Official Paper of Redwillow County By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance rnKsronNT REPUBLICAN -TICKET Theodores Roosovelt UNITED STATICS HENATOrt Elinor J Burkott Lincoln GOVERNOR Jolin II Mickey Osceola MEUTEKANT GOVERNOR E G McGilton Omnlm SECRETARY OF BTATE A Quluslia lied Cloud AUDITOR E M Sonde Jr Ojjiilalht treasurer Peter Mortenscu Onl ATTORNEY OENKRAIi Norris Brown Kcnrnoy 0 rupt of runiic instruction J L McBrion GonovT CONGRESSMAN FIFTII DISTINCT G W Norris Red Willow couuty REPRESENTATIVE Philip Gliem Danbury COUNTY ATTORNEY C E Eldred McCook COUNTY COMMISSIONER James Hatfield McCook It must ranlco even Colonel Bryan sweat drops of blood when lie feels the iron heel of imperialism on his neck And yot dreamors must dream The way the Democratic platform is put up will work out about like this in tho campaign Hard money in tho east and soft money in tho west A conven ient straddle Burlingtons Low Rate Summer Tours Go somewhere this summer If not to St Louis then to tho mountains lakes or seashore Examine this great scheme of vacation tours St Louis and return All kinds of reduced rates daily besides special coach excursions each Monday in June Chicago and return Either direct or via St Louis daily low rates also very cheap Juno 10 to 20 Indianapolis and return 2435 June 2G and 27 Atlantic City and return 1225 July 8 and 10 Cincinnati and return 2940 July 15 to 17 Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo Glenwood Springs Salt Lake Practically half rates all summer Michigan Minnesota and Wisconsin The lake resorts and lako steamer tours very favor able rates stopovers at St Louis on through tickets See tho grandest creation by the hand of man Ask the agent for full details or write LWWakeley general passenger agent Omaha Neb One Ladys Recommendation Sold Fifty Boxes of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets I have I believe sold fifty boxes of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab lets on the recommendation of one lady here who first bought a box of them about a year ago She never tires of telling her neighbors and friends about tho good qualities of these tablets P M Shore druggist Rochester Ind Tho pleasant purgative effect of these tablets makes them a favorite with ladies everywhere For sale by all druggists Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last Thursday evening E E Smith to J Catlett wd to lots 1 to 21 in Esther Park Bartley 262 50 Smith Bros to L J Shippec wd to se 900 00 L M Godfrey to Minnie Schneidor wd to part lots 10 and 11 South McCook 500 00 Sarah J Richardson to C H Boyle wd to part lot 1 block 1 in South Mc Cook and part sw ne 30-3-29 1200 00 A C Crabtreo to Charles C More sd to all 1-1-27 United States to Ed Kanouse patent to nwqr 5-1-23 Lincoln Land Co to Matie G Welles wd to lots 1 and 2 in block 4 Second McCook 500 00 S S Morrison to M C Coveny wd tow hf se qr 7-1-30 800 00 L W McConnell asks the readers of this paper who are suffering with indigestion or dyspepsia to call on him at once and get a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure If you knew the value of this remedy as we know it you would not suffer another day Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a thorough di gestant and tissue building tonic as well It is endorsed personally by hundreds of people whom it has cured of indiges tion dyspepsia palpitation of the heart and stomach troubles generally Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat It is pleasant palatable and strengthen- She Tried Five Doctors Mrs Frances L Sales of Missouri Valley la writes I have been afflict ed with kidney trouble five years had severe pains in my back and a frequent desire to urinate When riding I expe rienced much pain over the region of the kidneys I tried five physicians without benefit and then concluded to try Foleys Kidney Cure After taking three SI bottles I was completely cured Sold by A McMillen I Disease takes no summer I I vacation j E If vou need flesh and 1 c strength use Scotts Emulsion summer as in winter Send for free sample SCOTT BOWNE Chemist SS9 41S Pearl Street New York 5oc and 100 all druggets Populist County Convention Tito electors of tho Peoples Indoiwndcnt party of Bod Willow county Nobrnfka aro hereby notiiled that a dolegulo convention of Hiiid party will be lield in Indinnola on Saturdaytho Oth dny of AuKii8t A P190I at 10 oclock am oftiufd dny for tho following purpose towit To nominate one cundiduto for county repre sentative oiio candidate for county attorney ono candidal for commissioner ad commis sioner district To solect oicht delegates to at tend tho stnU convention at Lincoln Au BustlO Eight dolocatca to attend congression al convention eight delegates to attend sena torial convention To suloct new couuty cen tral committee and to transact such other busi ness as may properly como before the conven tion Tho basis of representation shnll bo ono delegate at largo from each precinct and ono additional delegate for each 15 votes or major fraction thereof cast for W A Pointer for gov ernor in MOO which gives tho following repre sentation from each precinct towit Allianco 4 Grant 2 ifouver a Boudvilio 4 Box Eldor i