1ST Kl m McCook Tribune F M KIMMELL Publisher MCOOK NEBRASKA News in Brief Rear Admiral Greer 72 years of age retired U S Nf died at Washington Three men bearing the name of Mudd are running for congress In one Congressman Robinson wass nomi nated by democrats of the Twelfth Indiana district for a fifth term The plaining mill of the Rat Portage Ont Lumbji company and thirteen dwellings were destroyed by fire G A Bobrik of Los Angeles Cal is a nephew of General Bobrikoff the Russian governor general of Finland who was shot The comptroller of the currency has authorized the Home National bank Eureka Kan to begin business with a capital of 25000 The sultan of Morocco in violation of promise to Raisuli lands a new army in Tangier which may result In the brigand executing his two cap tives Azel D Galbraith a well known min ing man of Central City Colo was found guilty of the murder of his wife and young son and sentenced to death Henry D Dorr of Rutland Vt who had been employed as an editor by the Springfield Republican and Bos ton Herald died at Kansas City aged 45 years The 129th anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill was celebrated in Bos ton in Lynn and in many New Eng land cities Business was suspended in Boston Oregon Washington and Idaho will produce more than C000000 hushels of wheat this year according to R M Hall representing the Oregon Rail road and Navigation company J A Ebbig who is being sued for 188458 for hreach of contract by a Milwaukee company charges the lat ter with forging the orders on which the alleged case against him is based Postal officials who are investigating the wildcat insurance companies now In trouble are flooded with complaints concerning the operations of such concerns and with offers of evidence Harry Smyth Cummlngs a colored attorney of Baltimore is booked to second the nomination of President Roosevelt at Chicago Cummings is 38 years of age and a native of Balti more The dead body of a man believed from papers found in the pockets of his clothing to be Anton Savan of Terre Haute Ind was found along side the Rio Grande tracks near Red Cliff Colo The grand jury at Denver has re turned twenty indictments for election frauds The charges are based on al leged frauds committted at the elec tion for supreme justice last fall and the several charter elections Reports on target practice on the battleship Illinois off the Maine coast show that one turret made twenty pine hits out of thirty nine shots with 11 inch guns an excellent record The 6 inch guns made 434 hits per gun per minute The Id inch turre of the Wisconsin made the phenomenal rec ord of thirty two hits out of thirty six shots This turret will get the navy prize The Japanese under General Nozu won an important victory in a hard battle with- the forces of General Stakelburg at Vafangow The Rus sians retreated leaving 500 men on the field lost 300 prisoners and aban doned a considerable number of guns The Japanese losses are estimated at 1000 men killed or wounded Chicago banks report a total of 117617415 savings deposits on June 9 an increase of about 17000000 in a little more than a year Miss Maude Faely of Denver Colo has signed a contract as leading wo man with Sir Henry Irving for next season It is rumored that Bourke Cockran will not remain a widower much long er His name is being coupled with that of Mrs Adolf Ladenburg the handsome widow of the banker but then the gossips find a suitor for Mrs Ladenburg overy few months China has not made a protest against the erection of a wireless telegraph pole on the property of the Russian consul at Che Foo Dr James H Dunn a prominent physician and surgeon of Minneapolis was found dead in his room at the Southern hotel in St Louis Mrs May Wright Sewall of Indian apolis told the international womens congress in Berlin that physical training for girls in the higher educa tional institution of the United States has created a new ideal for women that of strength and health The Vladivostok squadron sank two Japanese transports near Mogi caus ing the loss of nearly 1000 lives The later whereabouts of the squadron is uncertain rumors telling of its re turn to Vladivostok and of a battle in which three Russian ships are dis abled by the Japanese Moses Johnson colored of Ports Edward Test an insurance agent Five shocks were administered before the condemned mn was pronounced dead DEAD LIST GROWS AS NOW COUNTED 624 THEIR LIVES LOST SEARCHERS RENE THEIR WORK Larger Portion of the Bodies Recov ered Are Identified Funerals of Nearly One Hundred Victims Held ori Sunday NEW YORK Sundays harvest of dead from the Slocum numbered forty-one