A w jft 4 h w i n - t f a SSKSBif Mas eauiUiCffwAtL11 IS IT Communicated In itnnybodys btislnofts If a young innn rooh to cnll If lie enters nt tlio Idtchou at tlio parlor or tho ImllV - Th it nnjbodyn business If tlio girl io kous to soc What ilio joniiK niiinH name or station niny happen tlioru to bo T J it anybodys business if lioBtajs till it is Into Is it anjbcdyV biihiness if tlio follows to tlio Knlo If ho kisses lior on parting and slio docs not seem to gi iuw Is it uny bodys business eavo the man who takes bis loo vol If bo comos to tnko bor riding on a pleasant tornoou Is it anybodys business if tboy do not como back soon If by cbanco tboy cotnt together upon a public street Is it anybodys business if sho blushes when tboy spouk If ho joes to soo bor Sundays and often stays to tea Is it anybodys business what his business tboro may bo7 Is it anybodys business would really like to know If it isnt Im sure there aro many who try to make it so Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Ten Years of Suffering I wish to sjiy a few words in praiso of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy says Mrs Matlie Burgc of Martinsville Va 1 suffered from chronic diarrhoea for ten years and during that time tried various medi cines without obtaining any permanent relief Last summer ono of my children was taken with cholera morbus and I procured a bottle of this remedy Only two doses were required to give her entiro relief I then decided to try the medicine myself and did not use all of ono bottle before I was well and I have never since been troubled with that complaint One cannot say too much in favor of that wonderful medi cine This remedy is for sale bj all druggists COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COUKT Miss Hannah Johnson of Lebanon this week applied to the county court for letters of administration on the estate of Charles A Johnson Jr de ceased Licenses to marry have been issued as follows since our last report Herman Baumgart 23 of Crete and Edith Belville 25 of Carleton They were married by the county judge on July lGth Brutally Tortured A caso came to light that for persistent and unmerciful torture has perhaps never been equalled Joe Golobick of Colusa Calif writes For 15 years I endured insufferable pain from rheuma tism and nothing relieved me though I tried everything known I came across Electric Bitters and its the greatest medicine on earth for that trouble A few bottles of it completely relieved and cured me Just as good for liver and kidney troubles and general debility Only 50c Satisfaction guaranteed by L W McConnell druggist Special round trip rates now in effect to Grand Junction Colo Walcott and Rawlins Wyo Constipation headache backache feel mean no appetite all run down Hollis tcrs Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well Money back ifj it fails 3o cents Tea or tablet form i L W McConnell Cheap rates to Colorado and Utah points will be in effect from Juno 1st to September 30 Enquire at ticket office fcis mAh Less Than Half Rates to St Louis and Return The Burlington offers another series of low rate excursions to St Louis and return on Mondnys July 11 18 and 25 -Tickets at 81475 for tho round trip considerably less than half rate Tick ets aro good in coaches and chair cars seats free Tho St Louis Exposition is tho most magnificent spectaclo tho world has over beheld and its like may not occur again in your lifetime Let mo send you our illustrated folder or call on our agent for full information L V Wnkoley General Passenger Agent Omaha 7 8 3t Weak Hearts are caused by indigestion If you eat a little too much or if you aro subject to attacks of indigestion the stomach ex pandsswells and puffH up against tlio heart This crowds tho heart and shortens the breath Rapid heart beats and heart disease is the final result Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat takes the strain of the heart cures indigestion dyspepsiasour stomach and contributes nourishment strength and health to every organ of the body Sold bv Li W McUonneP A C Ono A M LL Bf Pros Omaha Prof A J Lowry Princ ft yysK Shoes for base ball tennis foot racing and gymnasium CANVAS SHOES for everybody Just the thing for summer From 150 to 75c THE MODEL SHOE STORE UE PETTY Proprietor umew maeae Endorsed bv FirstNatl MCCOOK MUSICAL GOODS McCook Nebraska Haiilcand businessmen 510000 in Holl Top Desks Bank Fixtures and 50 Typewriters Studentscan workforboard Send for free catalogue bound in alligator