The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 19, 1904, Image 8

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Coming Back Again Larger Grander Better Than Ever
CbjtiiLtoi Yalttr U ilIa
hoise following
Bessie Diavolo
Daring death defying danger in
the thrilling loop the loop
Davenport Lowanda
Only bareback equestrian throw-
somersaults from horse to
Cute Nursing Camels
Adopted and christened by Mys
tic Shriners of Al Koran and Da
mascus Temples
Mile Tumour
Queen of the Air
m -- - - 1 1
Cute Cunning Bareback
Riding Pony only one ever ed
ucated in this act
Dainty Dewdrop
Smallest specimen of man ex
tant 33 years of age 17 inches
tall and weighs but 12 pounds
IMS UHllSlllfll
3 Rihg Circus Greatest Menagerie Racing Carnival
Without fear of contradiction the largest and best circus
the most complete menagerie that ever visited the city
Cleveland Ohio World May 10 1904
McCOOK Ann Oft
A EL H J q jajr
The Most Colossal and Costly Intercontinental
Concourse of Rarest Wild Beasts and Super Eminent
Artists That Can be Carried the Country Through
The Real Conceded Greatest of the Great X
Arenas Elevated Rflid Air
-Star Stages Metrop
olis Race Course Coliseum 100 Acts
Happy hilarious nearly half a Hundred all creations
All convulsive CLOWWS
The name of Walter L Main has become a synonym
stupendous a glorious household one in millions of homes
Wild Rose
An untutored
forest Captured in
she woman or beast
for the
The one great day to which all McCook and vicinity look forward to
as the greatest event of the year
Positively Only Circus STd to Visit This Section
An All Feature Show that Bears the Endorsement of the Nation
No Other Show in This Country Has Under Contract
Such High Salaried Features and Artists
Famous Nelson Family
of nine premier Acrobats
The Boise Family
The peerless Flying Boise Fam
ily of Aerialists
The Puzzling Nondescript
An animal that has proven to
be an unsolved enigma
Prof John GilPs
unequalled band of 40 German
The Challenge Herd
of Artillery Elephants pacy
derm that engage in battle like
veteran soldiers using Gatling
Coming on its own three trains of double length cars with acres of sun and
waterproof canvas an army of people superb horses seating capacity 10000
Complete zoological department trained aud untrained beasts from forest moun
tain and plain Herds of elephants can es and zebras baby lions tigers leop
ards etc Americas and Europes greatest riders Leapers contortionists tum
blers acrobats gymnasts athletes jugglers wire walkers and general performers
Program Of the Day 10 a m Grand street parade a mile in length 11 a
m Free display of Japanese daylight fireworks 1130 a m Opening of annex
j U2 Opening of doors of menagerie wonder department and promenade con
cert 2 p ni Afternoon performance 7 p m Opening of doors to evening
performance S p m Start of evening performance
Advanced sale of tickets both admission and reserved chair seats opens
Antrust 29 9 a m at McMillens drug store Same price as charged on the
grounds Positively no advance
Ve like best to call
a food because it stands so e
phatically for perfect nutrition A
And yet in the matter of
ing appetite of giving new
strength to the tissues especially p
to the nerves its action is that
of a medicine
Scud for free sample
SCOTT rOVNE Chemists
409 415 Pearl Street New York
50c and 00 ail druggists
Commissioner Premer came down
from McCook on 12 Tuedny mominp
Mr Lon Carnalian tnd wife of Edgar
Nebr are visiting with Mr Carnalians
Miss Mary Richmond returned from
McCook Tuesday where she had been
attending the Normal
John Phoifer and mother were down
from Frontier county shaking bands
with old friends this week
Marguerite Meeker came down from
McCook on 12 Tuesday having finished
her studies at the normal school
Mr Clarence Meeker and sister Clara
visited in McCook a few days last week
returning homo Sunday morning
The line rain Monday evening was
gladly received and did much good to
corn and other products not yet harvest
Several Bar 1 ley sports attended tho
ball game at Iudianoia Monday and re
port that Lebanon won easily from
Mr Elmer Oxlev Jms rented the Dan
Wolfe farm in Frontier county one of
tho finest farms in tile state lor a term
of three years
Gordon A they Ira Ritchie Jim Fin-
negan and Chailie McCollum are put 1
ting in the telephone poles between
Hartley and Freedom
Clyde Clements was in Bartley Tues
day looking for a location in a near
town where he can ha v the advantage
of our splendid school
Mr Ira Sheets and family weit to
Cambridge Tuesday evening Mrs
Sheets and children took die morning
train Wednesday for a few weeks visit
in owa near Corning where the relat
ives of Mrs Sheets reside
