The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 08, 1904, Image 6

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    McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
Isnt the neglected boy graduate
worthy of a little newspaper attention
The man who killed Bobrikoff wrote
to tbo czar explaining matters It was
a waste of energy
The peerage height of Jap soldiers
Is 5 feet 3 Inches They are good
shots and poor targets
Again Mr Schwab has got home
from Europe this time without cre
ating any general excitement
A woman often believes in her hus
band because he proved his sound
sense and good judgment in marry
ing her
King Edward of England made no
descent from his royal dignity when
he received General Booth of the Sal
vation Army
Ramon Corral elected vice presi
dent in New Mexico hopes to corral
the presidency also when President
Diaz gets through
The speculator who announces that
he owes 1000000 and is sorry he
cannot pay must not imagine he has
a monopoly of the grief
Advocates of a Saturday half holi
day believe that half a loaf is better
than none Some persons of course
would like to loaf all the time
About half the couples divorced in
England have no children Children
may not make marriage happy but
they tend to make it indissoluble
A Milwaukee man has invented a
system of card playing by telephone
He probably wanted to counteract the
growing system of telephone sermons
Georgia hastens to assure the
world that the peach crop in that
state is simply enormous in spite or
the fact that this is a presidential
J Pierpont Morgan is gradually re
tiring from business but at the pres
ent speed he shows in his retirement
it will take him about 367 years to get
clear out
The scientists engaged in seeking
means to destroy the mosquito cannot
pretend that religious prejudice fur
nishesiany of the obstacles in the way
ot their success
According to Thomas Jefferson et
als all men are created equal but
everybody who ever attended the
meeting of a womans club knows that
all women arent
Many a man who complains that it
is too hot to work these summer after
noons finds it just right to sit on
the bleachers under the broiling sun
and watch a game of ball
Speaking of tin soldiers what do
you think of those New York troops
who -wont go to Manassas next Sep
tember because many of them are
unused to manual labor
Mrs Russell Sage is said to be very
charitable In charitable work she is
Russells right hand and the probabil
ity is that the left hand doesnt know
what the right hand is doing
Mme Sarah Bernhardt has made up
with her leading man and the two are
now appearing in a London theater
The divine Sarah has been making up
successfully for a great many years
Iceland has had just two thefts in
1000 years Cut it up into wards give
it boards of aldermen establish good
government leagues then will Iceland
shake off its glacial ways for modern
The Russians captured a newspaper
correspondent blindfolded him and
took him into Port Arthur where they
thrust him into a pitch dark dungeon
But that excuse wont go with the
managing editor
Japanese war critics are calling
upon Vice Admiral Kamimura to re
sign or commit suicide Kamimura is
probably not keeping very happy if
he reads the Hints for Hot Weather
iu the Jap journals
The tests of the agricultural depart
ment indicate that boric acid taken as
a steady diet is not a wholesome arti
cle of food The department should
feel encouraged now to make a simi
lar test with carbolic acid
The theory that all cats are immor
tal gets a severe jolt from the light
ning bolt that struck a house in Den
ton Md doing no damage to the
people in the house but instantly
killing the pet cat sitting by the open
The British admiralty is being ridi
culed for having appointed a dead
man to office This is not at all un
common in this country But perhaps
the Britishers mean to assert that the
man appointed by the Admiralty is
physically dead
A St Louis judge has decided that
the young womans father has a right
to go down stairs after 11 p m and
interrupt the proceedings But the
learned judge does not say how the
young woman is to be prevented from
awarding the fight to the young man
i iii
She Must First Secure Strategical
Point But Even Then Former Terms
Would Not Be Acceptable England
Ready to Mediate
LONDON The news from Wash
ington that steps were believed to
have been taken looking to the media
tion between Russia and Japan cre
ates great surprise here The British
government not only has taken no
part in such measures but apparently
Is ignorant that they are in progress
