The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 29, 1904, Image 8

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    it 1-
liho colden egs isnt the bird to kill
We mean when you find a good butch
er stay with him Youll never rind
In Tnis
hnn Marsh- Even if we do say it
ourselves Nor can any one beat us on
prices A Pointer We know how to
cseleci our meats from the choicest on
-the hoof and how to cut it up and pre
pare it for jour table Wouldnt you
liko to have us serve you
11111 lull
Viola Devoe is attending normal at
Ralph Strietz is visiting in Missouri
-Ridge this week
May Bartholomew will go to Traer
I Kan this week to visit her brother
In our lat wei ks news Jud Penning--tons
son should have read Jud Rem
ingtons son
Mrs Gertrude Cummings is home
iroin Missouri whore she has been look
iiug after her property
R E Pogue preached a good sermon
rSunday at the M E church his text
was 1st- verse of the 12ih chapter of
E E Fiechter and wife Henry Stev
ens and wife and Mr Overstake and
wife are in Cambridge this week on a
wishing trip
Tom Saul of Geneva is here again
He will thresh what he can get hero and
-then ship farther east He threshed
iu90T0 bushels last year south of Bar-
tleybut hopes for no such run this year
George Jones of Grinnell Iowa is
-visiting with his daughter Mrs James
JPorter He was under the impressiou
that hitS grand daughter Mrs Gertrude
Dunton and family would be home from
Wyoming but they have not left Wy
oming yet He will be here about three
Isaac Koons and Jennie Thompson
-were quietly married at the Baptist par
sonage parlors in this village Monday
-afternoon July 18 1901 Rev Schuler
-officiating The bridal cbuple imme
diately left in a carriage for Lebanon
where they went to the home of the
rooms brother So quiet were the
Gvents leading up to wedding that Miss
Thompsons most iutimate lady friends
did not know of her intention until after
the couple had left town The writer
knows little of groom while the bride
is the youngest daughter of M Thomp
son and wife of this place and has lived
411 nnd near Lebanon and Wilson ville
nearly all her life Wilsonville Review
Healthy Mothers
Mothers should always keep in good
bodily health They owo it to their chil
dren Yet it is no unusual sight to see
jv mother with babo in arms coughiug
violently and exhibiting all the symptoms
of a consumptive tendency And why
Should this dangerous condition exist
dangerous alike to mother and child
when Dr Boschees German Syrup would
put a stop to it at once No mother
should be without this old and tried
remedy in the house for its timely use
will promptly cure any lung throat or
bronchial trouble in herself or her chil
dren The worst cough or cold can be
speedily cured by German Syrup so can
hoarseness and congestion of tho bron
chial tubes It makes expectoration
easy and gives instant relief and refresh
ing rest to the cough racked consumpt
ive New trial bottles25c large size75c
At all druggists
James Beebe and wife were callers in
this vicinity Wednesday
A nice shower visited this section of
the country last Sunday evening
Alfred Drake of Saint Ann headed
grain for Harry Shepherd first of week
There will be an ice cream social at
the church next Saturday evening Ev
erybody invited
Gertrude Doyle is expected home Sat
urday from Oxford where she has been
visiting relatives
Ernest Lytle returned from Alma
his cousin Harry Shepherd of this place
to harvest this week
W D Williams is repairing the school
house this week
Henry Coznd purchused a bill of pant
this week and is having his residence
Miss Wy more of Freedom visited part
of last week and this week with Mrs
Percy Cntlett
Jinks Fletcher is painting the John
CJouse residence making a very pleas
ing improvement
Mrs Day of Lebanon was here visiting
with her brother Mr Stilgebouer and
family over Sunday
Miss Etta Burtonpleasantly celebrat
ed tho seventeenth anniversary of her
birthday Inst Monday evening
S R Grisell came up from Cam
bridge Saturday evening and onjjyed
an over Sunday visit with his family
S R Grisell secured the contract for
the carpontor work on Dr Browns new
residence C E Matthews will do tho
plastering The contract for painting
has not been let
Butler Jones of Indianola made a bus
iness call in Bartley Monday Ho made
a thorough examination of our new mill
and was well pleased to see so valuable
an improvement in Redwillow county
Mrs J Poster of Bluo Lake Cali
fornia arrived here on No 12 Monday
She is Mrs Percy Catletts aunt whom
she had never before seen She will
make an extended visit with Mrs Cat
lett I W Stevens and wife and other
The Original
Foley CoChicagooriginated IKney
and Tar as a thioat nnd lung remedy
and on account of the great merit and
popularity of Foleys Honey and Tar
