The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 16, 1904, Image 4

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    - trs v TTrn iriti Tff
Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Theodoro Roosovolt
Elmor J Uurkott Lincoln
John II Mickoy Osceola
E G McGilton Omnlm
A Galusha Rod Cloud
E II Sonrlo Jr Ognlnlln
Peter Mortensen Onl
Norris Brnwn Koarnoy
supt ok tuumc instruction
J L McBrion Gonovn
G W Norris Rod Willow couuty
Albert Wilsey Mooreflultl
Philip Gliom Danbury
C E Eldred McCook
James Ilutflold McCook
Real Estate Filings
Tho following real estate tilings have
been made in tho county clerks office
since Inst Thursday evening
J W Dolan to P McNeill wd to sv qr
1200 00
M 15 McKillip to D J McKillip wd to
partit 111 3V4 2G and part 2 and in
3 20 2CGG6S
Agnes Ryan to D J McKillip wd to
part 33 34 and also part 2 and
3-3-26 2658 CG
Edw McKillip to D J McKillip wd to
same 2GCG GS
Mary McKillip to D J McKillip wd to
snmo 1C6G GS
Martha E McKillip to D J McKillip
wd tosnnio 2GGG 68
P E McKillip to D J McKillip wd to
satno 2GGG G9
Grand Detour P Co to S Simonsonwd
to so qr 6-1-27 1000 00
P Stono to John Hestorworth wd to o
hf 14-2-30 3000 00
John Hestorworth to P Stono wd no qr
41-1-29 700 00
Herbert Silvernnil to H C Whitmore
wd to 2 tftid 3 in 2G Indianoln 250 00
Thomas E Metcalf to Goo E Waldo
qcd to so
Nebraska L and T Co to John U
Smith wd to so qr sw qr 30 7 o hf nw
qrandswqr 31-4-30 700 00
Anna Shackelton to Joseph Junker wd
part so qr ms qr 12-3-28 3000 00
Fearful Odds Against Him
Bedridden alone and destitute Such
in brief was the condition of an old sol
dier by name of J J HavensVersailies
O For years he was troubled with
kidney disease and neither doctors nor
medicines gave him relief At length
he tried Electric Bitters It put him on
his feet in short order and now he testi
fies I am on the road to complete re
covery Best on earth for liver and
kidney troubles and all forms of stom
ach and bowel complaints Only 50c
Satisfaction guaranteed by W Mc
Connell druggist
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice Sept 12 1904
Anderson B M
Anderson Herman
Bishop Marion
Filbert C C
G bort Xaunio
Kraft Mrs Geo 2
Kennedy Thos
Martin Cora
McAdoo James
Miller Charles
Peterson J F
RodRes Chas
Styor Albert
Smith Ed A
Tenlon H M
White Yilbert
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised t
F M Kimmell Postmaster
Westward the orb of glory takes its way
Wisconsin is the state you hear every
body say
Its made itself famous by one greatstride
Rocky Mountain Tea has made its
name world wide
LW McCoknell
Got It So
Miss Black Im disgusted -with my
dressmaker my new costume doesnt
fit a little bit
Miss White Well I heard you tell
her you wanted it awful bad St
Louis Republic
Sometimes the hair is not
properly nourished It suffers
for food starves Then it
falls out turns prematurely
gray Ayers Hair Vigor is a
air Vigor
hair food It feeds nourishes
The hair stops falling grows
long and heavy and all dan
druff disappears
My hair was cnmlnc out terribly I was
almost afraid to comb It Hut Ayers Hair
Vior promptly stnpiieii tlio falling mid also
restored tlie natural rolnr
Miss JC K Waiu Laiiflliip N J
3I CO a bottle i r avkii CO
All in i Is C IohpII Mass
lomxrotxreaataBsaa lJk
Poor H
kl jaffL HB8SS531g7 Wi
The Burlingtons Low Summer Rates
The Burlington offers excursion rates
in every direction so low that there is
no excuse for staying at home Below
are some of them
St Louis and back Three kinds of daily rates
besides the special low rate coach excursions
September 1 4 G 8 11 13 15 20 22 27 and 29
Chicago and bacK Daily low rates either di
rect or viu St Louis with stopovers at StLouis
Kansas City and Omaha
Colorado and Utah Thoro and back prac
tically half rates all summer
To California San Francisco and Los Angeles
and back daily until September 10 only 4500
The only clianco in 1904 to get this low rate
To Michigan Minnesota Wisconsin and the
Great Lake region tho ideal summer country
