inni FREE FREE 1 WBuMlhlj Pip Is 1 1 - t t u f M Pi 1 K fm 1 I ym tl last Saturday Ton Weatherwax got his eye brow torn Saturday in the ball game a few pieces of court plaster fixed him O K It would be a good thing to plow under the weeds in some of the front yardshere and prepare them for grass James Adams and others were down from Danbury Saturday to see the ball game and ride on the merry-go-round Mrs Ira Chaffee of Denver who has fceen visiting with Mrs John Porterhas returned to her home Vena Bodwell and Blanche Porter accompanying her or a short visit We were pained to hear of the death of G M Johnson of Wilsonville Mr g SCOTTS EMULSION wont make a hump back straight neither will it make a short leg long but it feeds soft bone and heals diseased bone and is among the few genuine means of recovery in rickets and bone consumption Send for free sample SCOTT BOWNE Chemiits 409415 Pearl Street New York 50c ana iiuu an arngguis I Worlds Fair Souvenir Spoons Free To All Blue Stamp Collectors Next Thursday Friday and Saturday August 18 19 and 20 any undersigned merchant of McCook will give free to every person who buys 100 worth of goods or more at his store this handsome Worlds Fair Souvenir Spoon All you are required to do is to Cut out this Coupon and take it to the store of any merchant who gives Blue Trading Stamps Thursday Fri day or Saturday August 18 19 20 make a purchase of 100 or more got coupon signed by your merchant then present coupon and your stamp book at our headquarters A E PETTYS SHOE STORE showing you have 20 Blue Stamps collected and we will give you this spoon free Merchants Signature Remember This is Good for Three Days Only Goods must be purchased and coupons presented during these three days and you are entitled to one spoon for every coupon signed by a different merchant Now is your time to commence saving stamps The following merchants give Blue Trading Stamps J H GRANNIS Dry Goods and Groceries F J MORGAN Clothing A E PETTY Shoes WILCOX SON Groceries LEBANON ThcEpworth League will hold a social tonight Susan Horton is suffering with rheu matism Ed Hummel is building a substantial residince H E Waugh is having his residence repainted William Meadville is reported to be uito poorly VV M Ball and family are visiting at TJaion Iowa PBGarrett and family returned from their visit in Iowa Ernest Fiechter says the fish didnt 4rite good at Cambridge May Bartholomew is attending nor mal in McCook this week J W Brown of Omaha is in this vicinity selling a patent sad iron The Soverns building is being re- papered for Mrs Haskins milliner George Cummings drove to Graham county Kansas last week on a visit to -his sister Mr Tillett of Atwood a friend of George Abbott was in town this week b uying horses Urban Bartholomew and Ealph Streitz drove over and went fishing with Claire Johnson has been for years a successful teacher Many teachers in Red Willow as well as Furnas county received their first inspiration from him Tra DPennington is home from Katon N M A E and wife will soon be here from St Joe Mo Ira reports business dull oh the Sante Fe on account of strikes in the coal mines and the pack ing houses and that a large number of engineers have been set back to firing Ira stands about 20 in the line for pro motion The ball games at Oberlin and Nor catur resulted in the following scores Lebanon vs Oberlin 6 to 7 favor Ober lin Lebanon vs Norcatur 7 to 9 in Lebanons favor and between Norton and Lebanon in Lebanons favor 18 to 2 We understand that R Leach help ed Thraylkill with the pitching Lyle came over last Saturday and crossed bats with the 2d nine of this place score 15 to 22 in Lebanons favor This game brought out quite a crowd Earl Bod well pitched the entire game for Leba non Lyles pitcher was deaf and dumb and used his fingers to talk with War Against Consumption All nations are endeavoring to check the ravages of consumption the white plague that claims so many victims each year Foleys Hone and Tar cures coughs and colds perfectly and you are in no danger of consumption Do not risk your health by taking some un known preparation when Foleys Honey and Tar is safe and certain in results Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar and in sist upon having it Sold by A Mc Millen BOX ELDER Mrs W B Wolfe has been very sick but is better again MrsGeorge Younger visited with Mrs T M Campbell Tuesday Charles Foye and George Younger are working this week on Bain Kinzers new house The little daughter of Fred Lakin and wife has been very sick but is reported better Mrs S Bolles and Mrs N Boyce re turned from their sad trip in Kansas last Saturday morning The late rains have made it fashion able for the farmers to wear smiles The crop prospects are much better than they were a week ago Stephen Bolles Sr was caught in the hay tackling one day last week causing him to fall and becoming very badly injuredbut is getting along nicely Mrs C H Jennings Boston Our babies twins were sickly Had several doctors but no results Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea