u i r PR I il r Ffe mfodk pkp Official Paper of Redwillow County i By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance REPUBLICAN TICKET Tiioodoro Roosevelt UNITED STATUS HENATOH Elmor J Burkett Lincoln GOVERNOR jonn ii micKoy uncoom LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR BECRETARY Or BTATE A Qnhislin Red Cloud AUDITOR E M SenrJe Jr Osnlnlla TREASURER Poter Mortenseti Ord ATTORNET GENERAI - Norris Brown Ken moy ffiUPT OF IUItLIC INSTRUCTION i J - J L McKrion Gouova CONGRESSMAN riFTn DISTRICT G W Norris Red Willow county KEIREHENTATJVE r Philip Glicm Dunbury COUNTY ATTORNEY C E ridred McCook COUNTY COMMISSIONER Jnnios Hatfield McCook Dr E COiMiiiE Smith of the First Methodist Episcopal church Omaha preached Sunday last on Christ in Modern Life using as his text I Cor inthians 22 In the course of his dis course ho gave the following striking and rather unusual definition of religion The sauctifieation of the aesthetic na ture the culture of the pure imagina tion the control of passion and the ex erciso of reason in the soul Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks oflice since last Thursday evening W V Yickory to S G Brown wd to lots 13 to 20 inc block -15 Bnrtley 120 Fanuio Kinkend to Ora and Tlnrl Bodwoll wd to lots 10 and 11 block -1 Lebanon 800 Lizzie Rickcr to John Leibbrandtwd to nw 1000 JIary E Phillips to W B Downs wd to lots 3 and 4 block 1 First Bartloy 20 Wisconsin F and C Co to F Bamcsberger wd to so qr 15-2-27 COO First National Bank to Margaret Evans wd part lots 10 and 11 in 32-3-20 2200 L P Davis to William Bailoy wd to lot 7 in block 11 West McCook f00 One Ladys Recommendation Sold Fifty Boxes of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets I have I believe sold fifty boxes of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab lets on the recommendation of one lady here who first bought a box of them about a year ago She never tires of telling her neighbors and friends about the good qualities of these tablets P M Shore druggist Rochester Ind The pleasant purgative effect of these tablets makes them a favorite with ladies everywhere For sale by all druggists Small waists are no longer in style Its the round plump waists that come by taking Hollisters Eocky Mountain Tea thats all the go 35 cents Tea or tablet form L W McCoknell WVy r Absolutely Ufrom husk or free fibre Z 2 lb packages fl All high class grocers PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY NOTES The trusts have been receiving their dues of late Miss Tarbells history of the Standard Oil Company which is still pursuing its intensely interesting course in McCluros magazine is as may well bo supposed attracting wide attention Wo are told that notwith standing the fact that Miss Tarbell goes into matters that the grpat corporation of which she writes prefers not to Imvo disclosed and discussed the author has been accorded every courtesy by those whoso ways sho is exposing and afford ed every facility for discovering the truth If tho day ever comes when the death sentence of tho trusts shall be passed tho trusts will have no ono but them selves to hold responsible for the fate they meet As one reads the pages of this story ho cannot but wonder how it is possiblo that our laws and our auth orities will permit the commission of the crimes of which this gigantic freebooter has been guilty Its officers have not stopped at any act that would further their criminally solfish ends They have bought legislatures and judges they have pillaged robbed and murder ed and they have committed all these offenses with impunity and without hindrance or check Tho law which should bo our safe guard has been no barrier They fear nothing That may bo the reason they are permitting the disclosures to be made They have violated every obligation that men owe to society and they have prospered to a greater degree than any other man or combination of men It is insolence because they feel secure in their en tranchments rather than franknessthat makes them indifferent to publicity Tho most remarkable story of its sort that has been written is Thomas F Lawsons story of Amalgamated copper now appealing in Everybodys Magazine This too describes in graphic terms the inner workings of a trust It is