DANBURY Mrs Dowler h still on tho sick liat Rex Miles buby id on tljo sick list this week Mr Adams has moved into lis lino residence J L Sims shipped two cars of hogs to Kansas City this week Mrs Young is to havutheintprmodinto ischool ngnin this yeilr Mrs E B Young went to McCook flast Sundny to attond the normal Billy Moss th lirst baseman of the Norton club is visiting his parents MisRC8 Dora and MaryGrcenway went to McCook to attend the normal last Sunday Mrs Bolinger who was visiting her daughter Mrs E B Young returned to Lebanon last Saturday The Congregational Sunday school had a picnic this week in SW Stilgebouers grove and report a fine time JamesWilliams was surveying on Coon creek last week and was caught in a hailstorm which demolished his buggy top and gave him a severe pounding This week he surveys a road through William Shockleys place When Fitzsimmons licked Corbett at Carson City the latter got mad and cried foul when JofT knocked Fitz silly he Fitz said he was doped and got mad Now the other champion Lebanon got licked and makes a great roar Of course the vanquished always feel sore but dont lover vour good standing by talk ing fight We are peaceable here and always pour oil on the troubled waters If you expect to win bring a team with jou that can play ball No scrub team an beat our boys and dont you forget it Regarding the grove Joe and Gene Dolphs lanes are three fourths of a mile long with tall cottonwoods on both sides of tho road and cannot be surpassed as a shelter from the sun by any grove with in 25 miles of Danbury And there was ample shade along the creek to accom modate all At least 100 buggies and wagons were inside tne inciosure A man that cannot tell Fred Wiggins the -auctioneer from tho resident minister surely has an allliction of the eyes Doctors Said He Would Not Live Peter Fry WoodruilPa writes After doctoring for two years with the best physicians in Waynesburg and still getting worse the doctors advised me if I had any business to attend to I had better attend to it at ouoe as I could not possibly live another month as there was no cure for me Foleys Kidney Cure was recommended to me by a friend and 1 immediately sent my son to the store for it and after taking three bottles I began to get better and con tinued to improve until I was entirely well Sold bv A McMillen BOX ELDER Crops are looking fine Fred Lakio finished plowing corn -Monday Harvesting has commenced in this section of the country Fred Satchell and wife spent Sunday with J K Gordon and wife Mrs Ben Lytic visited with 1 er sister THrs F G Lytle this week W A Stone and wife visited with Eliza Johnson and mother Sunday A W Campbell called on George Younger and wife Sunday afternoon J B Johnson and wife returned to their home at Plattsmouth Wednesday -evening of last week Elmer Johnson Roy and Ernest Lytle went to Alma last Saturday to help their cousins Ernest and Jim Dixon with their harvesting While Steve Bolles and Guy Doyle were clearing a stacking ground Monday evening Guy accidentally struck Steve - on the leg just below the knee with the point of a scythe causing a very painful wound Steve is now in McCook under the doctors care Working Night and Day The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr Kings New Life Pills These pills change weakness into strength listlessness into energy brain fag into mental power Theyre wonderful in building up the health Only 25c per box Sold by L W Mc- Connell Low Rate Summer Tours The man or woman who takes a vaca tion during the heated period is the one who lives the longest enjoys life the most and does the best work The Burlington offers excursion rates in every direction so low tKat there is no excuse for staying at home Below are some of them St Louis and return All kinds of reduced rates daily Chicago and return Either direct or via St Louis daily low rates AtlanticCity and return 4225 July 9 and 10 Cincinnati and return 2940 July 1c 16 and 17 Michigan Minnesota Wisconsin the lake resorts and lake steamer tours very low rates stopovers at St Louis on through tickets affording a visit to the great exposition the grandest creation by the hand of man Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo Glenwood Springs Colo Salt Lake City Utah and the Yellowstone Park of Wyoming practically half rates all summer Ask the agent for details or write L W Wakeley General Passenger Agent Omaha INDIANOLA Mrs Elmer Thompson was on the sick list a few days this week Mrs Sowall of Danbury visited with Mrs Shnckelton Monday Mrs W D Williams and daughter of Bartley were in town Tuesday Floyd Welborn and wife of Denver Sundayed with the formers parents Miss Maud Allen is quite ill from the effects of an accident at McCook July 4th Rosy Gentry and Earl Allen went up to McCook Sunday evening to attend the normal I M Beardslee and wife of McCook spent Sunday with their daughter Mrs W A Dolan Mrs Kessler and son Mattie visited a few days this week with her parents south of town Will Hotze wife and baby came in on No 5 Monday evening for a short visit with his parents A J Casner returned home Sunday evening from Orleans where he has been on