iuss naicie Jteimer is up irun juiu
oolu visiting the home folks She is
well pleased with the Capital city
where she has been for the past tlnee
years Her brothers Fieri and Will are
there now Fred is working in a store
aud Will is attending school
Bartley is a pleasant place to live but
it is discouraging to think how much it
costs to die When it costs eighty five
dollars -for a very ordinary coffin and
when a drayman charges five dollars to
haul the body to the cemetery it is no
surprise that a former citizen prepared
his coflin before his death
DeWitt Is The Name
When von go
to buy Witch Hazel
Salve look for the name
on every box The pure unadulterated
Witch Hazel Salve which is the btst
salve in the world for euts burns bruises
boils eczema and piles The popularity
of DeWitts Witch Hazel Salvo due to
its many mires has caused numerous
worthless counterfeits to be placed on
the market The genuine bears the
name -E O DeWitt Co Chicago
Sold by L W McConnell
S E Solomon drove to Hayes Center
E E Locker of Palisade was in town
Miss Marion Herman of Hayes Center
was in town Friday
Mrs Thanie Benedict and sou visited
in Trenton Friday last
Miss Amanda Gaarder left for Denver
Monday morning for v short visit
M O Reynolds J W FordyceChas
Knowles and Henry Kleven drove to
McCook Sunday
Miss Ferguson of Cripple CrcekColo
is here visiting her uncle D L Shu
maker and family
E A Brittenham came in on No 5
Saturday evening to visit his many
friends here for a few days
Miss Orpha Satchell returned from
McCook Saturday evening where she
has been visiting her brother
Misses Alice Warren and Feme Solo
mon took in the entertainment at Mc
Cook last Wednesday eveniug
Robert Burns and Coy Burnett of
McCook came up on 5 Saturday even
ing and returned on 14 the same even
ing They visited each other at the de
pot for about five minutes
Mis Blanche Bennedict entertained a
number of her young lady friends at
her home Monday night in a very pleas
ant manner The young ladies were
dressed to represent children of five
Miss Myrtle Love took the prize which
was a doll The evening was passed
in playing games in keeping with their
years Dainty refreshments were served
and the guests departed at a late hour
voting it a decided success
Mrs Griffiths sister of Wisconsin is
here on a visit
Mr Bandy and Mr Griffith
some shoats fore part of week
G H Simmerman is done threshing
He had over 1100 bushels of wheat
Mr Perry started for his Missouri
home on last Sunday He liked this
country welk
Mrs Bandys parents who have visit
ed with her for some time started for
their Missouri home on Tuesday night
Rev Carman of the M E church of
McCook passed through this town on
Sunday on his way to Spring Creek to
hold quarterly meeting Elder Berry
accompanied him
I find nothing better for liver derange
ment and constipation than Chamber
lains Stomach and Liver Tablets L
P Andrews Des Moines Iowa For
sale by all druggists
Ml I Jl
Altn McCnrtv visited Sunday with
Nina Garrett
Miss Susan Horton who has been
sick is now better
D F Hupp and family visited Sun
day at jYMcCombs
Frank McCashlan has just returned
from a visit in Fillmore county
Glen Waterman visited Saturday ev
ening with Urban Bartholomew
Born To John Hoobler and wife
Sunday August 14th a baby girl
Lebanon defeated Stockville at
diaanoln Monday by a score of 14 to 10
Mr and Mrs lutes of Saline county
am visiting at Mr and Mrs Mead
Mrs E M Pennington returned last
week from a visit with her sister Mrs
Clyde Meeker in Denver
May Bartholomew left this week for a
visit in Tennessee She will come back
in time to teach the school in dist 82
Isaac Orr has returned from his visit
to the ould country his niece com
ing with him for a visit with relatives
inresmng out of the shock was in
dulged in in the Sam iloung neighbor
hood Sunday They must have been in
a hurry
Luola Thompson was up from Wil
sonville last week visiting with her sis
ters Mrs Iko Coons and Mrs Elmer
The game here on tho fourteenth be
tween Norcalur and Lebanon was hotly
contested resulting in Lebanons favor
by a score of 5 to 3
The Epworth league gave a social
Friday eve of last week al tho Widener
house Ice cream and cake were served
ou thw lawn Over ten dollars was
taken in
A family reunion was celebrated at
the home of J E Horton to celebrate
the 17th anniversary of the birth of tho
twins Hattie and Hallie Sunday Au
gust 14th
Wni Staples and hi threshing crew
took a few days oil on account of heavy
rains They have returned to their
work They report wheat badly effected
with rust and the best yield 15 bu per
Tom Saul threshed Saturday for Wal
ter I Pennington The yield of V
acres of oats was 92 bushels Besides
one half load of oats was fed in the bun
