l fc CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Advent Sabbath school at 2 p in proachjn at 3 Prnyor mooting ovary Tuesday evening Eldkic G II Smith Pastor Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Louohuan Pastor Christian Uiblo school at 10 Preach ing at 11 subject Christian Citizen ship Union services at tho park afn 730 Should tho weather bo unfit union services will bo held at tho liap tisfc church G T Bukt Pastor Concukoational Sunday school 1 0 a m Y P S C E at p m Prayer and conference mooting on Wednesday evening Sunday morning subject Loy alty In tho ovening at 730 a union patriotic service in tho park Gkouok A Conrad Pastor Eimscoial Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in tho month Sunday school at 10 oclock a in Morning prayer at 11 andevening prnyer and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in tho month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Eaklk Rector Fikst Baptist Church Sermons at 11 a m and 745 p m Biblo school at 915 a m Junior society at 3 p m B Y P U at 745 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8 p m Morning subject Tyranny of Our Past Un ion services in tho park in tho evening C R Betts Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Class mooting at 12 Epworth League at 7 15 Prayor meeting every Thursday evening at 815 Preaching at 11 Union services in the park in the evening Tho Epwcrth League at its last meeting decided to hold a free social tho last week of each month M B Cakman Pastor Tho churches will unite in a gospel temperance service the last Sunday of tho month Last Sunday morning was devoted to missions at tho Methodist church 107 being raised This makes 8137 for mis sions this year Night Was Her Terror I would cough nearly all night long writes Mrs Charles Applegato of Alex andria Ind and could hardly get any sleep I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood but when all other medicines failed three SI bottles of Dr Kings New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds Its absolutely guaranteed to euro coughs colds la grippebronchitis and all throat and lung troubles Price 50c and SI LW McConnell druggist Trial bottles free Burlingtons Low Rate Summer Tours Go somewhere this summer If not to St Louis then to tho mountains lakes or seashore Examine this great scheme of vacation tours St Louis and return All kinds of reduced rates daily besides special coacli excursions each Monday iu June Chicago and return Either direct or via St Louis daily low rates also very cheap June 16 to 20 Indianapolis and return 243 1 Juno 26 and 27 Atlantic City and return 4225 July 9 and 10 Cincinnati and return 2940 July 15 to 17 Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo Glenwood Springs Salt Lake Practically half rates all summer Michigan Minnesota and Wisconsin The lako resorts and lako steamer tours very favor able rates stopovers at St Louis on through tickets See the grandest creation by tho hand of man Ask the agent for full details or write LWWakeley general passenger agent Omaha Neb Cheap rates to Colorado and Utah points will bo in effect from June 1st to September 30 Enquire at ticket office It Looks Different to Daniel Daniel Freeman is now visiting Cap tain I II Wasson on Driftwood Mr Freeman scouted in this and adjoining counties in 18G2 looking up government property such as horses and wagons that had been taken by tho Indians from Fort Kearney Captain Tyler had charge of tho fort at that time Ho be ing in sympathy with tho south deserted his post and joined tho rebel army Ho was killed at Balls Bluff later Through his carelessness Uncle Sam lost over a thousand head of horses and mules Mr Freeman ranked as first lieuten ant and had 110 men in his command and had to whip tho Indians to get the property Ho visited Tuesday on Spring Creek ranch where they routed and put to flight a number of Indians that dis puted their progress at that time Mr Freeman sees a vast change in forty years Where tho wigwam stood then tho cherry and apple tree stand now no says he felt then that this country would bo settled up and become a farm ing community Officers outranking him said this country would never bo anything but a homo for Indians its not worth fighting for Freeman you aro homesick nothing will ever grow here This was tho way thoy all talked Col onel Murphy had chargo later of tho post in 186M when Mr Freeman was sent with his company to drive tho In dians out of Kansas and Southwestern Nebraska making it safe for settlers on the borders at that