The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 29, 1904, Image 3

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    r iWth n8lfmivrnji lumiim H ii i linn iii
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If J AfJ
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If Y Jmr -Cite r
JULY 26th to AUGUST 6th
An Aggregation of
Attractions ftSever
Before Equalled at
an Exhibition of this
Kind -
Ample Accommodation for Visitors
Low Railroad Rates from
ail United States Points
Particulars Given by
Canadian Government Agents
or Nearest Ticket Agent
im ieib r i rrvnftV
w igy - ointhir
Best Ccngh Syrnn Tsic Good Tne
in txma bold or aruKKUis
A Beautiful Young Society
Womans Letter
St Pact Mixx
521 Wabasha St
Fr Vi 5PWsi v W
K r - w
fiv Wa
I it t vL v MU
iff vnvssiKr
It- Uill n
Iff wjBK A
Eml 13 Eatty in the morning late at S
tp M night or whenever used Defiance
Drop S Starch will be found always the j
Hl J m same always the best jgj
Hip H Insist on having it the most for Si
Blf S our moncy fjj
MW Qj Satisfaction or money back 3
ft H guaranteed It is manufactured j
m under the latest improved Wt
4 H tions It is up-to-date It is the jg
B jf best We give no premiums
w We sell 16 ounces of the best 1
K M starch made for 10 cents Other jj
B S brands are J 2 ounces for 10 cents g
Manufactured by
B T Safe Omaha Neb M
HI I p
Dr Hartman Columbuo O
Dear Sir
J too Pcruna last summer
when I was all run down mid
had a headache and backache
and no ambition for anything
I now feel cut well as lever did
in all 7y life and all thanlis is
due to your excellent Pcruna
Bess F Ucaly
Tho symptoms of summer ca
tarrh are quite unlike in different
cases but the most common ones
are general lassitude played
out tired out used up run down
feelings combined with more or
less heavy stupid listless men
tal condition llelish for food
and tho ability to digest food
seems to bo lost
Skin eruptions sallow com
plexion billiousness coated
tongue fitful irregular sleep
help to completo tho pieturo
which is so common at this
Pcruna so exactly meets all
these conditions that tho demand
is so great for this remedy at this
season of tho year that it is near
ly impossible to supply it
Contains No Narcotics
Ono reason why Pcruna has
found permanent use in so many
homes is that it contains no nar
cotics of any kind Peruna is
perfectly harmless It can bo
used any length of time without
acqmnug the drug habit
Thousands of women suffer from pelvic catarrh and catarrhal
nervousness and dont know if If you feel faggedout begin at
once taking Dr Hartman s Peruna It will relieve your catarrhal
affliction and all your organs will be restored to health Buy a
bottle to day as it will immediately alleviate your case jj
Here Is Aristocracy
The finest looking people of Eu
rope are the Tziganes or gipsies of
Hungary Physically they are splen
did specimens of men and women and
are rarely ill So pure is their blood
that their wounds quickly heal with
out the application of medicaments
A Trip to Colorado Utah or California
is not complete unless it embraces
the most beautiful resorts and grand
est scenery in Colorado which are
found on the Colorado Midland Rail
way the highest standard gauge line
in the world Exceptionally low sum
mer round trip rates to Colorado in
terior state points Utah California
and the Northwest are offered by this
line For information address Mr C
H Speers General Passenger Agent
Denver Colo
Paradoxical though it may seem a
spoiled child is always fresh
To the housewife who has not yet
become acquainted with the new things
who is reasonably satisfied with the
old -we would suggest that a trial of
Defiance Cold Water Starch be made
at once Not alone because it is guar
anteed by the manufacturers to be su
perior to any other brand but because
each 10c package contains 16 ozs
while all the other kinds contain but
12 ozs It is safe to say that the lady
who once uses Defiance Starch will use
no other Quality and quantity must
When the bunko man builds an air
castle he uses sand and gold bricks
Do Your Feet Ache and Burn
Shake into your shoes Allens Foot
Ease a powder for the feet It makes
tiprhfc or Xew Shoes feel Easy Cures
Swollen Hot Sweating Feet Corns and
liunions At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad
dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
If a man doesnt acquire the refor
mation germ when he is sick there
isnt much hope for him
When Your Grocer Says
he docs not have Defiance Starch you