made them strong and robust 35 cents Tea or tablet form L W McConnell TCBfjlX liJg BARTLEY Sol Premer is putting up a good barn this week Seward Flannigan marketed five loads of hogs first of week Harry Payne is assisting E E Smith on the farm this week Gordon A they is busy this week ox tending the telophone lines Mrs C W Hodgkin returned from Farnam Friday of last week E E Smith brought in nine londs of hogs from his ranch Saturday Grandma Cnmack is very sick Her ago makes her recovery doubtful Bartley is now in telephone connec tion with Cambridgo and Indianola Once more we have hope that a well conducted hotel will be opened hpre soon Mrs Canaga of McCook visited last week with Mesdames Taylor and Perry Ginther S R Grissell went to Lincoln Tues day as a delegate to the Populist state convention Truman Wood and daughter Mrs Stevens are now visiting his son Arthur near Eustis Mrs Miller sister-in-law of Mrs Liston has recently moved from Iowa to this vicinity S W Stiigebouer came over from Danbury Sundny He will assist bis fa her in the bank James Hamilton and family were visit ors in our city Sunday the guests of G W Jones nnd wife Ed McKillip has returned from his trip to the hot springs His rheumatism is better but he is not well yet Rae Hodgkin drove to Lebanon Mon day taking Mrs Stennor to that place where she could take the train for Blakeman Kansas James Hamilton has the contract to do tbo carpenter work on the GWJones residence When completed it will be the finest residence in town Eugeno Dutcher will soon be a resi dent of this place having purchased property ne comes hero to give his children advantage of our excellent school Messrs Tilton and Vanness who have been here working on the Smith Par ish elevator returned to their homes in Fairbury Wednesday with their wives and babies C E Mathews of Bartley was nomin ated for representative by the Populist convention at Indianola Saturday He has always been a true defender of the Populist doctrineis ailuent speaker and if elected will do efficient work in the legislature Mrs Jacob Stenner of Blakeman Kansas was visiting here last week She reports that the health of her hus band is improving and he will return home soon but he will be obliged to move to a lower altitude on account of heart disease GBBurhans Testifies After Four Years GB Burhansof Carlisle Center NY writes About four years ago I wrote you stating that I had been entirely cured of a severe kidney trouble by tak ing less than two bottles of Foleys Kid ney Cure It entirely stopped the brick dust sediment and pains and symptoms of kidney disease disappeared I am glad to say that I have never had a re turn of any of those symptoms during the four years that have elapsed and I am evidently cured to stay cured and heartily recommend Foleys Kidney Cure to any one suffering from kidney or bladder trouble Sold by A McMil len I find nothing better for liver derange ment and constipation than Chamber lains Stomach and Liver Tablets L F Andrews Des Moines Iowa For sale by all druggists IS GOMINQ USE Mothers Friend Womans greatest dream of beauty and glory is when nature has chosen her to become a mother Every faculty is keenly alert as she foresees the joy ambition success and the life long satisfaction com fng nearer day by day in the dear and innocent being so soon to see light and the uncertainty whether she shall see a sweet girl or a brave boy face beside her on the pillow adds zest to her expectancy Mothers Friend applied externally throughout pregnancy will relieve the pain of parturition and no mother and child can fail to be healthy hearty strong clear complexioned pure blooded and cheerful in disposition who are mutually influenced by the continued use of this great liniment MOTHERS FRIEND Buy of druggists 100 per bottle Our treatise Motherhood mailed free THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO Atlanta Ga INDIANOLA Frank Cromell spent last Sunday here A daughter was bjrn to W J Dolan and wifo since Sunday Mrs Teel went to Bartley Tuesdayto bb gono for a short time Susan Kennedy is visiting in Illinois among relatives and friends Joy Holland and Chester Strokey re turned from St Louis Saturday I M Smith of McCook attended the Populist convention here Snturday Mrs W II Smith was quite sick i few days this week but is better at this writing Clyde Payne a former Indianola boy played with the Edison team here Wed nesday S R Smith has the banner beet field and will harvest a fine crop if nothing happens Mrs Grace Smith formerly of this place but late of California is visiting relatives here Quite a number from this place at tended the funeral of J J Wilson at Cambridgo today Mabel Porter who has been seriously ill is reported as much better and her recovery is assured J JWilson who died in Denver a few days ago was taken to Cambridge Thursday for burial Albert and Leona White returned to their home in Arapahoe Sunday after a short visit with their friends hero Chloe Ough was married to Mr Shafer of Lincoln