The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 23, 1904, Image 8

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Edith Colomnh bought 20 chickens
Monday nnd would like to ot 80 more
R E Divine will uso n now press drill
to put his fall wheat in JIo bought one
Harry Shepherd will preach at the
Spring creek school hpuse next Sunday
at the usual hour
Sunday school at the Colornan school
house every Sabbath at 10 oclock fast
time summer and winter
American hog wire fence at Colemans
at 20c a rod while the present car lasts
Opportunity of a life time
One week ago last Sunday two hunters
drove onto a farm south of this town
got out of tho bugijy and started out
with guns and dogs They soon saw the
owner of the farm coming for them
They ran to the buggy got in and
as they drove rapidly away called out to
the farmer Go to hell you
Is it any wonder that the farm-
ers up here are bitter against hunters
That farmers horses were away off in
the pasture Had they been in the stable
someone might have got hurt lie has
a swift horse and a good gun and knows
how to use it and is not afraid to uso it
if necessary Some years ago four hunt
ers wete up here shot into the school
house and broke 27 panes of glass These
hunters were from McCook Four years
ago Thomas Real was quietly reading in
his house one Sunday afternoon when
something struck the house and the re
port of a gun followed He went out
and found some hunters in the grove
near the house They might have ser
iously hurt or killed oneof his children
They were from McCook Farmers are
getting pretty sore over this hunting and
some one will get hurt yet
From 148 to 92 Pounds
One of the most remarkable cases of a
cold deep seated on the lungs causing
pneumonia is that of Mrs Gertrude E
Fenner Marion Ind who was entirely
cured by the use of One Minute Cough
Cure She says The coughing and
straining so weakened me that I ran
down in weight from 148 to 92 pounds
1 tried a number of remedies to no avail
until I used One Minute Cough Cure
Four bottles of this wonderful remedy
cured mo entirely of the coughstrength
eued my lungs and restored me to my
normal weiirht health and stiength
Sold by Lr W McConnell
When troubled with constipation try
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab
lots They are easy to take and pro
duce no uriping or othor unpleasant
effect Forsale by all druggists
Mrs John Deveuey and daughter vis
ited with Mrs N Tubbs Saturday
W 13 SeKSon and family returned
Tuesday from their visit in Furnas
Miss Pearl Ruggles spent Saturday
evening and Sunday with Mrs T M
P E Stone and son Clarence are
doing some workon the farm he bought
a short time ago
American bos wire fence at Colemans
at 20c a rod while the present car lasts
Opportunity of a life time
The sad news reached us last Satur
day of the death of little Carl one of
the twins of Mr and Mrs Walter Hick
ling The have the sympathy of all
their friends in this vicinity in their sad
Rev Crago preached his farewell ser
mon last Sunday evening He left Wed
nesday evening for his home at Univer
sity Place lie has made many friends
in the past year who wish him success
the coming year
The Stomach is the Kan
A weak stomach weakens the man be
cause it cannot transform the food he
eats into nourishment Health and
strength cannot be restored to any sick
man or weak woman without first re
storing health and strength to the stom
ach A weak stomach cannot digest
enough food to feed the tissues aud re
vive the tired and run down limbs and
organs of the body Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure digests what you eat cleanses aud
strengthens the glands and m e m
of the stomach and cures indi
gestion dvspepsia and all stomach trou
bles Sold by L W McConnell
ilCIl UI If mi
Timbers of oak keep the old
homestead standing through
the years It pays to use the
right stuff
Men of oak are men in
rugged health men whose
bodies are made of the sound
est materials
Childhood is the time to lay
the foundation for a sturdy con
stitution that will last for years
Scotts Emulsion is the right
Scotts Emulsion stimulates
the growing powers of children
helps them builds a firm
foundation for a sturdy consti
Send for free sample
409 415 Pearl Street New York
50c and SIOO all druggists
sjooojo osjm tr SV
jDjvcq agj ui punojo
sainoio tjods JON
Sumiq jo pupj Joqo un jo qjjoav
su3D oz sinnbo pus sum oi 3503
a ma hsvm
Fred Quordor is getting up a fine lot
prairie hay
Miss Celia Ryden is very sick with
Havilla Hupp of Illinois is visiting his
son at this place
Mrs A C Bartholomew came home
Sunday night from Missouri Ridce
Quite a crowd from here attended the
Harvest Homo at Wilponville last week
M T Morris returned last Friday
from St Joe having ordered a new stock
of goods
