1 1 I PS X A Brth A swaet is a nevorniliof iifpol a healthy stom acn w non wie ure atii B bad tno stom ach is out 6f order There is no remedy in the world equal to Kodol Dyspepsia Curo for curing indigestion dyspepsia and all stomacdi8ordor8 Mr Mary f Crick of WhUb Plains Ky writes r Ahjw been a dyspeptic for years tried nil kindsor remedies but continued to grow Vore6 By the use of Kodol I began to impfovoint onco and after taking n fqw bottles am fully restored in weight health and strength and can cat what ever I like Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet Sold by L W McConnell Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank McCook - Nebraska McCook Poultry Co 1st door west Palmer Hotel Buyers and Shippers of Poultry and Eggs For the next 7 days we will pay cash For Hens 61c lb Spring Chickens 9c lb NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS To E H Cannon Mary Murphy Clyde E Cle ment Leopold Ahronhoim Smith Bros Loan and Trust CoWilliam B Murphy L A Shel don and to all whom it may concern The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the southoast corner of section sixteen 1G township two 2 range twenty six 2G nnd terminating at the northeast corner of section four 4 township two 2 range twenty six 26 has reported in favor of the location thereof and all objections thereto or claims for damages must bo filed in tiro county clerks of fice on or before noon of the 10th day of October 1904 or said road will bo established without reference thereto E J Wilcox County Clerk J JtgEaBitggftKSwwygaswaBgasBBwaa To Everywhere and Back The Bur lingtons Low Summer Rates The Burlington offers excursion rates in every direction so low that there iB no excuse for stnying at home Below aro some of them St Louis and back Three kinds of daily rates besides the special low rate coach excursions each Tuesday and Thursday during August and September Chicago and back Daily low rates either direct or via St Louis with stop overs at St Louis Kansas City and Omaha - Colorado and Utah there and back practically half rates all summer To California San Francisco and Los Angeles and back August 15 to September 10 only S The only chance in 1901 to get this low rate To Michigan Minnesota Wisconsin and tho Great Lake region the ideal summer country daily low rates to take you away from home On the first and third Tuesdays of each month very low round trip rates to hundreds of points in the northwest west and southwest Write or call describo your trip lot mo advise you the least cost G S Scott Ticket Agent L WWakelky G P A Omaha Violent Attack of Diarrhoea Cured hy Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and Per haps a Life Saved A short time ago I was taken with a violent attack of diarrhoea and believe I would have died if I had not gotton re lief says John J Patton a leading citizen of Patton Ala A friend recommended Chamberlain s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I bought a 25c bottle and after taking three doses of it was entirely cured I consider it the best remedy in the world for bowel complaints For sale by all druggists Protection Is Panic Proof is the title of tho recent speech of Sena tor J II Gallinger of New Hampshire Tho speech has been issued in document form by tho American Protective Tariff League One copy will be forwarded to any address upon postal card request addressed to W F Wakeman General Secretary 339 Broadway New York Ask for document No 78 The Death Penalty A little thing sometimes results in death Thus a mere scratch insignifi cant cuts or puny boils have paid the death penalty It is wise to have Buck lens Arnica Salve ever handy Its the best salve on earth and will prevent fatality when burns sores ulcers and piles threaten Only 25c at McConnells drug store VEGETABLE on SICILIAN air Kesiewer Pprrmns vnn Htr vniip crrair fioir fhpn trpn it- Prfionc nrf - fw J AW JVSV UVJ M VlUJVU UWfc J rmrt ramafinka E Tilfr Unit DananraM nfntAvn Art a st uiuii iuiiiiuvi xxan a Axaii ivtiiwt i uiwaya icaiuica tuiui iu g erav nair btons ra hair a so uawTrnWKWlBa I iB miiiu ihiiiiwijiiiuhih ii ii I I I I All the food elements that Nature puts into the choicest white wheat grown in California is combined in Wheatose the purest and best of all