one day last week They will make their home in Lincoln The ball game here Wednesday be tween Indianola and Edison resulted in favor of Indianola with a score of 22 to 7 About a car load of school maams boarded No 5 Sunday evenitig for Mc Cook to finish their term at the normal Maude Allen and Earl Calhoun were married at tho residence of the bride at 8 oclock Wednesday evening Rev Crippen officiating Mrs Stahlcup received the sad news that her son-in-law John Wilson of Den ver was dying and started tho same day to be at his bedside in his dying hours Mr Strelf living four miles from town has disposed of his place and will move to Orleans We hate to see them go as they are highly respected and useful members of this community The dog and pony show which took place here Monday evening was well at tended and quite a number let loose of their small change The show was a tame a Fair and hardly up to the stand ard I M Smith of McCook received a telegram announcing the serious illness of his daughter Clara who has been visiting in Missouri for the past two months He left immediately for her bedside His eldest daughter Mrs C Walker and two children accompanied him When Salve look DeWitt Is The Name you so to buy Witch Hazel for the name DeWITT on on every box The pure unadulterated Witch Hazel Salve which is the best salve in the world for cutsburnsbruises boils eczema and piles The popularity of DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve due to its many cures has caused numerous worthless counterfeits to be placed on the market The genuine bears the name E C DeWitt Co Chicago Sold by L W McConnell Sick Headache For several years my wife was trou bled with what physicians called sick headache of a very severe character She doctored with several eminent phy sicians and at a great expense only to grow worse until she was unable to do any kind of work About a year ago she began taking Chamberlains Stom ach and Liver Tablets and today weighs more than she ever did before and is real well says George Wright of New London New York For sale by all druggists DANBURY Born To James Roberts and wife a baby girl last Sunday A baby boy recently arrived at the home of Soren Simonsen and wife Mrs Boggess of Palmyra Wis is visiting her parents Mr Logan and wife J LSargent and family spent Sunday with C W Dow and family in Indian ola Mrs A E Boyer has been on the sick list for the past week but is now convalescing James Williams son of the county surveyor has returned from Hoisington Kansas and will remain with the old folks for a few months Dan Logan started for the St Louis exposition last Sunday night From there he will go by way of the riyer to Peoria from thence to Chicago and then he will return home A Summer Cold A summer cold is not only annoying but if not relieved pneumonia will be the probable result by fall One Minute Cough Cure clears the phlegm draws out the inflammation heaIssoothes and strengthens the lungs and bronchial tubes One Minute Cough Cure is an ideal remedy for the children It is pleasant to the taste and perfectly harm less A certain cure for croup cough and cold Sold by L W McConnell 1475 to St Louis and return on August 2 4 9 11 16 18 23 25 30 September 1 6 S 13 15 20 22 27 and 29 Call on the agent for narticulars End of Bitter Fight Two physicians had a long and stub born fight with an abcess on my right lungwrites JFHughes of DuPontGa and gave mo up Everybody thought my time had come As a last resort I tried Dr Kings Now Discovery for Con sumption The benefit I received was striking nnd I was on my feet in a few days Now Ivo entirely regained my health It conquers all coughs colds and throat and lung troubles Guaran teed by LWMcConnell druggist Price 50c and SI Trial bottles free NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN David Carpenter Mrs Dnvid Cnriontor his wifo who e full first name is to the plaintiff un known th Nebraska Loan and Bunking Co a corporation incorporated under nnd by virtue of th laws of the stuto of Nebraska and tho southwest quarter of section number eight in township number one north range number thirty in Red willow county Nebraska defend- lints will take notice tliaton the rtli iluyof July 1904 Edwiird B Cowles plaintiff herein filed his petition in the district court of Redwillow county Nebraska against said delendants the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax lien upon the southwest quarter of section number eight in township number one north range number thirty west of the 0th P At in Redwillow county stuto of Nebraska ex isting under a tax sale of said land duly mado to plaintiff on tho 5th day of December 1901 for the taxes upon said land for tho j ears 1S95 18 1897 1M3 1899 nnd 1900 in tho sum of 0015 and for thusubsequeutdolinqueuttnxosousaid hind paid by plaintiff as follows to wit On August 26th 1902 taxes for the year 1901 amounting to SS01 on July 3rd 1901 taxes for tho year 1902 amounting to 191 and on July 2nd 1901 taxes for the oar 1903 amounting to 91H together with