The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 09, 1904, Image 8

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L A Thomas has u rubber tired car-
Isaac Cromwell is building ah addi
tion to his house v
Mrs G- V Cumminga visited at the
Johnsoud last wook
G M Cummings visited on the ridge
horth of town Sunday
D A McOarty has given his house a
much needed coat of paint
Jake Powell is building a new house
on his farm on tho Sappy
Roscoe Lindsey of Illinois is visiting
his cousin Frank Eikord of this place
Harden Smith will care for his fathers
farm while the latter visits the worlds
The rthfcat crop dont hurry anybody
much this year ljardly enough to re
port on
Etta Scull of Wilsonville was visiting
her sister at the Valley house a few days
last weeki
Dora Smith and Frankie Loomis vis
Ited the later part of the week at the
Hupp home
Bert Cozad has rented the old H T
Snyder farm south of town for the
coming year
Charles Fiechter of Thomas county
Kansas is visiting his brother and other
relatives hero
Eat what you can and what you cant
you can Penningtons tomatoes at
Guys or from the wagon on the street
As Rev R E Poguo has entered the
Wesleyan university at Lincoln the M
Ej pulpit will not be supplied until after
Hardon Smith finished plastering
Henry Moores new tenement houselast
week As soon as finished Mr Lutz
will occupy it
James Ferrel ha3 decided the farm the
best place to live and is erecting a sub
stantial two sfory 30x30 house on his
farm north of Lebanon
A benefit ice cream supper was given
at the Presbyterian parsonage Thurs
day evening the proceeds to go to pay
the insurance on the church
William Small a former resident of
this place and who has been spending
the summer in Logan county Kansas
has returned and will locate here
Hampton Horton H E Waugh and
wife J P Kinne Amos Thomas and
others attended the fair in Lincoln Mr
Horton went on to Sc Louis to take in
the worlds fair before returning
School commenced with a full force of
teachers Monday Prof Pfeifer is prin
cipal Miss Hannan has the grammar
grade and will hold forth in the brick
hall May Moore teaches the intermed
iate and Viola Devoe the primary
Earl Harmon and Jessie McComb were
united in marriage at the home of the
brides parents west of Wilsonville
Wednesday evening August 31st Rev
Pollock of the Wilsonville U P church
officiating About 60 guests were pres
ent D F Hupps and Allie Guy of
Lebanon were at the wedding as also
were Dora Smith and daughter Frankie
Loomis of Denver
From 148 to 92 Pounds
One of the most remarkable cases of a
cold deep seated on the lungs causing
pneumonia is that of Mrs Gertrude E
Fenner Marion Ind who was entirely
cured by the use of One Minute Cough
Cure She says Tho coughing and
straining so weakened me that I ran
down in weight from 14S to 92 pounds
I tried a number of remedies to no avail
until I used One Minute Cough Cure
Four bottles of this wonderful remedy
cured mo entirely of the cough strength
ened my lungs and restored me to my
normal weiirht health and strength
Sold by L W McConnell
What is Life
In the last analysis nobody knowsbut
Wo do know thai it is uuder strict law
Abuse the law even slightly pain re
sults Irregular living means derange
ment of the organs resulting in consti
pation headache or liver trouble Dr
Kings New Life Pills quickly re adjusts
this Its gentle yet thorough Only
25c at L W McConnells drug store
The only kind of consump
tion to fear is neglected
People are learning that con
sumption is a curable disease
It is neglected consumption
that is so often incurable
At the faintest suspicion of
consumption get a bottle of
Scotts Emulsion and begin
resrular doses
The use of Scotts Emulsion
at once has in thousands of
cases turned the balance in
favor of health
Neglected consumption does
not exist where Scotts Emul
sion is
Prompt use of Scotts Emul
sion checks the disease while it
can be checked
Send for free sample
Pearl Street New York
4 4 15
joe and ioo all druggists
Gliom is 00 the sick list this
Miss May Miuniear
cycle -
rides a
uow bi-
Ben Leisure has gone to Stockfon on
Mr Wicks of Banksville visitod the
Sargeuts Monday
Born to Tom Ball and wife a I aby
girl Septembor 6th
Born to Charles Gentry and wife a
baby girl August 31st
J L Sims shipped one car of hogs to
Kansas City this week
Arthur Austin who was on the sick
list is now convalescing
Dan Logan and wife have started for
the St Louis exposition
Frank Lalferty started for the StLouis
exposition Sunday night
Mrs R E Pogue and children started
for Lincc In September 5th
Numerous people who v attended the
state fair at Lincoln returned home Sat
urday reporting a fine time
Mr Rogors has moved into tho Bill
ings property and C M Woods are
moving into their own property