bringing the total number of bodies so far recovered up to 624 Of these 559 have been Identified while thirty one of the victims now lying at the morgue have not been claimed by friend or relative While the list of missing has been cut down some what by the identifications made to 3ay eleven new names were added to that roll thus leaving the total of missing almost as It was on Saturday something more than 300 Early Sunday morning the searches began anew the work of locating the Slocums dead Within an hour they had recovered thirteen bodies off the short of North Brother island Three of the bodies were floating and it is the general opinion that many more will come to the surface during the week At sundown when work practically ceased for the day thirty six bodies had been added to the long list of dead that have been taken from the wrecked steamer and the water in its Immediate vicinity Most of these bodies were taken to the morgue and a majority of them were identified to night Of the bodies recovered during the first hour one was of a man six of women two of boys four of girls arid one was of aai infant A life saver grappling from a raft brought up a woman of 30 and a girl of 11 years locked in each others arms A few minute later he brought the bodies of a hoy 9 years old and a girl of 6 apparently brother and sis ter clinging to each other Divers who went to the wreck found the bodies of a woman a girl and a boy and brought them to the surface They were beyond recogni tion The divers said mere are more bodies in the wreck thus uearing out the statement made a day or two ago after it was thought the wreck had been cleared that many bodies re mained under the entanglement of timber and machinery One body was found floating in the river near Rikers island by the crew of a four oared barge of the Metro politan Rowing club while nineteen were brought up from the bottom along the beach running from the is land down to the channel in the river Three men working with an impro vised grapple consisting of a block of wood to which many blue fish hooks were attached dew up a sec tion of the rail of the upper deck of the Slocum about thirty feet long The bodies of four women were clinging to the rail their fingers grip ping the interlaced wire roping This is part of the rail which gave way just before the steamer was beached precipitating 100 persons into the water While the rail was being brought ashore two of the bodies broke away from it but were secured immediately the other two were still clinging to the rail when landed The funerals of nearly 100 victims of the disaster were held Sunday In many instances two caskets were car ried in the same hearse and in some cases two dead and even three hearses bore away the dead of a sin gle family Of the bodies recovered during the day there were two women whose arms were locked around a life ring These rings are made of canvas filled with cork and are supposed to float four persons The ring was not cut open tonight so that it is not known with What it is filled but when it was throwi on the water it sank immediately The ring was recovered by the police and will be turned over the coroner THE ANTI PARKER MEN Mr Bryan Says They Will Control at St Louis NEW YORK William J Bryan ar rived in this city Saturday night He said he did not expect t see Charles F Murphy or any leader of the anti Parker movement while in the city Questioned as to the general situa tion he said The men who are opposed to Judge Parkers nomination will be in control in St Louis They will nominate the candidates and prepare the platform and it will not be the New York plat form or the New York candidate He added that he did not care to go into details in discussion of candi dates or the contents of the plat form I have already laid down for con sideration fundamental principles as to the reasons for not nominating some of the men most prominently mentioned for the place in the east he added OIney Cleveland and Par ker all come within this class PEABODY SAYS WAR IS OVER Denies the Statement Issued by the Miners Federation DENVER Colo I think the war is nearly over said Governor Peabody Monday I have news from General Bell that the Cripple Creek mines are open and Tunning today and there is comparatively little disaffection mouth v iul ulbu t m among the men There no news of umo pemieuimi - wuiuer ui further tronWe or anv iikelihood of of any I dont know howmany more men will be deported or whether any will be I Doint have heard nothing on this SfesiSaMswSaiSSSBB DESPERADO KLLS SHERIFF Shoots As He Is Abuot to Handcuff HI- ST PAUL Minn Sheriff G D Harris of St Croix county