many imitations aro offered for the
eenuine Ask for Foleys Honey and
Tar and refuse any substitute offered as
no other preparation will give the same
satisfaction It is mildly laxative It
contains no opiates and is safest for
children and delicate persons Sold by
A McMillen
John Delong is visiting in Ohio
Mr Yagle is suffering with the inter
mittent fever
A sou was born to John Brown and
wife last week
oft he merry-go-round
A daughter was born to W T Hen ton
and wife Tuesday July 26th
Charles Wade and wife are interested
in a new boy born last Sunday j
Rollo DeMay Ed Dolph and Roy Eno j
took in the ball game at Oberlin Kansas
Mrs May Pew is going to Hebron
this state to visit her father in laws
Prof Fletcher of Beaver City is to be
in charge of the Danbury schools this
coming school year
Gracio Gerver fell off the merry-go-round
the other day and sustained a
fracture of the collarbone
The stork left a boy baby at the home
of John Wicks and wife last Saturday
night Mother and son are getting on
A CFurman of the News and daugh
ter Bessie arrived home last Friday
from Boulder Colorado where Mrs
Furman was taken some time ago for
her health
Burlingtons Low Rate Summer Tours
The man or woman who takes a vaca
tion during the heated period is the one
who lives the longest enjoys life tho
most and does the best work
The Burlington offers excursion rates
in every direction so low that there is
no excuse for stavimr at home Below
are some of them
St Louis and return All kinds of
reduced rates daily-
Chicago and return Either direct or
via St Louis daily low rates
Atlantic City and return 4525 July
9 and 10
Cincinnati and return 82940 July 15
16 and 17
Michigan Minnesota Wisconsin the
lake resorts and lake steamer tours
very low rates stopovers at St Louis on
through tickets affording a visit to the
great exposition the grandest creation
by the hand of man
Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo
Glen wood Springs Colo Salt Lake
City Utah and the Yellowstone Park of
Wyoming practically half rates all
Ask the agent for details or write L
W Wakeley General Passenger Agent
Doctors Said He Would Not Live
Peter Fry Woodruff Pa writes After
doctoring for two years with tho best
physicians in Wnynesburg and still
getting worse the doctors advised me if
I had any business to attend to I had
better attend to it at once as I could
not possibly live another month as there
was no cure for me Foleys Kidney
Cure was recommended to me by a
friend and 1 immediately sent my son
to the store for it and after taking three
bottles I began to get better and con
tinued to improve until I was entirely
well Sold by A McMillen
Working Night and Day
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr Kings New
Monday accompanied oy nis cousin Life Pills These pills change weakness
Mrs James Dixon into strength listlessness into energy
t aurvA of Unburn Vioirori orain iag into mentui puwur ro
Lennie Shepherd helped liWin tho hpnnh
Only 25c per box
Sold by L W Mc-
John Broohifield Of Michigan is hero
visiting his uncle
Iko Basin of Stoclcville was in town on
business this week
S R Smith went toMcCook Monday
evening on business
Father Loughran of McCook was a
visitor here Wednesday
E G Caino is having some extra
roomsbuilt onto his residence
Mrs Gill of Seward is here visiting
her sister Mrs Leonard Smith
Tom Adams came up from Hastings
last Friday evening on business
Earl Calhoun of McCook spent Sun
day with the family of W H Allen
Albert Sherman returned to his home
ill Grand I land last Friday morning
Mrs Chessmore of Arapahoe is here
visiting her friend Mrs Henry Shouse
B Lehn wife nnd son Leon attended
Catholic church in Cambridge Sunday
Andy Lord is having an addition put
on to his house in the westorn part of
Wilsey of Curtis the republican nomi
nee for state senator was in town last
Mrs Lawritscn and son Glenn went
to Trenton Wednesday on a visit to
I M Beardslee and wife of McCook
Suudayed here with their daughter Mrs
W II Smith and wife went to Tren
ton Wednesday evening for a short
visit with relatives
Joy Holland and Chester Strockey
left Tuesday morning for St Louis to
visit the exposition
Mamie Mann came down from Mo
Cook Tuesday morning for a few days
visit with homefolUs
Mrs Bert Stevenson of Holhrook
visited a few days this week with her
sister Mrs Lawritson
May Moore Alice Cramer and Miss
Bi rgess went to McCook Sunday eve
ing to attend the normal
Mrs Tim Haley and son Arthur Long
returned home Saturday evening from
their visit loRexJublican City
Mrs Kessler went to McCook Mon-
Alice Delong is now tho happy posses- day evening and took No6 for Chicago
or of a new piano
Danbury is suffering from an invasion
Her son will stay with relatives in Mc
Cook until her return