in tho nature of a confession for Thomas v Dawson nimselr was as deeply in terested in copper as any other man This fact makes the story of unusual interest This too is a story of selfish ness and greed and crime ono that has scarcely a parallel It is difficult to realize how men can become so utterly depraved and wicked as were the promo ters of this enterprise When the wealthy and powerful defy the laws as these men do there is some extenuation for the violence that marks every conflict be tween capital and labor The one re gret is that it should be the innocent rather than the guilty who suffer It is somewhat of a relief to turn from these chronicles of crime to Lincoln Steffens comparatively optimistic arti cle in the August number of McClures magazine entitled Enemies of the Re public in which ho takes the view that Mr Deneens nomination for governor of Illinois is a herald of better times a triumph for the good One wonders whether it really is as much of a victory as Mr Steffens tells us it is or whether we are to be disappointed again Night Yvas Her Terror I would cough nearly all night long writes Mrs Charles Applegate of Alex andria Ind and could hardly get any sleep I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood but when all other medicines failed three 81 bottles of Dr Kings New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds Its absolutely guaranteed to cure coughs colds la grippe bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles Price 50c and 81 LW McConnell druggist Trial bottles free California Excursion From August 15 to September 10 the Burlington will have on sale tickets to San Francisco and Los Angeles at great ly reduced rates For a slight additional cost the trip may be extended to take in Portland Oregon ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Mrs A J Dillon is visiting friends in Oxford this week MissEknini Rathbun was an cast bound passenger on 12 Monday Mrs F W Hawksworth is up from Lincoln guest of her mother Mrs M A Hobson Mrs O R Amick is up from Repub lican City guest of her sister Mrs M M Fisk Mrs Mose Carmonev and one of the children made a trip up tho Imperial lino Wednesday Mrs F A Henderson wont up to Culbertson Wednesday on a short visit to the homofolks Mrs II P Sutton and the two younger children are visiting in Ains worth Brown county Alex Smith has joined iiis family in Sioux City Iowa whoro they expect to mako their future home Mrs Barney IIorKii entertained a company of young friends last evening for her guest Gladys Harvey Mrs T B Campbell and sister Mrs A R Mehaffey were Wray Colo visi tors first of the week going west on 13 Saturday last G F Lamb is a guest of his cousin Mayor Ryan Mr Lamb is from North Dakota where ho is identified with large commercial and banking interests Mrs T J Smith and daughter Mrs A E Petty left on No 1 yesterday for Denver expecting to bo absent about a mouth Mrs F A Peunell expects to join them Sunday Mr and Mrs Milton H Hammond mourn the death of their week old daughter The little ones remains were buried in Longvlew cemetery Tuesday The bereaved young parents have much tender sympathy in their loss and sorrow Mrs C M Bailey very cleverly en tertained a company of fifteen or twenty young gentlemen Monday evening as a surprise on Miss Bertha Graham of Holdrege her guest Cards were play ed refreshments served and a pleasant social evening enjoyed Dr W V Gage arrived in the city Wednesday on No 1 from Europe where he went some weeks since for study and health The doctor has for some time been sutienng with acute bronchial trouble of an asthmatic nature and it was hoped the voyage and change of climate would benefit Arriving in London and his condition not being improved ho decided upon advice to return home His many friends here wish him an early return to health Piles Upon Top of Piles Piles upon top of piles of people have the piles and DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve cures them There are many different kinds of piles but if you get the genuine and original Witch Hazel Salve made by E C DeWitt Co of Chicago a cure is certain HATisdale of Summerton S C says I had piles 20 years and DeWitts Salve cured me after everything else failed Sold by L W McConnell BANKSVILLE We