may be sure he is afraid to keep it un
til his stock of 12 oz packages are
soli Defiance Starch is not bet
ter than any other Cold Water Starch
but contains 16 oz to the package anil
sells for same money as 12 oz brands
All spinsters are single from choice
they say
I do not believe Pios Cure for Consumpt or
has an equal for coughs and colds Joht F
Boteh Trinity Springs Intl Feb 15 1900
A gentleman is a man who agrees
with you a crank is one who doesnt
Lewis Single Binder The richest
quality cigar on the market at straight oc
Always reliable You pay 10c for cigars
not so good Lewis Factory Peoria 111
A man often thinks hes mighty inde
pendent when hes only henpecked
ii iiBwtmiwaiMiwitiwn
-I-I - I II l - -
Senator Dietrich Thinks System Can
Be Changed to Advantage
HASTINGS In an interview in re
gard to the taking up of Nebraska
land under the Kinkaid act Senator
Dietrich expressed himself as iollows
I am satisfled from information that
I have received from a great many
sources that the Kinkaid hill increas
ing the homestead right in the west
ern part of this state to MO acres is
not a satisfactory solution of the prob
lem for the reason that the size of
the homestead provided for is not suf
ficiently large to justify settlers in en
tering upon the land except in a very
few places While the bill will be of
some benefit I confidently believe that
something more must be done
I have talked with a great many
men on this subject and the opinion
seems to be quite general that a law
should be enacted at the next session
of congress authorizing the secretary
of the interior to classify all lands
which shall have been entered under
the Kinkaid bill and also all unappro
priated lands in Nebraska The pur
nose would be to sell at auction all or
any land not taken within two years
after the passage of the Kinkaid bill
This would furnish an incentive for
the settlement of the vast territory
tinder existing laws by making it pos
sible for homesteaders to later on ac
quire additional land at a fair price
I think the Kinkaid bill should be
amended so as to allow communtation
it 50 cents an acre instead of 125
as under the old homestead law such
commutation however not to be al
lowed until after two years occupa
tion and full compliance with all the
provisions of the bill The major por
tion of the land within the territory
specified hi the Kinkaid bill is of
such character that 540 acres does not
make a tract large enough for the
support of a family The law should
be amended to enable the settler to
acquire additional land
A Matter in Which the Last Legisla
ture Builded Well
LINCOLN The late legislature
nuilded well when it changed the
manner of taxing insurance com
panies to the 2 per cent premium
plan So far this year seven and
i half months Deputy Pierce has col
lected in fees reciprocal tax and other
taxes 74965 while last year for the
twelve months there was collected on
ly 5G5372 Before the year is out
the total in all probability will be run
up to 100000 Mr Pierce has sent
out notices to the companies which
are yet delinquent in their reciprocal
lax telling them of the decision of
the supreme court holding the law
constitutional and requesting a settle
ment However a rehearing has been
asked for and as this will not be act
ed upon probably until September
some of the companies may yet hold
off longer The life companies have
paid in 4S720C4 and the surey and
casualty companies 4402 on the 2
per cent gross premium tax plan
-The Auburn Chautauqua
AUBURN The announcement or
catalogue for the sixth annual assem
bly of the Auburn Chautauqua is out
The Chautauqua is to be held at Howe
Nixons park in Auburn commenc
ing August 13 and ending on the 21st
Howe Nixons park is in the heart
of the city of Auburn v
Wheat a Two Thirds Crop
SEWARD The wheat harvest is
in full blast Tho wheat is rusted
and will be a two thirds crop Early
oats are also being harvested now
Deserter Shoots Himself
HARTINGTON Sheriff Rosen
berger in response to a telegram from
the United States military authorities
last week arrested Edwin Johnson at
ihe home of his parents fourteen
miles east of Hartington on the
charge of desertion from the army
When making the arrest the sheriff
discovered that the young man had
been shot and upon inquiry was in
formed that young Johnson had shot
himself in the left shoulder late the
evening before the evident cause of
which was a love affair
Wheat Better Than Expected
EDGAR The last ten days have
