The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 16, 1904, Image 3

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a i ma mw
i m - w
Miss Hanornnd fplls hnw she
IK yp a
jPvW sa
jf ft
Only 1500 to Deadwood and Lead
S D and return Sept 3 6 10 13
and 17 via The Northwestern Line
City Offices 1401 Farnam street
Some political booms need noth
ing so much as a coroners inquest
Those Who Have Tried It
will use no other Defiance Cold Wa
ter Starch has no equal in Quantity
or Quality 16 oz for 10 cents Other
brands contain only 12 oz
Gods love was not meant as a cush
ion for our laziness
Important to Mothers
Examines carefully every bottle of CASTORIA
a safe and saro remedy for infants and children
end sec that it
Bears the
Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Havo Alwiya Bousht
Now cometh the dog star days
when the thrifty housewife may live
on the delicatessen plan
The value of a mans prniciples de
pends on what it costs him to cash
them in practice
Only those who face their sins find
their forgiveness
The religion that makes good will
make peopls good
Prayer is the parent of persever
escaped an awful operation by
using Lydia E Pinkhams Vege
table Compound
DEAnMna Piukham I suffered
for four years with what the doctors
called Salpingitis inflammation of tho
fallopian tubes and ovaritis which is
a most distressing and painful ailment
affecting all the surrounding parts
undermining the constitution and sap
ping the life forces If you had seen
me a year ago before I began taking
Jjydia E Pinkbams Vegetable
Compound and had noticed the
sunken eyes callow complexion and
general emaciated condition and com
pared that person with me as I am to
day robust hearty and well you
would not wonder that I feel thankful
to you and your wonderful medicine
which restored me to new life and
health in five montli3 and saved mo
irom an awful operation Miss Irene
Hapoood 1022 Sandwich St Windsor
Ont 5000 forfeit If original of above letter
proving genuineness cannot be produced
Ovaritis or inflammation of the
ovaries or fallopian tubes which adjoin
the ovaries may result from sudden
stopping of tho monthly flow from
inflammation of the womb and many
other causes The slightest indication
of troublo with the ovaries indicated
by dull throbbing pain in the side ac
companied by heat and shooting pains
should claim your instant attention
It will not cure itself and a hospital
operation with all its terrors may
easily result from neglect
CnnCJO 7K weftirnlhtho
u uiigtui a v
hlflhoat Crado
hend erectn separator made Able
separator with a capacity of S00
pounds or U0 quarts per hour trnplg
for any dairy of ton covre or lesn
CSrger slzos of 400 or COO pounds jicr
hour capacity for largo dalrte only
Bllghtly hlsuerln prlco Guaranteed
the clcseat skimmer caalest run
ulnpr etrongest moat convenient
casleFt cleaned greatest capacity
and least llablo to get out of or
der of any cream separator made
separator Is covered our 20-
year written binding guarantee
TESTS conceded by cxperlo and
dairy authorities everywhere and
declared by thousands of users to bo
lnovcryway superior to any other
Rpnftratflr msrlA GuarantrAri fa invn
the 25 per cent to 30 pircentcream
ttint1 n Inc 4 rl t4 1
VM juu nun ivoa fix uiu nniiuuivu
mllK by tho old etjlo of Eklmmlng
from tho Dan and besides tcu hare
the iweet Bklmmed milt for your calresj eaves oil tho
cream an tiio sweat imik ntaucs more ana better Duller
With this separator you will Ket 81000 to KOOO rcr year
more from every cow you will tret more ineomo frcm
seven cows than you are now pettine from ten and all
with one half the labor Our S437S Scparetcr la needed
by overy farmer whether you mill two cows or ten You
will savo the cost of tho separator In a few months
A BOY CAN HANDLE IT So slmslo that anyone can
cperete It no experience Is necessary If j ou hao never
Been a separator no matter any 15 jenr old boy can han
dle and run It tho Ideal maclilns for boy girl woman or
