The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 01, 1904, Image 8

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W II Booth is able to be out ngain
E W Hull of Benkelrann is here on
Dod Wiinrins is home from Jewel
emnty KansaB
Walter Pennington had garden stuff
in town Saturday
Harden Smith is plastering Wm Mc
Cnrtys residence
The band will receive 850 for playing
at Danbury the 4th
H E Waugh arrived home Saturday
night by the way of Bartloy
D A McCarty is doing the finishing
work on the new hotel
The mission eireje meets July 7th
with Mrs D P Hupp
E M Pennington and Prank Iloobler
are putting up S R Jollys alfalfa
The State bank is making arrange
ments to buy the Charles Miller stock
John Ilorton is improving the looks
of the wood work about the bank with
C A McCarty who has been doing
carpenter work at Cook has returned
here to live
Jacob Ewalt of Aurora shipped bis
threshing machine here this week He
made a good run south and east of here
last year
Walter Thompson who has been oc
cupying the barber chair at Atlanta
while the barber got married returned
The little 8 month old child of W S
Campbell and wife died very suddenly
June 20th and was buried the 21st
Cause of death not known
Lebanon was represented at the C E
convention at Alma June 24 to 27 by
Viola Devoe Bessie Slutts A II
Nicholas and F W7 Pel ton
Walter Pennington and family of
Missouri Ridge attended church here
Sunday and took dinner at G N Cun
ninghams in the edge of Kansas
Mrs- Thompson of Wilsonville has
been staying with her sons wife during
his absence Mr Thompson is in Ot
tawa looking over the country with a
view of locating
Rev Pogue preached at the McCarty
school house Sunday afternoon Mrs
Gatewood and children of Arapahoe
came with him They will visit until
after the 4th at her fathers
John Hummells team ran away Sat
urday on the road south of town The
team fell and broke the wagon tongue
thereby stopping themselves Henry
Ilorton in the wagon had a close call
Misses Snyder sister of Mrs Scofield
came in last Friday They will spend
their vacation here One is a teacher
in the high school at MinneapolisMinn
and the other teaches in the Omaha
high school
Dr Isham field secretary for the
Wesleyan university at Lincoln spoke
at the M E church Sunday He spoke
of the advantage of Christian education
and the work done at the university
xVfter the talk a collection of S20 was
taken for the support of the school lie
spoke at Danbury in the evening
Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Ten
Years of Suffering
I wish to say a few words in praise of
Chamberlains Colic Cholera and
Diarrhcea Remedy says Mrs Mattie
Burge of Martinsville Va I suffered
from chronic diarrhoea for ten years and
during that time tried various medi
cines without obtaining any permanent
relief Last summer one of my children
was taken with cholera morbus and I
procured a bottle of this remedy Only
two doses were required to give her
entire relief I then decided to try the
medicine myself and did not use all
of one bottle before I was well and I
have never since been troubled with
that complaint One cannot say too
much in favor of that wonderful medi
cine This remedy is for sale by all
Maude Wilson is helping her mother
vith her work now
Ida Modrell visited with her brother
J A Modrell one day last week
A few of the young folks spent Satur
day evening with Ella and Debbie John
J A Modrell had a cow killed by
lightning during the storm Wednesdaj
Qf last week
The wind last week was hard on
windmills It tore the wheels from
Frank and Fred Lakins and S C
Kings and W Y Johnsons mills
Mrs Wilson a deaconess from the M
E hospital at Omaha spoke at the
church last Sunday morning and even
ing and received a subscription of 15
to apply on the new hospital building
My How the weeds grow
Now all
together pull
J H Relph Ed LawthersWm Relph
and AVOlmstead had their grain cut
last week
A V Olmsteads barn granary and
hen house were wrecked during the
storm of the 20th
O B Woods returned from Omaha
first of week
Jesse Naden arrived from Franklin
college Monday
J L Sims shipped three cars of hogs
to Kansas City this week
A C Furman has sold the News
plant to John and Ed Ruby
James Williams surveyed section 15
town 1 range 28 for J C Lafferty
J L Sims was elected director The
meeting voted to have a new school
Mrs W A Stone who was visiting
her brother in Republican City return
ed Thursday
