The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 24, 1904, Image 1

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LX 1
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With Frank Roberson In Norway
An appreciative audience went with
Frank Roberson through Norway the
Land of the Midnight Sun in the opera
house Monday night and every step of
the way and incident of the trip was a
delight Mr Roberson confesses to an
ardent love for Norway and its people
and during the several trips he has made
to the Norsolnnd the homo of the Vik
ings he hns secured -and preserved a
rare lot of pictures which he projects
with artistic effects and colorings upon
the screen for the delectation of his aud
ience Much of his address was made
up of personal incidents quite all of it
but the brillinnt word pictures which at
times come from his lips like an aval
anche Norway does not have the meat
that India offers a lecturer but its gen
eral unfamiliarity to the average Ameri
can gives it added interest Its quaint
virtuous simple honest people its pic
turesque costumes and peculiar customs
its beauty and grandeur and oxclusive
uess of scenory the Norwegian admira
tion for America all make Norway an
appealing theme a d study And when
Frank Roberson shows you and tolls
the story with the skill of an artist and
the finish of a traveller of wide experi
ence you must be obtuse and stupid to
fail to be entertained and enlightened
While the audi nee was quite satisfact
ory it was not all it should have been
The opera house should havo been
crowded The subject and speaker de
served it McCook would do herself
more credit in a much more liberal pat
ronage of entertainments of this grade
and in withholding some of her excess
ive admiration of the minstrel sort
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last Thursday evening
W S Dunhnm to Ben King wd to e hf
so qr 12-3-29 and lots 3 and 4 in 7-3-28 500 00
William HiRlin to 7 T Elling wd to n
3 00
D P Taylor to Sarah Sharp wd to se
2500 00
Lincoln Land Co to Q II Smith wd to
lot5blockl7 15000
Satno to same wd lots 3 and 4 block 17 KX 00
J C Predmoro to John Hoff wd to part
23-3-23 950 00
JI Snyder to Mary Schneider qcd to se
1 00
W H Ackerman to S N Wilson wd to
lot 4 block 30 McCook 15C0 00
C F Babcock to G W Jones wd to lots
10 11 12 block 45 Bartley CO 00
McCook Co operative B and S Assn to
C A Stone wd to lot 6 block 4 Wil
low Grove add 450 00
Lillian Rowell to C F Lehn wd lot 1
in block 23 Second McCook S50 00
Lena Jones to C F Lehn wd lots 4 50
in block 11 and 7 and 8 in block 10First
South McCook 400 00
Lincoln Lund Co to C F Lehn wd lot
12 in block 7 McCook 140 00
H Whitsell to H Vogel wd partse qr
150 01
O L Wilson to E TJ Gallatin wd part
5 and 6 in block S Springdalo lots 3
and t in block 3 Esther Park 1500 00
Win B Wolf to A Heatin wd o hf nw
qr 19-4-27 1 500 00
Pinched by Passenger Cars
Charles Burns now occupies a bed of
pain in a room over Kennedys cigar
store on lower Main street He has
been working as a telephone lineman
out near Benkelman but was on his
way east to his home in Nebraska City
when misfortune overtook him Tuesday
night on No 6 lie was riding on top
the train and all went right merrily un
til the air was suddenly applied at Cul
bertson The young man was evidently
lying or sitting down where the car ends
come together At any rate he was in
some manner caught between the cars
sustaining a dislocation of his right hip
an injury to his right knee and having
a piece of bone chipped off the edge of
the hip socket The leg was driven back
so violently that the member was two or
three inches shorter than the other leg
In this position and condition the injur
ed man was compelled to ride to this
city where his cries secured attention
and brought rescuers to his reHef It
was necessary to extricate him and
bring him down on a ladder It requir
ed the strength and efforts of five men
to draw the dislocated member back in
to place Wednesday morning He has
been made as comfortable as possible is
receiving proper medical attendance his
Nebraska City relatives have been noti
fied of his misfortune and he is doing
as well as circumstances will permit
For Sale at a Bargain
One J I Case 15 horse engine with
32x54 separator complete with feeder
and blower All good as new Engine
located at Cedar Bluffs Kansas Ad
dress I J Peck Oberhn Kansas
Members of McCook Circle No 33
Ladies of the G A R are hereby noti
fied that the day of meeting has been
changed from the first Saturday of the
month to the first Friday of the month
beginning with July 1 1904
Fourth of July rates effective July 2
3 4 with return limit July 5th The
rate is 1J within points 200 miles dis
tant See the agent for fuller particulars
Some new things at our fountain
Cream of cocoanut almond meringue
walnut bisque -
McConnell Druggist
The Martin Commission Co has re
tired from business The manager A
W Martin expects to return to Denver
in a few days
Silk lisle and taffeta gloves in black
