The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 01, 1904, Image 4

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M TJTOffrlirTffffrrvr
Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
0 W Norris Red Willow County
Philip Gliem Danbury
p E Eldred McCook
James Hatfield McCook
Call For Senatorial Convention
Tlio Roimblicnn convention or tlio 29tli Sona
tornil District of Nehrnskn is lioreby called to
convono nt McCook Red Willow county Ne
braska on July 21st 1904 at two oclock p m
at tbo district Court room for tlio purpose of
piuciuk in iiominiuioii a ciiniimato tor the oliico
of senator from the 29th district and to trans
act such other businohs as may legally coino be
fore said convention
Tlio basis of representation in paid conven
tion will bo ono delegate for every hundred
votes or major fraction thoreof cast for the Hon
J H Barnea for judgo of the supremo courtand
ono dolegato at lnrgo for each county Said
representation will boas follows
Chase 4 Dundy 4
Frontier 8 Furnas II
Gosper r Hayes 4
Hitchcock 5 Rod Willow 11
i r cnnonded that no proxies bo allowed
and that the dolegntos proscnt cast the entire
vote of tlio county
Dated this Sill fin v nf Tunn loni
John STivnNsJn JMHollingsworth
Chairman Secretary
Pass Appropriation and Make Levy
Tho members of the city council were
in regular session Monday evening all
present and Mayor Ryan in the chair
Report of library board was submitted
and accepted It shows the total ex
penditures from June G 1003 to May
31st 1904 SG6S37
Bills as follows allowed
Barnett Lumber Co 100 35
Republican 535
F M Kimmell 1175
Official bond of George E Thompson
as a member of the library board was
Report of police judge accepted and
ordered on file It shows total amount
of fines collected to be 8118 receipt for
which from city treasurer was attached
to report
Ordinance No 116
covering the gen
eral appropriation and levy for the fiscal
year was passed It appears in full
elsewhere in this issue of The Tribune
The council hopes to be able to make
some definite progress in the matter of
the sewerage question in the near future
Brutally Tortured
A case came to light that for persistent
and unmerciful torture has perhaps
never been equalled Joe Golobick of
Colusa Calif writes For 15 years I
endured insufferable pain from rheuma
tism and nothing relieved me though I
tried everything known I came across
Electric Bitters and its the greatest
medicine on earth for that trouble A
few bottles of it completely relieved and
cured me Just as good for liver and
kidney troubles and general debility
Only 50c Satisfaction guaranteed by
L W McConnell druggist
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last Thursday evening
b Simonson to H W Parker qcd to e
hf ne qr in 8 and no qr so qr 17-1-27
south of railroad track 2 000 00
C A Leach to William Doyle wd to lot
G and part lot 5 in block 22 McCook
W A Dolan to Maynard Loomis wd to
lots 6 7 S in block 27 Indianola 1000 00
Alex F Meyer to A C Harlan wd to
lots 11 and 12 in block 5 McCook 1475 00
Small waists are no longer in style
Its the round plump waists that come
by taking Hollisters Eocky Mountain
Tea thats all the go 35 cents Tea
or tablet form L W McCoyxELL
The Nebraska State Fair will be held
at Lincoln August 29th to September
2d and the signs indicating a full
line of exhibits and a successful fair are
most encouraging Live stock exhibit
ors are most enthusiastic an additional
incentive being that all live stock win
ning a first or second premium at the
Nebraska State Fair will be transported
free of charge to the great live stock
show at the St Louis exposition an ap
propriation to pay such transportation
having been made by the Nebraska com
The implement department promises
to be full and overflowing more than
one half of the
space allotted such ex
hibits having already been assigned
Ihe demand for concession privileges
is greater than ever before and many of
the most valuable have been sold The
The State Fair premium list for 1901 is
ready for distribution and may be had
on application to EW Furnas Brown-
ville Neb
Fourth of July Rates via Burlingfton
Round trip tickets at very low rates
on sale July 23 and 4 Return limit
July 5 Minimum rate 25 cents Ask
the agent
We like best to call
a food because it stands so em
phatically for perfect nutrition
And yet in the matter of restor
ing appetite of giving new
strength to the tissues especially
to the nerves its action is that
of a medicine
Send for free sample
40915 Pearl Street New York
jocandjroo all druggists
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nob Juno 11 1901
Tho board of equalization composed of tlio
