Worth Remembering Every ono of us knows how painful it la to ho called malicious names to have his character undermined by false Insinuations Every ono knows also the pleasure of receiving a kind looka warm greeting By that pain and by that pleasure let U3 judge what we should do to others Dean Stanley Fewer Hours at Same Pay Four years ago the working day In all French factories was ono of twelve hours a year later it was eleven hours and then it came down to ten and a half but since April 1 it has been one of ten hours The same wages are paid for ten hours as were paid when twelve hours were worked Africa to Be Cotton Field Africa owing to her climate soil and population is better fitted for cot ton production than any other of the continents of the globe and will be come the greatest supply field of that staple after civilized methods of gov ernment and economies have becomo dominant there Proved Beyond a Doubt Middlesex N Y July 25 Spe cial That Rheumatism can bo cured has been proved beyond a doubt by Mrs Betsey A Clawson well known here That Mrs Clawson had Rheu matism and had it bad all her ac quaintances know They also know she Is now cured Dodds Kidney Pills did it Mrs Clawson tells the story of her cure as follows I was an invalid for most five years caused by Inflammatory Rheu matism helpless two thirds of the time The first year I could not do as much as a baby could do then I rallied a little bit and then a relapse Then a year ago the gout set In my hands and feet I suffered untold agony and in August 1903 when my husband died I could not ride to the grvo I only took two boxes of Dodds Kidney Pills and in two weeks I could wait on myself and saw my own wood 1 dug my own potatoes and gathered my own garden last fall Dodds Kidney Pills cured me Rheumatism is caused by uric acid Jn the blood Dodds Kidney Pills put the Kidneys in shape to take all the uric acid out of the Won House Fly Is Prolific An ordinary house fly will lay 120 eggs during its existeuce and 90 per cent of them will be hatched out Twelve or thirteen generations of flies are produced in an ordinary summer Uses for Fire Engines In some of the country mansions of England Tire engines are kept which can be driven by the ordinary electric-lighting current when desired at a critical moment or the fire engine will wash the outside of the windows without endangering the lives of serv ants Scientist Gathers Specimens - Dr Gottfried Merzbacher who has been engaged for two years on a scien tific expedition in the Thianshan mountains in Central Asia has re turned to Munich with many objects of geological paleontological zoologi cal and botanical interest Cherokee Chiefs Portraits Arranged upon the walls in the ex ecutive offices in the capitol building in Tahlequah are the portraits of near ly all the Cherokee chiefs who have ruled since the time of John Ross who was principal chief for forty con secutive years Americas New Rich In the 30 years from 1870 to 1890 the population of the country doubled while its wealth more than trebled the increase being more than 64000 000000 or enough to create nearly 100000000 new millionaires Water in Grass The amount of water given off by an acre of grass is estimated at thir ty hogsheads a day About 300 parts by weight of water pass through a plant to one part fixed and assimilat ed in its tissues Holland Canalers The owners of the canal boats in Holland practically spend their whola lives on them The father of the fam ily is usually the captain the sens and daughters the sailors Quick as Thought Quick as thought is not wery quick While a light wave would travel around the equator in a second a nerve wave makes but about 100 feet a second Glass Houses Are Materializing Glass houses of a very substantial kind can now be built Silesian glass makers are turning out glass bricks for all sorts of building purposes Christian Name for Presidents James has been the favorite Chris tian name for presidents We have had five Madison Monroe Polk Buchanan and Garfield Magnetic Sand in Java Magnetic iron sand has recently been discovered on the south coast of Java and it is reported to be very valuable Few Stars Give Shadow Except the sun and the moon only Venus Jupiter and some of the bright est fixed stars give a sensible shadow Have Hard Task Two men are attempting to cros3 Australia on bicycles ACCOEDING TO FACTS REPUBLICAN PLATFORM STATE MENTS ABSOLUTELY TRUE History Proves That Tariff Reduction Has Always Been Followed by Busi ness Adversity While Higher Tar iffs Have Brought Business Pros perity The only vulnerable point found In the Republican platform from the Democratic and Mugwump standpoint is the sentence A Democratic tariff has always been followed by business adversity a Republican tariff by business pros perity The statement might have been worded a little differently and retained the same meaning Platforms are not details and planks are not elabora tions Great underlying principles are enunciated in the tersest possible way never ambiguous to the honest inter preter but sometimes capable of much twisting by the