breakfast foods Absolutely the only wheat food with all the gluten in and all the indigestible fibre out Sold in 2 lb packages by all high class grocers SCHOOL SHOES- C -SCHOOL SHOES A PRESENT TO EVERY PURCHASER Of a Pair of School Shoes will be given from Saturday August 27 to September 12 1904 v Our stock of School Shoes is the Largest vi we have ever shown Our Aim is to merit a reputation for responsibility THEJKODEL SHOE STORE E PETTYVoprietor McCook Nebraska SCHOOL C H O O L s H O E S s c H O O L s H 0 E -SCHOOL SHOES RAILBOAD NEWS ITEMS BraUeman McCWayson is on the sick list this week William Jonnings machinist has re tired from the service Brakeman R E Benjamin is in Den ver this week on a visit Mr and Mrs C R Liggett have gone to Hamburg Iowa on a visit BrakemaD J E OConnor is visiting in Cambridge part of the week The famous compoi nd 2700 has been sent up onto tho Alliance division Waycar 1G5 is in the carpenter shop for repairs She comes from Denver George Hoffman boilermaker retired from tho companys service Wednesday W C Allison returned to the com panys service and is firiug the heater nights now v J W Chase round house nfachinist has been transferred to tho machine shop tool beuch Conductor Tim Foley went up to Den ver this week to see the baby and enjoy a short furlough Engineer J H Moore arrived home Tuesday night from Denver The fam ily is still in Colorado Conductor Moso Carmoney returned to work this week after quite a layoff with an injured finger Brakeman G Fred Kinghorn is im proving right along and will bo about soon and ready for duty A E Nelson blacksmith got a piece of steel in his arm Monday and has been on the relief all week The brick foundation is being put in this week for the big oil tank which is located just south of the Chief Clerk Stayner of Trainmaster Kenyons office and Mrs Stayner are absent in Colorado this week James Stangland is in charge of his desk W E Pence of the blacksmith force is spending part of the week in Cam bridge The boys insist however that the real attraction is in Wilsonville It is said that at Havelock they re ceive an average of 5000 tons of scrap each month A glance at tho scrap here would make one accept the statement quite readily Brakeman C E Ryan was knocked off a boxcar at Oxford last Saturday sus taining a bruised legand sprained ankle but escaping any injury of a severe na ture fortunately Roadmaster R A Hagberg Gus Bu dig and Henry Gates went down to Cam bridge Wednesday on the roadmasters motor to see some of the reunion now in progress there Train No 64 Saturday morning pulled 1M cars out of here toward Red Cloud Twenty seven were loads and the com bined tonnage was something over two thousand Oxford Standard Alex Geddes who has been the steno grapher in Supt Campbells office for the past two yearshas resigned from the service and will return home A Mr Gore of Lincoln has succeeded him Tom Robinson came over from Curtis Wednesday on No 1 He has resigned and retired from the railroad service and will go into the newspaper and real estate business at Norcatur Kansas Engine 30 blew out a cylinder head Wednesday morning near Naponee while pulling No 13 Engine 75 was sent down to bring in the train which did not arrive here until No 1 which got out for the west ahead of No 13 Trains 15 and 16 were in a bad smash up at Violet a small station east of Wy more Tuesday afternoon about three oclock No passengers were killed or badly injured some of the cars were telescoped and the engines badly smash ed Accident is said to have been tlie result of misunderstanding of orders ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Wilt Beyrer has been over from Ber trand part of the week Mrs J F Jernberg is down from Denver on a short visit Frank Colfer came out from Omaha close of last week to visit the homefolks Mrs S C Samuelson of Hildreth is a guest of Mrs M B Carman this week Dr J D Hare was called to Chicago first of the week by the serious illness of his daughter Hazel Miss Lizzie Stevens is now associated with Mrs Frank Kendlen in the man agement of the New Palmer Louis Suess took his two little daugh ters down to Crete Wednesday morning to visit his parents a short time James Barnes is entertaining his cousin T G Barnes from Pem Ylvania