The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 24, 1904, Image 3

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Great Orators Develop Old
The Boy Orator lias no place in
fajierwln Codys A Selection from
the Worlds Great Orations for the
reason that orators to bo orators ho
says must nave reached advanced
years In his own words Since
knowledge of life comes only with
experience the greatest orations nave
usually been spoken whon the orator
was In mo fullness of his powers if
not actually old Cha iams great
speeches were all spoken in his old
age Mirabeaus great speech came al
most at tho end of his life Demos
thenes greatest oration was his last
Burke was 45 when the first of his
great speeches was delivered and
nearly 00 at tho time of the speeches
impeaching Warren Hastings
Indeed the only speech in Mr
Codys collectien delivered in the early
lifo of the orator is Grattans spoken
when he was 34 and that age can
hardlybe called youthful
The man who warns the earth is al
ways the first to kick when a little
dust biows in his eyes
It isnt the fast man who win3
the race for wealth
Strong Language
Fredericksburg Ind June 20 Rev
Enoch P Stevens of this place uses
strong language in speaking of Dodds
Kidney Pills and he gives good rea
sons for what he snys
I cant praise Dodds Kidney Pills
too much says Mr Stevens They
have done me so much good I was
troubled with my kidneys so much
that Phad to get up two or three times
in the night and sometimes in the
day when starting to the waterhouse
the water would come from me before
getting there Two boxes of Dodds
Kidney Pills cured me entirely
I have recommended Dodds Kid
ney Pills to many people and have
never yet heard of a failure Dodds
Kidney Pills are the things for kid
ney disease and rheumatism
Dodds Kidney Pills always cure
the kidneys Good kidneys ensure
pure blood Pure blood means good
Tell a man he shows diplomacy and
he feels he has escaped being detected
in a direct lie
100 Reward 100
The renders of this paper will be pleased to learn
that there Is nt lcaat cue dreaded disease Unit science
has lieen able to cure la all Us ttaje8 and that Is
Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure Is the only positive
cure now known to the inedleal f raterclty Catarrh
being a contlttitlonl dltcasc requires a constitu
tional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally actlnjr directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system thereby destroying the
foundation of the dUease and giving the putlent
Mrcuptli by building up the constitution and assist
ing nature In doing its work The proprietors have
so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case thct H falls to
cure Send forlltof testimonials
Address F J C1IEKKY CO Toledo O
Sold by all Druggist 75c
Take Halls Family Tills for constipation
A rough diamond is worth much pol
ished dirt
The Defiance Starch Co wilt give
25 ladies a round trip ticket to the
St Louis Exposition to five ladies in
each of the following states Illinois
Iowa Nebraska Kansas and Mis
souri who will send in the largest
number of trade marks cut from a
ten cent 16 ounce package of Defi
ance cold water laundry starch This
means from your own home any
where in the above named states
These trade marks must be mailed
to and received by the Defiance
Starch Co Omaha Nebr before Sep
tember 1st 1901 October and Novem
ber will be the boot months to visit
the Exposition Remember that Defi
ance is the only starch put up 1C oz
a full pound to the package You
Set one thru more starch for the
same money than of any other kind
and Defiance never sticks to the iron
The tickets to the Exposition will be
sent by registered mail September
5th Starch for sale by all dealers
To days worry is the result of yes
terdays neglect
More Flexible and Lasting
wont vshake out or blow out by using
Defiance Starch you obtain better re
sults than possible with any other
brand and one third more for same
Satan is the father of lies and mat
rimony is the mother of excuses
Mrs YTinslows Soothing Syrnp
For children teething softens the gums reduces fi
fimmation allays pain cures wind colic 25c a bottle
The home of a bachelor lacks one of
the best modern improvements
I do not believe Pisos Cure for Consumption
has an equal for coughs and colds Jour F
Boteh Trinity Springs Ind Feb 15 19001
There is no promise of pardon for
confessing the sons of others
If you wish beautiful clear white clothes
use tiea uross -tau
package 5 cents
Blue Large 2 oz
Some women sweeten their tea with
gossip instead of sugar
6 rennanentlj cured THo fits or nerrcatness aftc
Olid Uret days ore of Dr Klines Great Nerve Kestor
cr Send for FREE SSOO trial bottle and treatise
DBK B KuszUdS3jArcb Street Philadelphia Pa
A wise girl is known by the com
pany she doesnt keep
No chromos or cheap premiums but
a better quality and one third more
of Defiance Starch for the same price
of other starches
Solid business men are necessarily