The young folKS around town helped
Ella Maston to celebrate her fifteenth
birthday Tuesday evening A very en
joyabie time was had by all present
Chamberlains Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy
This remedy is certain to he needed in
almost evury home before the summer
is over -It can always be depended up
on even in the most severe and danger
ous cases It is especially valuable for
summer disorders in children It is
pleasant to take and never fails to give
prompt relief Why not buy it now1 It
may save life For sale by all druggists
Two Personally Conducted Excursions
to Boston via Burlington Route
Special excursion to Boston loaves
Lincoln August 11 at 6 p min charge
of Chaplain R R Randall A second
excursion leaves Lincoln August 13 at
6 p in in charge of J B Ferguson
Through tourist cars from Omaha
Short stops at the show places of the
east A chance to return via St Louis
and see the worlds fair the greatest
creation by tho hand of man
If you aro figuring on the trip talk to
our agent about these excursions a
very low rate for the round trip with all
conditions most favorable Or write me
L W Wakeley G P A Burlington
Route Omaha Neb
When bilious take Chamberlains
Stomach and Liver Tablets For sale
by all druggists
Heaiitifttl THougHtfi
The sweet pure breath of the babe 13
suggestive of innocence and health
A mothers yearning for children is in
separable from a love of the beautiful and
it behooves every woman to bring the
sweetest and best influence to bear on
the subject of her maternity
To relieve pain and make easy that
period when life is born again
Mothers Friend
is popularly used It is a liniment easily
administered and for external use only
Pregnant women sh ould try this remedy
it being undeniably a friend to her during
natures term of suspense and anticipation
flothers Friend if used throughout
gestation will soften the breasts thereby
preventing cracked and sore nipples All
muscles straining with the burden will
relax become supple and elastic from its
continued application
All fibres in the abdominal region will
respond readily to the expanding cover
containing the embryo if flothers Friend
is applied externally during pregnancy
Of all reliable druggists roo per bottle
Write for free book on riotherhood
It lnvJyratliK Kilcctn Lursely Due
It Ih Saltl to Dew
Most people at some time in tholr
lives probably have risen early enough
to experience the bracing effect given
by filling the lungs while dew Is still
on the grass So far as analysis goes
the composition of early morning air is
not different from that of air at any
other time It is well to remember
however that during the passing of
night to day and of day to night sev
eral physical changes take place
There is a fall of temperature at sun
set and a rise again at dawn and con
sequently moisture is alternately be
ing thrown out and taken up again
and it Is well known that change of
state Is accompanied by electrical phe
nomena and certain chemical mani
festations also The formation of dew
has probably therefore far more pro
found effects than merely the moisten
ing of objects with -water
Dew is vitalizing not entirely be
cause it Is wnter but because it pos
sesses an Invigorating action due part
ly at any rate to the fact that it Is
saturated with oxygen and It has been
stated that during its formation perox
ide of hydrogen and some ozone are
developed It Is not improbable that
the peculiarly attractive and refresh
big quality which niarks the early
morning air has its origin In this way
Certain it is that the bracing proper
ty of the early morning air wears off
as the day advances and it is easy to
conceive that this loss of freshness is
due to the oxygen ozone or peroxide
of hydrogen whichever it may be be
ing used up
The diflk ilty of inducing grass to
flourish under a tree in full leaf is well
known and is generally explained by
saying that the tree absorbs the nour
ishing constituents of the soil or thai
it keeps the sunlight away from the
grass and protects it from rain It i3
doubtful whether any of these expla
nations is true the real reason mo t
probably being that the vitalizing dew
cannot form upon the grass under a
tree whereas as a rule both rain and
light can reach it
Dew is probably essential to the well
being of both plants and animals to a
greater extent than is known New
York American
A AVitty -woman is a treasure u wit-
ty beauty is a power Diana of the
Crossways George Meredith
Speaking to or crying over a j
band never did any good yet Plain J
Tales From the Hills Itiiuyard Kip
ling j
Too many words be worse than not
enough for theyll often leave a mans
meaning foggy The Itiver Edeii
Theres a saying that a man who can
The genius or hospitality is not so
much in making people meet but in