Official opinion here from Premier
Balfour down is that the time 4P not
yet ripe for any offer of mediation but
to quote a person in Mr Balfours
Great Britain has kept the door
open for any such contingency It is
not likely that this government would
be acceptable in the role of arbitra
tor but it would at the right time use
all of its influence to urge the bellig
erents to accept the offer from a suit
able mediator There seems to be no
reason for thinking that the govern
ment would not fill that role suitably
but Russian opinion is always a rath
er unknown factor
From the highest official sources
here and from the Japanese legation
comes the positive statement that
nothing whatever has resulted from
the interviews between King Edward
and Emperor William at Kiel in any
way connected with the
war There seems to be no doubt
that responsible ministers seriously
warned King Edward that he must not
initiate any step in that direction with
his imperial- nephew
The Japanese legation it appears
made discreet inquiries as to whether
or not this advice was carried out and
it was stated there tonight that there
was every reason to believe the war
was not discussed at Kiel except in
the most informal and conversational
It was also pointed out at the Japa
nese legation which was- entirely ig
norant of any news concerning s move
ment toward mediation that the pres
ent moment would be the most inop
tune so far as the Japanese are con
cerned for any such step Japan it
was maintained at the legation must
first secure some such strategical
point as Liao Yang before she is in
a position to maintain such advan
tages as she has already won in Man
churia Without a commanding stra
tegical base Japanese officials here
believe their forces would be unable
ether to rest on the present laurels or
to push forward
Whether this is accomplished by a
decisive battle or by the retirement of
the Russians the Japanese here say
mediation cannot be dreamed of until
that phase of the struggle is settled
one way or the other Subsequent to
the Japanese achieving or failing in
this objective it was thought that
mediation might be possible but Bar
on Hayashi the Japanese minister re
iterates that the terms Japan was
willing to accept prior to the hostili
ties cannot possibly be considered
Details of Fight at Fen Shui Pass
Sent Out from Tokio
TOKIO Detailed reports of the
capture of Fen Shui pass on June 27
show that the Russians Avere driven
from an exceedingly strong position
dominating the Shi Muchen road In
this engagement the Russian losses
were again heavier than those of the
Japanese The Japanese outmaneu
vered the Russians by working around
the enemys right flank and attacking
him in the rear
The Japanese advanced in three col
umns one was assigned to deliver a
frontal attack and the others to strike
the enemy on the flanks The column
which advanced upon the Russian
right flank fought a separate action
It encountered three battalions of
Infantry six guns and two machine
guns on Sunday morning This en
gagement lasted until sunset of Sun
day At this hour the Japanese biv
uacked and renewed the assault at
midnight when they succeeded in de
feating the Russians
Kiel Meeting Little Discussed
BERLIN Few of the newspapers
here have discussed the political im
portance of the meeting at Kiel be
tween King Edward and Emperor
William and those who have discuss
ed it confined themselves to general
terms When they particularized at
all it was in connection with the rela
tions between Great Britain and Ger
many the editors looking upon the
meeting as a evidence that these rela
tions were normally cordial No
mention has been made of the Russo
Japanese war in this connection
Minister to Santo Domingo
son the newly appointed minister to
Santo Domingo cabled the state de
partment on Wednesday notice of his
arrival at Puerto Plata Instead of
proceeding directly to the capital of
Santo Domingo to present himself to
President Morales in his capacity of
minister to succeed Mr Powell the
new minister will be taken aboard
the Newark or if that vessel is occu
pied then on the Bancroft or Scor
pion and will visit the principal ports
of Santo Domingc
Heirs of George Francis Contemplate
Action to Recover Vast Property
OMAHA A suit to obtain posses
sion of 500 acres of valuable city prop
erty In Omaha covered by streets
homes and buildings of various kinds
is to be started in the federal court by
heirs of the late George Francis Train
The property involved is estimated to
be worth from 20000000 to 30000