who arrived here close of past week Mr and Mrs O W DeWald of Trenton spent Tuesday afternoon in the city They were homeward bound from a visit east Miss Erma Clark who has been visit ing her cousin Virgie Ludwick for the past two weeks left Wednesday morning to attend the Uhio Wesleyan University Miss Bessie Beam of McCook Ne braska was one of the Canon City camping party who narrowly escaped drowning in the water spout 150 miles southwest of this place Canon City Colo Reporter RAILROAD EMPLOYEES You pay too much I can save you money on Hamilton and Hampden high grade watches Chas B Morgan Holdrege Neb End of Bitter Fight Two physicians had a long and stub born fight with an abcess on my right lung writes JFHughes of DuPontGa and gave me up Everybody thought my time had come As a last resort I tried Dr Kings New Discovery for Con sumption The benefit I received was striking and I was on my feet in a few days Now Ive entirely regained my health It conquers all coughs colds and throat and lung troubles Guaran teed by LWMcConnell druggist Price 50c and SI Trial bottles free 1475 to St Louis and return on August 2 9 11 16 18 23 25 30 September i 6 S 13 15 20 22 27 and 29 Call on the agent for tiarticulars 8-5-St Populist Senatorial Convention The Pooploa Iudependent party senatorial convention for tbo 20th senatorial district will hold a con vention in McCook August 29th at one oclock p 111 for tho purposo of putting in nomination ono candidato for state senator for said district and to transact such other business ns may properly conm bofore the convention No proxies will b ndmitted The dele gates present will cast the full vote of their respective counties Tho basis of representation has been fixed at ono delegate at largo for each county and one delegate for each 100 votes qr major fraction thereof cast for Hon A C Shnllenbergcr for congress in 1902 Was Wasting Away I had been troubled with kidney dis easo for the last five years writes Rob ert R Watts of Salem Mo I lost flesh and never felt well and doctored with leading physicians and tried all remedies rsucgestod without relief Finally I tried Foleys Kidney Cure and less than two bottles completely cured mo and I am now sound aud well During tho summer kidney irregularities are often caused by excessive drinking or being overheated Attend to the kidneys at once by using Foleys Kidney Cure Sold by A McMillen LEBANON S R Jolly and J L Fiechter Jiavo dissolved partnership Jolly collects all accounts William Yeiser formerly a B M brakeman and express messenger out of here was in town yesterday He is looking up a location during his vacation to buy out a hardware store and has been spending the past two or three weeks at Lebanon on the St Francis line Oxford Standard A Perfect Painless Pill is tho one that will cleanse tho system set the liver to action remove tho bile clear the complexion cure Headache and leave a good taste in the mouth The famous little pills for doing such work pleasantly and effectually are DeWitts Little Early Risers Bob Moore of La fayette Ind says All other pills I have used gripe and sicken while De Witts Little Early Risers are simply perfect Sold by L W McConnell Barrett Canaga On Sunday August 21st Mr Charles H Barrett and Mrs Ellon Canaga wore united in marriage at the home of the latter in McCook Mrs Barrett is a skilled nurse and has many frieudswhile Mr Barrett for honesty and bravery was promoted from private to the rank of captain in the U S army Their many friends wish them abundant success Communicated The Lincoln Daily Stars great cam paign offer will enable you to get that paper until November 15th for only 50 cents The Star is the best evening daily in Nebraska Send in your order to The Daily Star Lincoln Neb Ia Uedluivnl Cities There can be no doubt that one rea lon why cities did not grow so rapidly In the seventeenth and eighteenth cen turies as in the nineteenth is the ex cessively high death rate that pre vailed during the earlier period The flood of immigration mighty as it was did little more than make good the places of those citizens who fell vic tims to grievous sanitary conditions From the facts that can be obtained It seems to have been universal true that almost up to the beginning of the nineteenth