demagogue Perhaps for the benefit of our free traders the sentence should have read Tariff reduction has always been followed by business adversity higher tariffs by business prosperity Tliis is what the plank means and this is what the free traders know it means and they also know that it is true although the Springfield Republi can howls liar and the New York Times contents itself with menda cious and silly while the Boston Herald New York Evening Post and their echoes think it positively shame ful The Springfield Republican goes to the Tariff Hand Book of the Ameri can Protective Tariff league and fixes up one of the tables to suit itself For instance it says Act of Character 1S1C Free trade State of business Good times as a rule up to 1S57 Reference to the files of the Repub lican in the early fifties in both its editorials and news columns will show who is doing the lying at this lion of the Republican party the party of protection In 181G the tariff was reduced and adversity came In 1824 tho tariff was Increased and prosperity came In 1828 the tariff was still further increased and increased prosperity was tho result In 1833 the tariff was changed by a measure calling for gradual reduc tions and soon after the first reduc tion business depression resulted and when the second reduction was made came panic and ruin A high tariff was enacted in 1842 and with it came a return to prosper ity This brings us again to 1840 with its reduction of duties and in spite of most favorable attendant conditions we soon found ourselves where Sam uel Bowles cried to Congress for mer cy and the Republican howled for a return to protection But tho free traders of the South knew their busi ness and in 1857 came still lower du ties and still more misery That is in brief the story in a few sentences which the above plank tells in a few words And no amount of squirming by free traders or cries of liar and mendacious will change history or alter facts Every tariff reduction in our history without exception has resulted in bus iness depression and adversity and every increase in the tariff without exception has resulted in prosperity That is the issue gentlemen and that will give us the victory The Mints or the Mills Tune When Johnnie Comes Marching Home Eight years ago tis very sure The times were bad Sixteen to one was Bryans cure The silver fad He said if we the mints would start And coin clipped dollars a-la-carte Prosperity would cheer each heart And sorrow ilee away Eight years- ago when times were harC And bad so bad McKinley held the winning card The cure he had He said if we the mills would start And give home labor back its part Prosperity would jov impart And drive the wolf away THE BOURBON CRAZY QUILT BtoS foreign jHwiil KA TRADE fVMGftfi VRECiPRoerrV point It is not necessary to thresh over again the arguments concerning the state of business under the tariff of 1846 None but a few free traders who consider that truth is a lie well stuck to maintain that we had no hard times under that tariff But what about 1873 and 18S4 yells the free trader We will say that Tin der the Morrill tariff and war tariffs we were doing splendidly until 1872 when it was thought best to make re ductions and these reductions were not only on a general 10 per cent basis but many articles were put on the free list It can be said further that these reductions and transference to the free list came at a very unfor tunate time and aggravated by the money situation brought about the panic of 1873 and the business depres sion which followed Duties as a whole were however protective and under the protection thus afforded we recovered and went onward in the march of prosperity and progress But alas in 1SS3 there were Repub licans with ideas and the result was compromise and another vital re duction of duties particularly in the wool industry The free list was furth er increased and again the result was business depression from which how ever we recovered because of the gen oral protective character of the law As the Republican admits hard times under the tariff of 1894 we will simply turn to the other side In 1860 the Republicans found the country and its industries paralyzed Protection brought prosperity In 1890 duties were increased and prosperity increased with gigantic strides In 1897 the country and its people were bankrupt and again a resort to protection not only brought prosperity but brought it in a measure unparal leled in the history of nations Now to go back prior to the forma- Eight plenteous years have since passed by Hurrah Hurrah Xo more the kids from hunger cry Hurrah Hurrah McKlnleys plan to start the mills Brought back good cheer oer vale and hills Expelling all our Free Trade ills And the mints why Theyre all right Protection first make no mistake Hurrah Hurrah Then reciprocity not fake Hurrah Hurrah Our platform favors Uncle Sam Stands pat for every honest man Puts all lawbreakers under ban And guards our liberties Our nominees in nineteen four Hurrah Hurrah Are sure to win the race galore Hurrah Hurrah With Roosevelt tried and Fairbanks true