Coleman 2 Danbury i Driftwood i East Valley 4 Fritsch 1 Gerver 2 Indianola 7 Lebanon 4 Missouri Ridge A North Valley i Perry A Red Willow 4 Tyrone A Valloy Grango 2 Willow Grove 15 Toial 81 It is recommended chat precinct caucus for tho purpose of choosing delegates to this con vention be held Thursday August 4that 3 p m when not othcrwiso called by precinct commit teeman It is recommended that no proxies bo allowed By Opdeu ok County Committee I M Smith Secretary July 15 1904 ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Mrs John Amen is visiting relatives near Beverly Miss Lizzie Beckstead is a guest of Mrs Vina Wood Mus F J Zajicek is visiting rela tives in lloldrege Col Dilworth is in the city today on legal business Mrs F Block is visiting relatives in Bloomington this week Mrs J B Wade was an Imperial pilgrim fore part of week Miss Cora Kelly returned to her homo in Harlan Iowa Monday Charles McConnell is here from Il linois on a visit to his brother LW Mrs II T Bruce of Broken Bow is a guest of her sister Mrs R M Douglass Miss Mary Mugan and Gasuline were passengers on 14 Tuesday for the mountains on an outing H W W Bell of Crete has been a city visitor this week guest of his daughter Mrs 1 D Mooro Misses Millie and Rose Elbert will leave in a few days for a visit with friends and relatives in Illinois Miss Lizzie Fitzgerald nas gone to Alliance to spend the rest of the summer with her sister Mrs R C Knox J S Sensitaeper came in fromLook eba Okla first of the week and is at tending some real estate mattets Chris Eastin of Miamai Moarrived in the city Wednesday for a visit with his father in law Frank Stillman Miss Bessie Beam left on No 3 Wed nesday night for a six weeks visit with friends in Canyon City Colorado Mrs A P Welles went down to Lincoln Thursday night to visit the doctor who is steadily improving Mrs H II Kingsbury and sister Miss Rogers went up to Denver Wed nesda on a visit to another sister Mrs L T Cady and daughter of Mount Clemens Mich are guests of the formers sister Mrs M A Northrup Miss Sadie Coyle of the postoffice force will leave tomorrow night for St Louis on a visit to her uncle and the fair Duane Smiths little bos mouth and a tin whistle made an ugly combination for the lad poisoning the mouth It is improving however Miss Jeanette Dutton arrived home Wednesday to visit the family for some time She has just been visiting the St Louis exposition several weeks Miss Miller who is here from Kan sas City for her health it is a pleasure to note is improving The Millers are very comfortably located with the Shel dons in the northeastern part of the town Frank Barnett will remember his eighth birthday manyaday and his young friends will forget it not manymoons It was Saturday and the visions of good things and the remembrance of a joyous time remain Perry Stone and daughter Iva ar rived from LeClaire Iowa last night and will remain during the summer on the ranch over on the driftwood Mrs Mary Hileman accompanied them from LeClaire and will make her son L R Hileman a visit Dr W D Mackechnie of Indianola was in the city Tuesday night when he was made a Mason by theiocal brethren Quite a number of the brethren from Indianola witnessed the conferring of the degree after the impressive manner and ritual of the order Mrs C B Rowell gave a part for Master Carlton Rowell of Max Nebj last Friday evening which was a happy event to him and a company of young friends Carlton left for home on No 1 Saturday He was accompanied by Master Wallace Forbes who will spend a few weeks on the Rowell ranch near Max Miss Lettie Knipples lawn and house party last evening was a happy social affair with about -sixty delighted participants from among the young peo ple of the city Punch was served on the front porch by Miss Mildred Berry and Miss Ethel Morrissey Light re freshments were daintily served A headlight and Chinese lanterns served to illuminate the lawn and hammocksrugs chairs etc to add to the comfort thereof PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY NOTES A book that has already been men tioned in this column but which is deemed worthy of moro extended no tice is the Journal of the Lewis and Clark Expedition It is a work that should be read by every American and is of course of especial interest to us who live in a part of tho vast territory tho exploration of which was tho object of this party You may begin the two rather ponderous volumes with a feeling that it is tasking your patriotism too severely to be required to finish them but once in tho story you will deserve no credit for reading it to tho end To appreciate its merits you must look beyond the words the somewhat monotonous reeptition of tho incidents in tho daily life of the men who formed this intrepid band at the men them selves At contemplation of the magni tude and granduer of their undertaking your admiration will not fail to develop into something akin to awo and rever ence and you will ask yourself whether tho actors in this greatest of American epics were not beings superior to men Columbuss accomplishment itself was not more wonderful It were an easy matter to embark in a well provisioned ship and sail away on a voyage of dis covery but to