The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 05, 1904, Image 4

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Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
All dfgEifnm
Tboodoro Roosovolt
Elinor J Burkott Lincoln
- John II Mickoy Osceola
E G McGilton OniuJia
A Gnlusha Red Cloud
E M Sourlo Jr Ognlallii
Peter Mortonsen Ord
Norrls Brown Kearney
JsnrT of public inbteuction
J L McHrion Gonevn
G V Norria Red Willow county
Philip Gliom Danbury
C E Eldred McCook
James Hntflold McCook
Eight years igo the Democratic can
didate for president declared that toil
ing humanity was crushed under a
cross of gold Statistics show that
toiling humanity has piled up a little
matter of 2500000000 in gold money
in the countrys savings banks
1 think it is a manly thing for a man
to express his opinion before tho con
vention adjourns It would have been
manlier to have expressed it before the
convention met It is a manly thing to
1 express his opinion before the delegates
act finally upon his position but it
would have been a manlier thing had he
expressed his opinion before the voters
throughout this country went to their
caucuses and their primaries and sent
instructed delegates here From Bry
ans speech at the St Louis convention
after receipt of Parkers dispatch
Asks For Restraining Order
Roy E Dutton of Lincoln applied yes
terday in the federal court at Omaha
for an injunction restraining Postmaster
E R Sizer from withholding his mail
Tho application was made by R H
Hagelin on behalf of Mr Dutton
Judge Munger set August S as the date
for Postmaster Sizer to appear and show
cause why a temporary restraining order
should not issue Two years ago the
federal grand jury indicted Mr Dutton
for fraudulent use of the mails It was
charged that he was using the mails for
tho alleged purpose of teaching hypno
tism or a similar ism He demurred to
the indictment and the demurrer was
sustained Tho postal department took
the matter up and Postmaster Sizer re
ceived an order to hold Mr Duttons
mail till further orders Tuesdays Lin
coln Journal
A Continual Strain
Many men and women are constantly
subjected to what they commonly term
a continual strain because of some
financial or family trouble It wears
and distresses them both mentally and
physically affecting their nerves badly
and bringing on kidney and liver ail
ments with the attendant evils of con
stipation loss of appetite sleeplessness
low vitality and despondency They can
not as a rule get rid of this continu
al strain but they can remedy its health
destroying effects by taking frequent
doses of Greens August Flower It tones
up tho liver stimulates the kidneys in
sures healthy bodilv functions gives
vim and spirit to ones whole being and
eventually dispels tho physical or men
tal distress caused by that continual
strain Trial bottle of August Flower
25c regular size 75 At all druggists
Visit the Old Folks
One fare plus 82 for the round trip to
a great many points in Ohio Indiana
and Kentucky Tickets on sale Septem
ber 6 13 20 27 and October 11 Good
via St Louis and for stopover at the
great exposition Final limit thirty
days See mo for full particulars or
write to LWWakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha
G S Scott Ticket Agent
Dont try cheap cough medi
cines Get the best Ayers
Cherry Pectoral What a
record it has sixty years of
cures Ask your doctor if
he doesnt use it for coughs
colds bronchitis and all
throat and lung troubles
I have found that Ayers Cherry Pectoral
is tho best medicine Lean prescribe for bron
chitis influenza coupbs and hard colds
31 XodemaN il D- Ithaca N Y
iimiTmmi Mass
1 for I
r mm i
Bronchitis I
any tendency to constlpa
email doses of Ayers Pills
I rilCB S
iaking f owder
Greater inleaveningstrength
a spoonful raises more dough
or goes farther
Advent Sabbath school at 2 p m
preaching at 3 Prayer meeting every
Tuesday evening
Eldek G H Smith Pastor
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
First Baptist Church Sermons at
11 a m and 715 p m Bible school at
945 am Junior society at 3 p m BY
P U at 745 p m Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening 8 p m Tho pas
tors farewell sermon will be preached
C R Betts Pastor
Congregational Sunday school 1 0
a m Y P S C E at 7 p m Prayer
and conference meeting on Wednesday
evening Sunday morning subject
Is It I Evening subject Wo Be
lieve All invited
George A Conrad Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m
Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer
and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in