man to run none of the complicated hard to handle parts
found In other machines Combines all the Rood qualities
of all other hleh trrado Feparators with the defects of none
TO ANY ADDRESS on 30 days trial to convince you
Cut this ud outondsend to us and wo will rend you Free
by return mall postpaid our Free Separator Catalogue
with larso Illustrations pictures of all our separator
torts etx full description special Inside prices Wo
will send yon Our 30 Days Free Trial Oiler We vfll ox
plain our Guarantee our Quality Challenge We will ex
plain why our xnachino Is tho best You will get our Iciest
and most marveloucly liberal Cream Separator Offer an
offer and prices never before known Dontbuy a fepara
tor of any make at any price on time on lnbtallment or
for cosh until j ou cut this ad out end send to us and ret
ail we will eend you by return mall POSTPAID FREC
If you own two or moro cows write m at once Address
Every housekeeper should know
that if they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use they
will save not only time because it
never sticks to the iron but because
each package contains 16 oz one full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up in -pound pack
ages and the price is the same 10
cents Then again because Defiance
Starch is free from all injurious chem
icals If your grocer tries to sell you a
12 oz package it is because he has
a stock on hand which he wishes to
dispose of before he puts in Defiance
He knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package in large let
ters and figures 16 ozs Demand
Defiance and save much time and
money and the annoyance of the iron
Iticking Defiance never sticks
Tho pessimist always
spots on the apple first
bites the
Trreory Regarding the Moon
The novel theory of Dr Voight a
German astronomer is that the great
er part of the moons craters repre
sent work of coral insects in long
vanished sea3 Ho finds that if the
earths tropical ocean were suddenly
dried up the bed would resemblo tho
face of tho moon tho coral forma
tions appearing exactly like the crat
ers of the extinct volcanoes
Mosquito Cause of Death
A Jersey mosquito caused the deata
of a barber named Rosho Dorso at
Harrison N J The barber was shav
ing and a mosquito lit on his nose
Tho razor was directly under tho bar
bers chin and in making a slap to
drive away the mosquito he cut a deep
gash in his throat A physician an
rived too late to savo him
Belated Weddings
The love of independence and the
freedom and pleasure of to day make
girls less and Icsb anxious to marry
before they are past live and twenty
Perhaps it is better that there should
be that disinclination for our modern
life may fit a woman better to marry
late than early Lady Jeune in Lon
don Opinion
A New York Salad Abroad
This summer there seems rather a
set against ices at tho smart dinners
We are now such slaves to health
and diet cures At a well known house
there was a curious dish of fruit mixed
with watercress a cross between a
compote and a salad Tne result was
very satisfactory London Onlooker
Annoying to the Judges
An English magistrate remarked on
the bench I have known some
judges when tncy have formed a the
ory in a case loo early to be very
much annoyed when the evidence has
not filted with it
Result of Fool Wager
English newspapers tell of a laborer
named Samuel Wellington who at
tempted for a wager to kiss his toe
In doing so he broke his thigh and
had to be conveyed to a hospital
Everybodys Magazine
The secret method of multiplying
millions by which the enormous for
tunes of Standard Oil and other big
financial institutions were created
veritably out of nothing is the text
of the September installment of
Frenzied Finance by Thomas W
Lawson in Everybodys Magazine
It is no exageration to say that the
article is of the most sensational in
terest and importance The story of
how Standard Oil set about getting
the control of banks and trust and
insurance companies how it juggled
