u r K X4 OS rar rv f r V l ACHED IN EVERY BONE Chicago Society Woman Who Was So Sick Sho Could Not Sleep or Eat Cured by Doans Kidney Pills II v23Hu4MEi2 wVSE W fl v jSftl A 9 I llnf J37 JJ fP 4s w jfyf Marlon Knight of 33 N Ashland Ave Chicago Orator of the Wo Ft Side W o a nesday Club sayo This winter when I start ed to use Doans Kid- ney Pills I ached In every bono and had intense nains in the kidneys and pelvic organs The urine was thick and cloudy and I could barely eat enough to live I felt a chango for the better within a week The second week I began eating heartily I began to improve generally and before seven weeks had passed I was well I had cpent hun dreds of dollars for medicine that did not help me but G worth of Doans Kidney Pills restored me to perfect health A TRIAL FREE Address Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y For sale L all dsalers Price 50c Steam Turbine Tor Pumps The steam turbine principle has been adapted to a centrifugal high pressure pump The acllon is re versed however the water entering at what would be the exhaust end gradually accelerating as it passe3 through the several fixe1 and mova ble vanes until it acquires a high velocity at what would ordinarily bo the outlet end The Tailor Took His Measure v I was getting measured for a suit of clothes this mawning said young Mr Sissy to his pretty cousin and just for a joke yknow I awsked Snipem if It weally look nine tailors to make a man He said it would take more than nine tailors to make a man of some people I thought it was quite clevah Exchange x Onions for Insomnia Onions are recommended as a good thing for insomnia A favorite dish Jn England is one of the og sweet Spanish onions cooked in milk Cel ery may also be used in the same way stewed in milk It is good for the nerves and consequently for sleep lessness Voice From Arkansas Cleveland Ark August 15 Spe cial Nearly every newspaper tells of some wonderful cure of some form of Kidney Disease by the Great American Remedy Dodds Kidney Pills and this part of Arkansas is not without its share of evidence that no case is too deeply rooted for Dodds Kidney Pills to cure Mr A E Carlile well known and highly respected here tells of his cure after nearly a quarter of a cen turys suffering Mr Carlile says I want to let the public know what I think of Dodds Kidney Pills I think they are the best remedy for sick kidneys ever made I had Kidney Trouble for 23 years and never found anything that did me so much good as Dodds Kidney Pills I recommend them to all sufferers There is no uncertain sound about Mr Carliles statement He knows that Dodds Kidney Pills rescued hin from a life of suffering and he wants the public to know it Dodds Kidney Pills cure all Kidney ills from Back ache to Brights Disease When a brides mother weeps it may be because her daughter didnt marry a man with less beauty and more money FREE TO TWENTY FIVE LADIES The Defiance Starch Co will give 25 ladies a round trp ticket to the St Louis exposition to five ladies in each of the following states Illinois Iowa Nebraska Kansas and Missou ri who will send in the largest number of trade marks cut from a 10 cent 1C ounco package of Defiance cold water laundry starch This means from your own home anywhere In the above named states These trade marks must be mailed to and received by the De fiance Starch Co Omaha Neb before September 1st 1901 October and No vember will be the best months to visit the exposition Remember that Defiance is the only starch put up 16 oz a full pound to the package You get one third more starch for the same money than of any other kind and Defiance never sticks to the iron The tickets to the exposition will be sent by registered mail September 5th Starch for sale by all dealers When swimming with the current look out for the falls Less Than Half to St Louis and Re turn via Wabash R R Tickets sold Tuesdays and Thurs days in August rate from Omaha 850 Daily round trip rate 1380 Correspondingly low rates from your station The Wabash is the ONLY line land ing all passengers at its own station main entrance Worlds Fair grounds thus saving time annoyance and extra car fare All Worlds Fair maps show Wabash station main entrance For all information address Harry E Moores G A P D Wab R R Oma ha Neb A safe secret is a confidential let ter unwritten The Best Results In Starching can be obtained only by using De fiance Starch besides getting 4 oz more for the same money no cooking required HIS END WAS QUIET Youthful Diplomatist Got Neatly Out of Tight Place Nod was 7 Budge was 4 They had the small boys propensity for adopting every stray cat that carao In their direction without