A E Pennington loft first of the
week to resumo his worlc with tho Santa
Fo at St Joe Mo
William McCarty is building a largo
carpenter shop on the Johnson lot south
of the lumber yard
D F Hupp and father left first of
week for Denver and Leadville They
will bo gone about a week
American hog wire fence at Colemans
at 20c a rod while the present car lasts
Opportunity of a life time
Ira Cummings is homo from Kansas
where ho has been helping John Jolly
with his threshing machino
Mrs S E Ralsten is home from a
very pleasant visit with relatives Her
mother Mrs Dove came with her
R M Coneter is going to build a barn
on his farm southwest of town as soon
as he can get the carpenter work done
Ira D Pennington terminated his visit
here nnd left last week to chase the
scoop for tho Santa Fe at Raton New
The Lebanon ball team won the sec
ond and last games at the county fair
and three games at the Wilsonville Har
vest Home
George Abbott left first of the week
to accept a position with tho Duff Grain
Co at Unadilla Neb Austins elevator
at this place will bo closed
To be happy eat Penningtons toma
toes At Gii3s or from the wagon on
the street 85c at the patch when you
do 5our share of tho picking
Mrs Mary Nichols and Lou Kaiser
left Thursday of lat week to visit at
Brock and Johnson Neb Mrs Nichols
with her sou and Miss Kaiser with old
D F Hupp received a letter from J
W Iluppof Seattle Washington stating
that he had purchased a wholesale hard
ware store and that his first days sales
amounted to 83000
Frost touched some corn fields and
gardens Thursday night of last week
but it was in no way a general frost as
has been the case on about the same date
for the past two years
Rev Frank Garret missionary from
China and brother of P B Garret of
this place gave lectures in Lebanon and
Danbury last week A subscription was
taken for Chinese missions About S20
was given at Lebanon
Eddie Morris left September 16th to
take up his studies in the Wesleyan Un
iversity We understand that he will
devote much time to the study of music
He has a fine voice and we are glad to
note that be has an opportunity to cul
tivate it
Mrs Wm Sullivan died September 7
and was buried the 8th in the Lebanon
cemetery Jane Pool was born in this
county in 1SS2 and was married to Wm
Sullivan January 6 1901 Mr Sullivan
has the sympathy of the entire commu
nity in his loss
Walter M Pennington was on this
market Saturday selling tomatoes at
110 per bushel He reports having sold
to date 7120 the product of one half
acre Penningtons tomatoes are pre
ferred to all others At Guys or from
the wagon on the street
Word comes from Warrensburg Mo
that Miss Flora Ryther was killed in a
train wreck She was a daughter of
Charles Ryther who will be remember
ed as a school teacher living south of
Lebanon on the Sappa about 14 years
ago He sod his farm and moved to
Mrs Walter M Pennington who has
been very sick for the past two weeks is
improving rapidly The neighbors were
very kind and the family wish to express
their sincere thanks One friend living
six miles distant sent three young pig
eons others came in and helped cut and
dry corn for the market while some sent
chickens cake butter etc
Mary Sponge the pimples with warm
water You needa blood tonic would ad
vise you to take Hollisters Rocky
Mountain Tea It drives away all
eruptions 35 cents Tea or tablet form
L W McConnell
Bucklens Arnica Salve
Has world wide fame for marvellous
cures It surpasses any other save lo
tion ointment or balm for cuts corns
burns boilssores felons ulcers tetter
salt rheum fever sores chapped hands
skin eruptions infallible for piles Cure
drug store
Only 25c at McConnells
Robert Liston of Palisade visited
friends hero Tuesday
Misses Maggie Bnrth and Maggie Hill
drove to McCook Sunday
Charles Littel returned from his visit
to Boston and the fair Saturday
A L Taylor of tho Trenton Era was a
business visitor here Wednesday
Mrs Ed Blum and baby are down
from Palisade visiting C G Crows and
Miss Mary Newlon camo up from Mc
Cook Friday evening and remained
over Sunday
Mrs Bertha Klovpn left for Denver
Monday morning to visit her daughter
Mrs Pnulsen
Peter Gaarder came in from California
Wednesday evening to attend the fun
oral of his father
Mrs Frank Henderson and David
Knowles of McCook spent Sunday under
the parental roof
American hog wire fence at Colemans
at 20c a rod while the present car lasts
Opportunity of a life time
Mrs Dot Ronsenfelt nee Davenport
who has been visiting relatives here loft
for tho fair Saturday evening
GWMcKeeand wife of Los Angeles
California departed for their homoSun
day after a weeks visit with friends
Misses Alice Warren Eflio Spickel
mier and Clay llalverson and George
Korell went to Trenton Friday evening
to take examination
After a lingering illness of several