hard characters
Superior quality and extra quantity
must win This is why Defiance Starch
Is taking the place of all others
The aimless life cannot be the end
less life
Important to Mothers
Exanune carefully every bottle of CASTORIA
a safe and sure remedy for infants and children
sd see that it
Bears tho
Signature of
In Uoc For Over 30 Years
f Tiii Kind You Ilavo Always Bought
Faithful Retalnerc Lappe from the
Path of Sobriety Responsible for
the Union of Two Fond Hearts
Brother-in-Law Wao Hasty
A city clergyman tells this story
cf a marriage in his church which
happened through a misunderstand
ing According to him there was a
bachelor whdse affections seemed to
be centered in his sisters young sons
and daughters There was an inter
esting young woman of another city
who rarely came to New York and
he was such a very busy man that he
seldom got out of town to see her
As a result the sisters children were
enough to make him dally in his
It happened that the brother-in-law
in the case who sometimes envied
the bachelor because he could stay
out late heard dreadful noises in the
house early one morning It could
not be a burglar because they do not
fall down stairs and disturb the
house with hiccoughs
Distressed at his brother-in-laws
condition but hopeful that he would
break his neck the master of the
house went to sleep again In the
morning he entered the room of his
brother-in-law in order to berate
him The astonishment of the bach
elor was great and his anger was
greater He had come home early
and sober it seemed to him that he
could not live in the house any long
er under the circumstances and he
left too mad to talk to his relatives
After breakfast at a restaurant he
went to the hotel where the young
woman from out-of-town happened to
be He was so impetuous in his woo
ing that they were married that day
Among those who were at the cere
mony were the sister and brother-in-law
The latter was very humble and
explained that on going down to his
breakfast he had been confronted by
the butler who had been many years
in the family but who was dropping
the plates singing in a maudlin way
and acting in any way but that of a
model butler When the brother-in-
law asked the butler for an explana
tion of his condition he confessed that
on his evening off he had seen friends
so many and so often that he had
come home in such a condition that
he had fallen down stairs several
times on his way to his room
The brother-in-law has employed
the discharged butler
A Doubtful Compliment
Poultney Bigelow who has accept
ed the chair of foreign relations at
Boston university had completed an
address before the Twentieth Cen
tury club of Chicago A young man
congratulated Mr Bigelow rather
awkwardly on this address and the
learned traveler replied
This is a doubtful compliment It
reminds me of a remark that a friend
of the grooms mad at a New Hamp
shire wedding
This friend an observant chap
watched the groom closely during the
ceremony and at the end bore down
on the happy man shook him warmly
by the hand and said
Bill ye done good I had an idee
ye would be skittish while yewuz be
bein tied up but begosh ye looked
as bold as a sheep Washington
First Printing Office in America
There is among compositors and
other employes of printing offices in
the city of Mexico a project to place a
big marble slab at the corner of Mone
da and Cerrada de Santa Teresa
streets opposite the postofficewith
an inscription in gold letters reading
that it was in this house where the
first printing office in America was
A commission will soon request the
city council to give this ceremony an
official character Delegations of com
positors are now inviting all members
of the fraternity to contribute for the
expense to be incurred If money
enough is raised in addition to the
plate a marble or bronze bust of Gut
tenberg will be placed at the corner
Mexican Herald
When the Clock Ticks Loud
There are times when life is something
more than meat and drink ana
When the surface shows no ripple though
the stream is swift and deep
When the goods thats in the worst of us
has taken us in tor
And has fanned loves fading embers till
they flash again and glow
When we feel theres something In us has
escaped the madding crowd
When its auiet in the evening and the
clock ticks loud
When the grate fircr crimson afterglow
Is graying into gloom
WThen theres none but she and you with
in that cozy little room
When the cat upon the hearth rug yawns
and drifts atrain to dreams
Then how very like the heaven we have
learned to long for seems
That delightful little chamber with the
magic charm endowed
When its quiet in the evening and the
oock ticks loud
Not n word to break the stillness yet
theres music in the air
Music born of softest silence music
sweet and low and rare
For the one who sits beside you is your
sweetheart and you know
That she loves you for she wed you
many patient years ago
And her love songs born of silence make
vou brave and trreat and proud