helping them to part on good terms
Remember that The Gods Some j
Mortals and Lord Wickenham John
Oliver Hobbes
A Modern Cannery
A modern cannery is a marvel of me
chanical ingenuity After the fish is
cleaned automatic machines do nearly
all the remainder of the work even in
some instances tilling the cans with a
motion for all the world like that of
two human hands one holding the can
the other crowding it full of raw fish
I shall not attempt to enter into a de
scription of the machinery The can of
fish is started rolling on its way and
one has the impression that it contin
ues to roll through machine after ma
chine hardly touched by human hands
It rolls into the cooker and out again
even rolls itself into a bright colored
label and finally somehow rolls into a
packing box ready to be loaded in the
car waiting at the door Ray Stannard
Baker in Century
FnsUionalile Chairs Perhaps
Squire Hansons language seldom
lacked vigor but was often wanting
in strict accuracy and sometimes in
Ive been over to talk with Alvira
Pond about selling that corner lot he
said one day to his wife his ruddy face
mottled with purple from some recent
exertion and Ill never enter her par
lor again never Not a chair in the
room but what is impossible to sit
down in out of the question to get up
from and leaves you with such a
cramp you cant move hand nor foot
when you stand Youths Companion
Precept nnd Example
Johnny had come in with a story of
a remarkable automobile he had just
seen He declared that it was as big
as a house
Now Johnny said his father se
verely you know it was not as big as
a house Why do you exaggerate things
so Ive talked to you a million times
about that habit of yours and
doesnt seem to do a bit of good
Maa Born Unto Trouble
Of course said the optimist if a
man gets into tho habit of hunting
trouble hes sure to find it
Yes replied the pessimist and if
hes so lazy that he always tries to
avoid it it will find him So whats the
difference Philadelphia Press
Maxims do the self made millionaire
a great deal of good It is such a diver
sion to formulate them after Buccess
has been achieved Norfolk Land
oil IItJLU 3
247 - S5
Full Weight
We have four cardinal pri ciples in
inr business Full weight good goods
fair prices cleanliness Maybe tho place
where you buy isnt as particular on
these points as wo are Our customers
have a peculiar way of stickinjr by us
and you would to if you tried our
goods and our ways
Anton Magner
Easy Pill
Easy to take and easy to act is
that famous little pill DeWitts
Little Early Risers This is due to
the fact that they tonic the liver In
stead of purging it They never gripe
nor sicken not even the most delicate
lady and yet they are so certain in
results that no one who uses them is
disappointed They cure torpid liver
constipation biliousness jaundice
headache malaria and ward off pneu
monia and fevers
Dont Forget the Name
if iw nisei t
For Sale by L W McConnell
To Prevent Hog Cholera
From appearing on your farm
He prudent this year and pre
vent a repetition of the losses
of previous years
live quite happily alone must be one of Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee
two things an angel or a demon
Sons of the Morning Eden Phil
What can one say of the highest mu
sic except that like death it is the
great leveler it gathers us all to its
tender keeping and we rest In
Varying Moods Beatrice Ilarraden
m Z QUiO 9
3k a kUMrL
Delmout S D Di c 17 lKri
I used L K for hojc cholera and it was all
rifrlit It cured my boi I bad tbrcubick ones
and they all jrot well and done line I also
used it for chicken lice and mites and it is all
you claim for it It is the oul MediciiiH forlios
cholera I think Gotiikis Jukke
Harrington Neb Dec 11 1902
I am usin c Liquid Koal and am well pleaded
with it I am sure I saved my lioa with it last
year and am mtint to keep it in stock all the
time as it is the best thiiuj I ever bail 011 the
place for everything it i intended for It is
ood for chicken cholera lice on stock insects
of all kinds it will destroy all kinds
F W Woman
Manufactured by the National Medical Com
pany Sheldon Iowa
David Carpenter Mrs David Carpenter his
wife whose full first name is to the plaintiff un
known tjie Nebraska Loan and Hanking Co a
corporation incorporated under and by virtue
of tb laws of the state of Nebraska and the
southwest quarter of section number eiKbt in
township number one north rane number
thirty in Kedwillow county Nebraska defend
ants will take notice thaton the itli day of Julj
1004 Edward li Cowles plaintiff herein filed
his petition in the district court of Redwillow
county Nebraska against said derendauts the
object and prayer of which are to foreclose a
certain tax lien upon the southwest quarter of
