X Official Paper of Redwillow County By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance PEESIDENT UNITED STATES HENATOH Elinor J Burkett Lincoln t OOVEBKOE - Ju - r SI00 a bottle AIIdrnccistR REPUBLICANTICKET Theodora Roosevelt V- John II Mickey OSccola WEOTENANT OOVEIlNOIi E G McGilton Omaha HECttETAET OF HTATE AGuluahn Hod Cloud ADDITOE E M SearloJr Ogalalla TUEAHHEEE Petor Morteuseu Ord ATTOESET GENEEAL NTorri3 Brown Kearney StJPT OF PUULIC INSTRUCTION f J L McBrioni Geneva COXOnESflMAN FIFTH G W Norris Red Willow county - - 3 IfiENATOKKTWENTY NINTII DISTRICT - Albert Wilsoy Moorefield EEPBESENTATIVE - Philip Glicm Banbury COUNTY ATTORNEY C E Eldred McCook COUNTY COMMISSIONER James Hatfield McCook Tammany extends her hands to the Democratic candidate says Bourke Cockran Tammany always extends her hands palms up Mn Bkvan eajs that Parkers nomina tion nullified the partvs anti trust de clarations If there is any doubt about that make an inquiry as to the name of treasurer of the Democratic national committee Mr John Sharp Williams says ho does not know whether the Democratic double standard notion is a corpse or in a trance It is a corpse in the east but very much alive in the west and some sections of the south Republican Sincerity We ask that their promises and ours be judged by what has been done in the immediate past Wo ask that so ber and sensible men compare the work ings of the present tariff law and tho conditions which obtain under it with the preceding tariff law of 1891 and tho conditions which that tariff of 1894 helped to bring about President Roose velts speech of acceptance July 27 1904 Democratic Insincerity We are more fortunate than our op ponents who now appeal for confidence on the ground which some express and some seek to have confidentially under stood that if triumphant they may be trusted to prove false to every princi ple which in the last eight years they have laid down as vital and to leave undisturbed those very acts of the ad ministration because of which they ask that the administration itself be driven from power President Roosevelts speech of acceptance July 27 1904 The Party That Governs The Republican party is the party that does things In or out of office it has consistent policies and when in office acts as a unit in fulfillment of its cam paign pledges The Democracy very seldom is able to get together sufficiently to obtain office and when in power can not control its own membership ciently to secure a fulfillment of the promises on which it obtained office It is the party of the permanent opposition composed of opportunists who trim their sails to every breeze The Repub lican pirty is the party of the nation The Democracy is controlled now by one section and again by another It has been on every side of every question Itsprinciples are borrowed from every other party Some of them are so old as to have been outgrown by other par- ties Others are so new as not yet to have passed the stage of theory From the Buffalo Express When troubled with constipation try Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab Jets They are easy to take and pro duce no griping or other unpleasant effect For sale by all druggists You know the medicine that makes pure rich blood Ayers Sarsaparilla Your mother grandmotherall your folks used it They trusted arsaparilla it Their doctors trusted it Your doctor trusts it Then trust it yourselfr There is health and strength in it I snfTored terribly from indigestion and tliiu blood I Joimd no relief until I took Ayers Samaparllla Four bottles perma nently cured nie Mrs F R Hart lit Kisco T for T C ATEK CO Lowell Jli Avars Pills are gently laxative They greatly aid tho Sarsaparilla Dr 1166 Prices CREAM Baking Powder F0REH0STBAKIN6P0W0EBIHTHEW0RLD Avarcied highest honors Worlds Fair Highest tests U S Govt Chemists lafeg Powfe CHICAGO CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Advent Sabbath school at 2 p m preachings at 3 Prayer meeting every Tuesday evening Elder G H Smith Pastor Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Methodist Sunday School at 10 Preaching at 11 and 815 Epwofth League At 715 Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 8 Morning sub ject Judas Sunday school in South McCook at 2 p m preaching at 3 All welcome M B Carman Pastor Christian Bible school at 10 preach ing at 11 a m and 8 p m Subject for morning The Seven Wonders of the Bible- Evening subject What Do Ye More Than Others Good music A cordial invitation to all G T Burt Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Congregational Sunday school 1 0 a m Y P S C E at 7 p m Prayer and conference meeting on Wednesday evening Sunday morning subject Ser vants or Friends In the evening we will have the first chapter of a sermon story For Christand the Church It cannot fail to interest all who come Music by male quartette George A Conrad Pastor Cured of Brights Disease GeorgeA Sherman Lisbon Red Mills Lawrence county N Y writes I had kidney disease for many yearsand had been treated by physicians for twelve years had taken a well known kidney medicine and other remedies that were recommended but got no relief until I began using