business Miss Kate Kehevlin went down to Or leans Monday morning oi a two weeks visit with homefolks Ralph Hedges who has been visiting his parents C A Hedges and wife re turned to Kansas City Monday evening Tho infant child of Fred Burts died Wednesday after a few hours illness and was buried Thursday afternoon from the residence Mrs Myrtle Mangus and little boy re turned to their home in McCook Mon day evening after a short visit with A II Reynolds and family Brooks Quigloy died Friday evening after a long illness and was buried in the Indianola cemetery Sunday after noon Tho funeral was held at the M E church Rev E B Crippen having it in chargfi Mrs Simon Skinner of Trenton who has been spending the past few months with her son at Giltner visited with her brother W II Smith and family the first of tho week She was accompanied by her two grandchildren Healthy Mothers Mothers should always keep in good bodily health They owe it to their chil dren Yet it is no unusual sight to see a mother with babe in arms coughiug violently and exhibitingall the symptoms nh let I tubes It makes easy and gives instant relief and refresh ing rest to tho cough racked consumpt ive New triitl bottles25c largo size75c At all druggists less Than Half Rates to St Louis and Return The Burlington offers another series of low rate excursions to St Louis and return on Mondays July 11 IS and 25 Tickets at S1475 for the round trip considerably less than1 half rate Tick ets are good in coaches and chair cars seats free The St Louis Exposition is the most magnificent spectacle the world has ever beheld and its like may not occur again in your lifetime Let me send you our illustrated folder or call on our agent for full information L W Wakeley General Passenger Agent Omaha When bilious take Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets For sale by all druggists THE THIEF OF BEAUTY Is Captured by Bradfields Regulator Thousands of young women are awaking to the fact that inherited comliness has been stolen and instead of glowing cheeks and bright eyes the tell tale wrinkles of pain have taken their place These are the warning feelings Weak and tired in the morning no life to enter upon their former pleasures irritable cross dull headaches general dispirited feeling sleepless nights cold feet bear ing down pains All these symptoms indicate deranged and weakened organs and exhausted energies follow the weak ened condition of the female organs as surely as night follows day Save your self from worse results by taking BRAFIELDS Female Regulator The most invigoratingmenstrualregulatox in the world It relieves painful profuse obstructed or suppressed menstruation nervousness headaches et cetera Beauty of face and symmetry of form are the re sults of its use Of druggists t Our book Perfect Health for Women free THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA A Pen 1lctare of Qneen Anne Those outside of a palace may feel Shakespeares sentiment Theres such divinity doth hedge a king but It is hardly possible to those inside One of the Scotch commissioners to nego tiate a union between Scotland and England Sir John Clerk could not have felt it during an ofiiciuT interview with Queen Anne of whom he gives this realistic picture 4 Her majesty was Inboring under a fit of the gout and in extreani pain and agony and on this occasion everything about her was much in the same dis order as about the meanest of her subjects Her face which was red and spotted was rendered something frightful by her negligent dress and the foot affected was tied up with a pultis and some nasty bandages I was much affected at this sight and the more when she had occasion to mention her people of Scotland which she did frequently to the duke What are 3ou poor meanlike Mortal thought I who talks in the style of a SoveraignV Nature seems to be inverted when a poor inlirm Woman becomes one of the Rulers of the world but as Tacitus ob serves it Is not the first time that Wom en have governed In Britain and in deed they have sometimes done this to better purpose than the Men Six Foil leu of Science The six follies of science are 1 The squaring of the circle 2 perpetual motion Qi the philosophers stone 4 the elixir of life 5 magic and as trology In all ages men of undoubted ability have toiled early and late to unravel the mysteries supposed to be connected with these fascinating problems It is not always remembered that such in tellectual giants as Bacon Sir Robert Boyle and Sir Isaac Newton sought the philosophers stone which strange to say receives some countenance from the modern theory of allotropy In the study of astrology Lilly was for a time even pensioned by parliament Most of these follies conferred in direct benefits upon science for in seeking one thing their devotees dis covered many another The craze for the secret or unknown has still its hold upon men and is seen in palmistry and kindred cults London Standard I A Joke OKell Didnt Aunrcciute Max ORell was booked to lecture in Hartmans hall in Grand Rapids a number of years ago Carroll Hart man was having a serious time in in ducing the people of the valley city to see the