county commissioners county assessor and
county clerk mot for tho purpose of equalizing
tlio assessment for tho year 1901
Prosent J II Bennett D A Waterman and
Samuol Premor county commissioners F P
Fno county assessor and E J Wilcox county
Tho board commenced the equalization of as
sessment for tho year 1904 and continued the
same throughout tho day
On motion board adjourned to meet Juno 15
1801 J H Bennett Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clork
McCook Nob Juno IT 1901
Tho board of equalization metpursuant to ad
journment Present J H Bennett D A Wat
erman and Samuel Protnor county commission
ers F P Eno county assessor and E JWilcox
county clerk
Minutes of provious meeting read and ap
proved Board continued tho equalization of
assessments throughout the day On motion
board adjourned to meet Juno 16 1904
Attest E J Wilcox J H BejSnett
County Clerk Chairman
McCook Nob Juno 1G 1901
Board of equalization met pursuant to ad
journment Present J H Bennett D A Wat
erman and Samuel Premer county commission
ers F P Eno county assessor and E J Wil
cox county clerk
Minutes of provious meeting wore read and
approved Board continued the equalization
of assessments throughout the day
On motion board adjourned to meet Juno 17
1901- J H Bennett Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clork
McCook Neb Juno 17 1904
Board of equalization met pursuant to ad
journment Present J H Bennett D A Wat
erman and Samuel Premer county commission
ers t i Jno county assessor and E J Wil
cox county clork
Minutes of provious meeting were read and
approved Board continued tho equalization of
assessments throughout the day
On motion board adjourned to meet June 20
1901- J H Bennett Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk
McCook Nob June 20 1901
Board of equalization mot pursuant to ad
journment Present J H Bennett D A Wat
erman and Samuel Premer county commission
ers F P Eno county assessor and E J Wil
cox county clerk
On further consideration of equalization of
assessment for tho year 1901 tho board finds that
in order to mnko a just and equitable assess
ment it is necessary to add and deduct certain
percentages on tho real estate in the following
precincts to wit Alliance add 10 percent Box
Elder add 5 per cent Bondville add 5 percent
Danbury add in per cent Gorver add 25 per
cent Grant add 25 per cent Missouri Ridge
add 10 per cent Tyrone add 15 per cent Drift
wood deduct 15 per cont Porry deduct 15 per
cent Valley Grange deduct 25 per cent Wil
low Grove deduct 10 per cent Tho board hav
ing completed tho equalization of assessments
finds the total value of tho real and personal
property as returned by the assessors and equal
ized by the board of equalization for the year
1901 to be S139S32703
On motion the levy of taxes for tho year 1904
was made as follows
County general fund 6 mills
Willow Grove precinct bond due 1911 2 mills
Willow Grove precinct bond due in 190S1 mill
North Valley precinct bond 3 mills
Bartley village bond 7 mills
McCook city bond 3 mills
Bridge fund 2 mills
Road fund 2 mills
School district bond levies for the year 1904
District Levy District Levy
2 20 mills 25 4 mills
Gmills 52 3 mills
65 5mills 16 7 mills
27 6mills 42 8 mills
54 3mills 70 5 mills
17 22 mills 34 10 mills
18 6mills 51 9mills
76 15 mills 22 2 mills
36 5mills 49 2 mills
57 Smills 83 6 mills
The estimate of the school board of the city of
McCook having been filed with the board of
equalization as by law directed the following
levies were made
For current expenses 18 mills 6800 00
Interest on bonded debt and to creato
sinking fund to pay tho same 4 mills 1500 00
On motion the board adjourned sino die
J H Bennett Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk
McCook Neb June 20 1904
Tho board of county commissioners met in
regular session Present J H Bennett D A
Waterman and Samuel Premer county commis
sioners C E Eldred county attorney and E J
Wilcox county clerk The minutes of tho pre
vious meeting were read and approved
On motion the board adjourned to meet June
21 1904 J H Bennett Chairman
Attest EJ Wilcox County Clerk
McCook Neb Juno 21 1904
Tho board of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment Present J H Bennett DA
Waterman and Samuel Prnmr rnnnftr nnmmio
sioners C E Eldred county attorney and E J
Wilcox county clerk
Tho minutes of the previous meeting were
read and approved
On motion the sum of 100 was appropriated
and ordered paid to Flora B Quick county su
perintendent for tho purpose of defraying tho
expense of holding county institute
Tlio ofllcial bond of E D Thomas overseer
road district No 26
was examined and on mo
tion approved