their funds so as to extend its opera
tions the process of the trustifica
tion of corporations as they practice
it and the upbuilding of the greatest
financial power in America today
makes a revelation of the most start
ling significance
Sincerity is like traveling in a plain
be3ten road which commonly brings
a man much sooner to his journey s
end than by ways in which men often
lose themselves
Mrs Burnetts English Heme
Frances Hodgson Burnett the au
thor of Little Lord Faunllercy
whose story of childhood In the
Closed Room is now appearing in
McClures Magazine has returned for
the summer to her English country
home Maytham Hall in Kent Mrs
Burnetts estate is a very old one
lying in the most beautiful part of
Englands most picturesque county
The foundations of the house arc over
700 years old and the old church on
the grounds is mentioned in the
Doomsday Book Attached to the
Hall are two quaint villages ILolven
den street and Rolvenden lane
Death From Slight Accident
While carrying a keg of beer in
tended for a picnic in Reading Pa
Elmer Kerchoff stumbled over a wire
The keg slipped so suddenly that the
jar dislocated his neck
Among American artists one of the
most talked of and most appreciated
foreign paintings in this country is
the portrait of A Woman in Black
by Degas recently added by Mrs
Gardner to her Fenway Court collec
tion One of the leading American
portrait painters has called it the
greatest masterpiece in portraits of
the last century A reproduction of
this canvas made by permission of
Mrs Gardner will appear in the Sep
tember Century and the editor takes
this occasion to make a new protest
against the application of the prin
ciple of Protection to works of art
Behind in Sanitation
A doctor writes in the London Lan
cet that as regards sanitation and
ventilation the English churches re
tain the custom of the middle ages
The September Atlantic
The September Atlantic opens bril
liantly with the first chapters of
Isidro a romantic serial novel by
Mrs Mary Austin tho scene of which
is laid in Southern California and
which is full of unusual and attrac
tive incidents of love and adventure
of vivid description and highly imag
inative narrative
The unpublished manuscripts of
Ralph Waldo Emerson supply a truly
Emersonian characterization of
Shakespeare in the shape of the ad
dress made by Emerson before the
Boston Saturday Club tx their Shakes
pearian ter centenary meeting
If a negro adventuress could whee
dle a cool million out of a New York
millionaire how much could a hard
working deserving white woman srt
Under Its Branches Washington and
Lafayette Conferred
A gigantic chestnut tree with a
girth of about twenty five feet and un
der whose branches in 1777 Washing
ton and Lafayette held a council c
war and ate their meals while camp
ing on the place when the American
army was marching from Baltimore
to Philadelphia is one of the many
objects of Interest shown to visitors
on the McCormlck farm near Balti
more This is not a tradition but a
well authenticated fact as is abund
antly attested by the archives of the
McCormlck family
The first owner of the old manor
was George Councilman who obtained
possession of the farm through a grant
from Lord Baltimore The grant is in
possession of Mr McCormlck who
prizes it as a precious heirloom Mr
McCormlck became a member of the
Councilman family by marriage with
Miss Martha Councilman daughter ol
George Councilman who recently diou
at the advanced age of 96 years The
grant is beautifully engrossed or
parchment and is well preserved and
perfectly legible The place was
named Mark Alexanders Range in
honor of Mark Alexander Lord Balti
mores agent at that time It is situ
atcd on the old Blue Ball road a
short distance east of Pokornys Font
mile house on the Belair road
A Difference of Dreams
Two children by the casement ssit
And dreamed the dreams o day
That sevle so nimbly Harden valls
To wander worlds away
One dreamed him of the soldier lads
That parsed the door at noon
