canada Some of
the Canadian people and papers talked
rather savagely There was every op
portunity for a mis step on the part
of the United States A little too much
bluster a little too pronounced brag
failure in tact at the proper moment
a substitution of timidity for bravery
or of rashness for conservatism by
Theodore Roosevelt would have fanned
the feeling in Canada into a dangerous
flame The Alaska boundary was an
inheritance from the McKinley admin
istration but it was safely settled un
der Roosevelt settled to the credit of
the United States settled without the
loss of an inch of American territory
and settled too without the destruc
tion of the friendly feeling between
Great Britain and the United States
When Germany and England were
at the throats of the little republic of
Venezuela an unsafe president might
easily have involved us in war with
those two countries and a timid presi
dent might easily have brought upon
the flag the shame of the rest of the
world Russia and Japan have been
at war The sentiment of the people
in this country has been largely in
favor of Japan Yet John Hay the
wise and discreet secretary of state
appointed by McKinley and unhesitat
ingly retained by Roosevelt has so
successfully directed the course of
American diplomacy that the United
States today is as much the friend of
Russia as it is of the little fighting
cock Japan The United States in
fact has dictated the diplomatic con
duct of hostilities between Russia and
Japan This country has dominated
the situation and yet at no time has
there been the slightest danger that
we might become embroiled with any
foreign nation
Safe Every Day in the Year
These are the actual results of three
years of the foreign policy of Theo
dore Roosevelt tne man who when he
entered the White House as the result
of a murderous bullet was by his po
litical adversaries pictured to the oth
er nations of the world as a braggart
and swashbuckler He has been safe
always safe every day and every hour
since he has been president of the
United States He has never lowered
the American flag to anybody he has
never been forced to apologize and
he has conducted every episode of our
foreign policy with the advice of
John Hay in such a way as to pre
serve the honor of the American re
public and to gain the respect of the
sovereigns of the world There is not
a king nor an emperor nor a presi
dent nor a potentate from Peking to
Timbuctoo who does not know today
that Theodore Roosevelt Is of the best
American type honest frank cour
ageous sensible and always safe for
those who treat him fairly
Men of the Roosevelt type are un
safe only to the dishonest to the dis
turbers of the peace of nations to the
grafters at home and the grabbers
abroad to the manipulators of mar
kets and the wreckers of nations To
the honest men to the people of the
home and the fireside to the good king
and to the good subject the Roose
velt type is the safest thing in all this
Has Sold a Pile of Chamberlains Cough
I have sold Chamberlains Cough
Remedy for more than twenty years and
it has given entire satisfaction I have
sold a pile of it and can recommend it
highly Joseph McElbiney Linton
Iowa You will find this remedy a good
friend when troubled with a cough or
cold It always affords quick relief and
is pleasant to take For sale by all
Whats in a flame
Everything is in the name when it
I comes to Witch Hazel Salve E C De-
Witt Co of Chicago discovered some
years ago how to make a salve from
Witch Hazel that is a specific for piles
For blind bleeding itching and pro
truding piles eczema cuts burns
bruises and all skin diseases DeWitts
Salve has no equal This has given
rise to numerous worthies counterfeits
Ask for DeWitts the genuine Sold
bv L W McConnell
The Saino Old Difference
Two files stood close together on a
screen Its pleasant weather said
the first fly Im glad you think so
buzzed the second fly Its well
enough I suppose but it look3 like
Let her rain said the first fly
Who cares I believe in making the
best of things Whats the use of kick
ing all the time
I admit said the second fly that
theres no use in kicking but If you
dont kick theres little else to do I
tell you this is a hard world I see
mighty little in it Im disgusted with
the whole trouble
The trouble with you is said the
first fly that you are a pessimist and
Im an optimist I naturally look on
the bright side of things and you look
on the dark Its a question of temper
ament I cant help being happy and
you cant help being unhappy We
were born so Its fate pure and sim
ple That my friend is the difference
between us
The second fly buzzed satirically
Thats where youre way off he re
plied As a matter of fact the differ
ence between us is simply this Im on
the outside and youre onthe inside of
this screen Colliers
Hicks Ive got to borrow 200 some
Wicks take my advice and borrow
300 while you are about it
Hicks But I only need 200
Wicks 1 hat doesnt make any differ