Will Minnioar and wife have returned
from Lincoln where they had been at
tending tho funeral of their cousin
Cecil Matthews of Bartley the fusion
nominee for representative desires a po
litical discussion with the Republican
candidate Phillip Gliem Let him come
on and he will find hisfoeman worthy of
his steel Ho may go back like the Rus
sians have after receiving tho Japs
School commenced Monday Prof
Fletcher of Beaver City taking charge of
the high room Mrs Young the inter
mediate room and Miss Jonesof McCook
of the primary room In the high room
there are 23 pupils in the intermediate
29 pup Is and in the primary 31 pupils
Altogether there are 88 pupils
Do Not Be Imposed Upon
Foley CoChicagooriginated Honey
and Tar as a throat- and lung remedy
and on account of the ereat merit and
popularity of Foleys Honey and Tar
many imitations are offered for the genu
ine Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar and
refuse any substitute offered as no other
preparation will give the same satisfac
tion It is mildly laxative It contains
no opiates and is safest for children and
delicate persons Sold by A McMillen
Henry Harsch ha3 400 acres of good
Mrs Dane Fletcher came in from the
west Tuesday
Garfield Minnich and wife are visiting
here with his parents
Elmer Thompson and brother were
callers here Wednesday
A son of Leonard Harsch and one of
Henry Harsch went to Soward last week
to attend college
The main line of the Bartley and
Freedom telephone with three side
lines are now in operation
Marshal Stall is having a lively time
with the boys these days Some of them
buried him effigy last week
Mr Trainer and wife returned from
their Oklahoma trip Sunday and are the
guests of R C Fiddler and wife
A J Lohr put down a well for Lyman
Jennings Wednesday on the Weeden
property recently purchased by him
Mr Paine and family arrived from
Wales last week and are now stopping
with his brother Harry Paine and fam
The Cambridge and Bartley junior
base ball teams crossed bats here Satur
day Result 23 to 7 in favor of the home
The married men and the single men
played a match game of ball Saturday
afternoon The married men got left
16 to 15
School opened Monday morning with
a large attendance The teachers are
Mr Gallatin and Bessie Walkington
Pearl Curlee and Lillie Burton
The rural mail route from Bartley
northwest has been established The
number of families served is 100popula
tion 500 length of route 30 miles area
of square miles 283
Given Up to Die
B Spiegel 1201 NVirginia StEvans
ville Ind writes For over five years
I was troubled with kidney and bladder
affections which caused me much pain
and worry I lost flesh and was all run
down and a year ago had to abandon
work entirely I had three of the best
physicians who did me no good and I
was practically given up to die Foleys
Kidney Cure was recommended and tho
first bottle gave me great relief and
after taking the second bottle I was en
tirely cured Sold by A McMillen
Minnie Rebman left Tuesday for Den
ver for a two weeks visit
R A Green and son OscarSundayed
at home in McCook
School began Monday with Wealtha
Benton as teacher
Mr Tilton and wife spent Sunday at
Dick Dodges
O T Francis and George Miner sold
to H S Kennedy fifty head of hogs
Amos Peck and wife spent first of
week at George Miners before going to
A Sunday school picnic will be given
Sunday Sept 18 in the grove Every
body invited to attend
R Stan was a visitor here Sunday
Mrs Willianf Porter is on the sick
Mrs Dan Schoenthal is numbered
among the sick
Mabel Whittaker of McCook was in
town Saturday
Harry Letts and family have gone to
the St Louis fair
MrDeffor is the name of the principal
of our high school
John Harrison left Sunday for Denver
where he will attend school
Mr Barnett and wife of McCook were
hero Monday enroute for Stockville
Norman Baker has chargo of tho flour
mill during the absence of Mr Andrews
I Andrews wife and daughter Grace
are sight seeing in St Louis this week
John Fias baby is very sick with
cholera infantum with very littlo hopes
of recovery
Mrs Eli Akers and Bernice camejrom
McCook Wednesday and will remain
during tho fair
Mrs Lawritson and son Glenn went to
Arapahoe Saturday morning returning
tho next evening
Mrs Haley arrived home Monday
night from Republican City where she
had been visiting
Hattie Cronk a neice of Mrs E J
Enfield is here attending school Sne
will remain all winter
Mr Casner had a sale of his house
hold goods last Saturday He is going
eastto spend the winter
The dance at tho hall Wednesday
night did not materialize on account of
the absence of the fair sex
Mrs Clarence McCord is visiting in
Bartley and Clarence is away some
where Echo answers where
Reitor Smidt cf tho paint factory
firm are sinking a new shaft at their