Folevs Kidney Cure The first half bottle relieved me and four bottles have cured me of this terrible disease Before I began taking Foleys Kidney Cure I had to make water about every fifteen minutesday and nightand passed a brick dust substanceand some times a slimy substance I believe I would have died if I had not taken Foleys Kidney Cure Sold by A Mc Millen BARTLEY Judge Keys was down from Indianola Saturday on legal business Murray Corbin and family are in Lin coln this week taking in the fair Frank Owens received a bad cut on the leg Wednesday while cutting corn S R Grissell and wife attended court before Judge Green of McCook Satur day Mary and Lucy Peake of Indianola visited last Sunday with Henry Burtons family Clarence Meeker left here Thursday for New York City where he will enter a law school Lyman Jennings has bought the Weeden property of Mr West special administrator for the estate Ira Ritchie wife and baby left Mon day for Lincoln where they will visit relatives and take in state fair Dessie and Edith Johnson of Dundy county visited here a few days with the Axtell family returning home Tuesday evening Commissioner Bennett of McCook was here Wednesday where he met Com missioner Prenier and went to view a road north Theo Faubin goes to Stockville this week where he will enter the service of Uncle Sam as Star Route mail carrier from that place to Curtis Sour Stomach When the quantity of food taken is too large or the quality too jich sour stom ach is likely to follow and especially so if the digestion has been weakened by constipation Eat slowly and not too freely of easily digested food Masticate the food thoroughlyi Let five hours elapse between mealsand when you feel a fullness and weight in the region of tho stomach after eating take Chamber Iains Stomach and Liver Tablets and the sour stomach may bo avoided Eor sale by all druggists Protection is Panic ProoP is the title of the recent speech of Sena tor J H Gallinger of 2STew Hampshire The speech has been issued in document form by the American Protective Tariff League One copy will be forwarded to any address upon postal card request addressed to W F Wakeman General Secretary 339 Broadway - New York Ask for document No 78 TIio SHIPS ANCHORS Chance From Short Straight FlukeN to Carved Arm The ships anchors In general use up to the beginning of the last century consisted of n long round iron shank having two comparatively short straight arms or flukes inclined to the shank at an angle of about forty de grees and meeting it In a somewhat sharp point at the crown In large an chors the bulky wooden stock was bull t up of several pieces hooped togethei the whole tapering outward to the ends especially on the aft or cable side About the beginning of the last cen tury a clerk in the Plymouth navy yard Pering by name suggested cer tain improvements the most impor tant of which was making the arms curved instead of straight At first sight this simple change may seem of little value but consideration will show this is not the case The holding power of an anchor depends on two principal conditions namely the extent of use ful holding surface and the amount of vertical penetration The latter qual ity is necessary on account of the na ture of ordinary sea bottoms the sur face layers of which are generally less tenacious and resisting than is the ground a short distance below In the year 1S31 chain cables began to supersede the hempen ones with the result that the long shanked anchors hitherto in vogue were no longer nec essary and anchors with shorter shanks and with heavier and stronger crowns gradually came into use Id consequence of these changes a com mission was appointed in the year 1S38 to inquire into the holding power of anchors and a principal result of its labors was the adoption of the so called admiralty pattern anchor which con tinued to bo used in the British navy up to the year 18G0 The invention of the steam hammer In 1842 made the welding of heavy masses of iron a comparatively easy and reliable process so that from this time onward the strength of anchors fully kept pace with that of the chain cables which had come into general use A number of patents for anchors were taken out prior to the great exhi bition of 1S51 and public attention having been called to the models there shown in the following year a commit tee was appointed by the admiralty to report on the qualifications of anchors of the various kinds Practical trials were then instituted and as a result some of the tests to which the anchors were submitted were of doubtful value such for in stance as facility for sweeping Nowadays however at all events for deep ships in shallow harbors It is considered an advantage for an anchor to offer as little obstruction as possible above the ground Nautical Gazette A Difference Miss Parcavenue Are you going tc the musicale at the De Squalles to night Miss Utaplace I dont know Are they going to have music or is Gwendo lyn going to sing Exchange gg Reward bm6ffA Cannot jBlSlP Cared Backed up by over a third or a century of remarkable and uniform cures a record sitch as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained the