The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 09, 1904, Image 4

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-Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Theodore Roosevelt
Elmor J Ifurkott Lincoln
John II Mickey Osceola
E G McQilton Omnhn
A Galusha Red Cloud
E M Soarlo Jr Ogalalla
Poter Mortensen Ord
Norris Brown Kearney
supt op ruiiLic instruction
1 J L McBrion Goneva
G W Norris Red Willow county
Albert Wilsey Moorefleld
Philip Gliom Danbury
C E Eldred McCook
Janios Hatflold McCook
The returns from tho Vermont election
6hov a Republican majority of about
32000 This is protty good evidence that
those staid old Pilgrims are not afraid
of Teddy
One need not keep his ear very closo
to the ground to hear of the growing
popularity of Congressman Norris His
majority will be much larger than it
was two years since
The Republicans stand by their prin
ciples so successfully asserted in 1896
and 1900 The Democratic factions are
held together very loosely by two strings
one representing fear and the other hope
Is the party that fought the estab
lishment of the gold standard with a
frenzy bordering upon fanaticism to be
considered to have foievor recanted its
heresies Western Democrats do not
think so
Every visitor to the Igorrotte village
at the St Louis exposition will have his
opinion of the wisdom of the Democratic
demand that we withdraw from the
Philippines and give the natives the
right of self government
Kodropatkin is giving his Russian
compatriots a run for their money He
has been keeping up a running fight for
the past week with the Japanese The
Russians seem to be doing all the run
ning and the Japanese all tho fighting
worth mentioning
The nomination of H H Mauck of
Nelson for congress by the Democrats
and Populists of the Fifth district at
Hastings Wednesday of last week after
tho nomination had been offered to
numerous of the faithful without secur
ing a taker is a pretty fair indication
that this is an off year for Demo Pops in
the Big Fifth Only for representation
and something to point with pride to
in the future they might better have
endorsed Congressman Norris and made
his selection unanimous Holdrege
Ind Progress
It must be remembered that the party
which is today denouncing Roosevelt
and the Republicans is the same party
which denounced Lincoln and called the
war a failure in 1864 It is the same
party that denounced Grant in 1872 It
denounced McKinley up to the very
hour of his death It is very easy to de
nounce It is not so easy to do Ever
since 1860 the Republican party and its
leaders have been doing while the Dem
ocratic party and its leaders have been
denouncing And yet the old flag still
waves the constitution is still supreme
Republican policies have carried the
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
quiets tickling throats hack
ing coughs pain in the lungs
It relieves congestion sub-
dues inflammations It heals
strengthens Your doctor will
explain this to you He knows
all about this cough medicine
We have used Ayers Cherry Pectoral in
our family for 25 years for throat and lung
trouble and we think no medicine equiils it
JIas A IOMEKor Appleton iliuu
25cS0c S100 j c ATER CO
All druggists - Lowell Mass
iwnmiiii in1 ii lOi TTrt7i nun in 1 1 1 1
Weak Throats
Ayers Pills greatly aid recovery
Purely vegetable gently laxative
VL ISBmHI BV rt lr ME t3
country to the forefront among the na
tions and our people have progressed
and prospered except when checked by
Democratic legislation and Democratic
Under Roosevelt and Fairbanks the
progress will be si ill onward and the
flag and constitution will command the
respect of the world
Whats m a flame
Everything is in the name when it
comes to Witch Hazel Salve E C De
Witt Co of Chicago discovered some
years ago how to make a salve from
Witch Hazel that is a specific for piles
For blind bleediner itchintr and
truciing piles eczema cuts burns
bruises and all skin diseases DeWitts
Salve has no equal This has given