S S Cass and wife Sundayed with
Jesse Smiths and reported all kinds of
fruit on his place
Jake Wicks mother and wife the
grain merchant of Marion Sundayed
with friends here
Adam Grass and family who were
visiting Philip Gliems returned to their
home in Hastings Tuesday
JLSims had a sale last Saturday
He sold two reapers horse harness and
buggies Fred Wiggins was auctioneer
In the dust storm last Friday
evening five windmills were blown to
pieces and the roof of J C Laffertys
house was blown off and Tom Balls
barn was blown over
Rev Shepherd delivered a very inter
esting lecture Saturday evening at the
M E church to an appreciative audi
ence subjectDiamonds in the Rough
of which we have an abundance
Rev Mason preached a practical ser
mon to a house full Sunday evening in
the Congregational church subject
The open door He exhibited to the
audience the fact that there is an open
door for all the young ladies and gen
tlemen which leads to a higher life not
only here but hereafter
One Ladys Recommendation Sold Fifty
Boxes of Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver Tablets
I have I believe sold fifty boxes of
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab
lets on the recommendation of one lady
here who first bought a box of them
about a year ago She never tires of
telling her neighbors and friends about
the good qualities of these tablets P
M Shore druggist Rochester Ind
The pleasant purgative effect of these
tablets makes them a favorite with
ladies everywhere For sale by all
i druggists
It is plenty wet now for the hay men
Marion Powell is here again looking
over the ranch
Blanche Henderson is helping Mrs A
C Pew pick cherries
It was a mistake about W E WThites
little girl being scalded last week as was
reported from Danbury
One of Mr Nilssons hay men left for
parts unknown Sunday and took with
him a suit of clothes watch and chain
and 82 in money that did not belong to
The wagon bridge west of town fell in
Monday while James Taylor was cross
ing it with a team and wagon No
damage was done only to the bridge
which will be rebuilt by WV Miller
Doctors Said He Would Not Live
Peter Fry WoodruffPa writes After
doctoring for two years with the best
physicians in Waynesburg and still
getting worse the doctors advised me if
I had any business to attend to I had
better attend to it at once as I could
not possibly live another month as there
was no cure for me Foleys Kidney
Cure was recommended to me by a
friend and 1 immediately sent my son
to the store for it and after taking three
bottles I began to get better and con
tinued to improve until I was entirely
well Sold by A McMiilen
mV Til yw
the many so called birth medicines aud
most remedies for women in the treatment
of her delicate organs contain more or
less opium morphine and strychnine
Do You Know that in most countries
druggists are not permitted to sell narcot
ics without labeling them poisons
Do You Know that you should not
take internally any medicine for the
pain accompanying pregnancy
Do You Know that Mothers Friend
is applied externally only
Do You Know that Mothers Friend
is a celebrated prescription and that it
has been in use over forty years and that
each bottle of the genuine bears the name
of The Bradfield Regulator Co
Do you know that when you use this
remeay aunng xne penou ui gcuitiuii
Small fruit cherries and mulberries that you will be free of pain and bear
are ripe ana tnose wno nave orcnaras aeaiuy aeauy unu ucv tmimcu i
are busy caring for them
Corn is recovering rapidly from the
effects of the hail and with favorable
weather will make a crop yet
Well these thines are worth knowing
They are facts Of druggists at ioo
Dont be persuaded to try a substitute
Our little book Motherhood free
John Tenis is very sick with pneu
Merle Hostetter departed for her home
in Blue Hill Monday
GCramer is building an addition to
his house south of town
Alice Thomas and Cora Thompson
visitod in Bartloy Sunday
Charlie Catlett of Bartley nttended
services at the M E church here Sun
day morning
J J Samms of Blackhawk Colorado
has moved his household goods here and
will locate with us
The Epworth League social given out
for last Friday evening was postponed
on account of the storm
The band accorded a welcome to Mr
Goddard and wife by treating them to a
serenade Monday evening
Adam lirass ana family came over
from Danbury Tuesday and will visit
