ui V p I i j i SS ii TV tf iWB S H O E W W b VEGETABLE SJCILI AJUL5 Hair Renews p ij 4a n i w wAAw W POL SCHOOL C H O O L S H O E 5 S C H O O L A Send to day for our little book ex plaining exactly why the Smith Premier is best The Sxnithi Premier Typewriter Company Corner 17U1 and FarnamSts OMAHA NEB MxmwmmivMrm tu Ip IT w Hw 1 TO EVERY PURCHASER Of a Pair of School Shoes will be given from Saturday August 27 to September 12 1904 Our stock of School Shoes is the Largest we have ever shown Our Aim is to merit a reputation for responsibility ijl jYTf MT1 THE MODEL SHOE STORE A E PETTY Proprietor SCHOOL SHOES- Jw 1 1 I I I I I I I SSMMsJ McCook Nebraska g WASS fe Man and the Machine Mr Alexander T Brown inventor of the Smith Premier Typewriter is unquestionably the foremost writing machine expert of the world Besides he is a practical and successful business man He built the first Smith Premier Typewriter not only for handsome and speedy work but to endure under the severest demands of actual business The Smith Premier is free from the weaknesses of eccentric impractical con struction and to day embodies the latest demonstrated improvements of this typewriter expert Mr Brown as Vice President of this Company will continue to devote his entire time and inventive genius to maintain the Smith Premier where it now stands as the Worlds Best Typewriter 621 AN ftr T Wii j k irue you want to took old Then keep your gray hair If not then use Halls Hair Renewer and have all the dark rich color cany uic rcsmrea 10 your flair U TDurdnimt rtocot nsplr jw in4 lrtto W IIIllllllMillI jg f 11111 ii I IK Pi SI A Lesson in Arithmetic You can buy a Range or Stove made of poor material hastily put to gether by incompetent workmen for very little money It will NEVER give satisfaction and will only Inst a few years with careful use On the other hand you can buy a CHARTER OAK RANGE or STOVE made of the best material by the most skilled workman for a reasonable amount of money It will ALWAYS give satisfaction and will outlast a half dozen of the cheap kind It also effects a saving of fuel Which is the Cheapest in the End A Nice Line to Select From at McCOOK NEBRASKA iese SCHOOL SHOES ii II I I s 1 1 i Jv i C H O O L S H O E S s c H 0 O L S H O E -SCHOOL SHOES I Jfe iSfe5 SCbKmH jffgSaffiiftliBgfe8ia MAimMUUSmWLBM RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Conductor S E Gallon has Conductor Sollichtys run Switchman GPKinghorn is spending a few dnja in Denver Conductor llniry Ellison is visiting his parents in Beaver City Chief Dispatchor and Mrs W B Mills nro it the St Louis exposition Engineer Jack Mooros little boy has been very sick but is better now Traveling Engineer C M Bailoy and family are visiting the exposition s Conductor G W Bunting had the 14223 while Washburn was on the special Switchman Fagan who has been vis iting in Chicago returned to work on Monday It is rumored that the headquarters of the Holyoke division may be changed to Sterling No 176 did not arrive from Imperial Monday until Tuesday morning ubout threo oclock Conductor R M Douglass has gone down to Bloomington on a short visit at the old home The Burlington depots at llolbrook and Ileartwell were both destroyed by fire this week Brakeman J W Ransdell took a brief layoff this week while entertaining a sister and cousin Conductor J J Cumin arrived home Tuesday on 1 from Iowa aud went out on 1 Wednesday afternoon Conductor Robert Reilly came in on 13 from St Joe Wednesday after being off duty for several months Conductor F M Washburn had the Vice President Willard special over the east end of the division yesterday Engineer Charles Milligan has been off duty pait of the week and Engineer Tony Claik has been making his run Auditor W P Foreman has resigned and is now devoting himself to selling stock for a Wyoming mining company Switchman W W Prall and family arrived home fore part of week from their visit of a few weeks in GuerdyKs and has resumed work A Knight Templar special from Alton Penna passed through here Tuesday homebound from California Conductor Carmoney and crow were in charge Fireman R L Loman went up to Den ver on 1 last Sunday returning on 2 Tuesday accompanied by his wife who has been spending a few months there To take care of the heavy business a new crew has been placed in the service with car No 14197 J F Utter is the con and Wilcott and Traver the brake men Dispatcher W F Pate falls heir to Dispatcher J F Forbes trick Roy Kleven takes Patep and Harry Stewart becomes a dispatcher again and has Kleven s trick A R Grout Supt McFarlands