time Mr Freeman has lived to seo what he fought for come to pass Ho was 78 years old last April and still remains in fairly good health and hopes to see Red willow county harvest ono of tho finest crops sho has over had I II W She Tried Five Doctors Mrs Frances L Sales of Missouri Valley la writes I have been afllict ed with kidney trouble five years had severe pains in my back and a frequent desire to urinate When riding I expe rienced much pain over tho region of tho kidneys I tried five physicians without benefit and then concluded to try Foleys Kidney Cure After taking three SI bottles I was completely cured Sold by A McMillen European rates aro way down If you wish to visit the old country or have friends there wishing to como to this country now is the time Consult tho ticket agent Scale books Typewriter papers The Tribune The Man Who Toils Is the man who ought to have the best things to eat because his system re quires it Workingmen and everybody else who want the best meat come to our shop We run the best butcher shop in town Our place is clean The meat we sell is tender and fresh The prices we ask are low enough to suit anybody If you knew how particular we are to give satisfaction youd never buy elsewhere Anton Magner 11 summer pdotweab ll Low Shoes for men women boys girls children and babies SPORTING FOOTWEAR Shoes for base ball tennis foot racing and gymnasium for everybody Just the thing for summer From 150 to 75c THE MODEL SHOE STORE A E PETTY Proprietor McCook Nebraska s 13 Time card ilp McCook Neb mm MAIN LIKE KAHT DKIABT No C Central Time 111s p m 2 G2AM 12 U20M 11 955 pm No 5 arrives from east at 8 p in MAIN LINK WKST DEPAHT No 1 Mountain Time 1154 am 11V5p m H PM 80m IMPOJIAI LINK No 17t arrive Mountain Timo 540i M No 17rnlopurts 015 am Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars emits freel on through trains Tickets old and baggage cjiockod to any point in the United States or Canada For information timetables maps and tick ets call on or write Tlforge Scott Agont Mc Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Iubseu gor Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Fireman A J Dillon is on sick list Engineer F EWhitnoy is on sick list Con Klein of pnhttgantf has resigned II Holler clinker pit man nights has resigned Fireman Jacob Mat was on sick list first of week A C Wiehe round house machinist has resigned J A Thuline and wife aro visiting in Hastings this week Conductor George Bunting has Con ductor Benjamins ran Conductor and Mrs Neal Bealer are visiting relatives in Beaver City Mr and Mrs J V Chase have re turned from their visit in tho east Fireman and Mrs William Deere havo returned from their trip to St Louis Conductor Eph Benjamin is still absent on grievance committee work Mr and Mrs L 11 Rarick will enjoy the Fourth down in bleeding Kansas Master Mechanic R B Archibald had business on StFrancis line first of week A N Campbell and W F Shultz have taken 30 days to enjoy a vacation R L Ingham has been transferred from round house force into the paint gang M S Parks F C Roberson G W Beard and W P Redifer are still on the sick list Fireman J R Sullivan and wife have arrived homo from taking in the big do ings iu St Louis Conductor Tom Malen has had the 103 during Conductor Tom McCarls ab sence from service Conductor and Mrs W II Browne arrived home early in the week from their Wisconsin visit Brakeman G L Burney took a brief vacation this week and J E Rider was in his place the while Brakeman and Mrs Herb W Concver are interested in a fino boy who arrived at their home Sunday last Roy Kleven is now working the third dispatchers trick with Comrade Morris sey succeeding Joe Culbertson Way car 124 damaged at Akron some time since is now about ready to go out of the carpenter shop into service Machinist A C Wiehe leftlast night for Villa Park 111 where he has been offered a foremanship iu the shops The Burlington is to build a new de pot at Beatrice soon It will be after the similitude of tho Hastings depot Tho wind of last Friday evening blew off many of the shingles on the roof of the boiler division ofthe round house Conductor and Mrs T F Ennght are looking after the welfare of a daugh ter whose arrival dates from last Friday Engineer C W Stephens has return ed from his visit in Michigan He also kvisited in St Louis before he returned It is a matter of rumor that Foreman Fullers new office building will be moved further north in the companys reservation The tin shop has been moved into the east end of machine shop and the old tin