finest over published by a Business College Read it and you will attend the N B C vwMh viS A Full Weight We have four cardinal pri ciples in our business Full weight good goods fair prices cleanliness Maybe the place where you buy isnt as particular on these points as we are Our customers have a peculiar way of sticking by us and you would too if you tried our goods and our ways Anton Magner II P SUTTON v JEWELER NEBRASKA That is tho amount we have expended this spring improving our plant and we are now proud to say that McCook has one of the neatest and most up-to-date laun dries in Southwestern Nebraska We are the kind of Log Rollers that keep rolling striving to give our patrons the very best for their money prompt service courteous treat ment and tho satisfaction of knowing that they are wearing work equal to any phone 35 McCook Laundry i 6 m P Low Shoes for men women boys girls children and babies SPORTING FOOTWEAR fPffflSl Time iistei No C 12 14 No Card McCook Neb - mMmmmamtmmmmmm MAIN LINK KAST DEPAHT Central Time 1115 p M CS0AI D 00A 31 U53r No a arrives from oast at o p m MAIN MNK WEST DKIAUT 1 Mouutain Tinio 11 W A M AXXvu 5 7n0iM VI 850aM IMPKUIAX LINK 4C F M No 170 arriy cs Mountain Time 5 No 175 departs 043 15A m bleeping dining and reclining chair cars teats freo on tbrouib train Tickets Fold and bnggngo chocked to any pointin the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ots call on or write Geotgo Seott Agent Mc Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Passen ger Agent Omaba Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS II Brown is on the sick list this week Engineer II D Bayles is on tho sick list John Iloff of Wards gang is on the sick list A E Fionch is a new truck jaeker this week Georgo Stulken of Egans gang is on tliii sicklist Con Brumgord of blacksmith force resigned Tuesday Engineer II D Bayless and family are visiting in Deuver Dispatcher J F Forbes is away on a vacation of a month P F McKenna and family left on Sunday night for St Louis E J Kates and C L Graham left on No 14 Saturday night for St Louis John Schmidt of tho machine shops is on the sick list with a poisoned face Volney Gunderman of tho round houso force resigned the lirst ofthe week Brakeman F H Bonger is off duty for n few weeks and is manipulating a steam thresher Hurley Dye was called homo TMonday night on account of the serious illness of his father Conductor Tom Malen has gone to Ilot Springs S D on a vacation and to visit his mother Conductor J F Utter is out with the pile driver going down to the Republi can City Oberlin line Monday Conductor H R Childress was sum moned homo to Orleans Wednesday night by the illness of his aged mother Brakeman J E Rider has returned from his visit in Denver where he under went an operation performed on his jaw Dispatcher and Mrs Leroy Kleven de parted Thursday on 13 for Livingston Mont on a visit to Mr and Mrs Arthur Wood Thomas OConnell and sister Sadio expect to depart in near future for a visit with relatives in New York and Philadelphia Henry Gates of Gus Budigs air and electricity force injured his left hand Saturday morning last and was off duty part of this week Conductor F M Washburn went up the Imperial line Wednesday on a little outing Conductor Mose Carmoney had his car meanwhile Clarence Stokes is attending to Hur ley Dyes duties during Hurleys absence in Curtis where he was called by the serious illness of his father Conductor RMDoughxss arrived homo from his Bloomington visit fore part of tho week and had Conductor Car moneys crew for a trip or two Brakemen L I Culbertson and G G Magnusen and Switchman G L Miller left for Bonesteel S D Wednesday night having caught the fever lato Conductor W H Brown has Con ductor George Willetts run during the latters absence and Conductor S E Callen is on passenger vice Conductor P F McKenna Brakeman C ABaldwin has returned from Omaha and has gone on flagging vice Brakeman C F Allen who is brak ing for Conductor L C Wolff in place of Brakeman L I Culbertson Conductor and Mrs H C Brown left on 14 last evening for St Louis They will also visit over in Indiana Con ductor Eph Benjamin has his crew Benjamin having returned home from Lincoln and Bonesteel S D Monday The Burlington is putting in a new telegraph wire between Brush and Akron Colo The line is about twenty five miles long and the filling in of the gap is necessitated by the concentration of dispatching forces on the McCook division at McCook A dispatch from Denver says