Oli rhythm of hoofs and janpling steel
Who knows a blither lime
His eyes pursued some grand dames
Upon the far highway
Or sought the brightning sky thai
Where some fair city lay
The other watched the day pass througr
Ueyond the western gates
And saw the evening star come out
And beckon to her males
He watched the poplars strew th
With restless shadow leaves
And heard the gentle croon and stir
Of pigeons in the eaves
Two brothers by the window sit
Long lost such dreams as these
Come Hocking back like homing birds
Set free on alien seas
To one its gifts of fame and power
The world has long supplied
Ah siren dreams For still lie craves
Long sought content denied
The others di earns resolve into
A triad sweet as prayer
The village bell his wifes dear voice
His childs foot on the stair
M Whittaker in Dallas News
Solving the Difficulty
Ex Senator Pritchard of North Caro
lina whose marriage to a Washingtor
woman occurred just before the last
Christmas holidays recently related
this incident to one of Mrs Pritch
ards schoolgirl friends
Having an engagement with some
politicians at the New Willard hotel
the senator asked that dinner be had
a little earlier than usual whereupon
Mrs Pritchard gave orders that it be
served at once
One of the meat courses was baked
chickens of which the senator is par
ticularly fond After making a gal
lant effort to masticate a piece of
chicken breast Mr Pritchard placed
his knife and fork on his plate and
smilingly looking up at his wife said
My dear this chicken is but half
I am sorry senator said Mrs
Pritchard but as I dont need much
well just eat the half thats cooked
New York Times
Alive and Dead Passengers
Carter Harrison mayor of Chicago
while on his way west chanced to
meet an acquaintance and togethei
they traveled chatting about boyhood
days The conductor came along
took up the ticket of the acquaintance
placed a tag on his hat nodded pleas
antly to the mayor and without ex
amining the latters pass went on
Thank you said the acquaintance
to the conductor
What did you say that for asked
the mayor
Why for the manner in which he
distinguished between us and for in
dicating that I am still classed among
the living
I fail to understond declared the
It appears to me as very evident
observed the mayors companion cau
tiously that the conductor does not
consider it necessary to label a dead
Paid for His Witticism
An English student tells that when
he was attending school at Leipzig
the feeling regarding the Boer war
ran high the Germans eagerly exult
ing over any news of British defeat
One of the university professors was
the most rabid pro Boer One day he
posted a notice announcing that there
would be a meeting of the professors
to protest against the action of Eng
land in South Africa and that the
meeting would be held in the zoolog
teal gardens An English student was
nold enough to write under the notice
And a very good place too but he
had to leave the university on account
of his wit
Story of Scotch Pawkiness
A positively true tale of Scotch
pawkiness is sent to us by a naval
correspondent He traveled up to In
venesshire with a Scotsman on whose
taciturnity he failed after many ef
forts to impinge The Scotsman still
stared dully fixedly from the train
At last intelligence began to show
in his face and grew to eestacy and
he shouted in his excitement Look
here look here thats whaur it was
His companion rushed to the window
In yon wee town continued the
Scotsman I was charged saxpeaca
tor yin cup of coffee Londoa Globe
True Yankee Woman
Your wife is somewhat strong
minded Isnt she Littlejohn
Strong minded Well a furniture
polish peddler came here yesterday
and In five minutes talk she sold him
some polish she had made herself
Boston Congregationalism
Remedy for Muscular Tatlguc
In formic add Dr Clement of tho
French Academy of Medicine claims
to have discovered a wonderful rem
edy for muscular fatigue He com
bines it with bicarbonate of soda to
save the stomach from distress
had t6give UP