need rain Harvesting is done and threshing commenced has About one inch of rain wouldhelp make a corn crop here Charlie Lee is hauling his cream to Cedar Bluffs Kansas J G Evers of Danbury was in this neighborhood on business last week A M Benjamin and family and Mother Roshong were after wild cur rants Sunday XC1TY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Advent Sabbath school at 2 p m preaching at 3 Prayer meeting every Tuesday evening Elder G II Smith Pastor Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening servico at S oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Congregational Sunday school 1 0 a m Y P S C E at 7 p m Prayer and conference meeting on Wednesday evening Sunday morning subject Where are tho Nine In tho even ing a union temperanco servico will bo held in this church All invited George A Conrad Pastor First Baptist Church Sermons at 11 am and 745 pm Morning subject Gods Trees In tho evening union tomperanco meeting at Congregational church Bible school at 945 am Jun ior society at 3 p m B Y P TJ at 7 45 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday ove ning 8 p m C R Betts Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in tho month Sunday school at 10 oclock am Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer and sormon at 8 Tho third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 7 30 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermon at 11 a m subject wInstruc tion to Methodists Union temperance services at Congregational church in tho evening Class meeting at 12 Ep worth League at 715 Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 815 Ser vices next Sunday at South McCook at 3 p m Good music A cordial welcome to all M B Carman Pastor Burlingtons Low Rate Summer Tours Go somewhere this summer If not to St Louis then to the mountains lakes or seashore Examine this great scheme of vacation tours St Louis and return All kinds of reduced rates daily besides special coach excursions each Monday in June Chicago and roturn Either direct or via St Louis daily low rates also very cheip Juno 10 to 20 Indianapolis and return S24f June 20 and 27 Atlantic City and return 4225 Jnlj 9 and 10 Cincinnati and return 2940 July 15 to 17 Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo Glenwood Spriugs Salt Lake Practically half rates all summer Michigan Minnesota and Wisconsin Tho lake resorts and lake steamer tours very favor able rates stopoers at St Loui on through tickets See the grandest creation by the hand of man Ask the agent for full details or write LWWakeley general passenger agent Omaha Neb L W McConnell noire T Vir miIqw - fVitc ninnr nVr n va Populist County Convention The doctors of tho Peoples Indopotiriant party of Hod Willow county NobruHkn nro huroby uotUled that a clolewitii convention of mid party will bo hold in Iudianola on Saturdaythu Cth day of August A D190I at 10 oclock am of said day for tho following purpose towit To nominate ono candidate for couuty sentativo one candidate for county attorney ono candidate for commissioner M commis f sioner district To select oidit delegates to tend tho statu convention nt Lincoln Au gust 10 Eight delegates to attend nl convention eight delegates to attond torial convention To select new county cen tral committee and to tmnactsuch other nes3 us may properly como before the tion The basis of representation shall Ixt ono delegate at largo from each precinct and one additional delegate for eacli i vows or iniijiir fraction thereof cast for W A Povntor for gov ernor in 1900 which gives tho following repre sentation from each precinct towit Alliance 4 Grant Honer 5 Iudianola Bondvillu 4 Lebanon Rox Eldor i Missouri Ridge Coleman 2 North Valloy Danbury i Iorrv Driftwood i Red Willow East Valloy I Tyrone Fritsch 4 Valloy Orange Gorvor 2 Willow Grove 7 1 t t 4 t 2 is i Total 81 It is recommended that precinct caucus for tho purpose of choosing delegates to this con vention bo held Thursday August Ithat J p in when not otherwise called bj precinct commit teeman It is recommended that no proxies bo allowed I5v Order of County Committee I M Smith Secretary July 15 1901 Prohibitionists Change Date of State Convention Prohibition headquarters state cen tral committee It has become