rise to numerous worthless counterfeits
Ask for DeWitts the genuine Sold
by L W McConuell
The Oldest Lawsuit
A lawsuit which may probably be
claimed as tho oldest in the world Is re
ported from the Trentina says the Lon
don Mail The two communes of Galllo
and Foza have been for four centuries
In litigation for the possession of an ex
tensive tract of woodland which has
assumed the character of a virgin for
est with trees of colossal size which no
man dares to truck Spots are still
pointed out where 200 years ago the
two communes fought pitched battles
for the disputed wood Apparently the
Homeric struggle Is as far from closing
as ever
Should Say hut Didnt
ne I know your family doesnt like
me but will you be my wife
She Well I should say Jiot
He taken aback Whew Thats
rather short
She I repeit I should say not but
as a girl in love doesnt always say
what she should Ill say yes Phila
delphia Press
Their Treasure of a Cook
Missis Dont forget Katy that the
Mugginses are coming to dinner to
Katy Ah dont let that bother ye
now Ill just do my worst Theyll
never trouble ye again Boston Globe
If Ponce de Leon had ever seen a sixty-year-old
American at a circus he
would never have wasted all that time
and money looking for the fountain of
perpetual youth Baltimore American
A Boys mii Ride For Life
With family around expecting him to
die and a son riding for life 18 milesto
get Dr Kings New Discovery for con
sumption coughs and colds W H
Brown of Leesville Ind endured
deaths agonies from asthma but this
wonderful medicine gave instant relief
and soon cured him Ho writes I now
sleep soundly every night Like mar
velous cures of consumption pneumonia
bronchitis coughs colds and grip prove
its matchless merit for all throat and
lung troubles Guaranteed byLWMc
Connell druggist Price 50c and SI
Trial bottles free
A Ruse
Mrs Rangle Ive advertised
servant for a whole week with
for a
no re-
Mrs Cumso Well I advertised for a
good looking lady help and had thirty
four to select from the first day Balti
more Sun
Sour Stomach
When tho quantity of food taken is too
large or the quality too rich sour stom
ach is likely to follow and especially so
if the digestion has been weakened by
constipation Eat slowly and not too
freely of easily digested food Masticate
the food thorouErhlv Let fivfi hrmrs
elapse between mealsand when you feel
a fullness and weight in the region of
the stomach after eating take Chamber
lains Stomach and Liver Tablets and
the sour stomach may be avoided For
sale by all druggists
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
district court of Bed Willow county Nebraska
under a decree in an action wherein The Wes
tern Land Company is plaintiff and TbeEqui
tablo Land Company et a are defendants to
mo directed and delivered I shall offer at pub
lic sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash
at tho east door of the court 1 inn so in M rvru
Bed Willow couuty Nebraska on the 10th day
of October 1904 at tho hour of 10 oclock a m
the following described real estate to wit The
southwest quarter of section twenty fivo town
two north of range twenty eight west Sixth P
M in Bed Willow county Nobraska
Dated this 9th day of September 1904
A C Ceabtbee Sheriff
C E Eldred Attorney
With Royal Baking Powder there is
no mixing with the hands no sweat of
the brow Perfect cleanliness greatest
facility sweet clean healthful food
Full instructions in the Royal Baker and Pastry Cook
book for making all kinds of bread biscuit and cake
with Royal Baking Powder Gratis to any address
Heavier Engines Required
After running No 41 tho Portland
limited on the Burlington out of Lin
coln with two engines pulling it for a
month or more the company has placed
one of the new R4 engines in service
This engine the CB Q 1901 pulled
the train otit of Lincoln last night on its
initial passenger run This is one of the
new series recently bought by tho Bur
lington It is a machine of great size
and pulling capacity and said to be