Wisconsin was shot and killed while attempting to make an arrest on an Omaha train near Fall Creek Wis The man who did the shooting and whose name is unknown jumped from tne moving train and escaped Sheriff Harris had gone to Eau Claire on buslnesss and when about to board the train for Hudson swas informed that a man suspected of bur glary was aboard the train Thee sher iff searched the train and finally lo cated his man in the smoking car He placed him under arrest and was about to handcuff him when the des perado drew a revolver and fired three times shooting the sheriff through the head and killing him instantly In the excitement which followed the shooting the murderer ran the entire Jength of the train jumping from the rear coach while the train was going at a hih rate of speed He then stole a horse and buggy and made his way to Augusta where trie animal was found but all further clew to the fu gitives whereabouts apparently is lost UNCLE JOE RTPEATS IT He Would Not Accept Presidential Nomination CHICAGO 111 In view f a threat ened revival of the movement to nominate Speaker Cannon for the vice presidency charged this time to the New York delegation Mr Cannon au thorized the Associated Press to quote him as follows After mature consideration having in view the great compliment that the vice presidential nomination would be to any citizen yet I am speaker of the house of representatives and have been a member of that body for nearly thirty years I feel that my sphere of usefulness if I have any is in connec tion with the house About a week and perhaps others I gave out an Interview on this subject This was done after full consideration and J stand by the interview which stated in substance that I considered the speakersnip the second highest office under the government and if the next house was republican I hoped to succeed myself and i not to cheerfully do duty on the minority CONDEMNS GOV PEABODY Minnesota Federation of Labor Passes Resolutions NEW ULM Minn The State Fed eration of Labor in session here to day adopted a sweeping resolution of condemnation of the action of Gover nor Peabody of Colorado in the Crip ple Creek mining strike and appeal ing to the president of the United States as commander-in-chief of the military forces to compel an investi gation of General Bell and of Gover nor Peabody The resolution recites that right and justice is denied to American citi zens whereas foreign citizens work ing in this country are granted pro tection under an appeal to the repre sentatives of their nation The State Federation of Labor also adopted a proposition to form a fund corporation for the purpose of aiding strikers who wish to start business in opposition to their former employers The plan as outlined calls for a capi talization of 200000 in 5 shares which are to be sold in limited quan tities to members of affiliated unions and which will not be transferable KNOX MAY QUIT THE CABINET Stated at Washington that He Will Be Succeeded by Secretary Moody WASHINGTON Although the at torney general refuses either to deny or to affirm the statement it is learn ed from a high source that it is his in tention to retire from the cabinet within the next few days or as soon as his appointment as United States senator from the state of Pennsylva nia shall be received from Governor Pennypacker He will be succeeded by Mr Moody the present secretary of the navy It is said that after a conference with the president Attor ney General Knox concluded that his action in retiring at once from the Department of Justice would be in ac cordance with the spirit of the consti tution which provides that each state shall have two senators and empowers the governor to appoint in case of va cancy WILL FERRET OUT CRIME Teller County Sets Aside Fund for In vestigation CRIPPLE CREEK Colo Deter mined to hring to justice if possible every person implicated in the Inde pendence dynamite explosion tlie county commissioners have appropri ated 10000 for the services of a spe cial prosecutor and to furnish other assistance necessary Samuel D Crump attorney for the Mine Own ers association has been engaged as special prosecutor The situation in the district is quiet Deportations are now being made on the regular trains and of these per sons it is required only to get out of Teler county ST LOUIS BONUS IS PUT UP Meeting of Sub Committee of Demo cratic National Committee ST LOUIS Mo What in all prob ability will be the last meeting of the sub committee on arrangements of the national convention previous to the national convention convened at the Jefferson hotel Wednesday SIX HUNDRED DIE CHICAGO HORROR RIVALED