been splendid harvest weather and
the farmers have all got their wheat
cut and in shock Threshing began
here last Friday and wheat is turn
ing out better than was expected
Cuts Throat While Insane
ASHLAND While in a state of
temporary insanity Jacob Eggert 38
years old and a farmer of Marble pre
cinct north of Ashland attempted to
take his life with a razor Some hope
for his recovery is entertained
Buy Massachusetts Bonds
The state board of educational
lands and funds lost out on another
bond deal and as a consequence the
74000 worth of Washington county
bonds will not be bought by the state
The contract was made last week
with an agent of the county and he
failed to deliver the bonds and he had
no forfeit up The board then bought
75000 worth of Massachusetts state
bonds to net the state 3 per cent
The bonds were bought from Farson
Leach Co of Chicago through their
A new business college will open in
Fairbury in the fall
The Episcopal congregation of Falls
City will erect a 2000 rectory
J II Laudato of Beatrice died
from lockjaw the result of a Fourth
of July accident
During the heated term union re
ligious services will be held in the
park at Table Rock
August 23 24 and 25 arc the dates
set for the fraternal order picnic to
he held in Falls City
Ray Curl a boy was
drowned in the clay pool at the brick
yard near West Lincoln
At Rogers Samuel Estes was bound
over to the September term of dis
trict court for assault with intent to
kill Martin Ileavicase
Burglars broke into the house of
Henry Kluger at Rude and stole a
gold watch and chain and a necklace
that was given his wife for a wedding
The Hastings Pressed Brick com
pany has filed articles of incorpora
tion with the secretary of state The
capital stock is rO000 and the paid
ip capital 1 5000
Anton Nemec aged 30 single of
Newman precinct was brought before
the examining board at Wahoo and
adjudged insane He was taken to
the Lincoln asylum
Many reports are coming into Co
lumbus from the harvest fields that
the wheat and oats are badly dam
aged from rust Rye is generally re
ported to he a very good crop
The records at the county superin
tendents office in Dodge county show
that of the eighty three districts in
the county all but about a dozen have
already engaged their teachers for the
ensuing year
Master Selby Butler the young son
of Mrs Florence Butler of Tecum
seh came near drowning in the Ne
maha river He was fishing from the
mill dam when he lost his footing and
fell into the water He was rescued
as he came up the second time
Ray Nye senior member of the
firm Nye-Schneider-Fowler company
Fremont has his possession the
first lading book issued from the old
Fiemont Union Pacific depot which is
soon to bo moved from its present lo
Over 120 horses are entered for the
race meet at the Fremont Driving
Park association which will be held
on August 3 4 and 5 The list com
prises some of the best horses in tho
country and the meet promises to be
a succcFshil one
Eight hours of toil does not end
the day for tho deputy assessor Ne
braska has no effective law regulat
ing the hours in a laboring dav So
declares Attorney General Prout in an
opinion formulated at the request ol
the county clerk of Gage county
Denny Ilobbs of Humboldt a young
man of about twenty shot himself
in the foot with a 22 calibro rifle as
the result of accidentally pulling the
trigger while standing with the muz
zle of the gun on his foot No serious
results are anticipated from the
Word was received in Hastings of
the sudden death of Edgar Morledge
the youngest son of Mr and Mrs R
R Morledge of tin ty Young Mor
ledge was killed railroad wreck
near Colorado Springs while on duty
as fireman on the Colorado Southern
Wm Sutton president and manager
of the Table Rock Clay company saj s
that the recent stock issued 03 the
company and ordered sold has been
disposed of and that the erecton of
a new plant on the ground recently
purchased for that purpose of C H
Norris will begin in the near future
A broken axle caused a wreck at
Ogalalla to an eastbound freight train
Eleven cars were derailed four badly
and the track torn up
The annual city school census of
Fremont has just been completed bj
Enumerator Hartwell and shows an
increase of fifty two pupils over last
year The children were cvided bj
wads as follows First 1053 sec
ond 4S1 third 6S0 fourth 535 Shel
don G9 Inglewood 71 Total 2S89
A stock company to be known as
the American Central Oil and Fuel
company incorporated under the laws