Suffered Agonies from Kidney Disor
ders Until Cured by Doans Kidney
George W Renoff of 193 North
11th St Philadelphia Pa a man of
Mm mm
mm Mtm
MWL mm
good reputation
and standing
writes Five
years ago I was
suffering so with
my back and kid
nevs that I often
had to lay off
The kidney secre
tions were unnat
ural my legs and
stomach were
swollen and I
had no appetite When doctors failed
to help me I began using Doans Kid
ney Pills and improved until my back
was strong and my appetite returned
During the four years since I stopped
using them I have enjoyed excellent
health Tho euro was permanent
A TRIAL FREE Address Foster
Milhurn Co Buffalo N Y For sale
by all dealers Price oO cts
The man who puts his head into a
barrel does not eclipse the sun
ETITO permanently cured JfofltRoncrrcnjnevinftev
trl Id flritdayiifPorir KllnedHrpntNTtelleBtor
or Send for FKEE 3200 trlnl bottle and trratiro
DC R H Elise Ltd 831 Arch Street lclladelpalu Is
We arc all willing to admit the de
pravity of our neighbors
Superior quality and extra quantity
must win This is why Defiance Starch
is taking the place of all others
It is easy to mistake gas works for
good works
The Murine iyp KcmcO U vpo scndllume
Ivc lok iree Wrlie tiicm tiut uiir fe
No man is so rich he can afford to
lose a friend
Iibos Cure for Consumption an infallible
medicine for cough and cold -X V SAiiUEl
Ocean Grove X 1 Feb IT 1CW0
Sacrifice determines the value of
rny serico
Mr WlnsIorrB fionllilntr lyTop
For children teethluu Hiftrns tbepums reduce
alla s pain cures mil colli c a bottle
Many a man would be rich if he did
not try so hard to appear to be
Dr David Kennedys favorite Keiucdy
cartel my wife of n lernlile ivp ip v Iih ilitiiri I
tuotlO toltMiarelousHflliiti IKAcetAlUiiiv V
It is hard to be popular with pigs
and to keep out of the trough
No chromos or cheap premiums but
a better quality and one third more
of Defiance Starch for the au prk
of otner starches
Men who expect to die like dogs are
likely to live like dogs
kTJR PHOElNTX Walking Chair
holds the child securely pre
venting those painful falls and
bnmps which are so frequent when
baby learns to valk
The chair is provided with a re
movable sanitary cloth seatwhich
supports the weight of the cliild
and prevents bow legs and spinal
troubles it also has a tablo attach
ment which enables baby to find
amusement in its toys etc with
out any attention
As indispensable as a cradle
It is so constructed that it pre
vents soiled clothes sickness from
drafts and floor germs and ia
recommended by physicians and
endorsed by both mother ana baby
Combines pleasure and utility
No baby should bo without one
Call at your furniture dealer
and ask to see one
Can only bo had of your furniture doalor
W N U Omaha
No 3S 1SQ4
Wed In Grandmothers Dress
MIkb Mtirfcl Arthur who married
Mr Ian Flnlay of tho Scots Groys
wore a wedding dress composed en
tirely of priceless old Brussels lace
which was worn by the bridegrooms
great grandmother at her own wed
ding 109 years ago
Maltas Chief Industry
Laccmaklng gives employment to
about two fifths of tho population of
Malta Silk Is the chief material used
but of late years cotton has been much
In demand The art is handed down
from family to family
More Flexible and Lasting
wont shake out or blow out by usini
Defiance Starch you obtain better re
Kults than possible with any other
brand and one third more for same
Football Games Aid Detectives
The Australian detectives find foot
ball useful Criminals will hido six
days in the week but they have to
come out on Saturday to see the foot
ball game and the police are on hand
Steals Little Boys Shoes
An English thief was arrested whoso
method was to induce little boys to
take off their shoes in order to run a
race and leave him in charge of tho
shoes When they returned breath
less ho and the shoes were gone
Its queer that girls nowadays pre
fer the busy-buzz-saw-buggy In the
old fashioned horse affair a man could
have one arm free anyhow if tho good