ence Borrow 200 and pay back 100
of it in two installments at intervals
of a month or so Then the man that
you borrow from will think that he Is
going to get the rest of it Somervllle
Whr They Delayed
The Russian commander stamped his
spurred heel impatiently
Why the deuce he ejaculated
why the deuce doesnt that battery
go into action
Why general said an aid reproach
fully cant you see that the men have
not yet arrived with the moving pic
ture machine Judge
Genlnl Jane
Jane After looking at me for a min
ute or two Harry said Do you know
Jane that a veil improves you great
Carrie Not very complimentary
Jane No but what pleased me was
the fine tact he employed in imparting
an unpleasant thought Boston Tran
Tue IiTicky Day
What day of the week do you think
is the luckiest to get married on
queried the soft and sweet young
The eighth replied the confirmed
bachelor refusing to be sentimental
even for a minute Cincinnati Com
mercial Tribune
Proficient Charles
Does your husband take as much
Interest in horse racing as he used to
Yes answered young Mrs Torkins
Charles can always tell the day be
fore a race which horse ought to win
and the day after why he didnt
Fearful Odds Against Him
Bedridden alone and destitute Such
in brief was tli8 condition of an oid sol
dier by name of J J Havens Versailles
O For ears he wis troubled with
kidney disease and neither doctors nor
medicines gave him relief At length
he tried Electric Bitteis It put him on
his feet in short order and now he
fies I am on the road to complete re
covery Best on earth for liver and
kidney troubles and all forms of stom
ach and bowel complaints Only 50c
Satisfaction guaranteed by L W Mc
Connell druggist
9v 1 un v5Sf
25 A OYUfc
ho Sii
In married life is generally
made on an equal footing
of health in man and wife
But how soon in many
cases the wife loses the
advantage and fades in face and fails in
flesh while her husband grows even
more rugged and robust
There is one chief cause for this wifely
failure and that is the failure of the
-womanly health When there is irregu
larity or an unhealthy drain inflamma
tion ulceration or female weakness the
general health is soon impaired
Proprietors and makers of Dr Pierces
Favorite Prescription now feel fully war
ranted in offering to pay 500 in legal
money of the United States for any case
of Leucorrhea Female Weakness Pro
lapsus or Falling of Womb which they
cannot cure All they ask is a fair and
reasonable trial of their means of cure
A little over a year ago I -wrote to you for
advice says Mrs Elizabeth J Fisher ofDiana
W Va You advised me to use Dr Pierces
Favorite Prescription and Golden Medical Dis
covery wnicn 1 md ana tvith the most happy
result I was troubled with female weakness
and bearing down pains Had a erybad pain
nearly all the time in mv left side nervousness
and headache Was so weak I could hardly
walk across my room Could not sit up only
just a little wlule at a time My husband got
me some of Dr Pierces medicine and I began
its use Before I had taken two bottles I was
able to help do ray work I used three bottles
in all and jt cured me Now I do all my house
work It is the best medicine I ever used
The Common Sense Medical Adviser
in paper covers is sent free on receipt of
21 one cent stamps to pay expense of
mailing onlv Address DrR V Pierce
Buffalo N Y
Its a
Happy Surprise
To the ladies of McCook to find that in
addition to the EXTREME VALUES
they are finding in my up-to-date stock of
Ladies Misses and Childrens
Autumn The Great Excursion Period
To St Louis You will regret it for jears if
j 011 fail to see the St Louis exposition Spec
ial low coach excursion rates made dailj each
week fromSundaj to Thursdaj inclusive seven
dajs limit Slightly higher rates for tickets
good in sleeping cars with longer limits
Very low one waj rates to the far west and Pa
cific coast For instance 20 to Salt Lake Hel
ena and Butte territory This low rate west
bound when added to jour return rate
makes a very low round trip rate
Homeseekers excursions the first and third
Tuesdays of each month to northwest and south
Chicago anil back Dailj low rates either di
rect or via St Louis with stopovers at StLoui
Kansas City and Omaha
Home visitors excursions Visit the old home
back east September 20 and 27 and October 11
half rates plus 2 to Indiana and to manj points
in Ohio and Kentuckj
Nebraska Daj at the St Lonis Exposition
Tuesday October 25 All good Nebraskans
should be there and help exploit the prosperity
of our grand commonwealth
Geo S Scott Ticket Agent
LW Wakeley G P A Omaha
Cured of Brights Disease
George ASherman Lisbon Red Mills
Lawrence county N Y writes I had
kidney disease for many years and had
been treated by physicians for twelve
years had taken a well known kidne
medicine and other remedies that were
recommended but got no relief until I
began using Foleys Kidney Cure The
first half bottle relieved me and four
bottles have cured me of this terrible
T T r T I 1 T- 1