works the old one giving out
Mrs Pete Spohn left Tuesday evening
forLoveland and other points in Colo
rado where she will visit with relatives
Through the courtesy of C Hotze the
band boys were invited out to his place
northwest of town to a watermelon feast
Monday night
Quite an enjoyable time was had at
the social at C W Davis Thursday
evening The baud furnished the music
and everybody had a merry time
The great ball game of the week was
played at the fair grounds yesterday be
tween Lebanon and Indianola The
score was 12 to 26 in favor of Lebanon
Indianolas battery
Powell Lebanons
and Powers
was Belamy and
Campbell Horton
Mary Sponge the pimples with warm
water You needa blood tonic would ad
vise you to taice Jiollisters Kocky
Tea It drives away all
35 cents Tea or tablet form
L W McConnkll
A dry week and haying is progressing
in this vicinity
One of H I Petersons little girls is
reported sick tday
Mrs Roshong is a visitor today at her
daughters Mrs A M Benjamin
George Dillon has rented and moved
onto the A V Olmstead claim in Gerver
Miss Julia Goodenberger commenced
school Monday September 5th in dis
trict 51 Banksville
Since the director of district 51 has
moved out of the district HI Peterson
has been appointed in his stead
J H Relph and family hve moved to
William Relphs place in Gerver pre
cinct and Mr Williams of Gerver pre
cinct has moved to J H Relphs place
in Grant precinct
A4 tH Price of Stxfforing
Woman on her -way to semi invalidism
caused by pregnancy suffers much pain
Ignorance prompts her to suffer alone
in silence and remain in the dark as to
the true cause motherhood
Mothers Friend takes the doctors
place and she has no cause for an inter
new She is her own doctor and her
modesty is protected Daily application
tr the breast and abdomen throughout
pregnancy will enable her to undergo the
period of gestation in a cheerful mood
and rest undisturbed
MotKer9s Friend
is a liniment for external use only It
would indeed be shameful if the sacrifice
of modesty were necessary to the success
ful issue of healthy children All women
about to become mothers need send only
to a drug store and for ioo secure the
prize childbirth remedy Healthy bahie3
are the result of useing Mothers Friend
Our hook riotherhood mailed free
Please I want some more
Sold in
2 lb packages
by all high class
Mrs Alta Smith bought 150 chickens
and that was the whole bunch
Ed Osbaugh drove to McCook Mon
day with a load of fat hogs
A letter just received from Indiana
says Drouth has knocked our corn
G R Simmerman delivered a load of
fat hogs at McCook Monday
v M H Cole who has visited in Iowa
since early spring returned Inst week
and gone to work and is satisfied to stay
here now
Robert Mooro was on the McCook
market Monday with a load of fat
Henry Shepherd will preach next
Sunday in the Coleman school house at
11 a m fast time
F Carothers took a load of fat hogs
to McCook Monday
Minla Rozell commenced school in
district 74 Monday There will be
six months school
W M Rozell was on tho McCook
market Monday with a load of Cin
cinnati chickens hogs
Roy Coleman went to Lincoln last
Saturday to take a course in the busi
ness college
W M Sharp went with the crowd
and took a load of hogs to McCook
A Cold Settled in His Kidneys
AJJen nesse9201 Butler St Chicago
writes I am a switchman and am out
in all kinds of weather I took a cold
which settled in my kidneys and I was
in bad shape I tried several advertised
remedies with no benefit until I was
recommended to try Foleys Kidney
Cure Two thirds of a bottle cured me
Sold by A McMillen
George Younger did some carpenter
on the school house Tuesday
Mr Sullivan of McCook is painting
and papering the school house this
Charles Foye and F G Lytle are
helping A W Campbell repair his
house this week
Eliza Johnson commenced school
last Monday morning in the White dis
trict in Frontier county
We were glad to see Ida Modrell rid
ing in our vicinity Monday and hope
she may continue improving in health
This is called a windy country but
those depending on wind mills for water
have found it very different the past
Bacil Doyle was brought home from
McCook last Saturday where he had
been the past week on account of a
broken limb
Westward the orb of glory takes its way
Wisconsin is the state you hear every
body say
Its made itself famous by one greatstride
Eocky Mountain Tea has made its
name world wide
LW McConnell
Thats what they all say This food contains
the valuable phosphates of lime and iron
so necessary in food for children
Wheatose is a flaked wheat food
and when properly cooked
becomes a jelly like substance
healthful light and delicate
Eva Rawe of Dodgeville Wisconsin
commenced a six months term of school
at the Coleman school house Monday