months Charles E Garder passed away
at his home at this place September 15
All that loving friends and neighbors
could do to ease his last moments was
done Mr Gaarder was a prominent
member of tho M E Church of this
place and will be greatly missed by all
who knew him
Obituary Charles E Gaarder was
born in Norway March 30 1842 and in
1879 moved to Hitchcock county Neb
taking a homestead on tho Blackwood
He remained there for 18 years and then
moved to Culbertson n here he died Sep
tember 15 1901 Brother Gaarder was
taken into the Lutheran church when a
child and remained a member until 18S6
when ho joined the U B church ten
miles west of here He transferred to
the M E church in 1903 Ho leaves a
wife seven children aud a host of friends
to nlourn his loss Funeral services were
held in the M E church on Thursday
September 19
Given Up to Die
13 Spiegel 1204 XVirginia StEvans
ville Ind writes For over five years
I was troubled with kidney and bladder
affections which caused me much pain
and worry I lost flesh and was all run
down and a year ago had to abandon
work entirely I had three of the best
physicians who did mo no yood and I
was practically given up to die Foleys
Kidney Cure was recommended and the
first bottle gave me great relief and
after taking the second bottle I was en
tirely cured Sold by A McMUlen
Low round trip rates to El Paso Texas
Xovember 1011 and 12 Ask the agent
What is Life
In the last analysis nobody knowsbut
wo do know thai it is under strict iaw
Abuse the law even slightly pain re
sults Irregular living means derange
ment of the organs resulting in consti
pation headache or liver trouble Dr
Kings New Life Pills quickly re adjusts
this Its gentle yet thorough Only
25c at L W McConnells drug store
Do iNot Be Imposed Upon
Foley it CoChicagooriginated Honey
and Tar as a throat and lung remedy
and on account of the great merit and
popularity of Foleys Honey and Tar
many imitations are offered for the genu
ine Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar and
refuse any substitute offered as no other
preparation will give the same satisfac
tion It is mildly laxative It contains
no opiates and is safest for children and
delicate persons Sold by A McMillen
win wv
the many so called birth medicines and
most remedies for women iu the treatment
of her delicate organs contain more or
less opium morphine and strychnine
Do You Know that in most countries
druggists are not permitted to sell narcot
ics without labeling them poisons
Do You Know that you should not
take internally any medicine lor the
pain accompanying pregnancy
Do You Know that Mothers Friend
is applied externally only
Do You Know that Mothers Friend
is a celebrated prescription and that it
has been in use over forty years and that
each bottle of the genuine bears the name
of The Bradfield Regulator Co
Do you know that when you use this
remedy during the period of gestation
that you will be free of pain and bear
healthy hearty and clever children
Well these things are worth knowing
They are facts Of druggists at 100
Dont be persuaded to try a substitute
Our little book Motherhood free
160 acres in 22-1-29
acres fenced
160 acres in 26-4-30
160 acres in 22-3-27
Marion Woods is on the sick fist this
Philip Gliem and wife have gone to
Bartley on a visit
J S Ilulvey and family have moved
to ilorton Kansas
JSims shipped twocar loads of hogs to
Kansas City this week
Gene Dolph is hauling rock for the
foundation of a new house on his place
John Bell is busy hulling alfalfa along
the creek It yields about two bushels
per acre
American hog wire fence at Colemans
at 20c a rod while the present car lasts
Opportunity of a life time
J L Sargent and family attended tho
wedding of Miss Kva Phillips to Mr
John Grovert in Indianola Tuesday
John Greenway had his arm broken
Friday while riding a horse The horse
threw him and theu stepped on his arm
Grtrds are out announcing the mar
riage of Miss Emma Thompson to Mr
Thomas Austin Wednesday of this week
Mrs Mamie Scarrow of Wyoming is
visiting with her parents Mr and Mrs
Thomas Musgrove and other relatives
of thir place
J L Sims is building a house 23 foot
square Richard Lumb has built an ad
dition to his house and E M Woods
has built a porch on the west side of his
Sam Graham Wm Ilindman Mr
Garten and Adam Miller and family and
other old soldiers and their folks are at
tending the reunion at Atwood Kansas
this week
Sour Stomach
When the quantity of food taken is too
large or the quality too rich sour stom
ach is likely to follow and especially so
if the digestion has been weakened by
constipation Eat slowly and not too
freely of easily digested food Masticate
the food thoroughly Let five hours
elapse between mealsand when you feel
a fullness and weight in the region of