daily low rates to take you away from home
On the first and third Tuesdays of each month
vory low round trip rates to many points in tho
Northwest West and Southwest
Daily from September 15 to October 15 ono
way tickets to hundreds or points in tho WeEt
and Northwest at practically half rates
To many points in Indiana Ohio and Ken
tucky September 6 13 20 27 and October 11 at
one fare plus S200 for round trip
Writo or call describe your trip let
mo advise you the least cost
2 3t Geo S Scott Ticket Agent
Or LW Wakeley G P A Omaha
Cured of Brights Disease
George ASherman Lisbon Red Mills
Lawrence county N Y writes I had
kidney disease for many years and had
been treated by physicians for twelve
years had taken a well known kidney
medicine and other remedies that were
recommended but got no relief until I
began using Foleys Kidney Cure The
first half bottle relieved me and four
bottles have cured me of this terrible
disease Before I began taking Foleys
Kidney Cure I had to make water about
every fifteen minutesday and nightand
passed a brick dust substanceand some
times a slimy substance I believe I
would have died if I had not taken
Foleys Kidney Cure Sold by A Mc
Protection is Panic Proof
is the title of the recent speech of Sena
tor J H Gallinger of New Hampshire
The speech has been issued in document
form by the American Protective Tariff
League One copy will be forwarded to
any address upon postal card request
addressed to W F Wakeman General
Secretary 339 Broadway New York
Ask for document No 7S
Emergency Medicines
It is a great convenience to have at
hand reliable remedies for use in cases
of accident and for slight injuries and
ailments A good liniment and one that
is fast becoming a favorite if not a house
hold necessity is Chamberlains Pain
Balm By applying it promptly to a cut
bruise or burn it allays the pain and
causes tho injury to heal in about one
third the time usually required and as
it is an antiseptic it prevents any danger
of blood poisoning WhenPain Balm is
kept at hand a sprain may be treated be
fore inflammation sets in which insures
a quick recovery For sale by all drug
A specialty of office supplies
The Tribute
A hakmg powder o highest class and
fiagiriesi leavening streagtbo Makes the
food ptse sweeten and mote wtolesome
Tested and Approved by the Government
The Japs Winning
So Are We Why
Because wo have just what you want
and what well dressed men require in
Clothing Shoes
for yourself and boy Everything
the newest and latest styles No
overwhelming stock to get old We
go to market four times a year and so
cannot be deceived as to styles
prices etc
For gents and youths tne newest
cuts in fancy Fall and Winter Suits
Overcoats etc
For the little fellows we have Bus
ter Browns with Eton collars Eus
sian Blouses famous Japanese Suits
Highpst grade goods at lowest pos
sible prices See us
The Working Mans Friend
Best Place to Trade
Some Recent Burlington Promotions
Tho promotion of G W Rhodes to bo
general superintendent of tho northwes
tern district of tho Burlington lines west
of tho river comes after thirty three
years of railroad service about eighteen
of which have been spent in the Burling
ton and nearly five of the eighteen in
Lincoln The northwestern district in
cluding threo divisions was turned over
to him with H J German in charge as
assistant to the general superintendent
Saturday morning last
GW Rhodes began railroading with
tho Pennsylvania and was with that
company for fourteen years He had
reached the position of superintendent
of motive power with headquarters at
Altoona when ho was called to the Bur
lington in 1886 Altoona is one of tho
greatest motive power points on the
Pennsylvania railroad There enough
motive power is cared for to move the
business of half a dozen small railroad
systems Mr Rhodes had an important
position with the company which he re
signed to become superintendent of mo
tive power on the Q with headquarters
ac Aurora 111 That was in 1886 This
position he held for thirteen years Then