capable of fair speed performances al
though it does not show so much speed
in its appearance as the lighter machines
bought a year or more ago These en
gines carry six drivers and one pair of
trucks in front The drivers are set far
ahead under the boiler and are not
nearly so large in diameter as the engines
of the P2 class used on the main line
west It has a 22x28 inch cylinder and
a boiler of tremendous size While it
has great weight and pulling capacity it
is not so high in the air as some of the
engines in use The top of the boiler is
level thus giving it more of a common
place appearance Lincoln Journal
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice Sept 5 1904
Bame Fay
Crabb B
Crawford John G
Clark Thomas
Deuininger H U
Esken Harry
Emerson Win
Getlman Jacob
Green Mrs M J
Hust C E
Hill Honri
Jesup Versa S
Koerner Carrie
Knutson H Ward
Knodle C S
JLittle Robert
Lamar J L
Loring Abie
Miller Lucy
McGillicuddy Con
Niccolson Fannie
Orgon Alex
Pierce Harry
Stewart Mrs Jane
Smith Ed
Savage S W
Wallbridge Wilma
Wilson Walter
Weaver Clarence
When calliug for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last Thursday evening
Maurice E and Bobert E Campbell to
W H Staples wd to sw qr no qr and
nw qr se qr 20-1-28 2000 00
Livonia Finch to East McCook S S
Assn wd to lot 22 in block 2 Willow
Grove 300 00
Bebecca Stillman to Sam Newton wd
to lot 2 in block 26 First McCook 1000 00
Mick Stein to Jas and Mary McKeown
wd rose qr 1-2-26 i02o 00
Sophia C VVest to Lyman Jennings wd
to lots a u i S in block 39 Bartley 230 00
ClmsW Pycha to LHenry Ilarsch wd
toswqr 31-3-20 1000 00
E L Bullard to J F Mahoney wd to
nwqr 24-2-26
Lincoln Land Co to Olo E Robinson
wd lot 5 in block 5 Danbury 75 00
Cured of Brights Disease
George ASherman Lisbon Red Mills
Lawrence county N Y writes I had
kidney disease for many years and had
been treated by physicians for twelve
years had taken a well known kidney
medicine and other remedies that wero
recommended but got no relief until I
began using Foleys Kidney Cure The
first half bottle relieved me and four
bottles have cured me of this terrible
disease Before I began taking Foleys
Kidney Cure I had to make water about
every fifteen minutesday and nightand
passed a brick dust substanceand some
times a slimy substance I believe I
would have died if I had not taken
Foleys Kidney Cure Sold by A Mc-
Almas Hungry Dirt Dealers
A request has been sent to head
quarters asking that a line be drawn
along the platform at the B M depot
five feet back from the tracks and that
all real estate men be prohibited from
crossing the mark during the time a
train is at the depot We have so many
real estate men and they are so anxious
to receive their buyers that it is feared
some sickly person who might happen
to get off at Alma would get trampled
upon or accidentallv pushed under the
moving train Alma Journal
Bucklens Arnica Salve
Has world wide fame for marvellous
cures It surpasses anv other ivr In
tion ointment or balm for cuts corns
burns boils sores felons ulcers tetter
salt rheum feier sores chapped hands
skin eruptions infallible for piles Cure
guaranteed Only 2ac at McConnells
drug store
at the
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook NobSoptember 1 1904
Tho board of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment Present J H BonnottDA
Watormnn and Samuel Promer county commis
sioners C E Eldred county attorney and EJ
Wilcox county clerk
Tho minutes of tho previous meeting wero
road and approved
Pursuant to law in such cases mado and pro
vided tho board on motion selected tho follow
ing named persons from which to draw a jury
for tho Octobor term of the district court
Alliance GWWyrick George Maisal
Beaver Poter Walters Thomas Bojd Hurley
Woods Alex Strain
Bondville Nelson Downs Charles Ebort
Box Elder Thurston Doyle
Coleman John P Smith
Danbury B B Smilov W E Whito
Driftwood Poter Bheinhoimer
East Valley A Lyman SW Clark J N
Has Sold a Pile of Chamberlains Cough