dle These oats were raised on summer
cultured ground by II W Campbells
Monday evening Aug 13th there
feli a good rain of 2 4 inches in the
neighborhood of Lebanon and all farm
ers are rejoicing The road supervisors
will be looking over the roads and doing
some repairing which is much needed
in some places
Bert Kinkaid Ben Cumming Jeff
and John Morton Ralph Streitz and
Hampton Horton Jr went to Republi
can on a fishing trip one day last week
The bovs report the water about Knee
deep and nothing was said about how
many hsh were caught
was reported
but a good time
j GBBurhans Testifies After Four Years
G13 Burhansof Carlisle Center NY
j writes About four years ago I wrote
iyou statiuy that I had been entirely
i cured of a severe kidnev trouble bv tak
ing less than two bottles of Foleys Kid
ney Cure It entirely stopped the brick
dust sediment and pains and symptoms
of kidney disease disappeared I am
glad to say that I have never had a re
turn of any of those symptoms during
the four years that have elapsed and I
am evidently cured to stay cured and
heartily recommend Foleys Kidney
Cure to any one suffering from kidnev
or bladder trouble Sold by A McMif
Mrs O II Jennings Boston Our
babies twins were sickly Had several
doctors but no results Hollisters
Rocky Mountain Tea made them strong
nnd robust 33 cents Tea or tablet
form L V McConnell
145 to St LOUiS
and return on August 2 4 9 11 16 IS
23 2o 30 September 1 6 S
22 27 and
29 Call on the
13 15 20
Its Mother is Well
The baby is healthy because during the
period of gestation its mother used the
popular and purely vegetable liniment
Mothers Friend is a soothing softening
relaxing liniment a muscle maker invig
orator and freshener It puts new power
into the back and hips of a comingmother
It is applied externally only there is
no dosing and swallowing of nasty drugs
no inward treatment at all
The state of the mother during gestation
may influence the disposition and future
of the child that is one reason why moth
ers should watch their condition and
B void pain Her health that of the child
and their lives depend on keeping free
from pain worry and melancholy Be of
good cheer strong of heart and peaceful
mind Mothers Friend can and will
make you so Bearing down pains morn
ing sickness sore breast and insomnia are
all relieved by this wonderful remedy
Of druggists at ioo per bottle
Send for our book riotherhood free
mwum r
David Carpenter Mrs David Carpenter his
wifo whose full iimt utuiiu is to tho plaintiff uu
known tho Nebraska Loau and Banking Co a
corporation incorporated under mid by virtue
of tli lnws of tho state of Nebraska and tho
southwest quartor of section number eight iu
township number ouo north range number
thirty in Rodwillow county Nebraska defoud
Hiits will take notice thnton tho 5th day of July
1001 Edward B Cowlos plaintiff heroin illod
his petition iu tho district court of Rodwillow
county Nebraska against suid deieiidnuts tho
object and prayer of which are to foreclose a
certiiu taxyion upon tho southwest quarter of
section number eight in township number one
north range number thirty west of the 0th P
M iu Rodwillow county state of Nebraska ex
isting under a tax sale of suid laud duly made
to plaintiff on the 5th day of December 1901 for
the taxes upon said laud for the years ii lsJo
jn 1 IfcD 1593 JS99 and 1900 in the sum of 60 15 nnd
lor iiiesuiscueiit uixeson sum mini
paid by plaintiff as follow to wit On August
26th IJCTJ taxes for the year 1001 amounting to
361 on July irri 1903 tuxes for tho year 1002
amounting to 191 and on July 2nd 1904 tnxos
for the year 1903 amounting to iVVJ together
with interest thoreontw provided by law and
an attorneys fee for tea per cent of the amouut
of tho riocreo for which sums with costs of
suit tho pluiutiil urnvs for a decree that
fondants bo required to pay tho same or that
said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount
found due
Yiii are required to answer said pntitioncnor
before Monday the iti day of September 1001
Edward H Cowles Plaintiff
Dated July 20th 1001 7 29 4 ts
To W Cshockloy Ralph L Whooler C Frank
Spaur heirs of Semplo Floyd June- V Frank-
I in Roberts Sanders aud to all whom it may
The commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at a point ICO rod north of tho
southeast corner of section nineteen 19 town
ship ono 1 north of range twenty eight 2S
w t 0th 1 M running thence duo west KiO
rods north 100 rods intersecting the section lino
between sections eighteen IS and nineteen 19
touu liii one 1 ranee tweuty eitiht 2d run
ning thence west ItiO rods to tho southwest cor
ner of section eighteen IS township ono 1
north of range twenty eiht 2S aud terminat
ing thereat