chief clerk and chief dispatcher was down from Holyoke Tuesday and Wednesday getting instructions and information at old headquarters for the new Holyoke division Conductor Eph Benjamin resumed his run Monday after a layoff of sev eral weeks on account of the serious illness of his wife who iswe are pleased to note now steadily improving in health and strength A parsing train set a fire on the prairie just west of John Helms Redwillow Thursday and it took mighty quick and hard work on part of Helms hands and a big section gang tp extinguish the lire and save Ben Kings house Arthur G Guthrie of Shelby Ohio died on No 2 Wednesday morningabout Beukelman on his way home from Col orado where he sought to better his health Consumption was the cause of his death The remains were sent on to Shelby Wednesday evening on No 14 accompanied by a cousin A B Guthrie Dispatcher J F Forbes took his de parture Tuesday evening on 14 for his new home and field of labor Pittsburg Kansas where he enters upon the duties of dispatcher on the Kansas City and Southern railway Mr Forbes has been associated with the earliest history of McCook and this division in such an in timate relation as to be inseparable from its traditions and its triumphs His po sition in McCook during the past 22 years has been unique and apart in rail road social aud artistic circles He will not have a successor His removal is keenly regretted by a large and close cir cle of friends The Tribune hopes that a full measure of success and content ment and happiness may be his portion in his new home The family preceded him Sunday morning on 12 as far as Arapahoe where her parents were vis ited Death of a Former Citizen The following brief accouit of the death of G B Dimmitt who formerly lived in McCook and vicinity is repro duced from the Herald of Buir Oak Kansaswhere the Dimmitts have resided since leaving here in 1900 GEOKGE BAXLEV DIMillTT George Baxlev Dimmitt was born at Wilmouth Kentucky December 241821 Died at his nome in Burr Oak August 15 1904 aged almost 84 years lie was married in Kentucky April 3 1845 to Miss Priscilla Stephens and to them eight children were born three of whom died in infancy and only two are still living H W Dimmitt of Minnesota and Mrs J A Ranney of this place AfUr leaving Kentucky Mr Dimmitt lived for some time in Indiana then for sev eral years at Onarga Illinois moving to McCook Nebraska in 18S6 and to Burr Oak in 1900 Both Mr Dimmitt and his aged wife have been life long mem bers of the Methodist church and he was a most excellent citizen The fu neral was held last Tuesday afternoon at the home and was conducted by Rev J M Willis Interment in Burr Oak cemetery A Boys Wild Ride For Life With family around expecting him to die and a son riding for life 18 milesto get Dr Kings New Discovery for con sumption coughs and colds W H Brown of Leesville Ind endured deaths agonies from asthma but this1 wonderful medicine cave instant relief and soon cured hira He writes I now sleep soundly every night Like mar velous cureaof consumption pneumonia bronchitis coughs colds and grip prove its matchless merit for all throat and lung froubles Guaranteed byLWMc Connell druggist PriceoOc and 81 Trial bottles free mmaaaaff iif - JLfWBftv wnvmmmnivwnmumuir mt rr nil i i 1 1 n mi i in mm bo im i wmiiimiwi www m tj jubjhljl MMW I pa oannuMMiMim iimii im J i 1 inr rail Line Millinery Opening We will have on display Wednesday September 28th from 2 to 10 p in special styles in new Fall Hats up-to-date hats the hats that are going to go For instance in Pat tern Hats there are the blacks of course and the browns the very new browns There are the new Sailors and Suit Hats in all the new shapes and colors Yes they are all modelled after the blocks of the exclu sive milliners same stylesame quality but brought clown to reasonable prices DOOHOli Mlkf I ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Jules Merli has one to the Pacific coast on a trip Mr and M iss Henry Ivky were city visitors Sunday Mrs George Pronoer is visiting in Sidney this week W C Bullakd was out from Omaha Thursday on business J Fred Zelt of Denver was a guest of Supt Campbell Sunday Frank Cakruth was down from Den ver Wednesday on business Miss Alpha Christian is visiting in Fairfax Missouri her old home Mrs P V Royce is in the city guest of her parents Mr and Mrs B F Olcott L II Lindemann has moved into of fice quarters over McMillons drugstore Mrs J W White of Hebron Nebr is in the city guest of her sister Mrs Eph Benjamin Mrs Anna Colfer returned home Sunday night from