of Arizona has been organized in Be
atrice with a capital stock of 500
000 The company has purchased a
tract of 340 acres of land in the oil
fields in Kansas which it proposes to
A set of smooth lightning rod graft
ers beat a farmer east of Randolph
out of 320 by a game that though
old made good in this case The far
mer signed a contract by which 175
feet of rod was to be put up free and
for the balance he was to pay 75 cents
per foot His bill was 220 and he
signed a note for this amount
A great many threshing machine
owners will not take their machines
out this season In some localities
they fear they cannot make enough
owing to the poor yield of wheat tc
repay them for the wear on the ma
The board of supervisors of Rich
ardson county has made a levy oi
nine mills for general purposes which
will bring in the following sums tc
the various funds General fund 29
49229 road fund 850739 bridge
fund 1134318 relief fund 56715
insane fund 113430
i JtWMWmaii jiM w
BMW w HH HHI imaimmt iHH W ir k
S TT T T 1 11111 b
Women who work whether in the house
Stopovers allowed All Agents can
route you via the WABASH For beau
tiful Worlds Fair folder and all infor
mation address
Gen Agt Pass Dept Omaha Keb
U afflicted trlth
tots ejet Die
Thompsons Ey Waty
CURES catarrh of the stomach
Manufactured in
store office or factory very rarely have the
ability to stand the strain The case of
Miss Frankie Orser of Boston Mass is
interesting to all women and adds further
proof that womans great friend in need is
Lydia E Pmkhams Vegetable Compounds
Dear Mrs Pinkiiam I suffered misery for several j ears My hack
ached and I had bearing down pains and frequent headaches I would often
wake f ron a restful sleep in such pain and misery that it would be hours before
I could close my eyes again I dreaded the long nights and veary days I
could do no work I consulted different physicians hoping to get relief hut
finding that their medicines did not cure me I tried iydia JK Pinkliams
Vegetable Compound as it was highly recomended to me 1 am glad that
I did so for I soon found that it was the medicine for my case Very toon I
was rid of every ache and pain and restored to perfect health I feel splendid
have a fine appetite and have gained in weight a lot Miss Fkankie Oksku
14 Warrenton St Boston Mass
Surely you cannot wish to renain weak siolc and discouraged
and exhausted with each days work Some derangement of tho
feminine organs is reponsible for this exhaustion following any
kind of work or effort Lydia E Pinkhasus Vegetable Compound
will help you just as it has thousands of other women
The case of firs Lennox which follows proves this
Dhaii Mks Pivkham Last winter I
broke down suddenly and had to seek the
advice of a doctor 1 felt sore all over with
a pounding in my head and a dizziness which
I had never experienced before I had a
miserable appetite nothing tasted good and
gradually my health broke down completely
The doctor taid I had female weakness but
although I took his medicine faithfully I
found no relief
After two months I decided to try what
achanpe would do for me and as Lydia IC
Pinkhams Vegetable Compound was
strongly recommended to me I decided to
try it Within three day I felt better my
appetite returned and I could sleep In
another week I was able to sit up part of
the da j and in ten tlns more I was well
My strength had returned I gained fourteen
pounds and felt better and stronger than
I had for years I gratefully acknowledge its merits
Veiy sincerely yours
Mrs Bert E Lexnox 120 East 4th St Dixon 111
ifrPlfilftft FORFEIT wo cannot forthwith produce the original loiters anil sigraturea c2
LrtijBBiil above testimonials which will prove their absolute pnmiiiiiws
6iSiryJU ljiiaK 1inkhaiii MimI Co Tynri Msas
These brands will guarantee you a good shoe for men
Star and Crescent E Z Walker
Comet Cock of Walk
Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all others in Vv omens and Children b Shoes
Sec that our name is on the slices you buy
For Laundry Use
Send IOc for package to wroer
THE HAKDY SLUEIHG BOOK GO 87 E Lake St Chicago Or Druggist
follow the flag j J
dfiHI E LUUid i
1 Basrgage checked io Worlds g
Fair croundx I
A unuTDcm
iKi muramcHi -
905 PM
910 PM
735 AM
Every Monday and Thursday
Ly ST LOUIS - - S230 Noon
Ar M0HTREAL - - - 715 PM
Ar PORTLAND - - - 805 AM
Lv ST LOUIS 900 AM 905 PM
Ar BOSTON 520 PM 950 AM
For Rates and Information address
1601 Farnam Street Omaha Ned
W N U Omaha
No 311904