And Oregons nireteen thousand plu The Demies at the finish whew Will not be in the race Edwin A Hartshorn What McKinley Thought The tariff busters have juggled with President McKinleys Buffalo speech in a puerile effort to prove that he favored reciprocity even in competi tive products which he never did Oi Republican reciprocity the lament ed president said Our endeavor should always be the opening up of new markets for the products of our country by granting concessions to the products of other lands that we need and cannot produce ourselves and which do not involve any loss of labor to our own people but tend to increase their employment Free port 111 Journal The Real issue Nine tenths of the newspaper com ments both Democratic and Repub lican are dented to the tariff and reciprocity p5anks of the platform adopted at Chicago The same pro portion will undoubtedly hold good throughout the- entire campaign Who says now that the tariff is not an issue in fact almost the only issue which separates the two parties in the contest of 1904 POULTEf Y s i mmmmB Foundations of Poultry Houses Flimsy foundations for poultry houses should uever be tolerated in construction The foundation has much to do with the serviceability of the structure Too often the foun dation consists simply of the soil The joists rest on the ground and are subject to all the moisture that permeates the soil summer and win ter The water runs under the house and never dries out It remains an unhealthy plot of ground always ren dering damp the iloor just above it Sometimes the low space becomes a harbor for all kinds of undesirable live things liice rats snakes skunks and even cats that prowl o nights What ever the foundation is see that it is firm enough so that it cannot be pene trated and deep enough so that it cannot be burrowed under The construction of the foundation will depend a good deal on whether the building is to be permanent or not If it is a temporary structure the foundations cannot of course be made expensive On the other hand if the structure is to remain in one place indefinitely it is better to build it of brick stone or cement Just the kind of material to be used will de pend on the locality Thus a farmer living on soil made of glacial drift has a great surplus of stones which can be utilized by being laid in ce ment Often such material will cost nothing but will prove very substan tial A really good foundation should be laid in a ditch carried down below the frost line This will prevent heav ing or settling of the building will prevent the burrowing of animals and will help to keep the cold from the space under the floor if there be one Whatever foundation is constructed there should be some provision for ventilation Small apertures should be left which should be closed by inch mesh wire This may be imbedded permanently in the cement if desired It might be profitable to use even a closer wire as any mesh can be ob tained The wire should be heavy to insure permanency This ventila tion is not needed if there is to be no floor to the house as then there will be a free access to the timbers on the inside In the case of wooden floors and wooden sills being used the ventilation prevents rotting The use of concrete is becoming popular Many a farmer can construct a concrete foundation without the help of skilled labor He needs only to be careful about the measurements and fthe angles but most farmers have squares and tape measures and foot rules The concrete foundation should be laid in a trench dug where the foundation is to go care being used to get the trench below the frost line Then measure the angles and drive down stakes Other stakes may be driven in such position as to permit boards being nailed against them along where the foundation is to be laid Two rows of boards should be laid the thickness of the wall apart Then tthe stones from the field or the river can be mixed with the cement and the wet mixture poured in The en tire height of the wall may be laid at one time or only in layers the boards being lifted up after the ce jment below has hardened enough to hold its form The superstructure should not be placed on this cement foundation ill it has hardened suf Ificiently to bear any ordinary weight White Pekin Ducks No ducks stand higher in popular estimation than these They are said to be the most easily raised of any and can be grown in iarge numbers m the same flock They were ported from China in the early seven ties The standard weight of the vdrake is 8 pounds and of the mature duck 7 pounds The Pekins are very ilarge and frequently pairs will be found that will weigh 20 pounds Their flesh is very delicate and free ftom grossness and they are among the best of table fowls They are very good layers and average from 100 to 125 eggs per season They do not gen erally sit and their young are hardy and easily raised Every man that expect to show birds this fall should take extra pre cautions for their health Numerous birds are lost every year because they are not properly provided with coops that protect them from drafts of cold air after