he was transferred to Lincoln where he
has since had general supervision of mo
tive power and equipment as assistant
general superintendent Ho is a thor
ough motive power man is a member of
tho master car builders association and
is reckoned as one of the foremost me
chanical engineering experts in the
United States
Soon after coming here Mr Rhodes
began the organization of clubs among
railroad employes for the discussion and
solving of railroad problems He at
tended the meetings of these clubs had
accurate minutes Kept of the proceed
ings saw that these minutes were writ
ten out and that each member of the
club was presented with a copy At
these meetings Mr Rhodes would pro
pose problems for discussion and he
would listen to the discussion of them
by the foremen of the various depart
ments thereby bringing to his aid as
superintendent the consensus of knowl
edge of all his men From these club
meetings the men began to know Mr
Rhodes to measure his ability to learn
that he is a master of detail as well as of
operation in the abstract
Mr Rhodes headquarters will be in
Alliance His home remains in Lincoln
He is 56 years of ago His hair is whit
ened perhaps prematurely With his
white hair hidden he would be taken
for a man not older than 45 Ho is ro
bust apparently the possessor of good
physical health a great worker and a
man who prizes discipline and industry
Mr Johnson a relative of Vice Presi
dent Willards chief clerk has been ap
pointed chief clerk for Mr Rhodes II
J German of Lincoln goes to Alliance
as assistant to General Superintendent
H J German has been with the Bur
lington a long time in fact so long that
he hardly remembers when he wasnt
working for the company although he
is yef a young man He came to Lin
coln from the position of chief clerk to
Superintendent Rogers of Wymore He
iV f
Purest and sweetest
of ail wheat foods
2 lb packages
- All high class grocers
A C Onq A M LL B Pres Omaha
Prof A J Lowry Princ
rV tiiii
Endorsed bv First Natl
Pnrl for froo Mfnlnttitn hrl in
Bankand businessmen
10000 in Koll Top Desks Bank Fixtures and
50 Typewriters Students can work for board
finest ever published by a Business College
xveuu id iinu you win attend tue V
at the
all lira tor
has been in General Superintendent Cal
verts office for three years Ho has had
charge of special work relating to inspec
tion and tonnage problems While hero
he has had charge of tho tonnago bu
reau working out the Ilill tonnago idea
and acting in a way as statistician
The Burlington is building a wing on
tho depot at Alliance for tho office of
general superintendent and his assist
supt mac fa island
By tho shifting of officials and tho cre
ation of now territory out of old Asst
Supt D F MacFarland of Holyoko
Col is given a boost Ho is mado di
vision superintendent of the Holyoko di
vision with headquarters at Ilolyoke
His division will reach far over into Ne
braska taking the Holdrege Cheyenno
line of tho road tho lino from Alliance
to Sterling and tho Guernsey line from
Bridgeport to Guernsey in all 572 miles
Mr McFarland has grown up with tho
Burlington He is a brother of the late
J D MacFarland so well known in
Lincoln He started in tho railroad bus
iness as a stake boy with an engineering
corps Successively he filled the posi
tion of section foreman roadmaster and
assistant superintendent Ho comes of
Scotch Irish Pennsylvania stock While
made superintendent of a division where
development of business will be slow
and of little consequence his xeculiar
abilities in operating lines with the min
imum of expense has made his succes
sion to the superintendency of such a
division a natural sequence Lincoln
A Continual Strain
Many mon and women are constantly
subjected to what they commonly term
a continual strain because of some
financial or family trouble It wears
and distresses them both mentally and
physically affecting their nerves badly
and bringing on kidney and liver ail
ments with the attendant evils or con
stipation loss of appetite sleeplessness