the month Holy Communion at 730 a
m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermon at 11 a m and 8 p m Re
ception of members after morning ser
mon Class meeting at 12 Ep
worth League at 7 15 Prayer meeting
every Thursday evening at 815 Ser
vices next Sunday at South McCook at
3 p m Good music A cordial welcome
to all M B Carman Pastor
End of Bitter Fight
Two physicians had a long and stub
born fight with an abcess on my right
lungwrites JFHughes of DuPontGa
and gave me up Everybody thought
my time had come As a last resort I
tried Dr Kings New Discovery for Con
sumption The benefit I received was
striking and I was on my feet in a few
days Now Ive entirely regained my
health It conquers all coughs colds
and throat and lung troubles Guaran
teed by L WMcConnell druggist Price
50e and SI Trial bottles free
Burlingtons Low Rate Summer Tours
Go somewhere this summer If not to
St Louis then to the mountains lakes
or seashore Examine this great scheme
of vacation tours
St Louis and return All kinds of reduced
rates daily besides special coach excursions
each Monday m June
Chicago and return Either direct or via St
Louis daily low rales also very cheap June 10
to 20
Indianapolis and return 2135 June 26 and 27
Atlantic City and return 1225 July 9 and 10
Cincinnati and return 2940 July 15 to 17
Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo Glenwood
Springs Salt Lake Practically half rates all
Michigan Minnesota and Wisconsin The
lake resorts and lake steamer tours very favor
able rates stopovers at St Louis on through
tickets See the grandest creation by tho hand
of man
Ask the agent for full details or write
LWWakeley general passenger agent
Omaha Neb
Suicide Prevented
The startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been discover
ed will interest many A run down sys
tem or despondency invariably precede
suicide and some has been found that
will prevent that condition which makes
suicide likely At the first thought of
self destruction take Electric Bitters
It being a great tonic and nervine will
strengthen the nerves and build up the
system Its also a great stomach liver
and kidney regulator Only oOc Satis
faction guaranteed by L W McConnell
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last Thursday evening
T II Barnes to Alary Whitaker wd to
lot 7 in block 10 Willow Grove add 40 00
J M Huet to Fred Plasmyere qcd to
part of lot 1 in block 33-3-29 1 00
Fred Plasmyere to J Al Huet qcd to
same l 00
J J -Little to Nancy MacPherson wd to
lots 43 and 49 in block 2South McCook 1 00
A C Crabtree to A Cobb sd to w hf sw
qr 3-3-30
C P and A BDewey to Nannie M Pat
terson qcd to s hf ne qr and n hf so qr
3-2-27 5 00
H F Harmon to II C Shurtleff wd to
seqr 10-3-29 1000 00
James Morrow to Perry Ginter wd ne i
qr 7-4-26 1600 00
J V Harrison to John Harrison wd to
lot 4 in block 18 Indianola 500 00
Tis said a bottle and a glass
Will make a person mellow
But Rocky Mountain Teas the drink
That livens up a fellow
L WIcComjell
Two KcaooiiM Why Snriday Always
Appcaln to the Children
On weekday mornings father had
gone to work when you came down
stairs but on Sunday mornings when
you awoke a trifle earlier if anything
Father a little louder
Then a sleepy Yes
We want to get up
It isnt time yet You children go to
You waited Then
Father Is it time yet
No You children He still
So you and Lizbeth wideawake
whispered together and then to while
away the time while father slept you
played Indian which required two lit
tle yells from you to begin with when
the Indian You arrived in your war
paint and two big yells from Lizbeth
to end with when the Paleface She
was being scalped
Then father said it was no use
and mother took a hand You were
quiet after that but it was yawny ly
ing there with the sun so high You
listened Not a sound came from fa
ther and mothers room You rose cau
tiously you and Lizbeth in your little
bare feet You stole softly across the
floor The door was a crack open so
you peeked in your face even with the
knob and Lizbeths just below And
then at one and the same instant you
both said Boo and grinned and the
harder you grinned the harder father
tried not to laugh which was a sign
that you could scramble into bed with
him you on one side and Lizbeth on
the other cuddling down close while
mother went to see about breakfast
It was very strange but while it had
been so hard to drowse in your own
bed the moment you were in fathers
you did not want to get up at all In
deed it was father who wanted to get
up first and it was you who cried that
it was not time
Weekdays Vere always best for most