I have sold Chamberlains Cough
Eemedy for more than twenty years and
it has given entire satisfaction I have
sold a pile of it and can recommend it
highly Joseph McElhiney Linton
Iowa You will find this remedv a erood
friend when troubled with a cough or
cold It always affords quick relief and
is pleasant to take For sale by all
1475 to St Louis
and return on August 2 4 9 11 16 18
23 25 30 September 1 6 8 13 15 20
22 27 and 29 Call on the agent for
particulars 8-5-St
Fritsch Charles Barber Frank Hill
Gerver John Calkins
Grant J II Relph
Indianola William Short G F Burt Joseph
Harrison W E Hillors John Puckett
Lebanon Ha rvoy Burgess Will- nuutzingor
A C Abbott Plntto Kinnc
Missouri Bidgo John R Brown
North Vulley Joseph Walkington Richard
Porry Henry Cabheu
Red Willow Taylor Quigloy Lewis Korns
Tyrono B A Johnson
Valley Grange Frank Froelovo John Ham-
Willow Grovo John Nottey C O Halo N
Wolchel James Speer Ed Droll J J Barry
Noal Beelor Perry Bell Clias D Custor S Cor
deal M J Clark M Houlihan James Malon
John Kumnior James I Leo E F MarkwadW
N Rogers D G Divine Paul Anton Phillip
Blatt Charles OBrien n PWnito
In tho matter of road No 379 petitioned for
by H C Kornhaus and others and laid over
from last meeting on investigation tho board
finds that the public good requires it On mo
tion the following road is establisehd Com
mencing at tho center of the southwest quarter
swji of section eighteen 18 township four
4 rango twenty six 26 on tho section line
thatdivides North Valley and Alliance precincts
and known as Arbogasts southwest corner run
ning thence east four 4 chains and thirty niuo
59 links running thenco south diverging in an
easterly direction sufficient to avoid tho high
bluffs and securo tho most practical route for a
road and coming back on the section lino which
divides North Valley and Alliance precincts at
or near tho center of tho southwest corner of
section nineteen 19 township four 4 rango
twenty six 26 and terminating thereat and
to vacate tho road now laid out along said sec
tion lino and clerk was instructed to notify
overseer of highways to open said road
Damages by reason of the location of road
No 379 were allowed as follows Susan M Gard
ner sw qr nw qr and nw qr sw qr 19-4-20 20000
claimed allowed at 5000 R Burton s hf sw
sec 18 and n hf nw sec 19-2-26 claimed 40000
allowed 12500 and tho overseer of road dis
trict No one 1 was directed to pay same out
of any funds belonging to said district as by
law provided
Tho following resolution was offered by Mr
Samuel Premor who moved the adoption there
Resolved That the Wray Telephone Co a
corporation duly organized and existing under
and by virtue of the laws of the state of Colora
do having permission to do business in the state
of Nebraska having in all respects complied
with the laws of saidstatoof Nobraska in relation
to foreign corporations its successors and as
signs bo and hereby are granted for tho full
term of its corporate existence in this state the
right of way upon along and over all the public
roads and highways within the said county of
Red Willow for the erection and maintenance
of poles and wires provided that poles shall be
set at least six feet within the boundary lino of
said roadway and not placed so as to interfere
with road crossings andy provided that said
wires shall bo placed at tho height of not less
than twenty feet above all road crossings
Tho motion being duly seconded by D A
Waterman the same was carried unanimously
all members voting in favor thereof
J H Bennett Chairman
Board of County Commissioners of Red Wil
low County Neb
Attest E J Wilcox clerk board of county
Tho following claims were audited and allow
ed and on motion clerk was instructed to- draw
warrants on tho county general fund in payment
thereof as follows
AndrewPhillipssalaryasjanitorfor June 25 00
McCook Electric Co lights for August 1 30
State Journal Co supplies 01 00
Predmore Sons work on jail 2770 re
pairing plows 2 29 70