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and on motion the clerk was instructed
to draw warrants on tho county general fund
levy of 1904 in payment thereof as follows
GW Predmore Son work on safe 5 00
D A Waterman commissioner service
and mileage 45 30
J H Bennett same 37 60
Samuel Premer same 56 35
F P Eno one half years salary county
assessor 300 00
E Wilcox office expense 15 55
A C Crabtree attending court fi m
R M Osborn bailiff 6 00
A C Crabtree serving road notices 11 90
Flora B Quick office expeuso second
Quarter 15 35
S S Graham chainman 4 60
Albert Guy rudse for paupers is 00
McCook E L Co light for May l 50
Andrew Phillips salary for May 25 00
PWalsh ico for court house n 00
U G Etherton services commissioner on
road No 379
C L Fahnestock medical service
State Journal Co supplies
L S Phillips printing and supplies
15 00
35 00
17 50
19 75
Yarger Notley plastering r 12 50
t Al Aimmell stationery and printing 33 35
W H Campbell work on closets 24 00
H P Waite Co scrapers etc 22 65
Mrs R Parsons board and caro pauper 15 00
Mrs F B Nichols house rent for paup I 00
James Williams surveying road 13 75
Charles Boos flagman M f 40
M B Harbaugb chainman 4 50
J A Wilcox supplies for court houee 1 45
J A Wilcox tndse for paupers j 15
i mi -- 1 1 mi a SaiiT
m WBSm
8 tHPl lAAtSSaIHtacnaWy I
All the food
choicest white
Sold in 2 lb
f lements KT - I
Am Arithometor Co paper 1 50
Perry Bee Co coal for paupers 4 40 I
Henry Winaus board of pauper 17 50
Wm Wight et al chainmen road No 379 7 00
M B Hogan painting 10 00
S Ross nursing pauper 10 00
U G Ethorton printing 1 35
David Eckhard house rent for pauper 3 00
Rev Henkelmnn bed and clothinc for
C H Harman assessing Porry and as
sisting in Willow Grove and McCook 192 00
J H Wade nssessingDriftwood 58 30
J E Kolley assessing Willow Grovo and
McCook city lfeg 00
W V Miller assessing Beaver and Dan-
buryvillago lis 40
SrPnlmn Knllno nccncciniT PInmon I
Do It Today
The time worn injunction Never put
off til tomorrow what you can do today
is now generally presented in this form
Do it today That is the terse advice
we want to give you about that hacking
cough or demoralizing cold with which
you have been struggling for several
days perhaps weeks Take some reliable
remedy for it today and let that rem
edy be Dr Botchees German Syrup
which has been in use for over thirty-
uvo years a iew doses of it will un
doubtedly relieve your cough or cold
and its continued use for a few days will
cure you completely No matter how-deep-seated
your cough even if dread
consumption has attacked your lungs
German Syrup will surely effect a cure
as it has done before in thousands of ap
parently hopeless cases of lung trouble
New trial bottles 25c regular size 75c
L W McConnell
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice June 27 1904
Breighnpt Edith Moore Rachel
Earl Ed Purinton C D
Hanlon Georgie Smith George
Goff H A J Turner Booeour
Woolfender F J
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
L W McConnell
asks the- readers of this paper who are
suffering with indigestion or dyspepsia
to call on him at once and get a bottle
of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure If you knew
the value of this remedy as we know it
you would not suffer fln
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a thorough
gestant and tissue building tonic as well
It is endorsed personally by hundreds of
of people whom it has cured of indiges
tion dyspepsia palpitation of the heart
and stomach troubles generally Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure digests what vou fin
It is pleasant palatable and strengthen
Train Service for the Fourth
An extra carrying coaches will leave
Oxford at 710 Edison 740 Arapahoe
805 flolbrook 825 Cambridge 845
Bartley 905 Indianola 929 arriving in
McCook at 10 a m Returning leaves
McCook at 11 p m No 5 will wait at
McCook until 11 p m
at Nature nurc
rlo - r i
i HLUVVIl III t n Itnrmo
Wheatose the Durest anH Kcr r
loods Absolutely the only weat
uie giuten m and all the
T - - I I
into the
with all
indigestible fibre out
packages by all high class grocers
penny fines
w not e a evil A
BoxEldPr 119 80 recurring con-
F S Lofton assessing Gerver and Dan
bury precinct 120 00
H N Colling assessing Bondville and
Missouri Bidge 100 50
L C Longnecker assessing Fritsch and
Bed Willow 145 00
H I Poterson assessing Grant and Val
ley Grange 102 00
A II McElroy assessing North Valley SI 50
Henry Crabtree assessing Indianola pre
cinct and Indianola city 148 20
S W Clark assessing Alliance East Val
ley and Bartley village lr9 50
W Devoe assessing Lebanon 79 00
J C Moore assessing Tyrone 60 00
And on tho county bridgo fund levy of 1904 in