century the death rate of large cities exceeded the birth rate This was not because the birth rate was abnormally low but because the death rate was abnormally high In the medifcval city both birth rate and death rate were far higher than at present Infant mortality must have mounted to a grewsome height The unclcanlinesn and overcrowding of city dwellers now largely relegated to the slums of our great cities was the nor mal state of nearly all classes of so ciety in the London and Paris of Louis and Elizabeth Professor Edwin O Jordan in Popular Science Monthly Consul Kins David This amusing anecdote of Lamartine is related by the Baroness Bonde in her volume of letters Shortly after the revolution of February he wrote on the blank leaves of his pocketbook the names of his protegees and sent the list to be provided with places im mediately Previously however it seems he had scribbled David on the page and the head of the cabinet appointed the said David consul at Bremen the postulant however never came forward and though the poet did not like being disturbed M netrol was obliged to ask who was the David on his list He who danced before the ark was the answer Oh dear I have gazetted him to Bremen How very singular I meant him for a subject for meditation not for nomination But you can cancel it The mouiteur registered the chane 3 but few knew that the last consul ap pointed to Bremen was King David The Japanese Wjvy The question of choice between two vases was decided by a patron In a Japanese shop when the proprietor said That smaller vase madam Is thoroughly Japanese In form and deco ration That floral pattern in gold around the upper haif is characteris tic and so too is the exceedingly nar row and short neck The vase will hold but a single blossom that should be long stemmed and stand upright Thus the flower will be individualized and the vase likewise That is the Japanese way Had Several Maries Coming- I hopethat Willie got a good mark at school today remarked Willies fond mother He did not madam I am sorry to say replied the grim vlsaged peda gogue politely but I think I am safe In promising you that if Willie turns up at school tomorrow which he did not do today he will receive several Syracuse Herald J iwwtretBrwiitutHriMroiMWWiiiiiiiiiwiiiiii iiiwniimnnnMWiwtmiWiiimimjwiw nwB3BWHI1iiai3WBiSi i i w OUR SUMMER 1 Clearing Sale IS STILL ON Those Wash Silks are going fast at 39c Their real value is 50c Lawns Ginghams Silk Ginghams Dim ities Bouretts Silk Muslin Shirt Waist Suitings etc have all been reduced in price 10c Good now Jl2c and 8 c 15 and Xn Goods now jc 22 and 25c Goods now 17c 35 and 40c Grades NOW 28c 50c to 60c Grades NOW Full Weight We have four cardinal prii ciples in our business Full weight good goods fair prices cleanliness Maybe the place where you buy isnt as particular on these points as we are Our customers have a peculiar way of sticking by us and you would too if you tried our goods and our ways DAVID flAGNER l Sm Come and See for Yourself I DeGroff Co VifckitfC X V FRANKLIN Presided A C EBERT Cashier THE- f CITIZENS BANK 1 OF MeCOOK NEB K Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 X a a DIRECTORS O 4f V PPAHkHU W P MPAPf AMP A n pdpdt a iiiiniitniii n u I W B WOLFE C H WILLARD I wilbis WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm Be prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years- Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee jL4 i i orfiKSfrl g I QUIP fn rva ex on fa Sir fc rrCZt DSLS 5 ve iw lrV - r 1- W y mi r A TESTIMONIAL Delmont S Df Dec 17 1902 I used L K for hog cholera and it was all right Itcnred my hogs I had three sick ones and they all got well and done fine I also used it for chicken lice and mites and it is all yon claim for it Itis the only Medicine forhog cholera I think Gotliee Jeeke Harrington Xeb Dec 1J 1902 I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased with it I am sure leaved my hogs with it last year and am going to keep it in stock all the time as it is the bct thing I ever had on the place for everything it i intended for Itis good for chicken cholera lice on stock insects of all kinds it will destroy all kind F W Woman JAHES CAIN Manufactured by the National Medical Com pany Sheldon Iowa