old horse were the only thing in sight
f From tho cradle to the baby chair7 I
I If so you cught to have a
rA vW
r Jm Vj v 5500
fc -X
iWililiy V- wt
kM ja mm a
1L Wlf 1 f 4KE 1 V fc 7 Gv JAW V M
C r ACrtfirVi x7 iffjCMmV
7ifljL4IXa four n
7 f f 0t HAWK
VZfll flXSTMUSIltim J
Head down
74 a m 1630 p m Lv
S00 a mt43 p m Lv
73f p m 1700 a m Arr
750 m715 a m Arr
These trains run daily
Black Absorbs Heat
A French authority had two thep
mometors one of ordinary glass tho
other painted black placed In tho
sun In tho white glasB tho mercury
rose to 141 Under tho black paint It
went up to 157 In tho same position
Tho inference la that peoplo who
wear black coats aro wanner In tho
sunshine than thoso who dress In
It is a good deal oaslor to sit up
straight in church than it Is to walk
upright In tho world
One does havo to wait to ho fleeced
to prove that ho is not a wolf
The man who tries to cash flattery
always finds It a forgery
S f
Pfei itift
black cart LUXV
and 400 Custom Bench Work in all
the High Grade Leathers
50 Police Three Soles S2BO and
200 WORKINGMENS best in the world
250 200 and 175 Boys for
Dress and School Wear
V I Douglas nmltes nnd nellrf moro mi nH
SltHO iitul SOO Bhoi Htliuu any otlior niatiii
facttirir in tho world Tho rrunun llioy aro
tho Rrwuchtsciirrs in tliey tns niado of tho h st
leathers hold tlioir hhipeftt better wear loiwr
aiulhvo more value than any thT tthoes
V a Douglas Kuarnntfcs their value by Btainp
iK hi- name ami prioo on tho bottom Look for
it taUo no substitute SoM by shoo
e very u here Fust Color J Jyttels uhciI exclusively
Heretofore I have been wearing 700
oes S purchased a pair of XV L Dougtaa
I J shoes ivhlclt I have ivorn every day for
tonths They arc so satisfactory I do not
intend to return to the more expensive shoes
WM GRJUT JQNOWLES Jisst City Solicitor Phil a
Brockton Leads the Mens Shoe Fash tons of ihes World
W J llouclas usps ornna Col in in I Send for Catalog qivhuj full -Jilt
5i0 sIiocn Corona oil ronreilci I rfrurtiom Iwiu to order by mall
to ho the flnebl Patent Leather made W L Douglas Brockton MogJ
Great Reduction in Rates via
Home visitors excursions sold evr ry Tuesday in September nnd Oetob
lltli Ililf fire plus SLOOj for tho round trip to all points in India
points in Ohio and Kentucky
S850 St Louis and return sold Tuesdays and Thursdays
5i80 St Louis and return sold daily
2715 Buffalo Niagara Falls or Toronto and return sold daily
21r0 Detroit and return sold daily
52000 Chieapo and return one way via St Louis sold daily
Long limit and stop over allowed at St Louis on ALL tickets
Ijer I
na I
Schedule of our Fast trains
Read up
Oouneil Muffs
Worlds Fair Station
St Louis
Arr 900 p m820 a m
Arr S- p rnj8 00 a rn
Lv 315 a m74i p m
Lv 900 a m7S0 p m
Compare this time with oilier lines
The Wabash lands all passengers at ami cheeks lKUxaire to It own
station at main entrance of Worlds fairgrounds Think what this means
quick time extra car fare saved and a delightful trip and you art not all
tired out before entering the Imposition grounds
All Agents can route you via the Wabash It It For beautiful Worlds
Fair folder and all information address
G A P D Wab It II Omaha Neb
By Defiance SUrdi b t very beA Stzzch cuis fM
f Wc guarsntee tttHfarffrn cr aacey fcaa RsJl
B Delbnie Starch fa assobtdy fr iron thtoisak JHi0fy
g Ilnuktst defies look beautiful zed w2 not rot then WSiSi
Of 16 csxecs for tO ceriy one third esse than fYf JMi
Putnam Fadeless Dyes are cleanly as they neither stain the hands nor spot the kettle One 10c package colors either silk woo or cotton
equally well and is guaranteed to cive perfect results Putnam Fadeless Dyes arc for sale by all rood drusrtfsts everywhere or mailed
direct at 10c a yackage Write to day for frso booklet Hot to Bleach- Dye or Mis Colors MONROE DRUG CO Unlonvllle Mo
iEWfstN6i Bimm
Tear JSicr or ttrect trs Factory eart in
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper
CURES catarrh cf the stomach
sites Good