000 and is bounded roughly by the
Union Pacific tracks Twentieth street
Vinton street and the Missouri river
It is an immense section of the most
thickly populated of the south side
The property was bought in 1865 by
Goorge Francis Train then in the ve
nith of his career as a financier of
the Union Pacific railroad and boomer
of Omaha and the west It passed put
of his hands on mortgage foreclosure
proceedings and now the heirs pro
pose to recover the value of the land
or its equivalent in money on the
ground that George Francis Train was
declared a lunatic by the New York
courts and no provision made for the
protection of his property rights
No News Taken to Indicate That Bat
tle Is Imminent
word has come from General Kuropat
kin later than June 27 and not a sin
gle newspaper dispatch has been re
ceived from the front during the last
twenty hours This silence in the the
ater of war is regarded as a sign of
the coming storm
The Bourse Gazette this morning
We are on the eve of a battle
which may settle the fate of Manchu
ria and Corea Both must become
Russian the former because Russian
blood was shed there the latter be
cause it is essential to the safety of
our commercial interests between
Vladivostok and Port Arthur
Wounded Are Treated by the Mika
dos Nurses
LONDON The correspondent of
the Standard at Matsuyama Japan
cabling under date of June 30 says
Today I visited the Russian pris
oners here Five hundred and eight
of them were admitted to the army
hospital practically all of whom suf
fered from wounds inflicted by small
arms Two hundred and nine have
been discharged as completely cured
At present there are twelve officers
thirty seven non commissioned offi
cers and 245 privates under treatment
here and all of them are likely to re
cover with the exception of one who
has been paralyzed
There are five temporary hospitals
in Matsuma in which Japanese ladies
women missionaries and members of
the Red Cross assist in the nursing
Supreme Court Passes on the Case of
Mrs Lillie
LINCOLN Neb Mrs Lena Marga
ret Lillie must serve a life sentencd
in the penitentiary So decrees the
Nebraska supreme court in an opinion
handed down on Thursday
The decision was a surprise to a
number of the jurists who have de
fended the David City woman charged
with the murder of her husband Har
vey Lillie They expected that a new
trial would be granted and the deci
sion coming as it does at the last
summer session of the judges caused
deep gloom among the prisoners
An attempt will be made to get a
re hearing but in the meantime the
prisoner will be brought to the peni
tentiary to begin the sentence
Money for the Militia
WASHINGTON Acting Secretary
Oliver of the war department has
made the usual annual allotment of
the 1000000 appropriation providing
arms and equipments for the organ
ized militia for the United States Of
the money apportioned Arkansas will
receive 17952 California 19947
Colorado 9973 Idaho 59S4 Illi
nois 53858 Iowa 25932 Kansas
19947 Missouri 35905 Montana
5984 Nebraska 15958 Nevada
5984 North DWakota 7979 Ore
gon 7979 South Dakota 7979
Texas 35905 Utah 5984 Wash
ington 9973 Wyoming 5984 Ari
zona 5767 New Mexico 5234
Oklahoma 13104 Hawaii 7500
Convicts California Lyncher
an a Mojave miner charged with the
murder of James Cummings a negro
who was lynched at Mojave on March
19 was on Thursday convicted of
manslaughter The jury recommend
ed the prisoner to the mercy of the
court One juror stood out al night
for murder in the first degree with
the death penalty The other mem
bers of the mob who went to the jail
with the intention of tarring and feath
ering the negro may now Lo prose
Claim Capture of Three T orts
TOKIO It is unofficially reported
that the Chile Wan Shan Chi an Shan
and So Cho Shan forts southeast of
that part of the Port Arthur defences
were captured on Sunday after an all
day fight beginning with an artillery
duel So Cho Shan it is added was
first captured and tho ether forts fell
soon afterward The Russians re
treated west leaving forty dead and
the number of wounded has not been
ascertained Thet Japanese force con
sisted of all branches of the service
The Japanese lost thr0 oflicrs
Crowds at the - Land Office Stand In
Line All Night in Order to Be on
Hand in the Morning Mies Pitts
Gets First Chance
SIDNEY Neb The streets packed
with people front everywhere any
where and all other directions charac
terized the opening here of the land
to settlement under the new Kinkaid
homestead bill The gradual gather
ing of people for several days past
preparatory to the opening steadily