J C Moore com r road No 3S2 S 50
James McAdams mdse for paupers 10 00
W E Hillors same 13 75
J A Wilcox same 21 85
S R Smith printing notices 2 45
American Arithometer Co2d payment on
adding machine 125 CO
William Knapehauling cement 75
A C narlan inquest body of Henry
Schneider is 30
E J Wilcox office expense 10 20
A C Crabtree board prisoners and jail
ers fees 14 00
C L Fahnestock proff services per con
tract 25 00
JHBennettcomr services and mileage 23 20
D A Waterman same 26 SO
Samuel Premer same 19 55
And on the county bridge fund levy of 1904 as
Stephen Bolles bridge work 4 00
Harry Poole same 3 00
William McDowell same 6 00
John Kelley same 1 50
Frank Hill same 3 75
A J Rayer same 5 00
And on the county road fund levy of 1904 as
Frank Cain road work 45 00
Oiiarles Mastere same 32 00
George Dillon same 9 00
On motion board adjourned sine die
J H Bennett Chairman
Attest EJ Wilcox County Clerk
Hi ls9
The Burlingtons Low Summer Rates
The Burlington offors excursion rates
in every direction so low that there is
no excuse for staying at homo iiolow
are some of them
St Louis ainLback Three kinds of daily rates
besides the special low rate coach excursions
September 1 4 C 8 11 13 15 20 22 27 nnd 29
Chicago and back Daily low rates either di
rect or via St Louis with stopovers atStLouis
Kanas City and Omnhn
Colorado and Utah Thoro and back prac
tically half rates all summer
To California San Fraucisco and LosAngoIes
and back daily until Soptembor 10 only 4500
Tho only chance in 1904 to get this low rnto
To Michigan Minnesota Wisconsin and tho
Great Lake region tho ideal sninmor country
daily low rates to tako you away from home
On the first and third Tuesdays of each month
vory low round trip rates to many points in tho
Northwest West and Southwest
Daily from Soptembor 15 to Octobor 15 one
way tickots to hundreds of points in the West
and Northwest at practically half raten
To many points in Indian Ohio and Ken
tucky September 6 13 20 27 and Octolwr 11 ut
ono faro plus 200 for round trip
Write or call describe your trip let
me advise you the least cost
2 3t Geo S Scott Ticket Agent
Or LW Wakoley G P A Omaha
Nellie Fuller Denver My face was
full of pimples and black heads llollis
ters Rocky Mountain Tea has driven
them away People hardly know me
Im looking fine 35ceots Tea or tab
lets L W McConnell
Narrow Chest
m The old theory that consumption was
inherited is utterly discredited by modern
medical science The germs of con
sumption must be received from with
out These germs are every where
They are constantly being received and
cast out by the
healthy system
It is the narrow
chested whose in
heritance is weak
ness who fall a
prey to consump
tion because they
are too weak of
lung to resist and
throw off disease
Doctor Pierces
Go 1 d e n Medical
Discovery makes
weak lungs
strong It cures
obstinate deep
seated coughs
bleeding lungs
weakness emacia
tion and other conditions which if neg
lected or unskilfully treated find a fatal
termination in consumption
3000 FORFEIT will be paid by
the Worlds Dispensary Medical Asso
ciation Proprietors Buffalo N Y if
they cannot show the original signature
of the individual volunteering the testi
monial below and also of the writers of
every testimonial among the thousands
which they are constantly publishing
thus proving their genuineness
In the spring- of 1900 I was taken with
hemorrhage of the lungs and became very
weak and short of breath lost flesh and had no
appetite writes Mr E I Robinett of Xerxes
Tenn I was persuaded to try DrV Pierces
Golden Medical Discovery The first few bottles
seemed to do me but little good Thought I
would soon be a victim of that dreaded disease
consumption Had almost given up in despair
when my friends persuaded me to give your
Golden Medical Discovery a fair trial I com
menced its use I weigh 160 pounds now and
when I commenced I only weighed 140 pounds
If any one doubts this statement I will be
pleased to answer any inquiry
Accept no substitute for Golden Med