they have been heated up Decayed food is fit only to be buried in the ground out of sight or con sumed in the fire It is not fit to be given to fowls though this is the dis posal often made of it One of the principal advantages ot raising ducks for market is their rapid growth The little chicks should be given access to grit as well as the old hens FREE TO TWENTY FIVE LADIES The Defiance Starch Co will give 25 ladies a round trp ticket to tho St Louis exposition to fivo ladies in each of the following states Illinois Iowa Nebraska Kansas and Missou ri who will send In the largest number of trade marks cut from a 10 ceut 1G ounco package of Dcflanco cold water laundry starch This means from your own home anywhere In the above named states These trade marks must be mailed to and received by the De fiance Starch Co Omaha Neb before September 1st 1904 October and No vember will bo the best months to visit the exposition Remember that Defiance is the only starch put up 1C oz a full pound to the package You get one third more starch for tho same money than of any other kind and Defiance never sticks to the iron The tickets to the exposition will be sent by registered mail September Sth Starch for sale by all dealers How good a few barrels of silence counds the day after Hows This We olTer One Hundred Dollars Upward for M17 case of Catarih that cannot be curort ly lleilj Catarrh Cure F T CIIKNKV CO Toledo O We the undersigned liaiu known KJ Cheney fortheUnt 1 3 years ami believe lilin jcrieetly hon orable In nil buslrcs tKintartloiM and llmini inlly ublc to carry out any obllpatlonuiniiile by lilsflrm Waldinu Kinna it Makvin Wholesale IlrusKli Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure s taken Internally ncttnu directly upon the blood and inncmn Mirfaccsnf the syeicm Teftlmonlals hent tree 1rlca T5 coiiti ler bottle Sold bv all brucellin Take Hulls Family illlti tor constipation Origin of Veil Lost It Is hard to tell where the Avearlng of the veil first had vogue many think it originated in Egypt for it was worn there centuries ago The Greek brides wore chaplcts instead of a veil These wreaths were plucked by the brides themselves for good luck They usually were made of wild thyme myrtle evergreen and roses Roman maidens wore yellow veils crowned with a wreath of verbina Poets Are So Unpractical There is a very pretty little poem beginning with Dainty little dande lion smiling on the lawn Ever hear it It sounds pretty doesnt it Dainty little dandelion smiling on the lawn So many things sound pretty in poetry that are pests when met out of doors Atchison Globe Costume Like a Rainbow When Disraeli was a young man he once went on a vacation trip to Corfu In this extraordinary costume A bleed red shirt with silver buttons as big as shillings an immense scarf for girdle full of pistols and daggers red cap red slippers broad blue striped jacket and trousers His servant en gaged for the occasion wore a Mame luke dress of crimson and gold with a white turban thirty yards long and a saber glittering like a rainbow Where Snakes Arc Feared In Yal di Rosa Italy the serpent is traditional terror and the place is celebrated for a curious om known as the rite af On Ascension day the priest solemn ly immerses a harmless water snake m a huge antique basin dug up on Monte Bruno The mountaineers be lieve that by reason of this ceremony sn tho other snakes that infest the country will perish A Prosy Poem A rustic youth with laughing eye sat on a rail fence munching pie A lop eared mule with a paint brush tail near by on clover did regale A bumble bee came buzzing along nd paused to sing the mule a song but the mule for music had no ear so his heels flew up in the atmosphere and over the top of a cherry tree the boy soared on to eternity RACE DONE Net a Eit cf It A man who thought his race was run made a food find that brought him back to perfect health One year ago I was unable to per form any labor and in fact I was told j i by my physicians that they could do uothing further for me I was fast sinking away for an attack of grip had lett my stomach so weak it could uot digest any food sufficient to keep me alive There I was just wasting away growing thinner every day and weak er really being snuffed out simply be- gplsSt3gs I cause I could not get any nourishment Then my sister got after me to try Grape Nuts food which had done much good for her and she finally per suaded be and although no other food had done me the least bit of good my stomach handled the Grape Nuts from the first and this food supplied the nourishment I had needed In three mouths I was so strong I moved from cream every day I am strong and vig orous and do fifteen hours work I believe the sickest person in the world could do as I do eat three meals of nothing but Grape Nuts and cream and soon be on their feet again in the flush of best health like me Not only am I in perfect physical health again but my brain is stronger and clearer than it ever was on the old diet I hope you will write to the names I send you about Grap Nuts for I want to see my friends weil and