BURNING OF A BOAT BY EXCURSION STEAMER 1H FLAMES Loaded with Women and Children on a Sunday School Outing Disaster Occurs on the East River at New York City NEW YORK One of the most ap palling disasters in the history of New York tragic In Its intensity dra matic in its episodes and deeply pa thetic in the tender age of most of its victims took place today in the East river within a short distance of the New York shore and within sight of thousands of persons the majority of whom were powerless to minimize the extent of the catastrophe By the burning to the waters edge of the General Slocum a three decked excursion steamer the largest in these waters more than 600 persons the majority of whom were women and children were burned to death or drowned by jumping overboard or by being thrown into the whirlpools by the lurching of the vessel and the frantic rush of the panic stricken passengers Approximately 4S3 bodies have been recovered and are now being tagged at the morgues of Bellevue hospital and Harlem Divers were still busy at a late hour taking bodies from the hold of the vessel which they say is choked with the remains of human beings while the bodies of scores who leaped or were thrown into the river had been recovered It is the season of Sunday school excursions in New York bay and the i fA - ic must picturesque uouies or water after the close of the late session of in the country rin rTC7C nr T 11 - tr V 4 J - uusnjii uu me icyucau ui liitsiiuu Great preparations had been made for the seventeenth annual Sunday school excursion of St Marks Ger man Lutheran church the congrega tion of which is drawn from the dense population of the lower East and West Side and the General Slocum had been chartered to carry the ex cursionists to Locust Grove one of the many resorts on Long Island sound It is variously estimated that there were between 1500 and 2000 persons on the General Slocum when it left I the pier at Third street East river though the Knickerbocker Steamship company which owns the Slocum of ficially states that the number of passengers was 873 that being only one third of the vessels capacity It is thought however that there were several hundred children in arms for whom fares are not usually charged on these trips On board the decks of the steamer as it passed up East river the scene was one of merry making A mass of flags fluttered in the June breezes the bands were playing and the chil dren were singing dancing and wav ing handkerchiefs and flags in an swer to the salutations of those on shore or from passing steamers At the extreme eastern end of Ran dalls island off One Hundred and Thirty fifth street there is a stretch of water known as the Sunken Mead ows At this point just as the crowds were watching the gaily decorated steamer from the shore the General Slocum took fire and as the age oi the vessel it was built in 1891 had resulted in the well seasoning of the wood with which it was almost en ureiy mint it was soon a mass of flame The fire is said to have brok en out in a lunchroom on the forward deck through the overturning of a pot of grease The wind was high and all eiforts to subdue the fire were were futile The Death List Grows NEW YORK WItn ef fort search is going on for the bodies of those who perished on the Gen eral Slocum What the list of vic tims will total scarce any one dare venture a guess but whatever the number may be there is hardly a par allel in the history of disasters where death came to so many in so brief a period of time Police and health department offi cials have placed the number at a figure as high as 1000 and more but it would seem that the maximum fa tality will not largely exceed 700 All day long from sunrise until darkness shut off even the melan choly satisfaction of watching for the dead anxious searchers kept up their vigilance and at dusk there had been recovered 536 bodies for the greater part women and children Operating Towards Port Arthur LONDON A correspondent of the Daily Chronicle at Yinkow in a dis patch dated June 17 says that General Kuropatkin left Liao Yang on Wed nesday to assume command of the army operating toward Port Arthur Attendance at Worlds Fair ST LOUIS Worlds Fair Grounds The following are official figures of attendance at the Louisiana Pur chase exposition for the week ending June 18 Monday 66143 Tuesday 75143 Wednesday 7418S Thursday 83346 Friday 87994 Saturday 87024 to tals 475187 The attendance during the week while not quite equaling the total of preceding week shows a substantial gain over each day save Wednesday That was Liberty bell day when school children amended After disposing of the Union