things but for two reasons Sunday
was the best day of all One reason
was Sunday dinner The other was fa
ther Harpers Magazine
Royal Emlilems Without Which
Emiieror Could Not Rule
The Japanese royal emblems consist
of a copper mirror symbolic of knowl
edge a steel sword symbolizing cour
age and agate jewels representing
mercy The story of their origin was
told thus by a Japanese official
The sun goddess became angry with
the earth and withdrew into a cave
plunging everything into darkness
The other deities could not induce her
to come out so began to make a noise
as of great rejoicing which aroused
the curiosity of the irate goddess She
finally came to the mouth of the cave
to learn the cause of the uproar and
was told that they had found a more
beautiful goddess than herself The
sun goddess came out then demand
ing to see her rival and the crafty dei
ties held the mirror before her which
drove all her sulkiness away
The sword was taken by Susenoo
the brother of the sun goddess from
the tail of an eight headed serpent
that had been annually devouring a
beautiful girl Susenoo placed eight
great tubs of wine in his way and when
he was sleeping killed him and took
the sword as a trophy
The sword is kept in an apartment
near the imperial bedchamber and
called the Room of the Sword The
jewels have also a room to themselves
and the mirror is in charge of a priest
ess The regalia have the highest sig
nificance in the eyes of the people and
it is held that no emperor can possibly
rule without the three virtues which
they represent He must moreover
hold the actual tokens and in the im
perial code it is enjoined that on the
death of the sovereign his heir must
take possession of them
The Basin of an Apple
One end of the apple bears the name
of basin and contains the remnants
of the blossom sometimes called the
eye of the fruit This part of the apple
Is deep in some varieties and shallow
and open in others This is the weak
est point in the whole apple as con
cerns the question of the keeping qual
ity of the fruit If the basin is shallow
and the canal to the core firmly closed
there is much less likelihood of the
fruit decaying than when it is deep
and the evident opening connects the
center of the fruit with the surface
As It Ileally Wns
Lay on Macduff cried Macbeth
Macduff was motionless
Whatll be the matter noo said
Macbeth Dinna ye ken thats the
I was na sure said Macduff
whether ye were just recht in yer
grammar I thought ye meant lie on
an that I wadna stand but its all
recht noo
And the conflict began Toledo Bee
Quiclc Promotion
I hear your brother is an assistant
Yes indeed And do you know he
proved himself so clever that theyve
passed him over the Grst and second
assistantships and made him third as
sistant right off New York World
Jfever Still
Mrs Naggem And do you love me
Naggem wearily I dont know Ive
aever had the chance San Francisco
No one likes to be reminded that
there Is another side to the storyw
Atchison Globe
One does not have to fall asleep to
dream New York News
New Stock Advanced Patterns
a new supply of all wool and three-quarters
wool Ingrain Carpets which are new
fall patterns and colors
Our Prices
are always the lowest our stock is the
largest and you cannot afford to miss see
ing our line when in need of carpets or rugs
Our Increased Sales
in carpets and lace curtains during the
past year are an evidence and proof pos
itive that we are furnishing the
Best Values
in these lines of goods Call and see our
Lace Curtain Stock
It is complete and consists of all the
new patterns and designs at prices that
Ho to Cheelf Coughing
Here is a remedy by which the worst
fit of coughing can be checked in
church or theater Pour about a half
teaspoonful of good pure cologne Into
your handkerchief and hold this before
your open mouth Inhale a deep breath
or two of the perfume impregnated air
and the coughing attack will be neatly
and agreeablj nipped in the bud
House Robbers Operate in McCook
Wednesday night some party or par
ties unknown made a raid on the Na
tional hotel visiting pretty much every
room in the hotel and going through
trunks and clothing promiscuously
One boarder reports the loss of 820 a
gold watch and chain and his pants
another had S3 taken and other minor
amounts If discovered in his opera
tions the thief would politely say O
excuse me I guess I am in the wrong
room and leave often with the plunder
in his possession Thieves have not
been apprehended
Admission Will Be Free
August 8th at the First Baptist
church McCook at S p m there wil
bo a piano recital given by Edna M
Barr of the New England Conservatory