with friends here for awhile
The Cecilian Concert Co under the
auspices of the Epworth League gave a
musical which was well received
George Cramer has bought Mrs
Chinns property south of town and
will move as soon as it is vacated
Jasper Phillips of the Reporter hos
gone to Indiana on a visit Frank
Lacky is attending to his affairs during
his absence
Henry Powell reports a shotgun stolen
from his barn one night last week and
offers a reward for the capture of the
guilty party
The annual school meeting was held
here Monday afternoon and resulted in
the election of Lewis Corbin in place of
R Thomas and the reelection of F
Veriug by a unanimous vote
The sporting world is all astir The
ball players of Danbury came over Sat
urday and had a game of ball with our
boys our boys being the winners Later
our team went to Oxford and were de
One of the worst storms that ever
visited this section of the country ocur
red here last Friday and was very dis
astrous to property A small amount
of rain fell which was accompanied by
much electricity
Childrens day was appropriately ob
served at the M E church Sunday eve
ning and an interesting program was
given Rev Crippen preached an ex
cellent sermon in the morning and at
the close of the meeting baptized and
took into membership ten young con
Captain L Goddard and wife are
visiting old time friends and acquaint
ances in McCook and Indianola He
hails from the Philippines and is enroute
to his home in Marysville Tennessee
He lived here when a boy and after an
absence of many years is viewing again
the scenes of his boyhood days
Chamberlains Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy
This remedy is certain to be needed in
almost every home before the summer
is over It can always be depended up
on even in the most severe and danger
ous cases It is especially valuable for
summer disorders in children It is
pleasant to take and never fails to give
prompt relief Why not buy it now It
may save life For sale by all druggists
Ed Curleeof Lincoln is here this week
Dr Mackechnie was in town first of
Cross arms are being put on the tele
phone poles
Dr Brown and wife made a business
visit to Cambridge this week
Childrens day at the M E church
has been postponed indefinitely
Hagge the sugar beet man was look
ing after the work here this week
Theobalds house looms up in fine
style since the painting is finished
The concrete works are now in full
blast turning out fine building blocks
A little daughter of Henry Harsh had
her elbow joint dislocated during the
storm Friday
Sam Hoagland and son from north
west of Indianola were business visitors
here Wednesday
The general appearance of Hoovers
livery barn has been improved by a coat
of paint this week
James Williamson of Colby Kansas
visited here a few days last week and
left for home Sunday He is pleased
with his home at Colby
John Harry Dr HathornOtis Farrer
AHuntwork and Bert Stevens each had
a windmill destroyed Friday Dan
Wolf had two windmills and other
property smashed up
Five cars were blown from the siding
onto the main line No 5 was flagged
and pushed the cars back to their proper
place Had the cars gone out in the
night a serious accident would likely
have occurred
Fridays storm did considerable dam
age in this vicinity blew away part of
the roof of S B Rowes house and lift
ed Lincolns barn carrying it about 100
yards and setting it down right side up
in Jones Crawmers lots
Working Night and Day
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr Kings New
Life Pills These pills change weakness
into strength listlessness into energy
brain fag into mental power Theyre
wonderful in building up the health
Only 25c per box Sold by L W Mc
Omaha Business Mens Association
Corrects a False Impression
Omaha June 9 An Impression seems to
have gone out through various channels
that the Business Mens association recent
ly organized in Qinuha Is bent on crushing
ouc the labor unions of this city and Is af
filiated In some way with a nntlonal body
similarly inimical to organized labor A
statement recently Issued the authority
of the Omaha Business dis association
denies this completely and further shows
that even In the closed meetings of the as
sociation the speeches of members have al
ways been marked by the most respectful
attitude toward the laboring man and not
a word has been said that would suffer
from public repetition
The conference between the labor lend