aisease ueiore 1 oegan taiung r oiey s
Kidney Cure I had to make water aboilt
every fifteen minutesday and nightand
passed a brick dust substanceand some
times a slimy substance I believe I
would have died if I had not taken
Foleys Kidney Cu re Sold by A Mc
For only 300 400 and 500
Such bargains in skirts were never before
offered in McCook but having bought
these ready made garments of the very
best manufacturers in the east and hav
ing bought them right enables me to
offer them to you at SURPRISINGLY
The tnew thing in Ladies Belts is the
and my stock is now in All the latest
weaves colors and styles in
Dress Goods Trimmings Waist
Patterns Suit Patterns Etc
in Silks Mohairs Sicilians Venetians
Cheviots Zibelines Nub Suitings Re
pellants Sackings Granite Cloths Voiles
Crepes Eoliennes etc you will find at
my dress goods counter Call arid look
me over
Phone 16
A Continual Strain
Many men and women are constantly
subjected to what they commonly term
a continual strain because of some
financial or family trouble It wears
and distresses them both mentally and
physically affecting their nerves badly
and bringing on kidney and liver ail
ments with the attendant evils of con
stipation loss of appetite sleeplessness
low vitality and despondency They can
not as a rule get rid of this continu
al strain but they can remedy its health
destroying effects by taking frequent
doses of Greens August r lower It tones
up the liver stimulates the kidneys in
sures healthy bodilv functions gives
vim and spirit to ones whole being and
eventually dispels the physical or men
tal distress caused by that continual
strain Trial bottle of August Flower
2oc regular size 75 At all druggists
Nellie Fuller Denver My face was
full of pimples and black heads Hollis
ters Rocky Mountain Tea has driven
them away People hardly know me
Im looking fine 33 cents Tea or tab
lets L W McConnell
A specialty of office supplies
The Tribcxe
A C Ong A M LL B Pres Omaha
rnor A J Lowry Princ
Endorsed bv First Nafl
Bunkand business men
S10000 in Koll Top Desks Bank Fixtures ind
50 Typewriters Students -an workforboard
Fend for f i to catalogue bound in alligitor
finest ever published by a Business College
Read it and you will attend the i B C
1SI 1
Springs nv7fi
1 1
A Sound Argument
The one that blows without any
thing to blow about wastes time and
energy The excellence of our goods
and delivery service warrant us for
blowing Always the best always
the greatest variety always the
highest quality
Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats
Poultry Co 1
Buyers and Shippers of
Poultry and Eggs
TfTI titt A
For the next 7 days
we vill pay cash
For Hens
Sc lb
8jc lb
Heavy Springs 7Jc lb
SALE -Real
Estate Improved
ISltrASY w
To own a home I offer n 4 rootu house with
oak and iiinplo floors lluu location near school
well kept lawn and trees nicely started Its a
bargain See L 11 Lluduiunun Al
A line largo homo with both eloctric lights
nnil furnace beautiful Inwnuhado trrex barn
near school aud jotoillco Header it will bo a
comfort to jour oul to own hucIi a homo See
L II Liudutnunn A2
One of 00 acres anothor of 210 acres anil still
nnothor well improved of nil bottom anil
near town See L II Liudemann
A capital investment fur your money invested
in property that will be worth from three to Uvo
times its present value in six or eight jenrs
could be put to no bettor use Do not pnes this
by if J 011 can spare 100 per mouth for this the
safest investment See L II Liiulomnnu A
For the now ami ureat empire Itoutt countv
foloriulo now being nipullj populated in nd
vnnce of the Moffat lino Procrastination in
this case will prove to bo the thier of time Su
L II Lindomann A I
My lit from time to time mil do not fail to
carefully consider tho fact that the time to buy
city or farm proporty is whon there is 11 general
feoling of depression L II Lindemnun Heal
Resources are bojond computation in dollars
They comprise gold silver copier lead coal
iron onjx marble building stone timber fire
clay mineral springs- and for agriculturocand
stock raising ranks first in the state To this
may bo added scenic features without equal in
the state See L II Liudeumnn
A beautiful 1 room cottage 2 lots llOftfrout
This may bo had now for 52 XI See Lindemnn
Or any kind of meat from our
shop by phone if you wish
or send the little folks and
you will get the sweet tooth
some kind
We pride ourselves on the
freshness and quality of our
goods and the promptness of
our delivery
If you are not now trading
with us we would be pleased
to have you give us a trial
We think you will be pleased
Phone 12
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The business man knows
the value and convenience
of a Checking Account so
does the up-to-date profes
sional man likewise the pro
gressive farmer and too
the wide awake business
woman We shall be dad
to initiate people into the
details of keeping a checking
First Hationa
MiWMWI IWIMMa mmmmmnmmmmmmmaammmmmmmaKaam