the stomach after eating take Chamber
lains Stomach and Liver Tablets and
the sour stomach may be avoided For
sale by all druggists
A Power For Good
The pills that are potent in their ac
tion and pleasant in effect are DeWitts
Little Early Risers W S Philpot of
Albany Ga says During a bilious
attack I took one Small as it was it
did mo more good than calomel blue
mass or any other pill I ever took and at
the same time the effect was pleasant
Little Early Risers are certainly an ideal
pill Sold by L W McConnell
G W Jones moved into his fine resi
dence Thursday
Mrs Sarah E Crosby received her
pension Wednesday of thisweek
Miss Clara Meeker left last week for
Lincoln where she will attend college
American hog wire fence at Colemans
at 20c a rod while the present car lasts
Opportunity of a life time
Charles Catlett left for Lincoln Sat
urday where he will continue his stud
ies at the Wesleyan University
Mr Hoover and family will move into
Bartley and occupy the Jennings prop
erty as soon as Mr Jones vacates it
Lundley Grisell of Hebron stopped
over a few hours in Bartley Tuesday on
his way to McCook to attend a case be
fore the county court
Philip Gliem and wife visited Foster
Stilgebouer and family Wednesday and
Thursday of this week Mr Gliem is a
fine gentleman and if chosen representa
tive will no doubt do credit to himself
and the people m Red willow county
Lyman Jennings was taken by sur
Price 900 30 acres in cultivation 40
well sod buildings
320 acres in 23 and 24-1-29 Price 1800 Sod buildings
acres in cultivation well 240 acres fenced
80 acres in 12-3-29 Price 400 12 acres in cultivation
160 acres in 21-2-27 Price 800 20 acres in cultivation
160 acres in 29 and 30-2-29 Price 900 50 acres in cultivation
160 acres in 23-1-29
160 acres in 20-1-29
160 acres in 33-4-29
160 acres in 35-2-29
160 acres in 6-1-29
160 acres in 32-2-30
Price 800 9 miles to McCook
Price 1200 100 acres in cultivation
Price 1200 130 acres in cultivation
Price 1200 60 acres in cultivation
Price 1000 75 acres in cultivation
Price 800 25 acres in cultivation
Price 700 70 acres in cultivation
Price Soo So acres in cultivation
320 acres in 21 and 22-3-29 Price 4000 35 acres hog tight
fence good 2 story frame house good barn and sheds 275 acres in
320 acres in 26-2-30 Price 1600 220 acres in cultivation
fair buildings
160 acres in 31-1-29 Price 640
XpllW0 nere Purchase price exceeds 500 one third cash
JL llTlvJa balance in one two or three annual payments at 7
per cent Sale subject to lease and prices changed without notice
Red Willow county land is by many underestimated It is of
much value as farming land Be wise and do not undervalue Wes
tern Nebraska land Eighteen sections of land in range 7 Nebras
ka was once advertised for sale at 100 an acre Furnas county
land has doubled and trebled in value within the past three years
All the above land should be sold by Christmas Consider the terms
and with proper farming it will pay for itself Use the phone or
wire if you deem it necessary it often beats the mail if some other
fellow is writing
I have 40 farms in Frontier county for sale at 400 an acre up
Send for list
R J HARPER L0CT Beaver City Neb
Mention McCook Tribune in all communications respecting above land
prise Tuesday when his children drovo
up to his residence and informed him
that that was his 7Jrd birthday They
spent the day pleasantly and left for
home in the evening with wishes for
many returns of the happy occasion
Several hundred people gathered at
the new mill Inst Saturday afternoon
An artist from McCook protgraphed
the building and towns Mr Theobold
presented a nice souvenir to all who de
sired and furnished each family with a
sample of the first flour ground in the
mill There has been great interest
taken in the mill ever since its incep
tion and all wish Messrs Theobold it
A they much prosperity
Cured of Brights Disease
George ASherman Lisbon Red Mills
Lawrence county N Y writes I had
kidney disease for many years and had
been treated by physicians for twelve
years had taken a well known kidney
medicine and other remedies that were
recommended but got no relief until I
began using Foleys Kidney Cure The
first half bottle relieved me and four
bottles have cured me of this terrible
disease Before I began taking Foleys
Kidney Cure I had to make water about
every fifteen minutesday and nightand
passed a brick dust substanceand some
times a slimy substance I believe I
would have died if I had not taken
Folevs Kidney Cure Sold bv A Mc
To Prevent Hog Cholera
From appealing on your farm
Be prudent this year and pre
vent n repetition of the losses
of previous years
Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee
jS --
rJJfeO 1 is
XTtrf - - Ti
ail ATf J n r 5
wmr i
i li ft Vr v iiL rf H
c --
Delmont S D Dec 17 1902