drawing any lino of color or antecedents The grown ups had protested without avail and nearly every dy found an additional half starved kitten running about the place At last the boys father had an inspiration See here boys he said I am altogether too poor to feed any more kittens I simply cannot afford it Now If you really want to keep this last little yellow kitten you have brought in you will have to buy milk for her with your own pennies But remember she must be well fed and the first time I find her crying for something to eat she will have to go The boys talked the matter over and readily agreed to this arrange ment The following day however the yellow kitten was crying piteous ly for food when the father came home Only one of the culprits being present the vjals of wrath broke on his head Budge he said sternly didnt I tell you boys that the first time I heard that cat yelling around hero she would have to go Yes papa Budge replied hastily But you see I only own half the cat and it Isnt my end of the cat that eats ENGINES TESTED IN SHOP Ingenious Arrangement for Giving Lo comotive Its Trial Trips One of the greatest triumphs of en gineering skill is to be found at the Great Western railway works at Swin don England where an ingenious con trivance for giving a locomotive its trial trip without leaving the scene of its construction is in operation The feature of the testing plant is that the engine after being placed on the machine runs on wheels fitted with tires which correspond to the trend and section of the permanent way A clever braking arrangement secures a representation of the diffi culties encountered in running on the metals and all the tests usually made on a trial trip can be conducted in side the works with all the appliances at hand The dangers of a break down and subsequent blocking of the main line are thus obviated and the work of experimenting is simplified This machine is the invention of the ocomotive superintendent J G Churchward and is said to be the only one in Europe His Thirst for Knowledge Abe Gruber was entertaining a young friend from up the state one day last week After having pointed out various sights of the city Mr Gru ber conducted his youthful acquaint ance to a restaurant Mr Gruber ordered dinner and then began perusing the wine list He de cided on some Burgundy but just as he was about to order it paused and gazed at the callow youth before hm Then he shook his head Whats the use he said half aloud He wouldnt know the differ ence between it and the rankest Cali fornia claret The youth raised his head Perhaps not Mr Gruber he said but then I have such a thirst for knowledge New York Times Admiring the Mower I love the swish of the gleaming blade The thump of the lusty tread Where the timothy stalk is lowly laid And the daisy bends its head There5 freedom here in the mighty sweep Distilling the bays perfume Theres freedom here in the hands that reap And conquer the clover bloom Here toil is king and the beaded brow Seems never a wrink with care Here work is play or it seems somehow To me it is but there But there where the lusty mower goes With a strenuous stride along Fcrhaps hed sing if he could who knows A different sort of song For here I loll in the- shade immense With my old muse on the run I loll this side of the zigzag fence He broils there in the sun New York Sun To Revive Glories of Long Branch Leading citizens of Long Branch are endeavoring to revive the faded glories of that erstwhile fashionable summer resort Gamblers and the usual swarm of shoddyites crowded in after the real society leaders years ago and turned the place into a fifth rate summer attraction Now a meet ing has been held and the city author ities have been asked to purchase ocean front build a casino and con struct a board walk The citizens are determined that there shall be an early return of conditions which pre vailed formerly Timely and Appropriate S S Brown owner of Broomstick tne norse mat wresiea tne laurels irom Irish Lad in the Brighton cap was congratulated after the race t by a friend If Im not inquisitive said his 1 1riend why did youivt your horse such a name I Named it after my cook answer ed Mr Brown Why was the query Because replied Mr Browne it isnt the first time a broomstick beat an Irish Lad New York Times Gabriele DAnnunzio The real name of Gabriele DAnnun zio whose Citta Morta has been pro hibited by the censor in London is Gaetano Rapagnetto The dramatist is the son of Duchesa Maria Gallese de Roma He is a musician as well as a playwright and has a son who has a certain celebrity as a mandolinisL X a Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury m mercury will nurcly deitroy tbo sen3 of meil and completely deranso the whole rvHtcm when entering It through the mucous surfaces Such ertlclci should never bo aed except on prescrip tion from reputable pbyilclans ei the damage they will do U ten fold to tuo Kood you can ponlbly de rive from them Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured hy F 1 Cheney Co Toledo O contains no mer cury and Is taken internally acting directly upon tho blood and mucous imrfucen of the system In buying Halls Catarrh Cure bo Riiro you Ret tho RCtiulne It Is taken Internally and made In Toledo Ohio by F J Cheney Co Testimonials free Sold by DruraUte lrlce 7Sc per bottle Take flails Faintly Fills for constipation Lawsuits make the parties bare the lawyers fat German Try One Package If Defiance Starch does not please you return it to your dealer If it does you getone third more for the same money It will give you satis faction and will not stick to the iron If the play is a frost the audience soon melts away Sensible Housekeepers will have Defiance Starch not alone because they get one third more for the same money but also because of superior quality If a man is always chaperoned by his wife he is pretty sure to meander along in the straight anil narrow path When You Buy Starch buy Defiance and get the best 1C oz for 10 cents Once used always used A woman has simply got to love something even if it is only a man Pisos Cure is the best medicine we ever used for all affections of the throat and lungs Wm O Endsmy Vanburcn Ind Feb 10 1900 There is never much to talk about after a smooth voyage ETITC permanently cured jroflornerreasnegiafte rllv uret days nse of Dr Klines Great Nervo Restor er Bond for FREE 8200 trial bottle and treatise Do II II Klixe Ltd 31 Arch Street Philadelphia Fa The greatest merit of some men is their wives Poincelot Do our Clothes Look Yellow Then use Defiance Starch it will keep them white 16 oz for 10 cents When you feel like telling your troubles write them down then burn the paper Oldest Tree The oldest tree in the world is on the Island of Kos lying off the coast of Asia Minor The trunk is thirty feet in circumference A wall of masonry surrounds it and supports the two main branches It is believed to be more than 2000 years old Cheerfulness and Grumbling How many people in real life thera are who are a perpetual drain on the sympathies of their more cheerful friends and neighbors They like to be comforted with strong uplifting words they appreciate cheerfulness in others It does not occur to tfiem that it is a cultivable quality Just as grumbling is Corn Birds Will Not Bother A well known farmer says he wets his seed corn with coal oil before planting it and as a result the birds and insects do not bother it before it comes up The oil does not injure the germ and keep it from sprouting This has been proved by experience as he has never had to replant Fil more Mo Lever Training of Japanese Wrestlers In the place of training to remove superfluous flesh as do the athletes of other lands tho wrestlers of Japan eat to put it on Great size and weight do not appear to interfere with their agility Instead it is one of the principal means of overcom ing an adversary JUST ONE DAY Free From the Slugger Brought Out a Fact During the time I was a coffee drinker says an Iowa woman I was nervous had spells with niy heart smothering spells headache stom ach trouble liver and kidney trouble I did not know for years what made me have those spells I would fre quently sink away as though my last hour had come For 27 years I suffered thus and used bottles of medicine enough to set up a drug store capsules and pills and everything I heard of Spent lots of money but I was sick nearly all the time Sometimes I was so nervous I could not hold a plate in my hands and other times I thought I would surely die sitting at the table This went on until about two years ago when one day I did not use any coffee and I noticed I was not so nerv ous and told my husband about it He had been telling me that it might be the coffee but I said No I have been drinking coffee all my life and it cannot be But after this I thought I would try and do without and drink hot water I did this for several days but got tired of the hot water and went to drinking coffee and as soon as I began coffee again I was nervous again This proved that it was the coffee that caused my troubles We had tried Postum but had not made it right and did not like it but now I decided to give it another trial so I read the directions on the pack age carefully and made it after these directions and it was simply delicious so we quit coffee for good and