shop will be fitted up as an office for Foreman Fuller Mr and Mrs C C Iliggins departed on Sunday night for Wymore where he will assume the position of round house foreman July 1st Commencing with June 24th local freights between Hastings and Denver were placed on an every-other-day schedule cutting right in two that ser vice Harry Stewart went to work this morning after a lay off of a few weeks during which he visited the homefolks at Alma and took in the great exposition at St Louis The Lincoln Star seems to be deter mined to merge the Southern division into the Western division whether or no Well if you must come up Well treat you right Theodore Smart a Burlington train dispatcher at Wymore suicided at the ball ground at that place Tuesday after noon by shooting himself Ill health is givon as the cause for the deed Conductor V H Soliiday arrived home last Saturdayfrom Denver where he was recently operated upon He is improving and doing well in every re spect but will not return to the road for some time until fully recovered and strong again Way car 36 Conductor C J Snell has been taken out of service for the present and the boys go on the extra list This reduces- the regular freight train crews on- the main line to fifteen Thoro have been ns many as twenty three crews in service Genl Supt Calvert and Supt Camp bell each in their own privato cars went over tho Western division first of week drawn by the special inspection ongine Supt Campbell returned home Wednesday Conductor F B Lewis of Denver lrad tho train in charge Commencing with July 1st fast freights Nos 70 and 77 will be run by assigned regular crews The following uamod conductors and their crews will be in charge of these trains Conductors F MWashburn W II Browne II A Beale J W Lino and II A Rouch Train Dispatcher Joo B Culbertson left on Monday night for Denver where ho will assume tho position of chief train dispatcher on tho Denver North western Pacific tho Moffat road under Asst Supt and Trainmaster W M Edgar About fifty miles of that line are now in regular operation Another Veteran Joins the Majority After an illness of long duration James B Pickering a well known resi dent of this county passed to his long home last Friday afternoon Tho fu neral occurred on Saturday afternoon The bereaved ones are remembered in much tender sympathy by many neigh bors and friends The following brief account of his life is handed the pub lisher OHITLARY Jamks B Pickering died at his homo in Gerver precinct Redwillow county Nebiaska June 24 1904 of stomach trouble Deceased was 63 years of ago Was a veteran of the civil war where he contracted tho disease which caused his death September 1 1870 he was mar ried to Virginia J Jenney at McComb Illinois To this union four children were born one of whom precedes him He had been a resident of Nebraska since 1874 The funeral was held from his home conducted by Rev L E Hart assisted by Revs Kennedy and Gollaher of the U B church of which he had been a member for eighteen years Tho re mains were laid to rest in Fairviow cenetery w t g Burlingtons Low Rate Summer Tours The man or woman who takes a vaca tion during the heated period is tho one who lives tho longest enjoys life the most and does the best work The Burlington offers excursion rates in every direction so low that there is no excuse for staying at home Below are some of them St Louis and return All kinds of reduced rates daily s Chicago and return Either direct or via St Louis daily low rates Atlantic City and return 4225 July 9 and 10 Cincinnati and return 2940 July 15 16 and 17 Michigan Minnesota Wisconsin the lake resorts and lake steamer tours very low rates stopovers at St Louis on through tickets affording a visit to the great exposition the grandest creation by the hand of man Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo Glenwood Springs Colo Salt Lake City Utah and the Yellowstone Park of Wyoming practically half rates all summer Ask the agent for details or write L W Wakeley General Passenger Agent Omaha The pill that will will fill the bill Without a gripe To cleanse the liver without a quiver Take one at night DeWitts Little Early Risers are small easy to takeeasy and gentle in effectyet they are so certain in results that no one who uses them is disappointed For quick relief from biliousness sick head ache torpid liver jaundice dizziness and all troubles arising from an inactive sluggish liver Early Risers are un equalled Sold by L W McConnell Researchers Entertain Husbands One of the attractive social affairs