When its quiet in the evening and the
clock ticks lotil
W Gillilan In New York-
Proud of Her Ancestry
Mrs Gertrude Atherton although
well known as an author is said to
have considerable more pride in the
fact that her great grandfather was a
brother of Benjamin Franklin than in
her own popularity as a writer She
has been in England so long as to al
most become Anglacized but has late
ly confessed to a veritable case of
homesickness and may revisit
la What He said
Jn a low whisper looking up she sala
I am so hungry do not turn away
Give me one penny please to buy soma
For I have eaten nothing all this day
The upturned face and whisper soft and
Plead with a power that would not be
And as she snolec her pale lips trembling
Crushd In an instant all my selfish
She sits beside me
With angel face
in these happier
tho still a child in
And when shoprays I hear thro grate
ful tears
Her thanks to Him who shelters from
the storm
Twenty one years ago three little
children were suddenly bereft of
father and mother they were friend
less and homeless but it was only
one of the many similar instances
happening every day only three lit
tle children left friendless and home
less that was all But it was a cru
cial moment in at least one life Rev
J G Lemen was at that time pastor
of a large church in Council Bluffs
la This man whose heart was large
enough to find a place for every un
fortunate one took these children
into his own home where thej shar
ed the same loving tender care that
was bestowed upon his own little
ones It was not long before he learn
ed of other children who had been
left to the cold mercies of a selfish
world Moved with compassion he
took these also to his already over
crowded home Then came the test
money was needed He had a few
thousand dollars which he had saved
up for a rainy day He little knew
what the Master had in store for
him but he was obedient and when
the news came that other little ones
had been left alone fatherless and
motherless with no one to care for
them and the command came to take
these also to the ordinary man with
his house filled to overflowing and a
large congregation looking to him to
be fed spiritually it would have
seemed like an impossibility not so
however with this man it was
enough for him to know that his Mas
ter approved of it and bid him to do
it As he stepped out upon His
promises and obeyed the command to
20 forward the way opened before
him and when he had exhausted his
own competency never doubting but
that a way would be opened to supply
their needs He who owns the cattle
upon a thousand hills moved upon
the hearts of His faithful subjects to
send of their substance that these
little homeless ones might be cared
for Larger quarters became neces
sary and they were secured Other
children were left homeless and
found under his roof not only cheltor
from the storm -but a loving tender
father as all at tne Home delight to
call him and more than this in his
sainted wife now deceased who pre
sided over the household affairs and
was continually looking after their
From a small beginning twenty one
years ago the Christian Home has
grown until now about two hundred
and fifteen children are cared for
there and two thousand have been
placed in good Christian families
The real estate consists of about
twenty five cottages and other build
ings all owned by an organization
r which has been formed through the ef
forts of Mr Lemen with a view of
making it a permanent organization
Mr and Mrs Lemen have been
blessed with four lovely children
three sons and one daughter Ail of
them take great delight in the work
of the Home and on them no doubt
the mantle of their father and moth
er will fall The oldest son is giv
ing his entire life to this work also
The scrupulous neatness and order
that pervades the entire institution
the loving salutation of Hello
papa that rings out from every
quarter as he passes about the
grounds and the remarkable execu
tive ability he displays in all the
management of the affairs of the
Home are sufficient to impress every
visitor that it is no ordinary man
who has been called to this great and
noble work Children are taken here
from any part of the globe and have
the best possible care and training
You my readers wherever you may
be may have a part in this grand
work It is a labor of love in behalf
of all homeless suffering children
everywhere The children are fre
quently adopted by Christian people
but are never allowed to go from the
Home excepting into Christian fami
lies who are properly vouched for
The Christian Home is non sectarian
but is heartily indorsed and support
ed by alllenominations It takes child
ren from every state and it is not a
local affair but belongs to the world
We have given this brief descrip
tion of the Christian Home with the
hope that all who read it will become
interested in its welfare If you have
money which the Master desires you
to use for such purposes send it to
this Home There is no institution