We extend to her cordial greeting and a
hearty welcome and wish her success
and a pleasant stay among us She is a
sister of Mrs Grace Griffith who came
here last February
On Wednesday evening of last week a
number of neighbors gathered at the
home of Mr Bandy and wife and had a
very pleasant time They came here
last spring and bought the James Kelley
farm and cast their lot among us We
bid them a hearty welcome and hope
life will be pleasant to them
One night last weekW M Rozell was
awakened by the racket his dogs were
making He got up called the boys
aud then went out and found the dogs
had a large coyote cornered and it was
battling for dear life pelting the dogs
on the head with its powerful paws
Mr Rozell got a pole and succeeded in
knocking it over and both the dogs
pounced on it and soon killed it It
was out hunting chickens during the
closed season and the dogsenforced
the law on him
Last week and this three car loads of
fat hogs were taken from here to market
The sick aro improving
Tho weather is warm and dry
John Hauu is numbered among the
the sick
Herbert Pew of Hebron is visiting
Pew Bros
Mrs Charles Wishon left today for
a visit with relatives at Superior
The Shiloh school began Monday with
Miss Dietsch of Bartley as teacher
Grandma Graham leaves this week
for an extended visit with her son in
At tho rate Pew Bros have hicreasod
in the stock business tho past year they
will soon havo tho largest and most up-to-date
ranch in tho willey
Frank Lafferty started Sunday night
to visit the fair at St Louis from there
he expects to visit friends at Cambridge
111 He expects to be gone about sixty
The Stomach is the Man
A weak stomach weakens the man be
cause it cannot transform the food he
eats into nourishment Health and
strength cannot be restored to any sick
man or weak woman without first re
storing health and strength to the stom
ach A weak stomach cannot digest
enough food to feed the tissues and re
vive the tired and run down limbs and
organs of the body Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure digests what you eat cleanses and
strengthens the glands aud m e m
of the stomach and cures indi
gestion dvspepsia and all stomach trou
bles Sold by L W McConnell
A Power For Good
The pills that are potent in their ac
tion and pleasant in effect aro DeWitts
Little Early Risers V S Philpot of
Albany Ga says During a bilious
attack I took one Small as it was it
did me moro good than calomel blue
mass or any other pill T ever took and at
the same time the effect was pleasant
Little Early Risers are certainlv an ideal
pill Sold by L McConnell
State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss At
a county court hold at the county court room
in and for said county August 19 1101 Pres
ent S L Green County Judge- In tho mat
ter of theestateof AngolineTohnsondeciased
On readincr and filing the petition of Rebecca
Lytle Matilda Ljtle and I inc S Johnson
praying that administration of said estate may
begrautedto Charles 11 Boyle administrator
Ordered that September 10 VAi at ten
oclock a m is assigned for hearing said peti
tion when all persons interested in said matter
may appear at a county court to be held in and
for said county and show cause wiiy the prayer
of tho ietitioner should not be granted and
that notice of the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof be given to ail persons in
terested in said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in Tjie McCook Tkibcne a weekly
news paper printed in said county for throe
successive weeks prior to said day of hearing
A true copy S L Gitnnx County Judge
Boyle Eldred Attornwvs
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
district court of Redwillow county Nebraska
under a decree in an action wherein John Stev
ens is plaintiff and Moritz Mohler et al are
defendents co me directed and delivered I
shall offer at public sale and soil to the highest
bidder for cash at the front door of the court
house in McCook Redwillow counry Nebraska
on tho 2Gtli day of September 14 at the hour
of one oclock p m tho followiug described
real estate to wit the west half of the north
west quarter of section number twenty eight
and the east half of the northeast quarter of
section number twenty nine all in township
number four North range number twentvMiiue
West of the sixth principal meridian in Red
willow county Nebraska
Dated Angut 23th KWi
A C Crabteke Sheriff
Charles S Squires Barbara H Squires Fred
Cyracks Bertha Cyracks and Earl Barger de
fendants will take notice that on the rjth day
of August A D 1904 George E Waldo plain
tiff filed his petition in the district court of
Red Willow county Nebraska the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mort