interest thereon as provided by law and nn attorneys feo for ten per cent of tho amount of tho decree for which sums with costs of suit tho plaintiff prays for a decree that the de fendants be required to pay the same or that said promises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due You are required to answor said petition on or before Monday the nth day of Septemlwr 1901 EmvAitD B Cowikm Plaintiff Dated July 20th 1904 7 NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS To W C Shocklov Ralph L Wheeler C Frank Spuur heirs of Semplo Flojd Jones V Frank lin itonerct banners ana to nil wtiouiitinay concern The commissioner appointed to locate a road cmnineiiring at a point ICO rod north of the southeast corner of section nineteen 19 town ship one 1 north of rango twenty eight 28 wc t 0th P M running thence duo vest 100 rods north 100 rods intersecting the section line between sections eighteen 18 and ninoteon 19 township ono 1 range twenty eight 28 run ning thenco west 100 rods to the southwest cor ner of section eighteen 18 township one 1 north of range twentj oight 28 and terminat ing thereat Also vacating that part of road numbered twenty eight 28 commencing at a point 100 rods north of tho southeast corner of section nineteeu19 township one 1 north of range twenty eight 28 and running north one half mile and terminating at the northeast comer of section nineteen 19 township ono 1 north of rango twenty eight 28 west of tho 0th P M ha1 reported in favor of tho location thereof and all objections thereto or claim for dam aces must be filed in the county csrk ofllco on or before noon of the first day of October A D 1901 or aid road will be established without refetenco thereto E J Wilcox County Clerk NOTICE OF SUIT Frank King Martha J King and Leo A Ketch defendants will take notico that on the Gth day of August 1904 William Dovle plaintiff herein filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county iNobrnska ngani t said defend ants the object and praor of which aro to fore close a certain tax sale certificate issued on tho 18th dav of June 1898 by the county treasurer of Red Willow county Nebraska for the follow ing described real estate to wit The northeast quarter of the southwest quarterof section four township four north of rango twentv nine west of tlio Sixth P M in Red Willow county Ne braska that the plaintiff paid for said real es tate at said tax sale the sum of 0 30 and that ho paid other and subsequent taxes upon said real estate under said tax sale as follows June 18th 1893 tho taxes for the year 1897 amounting to tho Mini of 5175 May 9th 199 the taxes for the j ear 1893 amounting to the sum of t May 21st 1900 tho taxes for tho year 1899 amounting to the sum of 187 February 10th 1901 the taxe for the jear 19C0 amounting to the sum of 231 November 5th 1902 the taxo for tho j ear 1901 amounting to tho um of 315 nnd on November 13th 1903 the taxes for the j ear 1902 amounting to the sum of 2 31 that there is now due the nlaintiff for taxes on said premises naid under said tax sale includincr tho subsequent taxes tho sum of S30 CO with inter est thereon from the 1st daj of August 1904 at the rate of ten per cent per annum for which suni with interest attorneys fees nnd costs of suit plaintiff pravs for a decree that tho de fendants bo required to pay tho same or that said premisesinay be sold to satisfy the amount found due You aro required to answer said pe tition on or before Monday the 19th day of Sep- temner iyui wrrMAM uoyie ilaintm By Boj le Eldred Attornys for Plaintiff Dated this Gth day of August 1904 NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS To E H Cannon Mary Murphy Cljde E Cle ment Leopold Ahronheim Smith Bros Loan and Trutt Co William B Murphy L A Shel don nnd to all whom it may concern The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the southeast corner of section h ixteen 10 township two 2 range twenty six 20 and terminating at tho northeast corner of section four i township two 2 range twenty six 26 has reported in favor of the location thereof and all objections thereto or claims for damages must bo filed in the county clerks of fice on or before noon of the 10th day of October 1904 or said road will be established without reference thereto E J Wilcox County Clerk NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chat tel mortgage dated on the 31 t day of July lSUJ and dulv filed in the ollice of the county clerk of Red Willow county Nebraska on the If tli day of August 1001 at 2 oclock p m and exe cuted by F H Bonger to J I Ca e Threshing Machine Company to secure the payment of the sum of two thousand five hundred and fiftj dol lars the mortgagee under the terms of said mortgage electing to declare the whole debt due and on which there is now due the sum of two thousand one hundred fifty dollars with inter est from July Hist 19CCJ at the rate of eight per cent per annum default having been made in the payment of said sum and no suit or other proceedings at law having been instituted to