payment thereof as follows 1
ueorgo lounger bridge work 13 25
W N Cratty same 1 00
Martin Rinck same 5 00 1
F W Mosoley grading bridge 17 00
Oxley bridge work
J Havens hauling t 3 00
James Havens bridge work 2 00
B C Bowman same 7 r0
H J Wales same 1 50
vv ijemaster same 7 50
Charles Foye same 3 00
C H Mundy same 7 50
Perry Bee Co lumber 163 93
J L Matson bridge work 6 00
P Walsh liauling lumber and bridgo
work m
Jackson Teeters bridge work 20 00
And on tho county road fund levy of 1904in
payment thereof as follows
Solomon Premer grading 3 00
S Bolles road work 5 on
J W Arbogast same a m
HTrehal same 3 oo
On motion the board adjourned to meet July
5th 1904
Attest E J Wilcox J H Bennett
County Clerk Chairman
Following will bo found a resume of
tho second annual report of tho McCook
public library containing all the infor
mation that it is believed will be of
general interest Tho showing is credit
able and cannot but be a source of
Kline s 00 gratification to the friends of the insti
tution The number of books added
during the year is not as large as it
should have been to maintain the de
sired standard but during the year the
library has been handicapped by a lack
of funds that it is hoped and believed
1 - - -
binuaucu 01 mo wise ana conservative
management that has marked its career
in the past will result in a vigorous
growth during tho coming year
May 31 1904 books on hand 2013
j Bound magazines 1S2
Encyclopedia britannica 24
Encyclopedia universal 12
Bible 1
Dictionary International Web
sters 1
Daily and weekly papers 7
Magazines received monthly 22
Books worn out 31
Amount received by donation 8124 47
Amount spent
plies etc
for books sup-
S 00 Amount on hand June 1 1903
C6S 37
Amount collected in fines June
1 03 to May 31 04 6G 26
Amount expended from penny
Amount on hand penny fines
Number of books lost and re
placed by losers
Number of books loaned since
library opened Sept 10 02
Number of books loaned from
June 1 1903 to May 31 1904
Number of visitors since library
opened Sept 10 1902 to May
31 1904
59 38
7 3S
Number of visitors from June 1
1903 to May 31 1904 21200
Number of books belonging to library
May 31 1904
General works 493
Philosophy 44
Religious 33
Natural Science 13
Useful arts r 30
Pine arts 19
Literature 279
History 945
Fiction 445
Juvenile 333
Sociology is
Total 2013
Number added during year 21S
Cured of Brights Disease
Robert O Burke Elnora N Y writes
Before I started to use Foleys Kidney
Cure I had to get up from twelve to
twenty times a nisrht and I was nil
bloated up with dropsy and my eyesight
was so impaired I could scarcely see one
of my family across the room I had
given up hope of living when a friend
recommended Foleys Kidney Cure
One 50 cent bottle worked wonders and
before 1 had taken the third bottle the
dropsy had gone as well as all other
symptoms of Bnghts disease Sold
by A McMillen
Worlds Fair Rates to St Louis
via Burlingfton Route
Tickets to St Louis and return good
for 15 days 2235 good 60 days S2480
good all summer 82980 For full in
formation about train service and other
details see the ticket agent
The St Louis exposition the greatest
show the world has ever seen is now
complete and in harmonious operation
and it will be a lifetimes regret if you
fail to see it
Weak Hearts
are caused by indigestion If you eat a
little too much or if you are subject to
attacks of indigestion the stomach ex
pandsswells and puffs up against the
heart This crowds the heart and
shortens the breath Rapid heart beats
and heart disease is the final result
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you
eat takes the strain of the heart cures
indigestion dyspepsiasour stomach and
contributes nourishment strength and
j ji a
Placing Ilia Fly In Ndt Merc Chnnce
but a Fine Art
The art of casting is in itself simple
and may be readily acquired by any
pinstatong fisherman The rod passes
only through 11 quadrant It starts par
allel with the water and coming to
the perpendicular stops iTlie motion
is a quick rigid jerk as fast as it can
be made and the rod does the rest
The motion forward is nt the beginning
a gradual feeling for the tension of the
line that is when it is about to
straighten Once this is assured the
movement increases in rapidity from
butt to tip the result being niucli the
same as driving at a peg Willi a lbng
handled hammer slow at the start
and quick at the finish the bend of the
rod being first at the butt and gradual
ly ascending to the tip
In casting nothingis left to elianci
by the expert caster Ho knows exact
ly where he wants to put his fly with
in a foot cr two and puts It tjiere the
feathered barb traveling past him at