John F Vallery general agent of the Burling ton at Cincinnatti has been made gen eral agent of the road in Denver suc ceeding his brother George W Vallery who becomes general manager of the Colorado Midland Railway The change is to take place on August 1st RAILROAD EMPLOYEES You pay too much I can save you money on Hamilton and Hampden high grade watches Chas B Morgan Holdrege Neb The pill that will will fill the bill Without a gripe To cleanse the liver without a quiver Take one at night DeWitts Little Early Risers are small easy to takeeasy and gentle in effectyet they are so certain in results that no one who uses them is disappointed For quick relief from biliousness sick head ache torpid liver jaundice dizziness and all troubles arising from an inactive sluggish liver Early Risers are un equalled Sold by L W McConnell BUOYANT MIDDLE AGE It Dallies Jauntily With Youth In TIickb ProBrcnKlve Dnyo Half u century ago a man of forty five was regarded almost elderly and a woman of tho same age was expected to have long since cut herself adrift from all ties binding her to her youth and to assume the appearance and de portment of a staid exemplary matron All tills lias changed hi a particularly Interesting way of which tb promi nent feature is a seeming contradic tion If the three-year-old child of to day is as knowing as was the six year old of half a century uko unci the tei year old boy of today is in many re spects quite as much a man as was his grandfather at eighteen one might nat urally expect that in due gradation the modern middle aged man should bo old beyond his years Rut such Is not the case Middle age so far from hurrying on Into senility so far even from standing still would seem actually to have stepped backward and marched along side of youth There is a jauntiness a buoyancy an elasticity about iho mid dle age of today at which our fathers would linvti shaken their heads as un seemly Tlio gulf which once separated the middle aged parent from his chil dren has boon filled up The curtain which shrouded the middle aged man generally from the eyes of youth and which caused him to bo regarded with respect if n t with awe has been lifted and in obedience to the same influences which have made th schoolmaster the friend of tho schoolboy and the regi mental officer almost the comrade of his men tho middle aged man of today Is never so happy as when working or playing upon an equality and actually In connection with youth As with men so it is with women Social statisticians tell us that the age at which women are considered most eligible for marriage has been very notably advanced of lato years and we know that the lament of many a matchmaking mamma is that tlio most dreaded rivals of her darling are not to be found so much among the girls of her own age as- among women who not many years ago would have boon relegated to the ranks of hopeless old maidenhood The fact that the middle aged lady of today is much younger in manner and tastes is of course not the only reason for this but it is among the most potent London Spectator A Very Strniipte Intercession In a church where the prayers are made at the discretion of the minister very strange Intercessions are some times presented I remember well ages since hearing old Dr Muir of Glasgow who was a real though ec centric genius in his day and of whom no English reader ever heard relate -in Incident which had been in his own knowledge Mr Smith was preach ing at Drumsleekie and lie had come to the concluding prayer where we pray for all and sundries sic when he suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to pray for the magistrates So he put in the prayer just where lie was Have mercy upon all fools and Idiots and specially upon the magis trates of Drumsleekie lie meant no evil but the magistrates were not pleased Longmans Magazine Plsiytliinu In Court Some very curious models have from time to time been produced in court In various lawsuits There was a model of a mill produced lately In a patent case where the patentee claimed his patent to have been infringed The patent was in connection with some part of the machinery of the mill The rmodel mill was set working In court while judge and counsel watched Its movements with much interest A model steam engine was once produced in an action against a railway compa ny The judge insisted on having the whole working of the engine explained to him whereupon the counsel who was speaking asked for an adjourn ment of the trial for twelve