re cover said debt or any part thereof except a suit in tho district court of Red Willow coun ty Nebraska commenced on the fourth day of April 1904wherein J ICase Threshing Machine Company a corporation duly incorporated un der the laws of the state of Wisconsin was plaintiff and Hari Meiers and F H Bonger were defendants which said proceeding was on the 9 th day of August1904 discontinued there fore said mortgagee will sell the property therein described towit One Case separator No 39942 with trucksone 15 horse Case engine No 12406 with tools belts and appurtenances complete one Case wind stacker No 8114 one Case feeder No S70S one No 1 Case weigher No 609i one Case mounted steel tank No 42S4 with pump brake and hose one 150 foot S inch 4 ply Gandy belt at jiublic auction on the vacant lots next west of W T Colemans hard ware store being lots 19 20 21 and 22 in block 28 original town of McCookRed Willow county Nebraska on the 3d day of September 1901 at one oclock p m of said day Dated August 12th 1604 J I Cae Threshing Machine Co Mortgagee By C B Tomblin Agent NOTICE OF SALE In the District Court of Red Willow count state of Nebraska In the matter of the application of Emma J Bnll guardian of Pearl Plumb Clifford Plumb and Clara Plumb minors for license to sell real estate Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Honorable R C Orr judge of tho district court of Red Willow county Ne braska made on the 20th day of July 1901 for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described there will be sold at public vendue to the high est bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in the city of McCook in said county on the first day of September 1904 at the hour of one oclock p m the following described real estate to wit An undivided three fourtli3 inter est in the northeast quarter of section 31 town ship 1 north range 28 west of the Sixth P M Red Willow county Nebraska Said ale will remain opn one hour Dated this 10th day of August 1S04 Emma J Bull Guardian of Pearl Plumb Clifford Plumb and Clara Plumb minors Bovle Jt Eldred attorneys for Emma J Bull guardian of said minors Modern Dentistry HERBERT J PRATT DDS Office over McConnell a drug store McCOOK NEBRASKA Office Phone 1G0 Res Phone 131 Registered Graduate Dentist Formerly located in At lanta Georgia All opera tions pertaining to modern dentistry performed accord ing to the latest scientific methods used in the large cities H L PREVOST DENTIST Graduate of Kansas City Lental College DR G Over JasMcAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska GUNN DENTIST 1 ONBH2 Oflico overQrnnnis store McCook Nob MHS L F GUIGG AGENT FOR ChasAStevens Bros Ready made Garments and Furnishing Goods Three doors east of DeGroffs store E J MITCHELL AUCTIONEEK McCook Neb Terms 1 percent No date made for less than 1000 My references aro parties for whom I have cried tales I Want Your Business DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office BIdg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Office over McMillens drug store Residence 702 Main Avenue iesidenco phone KJ Oiiica phone 28 Calls answered niht or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTEB McCook Nebraska 5gAent of Lincoln LandXJo and of McCook Waterworks Ollice in Postollico building C II Boyle C E Eldhed Co Atty BOYLE ELDRED Attokneys at Law Long Distance Phone 41 Rooms 1 and 7 second floor Postollico Building McCook Neb HOLLISTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioina for Busy People Brings Golden Health and Benewed Vigor A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab -let form 25 cents a box Genuine made by Hollister Dauo Company Madison Wis GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE F D BURGESS umber end team Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun hclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker- Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA CHICHESTERS ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS o te - oId metallic bozes seated thblS ibb Take no other Kerue danceroun ul or send 4c in stamps for Particular Tt uionlaK and Keller Tor IdicS CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO 2100 Jladion Square PHILl PA Mention th DDr SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued from tho district court of Red Willow county Nebraka under a decree in an action wherein Charles H Boyle is plaintiff and James H Patterson et al are defendants to me directed and deliver ed I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the east door of the court house in McCook Red Willow countr Nebraska on the 22d day of August ltOJ at tho hour of one oclock p m the following de scribed real estate towit The south half of the northwest quarter and tho north half of the southwest quarterof section number eiuht in township number four north of range numhor thirty west of the 6th P M in Rd Willow county Nebraska Dated this 22d day of July 1904 A C Crabtbee Sheriff C E Eldeed Attorney h ii r i y P U f - t J i f 1 r V f a u