merits of lecturers There was a big sale for the ORell lecture and iiartman wandered over of a consumptive tendency And why to nie Morton House In the afternoon snouia in is aangerous condition exist dangerous alike to mother and child when Dr Boschees German Syrup would put a stop to it at once No mother should be without this old and tried remedy in the house for its timely use will promptly cure any lung throat or bronchial trouble in herself or her chil dren The worst cough or cold can be to call on the French wit also to pay him his fee of 100 But I have not delivered the lecture yet Suppose I should die before to night said ORell who could not un derstand why a manager should pay for something not yet delivered Oh thats all right Id exhibit speeauy cureq oy merman by r up so can your COrpse replied Iiartman The uuarseness nnu congestion or mo witt Frenchman never recovered from t DAluiuiiMuu tl clfti nf TTiH irmTr At any rate he refused to lecture in Grand Rapids again Detroit Free Press The Simple Coast Folic The Newfoundland coast folk are wreckers as well as fishermen not wreckers in the criminal sense but ex pert workmen in stripping and unload ing the hulls that are tossed up against the frowning cliffs Every fisherman Can turn his hand to this labor which frequently pays better than his regular vocation and salvage schooners find permanent employment there with div ers and hoists recovering from the oozy depths the treasures of the sub marine curiosity shop The Newfoundlander of the southern shore counts on a few wrecks every year to help him maintain his family McClures AVlmts In a Name Canvasser Are you single Man at the Door Yes Why the folks next door told me you were married So I am Yet you told me just now you were single Yes so I did Well what is the matter with you Nothing sir My name is Single and Im married Good day sir The Valne of Solitude Solitude the safeguard of mediocrity is to genius the stern friend the old obs cure shelter where molt the wings which will bear it farther than sun and stars He who would inspire and lead his race must be defended from traveling with the souls of other men from living breathing reading and writing in the daily time worn yoke of their opinion Emerson Better Than Art Yes said DAuber the artist pat ronizingly Im selling my canvases now at my own prices You dont say replied Sharpley whose works had not yet caught on Yes indeed J suppose youd give a good deal to be a great artist No indeed Id rather be you Ex change Qnite n Different Thing Naggsby Would you regard it as im modesty in a man to speak of his own good looks Waggsby Well it depends If it were you I should call it plain lying Exchange Painfully Matter of Fact If a fairy should appear to you and offer you three wishes said the im aginative young woman what would you do Id sign the pledge answered the matter of fact man Washington Star But one eighth of an Iceberg is above the water BARTLEY Georgo Cair has recently purchased residence property hero Rev Meekers son arrived from tho east Thursday morning C E Mathews has his new homo about ready for the painters Mrs C W Hodgkin went to Farnam Friday morning to visit relatives Bert Young has gone to Lincoln to work for the Adams Threshing Machine Co Tho hello phone is in working order now and the wires are kept hot com municating sense and nonsense Mcsdan es Emma Hodgkin and Lila Ritchie returned this week from their visit with Mrs Stonner in Kansas J A Malumbury of Omaha was here this week looking after some improve ments on his farm northeast of here Jinks Fletcher tho painter has com menced putting up a residence for him self and will soon have a neat little home George Liston returned to McCook Saturday evening and will resume his position as night clerk in the now Pal mer hotel Cyrus Cowles and wifo returned from Iowa this week where they had beeu visiting a brother They have gono to Blakeman Kansas to visit their daugh ter Mrs Irene Stenner Hail and wind Friday night and Sat urday afternoon were very destructive in this vicinity A strip about 12 miles long and 2 miles wide was covered by the hail Small grain fruit and gardens all destroyed corn badly injured but will partly recover and make half crop Mrs J N Lathrop died at her homo north of town Thursday morning about six oclock She has beeu a great sutferer for many weeks with disease of tho stomach Everything that medical skill and friends could do has been done but all of little avail The funeral ser vices were held at the home and the Mt Zion church The body was inter red in the Mt Zion cemetery Thursday afternoon All deeply mourn her death and sympathize with the husband and family In Medheval Citien There can be no doubt that one rea fon why cities did not grow so rapidly In the seventeenth and eighteenth cen turies as in the nineteenth is the ex cessively high death rate that pre- vailed during the earlier period The flood of immigration mighty as it was did little more than make good the places of those citizens who fell vic tims to grievous sanitary conditions From the facts that can be obtained It seems to have been universally true that almost up to the