Pacific the Burlington was taken up There are sixteen subordinate lines in the Burlington system and the members of the board disagree as to the mile age valuations to be placed on each of the branches The assessed valu ation of the Burlington main line will be 17000 per mile for a portion and the average on the entire system will stand at 7700 The average valua tion of the Chicago Northwestern will be 6500 instead of 7500 as agreed upon previously Tax Commissioner Woodward of the Great Western interviewed the members of the board For some rea son the figures on the Great Western property in Douglas county had not entered into the previous calculations Mr Woodward stated that the prop erty of his road in Nebraska had cost the company just 140000 and that it consisted principally of real estate lots etc He thought that its assess ed valuation should be 28000 Smallpox at Soldiers Home GRAND ISLAND Three cases of smallpox have developed in one of the hospitals at the soldiers home Those afflicted are George Warrens Harry Burchard the hospital steward and Mr Lindley A temporary building was at once erected on the prairie a safe distance from all other build ings and the sick all of whose cases are very light are there being cared for Splendid Crop Prospect WOOD RIVER The prospects for all kinds of grain has never been bet ter than it is this year in this vicinity Small grain is looking fine and corn has made a remarkable growth in the past two weeks The outlook for fruit of all kinds is very promising and in dications are that an extraordinarly large yield is in store Potatoes will be very plentiful and of good quality Assessment in Dakota County DAKOTA CITY The precinct as sessors of Dakota county have com pleted their work and turned their books over to County Assessor Dorn The total valuation of real and per sonal property of the county is 1 59541972 an increase over last year of nearly 149000 Will Meet at Franklin FRANKLIN The members of the G A R of this county held a conven tion at this place for the purpose of deciding where a county reunion will be held this year Franklin secured the prize and the date of the reunion will be August 22 to 25 inclusive Women Want Land NORFOLK Of the 400 inquiries be ing daily received at railroad offices with regard to the opening of the Rosebud lands over 40 per cent of them are from women Teachers stenographers and business women who have heard of the success of a number of their sex in the Oklahoma rush indicate a desire to register for the drawings at Bonesteel and Fair fax Arrest of Robbers SEWARD Marshal Berry and Night Watchman Lawsha on Wednes day arrested three men who were wanted by the sheriff of Fillmore county for robbery The men robbed a car at Exeter Neb occupied bi section men They then hustled on to a freight train and while the train was at Seward the officers here ar rested them The robbery occurred on Wednesday afternoon and on Thursday the sheriff and marshal of Fillmore county took them to Geneva where they will be tried 5TV7V y ASSESSMENT OF RAILROADS Board Increases Total Value 70 Per Cent The Nebraska state board of assess ment announced ofllcially an increase of 70 per cent In the assessed valua tion of railroad property Operating under the new revenue law the board Increased the assessed valuation from 27077353 to 46018635 The manner of arriving at the fran chise values of the roads will not be made public by the state board of equalization The total assessed valuations were reached on a modification of the stock and bond theory and then the aver age per mile was obtained by dividing the total by the mileage When the final figures are made known they will lump the tangible and Intangible values so that no one will be able to say just what the franchises were assessed at Auditor Weston and Secretary of State Marsh have favored the valua tion of franchises separately but Governor Mickey Treasurer Morten sen and Commissioner Follmer who compose the majority did not think it a good plan Now that the grand total assessed valuation of railroad property in Ne braska has been finally decided upon by the state board of equalization the members of the board are trying to adjust the average values per mile of the several systems The entire session on Wednesday was given up to the consideration of Union Pacific property It was de cided to assess the Kearney Black Hills branch at 5000 per mile and the Omaha Republican Valley branch at 6700 per mile This with the 16000 per mile for the main line Long Island sound the latter one of will give the average valuation of 11- 000 per mile agreed upon THE STATE AT LARGE v The postmaster at