that is mere worthy of your gift than
They publish a valuable paper call
ed the Word and the Way subscrip
tion price only twenty five cents per
year We assure you that if you will
subscribe for it you will get more
than your moneys forth and we
hope you will forward at once twenty
five cents or 1 for yourself and three
friends Volumes might be written
about this institution did space per
For further information and proper
description of the work address
Christian Home CouecII Bluffs la
A Friend of Homeless Children
t Self made men and eggs are too full
of themselves to hold anything else
If a man had his coat made to but-
Oldest Bell in United States
The oldest bell in tho United States
is on exhibition in the New Mexico
building of the Worlds fair The boll
was brought from Spain on one of the
expeditions to Mexico by Father
Juan de PadiHa one of the Franciscon
fathers who accompanied Coronado to
New Mexico It was hung in one of
the mission churches established in
one of the seven cities of Gibolla
From there is was taken to Gran
Qulvera where it was hung in a
church of which the ruins are still
visible From Gran Qulvera it was
taken to Algodones where it has hung
in the parish church ever since Fath
er Padilla was killed by his guides
while on the way from Gran Qulvera
to Algodones The bell weighs exact
ly 198 pounds It was baptized Ma
ria Josepfa It was cast in the year
A D 1355 according to the inscription
which is cast in the bell The F in
the word Josefa Is inverted and
the letters S and E are transposed
the mistake evidently having been
made in the mold
The reconstruction of West Point is
an undertaking of interest to the whole
country and the result of the changes
under way will be a matter of nation
al pride for it is promised that the
new West Point in magnificence of
scale titanic inmpresslveness and fas
cinating picturesqueness will surpass
anything that crowns the crags of the
Rhine The leading article of the July
Century will be an authoritative de
scription of The New West Point
the first so far published on the sub
ject with drawings from the archi
tects plans The text is from the pen
of Sylvester Baxter and the drawings
the frontispiece in color have been
made by Otto Bacher Harry Fenn
Bertram Goodhue Birch Long Jules
Guerin and Dawson Watson
How About the Bait
One of Joseph Jeffersons pet abom
inations is a bachelor The venera
ble actor believes in early marraiges
and recently advised a group of Yale
juniors to marry as soon as ever they
could afford it Bachelors why I
have the utmost contempt for the
whole breed of them he said The
older they grow the more conceited
they grow I took one down a peg
though the other day He was talk
ing about this woman he had known
and tnat woman he had known and
these woman it seemed had married
Why you I said are in danger of
getting left Why dont you too get
married before it is too late Oh
said the bachelor with a chuckle
there are still plenty of good fish
in the sea But the bait said I
isnt there danger of the bait becom
ing stale
Spencer in Russia
Tolstoi in acknowledging the re
ceipt of a copy of Herbert Spencers
autobiography confessed that he did
not like the English philosopher be
cause he had little heart But that
Spencer is a great favorite in Russia
modern Russian literature bears am
ple witness That very aridity of
which Tolstoi complained appeals pe
culiarly to the feverish materialistic
idealism out of which nihilism springs
Probably no single philosopher has
exerted a wider influence on Russia
which has not as yet produced much
in the way of philosophy that is origi
Soldier Defended His Curls
Should Mr Hitt be elected vice pres
ident he will be 71 when he takes the
oath of office and in his 72d year ha
having been born January 16 1834 He
will be the oldest man ever elected to
the vice presidency Elbridge Gerry
was G9 when he became vice presi
dent and is still the oldest man on the
list of those who have held that office
Clinton King Wilson Hendricks and
Morton had all passed the sixtieth
milestone on lifes highway The
youngest vice president was John C
Breckinridge who was C6 when he
was inaugurated
Frank Leslies Monthly for June
Then Men Who Make Presidents
is the title of a timely article in Les
lies Monthly for June on political
conventions past and present The
small part the people take in the nomi
nation and selection of Presidential
candidates is strikingly shown and
makes interesting reading
The Mighty Men of Russia is an
other suggestive article on the men
who really control alfairs in Russia to
day self made men many of them
who have had remarkable careers
There is an interesting sketch of
William Nelson Cromwell and a clear
vivid account of the Fight of Joseph
W Folk for Honesty in Missouri
Everybodys Magazine June 1904
Should the readers cf a magazine
have the opportunity to dissent from
or comment on the articles the pub
lication presents Hitherto there
has been no method of replying to
editorial opinions set forth in our