ical Discovery Nothing is just as good
Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets cleanse the
clogged system from impurities
Loans and discounts S1S8392 50
Overdrafts secured and unsecured T CO
Other real estate qq 09
Current expenses and taxes paid 2lii0 V
Due from national state and
private banks and bankerr4V4 62
Checks and items of exchnge 942
Cash Bills 7fc2 00
Specie 741 CO 70700 77
Total 2C9272 9S
Capital stock paid in 70000 00
Surplus fund IUjOO 00
Undivided profits -a
Individual deposits subject to
check 97012 51
Demand cert ficates of de-
posit 4211127
Time certificates of deposit 43377 00
Cashiers checks outstanding 134J2 97
Due to state and private
uanKs anu bankers 8323 43 201
State of Nebras ka County of Red Willow ss
-1 a v xoerr casuier or tne above named
bank do soleunly swear that the above tafe
ment is correct and a true copy of the renort
made to the state banking board
A C Ebeut Cashier
Attest iRAXKLiv Director
W B Wolfe Director I
subcribei anil sworn to before me this 3rd
day of September 1901 H H Beret
lSeaIJ Notary Public
My commission expires October S 1907
Real Estate Improved
To own a home I offer n 4 room house with
oak and maple lloors lino locntion near school
well kept lawn aim trees uicoiy suirwju
bargain Seo L Jf Lindomann
to the St Louis Exposition
If so you want a
Worlds Fair
Honey Order
First National
drawn on a St Louis bank
and payable without identi
fication These orders ob
viate the necessity of carry
ing large sums of money on
the person If you wish to
know more about them call
at the bank
W r fl a
3 JB6
J 25
i m
li W M
g m to
to iw ss to
If 3 n
A lino lnrgo homo with both electric lights
und furnnco beautiful lawn shade trees barn
noar school and postofllce Reader it will bo 11
comfort to your soul to own such a home faeo
L H Liudemnnn
One of 300 ncres another or 210 acres and still
nnothcrwoll improved of 335 all bottom and
noar town Seo L II Lindemunn
A capital investment Tor your money invested
in property that will bo worth from three to livo
times its pretont vnluo in six or eight years
could bo put to no bettor use Do not pass this
liv ir vnu enn snaro SIUWJ nor montli lor tins win
safest investment Seo L II Lindomann A i
For tho new and great empire Routt county
folorado now being rapidly populated in ad
vance of tho Moffat line Procrastinution in
this case will prove to bo tho thief of time Seo
L II Lindomann A4
My list from timo to time and do not fail to
carefully consider tho fact that tho time to buy
city or farm property is when there is a general
feeling of depression L H Liudomauu Renl
Bosources aro bovond computation in dollars
Thoy comprise gold silver copper lead coal
lrrin nnvTsm irbln huilding stone timber flro
clay mineral springs and for agriculturorand
stock raising ranks first in tho tate To this
may bo added scenic features without equal in
tho state Seo L H Lindemann
A beautiful 4 room cottage 2 lots HOftfront
This may bo had now for525W Seo Lindeman
LjI -S PMf
JTlTf IJUTI M I il H W 11111riTTT TT1T y
Or any kind of meat from our
shop by phone if you wish
or send the little folks and
you will get the sweet tooth
some kind
We pride ourselves on the
freshness and quality of our
goods and the promptness of
our delivery
If you are not now trading
with us we would be pleased
to have you give us a trial
We think you will be pleased
Phone 12
IS iffl a 1111 1 1
I jiff a P v MAM
tragsi m si
t Q ut c
1 1 If Slgir ft m
U C to iyS ij
11 kg - xle S to
1 11 fx to to to to
I A to to
11 Pilli fr a a ft
A Sound Argument
The one that blows without any
thing to blow about wastes time and
energy The excellence of our goods
and delivery service warrant us for
blowing Always the best always
tho greatest variety always the
highest quality
Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats
Citizens Bank of McCook
of McCook Nebraska
Ciiaetkk No 276 Incorporated
in the state of Nebraska at the close of business
August 25 1904
Are You