proprietors of Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription now feel fully war ranted in offering to pay 500 in legal money of the Ur tSed States for any case of Leucorrhea Female Weakness Prolap sus or Falling- of Womb which they can not cure All they ask is a fair and reason able trial of their means of cure I used four bottles of your Favorite Pre scription and one of Golden Medical Discov ery writes Mrs Elmer D Shearer of Mount hope Lancaster Co Pa and can say that I am cured of that dreaded disease uterine trouble Am in better health than ever before Every one who knows me is surprised to see me look so well In June I was so poor in health that at times I could not walk To day I am cured I tell everybody that Dr Pierces medicines cued me Free Dr Pierces Common Sense Med ical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only Send 31 one cent stamps for the cloth bound volume Address Worlds Dispensary Medical Asso ciation Proprietors Buffalo N Y SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued from the district court of Red Willow county Ne braska under a decree io an action wherein Charles E Gibson is plaintiff and Fannie Coleman ut al are defendants to me directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the east door of the court house in 3IcCook Red Willow county Nebraska ou the tfrd day of October liKi at the hour of 1 oclock p in the following doscribed real estate to wit The south half of tho southwest quarter of sectional in township 4 rannc W west of the Sfxth Principal Merid ian in Red Willow county Nebraska Dated this 1st day of September 1D04 A C Cbautbee Sheriff Boyle Eldred Attorneys NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS To E HCannon Mary Jlurphy Clyde E Cle ment Leopold Ahronheim Smith Bro Loan and Trust Co William B Murphy L A Shel don and to all whom it may concern The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the southeast corner of section sixteen 16 township two 2 rango twenty sis 20 and terminating at tho northeast corner of section four - township two 2 range twenty six 20 hns reportediti favor of the location thereof and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be tiled in the county clerks of fice on or before noon of the 10th day of October 1904 or said road will bo established without reference thereto - E J Wilcox - S 124ts County Clerk BRING YOUR FAMILY ukTrV TO THE COLEMAN B Traphagan is building a new stone house Edith Coleman wants six dozen hens She has bought six shoats W M Rozell brought out some lum ber and a lot of flour one day recently M H Cole arrived Wednesday from Iowa where he has been visiting all summer Wni Heun had about twenty five loads of prairie hay down ready for that heavy rain Sunday night Roy Coleman will go to Lincoln Satur day and take a course of shorthand and typewriting in the business college of that city A letter from Indiana says It has been so dry and hot here that corn is about all dried up A letter from South Dakota says Corn is dried up here Has Sold a Pile of Chamberlains Cough Remedy I have sold Chamberlains Cough Remedy for more than twenty years and it has given entire satisfaction I have sold a pile of it and can recommend it highly Joseph McElhiney Linton Iowa You will find this remedy a good friend when troubled with a cough or cold It always affords quick relief and is pleasant to take For sale by all druggists Mary Sponge the pimples with warm water You need a blood tonic would ad Mortgage Record for August Farm mortgages filed 4150 released 85179 Town mortgages filed 1930 released 55550 Chattel mortgages filed 175S509 re leased 31063596 A Power For Good The pills that are potent in their ac tion and pleasant in effect are DoWitts Little Early Risers W S Philpot of Albany Ga says During a bilious attack I took one Small as it was it did me more good than calomel blue mass or any other pill I ever took and at the same time the effect was pleasant Little Early Risers are certainly an ideal pill Sold by L W McConnell Bucklens Arnica Salve Has world wide fame for marvellous cures It surpasses any other save lo tion ointment or balm for cuts corns burns boils sores felons ulcers tetter salt rheum fever sores chapped hands skin eruptions infallible for piles Cure guaranteed Only 25c at McConnells drug store Circus Not for one day only but every day in the week every week in themonth and every month in the year you will find suchgEXTREME BARGAINS in Dry Goods Carpets Shoes and Groceries that it will take your whole family to help carry the bundles which you will want to take home from my store N ew Fail G Only a Few Sash and Neck Ribbons Left at Others will charge you 25c a yard in a supply Citizens Bank to G ood ardcoming in and they are nicer than ever TricotjjFlannels for waists sacques etc I and they are only 35c per yard See my line of have all colors TT 15c Better lay per yard jryvc Kik iL oi E tJ nA I wk i Phone 16 flcCOOK NEBRASKA Mountain Tea It drives away all eruptions 35 cents Tea or tablet form L W McCounelx Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last Thursday evening Fred Plasmero to G F Lamb wd to part v lif nw qr 0CO 00 x GTenveck