grew until with last evenings gor
geous setting of the Western Nebras
ka sun there had assembled in Sidney
an approximation of 1000 land lo
cators As denser fell the shades of
the Sidney night so also closer grew
the ranks and lines of the Cheyenne
Beds were an utter impossibility
and the future settlers coalesced into
long and serried columns which oc
cupied city streets and sidewalks
these columns roaching from cuburbs
to the night closed doors of the cen
trally located land office in the Ober
felder block The night hours passed
rapidly with the jollity of agreeable
concourse and comradeship and the
jubilance of the next days assurance
of the ownership of wide and rich
The dawn broadened to the daylight
and the daylight burst into the sun
light With the rising of the sun the
long line of waiting homeseekers
steadied themselves anew and with
the opening of the land office doors
at 9 oclock were apparently as fresh
as if they had counted no long and
weary periods of the waiting night
During the lagging hours of the
dark watches Miss Nettie Pitts had
been a bright particular star shedding
a cheerful and constant radiance from
one end of the waiting line to the
other and when at last the doors of
the land office were open she and her
venerable father were by a unanimous
and hearty vote given irrespective of
any rotation in the line of land lo
caters the first two land filings in
Cheyenne county under the new Kin
kaid homestead law Miss Pitts quick
ly filing on a superb 480 acre home
stead and her father at once following
her with a 480 acre location These
two locations started the rush and
from thence to 4 p m the filings fell
thick and fast running at times as
high as one per minute with 400 loca
tions registered for the day and a
cash land office aggregate of 5000
The locations of today will aggre
gate 200000 acres while tomorrow
will see the filing on of at least 150
000 acres additional The third day
will be handsomely represented and
it is expected that these three days
of initial location under theKinkaid
homestead act will bring a total set
tlement approximating 500000 acres
in the Sidney land district
The Sidney land office officials ex
press -the confident opinion that the
work of locations of the first three
days will be continued on a sufficient
scale to practically exhaust the entire
850000 acres available under the Kin
kaid land act in this district within
the next three months
An Eastern Candidate Named for
Standard Bearer
INDIANAPOLIS The prohibition
party in national convention here
nominated Silas C Swallow of Penn
sylvania for president and George W
Carroll of Texas for vice president
The platform presented by the reso
lutions committee denounces the le
galized sale of liquor and expresses
the view that it is ruinous to individ
ual and national interests It de
nounces the two leading parties for
lack of statesmanship on the part of
their leaders for their lack of interest
in the liquor question and promises
not only that the traffic shall not exist
in any form but that the party will
enact laws to abolish the manufacure
and sale of liquor
It also asserts that the issues of the
two leading parties are a subterfuge
for the spoils of office and that the
prohibition party is really the only
party which can run the government
along correct lines and for the best
interests of the public
Bryan May Not Bolt Parker
PITTSBURG William J Bryan
will not bolt his party ticket if Judge
Parker is nominated for president Of
this I am confident declared ex-Senator
J K Jones national democratic
chairman while in this city en route
to the St Louis convention As to
what Mr Bryan might do if Mr Cleve
land is nominated I could not say but
I regard the nomination of Cleveland
as little short of an impossible contin
gency Outside of Judge Parker Mr
Hearst will have the greatest number
of instructed delegates
Missouri Wants Cockrell
JOPLIN Mo Missouri democrats
will meet in convention here Wednes
day to elect thirty six delegates to the
national convention at St Louis They
will likely be instructed unanimously
to work for the nomination of Sena
tor Francis M CocV ell for president
United States Senator William J
Stone Gov A M Dockery and Con
gressman Champ Clark and D A De
Armond are in the lead for delegate-at-large
although there is a move
ment to make ex Senator George G
Vest one of the big four
The Burlington road will erect a
new depot at Beatrice
West Points levy this year is 10
mills as against 24 last year
North Platte taxpayers are congratu
lating themselves over a decrease in