I used L K for hog cholera and it was all
right It cured my hogs I had three feick ones
and they nil got well and done fine I nlo
used it for chicken lice aud mites and it is ail
you claim for it It is the oniy Medicine for hog
cholera I think Gottlieb Jehke
Harrington Neb Dec 11 1002
I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased
with it I am sure I saved my hogs with it last
year and am going to keep it in stock all the
time as it is the best thing I ever had ou the
place for everything it is intended for It is
good for chicken cholera lice on stock insects
of all kinds it will destroy all kinds
F W Woman
Manufactured by the National Medical Com
pany Sheldon Iowa
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
district court of Redwillow county Nebraska
under a decreo in an action wherein John Stev
ens is plaintiff and Moritz Mohler et al are
dependents to me directed and delivered I
shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest
bidder for cash at the front door of the court
house in McCook Redwillow county Nebraska
on the 26th day of September 1904 at the hour
of one oclock p m the following described
real estate to wit the west half of the north
west quarter of section number twenty eight
and the east half of the northeast quarter of
section number twenty nine all in township
number four North range number twenty nine
west of the sixth principal meridian in Red
willow county Nebraska
Dated August 2oth 1001
A C Crabtpee Sheriff
By virtue of an order of sale issued from
the district court of Red Willow county Ne
braska under a decree in an action wherein
Charles E Gibon is plaintiff and Fannie
Coleman et al are defendants to me directed
and delivered I shall offer at public sale and
sell to the highest bidder for cash at the east
door of the court house in McCook Red Willow
county Nebraska on the 3rd day of October
1904 at the hour of 1 oclock p m the following
described real estate to wit The south half of
the southwest quarter of section 34 in township
4 range 30 west of the Sixth Principal Merid
ian in Red Willow county Nebraska
Dated this 1st day of September 1904
A Cbabteee Sheriff
Boyle Eldred Attorneys
Oflice over McConnells drug atoro
Ofkick Phone 1G0
Kegistorod Graduato Dentist
Formerly located in At
lanta Georgia All opera
tions pertaining to modern
dentistry performed accord
ing to the latest scientific
methods used in the large
1 Ui Si
riioNK 112
Oflicu over Graunis store McCook Nob
agint fou
ChasAStevens Bros Ready made
Garments and Furnishing Goods
Throo doors east of DeG rolls store
C K Hoyie
Ruimi I and 7 wmnd floor
lotoilice Building
Terms 1 percent No date made for less
than 51000 My references aro parties for
whom I liuvueriiMl tales
I Want Your Business
Osteopathic Physician
Keliey Ollico lildg Phono Xo 13
Consultation free
and Surgeon
Ollico ovor McMillona drug store Residence
702 Main Aveuuo Residence phono 53 OflFco
phono 23 Calls answered night or day
McCook Nebraska
oAcert of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Water Works Oiiiccs in Iostoilics building
C E Kldukd Co Atty
Attorneys at Law
Long Distance Phone tt
McCook Tfei
iiocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Bnsy Medicine for Bubj People
Brings Golden Health and Eanewed Vigor
A s wiflc for Cinstinit i n InIostion Live
and Kuln V Trouble Jlmplf Kcyeim Impure
Blood Iul Breath Slugs Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rocky fountain Tea in tab
let form 25 cents a bot Genuine made by
Holmster Drug Company Madison Wis
Piuinber and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer P pe Brass
Goods Purrps an Be erTrmmngs
Agent for Halhday Waupun bcpse
Windmills Basement ox the Meeker
Phillips Building
7lf lys reliable Iidie ask Druggist for
oIi metallic boxes seaieii with blue ribbon
Take no oilier Kelu dmigeroun ulti
tutioniinnti imitations J5u of -our liruiciju
or send 4- n s amp for Iartirulir Tenti
rrioninlt anrl Tor tadiMuifrtter
by return nail 10000 Testimonials bold br
all Iruggi5t
2100 31atliion Square IJIIiA PA
Mention this paer
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
district court of Red Willow county Nebraska
under a decree in an action wherein The Wes
tern Land Company 13 plaintiff and The Equi
table Land Company et al are defendants to
me directed and delivered I shall offer at pub
lic sale and sell to the highest bidder for cah
at the east door of the court house in JlcCook
Red Willow county Nebraska on the 10th day
of October 101 at the hour of 10 oclock a m
the following described real estate to wit The
southwest quarter of section twenty five town
two north of range twenty eight west Sixth P
M in Red Willow county Nebraska
Dated this 9th day of September 104
A C Cbabteee Sheriff
C E Eldred Attorney