beginning of the nineteenth century the death rate of large cities exceeded the birth rate This was not because the birth rate was abnormally low but because tlie death rate was abnormally high In the medireval city both birth rate and death rate were far higher than at present Infant mortality must have mounted to a grewsome height The uncleanlinesr and overcrowding of city dwellers now largely relegated to the slums of our great cities was the nor mal state of nearly all classes of so ciety in the London and Paris of Louis and Elizabeth Professor Edwin O Jordan in Popular Science Monthly Consul KliiK Duvld This amusing anecdote of Lamartine Is related by the Baroness Boude in her volume of letters Shortly after the revolution of February he wrote on the blank leaves of his pocketbook the names of his protegees and sent the list to be provided with places im mediately Previously however it seems he had scribbled David on the page and the head of the cabinet appointed the said David consul at Bremen the postulant however never came forward and though the poet did not like being disturbed M Het7l was obliged to ask who was the David on his list He who danced before tho ark was the answer Oh dear I have gazetted him to Bremen How very singular I meant him for a subject for meditation not for nomination But you can cancel it The moniteur registered the chansr but few knew that the last consul ap pointed to Bremen was King David Where Diplomacy Is Needful Praise is one of the most difficult oU things to deal out satisfactorily If you do not praise a man as liberally as he thinks he deserves he hates you if you overpraise him he sets you down as a sharper or a fool Boston Tran script A Rune Mrs Kangle Ive advertised for a servant for a whole week with no re sults Mrs Cumso Well I advertised for a good looking lady help and had thirty four to select from the first day Balti more Sun A Difference Miss Parcavenue Are you going to the musicale at the De Squalles to night Miss Utaplace I dont know Are they going to have music or is Gwendo lyn going to sing Exchange Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy This remedy is certain to be needed in almost every home before the summer is over It can always be depended up on even in the most severe and danger ous cases It is especially valuable for summer disorders in children It is pleasant to take and never fails to give Dromnt relief Why not buy it now It may save life For sale by all druggists I The Original Foley Co Chicagooriginatod Honey and Tar as a throat aud lung remedy and on account of the great morit and popularity of Foleys Honey and Tar many imitations are oilercd for tho genuine Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar and rofuso any substitute offered as no other preparation will give tho same satisfaction It is mildly laxative It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons Sold by A McMillen Constipation headache backache feel mean no appetite all run down Hollis ters Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well Money back if it fails 35 cents Tea or tablet form L W McConnelt DeWitt DeWitt Is tha namo to look for when you bo to buy Witch Hazel Salvo DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salvo la tho orlclrul and only genuine In fact DeWitfs Is the only Witch Hazel Salvo that is made from tho unadulterated WitchHazel All others aro counterfeits base Imi tations cheap and worthless even dangerous DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salva Is a specific for Piles Blind Bleeding Itchlne and Protrudlne Piles Also Cuts Bums Bruises Sprains Lacerations Contusions Bolls Carbuncles Eczema Tetter Salt Rheum and all other Skin Diseases SALVE PKEPAIIED BT EC DeWitt Co Chicago For Sale by L W McConnell WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm lie prudent this jear and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee jLL 4FI TESTLM0NIAL Del mon t S D Dec 17 KVJ I used L K for hog cliolora aud it was all right It cured my hugs I had three sick ones and they all got welt and done iine I also used it for chicken lice and mites and it is all you claim for it It is tho only Medici no for hog cholera I think Gotlieii Jekke Harrington Neb Dec 1J 1002 I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleated with it I am sure I saved my hogs with it last year and am going to keep it in stock all the time as it is the bebt thing I over hail on the place for everything it is intended for It i good for chicken cholera lice on stock insects or all kinds it will destroy all kinds F W Woman JAHES CAIN Manufactured by the National Medical Com pany Sheldon Iowa STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OK TltK McCook Cooperative Building Savings Assn of McCook Nebraska on thot0th day of Juno 1901 AHSCTS First Mortgage loans Cash Delinquent dues and interest Expenses and taxes paid Other assets 327 00 M7 41 23 2 ur 00 It 57 Total jS2621 MABIIITIES Capital stock running 52722 IG Reserve fund 1310 05 Undivided profits 1774 8U Unearned premiums 610 74 Other liabilities 1400 X Advance dues and interest 1017 50 Total 5S9221 Receipt and expenditures