the re sults are wonderful Before I could not sleep but now I go to bed and sleep sound am not a bit nervous now but work hard and can walk miles Nervous headaches are gone my heart does not bother me any more like it did and I dont have any of the smothering spells and would you believe it I am getting fat We drink Postum noV and nothing else and even my husbands headaches have disappeared we both sleep sound and healthy now and thats a blessing Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich Look for the book The Road to Wellville in each pkg The Cause of Sleep Tho man who is kept awako bj pain or who suffers In any other way from lack of sleep cang usually obtain it by tho use of a drug Such sleep however is generally regarded as un natural and hypnotic drugs are avoided when possible But now comes Mr Raphael Dubois a French physi ologist who tells us that all sleep is the result of drugging the Bleep-producer being carbonic acid formed with in the system Irrigation in Kansas Great state Kansas There Is neither a mountain nor a marsh in all her length and breadth of 82000 sauare miles One third of her area is almost a barren steppe owing to lack of rain Irrigation will make the dry prairies o veritable garden of the west raise the Kansas corn crop to 300000000 bushels and increase her live stock valuation to 180000000 New York Press Englands Great Artist George Frederick Watts the great English artist who died recently in London rarely worked from a living subject but modeled fragmentary studies In wax and clay for particu lar parts of the figures of his pictures Thin patriarch of painters said in ref erence to his principal works that one of his great aims was to take the ttr ror away from death Labouchere on Intoxicants I myself never drink spirits or in deed either wine or beer when I can get water said Henry Labouchere I can understand the liking for beer or wine The taste for spirits how ever is incomprehensible to me I tried all of them The experiment did not succeed but gin struck me as the least nasty Weight of Dead Sea Water A gallon of distilled water weighs ten pounds of sea water ten and three fourths pounds of Dead sea water twelve pounds There are eight and one half pounds of salt in every 100 pounds of Dead sea water to two and four fifths pounds in ordinary sea water Important io Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOHIA a safe and eurc remedy for infants and children and sec that it Bears the Signature tyfMc In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Alwfoy3 Bought Italian Joan of Arc The Italian sculptor Ettore Fer raria has completed a relief portrait of the Italian Jeanne dArc Signora Stamura for Ancona which she helped to defend during the siege by Barbarossa She inspired courage in the citizens by her exhortations and during a sally applied the torches with her own hands to the German siege towers according to tradition She was a widow Mrs Wlnslows SootMnfr Syrnp For children tcethlnjr softens the puras rcduccR ln flammuUou allays pitfn cures wind coilu 25c a bottle Original Rough Riders Tho original Rough Riders ante dated the pony express by several jvars The Rifle Rangers themselves were rough riders and Mayne Reid was a captain leading in person many a gallant charge against the greas ers Apaches Commanches and Sioux Defiance Starch is put up 16 ounces in a package 10 cents One third more starch for the same money Condemns Flannels Dr Leonard Williams in an article In the London Practitioner declares lhat flannel underclothing is a fraud Dry flannel he says is practically unabsorbent whereas linen cotten and silk are in different degrees very absorbent He concludes that wool en underclothing is of all others the best calculated to induce a reiixed and unresponsive condition of the skin Women Sardine Curers Sardine curers in France are nearly all women who sometimes work twen ty hours out of the twenty four They are paid at the rate of thirty cents per 1000 fish Mother of Twenty Children Having previously borne sixteen child en the wife of a shoemaker at Wraz in Bohemia has now had four at a birth of whom three are living Luminous Numbers for Houses A new idea is to have the numbers on the front doors of houses painted in luminous paint so that they wl be visible in the dark TIIC ITAIQV CI V VII PR destroys all tbefllesana InC UfllOl iLI M LLC II affordscomforttoeverj Lome In dining room sleeping room and places where fiiiT 5SsSStiiWyiH some Clean neat TSVa WgEaTTSjKAial and will not potior U 3 1Jw4 WKSSL v5m Injure anything v immfefTuSzgA ii nf T iWi T i lfMi i M IT i Try them once and you iii never be wi thou t them If not keptbydealersent