ers and the pedal committee or the Busi
ness Mens association that was called by
Governor Mickey brought out a clear and
emphatic statement of the position
of the two bodies as shown by the
stenographic report which has just been
transcribed It has been claimed In some
quarters that this conference was barren
of results but the exact alignment of posi
tions obtained through It should afford con
slderable satisfaction even If no advance
was made toward arbitration of the dis
This conference seems early to have set
tled down to an effort on the part of Hon
T J Mahoney the attorney of the Busi
ness Mens association to pin the represen
tatives of labor to a delinlte and explicit
statement of the position and aims of the
strike then on in Omaha In this he seems
to have succeeded very well though at
times calling upon himself expostulations
from Mr Bell the president of the Central
Labor union who insisted that he was nor
a witness to be cross questioned and that
Mr Mahoney used very harsh terms in de
fining their position
In the first place Mr Mahoney stated to
the conference that the Business Mens as
sociation had never questioned the right of
the laboring man to organize in unions nor
did they now question the rights of such
unions to exist but he wished to establish
the corollary of this by ascertaining
whether the representatives of labor there
present would also acknowledge the right
of existence to unorganized labor This
right was thereupon admitted by Mr Bell
and his associates but they stoutly main
tained the union men could not be expect
ed to associate with or work alongside of
nonunion men They would not deny the
right of employers to hire nouunion men
but they would insist that such men i
once make application to enter the union
Asked if that did not result in forcing all
employes into union ranks thus in reality
driving out the nonunion men the reply
was made that they had no desire to crush
him they only wanted to get hold of him
and talk to him and inuke a man of
It was finally brought out however and
in most unequivocal terms that the repre
sentatives of the labor unions present
would never be willing to submit to arbi
tration the three salient points of the dis
pute I The right of the employer to
hire both uuljii and nonunion men with
out discrimination 2 the use of the boy
cott and J the sympathetic strike Tlmv
Insisted that these were their weapons
and perfectly legitimate weapons in their
warfare against the nonunion man as they
expressed it warfare agj inst the man
who resists the onward march of organized
labor It was further maintained with
considerable show of effrontery that in the
laboring world the majority is to rule and
the minority must eventually yield Final
ly Mr Bell declared quite hotly The
time has gone by in this community when
the individual has any very material rights
On the part of the Business Mens associa
tion on the otaer hand the point was verv
clearly made that they do not refuse to
grant to the tinions that much sought fo
recognitiou if such recognition implies
simply an ac fiowledgment of their legal
existence or even an agreement to settle
questions affecting wages and hours with
the ofiiccrs or committees representing
such unions but the association in com
mou with similar bodies of business men
in Denver Kans s City Chicago New
York and other cities does refuse to rec
ognize the unions if that recognition can
be accomplished only by signing contracts
In which the employer is pledged to em
ploy union m n exclusively and to refuse
supplies merchandise or service to any in
dividual firm or corporation that may b
pronounced at any time unfair by the
The kernel of the whole dispute seems to
lie in this 1 u union men believe or pre
tend they believe that their unions are in
danger of disruption if they concede these
principles to their employers The latter
while absolutly refusing to surrender to
such dictatorship have endeavored to point
out that there will still be left much for
organized labor to accomplish in this world
without trying to run on union lines both
the employes and the employers ends or
the entire business of the community
Thh position was voiced recently by a
well known business man of Omaha who
said Where would this sort of thing
lead us were the unions to win out iu their
strike It would result in a form of oli
garchy in which the dictators would be a
few men sitt lg behind a table in Labor