of the summer was the evening party given by the ladies of the Research club of the city Tuesday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs W R Starr in honor of their husbands There were about forty present and the function was quite swell in every appointment The decorations of the house were in the club colors pink and white and the color scheme was carried out in the re freshments served during the evening There was an informal program of mu sic and recitations in which Mrs F W Bosworth Mrs F C Fuller and Mrs WWArchibald gave numbers in recita tions and Mrs W B Mills Mr W R Starr and Mr H C Clapp sang and played a number of selections MrsW B Mills and Mr JW McGillin render ed music throughout the evening on piano and violin also An elaborate four course luncheon was served Piles Upon Top of Piles Piles upon top of piles of people have the piles and DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve cures them There are many different kinds of piles but if you get the genuine and original Witch Hazel Salve made by E C DeWitt Co of Chicago a cure is certain HATisdale of Summerton S C says I had piles 20 years and DeWitts Salve cured me after everything else failed Sold by L W McConnell No Pity Shown For years fate was after me continu ously writes F A Gulledge Verbena Ala I had a terrible case of piles causing 24 tumors When all failed Bucklens Arnica Salve cured me Equally good for burns and all aches and pains Only 25c at McConnells drug store Itepis which should be of interest to men are UflMER V FRANKLIN President UP - THK r m m DIRECTORS CLOTHING Coat and Pants Suits Negligee Shirts Of these we have an extra select line with prices to suit all Whether you pay 50c or 200 we assure you the value is right We have a complete line of Neckwear Underwear Hosiery Umbrellas Shoes Etc Etc COME IN AND SEE US eGroffC2 BaBBaaaBiBBBn v A C EBERT Cashier CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK NEB a X Paid Up Capital 50000 Surp us 5000 X 4 4 4 U CO HUII IU Ul C MCADI Atin A n CDCOT W B WOLFE C H WILLARD o 4 ijjmjra Trade Marks Designs Copyrights c Anyone sending sketch anil description may quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether n Intention is probably patentable Communica tions strictly confldentiaL HANDBOOK on Patent sent free Oldest agency for securing patents Patents taken through Mann X Co receive tpedal notice without charge in te Scientific American A handsomely illustrated weekly Iueat cir culation of any sdenUflc Journal Terms 93 year four months Bold by all newsdealers M0NH8Co36 NewYork Brace- OZce GS F St Waihlcaton D C f JT xoxeoe The Original Foley Co ChicagOjOrigioated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foleys Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offered as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction It is mildly laxative It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons Sold by A McMillen Mary had a little lad Whose face was fair to see Because each night he had a drink Of Kocky Mountain Tea IiW McConnell 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE AMERICAS GREATEST WEEKLY The Toledo Blade TOLEDO OHIO New and Larger Building- New Presses New Steretype Plant New and Pldern Appliances n Every Department The Toledo Blade is now installed in its new building wth modern plant and equipment and facilities eqnal to any publication betwees New York and Chicago It the only weekly newspaper edited expressly for every state ami territory The news of the world so arrange that busy people can more easily comprehend than by reading cumbersome columns of dailii All current torncs made Dlain in eanh iswp h special editorial matter written from incepiiu down to date The only paper published for people who do not read daily newspa pers and yet thirst for plain facts Thtthu kind of a newspaper is popular is proven by th fact that the Weekly Blade now has over VUffR yearly subscribers and its circulation is in all parts of the TJ S In addition to the new tl Blade publishes short and serial stories and many departments of matter suited to every member of the family Only one dollar a yar Write for free specimen copy Addre33 Thk Blade Toledo Ohio Protection is Panic Proof is the title of the recent speech of Sena tor J H Gallinger of New Hampshire The speech has been issued in document form by the American Protective Tariff League One copy will be forwarded to any address upon postal card request addressed to W F Wakeman General Secretary 339 Broadway New York Ask for document No 78