journey for 4000 miles through pathless wildernesses and track less deserts through lands swarming with wild animals and wild menthrough other lands without human inhabitants without living creatures of any sort al most without vegetation is an essential ly different matter Recall the conditions that prevailed in the northern part of the region then called Louisiana Beyond St Louis there was then no settlement of white men East of the Rockies which our narrator calls tho Rock mountains a few traders navigated tho water ways and into what is now North Dakota a few Hudson Bay men came for tho purpose of trafficing with the Indians One hundred years ago these were the only white men who had penetrated the region Among tho mountains and in the country to the west until you reach ed the harbors of the Pacific none had been The leaders of this expedition and their men voyaged up the Missouri in a boat as far as they could go Then sub stituting canoes for the larger craft they succeeded in reaching tho head waters of that stream Purchasing horses from the natives they crossed the mountains and finally reaching a tributary of the Uolumbia wnere tney could again em bark their canoes they floated down that great thoroughfare of tho north west to where it empties into the ocean In the long journey they were frequent ly on the verge of starvation In the mountains they were reduced to the necessity of resorting to horse flesh At ono time a dog was purchased as a deli cacy for a sick man and dogs came even to be esteemed as an article of diet Wolves and vulchers were shot as food Sometimes they had nothing butroots to eat and sometimes they had nothing at all Yet through it all they seemed to be cheerful and happy One finds no word of complaint from beginning to end of the book The stoicism with which they faced the dangers of their situation and the unfailing modesty with which the entire tale is told cannot but arouse our heartiest admiration The enter prise consumed the greater part of three years It began in tho early winter of 1803 and terminated at St Louis in September 1806 Night Was Her Terror I would cough nearly all night long writes Mrs Charles Applegate of Alex andria Ind and could hardly get any sleep I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would couch frightfully and spit blood but when all other medicines failed three SI bottles of Dr Kings New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds Its absolutely guaranteed to cure coughs colds la grippebronchitis and all throat and lung troubles Price 50c and SI LW McConnell druggist Trial bottles free Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice July IS 1904 Brown Mrs William Clons J H Collins Mrs J H Dow Henri Earles Mrs Anna Hanlon Lizzie McBride Mrs C B Nelson Bros Bhude Jiid Stephens Linton Thompson Mrs T G When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster Piles Upon Top of Piles Piles upon top of piles of people have the piles and DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve cures them There are many different kinds of piles but if you get the genuine and original Witch Hazel Salve made by E C DeWitt Co of Chicago a cure is certain HATisdale of Summerton S C says I had piles 20 years and DeWitts Salve cured me after everything else failed Sold by L W McConnell When bilious take Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets For sale by all druggists WHEST0SE ifT Purest and sweetest of ail wheat foods i j B lb packages - All higrWlftsa gtpcen j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FTP fill lllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIlnllllllll I Phone i 6 BANKSVILLE James Miller was here Sunday A little rain would bo all right just now Ira Elliott had business at McCook Wednesday Grain harvesting is well advanced only a few pieces of grain to cut Corn has about caught up to its nor mal height for this time of year Carrie Adams has been helping Mrs B W Benjamin the past two weeks The postoflice here is still selling stamps at the regular price and is not affected by the strike Redwillow Above the Average George D Follmer commissioner of public lands and buildings was in the city Monday morning to check up the deed record for 1903 in an effort to de termine by a comparison with the sale values of real estate whether Redwillow countys real estate has been assessed high enough for 1901 The land commis sioner thoroughly satisfied himself that the real estate of this county has been assessed at a value above the average He went from here to Dundy county Cured of Brights Disease Robert O Burke Elnora N Y writes Before I started to use Foleys Kidney Cure I had to get up from twelve to twenty times a night and I was all bloated up with dropsy and my eyesight was so impaired I could scarcely see one of my family across the room I had given up hope of living when a friend recommended Foleys Kidney Cure One 50 cent bottle worked wonders and before I had taken the third bottle the dropsy had gone as well as all other symptoms of Brights disease Sold by A McMillen Notice August 2nd in the First Baptist church McCook at 8 p m there will be a Piano Recital given by Edna M Barr of the New England Conservatory of