Also vacating that part of road numbered
twenty oiKht 2S commencing at a point 100
rods north of tho southeast corner of section
nineteen 19 township ono 1 north of range
twenty 2S and rtiuuiiii north one half
mile and terminating at the northeast corner of
section nim teen 19 township one 1 north of
ranee twentv oiKht 2S west of the 0th P M
has reported iu favor of the location thereof
aud ail objections thereto or claims for dam
aires must lie filed in the county clerks office on
or before noon of the first day of October A D
1901 or said road will bo established without
reference thereto E J Wilcox
County Clerk
Frank KinK Martha J Kinjr and Lee A Ketch
defendants will take notice that on the tith day
of August X William Doilu plaintiff hi r in
filed his petition in the dNtrict court of Hrd
Willow county Nebraska acainst aid defend
ants the object and pravor of which are to fore
cloe a certain tax ale certificate issued on the
ISth ilav of Jiiiip 19 bv tho county treasurer
of ked Willow cnuntv Nebraska for the follow
ing described real estate to wit The northeast
quarter of tliRsouthwestouurtoror section four
township four north of rane tvcnt niiip vet
of the Sixth P M in Red Willow county Ne
braska that the plaintiff paid for said real es
tate at said tax sale the sum of 5S and that
he paid other and siib ciiueut taxes upon -id
real estate under said tax sale as follows June
ISth lb9S tlm taxes for the year 1VJ7 amounting
to the sum of Sl71 Afay 9th ln9 the for
tho jeur IbOS amounting to the -urn of
May 21st 1901 tho taxes for the year 1899
amounting to tin sum of 31S7 February Kith
1S1I1 tho taxes for tho jear lWA amounting to
the sum of 1 November 5th 1112 tho taxes
for the year I1KI1 amounting to tho sum of 315
and on November Kith liHM thu taxes for the
year 1902 aiiioiirtiriK to tho sum of 2tl that
there now duo tho plaintifF for taxes on said
premises paid under said tax sale including the
sub equent taxes the sum of Stt CO with inter
est thereon from tho 1st day of August 1904 at
tho rate of ton per cent per annum for which
sum with intere t attorneys fees and costs of
suit plaintiff prajs for a decree that the de
fendants bo required to pay the same or that
said premises may bo sold to satisfy the amount
found due You are required to answer said pe
tition ou or before Monday the 19th day of Sep
temlier 1901 William Doylk Plaintiff
By Bovle Eldred Attorneys for Plaintiff
Dated this 6th day of August 1901
To E H Cannon Mary Murphy Clyde E Cle
ment Leopold Ahrouhciiu bmith Bros Loan
and irust Co William B Murphy L A bhol
iion and to all whom it may concern
Tho commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at tlm southeast corner of section
sixteen 10 township two 2 range twenty six
20 and terminating at the northeast corner of
section four 4 township two 2 range twenty
six 26 has reported in favor of the location
thereof and all objections thereto or claims for
damages mut bo filed in the county clerks of
fice on or before noon of the 10th day of October
1904 or said road will lie etabli hed without
reference thereto K J Wilcox
M2 Ks Couuty Clerk
Notice is hereby Riven that by virtue of a chat
tel mortgage dated on the It day of July KKi
and dulv filed in tho office of the county clerk
of Red Willow county Nebraska ou the lftli
day of Auuust lPCKi at 2 oclock p m and exe
cuted by F II Bonder to J I Cao Threshing
Machine Company to -secure the payment of the
sum of two thousand live hundred and fiftj dol
lars tho mortgagee under the tprm of said
mortgage electing to declare the whole debt due
and ou which there is now due the sum of two
thousand one hundred fifty dollars with inter
est from July 51st 1G0 at tho rate of eight per
cent per annum default having been made in
the payment of said sum and no suit or other
proceedings at law having been instituted to re
cover said debt or any part thereof except
a suit in the district court of Red Willow coun
ty Nebraska commenced ou the fourth day of
April 1901whereiu J ICase Threshing Machine
Company a corporation duly incorporated un
der the laws of the state of Wisconsin was
plaintiff and Hari Meyer i aud F II Hunger
were defendants which said proceeding was on
tho 9th day of August1901 discontinued there
fore said mortgagee will sell the property
thoroin described towit Ono Case separator
No J99I2 with trucksone 15 horse Ca e engine
No 12106 with tools belt- nnd appurtenances
complete ono Case wind stacker No 6114 one
Case feeder No 370s one No 1 Case weigher
No 009 ono Case mounted steel tank No
42 m with pump brake and hose one ISO foot S
inch 4 ply Gaudy bolt at public auction on the
vacant lots next west of W T Colemans hard