prepaid for 20c HAROLD SOBERS 110 Drkalb ifrnnf Broetya 5 T Medical Department Washington University The first two years are devoted mainly to practical training in laboratories of Anatomy Histology Embryology Chemistry Physiology Pathology and Bacteriology by specialists and life workers in these branches The last two years are given to personal study of disease in clinical laboratories hospitals and dispensaries not merely affiliated but under the full control of the Faculty for bed side instruction For particulars and catalogue address the Dean 180G Locust Street St Louis HOMESTEADS nTVcaTr0Z Montana Send 50c for map and Information to J KBLLEY Real EsUte Agescy Billings Mont To be a successful wife to THE ONLY LINE TO THE WORLDS FAIR MAIN ENTRANCE Bajjenee checked to Worlds Fair groumlx retain the love and admiration of her husband should be a womans constant study If t she would be all that she may she must guard well against the signs of ill health Mrs Brown tells her story for the benefit of all wives and mothers Dear Mrs PixirnA3i LydIa E Pinlchums Vegetable Compound will make every mother well strong healthy and happy I dragged through nine years of miserable existence worn out with pain and weariness I then noticed a statement of a woman troubled as I was and the wonderful results she had had from your Vege table Compound and decided to try what it would do for mc and used it for three months At the end of thab time I was a different woman tho neighbors remarked it and my hus band fell in love with me all over again It seemed like a new existence I had been suffering with inflamma tion and falling of the womb but your medicine cured that and built up my entire system till I was indeed like a new Tvoman Sincerely yours Mrs Chas F Brown 21 Cedar Terrace Hot Springs Ark Vice President Mothers Club 5000 forfeit if original of above lattti proving genuineness cannot be produced follow the plaq I I TAKE THE WABASH TO I eSAINTLOUIS T I I Stopovers allowed All Agents can route you via the WABASH For beau tiful Worlds Fair folder and all infor mation address HARRY 13 MOORES Gen Agt Pass Dept Omaha Neb LEWIS SINGLE BSNDER 5Ciar better Quality than most 10 Cigars Tour jobber or direct from Factory Peoria 117 W N U Omaha No 341904 From Iho cradfa to the baby chafr HAVE YOU A BABY It so you ought to havo a PHOENIX WALKING CHAIR BakH m SI tS3 HH PATENTED AN IDEAL 8ELF IN6TRUCTOR rUR PHOENIX Walking Chair holds tho cliild socnrolv pre venting thoso painfnl falla and bmnps which aro so froqnont whon baby learns to walk BETTER THAN A NURSE Tho chair is provided with a re movable sanitary cloth BcatwJiioh supports tho weight of tho cliild and prevents bow logs and spintd troubles italso has ntablo attach ment which onablos baby to find amnsomont in its toys etc with out any attention As indispensable as a cradlo It is so constructed that it pro vonts soiled clothes sicknoss from drafts and floor germs and is rocommondod by physicians and endorsed by bothmothor and baby Combinos pleasuro and utility No baby should bo without ono Call at your furnituro dcalor and ask to sco one MANUTACTimED OKIT BT PHOENIX CHAIR CO RHPnnvrflN wis Can only bo had ot your furniture dealer IrarcainI RATES On August 9th uirtnl and September 13th and 27th round trip tickets will lx sold via M K T Hy from St Louis Kansas Citv Hannibal and other Mis souri and Kansas points to Indian Ter ritory Oklahoma and Central and Kast ern Texas at 1500 i The Southwest Is Inviting Tho crops B nip fnnil cvinilitirmc mil Tirnvniwf wirr never more favorable Indian Territory Oklahoma and Texas are m need of people and oiler pli nty of opportunities for investments of capital and labor GO NOW Take advantage of this exceptional opportunity Ask ine about rates and particulars Ill frladly send you something new in printed matter about the Southwest J figt George Morton Gen Pass and TkL AqL ST LOUIS MO WANTE ANTISEPTIC PILE CONES ItWTpTI5 ra att ll I Portraits and Frames Frames 12c 15c 40c and up Portraits 30c 60o and up Catalogue and Samples Free IILDSON l OKTIUIT IO J2bC 11 EadUon hi thlnj III I I It is the purest cleanest starch made I I II It is free of injurious chemicals I II It can be used where ordinarily youiwouldbe afraid 1 I II to use starch of any kind I 1 1 1 Thats Defiance Your grocer sells it I I 1 1 THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO 1 1 SOLO BY CURH WHILE YOU DRUGGISTS Sample Free ANTISEPTIC PILE CONE CO Crete Neb SLEEP When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach UR UlHiii WHtHt AIL tLSfc rAHS 3 Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good TJae Pf E3 lrtoe Sold by drogglgta gj