Music Boston Mass assisted by Mr C H Miller instructor of vocal music at the McCook Junior Normal School The program for the same will appear in next weeks Tribune Every body welcome Admission 25 cents Specially Low Prices on wall paper at McMillen s drug store The high school boys walloped the Culbertson lads last Friday in a game by a score of 16 to 5 Wednesday of this week Oxford was the victim and the score 10 to 4 They expect to make Culbertson go some again today See W C Bullard before you let your I contract for concrete walks He has an expert to put them down and furnishes everything y Gents Furnishings Dept is always full of bar gains attractive to men of all classes My line of samples for Tailor Made Clothing is the best and most complete to be found in the city I guaran tee every garment as to wear fit workman ship and material used in both garment and linings Give this line a trial One order will make you a steady cus tomer SEEN THOSE HATS IN MY WINDOW COME AND TAKE YOUR PICK FOR Cy THERES NO EXCUSE FOR YOUR GOING BARE HEADED I I Jfl Jf tzX If II McCOOK NEBRASKA Hon Frank Nelson is a man of re markable ability as an orator combin ing natural and acquired gifts which easily place him in tho first rank lie has a dignified presence an impressive voice and manner and his addresses and lectures aro full of the best thought of the time Ho would make an excellent attraction for the great summer chau tauqua meetings F II Snow Ex Chancellor Kansas State University Lawrence Kansas Mary had a little lad Whose face was fair to see Because each night he had a drink Of Rocky Mountain Tea LW McConnell The Nest of the Ktngflohcr Our American belted alcyon or com mon kingfisher is an expert hole borer There is scarcely a clayey bank along the streams of our middle and south ern states but has its face cut by the door of one of these gloomy looking houses The hole is usually quite round and goes directly inro the bank with a slight upward slant to a distance of from two to four feet where it turns nearly at right angles to one side or the other ending in a large jug shaped pocket where the eggs are laid The kingfisher is my most cheerful com panion when I am out for a days or a weeks angling It is an ever fresh de light to watch him swooping down into the clear brook water with a melodious plunge and coming forth sparkling like a flake from a blue sea wave or a frag ment of turquoise He rarely fails to catch the minnow he strikes at but his appetite is unremitting and insatiable He eats from morning till night Maurice Thompson Two Things That Scare a JTcrto Two seemingly harmless things ex cite the fear of the southern negro One is the cracking of the finger joints the other is to be stepped over as he lies prone upon the ground The crack ing of the finger joints seems to sug gest to the negro imagination the rat tling of a skeletons bones while to be stepped over is regarded as likely to bring bad luck to grown folks and to check the growth of children A half grown negro boy will sternly com mand a playfellow who has stepped over his body to step back in order that the spell may be removed Uncle Sams Recruits The following qualifications are re quired of every soldier selected as a re cruit He must not be under twenty or over twenty flve years old he must be strong enough to lift a 100 pound weight with both hands to a position level with his chest he must be 4 feet 8 Inches in height and able to run a course of seven miles in an hour and he must also be of good character ike Walsh DEAIER IN POULTRY and Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank flcCook - Nebraska n I MQMTO m HL74W L1 SjmuxwTUwawiwpnrrTjaBaimMfcip r fFfoC iWVS i i nn Its English You Know Our mutton chops aro all built on tho substantial English pattern If you want French chops wo cut them that way but you get Fine Mutton or Lamb the sweot toothsome kind in either event You never had any stringy chops from us did you Call telephone or send tho baby Your order will have equally good attention D J Hi Hi j Hi Hi nflr tfj Ht Hi Hi Hi id ffi t Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi -B Hi Hi Hi l S Are You Gomg to the St Louis Exposition If so you want a Worlds Fair Money Order THESE ARE ISSUED BY The First National Bank drawn on a St Louis bank and payable without identi fication These orders ob viate the necessity of carry- ing large sums of money on the person If you wish to know more about them call at the bank i 5f if jji rr m if m q 1 j h i v- v V- J J7 V- fc Q fli 0- if W ft ih ij ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 5 ft ft ft ft ft V ft ft I V S 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE j iAniihi Trade Marks Designs Copyrights e Anyone sending a sketch and description may qnlcklr ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable Communica tions strictly ronOdentlaL HANDBOOK on Patents sent free Oldest a ency for securing patents Patents taken throneh Munn Co recelr iBCBlTe special notice without charsfe In the Scientific American A handsomely Illustrated weekly Inreat cir culation of any scientific Journal Terms S3 m oSVtVl2r th8 L Sd byaU newsdealers MUNN Go3518 New York Branch Oflce C2S F St Washington D C m