low vitality and despondency They can
not as a rule get rid of this continu
al strain but they can remedy its health
destroying effects by taking frequent
doses of Greens August Flower It tones
up the liver stimulates the kidneys in
sures healthy bodilv functions gives
vim and spirit to ones whole being and
eventually dispels tho physical or men
tal distress caused by that continual
strain Trial bottle of August Flower
25c regular size 75 At all druggists
Advent Sabbath school at 2 p m
preaching at 3 Prayer meeting every
Tuesday evening
Elder G II Smith Pastor
Christian Bible school 10 Preach
ing at 11 a m and 8 p m every Sunday
Good music Special invitation to all
G T Burt Pastor
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sundav
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
First Baptist Church Sermons at
11 a m and 715 p m Bible school at
915 am Junior society at 3 p m BY
P U at 745 p m Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening 8 p m
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m
Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer
and sermon at S The third Sunday in
the month Holy Communion at 730 a
m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Congregational Sunday school 1 0
a m Y P S C E at 7 p m Prayer
and conference meeting on Wednesday
evening Sunday morning subject The
Seen and the Unseen Evening subject
Elijah the Tishbite Special music
at both services by the choir and Male
George A Conrad Pastor
Methodist Sunday School at 10
Preaching at 1100 and 8 00 Epworth
League at 715 Prayer meeting every
Thursday evening at S Morning sub
ject Christ the Shepherd Evening
subject Backsliders Sunday school
and preaching in South McCook in the
afternoon Fourth quarterly meeting
Wednesday September 21st at 8 in the
evening in the church Special music
Everybody invited
M B Carman Pastor
Whats in a name
Everything is in the name when it
comes to Witch Hazel Salve E C De
Witt Co of Chicago discovered some
years ago how to make a salve from
Witch Hazel that is a specific for piles
For blind bleeding itching and pro
truding piles eczema cuts burns
bruises and all skin diseases DeWitts
Salve has no equal This has given
rise to numerous worthless counterfeits
Ask for DeWitts the genuine Sold
by L W McUonnell
14r5 to St Louis
and return on August 2 1 9 11 1G 18
23 25 30 September 1 6 S 13 15 20
22 27 and 29 Call on the agent for
narticulars 8-5-St
Has Sold a Pile of Chamberlains Cough
I have sold Chamberlains Cough
Remedy for more than twenty years and
it has given entire satisfaction I have
sold a pile- of it and can recommend it
highly Joseph McElhiney Lin ton
Iowa You will find this remedy a good
friend when troubled with a cough or
cold It always affords quick relief and
is pleasant to take For sale by all
The expression occurs so many times in
letters from sick women to Dr Pierce I
was completely discouraged And there
is always good reason for the discourage
ment Years of suffering Doctor after
doctor tried in vain Medicines doing
Ib iv H
no lasting good
It is no wonder
that the woman
feels discouraged
Thousands of
these weak and
sick women have
found health and
courage regained
as the result of
the use of Doctor
Pierces Favorite
Prescription It
establishes regu
larity dries un
healthy drains
heals inflamma
tion and ulcerea
tion and cures
female weakness
It makes weak
women strong and
sick women well
In the year 1899
I was taken sick
writes Mrs Edna
Crowder of Ripley
Lauderdale CoTeun
My limbs ached
had severe pains in
back and lower part
of bowels with dif
ficulty in urination
and smartine ami
burning pain after I tried many kinds of
medicine and four of the best doctors in the
country until I gave up all hope of recovery
In January 1901 I wrote to Dr R V Tierce of
Buffalo N Y and received from him a letter
telling me to try his medicines I took eleven
bottles six of Favorite Prescription five of
Golden Medical Discovery one vial of Pel
lets and used one box of Lotion Tablets and