Temple a litte government within the gov
ernment issuing their mandates to the
business men the professional men the
moneyed men the statesmen of Nebraska
Not a laborer could find work who did not
belong to a nor could he on the
other hand belong to a union unless that
union saw fit to elect him Nor could any
employer offer work uuless he agreed to
abide by all the rules that the union might
create of the justice aud equity of which
the union should be the sole arbiter
The daily press of Omaha has attempted
to cloud the Issue By skillful use of head
lines and juggling with the facts these
papers have given out the impression for
reasons best Inown to themselves that in
many cases tue strikes had been won by
the men and that in other instances the
scale had been signed up by the em
ployers Such defections have only oc
curred among the smaller establishment
and have not In any way affected the gen
eral result The terms on which the vast
majority of strikers have returned to work
in Omaha indicate a complete surrender of
their demands Indeed there have been
no terms at all except that the men take
their places and continue their employ
ment as before wages not having seemed
to cut much figure in this altercation The
Business Mens association has not been
jarred in the least It is by all odds the
most representative body of employers ever
gotten together in Omaha for any purpose
made up much along the same lines as the
famous Knights of So far It
has been very ably manned developing
from day to day greater strength of pur
pose aud a clearer knowledge of what it Is
about The meetings are maintained with
regularity secrecy and strict attendance
The business men of Omaha seem to have
adopted as their working principle the now
famous declaration found In the report of
the nnthracite coal strike commission as
The right to remain at work when oth
ers have censed to work or to engage anew
In work which others have abandoned Is
part of the personal liberty of a citizen
that can nevtr he surrendered and every
infringement thereof merits and should re
ceive the stern denouncement of the
u -
Constipation headache backachevfeel
mean no appetite all run down Hollia
tors Rocky Mountain Tea will make you
I well and keep you well Money back u
it fails ao cents xea or taoiot ioiui
L W McConneli
Early Risers
For quick relief from Biliousness
Sick Headache Torpid Liver Jaun
dice Dizziness and all troubles aris
ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver
DeWltts Little Early Risers are un
They act promptly and never gripe
They are so dainty that i t Is a pleasure
to take them One to two act as a
mild laxative two or four act as a
pleasant and effective cathartic They
are purely vegetable and absolutely
harmless They tonic the liver
E C DeWitt CoChicago
For Sale by L W McConnell
To Preyent Hog Cholera
From appearing on your farm
Be prudent this yonr and pre
vent a repetition of the losses
of previous years
Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee
V i cP pv Kit-
14 Tb
roPfrr A
Av 0 A NI
sa I
Delmout S D Dec 17 Kr
I used L K for Iiok cholera and it was all
riht It cured my Iioks I had throe feick ones
and they all pot woll and done lino I also
ued it for chicken lice and mites and it is all
you claim for it It is the only Medicino for hog
cholera I think UotlieijJehke
Harrington Nob Dec U 1W1
I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleiii ed
with it I am sure I saved my Iiogs with it last
year and am going to keep it in stock all the
time as it is the best thing I ever had on the
place for everything it is intended for It is
good for chicken cholera lice on stock insects
of all kinds it will destroy all kinds
F V Woman
Manufactured by the National Medical Com
pany Sheldon Iowa
5 i
ra musnk T9 m b zn en m
amasi iyvn
siJ i UnKsm
h 2S25 Keeley St
H Ohicacjo 111 Oct 2 1902
jfl I suffered -with falling and con-
1 estion of the womb with severe
j pains through the groins I
tf3 terea terriblv at tne time or men
struation had blinding headaches
and rushing of blood to the brain
7hat to try I knew not for it
seemed that 1 had tried all and
failed but I had never tried Wine
of Cardui that blessed remedy for
sick women I found it pleasant
to take and soon knew that I had
the right medicine New blood
seemed to course through my veins
and after using eleven bottles I
was a well woman
Mrs Bush is now in perfect