section number eight in township number one
north range number thirty west of the lith P
M in Redwillow count state of Nebraska ex
isting under a tax ale of said land duly made
to plaintiff on the ath day of December 1901 for
the taxes upoiJ said land for the jears 1MT 1S9G
lt97 1MW 199 and 1900 in the sum of GU15 and
for the subsequpnt delinquent taxes on said land
raid by plaintiff as fallows to wit On Augut
26th 1902 taxes for the year 1901 amounting to
S61 on July 3rd 19M taxes for the year 1902
amounting to 491 and on July 2nd 1901 taxes
for the year 1903 amounting to 91i together
with interest thereon as provided by law and
an attorneys fee for ten per cent of the amount
of the decree for which sums with costs of
suit the plaintiff prays for a decree that the de
fendants be required to pay the same or that
said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount
found due
You are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday the itli day of September 1904
Edward 15 Cowles Plaintiff
Dated July 26th 1901 7 29 4ts
To W C Shockley Ralph L Wheeler C Frank
Spaur heirs of Seniple Floyd Jones V Frank
lin Robert S Sanders and to all whom it may
The commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at a point 1C0 rod- north of tho
southeast corner of section nineteen 19 town
ship one il nortli of range twenty eight 2
wet 6th P M running thence due west 160
rods north 160 rods intersecting thesection line
between sections eighteen il and nineteen 19
township one 1 range twenty eight 1 2a run
ning thence west 1C0 rods to the southwest cor
ner of section eighteen 1st townhip one 1
north of range twenty eight i2iand terminat
ing thereat
Also vacating that part of road numbered
twenty eight 2 commencing at a point 160
rods north of the southeast corner of section
nineteen 19 township one li north of range
twenty eight 2S and running north one half
mile and terminating at the northeast corner of
section nineteen 19 township one 1 north of
range twenty eight 2s west of the 6th P M
has reported in favor of the location thereof
and all objections thereto or claims for dam
ages must be filed in tho county clerks office on
or before noon of the first day of October A D
1904 or said road will be established without
reference thereto E J Wilcox
County Clerk
Office over McConnells drug store
Office Phone 1G0
Rks Phonk 131
Registered Graduate Dentist
Formerly located in At
lanta Georgia All opera
tions pertaining to modern
dentistry performed accord
ing to the latest scientific
methods used in the large
Graduate of Kansas
City Lental College
9 ill
Telephone 43
McCook Nebraska
DENTIST phonb us
Oflico ovor Grannis store McCook Neb
ChasAStevens Bros Ready made
Garments and Furnishing Goods
Tliroo doors east of DeGrolFs store
Terms 1 percent No date made for los
than 1000 Aly references are parties for
whom I luivo cried tales
I Want Your Business
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office BIdg Phone No 13
Consultation free
and Surgeon
Oflico over McMillons drug store Residence
Ttti Main Avenue Residence phone 53 Office
phone 28 Calls answored night or day
McCook Nkbraska
SA wnt of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Waterworks OHice in Postoliico building
C H Hoyle C E Kldked Co Atty
Attokneys at Law
Long Distance Phono 41
Rooms 1 and 7 second lloor
Postollice Building
McCook Neb
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medioine for Busy People
Brings Golden Health and Eenewed Vigor
A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live
and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure
Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab
let form 85 cents n box- Genuine made by
Hollister Drug Company Madison Wis
i d
yrnbar end
Iron Lead and Sewer P pe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trmmngs
Agent for Halliday Waupun hcipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building
or send 4c in tamps for Iarirulnr T ti
IOOOO TeslmonaK SboWbj
2100 aadlo1 Square VJIILA Pa
Mention thU didcn
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
district court of Red Willow county Nebraska
under a decree in an action wirin rri tt
Boyle is plaintiff and James H Patterson et
ah are defendants tome directed and deliver
ed I shall offer at public sale and sell to the
lushest bidder for cash at the east door of tb
court house in McCook Red Willow countr
Nebraska on the22d day of August 1S04 at the
hour of one o clock p m tho following de
scribed real estate towit Tbe south half of
the northwest quarter and the north half of the
southwest quarter of section number eiKht in
township number four north of ranee nnmhnr
thirty west of the 6th P JL in Rd WHlo
county Nebraska
Dated this 22d day of July 1901
r j