months when he would be able to give the re quired explanation London Tatler Ilovr to Remove Stones From Land Large rocks should be heated by burning a quantity of brush on each one and then with a good heavy sledge and steel wedges mot of them can be split into fragments that can be hauled off upon the drag Medium sized rocks may be drawn out by digging round them fastening a log chain upon the lower side and attaching the team Let the horses start slowly and with a lit tle effort the stone may be pulled out nt the second or third pull X good way to get rid of stones is to bury them but bury them deep not less than three feet from the surface as they will be certain to work up to the top in a few years when the work has to be done over again at considerable cost Nothing to Sho v For It Say doctor whats that last 3 item in your bill for Let me see Oh yes 1 gave you a thorough examination on that day Dont you remember Sure I remember But do you sup pose I am going to pay you for that when you took up an hour of my time and then couldnt find anything the matter with me after all Buffalo Express The Acme of Meekness McJigger Chicken hearted Well I should say hes the limit Thingumbob Is that so McJigger Nothing can make him fight Why Ive even seen him let a man cheat him out of his turn in the barber shop and he never said a word Philadelphia Press The Adirondack government reserve contains 1355851 acres and private parks aggregate 700000 acres The Cat skill reserve Is 82380 acres nttieZp1AillGtf wmmmimmiTn rimmmmirtfzz V I Miiijjiij iiiiimii i mLBgEBKgaaiwarMwmniiiifiiii M i misumsaBSmsmmmm S3BHiesF3SBSwjstes M ivin mrwat I We have just received a SAMPLE LINE of Taffeta Petticoats from the factory While they last we will sell at Factorys Wholesale Prices is is a Snap Get in Summer Dress Goods at reduced prices now GDCorsets are the best We have the line Have you seen our 50c girdle Tis a winner and comes in blue pink and white v J ti u A V FRANKLIN PRESIDENT A C EBERT Cashier A THE r If a k X I CITIZENS BANK X OF McCOOK NEB X Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 X b a a a DIRECTORS V FRANKLIN VFMcFARLAND A C EBERT W B WOLFE C H WILLARB CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Advent Sabbath school at 2 p m preaching at 3 Prayer meeting every Tuesday evening Eldek G H Smith Pastor Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughkan Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 7 30 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Notice August 2nd in the First Baptist church McCook at 8 p m there will be a Piano Recital given by Edna M Barr of the New England Conservatory of Music Boston Mass assisted by Mr C H Miller instructor of vocal music in the McCook Junior Normal School The program for the same will appear in next weeks Tribune Every body welcome Admission 25 cents Small waists are no longer in style Its the round plump waists that come by taking Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea thats all The go 35 cents Tea or tablet form L V McConnell 7 t xi 0 AMERICAS GREATEST WEEKLY The Toledo Blade TOLEDO OHIO New and Larger Building- New Presses New Steretype Plant New and JIdern Appliances n Every Department The Toledo Blade is now installed in its new building wth modern plant and equipment and facilities equal to any publication between New York and Chicago It is the only wecky newspaper edited expressly for every state and territory The news of the world so arranged that busy people can more easily comprehend than by readins cumbersome columns of dailies All current topics made plain in each issue by special editorial matter written from inception down to date The only paper published espec ially for people who do not read daily newspa pers and jet thirst for plain facts That ths kind of a newspaper is popular is proven by the fact that the Weekly Blade now has over 1GO00O jearly subscribers and its circulation is in all of the U S In addition to the new3 the lade publishes short and serial stories and many departments of matter suited to every member of the famil Only one dollar a jear Write for free copy Add res 3 Tiib Blade Toledo Ohio Protection is Panic ProoP is the title of the recent speech of Sena tor J H Gallinger of New Hampshire The speech has been issued in document form by the American Protective Tariff League One copy will be forwarded to any address upon postal card request addressed to W F Wakeman General Secretary 339 Broadway New York Ask for document No 78