Lincoln will bo aHowed three additional letter car riers on September 1 Farnam Is to have another bank The corporation is organized and the charter applied for The cash capital will be 5000 C F Wilbur of Beatrice sustained severe Injuries by falling down an areaway at the rear of his meat mar ket on North Fifth street From 250 to 300 Indians of the Sioux tribe are camped on the hill east of Chadron Their kind Uncle- Sam has just sent them 5 per head A eompany has been formed in Cambridge for the manufacture of hy draulic stone Rankin Bros local grain merchants have purchased the county right The receipts of the postoffice ct Omaha for the month of May were 42090 against 3S122 for the samo month last year an increase of 3968 The receipts of the Des Moines office were 35523 against 33313 an In crease of 2210 Ernest Shurtleff a young man living near Humboldt was kicked in the face by a horse One foot of tha ani mal struck him squarely in the face smashing the nose and reducing the flesh to a pulp the other hoof strik ing a glancing blow on the chin and doing little damage Mr and Mrs W A Folden old resi dents of Beatrice celebrated their fif tieth wedding anniversary in the pres ence of about fifty relatives and friends at their home In West Beat rice quite a number being present from different parts of the state to assist in celebrating the memorable event The Adams Lumber company of Be atrice has filed articles of incorpora tion with the county clerk The capi tal stock of the company is- placed at 8000 and the principal place of doing business Is at Adams Gage county The incorporators are Bird Critch field G W Pickering H A Reese of Lincoln and Walter Garrison of Adams A levy of 19 mills was made for city taxes at the council meeting in Sew ard The assessed valuation this year on city property both real and per- sonal is 365251 Last year a 30 mill levy was made on an assessed valuation of 214425 On a 19 miII levy this year 300 more will be raised than was raised on the 30 mill levy last year The annual picnic of Sarpy Coun ty Old Settlers association will be held at Bellevue July 4 On that date there will be a celebration at Bellevue of the fiftieth anniversary of the first Fourth of July celebration ever held in Nebraska which occurred at Bellevue and the Old Settlers as sociation will merge their celebration with this While in the act of turning on the battery to the cigar lighter at his bil liard room Edward Hamblin of Beat rice happened to strike his ana against a laree needle whfoh nonn trated his right wrist to the bone breaking the needle in two In order to remove the piece which was bur ed in the flesh it was found neces sary to use an X ray machine The assessment of York county for the year of 1904 which has just been completed by the assessor is a large per cent more than the returns of one year ago The valuation of York county is 22012670 which is nearly 7000000 more than what France re ceived for its entire territory lying west of the Mississippi river The value of real estate for the city of York town and county is 16891720 and the assessor found 5116175 of personal property According to the statement of Game Warden Carter the pike is a naughty fish The streams of Nebraska have been liberally stocked with pike and the fish have been devouring the small trout On complaint of Libni Garriss John Brillhart a farmer and fruit grower who lives east of Tecumseh has been brought into the cqunty court on the charge of illegally selling vinous liquors The complainant avers that his 17-year-old son Willis Garriss and two companions went out to the Brill hart farm last Sunday and bought two quarts of wine of Mr Erillhart and they proceeded to get intoxicated on the same F W Samuelson for many years ivuuuii m commercial circles ol southeastern Nebraska and who was up to about year ago president of the First National bank in Humboldt has iathPfhl1011 f V1Untary bankW cy with the referee James W Eatnn it Nebraska City and fixes his ifabn os at over 70000 with assets o ibout 50000 The hearing ofred ors has been set for June 21 at Falls where Mr Samuelson has bSn aatang his headquarters since his tirement from the bank here The preliminary trial of E C Lewis barged with shooting Ed Sharp wiS eB4VWa8 heW iQ Harris before County Judge Hoke Lewis erto the strict couS 300 bond he UB was aDIC t0 furnfsh the 3 remanded to jail Everett Long of Bellevue upon the omplamt of Miss Lucretia Gow ot -he same place charging him with statutory assault has been arrecTed ong was arrested by the South 0m aa officers and brought to PaplS where he was released undergo- - A f fl A i n jf U M 4 1 f T m r