gage deed executed June 12th 1S91 by the de
fendants Charles S Squires and Barbara H
Squires to Helen T Campbell and duly as
signed to the plaintiff upon the southwest
quarter of section 29 in township 4 north of
range 30 west in Red Willow countyNebraska
to secure the payment of a noto for fcOO dated
June 12 1691 due June 1st 1S99 on which note
and mortgage there is now due plaintiff from
said defendants Charles S Squires and Barbara
H Squires on said note and mortgage the sum
of 1050 with intreht thereon at ten per cent
per annum from June 1st 1901 and the further
sum of 7U for taxes paid ou said premises by
plaintiff to protect his security from tax sale
which said sum bears interest at ten per cent
per annum frbm this date
Plaintiff prays for a decree that tho defend
ants be required to pay said sums or that said
premises be sold to satisfy the amount found
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday tho 26th day of September A
D 1904
Dated August 12 1901
George E Waldo Plaintiff
By his attorney J E Kelley
By virtue of an order of sale issued from
the district court of Red Willow county Ne
braska under a decree in an action wherein
Charles E Gibson is plaintiff and Fannie
Coleman et al are defendants to me directed
and delivered I shall offer at public tale and
fell to the highest bidder for cash at the east
door of the court house in McCook Red Willow
county Nebraska on tho 3rd day of October
1904 at the hour of 1 oclock p m the following
described real estate to wit The south half of
the southwest quarter of section 34 in township
4 range 30 west of the Sixth Principal Merid
ian in Red Willow county Nebraska
Dated this 1st day of September 1904
A C Chabteee Sheriff
Boyle Eldred Attorneys
Office over McConnells drug store
Office Phone 160
Res Phone 111
Registered Graduato Dentist
Formerly located in At
lanta Georgia All opera
tions pertaining to modern
dentistry performed accord
ing to the latest scientific
methods used in the large
IHb fid 01 UU1III
DENTIST wiohb 112
Ollico over Grannis storo McCook Nob
aoint kor
ChasAStevens Bros Ready made
Garments and Furnishing Goods
Threo doors east of DoGroffs store
Terms 1 percent No date mndo for less
than S10U0 My references aro parties for
whom I havo cried sales
I Want Your Business
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13
Consultation free
and Surgeon
Office ovor McMillens drug storo Residence
702 Main Avouuo Residence phono 53 Office
phono 28 Calls answered night or day
McCook Nebraska
3Agcntof Lincoln Land Co aud of McCook
Waterworks Office in Postoffico building
C H Rotlk C E Eldked Co Atty
Attokxeys at Law
Long Distance Phone II
Rooms 1 and 7 second floor
Postotlico Building
McCook Neb
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medioice for Busy People
Bring3 Golden Health and Renewed Vigor
A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live
and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure
Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rocky Blountain Tea in tab -let
form 85 cents n box Genuine made by
Hollister Drug Company Madison Wis
Flowr and
An p h a
in Hiier
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Halhday Waupun telipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building
w iesaNfiSNSsSrSESasBsfBS
ro HT lit
rnii m 7m k rjv
- uMai uutl Hlln wt
Take no nthni -
hi- - ir win mutter
iJlLiiOTMi ww iesuxnontato Sold bj
210O Mudison Square
Mention thU Diner-
State of Nebraska Red Willow County ss
To all person interested in tho estate of
George A Kelsey deceased
Whereas Edward F Gillette of Sharon Con
necticut has filed in my office a duly authenti
cated copy of an instrument purporting to be
the last will and testament of George A Kelsey
deceased andof the probate of the same in tho
probate court in the district of Sharon in the
county of Litchfield state of Connecticut and
a petition praying that tho same be admitted to
probate in this state and letters testamentary
issue thereon and that the time and place may
be fixed for hearing the same
W hereupon I have appointed tho 10th dav of
beptember 190 J at ten oclock a m at ray office
m McCook Red Willow county Nebraska as
i llm e and Pace for Proving said will at
wuichtime and place you and all persons con
cerned may appear and contest the same
It is further ordered that said petitioner civo
notice to all persons interested in said estato of
the pendency of the petition and the time and
place set for hearing by causing a copy of this
order to be published in The McCook Tribune
a newspaper published in said county and state
for three weeks successively previous to the
In testimony whereof I have hereunto setmy
hand and my official seal this 22ddayof August
V i S- Gkee County Jodge
1 1