from six inches to four feet above the
water as he may elect although it may
go above the shoulder If desired In
some long casts one may scC the fly
pass below the hip Indeed the degree
of command one can gradually acquire
is really wonderful
A single cast where hsh are located
is as a rule sufficient They will rise
at once and if tlio fisherman is un ex
pert at dropping his -fly lie can bring
fish to the spot from some distance
One may frequently see fish attracted
from a point so far from the fly that
they break water two or three limes
before taking the hook On the otlicr
hand a fly awkwardly dropped will be
taken with a leisurely grab the fish
simply sucking it in and the exhilara
tion of a spirited rise is lost The more
expert a fisherman is at fly casting the
Unore thoroughly he enjoys the sport-
Colliers Weekly
A Chinese JiCffeiid of the Orisfn
Thin Fierce Storia
This very odd bit is by a Chinaman
A little schoolboy while on his way
to school one day picked up what
seemed to him a small white pebble
He put it into his pocket It proved to
be a snake egg and in time through
the heat of his pocket it hatched out a
young reptile
The boy fell in love with it and car
ried it from day to day to school with
him and fed it with a part of his own
lunch until it became too big to be car
ried when he made a nest for it at
uut one day It suddenly grew to
enormous size and upon the boys ar
rival home he was frightened to death
When the monster saw what he had
done he was sorely afllicted and re
fused to be fed but immediately put on
mourning by turning his color from
brown to pure black He crawled be
side the grave of his departed friend
and lay there for seven days and
At the completion of the seventh
night he came back to his late home
uuu mi- uov 5 oici inorner was so en
raged at him for killing her only son
that she picked up an ax and chopped
his tail off
With a fearful scream and a lash of
his bleeding tail he felled the house
and made his way to the Moo Soon San
mountains where he never shows him
self but once a year just about tho
time when he lost his tail to come out
and make trouble for
the people by cre
ating storms called the typhoon This
he does to square himself for losing his
Valuable tail
Lunnge Anntomy
The modern interest in science
through observation has become
more or less of a mania Even the chil
dren are bitten by it The Little
icle says that Georgie aged five takes
a great interest in physiology and anat
One day some members of the family
had been studying a dissected porcu
pine and making drawings of the
Not long after his sisters took an old
lounge apart and Georgie watched
them Presently he came runnintr to
another member of the family bis eyes
on fire his cheeks flushed and his
locks flying behind him
Come Come he cried If you
want to study physerology nows your
chance The girls have got the lounge
all to pieces
She Was Axlinmeil
Mistress angrily Bridget I find
that you wore one- of uiy evening
gowns at the bus drivers ball last
evening Its the worst piece of im
pudence I ever heard of You ought
to be ashamed of yourself
Bridget meekly Oi wuz mum Oi
wuz An me young man said as if Oi
ivir wore sich a frock in public agin
hed break our engagemint London
Would Look It
Photographer Beg pardon sir but
cant you look a little less stern and
Sitter Never mind how stern I look
This photograph is for campaign use 1
am a candidate for judge Go ahead
Chicago Tribune
The Physicians Affront
So you have decided to get another
I have answered Mrs Cumrox
The idea of his prescribing flaxseed
tea and mustard plasters for people as
rich as we are Washington Star
What a happy world this would be If
every man spoke as well of his live
neighbors as he does of his dead ones
health to every organ of the body Sold ever suffer the prejudice of the eye J
by L W McConnell to determine the heart Zimmerman I
McCook Laundry J
Phono 35 k
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
flcCook - Nebraska
I m W0 5t Jf nit
01 Ilk W V iI
1 sic Ai35ij82eSk I
Its English
You Know
Our mutton chops are all built on the
suDsrantial English pattern If
want French chops we cut them
way but you get
m to
rAil I -
Are You
to the St Louis Exposition
If so you want a
Worlds Fair
Money Order
First National
ritTir i
u uu a at Lou b
OT 1 I -
payame without
inese orders ob
viate the necessity of carry-
0 W1 money on
the person If
you wish tQ
Know more about them call
ac me Dank
t s TirT
in H j
S t
5 n ft S W C
2 to S l
2vvJyJtos g g 5
Fine Mutton
or Lamb
the sweet toothsome kind in either
evenf You never had
any stringy chops
from us did you Call telephone or
send tho baby Your order will have
equally good attention
c bhsb