strong Just think thrt n year ago I was dying but to day although I am over 55 years ot age most people ake me to be less than -10 and I feel just as young as I look Name given bv Pos- turn Co Battle Creek Mich ineres a reason Look for the little book The Road to Wellville in each pkg Milkmans Stool Always Handy While passing a pasturo recently I saw a cow with a ropo tied to her horns about ten feet long with a ce dar block tied to tho end of tho rope I did not know what it wns for and asked the owner of the cow Thats mo milkin stool said he I milk iu tho pasture and when I find me cow me stool Is always handy Bangor News This Will Interest Mothers Mother Grays Sweet Powdors for Chil dren used by Mother Gray n nurso i Childrens Home Now York Cure Kcver ishncss Bad Stomach Teething Disorders inovu and rcguhitu tho bowels and destroy Worms Sold by all Druggists tc Sample FREE Address A S Olmsted LcRoyNYi The Cotton Crop in Egypt The sowing of cotton begins gener ally about the 15th of February in upper Egypt and terminates in the first fortnight of April in the most northerly provinces of lower Egypt occasionally in exceptional years the sowing is continued right up to tho end of April without any injury tc the crop Canadas Attractions The Dominion Exhibition Is ono that attracts hundreds of thousands each year This year it will be held in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada and with the material assistance given it by the Dominion Government it will be ono of the most successful ever held Besides the number of special attractions that will be offered there will be brought together an exhioit of the Agricultural and Industrial re sources of Canada such as is rarely attempted by any country Visitors will be there in large numbers from tho United States owing to the low rates offered by railways connecting with the Canadian roads It is ex pected that Hon Clifford Sefton Min ister cf the Interior will be there on the opening day to declare the ex hibition open A splendid opportunity will be afforded by this exhibition to meet friends Hotel accommodations will be quite ample Wash Sheep With Fire Engine A remarkable use for the fire en gine in agricultural England is sheep washing which may be seen in prog ress on a largo estate at Uxbridge about fifteen miles from London There a little steam fire engine throws 100 gallons a minute on the fleece of each animal Even horses are washed in a similar manner Important to Mothers Erczipc carefully every bcttlc or CASTOKIA a safe and euro romedy for mfaniD and children ami ce that it Rears tho Signature of CzS V0c la Use Tor Over 30 Yeara The Kind Ycu Have Always Uouht Wall Street Unmasked Wall Street is a Wonderland to most of us Even those who have risked their money only know that religious their money is lost They do not know the snake bow the trick was done Anon a Captain Webb invents some clever contrivance in which he essays to go over the Financial Niagara or through the Rapids For a few days the world gapes at him and then the mirthless waters swallow him In the series he is now writing for Everybodys Magazine Mr Lawson promises to strip the disguise from Wall street He will describe The Thing in all its hideousness so that he who runs many understand and understanding run A womans idea of economy is to trade some old thing she needs fot some new thing that she has no use lor Pleasantly sesasonable will be John Burroughs article in tho August Cen tury of What Do Animals Know in continuation of the papers lately published Mr Burroughs believes that the animals unite such ignor ance with such apparent knowledge such stupidity with such cleverness that in our estimate of them we are ipt to rate their wit either too high or too low His article in The Cen turys Midsummer Holiday Number will discuss in detail the curious ig norance animals show so often and will rank Darwin Lloyd Morgan Charles St John and Theodore Roosevelt as authorities on natural historv An Ohio spinster has been arrested for abducting an eight-year-old boy Next time shell know enough to take one cf her size The July Atlantic in its handsome new dress opens with an article on Washington in Wartime drawn from Ralph Waldo Emersons journal of a visit to that city in 18G2 record ing pen pictures and notes of Albany to San Francisco and now on j sations with Lincoln Seward Sum my three meals of Grape Nuts and utr Chase and others Archibald H Grimke contributes a thoughtful pa- ppr upon Why- Disfranchisement is Bad holding that apart from its ille gality it is distinctly injurious to the best interests ofthe white south as well as bad for the negro and that it forebodes a sometime future con test in consequence between the la bor system of the south and the la bor system of the rest of the nation It is up to a man to pay his rent or get a move on himself Try me just once and I am sure tc come again Defiance Starch Smokers find Lewis Single Binder straight c cigar better quality than molt 10c brands iewis Factory Peoria III The good man who goes wrong is a bad man just found out v a 7- 4 i i r r A