city tax levy from twenty seven to
fourteen mills
C P Emery sold his ICO acre farm
two miles north of Geneva for 9000
This is one of the best Improved
farms in Filmore county O K
Brown 6i Dunbar was the buyer
Burton F French Idahos only con
gressman and the youngest member
of the congressional body was mar
ried in Norfolk to Miss Winifred Hart
ley at the home of the brides sister
Mrs W G Baker
Judge Paul Anderson of St Paul left
last week for a three months visit to
Europe to benefit his health and to
visit relatives in Denmark He was
accompanied by Hans Hansen of Bray-
ton who also goes to Denmark on a
According to statements made by
prominent railroad men in Lincoln
the Burlington may combine the
southern and western divisions aban
doning the offices at Wymore and cqn
centrating the division forces at Mc
James Blair living near Powell
Jefferson county was killed by being
thrown from his buggy his horse run
ning away He was over 70 years of
age and had resided in the county
about thirty five years living oh the
same farm where he first settled
A traveling man giving his name
as F W Mueller was stopping at an
Auburn hotel in Falls City the other
day and gave the landlord a check for
30 on a bank outside of Auburn Af
ter cashing it the hotel man found it
worthless the man being unknown to
the bank He was arrested and taken
to Auburn
Supt and Mrs Johnson of the Insti
tution for Feeble Minded Youth at
Beatrice returned home from Portland
Me where they had been attending the
national conference of correction and
charities for the past week They say
that the meeting was largely attended
delegates being present from all parts
of the United States
At a meeting of the public library
of Grand Island it was ordered that
the library be closed for three days
and that all the books be fumigated
Complaint has reached the library
board directed at it that it has per
mitted books to go and come from a
home in which there was scarlet fe
ver and it is stated that such an inci
dent did occur though there are com-
One of the biggest land deals made
in this section for some time says a
Beatrice dispatch was made of the
H H Smith farm of 160 acres to W
Sloan McHugh of Chester Neb for
which he paid 75 per acre the total
amount being 12000 The land is lo
cated four miles south of Beatrice and
two years ago sold for 50 per acre
Henry Poggemeyer who lives near
Cook in Johnson county was kicked
by a vicious horse While leading one
animal to water Mr Poggemeyer
came up back of another which kick
ed him squarely in the mouth His
upper jaw was fractured and several
teeth knocked out The injury was
serious and will disable the man for
some time
August Wachter of Fremont met
death in the Platte river In company
with a number of others he went
down for a swim after supper He
dived from the upper top span of the
bridge across the south channel and
never came to the surface The wa
ter at this point is only thirty inches
deep and it is supposed that he struck
Although new buildings are being
erected in Shelton at a rapid rate it
is almost impossible for all the people
who want to live there to find houses
This difficulty is common to a large
Detailed Information for Those Seek
ing Free Land
WASHINGTON The authorities
havo issued detailed information con
cerning tho land available for home
stead entry under the Kinkaid act As
a help to those interested tho follow
ing statements havo been formulated
by employes of thow government
Under the provisions of the Kinkaid
act which will go into effect Juno 2S
at 9 oclock a m every person who
is the head of a family or is 21 years
of ago and a citizen of tho United
States or has declared his intention
to become a citizen and is not the
proprietor of more than 160 acres of
land in any state or territory may
take a homestead of 640 acres -Under
the provision of the bill just passed
any person who has heretofore taken
a homestead may take enough more
to make up the 640 acres Widows
have the right to take a homestead
as the head of a family
The land is located in the follow
ing counties
Greeley 1760 acres Valley 400
Custer 32904 Box Butte 46512
Dawes 148820 Scotts Bluff 136211
Sheridan 480391 Sioux 862252
Cheyenne 474817 McPherson 561
356 Deuel 647317 Logan 174059
Hooker 316158 Grant 178419
Thomas 245261 Blaine 219912
Brown 422041 Cherry 3320900
Keith 129755 Perkins 14344 Kim
ball 108492 Banner 42716 Lincoln
232266 Rock 220302 Kaya Paha
25927 Boyd 2520 Garfield 152200
Holt 154320 Loup 2077SO Wheeler
108700 Chase 44251 Dundy 113
440 Hayes 15657 Hitchcock 1997
About 1500000 acres of the lands