for the jear end ing June 30 1901 RECEIPTS Balance on hand July 1 1503 rfG 03 Dues 11627 20 Interest premiums and fines 4927 29 Loans repaid S237 57 Real estate sales 1131 15 Tax certificates redeemed 9G 63 Bills payable 72 12 Total 37057 02 EXPENDITURES Loans 26325 00 Expenses 630 2a Stock redeemed 3766 12 Cash on hand 437 41 Premiums returned 32 50 Tax sale certificates 51 61 Bills payable 5S 12 Total 37037 92 State of Nebraska Red Willow county s5 I F A Pennell secretary of the above named association do solemnly swear that the forego ing statement of the condition of said associa tion is true and correct to tho best of my know ledge and belief F A Pennell Secretary Approved Emerson Hanson J E- Kelley F M Kimmell Directors Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of July 1901 Stella Fcller seal Notary Public Ordinance No 116 An ordinance appropriating such sums of money as are deemed necessary to defray all of the expenses and liabilities of tho city of Mc Cook Redwillow county Nebraska as per estimates heretofore made by said city for the current fiscal year for the payment of the ame Be it ordained by the mayor and council of the city of McCook Section 1 That the following sums of money be and the same is hereby appropriated to de fray the necessary expenses and liabilities of the said city of McCook Redwillow county braskafor the currentfiscal year for the objects and purposes stated herein Salaries of officers 500 00 Making repairing streets alleys and crosswalks 1000 X To pav firemen and supplies 500 00 Rent for water troughs and street sprink ling 2200 00 Supplies rent claims printing and elec tions 140000 Lighting streets 1400 00 Interest on bonds and sinking fund 1000 X Library fund 600 00 Section 2 That there bo and the same is hereby levied on the taxable property within the corporate limits of the said city of McCook for the purpose of defraying the expenses afore said the following tax on said property namely General fund 9 mills Water fund 7 mills Electric light fund 4 milks Section 3 That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its pass ageapproval and publication according to law Passed and approved this 27th day of June A D 1904 Attest C I Hall C J Rtan City Clerk Acting Mayor Modern Dentistry HERBERT J PRATT DDS Oflice over McConnolls drug store McCOOK NEBRASKA Okkick Phone 1G0 Res Phone 111 Registered Gradunto Dentist Formerly located in At lanta Georgia All opera tions pertaining to modern dentistry performed accord ing to the latest scientific methods used in the large cities I F D BURGESS J Plumber and Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass m m Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Z L Agent for Halliday Waupun fcclipse 7 7 Windmills Basement of the Meeker- j Phillips Building Z 9 McCOOK NEBRASKA I Mrs S E GRIGGS Professional Nurse Will do Shampooing and Hair-dressing lit home us usual Second doors fast of Commercial hotel DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Oilice Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free H L PREVOST DRNTIST Graduate of Kansas City Lental College OR B lifl Si DENTIST H P SUTTON McCOOK Over JasMcAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska s GUNN 1lIONE 112 Oilice over Grannis store McCook Neb dr a p weljles Physician and Surgeon Oilice over McMillens drug store Residence 702 Main Aveuue Residence phono 53 Oiiice phono 28 Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska ESAgentof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Oflice in Iostollico building C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office in Court House Phone 181 C H BOYLE ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 p o Building JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA HOLLISTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioina for Ba3y People Bring3 Goldea Health and Eeneed Vigor A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea In tab -let form 35 cents a box Genuine made by Holli3ter Druo Coxpavy Madison Wis 0LDEN NUGGETS TOR SALLOW PEOPLE CHICHESTERS ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS Jfrffi Utioiia2d frUe dan cru ulU or W Jiu of our Druggist aSlSS 10000 TttUmomato bold br CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO olnrm JXaUiaoa Squurr IMIIli PA Mention thU oDr NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS To Charles Hammond Andrew Boofint and Charles B King and to all whom it may con cern The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of pection seven 7 township three 3 rane twenty eight 2S wet of the Sixth P II in Bed Willow precinct Red Wil low county Nebraska running thence north on half section line one 1 mile to tho northeast corner of the northwest quarter of section seven 7 township three 3 range twenty eight 23 west of the Sixth P M and terminating there at ha reported in favor of the location thereof and all objections thereto or claims for dam ages must be filed in the county clerks office on or before noon of the 17th day of August 1904 or 3aid road will be established without reference thereto E J Wilcox Countj Clerk V i i L r f 1 r a 2 r tic