one of Healing Suppositories and am now
able to work at anything I want to Thanks to
you for yourvaluable medicine and kind advice
Weak and sick women are invited to
consult Dr R V Pierce by letter free
All correspondence is held as strictly
private and sacredly confidential Ad
dress Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Bloi k Vvet of Citizens Bunk
McCook - Nebraska
Poultry Co j
t door west Palmer Hotlt
Buyers and Shippers of
Poultry and Eggs
ior the next 7 days
we will pay cash
For Hens Tc lb
Spring Chicks 10c lb
2 pound- and under
Are due to indigestion Ninety nine of every
one hundred people who have heart trouble
can remember when it was simple indiges
tion It is a scientific fact that all cases of
heart disease not organic are not only
traceable to but are the direct result of indi
gestion All food taken into the stomach
which fails of perfect digestion ferments and
swells the stomach puffing it up against tho
heart This interferes with the action of
the heart and in the course of time that
delicate but vital organ becomes diseased
Mr D Kauble cf Nevada O says I had stcmach
trouble and was in a bad state as 1 had heart trouble
with it I took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for about four
tnonths and it cured me
Kodol Digests What You Eat
and relieves the stomach of all nervous
strain ana the neart of all pressure
Bottles only 100 Size holding 2ZA times the trial
size which sells for 50c
For Sale by L W McConnell
A Sound Argument
The one that blows without any
thing to blow about wastes time and
energy The excellence of our goods
and delivery service warrant us for
blowing Always the best always
the greatest variety always the
highest quality
Phone 11 Fresh and Salt Meats
Real Estate Improved
To own n home I offer n 4 rqom lionse wUl
oak nnd muplo Hoora lino ipcawoii y
well kept lawn nnd trees mcoly started it s AJ n
bargain Sco L 11 iiinuomaun
ll If 1 f 32V 3
Or any kind of meat from our
shop by phone if you wish
or send the little folks and
you will get the sweet tooth
some kind
We pride ourselves on the
freshness and quality of our
goods and the promptness of
our delivery
If you are not now trading
with us we would be pleased
to have you give us a trial
We think you will be pleased
Phone 12
Hi H
i liuj
lis iii
itis Us
m in
its iii
m m
iii i
iii iii
Hi iii
m Hi
Hi iii
Hi ii
iii Hi
iii ii
iis iiV
JS iii
T t
The business man knows
the value and convenience
of a Checking Account so
does the up-to-date profes
sional man likewise the pro
gressive farmer and too
the wide awake business
woman We shall be glad
to initiate people into the
details of keeping a checking
First National
JD W w
l rSi
ffl ft
A lino largo homo with both oloctrie fcehte
nnd furnace beautiful lawn shade trooa burn
1 1 I enii Ttimdnr it will bo a
rf inunl n Mvn wiirh 11 Jionu oe
L II Lindenmnn
Ono of acres another of 210 acres and still
another woll improved or 5 nil bottom nnd
near towu See L II Lindemann
A capital invostmont for your money invested
in property that will bo worth from three- to tiv
times its present value in six or eitflit yen
could bo put to no bettor use Do not pP3 this
by if j ou can spare 10X0 por month for this tho
safest investment Sie L II Lindomnnn AS
For tho new nnd great empire Houtt county
Colorado now ooing rapidly populated jn ad
vance of tho Moffat lino Procrastination 1 in
this case will prove to be tho thiof of time beo
L II Lindemann Al
My lit from timo to time and do notfail to
carorully consider tho fact that tho time to buy
citv or farm projxjrty is when there is n general
feeling of depression L II Lindemann Ileal
Resources aro boond computation in dollars
They comprise sold silver copper lend coal
iron onyx marble building stone timber lire
clay mineral springs and for agnculturocanrt
stock raising ranks first in tho statu To tins
may ho added scenic features without eriual in
tho state See L II Linilemann
A beautiful 4 rooin cotUiKo 2 lots HOftfront
This may bo had now ftirViiW S Lindeinan
I ft
I a
r i