of Music Boston Mass assisted by Mr
C H Miller instructor in vocal music
at the McCook Junior Normal School
The programs will be distributed in the
church Monday evening Everybody
welcome Admission free
Discovered Baited Snail
A Limerick tobacconist of the name
of Lundyfoot doing a comparatively
small trade was unfortunate enough
to have his establishment destroyed
by fire On visiting the ruins next day
he saw some of his poor neighbors
among the debris gathering the half
baked snuff from the canisters which
had not been entirely destroyed by the
fire He tasted what he considered the
worthless article and to his surprise
found that the heat from the fire had
added pungency and aroma to the snuff
Profiting by the discovery the shrewd
Irishman at once set about baking his
snuff in ovens and the fame of the
Blackyard snuff was established and
an immense fortune soon made by
Lundyfoot founded upon a mere acci
dent and growing out of a misfortune
Stropping n Razor
A correspondent of the Scientific
American thus describes his method of
stropping his razor Every one knows
that metal expands with heat I put
nry razor handle kept out just before
stropping in boiling water and leave it
until It has absorbed as much heat as
I can stand in handling While tho
blade Is hot I strop it well The metal
cools as I strop In about twenty five
strokes the edge is sharpened and is
keener when cold for the metal con
tracts while sharpening
Prohibitionists Change Date of State
Prohibition headquarters state cen
tral committee It has become neces
sary to change tho date of our state
Prohibition convention to one day
earlier Tuesday August 9th Dele
gates and all who are interested please
note the call
The Prohibition state convention is
hereby called to meet at the auditorium
Lincoln Neb at 10 oclock a m Au
guest 9 1901 for the purpose of placing
in nomination candidates for the follow
ing offices Governor lieutenant gov
ernor treasurer auditor secretary of
stateattorneygeneralcommissioner pub
lic lands and buildings superintendent
public instruction and the election of
slate central committee and to transact
such other business as may properly
come before it
W Burt Clark Chairman
Frances A Beveridge Secretary
A Perfect Painless Pill
is the one that will cleanse the system
set the liver to action remove the bile
clear the complexion cure headache and
leave a good taste in the mouth The
famous little pills for doing such work
pleasantly and effectually are DeWifcts
Little Early Risers Bob Moore of La
fayette Ind says All other pills I
have used gripe and sicken while De
Witts Little Early Risers are simply
perfect Sold by L W McConnell
One Fare For the Round Trip
On August 15 1G 17 and IS the Bur
lington will sell round trip tickets at
rate of one fare for the round trip to
Portland Seattle Tacoma Vancouver
and Victoria Tickets good returning
for 60 days Call on the agent for par
California Excursion
From August 15 to September 10 the
Burlington will have on sale tickets to
San Francisco and Los Angeles at great
ly reduced rates For a slight additional
cost the trip may be extended to take in
Portland Oregon
Special round trip rates now in effect
to Grand Junction Colo Walcott and
Rawlins Wyo
Dainty appetizing
2 lb packages
- All higReiass grocers
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
McCook - Nebraska
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Are You
to the St Louis Exposition
If so you want a
Worlds Fair
Honey Order
First National
drawn on a St Louis bank
and payable without identi
fication These orders ob
viate the necessity of carry
ing large sums of money on
the person If you wish to
know more about them call
at the bank
w m
ft- iA
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Hfjj sipwjl
the golden eggs isnt the bird to MIL
We mean when you find a good butch
er stay with him Youll never find a
In Tnis
than Marshs Even if we do say it
ourselves Nor can any one beat us on
prices A Pointer We know how to
select our meats from the choicest on
the hoof and how to cut it up and pre
pare it for your table Wouldnt you
like to have us serve you
Trade Marks
Copyrights 4c
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable Communica
tions strictly confidential HANDBOOK on Patents
sentiree uiaeac agency lor securingpatenta
ruiKuis uteu mruuKu innn JO 1
rpcciai nonce witnout cnarge in the
Scientific American
- Tv vw
A handsomely illustrated weekly iMrneat cir
culation of any scientific Journal Terms S3 a
Yi2r rtths V braU newsdealers
Branch Office C5 F Et Washington JD C
j ir
v CSi