have been withdrawn from entry un
der the provisions of the recent irri
gation act These withdrawals are
principally in the counties of Scotts
Bluffs Deuel McPherson Lincoln
Chrery Box Butte Dawes and Chey
enne counties
Five Thousand Acres in Sarpy County
to Be Fitted for Farming
count surveyor has completed a re
port on tie proposed Forest City
drainage ditch and submitted it to the
commissioners This ditch will Tim
through the west portion of the coun
ty and will drain in the neighborhood
of 5000 acres of swampy land render
ing it in a condition to be farmed Two
ditches are required the main ditch
alone draining 5102 acres of land It
will be 29765 feet in length 5 feet
deep and 6 feet wide at tho bottom
paratively few cases of scarlet fever The cost of constructing such a ditcli
will be 964881
Auogeuier tjtz
cubic yards of earth will have to bo
excavated in its building A spur
ditch will also be constructed from the
main one its length to be 2600 feet
depth 4 feet width at the bottom t
feet A removal of 3444 cubic yards
of dirt will be required This smaller
ditch will drain 336 acres of soggy
land and will cost 67342 Total
length of the two ditches will be 32
365 feet affording the best of drain
age for 5439 acres of land
cost 1032373
Probably Heart Disease
AYR When Franklin Easter was
found dead in his cornfield a mile
and a half southeast of this place it
was supposed that he had been killed
by lightning as a storm was raging
at the time But Dr Talbot who was
on the ground soon after the accident
occurred pronounced it a case of
heart failure Mr Easter was an old
settler here and a very popular man
always having a genial word and a
hearty handshake for all His loss
will be keenly felt by the communitv
Rush for Irrigated Land
SCOTTS BLUFF Government sur
veyors are at work north of this place
near the Scotts Bluff Sioux county
number of towns in central Nebraska line on the proposed government
O A Gallatin of Saunders county has ditch The ground over which they
perfected a roller and cultivator that have passed has looked so feasible
is especially adapted to use with list- that grade stakes are being placed and
ed corn Farmers who have examined subscriptions for water received The
the work of the new machine say that i practical assurance has started a stam
it will do as much work in one pede for the lands under the survey
vating as other cultivators do in two which are open to homestead entry in
ICO acree tracts The Kinkaid bill is
The state banking board has
not here The rush has
pointed Jacob F Halderman of Bur
bee on for two weeks past and is
chard as special examiner of state
unabated Perpetual water rights for
banks Mr Halderman is to succeed
a smal Em and land free s suffi
W A Hartwell who resigned recently I thf
cient inducement to encourage one
on account of ill health The appoint-
- i especial v if he is at all familiar with
ment will take effect July 1 t
the benefits and assurances of
The corn acreage in Dawson county tion farniing it is expected that
is probably double what it was last - about 2000 carloads of potatoes will
year and is in first class condition he marketed here from this years
some fields a little weedy but crop
dance of rainfall since early in May
and present prospects for corn and F Foreman at Hoskins was bitten
spring grain were never better Po- by a rattlesnake and fs in a serious
tatoes and garden crops also premise coniJtion as a result At Niobrara
an abundant yield The acreage of prank Tobusk a 14-year-old lad plow
small grain is doubtless not over 25 corn was aiso bitten on the anklo
per cent of last years crop jut js out 0r danger
Frank Pickell supposed to be from
Omaha is in jail at Papillion as a Nebraskan Since 1E54
picious character He is thought to - NEMAHA J B Hoo7er an old
be the man who stole a horse and settcTt diod v hiie sitting in his chair
buggy from a liveryman named at his residence in Nemaha Saturdav
cock at Springfield about three weeks morning y17 Hoover came to
maha in 1S54 with his father the iato
Banner county is the second to file Dr Hoover and has lived hpre ccn
a report of its assessment with the tinuously ever sinee He was a very
state board of equalization and the active business man during his life
report shows a decrease in the total v ith the exception of the last ti7o or
assessment from 254311 in 1903 to three years nce which time hhl
11S97S50 this year though the ac- health has been failing He leaves
tual valuation this year was 944- a wife one daughter a stepson and
L92S0 two teiaughtf rs
i -