ware store being lot 19 20 21 and 22 in block
23 original town of McCook Red Willow county
Nebraska on tho 3d day of September 1901 at
one oclock p m ot said day
Dated August 12th 1904
J I Cass Threshing Machine Co Mortgagee
By C B Tomblin Agent
In the District Court of Red Willow county
state of Nebraska
In the matter of the application of Emma J
Bull guardian of Pearl Plumb Clifford
Plumb and Clara Plumb minors for license
to sell real estate
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of
an order of the Honorable R C Orr judge of
the district court of Red Willow countv Ne
braska made on the 20th day of July 1901 for
the sale of the real estate hereinafter described
there will be sold at public vendue to the high
est bidder for cash at the front doorof thecourt
house in the city of McCook in said county on
the first day of SeDtember 1901 at the hour of
one oclock p m the following described real
estate to wit An undivided three fourths inter
est in tho northeast quarter of section 31 town
ship 1 north range 2 west of the Sixth P M
Red Willow county Nebraska Said ale will
remain opn one hour Dated this 10th day of
August 1901 Emma J Bcll
Guardian of Pearl Plumb Clifford Plumb and
Clara Plumb minor
Boyle Eldred attorneys for Emma J Bull
guardian of said minors V12 3ts
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of
instructions from the Commissioner of the Gen
eral Land Office under authority invested in
him by section 24 U S Rev Stat as amend
ed by the act of Congress approved February 26
15s95 we will proceed to offer at public sale on
the 26th day of September next at one oclock
p m at this office the following tract of land
towit TheEViNWAiofSec32 Tp 1 N R
31 W 6th P M containing 0 acre
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are advised to file their
claims in this oflico on or before the day above
designated for the commencement of said sale
otherwise their rights will be forfeited
Dated at McCook Nebraska this 17th day of
August 1904 F M Hath bun Register
C E Eldred V liAENES KerPiver
Attorney for applicant 1
Ofliee over McConnells drug store
Offick Phone 1G0
Rks Phone 131
Registered Graduate Dentist
Formerly located in At
lanta Georgia All opera
tions pertaining to modern
dentistry performed accord
ing to the latest scientific
methods used in the large
Graduate of Kansas
City Lental College
Over Jas McAdams
Telephone 43
McCook Nebraska
i Hi Sl V1
Oflico over Grannis store McCook Neb
ChasAStevens Bros Ready made
Garments and Furnishing Goods
Three doors east of DeGroITs store
Rooms 1 and 7 econd floor
Postollico Building
Terms 1 porcout No date made for less
than 1000 My references are parties for
whom I have cried tnles
I Want Your Business
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phone Xo 13
Consultation free
and Surgeon
Office over McMillons drug store Residence
702 Main Aveuuo Residence phouo 53 Office
phono 2 Calls answered night or day
McCook Nebraska
SSasAgentof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Waterworks Office in Postoflice builBing
C II Boyle C E Eldked Co Attj
Attokneys at Laav
Lontc Distance Phone 4 1
McCook Neb
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Mcdioino for Busy People
Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor
A specific for Constipation Indigostion Live
and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure
Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab -let
form 35 cents a box Genuine made by
Hollister Drug Company Madison Wis
Piinber and
lii FB
Iron ead and Sewer
Goods Pumps an Bo 1erTr mm ngs
Agent for Hal day Waupun fcchpse
Windmills Basement o1 the Meeker
Phillips Budding
PiDe Brass M
iWftVJII Rii
nu i Hfe TILLd
Sal Alwav reliable Iridic isfe Tirr
Cold moauiie AkX
boxes eaiea with hn ki
Take no other
uanceroun nulntl
iununaiiu imitation Buvof yonrlnrVt
or send U- m stamns for
nioninU and itcller
for Ladic in Utt
- wwuun 1iuure IlUXiA
Mention this oncer
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
district court of Red lllow county Nebraska
under a decree in an action wherein Charles h
Boyle is plaintiff and James H Patterson et
al are defendants to me directed and deliver
ed I shall offer at public sale and sell to the
highest bidder for cash at the east door of thn
court house in McCook Red Willow county
Nebraska on the 22d day of August 1904 at the
hour of one oclock p m the following de
scribed real estate towit The south half of
tho northwest quarter and the north half of thn
southwest quarter of section number eight Yn
township number four
north of range nnrnh
thirty vest of the 6th P M in IS Wife
county Nebraska uow
Dated this 22d day of July 1904
C E Eldbed Attorney Sheriff
fr k