to C T Eller wd no qr 8-2- W 1100 00 Jacob Hillers toW R Humo wd lots 11 and 12 in block 21 Indianola 700 00 United States to J Farrell patent to lot i and o hf se qr se qr nc qr 2V2 2 United States to J Farrelljot i in 150-2- 20 United States to J Farrell patent to no United State to J 31 Farrnll patent to w hf sw qr 29 and e se qr United States to J 31 Farrell patent to nw qr 29-2-29 Mary Farrell lo J 31 Farrell wd to uw qr 0 tv qr sw qr 2V2 2G and e hf se qr and e qr ne qr 2V2 27 2000 00 A C Crabtree to Smith Bros Land T Co sd Lincoln Land Co to W K Kendall wd lot 10 in block 150 Danbury Harri 31eyer to J 3Icnnnl wd to sw qr sw or 19-2-23 am rm T little wd to s - hf 29-2-29 - 2000 00 Almeron Reed to S 31 Ogdon qcd part 4-1-29 and part 29 and 2-2-27 r 00 A C Crabtree to S 31 Ogden sd part 4-1-29 and part 29 and 32-2-27 Win Travers to J Doyle wd to e lit sw qr and w hf so qr Ul J r20 CO Ellen J Anderson to D 3IcKilIip wd part and in 4 20 and 3 and 2 inS 26 20OCGSl John G JJroman to C G Broinan wd sw qr 2V2 2G 12C0 00 U S to S Dow patent se qr 22-1-20 Emergency Medicines It is a great convenience to have at hand reliable remedies for use in cases of accident and for slight injuries and ailments A good liniment and one that is fast becoming a favorite if not a house hold necessity is Chamberlains Pain vise you to take Hollisters Rocky Balm By applying it promptly to a cut bruise or burn it allays the pain and causes tho injury to heal in about one third the time usually required and as it is an antiseptic it prevents any danger of blood poisoning When Pain Balm is kept at hand a sprain may be treated be fore inflammation sets in which insures a quick recovery For salo by all drug gists Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by theMcCook postoflice August 301904 Brady Cassius Brown MrsW P Lehimick John McDowell 3Iaggie Morris George Oldham Jim Pearmans Grace Perry B Penney Ralph Penney Harvey Pennell 3Irs Mary-Summers- Frauk Smith 3Irs N Schaefer Gottlieb Wood J E When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmelt Postmaster What is Life In the last analysis nobody knowsbut we do know that it is under strict law Abuse the law even slightly pain re sults Irregular living means derange ment of the organs resulting in consti pation headache or liver trouble Dr Kings New Life Pills quickly re adjusts this Its gentle yet thorough Only 25c at L W McConnells drug store F for spring OR SALE Real Estate Improved ITS VERY EASY To own u liomo I offer a 4 room lionso wt ouk and maple floors fine location uuiir j ohwoU well kept lawn and trees nicely sUirtetl It bargain Soo L II Lindomunn A A BEAUTIFUL HOME A line largo homo with both iiftni lid fnrnncc beautiful lawiishado trew bare vill near school and potttofilco Reader it comfort to your soul to ownsnch a humo bc r rr T j U ii uimiumiinii w w w w i fc M fr fy fi 6 B jh W h W j A if ijk ih j if w ij ijt ft ik th h h if i j ff if W W Ti ifi ik f I ffil P juicy kind that lettuce prefer Hix Hi I Hi Hi Hit Hi Hi1 Hi- Are You Going to the St Louis Exposition JV2 RANCHES One or 0 acres another of 210 acres and tll another woll improved of 65 all bottom aait near town Seo L H Liudemnnn CHICAGO HIGHLAND A capital investment for your money invstfir in property that will ho worth from threw Xn Srv times Its pretont vnluo in six or eight yoa nv could lie put to no better use by if you can sparo SlOCt ior month for ti Bn safest investment ln see ij ii ijiniieinnun WATCH For tho now and great cmpiro Routt cmirvir folonulo now being rapidly populated in ad vance of tho Moffat line Procrastination m this case will prove to bo tho thief of time- Ser L If Lindomann -A LOOK AND READ My lift from time to time and do not rail tc carefully considor tho fact that tho time tcbnr citv or farm property is when there is a Ronenu feeling of depression L II LiudemaunrRea Estate ROUTT COUNTY COLO Resources are boyond computation in dollars They comprise cold silvor copper lead C5J iron onyx marble building stone timberv Ixn clay mineral spring and for ngricultiiroiiiti stock raising ranks first in tho state TftbiJ may be added scenic features without eqnotwt tho state Seo L H Lindemann A SNAP A boautiful 4 room cottage 2 lots 119ftfnnC This may bo had now forSVilOO Seo S S 9 Hi i W i ffi W tfr iff tti t iH ifi - nS Hi ffii itf ij 5S itb Vi bS it ti f tJS ta m m m m iff s iffi ii tft to tfi Hi is Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi i If so you want a Worlds Fair i Honey Order f THESE ARE ISSUED BYS The I First National I Bank drawn on n St Louis bank and payable without fication These orders ob- j viate the necessity of carry- C ing large sums of money on the person If you wish to f know more about them call at the bank ft A m m 5i ffll LgfSi K Like I 1 Irs i r i7Q I spring Its Not Too Late lamb not the car- variety but the tender tastes like head Or maybe you wonl A Leg of Mutton M Fine year old mutton two weeks in the ice chest Lamb or mat- ton you get what you when we get vour order ask 1475 to St Louis and return on August 2 4 9 lUltT la 23 25 30 September 1 6 8 13 15 2QL 2227 and 29 Call on the agent for particulars 3s5t 4 A it t C I f - f V IV P ft