monthlies but Everybodys with its
usual originality proposes that any
one who does not agree with its con
tributors views shall have the oppor
tunity to set them right or approve
as seems proper In the new depart
ment Straight Talk in the June is
sue of this magazine a number of
readers have taken advantage of this
opportunity to criticise Dr Hillis con
ception of a consolidated church most
of the writers frankly disagree with
his views
Ambition is a pipe -dream preceded
by a horrible nightmare and followed
by a rude awakening when the pipe
goes out
Uso Red Cross Ball Blue and make them
ton in the back woman would never j white again Large 2 oz package 5 cents
Hypnotism Can Stop Heart
According to recent Investigations
It appears probable that hypnotism
can stop tho action of a persons
heart and thus cause death A Jour
net a Frenchmnn reports that he has
Increased and diminished the number
of pulse beats at will and as far as
ho could venture with safety It is
said to be also proved that circula
tion is curiously affected even If it
Is not quite certain that the heart
can be silenced
When a man is ashamed of his re
ligion he is generally justified In the
Insist on Getting It
Some grocers say they dont keep
Defiance Starch because they have a
stock in hand of 12 oz brands which
they know cannot be sold to a custo
mer who has once used the 1G oz
pkg Defiance Starch for same money
Finding flaws in the sermon is eas
ier than following it any day
Those Who Have Tried It
will use no other Defiance Cold Wa
ter Starch has no equal In Quantity
or Quality 10 oz for 10 cents Other
brands contain only 12 oz
nAif S rSJrHm
Almost z half million acres of the fertile and
well waccraa lands of tho Itosehud Indian Kcs
crvation in- South Dakota will be thrown open
to settlement by the Government In July These
lands are best reached by the Chicago North
Western Railways direct through lines from
Chicago to Boaestcel S I AH agents sell
tickets via tiiic line Special low rates
k H
Send for copy ol pamphlet giving full informa I
Hon as o Ja cc of opening and how to secure 1C0 i
acres of land at nominal cost with full
tlon of tho soli climate timber and mineral j
resources towns schools and churches oppor
tunities for business openings railray ra0
etc freo on application
Passenger Trafllc Manager
ruuam mmm
320 822 H Street - LINCOLN NEBRASKA
home In dining room sleeping room and pieces w litre
ii j ivJti mes are
tome Clean neat
and will not soli or
injure anything
Try tliem once and
yon will never be
kcjitovdeftlers jent
prepnld for 20e
119 Dekilb Arnut
uroctijE 1 i
5Cigar belter Quality than most 10 Cigars
Your jobber or direct from Factory Peoria II
Our poods the hesr Prices the lowest Promptfiliip
roeats Delivery or all portraits caarantced fcend
for catalogue anil agents price list Address
ADAM J KROLL CO 2Jtv ira Eldr Chicago
W N U Omaha
No 261904
Vegetable Compound
A Womans Remedy
For Womans Ills
A Large Trial Box and book of In
structions absolutely Free and Post
paid enough to prove the value of
PaxtineToiSei Antiseptic
Poxtlno Is In powder
form to dissolve In
water non poisonous
antiseptics containing
alcohol which Irritates
Inflamed surfaces and
have no clcuasing prop
erties The contents
of every box rakes
more Antiseptic Solu
tion lasts longer
goes further ha mora
uses In the family and
antiseptic preparation
you can buy
The formula of a noted Boston physician
end used with great success as a Vaginal
Wash forLcucorrhcea Pelvic Catarrh Nasal
Catarrh Sore Throat Sore Eyes Cuts
and all soreness of mucus membrane
In local treatment of fomalo ills Poxtino is
invaluable Ubcd as a Vaginal Wash wo
challongo tho world to produco its equal for
thoroughness It isa revolution in cleansing
and healing power it kills all genua which
causo inflammation and discharges
All lending druggists keep Iuxtino pricoCOc
abox if yoiirsdoesnotscnd tousforit Dont
taUeasubbtituto theroisnothlngllkoraxlino
Write for tho Frco Hox of Iuxtino to iliiy
PAXT0N CO 5 Popo Bide Boston Mai
1 TO I
hm weRiis fair
1 BasKngc oheoked to WorldB
1 lnlr croundM I
Stopovers allowed All Agents cin
route you via the WABASH For bfui
tiful Worlds Fair folder and all infor
mation address HARRY K MOO RES
Gen Agt Pass Dept Omaha Nl
lR 1807
PORTAIUE and drill any depth
by iltam or horpe power
Wo challenge competition
Send fcr Frte Illaitralrd CalalcRii Ho 3
Cbcutnut St Hiiiiio Ioit
Lawn Fence
Iron or wiriMiiniy aivlcs
f or rHblilenci church school
cemt tery poultry iml hojr
feucp frtrm sats Sfnd for
CfiEniron Iron arri Wre Works
Ei Pis B B
I m It is the purest cleanest starch made I I
H it Is free of injurious chemicals I S
ii 1 It can be used where ordinarily you would be afraid 3 H
I m to use starch of any Rind j m
I p Thats Defiance Your grocer sells it 1
aBjffiil ft fofejrf
tei nuRKS
Best Conga Syrup Taste Good
m time fcola by onwitf
tTse Sgj
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper
CURES catarrh of the stomach