neces sary to change tho date of our state Prohibition convention to one dy earlier Tuesday August 9th Dele gates and all who are interested please note tho call The Prohibition state convention is hereby called to meet at tho auditorium Lincoln Neb at 10 oclock a m Au guest 9 1901 for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for tho follow ing offices Governor lieutenant gov ernor tieasurer auditor secretary of stateattorneygeneralcommissionerpub lic lands and buildings superintendent public instruction and the electiou of state central committee and to transact such other business as may properly come before it W Buiit Clakk Chairman Frances A Beveijidge Secretary Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Ten Years of Suffering1 I wish to say a few words in praise of Chamberlains Colic Cholera si n d Diarrhoea Remedy says Mrs Mattie Burge of Martinsville Va I suffered from chronic diarrhoea for ten years and during that time tried various medi cines without obtaining any permanent relief Last summer one of my children was taken with cholera morbus and I procured a bottle of this remedy Only two doses were lequired to give her entire relief I then decided to try the medicine myself and did not use all of ono bottle before I was well and I have never since been troubled with that complaint Ono cannot say too much in favor of that wonderful 1 cine rlMi I v II This remedv is for sale by all gists UJIIO bill 1 tslUt 1 i3 VJ lUlO UdlJUL IAJ I11U - - suffering with indigestion or dyspepsia Advertised Letters to call on him at once and get a bottle The following letters were advertised of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure If you knew by tho McCook postollice July 25 1901 the value of this remedy as we know it Anders Mrs Bessie Perkins Howard you would not suffer another day Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a thorough di gestant and tissue building tonic as well It is endorsed personally by hundreds of people whom it has cured of indiges Davi Ih nrj F Spain William EansJE Toll II Gordon T E Wj son Henry Jones Miss A L Yelm C W When calling for these letters please tion dyspepsia palpitation of the heart say they were advertised and stomach troubles generally Kodol p m Kimmell Postmaster Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat It is pleasant palatable and strengthen- j Weak HearK 7 are caused by indigestion If you eat a Cheap rates to Colorado and Utah little too much or if von are subject to points will be in ellect from June 1st to attacks of indigestion the stomach ex September 30 Enquire at ticket office pands swells and nuffs un airainst the r1WH nf nwKo womo Heart lhis crowds the iititu ui uiiii o irusuow j Robert O Burke Elnora N Y writes Before I started to use Foleys Kidney Cure I had to get up from twelve to twenty times a night and I was all bloated up with was so unpai raneu x couiu scarcely spc one health to every organ of tl heart and shortens the breath Rapid heart beats and heart disease is the final result Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat takes the strain of the heart cures inriiupstinn rlvqnpnBin Qnnrcfnmanh nnrl dropsy and my eyesight contributes nourishment strength and of my family across the room I had given up hope of living when a friend recommended Foleys Kidney Cure1 One 50 cent bottle worked wonders and before I had taken the third bottle the dropsy had gone as well as all other symptoms of Brights disease Sold bv A McMillen by L W McConnell the body Sold Constipation headache backache feel mean no appetite all run down Hollis ters Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well Money back if it fails 35 cents Tea or tablet form L W McConnell mndo mv 1 ft UH 1X0 A K PI 00 a bottle Alltlrncuists ers Falling hair means weak hair 1 Then strengthen your hair feed it with the only hair food Ayers Hair Vigor It checks falling hair makes the hair Hair Vigor grow completely cures dan druff And it always restores color to gray hair all the rich dark color of early life My lialr was falling out Imilly and I was nfmia T tvniilil Inau it nil TIltMl I tried AvurH JIair ViRor It quickly stopped tho fnlllni and liairall Icouhlwlsli It to lie ALLUN jnzaueiii r j for 1 C AVKIl CO Lowell Mni