her visit to the St Louis worlds fair Miss Addie Doan has gone to Living ston Mont where her sister MrsArthur Wood is now living Hugh A Jennett of Streatorlllinois was here par of the week looking after some real estate interests in this section of Nebraska Miss Nellie Ryan left fnr Omaha on No 2 yesterday morning to enter the Omaha Business College for the fall and winter session Fred Plasmyere has gone to Calif on a visit and to spy out the land Mrs Plasmyere is visiting relatives in Shelton Nebraska Mr and Mrs J W REEsof Chariton Iowa arrived in the city Tuesday on a visit of a week or two to their daughter Mrs Lee I Culbertson Miss Laura LeHew arrived home on Wednesday from Richland Center Wis where she is employed in her uncles bank and will visit the homefolks Mrs F M Kijimell and Schell left on 2 Thursday morning for St Louis where they will join Mr and Mrs J B jieserve rrom iseaumont iexas in a short visit to the exposition Mrs M V Sheldon is home from a delightful trip in Iowa and eastern Neb raska Ames is one of the points in Iowa visited by her the seat of the famous agricultural college W II Pier came in from Richland Center Wis Wednesday and will be the guest of his sister Mrs J S LeHew until fore part of next week Mr Pier is president of the Richland County Bank His son accompanied him T J Pate arrived home last Satur day from spending a month back in Il linois and at the St Louis exposition He visited his aged mother in Illinois and attended a reunion of his old rogi ment in Bloomington These together with short stops at the fair ground co ing and coming made up a delightful month for him A Robber Proof Cab St Joseph Mo Sept 16 Charles Langtim gang foreman at the Burling ton machine shops and V J Nesser machinist have finished the construe tion of a bullet proof cab on the C B Q passenger engine No 747 The cab is made of sheet iron inside and out and is designed to protect the engineer and fireman from the bullets fired by future train robbers who attempt to hold up the train to which the engine is attached The robber proof cab is the first one ever placed on a Burlington engine The new project is the natural sequence of the construction of steel bullet and dyn amite proof mail and express cars which are bein built for the Burlington and other roads It is not an uncommon thing for engineers and firemen to re ceive wounds from bullets fired through the sides of the cab by robbers It is probable that other engines of the Bur lington will be equipped with bullet proof cabs in the event of a successful test None of the trainmen however have as yet expressed any inclination to dodge bullets in the new cab in order to test its efficieEC WHats in a Name Everything is in the name when it conies to Witch Hazel Salve E C De Witt Co of Chicago discovered some years ago how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for piles For blind bleeding itching and pro truding piles eczema cuts burns bruises and all skin diseases DeWitta Salve has no equal This has given rise to numerous worthless counterfeits Ask for De Witts the genuine Sold by L W McConnell ot 1 Underwear is V FRANKLIN President now We have a complete as sortment of both union and twopiece suits for ladies and for men also for boys and girls It will pay you to look at DeGroff MM awn hjp m Phone 22 S4S IJ THK I eXIllwlfG Co A C EBERT Cashier CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK NEB BBS Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus S000 if 4 B H B DIRECTORS V FRANKLIN WFMcFARLAND A C EBERT b W B WOLFE C H WILLARD It Costs One Cent to have it Sentp itps Mon ey Well pent and Youll not repent the jCent You Spent to have it entIF You Spend a Cent Tsrri For a postal card to order our catalog on Thats all it costs you is the one cent you send for a postal card to write your name and address on and the one word Catalog- We want to send it to you We want to put this book in your hands show you samples of cloth that we make our suits out of show you prices such as you can get of no other house on earth We want to make ou know The Nebraska so that when you come to Omaha youll have reason to come and see us and when you want something to wear and dont want to come youll have reasons for ordering from us Price reasons such as ours ought to make you want to trade with us no matter if you live 1000 miles away Buy your postal card today and send for this catalog it will prove a good investment jcmB v gr 8 9 2 ViMCT K JT Pj I CorB Farnam and 15th St 9 Omaha J i J4fc i ir tv Tfrtv 1 K MTMvr I TrlUl MMMS m a I i Wtofeyjrt