health because she took Wine of
Cardui for menstrual disorders
bearing down pains and blinding
headaches when all other remedies
failed to bring her relief Any
sufferer may secure health by tak
ing Wine of Cardui in her home
The first bottle convinces the pa
tient she is on the road to health
For advice in cases requiring
special directions address giving
symptoms The Ladies Advisory
Department The Chattanooga
Medicine Co Chattanooga Term
Indianola Nebraska June 16 1904
Notice is horeby given that F K Miller has
filed in the city clerks office his petition and
bond for a license to sell malt spirituous and
vinous liquors in the building on lot 21 block
H9 in the Second ward original city of Indiano
la from May 1 1901 to April i0 1903
6-17-it F K Miller Applicant
Ordinance No 116
An ordinance appropriating such sums of
money as are deemed necessary to defray all of
the expenses and liabilities of the city of Mc
Cook Redwillow countv Nebraska as per
estimates heretofore made by said city for the
current fiscal year for the payment of tho same
He it ordained by the mayor and council of
the city of McCook
Section 1 That the following sums of money
be and the same is hereby appropriated to de
fray the necessary expenses and liabilities of
the said city of McCook Redwillow county Ne
braska for the currentfiscal jear for the objects
and purposes stated herein
Salaries of officers 500 00
Making repairing streets alloys and
crosswalks 1000 CO
To pay firemen and supplies 500 00
Rent for water troughs and street sprink
ling 2200 00
Supplies rent claims printing and elec
tions 1100 00
Lighting streets 1400 00
Interest on bonds and sinking fund 1000 00
Library fnnd COO CO
Section 2 That there bo and the same is
hereby levied on the taxablo property within
the corporate limits of the said city of McCook
for tho purpose of defraying the expensos afore
said the following tax on said property namely
General fund 9 mills
Waterfund 7 mills
Electric light fund 4 mills
Section 3 That this ordinance shall take
effect and be in force from and aftpr its
ageapproval and publication according to law
Passed and approved this 27th day of June
A D 1904
Attest C I Hall C J Rtax
City Clerk Acting Mayor
drug store
Office over
Office Phone 160
Res Phone 131
Registered Graduate Dentist
Formerly located in At
lanta Georgia All opera
tions pertaining to modern
dentistry performed accord
ing to the latest scientific
methods used in the large
ir and
iteam Filter
I earl and Sewer Pipe Brass
dnnds PumDS an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Halliday Waupun bclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker
Phillips Building
Professional Nurse
Will do Shampooing and Hairdress
Ing at home as usual Second doors east of
Commercial hotel
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13
Consultation free
Graduate of Kansas
City Lental College
Over Jas McAdams
Telephone 43
McCook Nebraska
B Sif II
Office over Grannis store McCook Neb
and Surgeon
Office over McMillena drug storo Residence
iXS Jiam Aveune Kpsidenco phone 53 Office
phono 28 Calls answered niglit or duy
McCook Nebraska
5bAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Waterworks Office in Postoffice building
McCook Nebraska
Office In Court House Phone 181
McCook Nebraska
Telephone 44 p p Building
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A BusjcMedioiiiB for Besj People
Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor
n fpeciflc for Constipation Indigestion Live 1
nnrtR irea Sluggish Bowels Headache
fpt IfSRocky Mountain Tea in tab
Km rSion Cent2 a box- Genuine made by
Mollister Drug
Company Madison Wis
yv e
SaiV Alirev miiu
Oold metallic boxesT 5iKhlnMKeU 1
Take no other ReVu lth bIue ribbon
tutionanl Imitation 7C5POUB tt
or send in J uJiofyourUiJKi
stomns for
monlalH anil rSiJ rilca T
all Drugjjists o Testimonials Sold by
2100 Sadhnn v iOAI CO
Mention tMB6Dep
The commissioner
to locitn
locate a
commencing nt tlo
three 3
SirMi P
iuarterofsnct0r ir i tho
WtoWiT Is 8K
low coniVeb Red
half section line one 1 mile tX Ce north on
corner of the northwest onartnnft0 ortueast
7 township three 3SanlCU v
west of tho Sixth P M aSrteSnI8h5t28
at has reported in favor ofKtfuthewi
and all objections thereto or 2
ages must bo filed in the conntv im
before noon of the 17thd25nf Arkofilce 0l
said road will be established witte r19W or
thereto reference
Countj Clork
f -
N 1