Falling flair gga 5to A nil it tV i i Vii lfl lt to Uuj A tie tb rh tA fill Hflf t tit ft tie Hfl tit fflj tic til tit i uto tfc tie tic tit tie p iv mV tit tie tit tie tie tit tie tit fim tie tie tie Are You Going A tV It tie tit tH tie tit tft tie tit in tie tin tie tothe St Louis Exposition If so you want a Worlds Fair Money Order THESE ARE ISSUED BY The First National Bank drawn on a St Louis bank and payable without identi fication These orders ob viate the necessity of carry- ing large sums of money on the person If you wish to know more about them call at the bank 7J 1 W 7 M J1 jl Sfc 3fi lffi in f ifi J lip tfi ffi m tf ifli qi m W f lB m v- h 7 ty J if Jfr fy ff tf jfi f ty tfi ffi tji xfn i 71 rji jg qi ty m q a M M 7 l h Ql flu tl W M W to il ii i txfi to w to t tjn to to to w t A C Okg A M LL B Pres Omaha Prof A J Lowby Princ 7x r oJ0JS Endorsed bv First Natl lianlvimd Ijiisim iisiJicn S10000 in Koll Top Desks Hunk Fixtures and 50 Typewriters Students ui work for liuanl Send for free catalogue bound in alli ator finest over publish ri v a IJiimii s College Read it and you will attend tne i B S000000000000 I OOlipic Beginning Saturday morning July 30th we will offer and sell at greatly reduced prices our entire stock of Summer Goods to make room for the on coming fall and winter stocks Every yard garment and item must move out and be gone The following reductions will interest everybody Sun Bonnets Childrens 15c ones now 9c Childrens 25c ones now 16c Childrens 30c ones now 21c Ladies 25c ones now 16c Ladies 35c ones now 23c Washable Dress Skirts SI 00 kind now 69 1 50 kind now 1 19 L 75 kind now 1 39 2 50 white pique kind now 1 69 White Shirt Waists 81 25 lawn now 99 1 50 lawn now 1 29 1 75 lawn now 1 49 2 00 lawn now 1 59 2 25 lawn now 1 69 3 00 silk now 2 29 3 50 silk now 2 69 4 00 silk now 2 99 Colored Shirt Waists 50c ones now 29 65c ones now 39 75c ones now 49 85c ones now 49 1 00 ones now 59 1 25 ones now 69 1 35 ones now 79 1 50 ones now 99 1 75 ones now 1 39 2 00 ones now 1 49 2 50 ones now 1 69 Black Silk Waists S3 50 kind now 2 89 6 75 kind now 4 99 Mens Balbriggan Union Suits 1 25 extra value now 89c Boys Balbriggan Union Suits 50c extra value now 39c Dressing Sacques 50c ones now 35c 65c ones now 49c 85c ones now 65c Long Kimonos SI 25 fancy lawn now 89c 2 75 cotton crepe now SI 89 Shirt Waist Suits 82 black and white checks now SI 39 Mens Alpaca Coats SI 75 plain black ones now SI 39 3 00 striped black ones now 2 29 Fancy Parasols 82 00 lace trimmed ones now 1 00 Girls Gauze Knee Pants 20c values now 15c lVTOTr XlllCf s salevill Tind up our twelfth season in McCook during which our IT til H XJJLlk3o r A Ln Vno iL ln alt nnl VQef ncrnrfo - r T 1 J Jiuviv lias uccii ine migoji auu uwi iuouiicu cvci siiuwil uy U3 dllU UUi trade largely increased Our regular prices are money saving prices We leave the above bona fide reductions to make their own impression and invite you to benefit by the opportunity Fancy Wash Goods 10c grades now 7c 12 Jc grades now Sc 15c grades now 10c 20c grades now 15c 25c grades now 18c The above includes lawns dimities dotted Swisses jacquards mikado cloth Windsor Falaise etc etc Silk Gloves 35c taffetas now 28c 50c ones now 39c 85c ones now 69c 81 00 long lace tops now 69c Lisle Thread Gloves 25c ones now ISc Heavy Washable Cotton Suitings 16c and 17J c grades now 12c 25c grades now 18c One Price Plain Figures Cash Only Childrens Gauze Union Suits 25c sizes now 19c 30c sizes now 23c 35c sizes now 28c Mens Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers 25c grades now 19c 3oc grades now 25c 50c grades now 39c Mens Harvest Gloves Good all leather ones for 19c Better all leather ones for 33c Othera at 50c to S100 Fans 10c fans now 7c 25c fans now 17c 35c fans now 25c 50c fans now 39c 75c fans now 59c SI fans now 79c OMPSd II 0 Ladies Gauze Vests Jf 20c grades now 15C jf 25c grades now igc r 3oc grades now oc vf 6 Ladies Gauze Pants 25c kind now igc Jt 30c kind now 23c 35c kind now c j X Laaies bauze Union Suits y 35c grades now 03c J 50c grades now 3gc 65c grades now 49c Childrens Gauze Vests and Pants 15c ones now He 17c ones now 13c 20c ones now 15C 23c ones now iyc 25c ones now igc Main Street McCOOK Per G E THOMPSON v r f H i a V tl 1 ii - m ii 3