white greys and tans for ladies misses
and children at The Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
See W C Bullard before you let your
contract for concrete walks He has an
expert to put them down and furnishes
Hammocks spacious restful and com
fortable at 100 and up
A McMillen Druggist
- -
Emma Perry is home from her visit in
Bert Griggs has returned to Hast
ings to work
Miss Lora A Enyeart is a Wauneta
visitor this week
Mr and Mrs C C Higgins go to
Wymore next week
County Clerk Wilcox is on three or
four legs this week Rheumatism
Dr A P Welles is reported as pro
gressing favorably towards recovery
Mrs Joseph Kubick and two sons
are visiting in Humboldt this state
Mrs Mary Mullen left Saturday on
11 for St Louis on a visit of two weeks
Miss Anna Griffin of Greeley Neb
is a guest of her sister Mrs Will Turley
Mrs A C Wiehe and daughter loft
last night on 3 for Crawford Neb on a
Mr and Mrs R C Knox are guests
of her parents Mr and Mrs Ed Fitz
Miss Carrie Wing is hero from Har
vard guest of ber sister Mrs W M
W H Ackerman has sold his Blue
Front livery stable property to Steve N
Mr and Mrs James Hatfield ar
rived home yesterday from their Illi
nois visit
Mrs Frank Barrett and daughter
of Omaha are guests of MrsWPBross
sister of the former
Miss Debra Brinton arrived from
Des Moines Iowa Wednesday on No 1
to visit her parents
Frank Colfer is home from Omaha
and McCooks funny bump has been
accordingly enlarged
Joseph Menard is having a porch
added to the front and north side of his
Marshall street residence
Mrs E A Bocock and children
visited her parents in Holdrege Mr and
Mrs A G Rector last week
Mrs Albert W Martin came down
from Denver close of last week having
been held their a week or two by illness
Mrs J B Meserve arrived from
Beaumont Texas on No 1 today to
visit during the heated summer season
Mrs W L Morgan and Miss Ethel
Gilbert of York Neb arrived in the
city first of week ou a visit to Mrs R
Mrs G E Thompson and daughters
Helen and Margaret left for Omaha
Thursday to be absent two weeks visit
ing relatives
Miss Margaret Evans who has been
visiting her sister Mrs L S Sage in
Alliance is now a guest of her sister
Mrs W S Morlan
Mrs V H Solliday went up to Den
ver last Saturday on 13 to see her hus
band who is in a hospital recovering
from a slight operation
Mr and Mrs W S Morlan depart
ed Sunday for St Louis going via
Lincoln where they joined J H Ager
and others on a trip to the fair
Mr and Mrs C P Ball of San
Francisco Cal are visiting in the city
this week He was formerly in the em
ploy of the Burlington on this division
Mr and Mrs McCartney of Traer
Kansasand Clarence Brown of Herndon
Kansas were guests of Mr and Mrs C
B Suwyer Wednesday evening and
Mis Josephine Mullen has taken a
vacation of 30 days and is now visiting
in St Louis Mrs Suess is temporarily
cashier and bookkeeper in her stead in
C L DeGroff Cos store
J P A Black of Bloomington has
disposed of his banking interests in
Bloomington and the Democrat says
that after a trip west he will become a
resident of Hastings He will bring his
initials with him
Alice Bennett and Hazel Merle en
tertained a company of young friends at
the Bennett home Tuesday evening
Refreshments and amusements of differ
ent kinds caused the evening to speed
away all too swiftly and very happily
W T Coleman and family and Miss
Nellie Smith went up to Colorado Sat
urday night Charles Coleman and
family of Arvada joined them in a trip
up Pikes Peak Sunday They arrived
home Thursday morning of this week
Dr and Mrs C L Fahnestock re
turned Sunday noon on No 1 from
their St Louis trip and visit and Dr R
T Smith who has been in charge of the
Burlington Voluntary relief business in
the doctors absencereturned to Aurora
J A Westermeier representing Geo
A Ogle Co of Chicago is in our city
interviewing our people relative to the
publishing of an up to date atlas of Red
Willow county As we have never had
a work of that kind he should receive
considerable encouragement
Fowler S Wilcox arrived home
close of past week from quite an exten
sive trip southwest seeing Colorado
Texas New Mexico and some of Old
Mexico The only country that captiva
ted him was the Rocky Ford valley He
thinks that is about the finest ever He
says that quite a large per centage of
the irrigated lands in some sections of
the southwest has been practically
abandoned on account of the alkali in
the water finally making cultivation un
profitable or impractical
For Sale
Second hand buggy and harness also
a farm wagon
A McMillen
Cherry stoners at Waites
Fourth of July Subscribers
First Nutl BanKS20 00 J H Bennett 510 00
Citizens Bunk 20 00 Anton Magner 10 00
P Walsh 25 00 Jae McAdama 10 00
WMLewis 25 00 E B Odell 10 00
L Fleischman 25 00 Clark Thayer 10 00
Hendricks Stephens Doylo 10 00
Lathrop 25 00 JAWilcox Son 7 50
MUClyde 10 00 H P Waite 5 00
MrsViola Ballow 10 00 MrsJennie Lee 5 00
ThompsonDGCo 10 00 A McMillen 5 00
BarnettL Co 10 Off A E Petty 5 00
WT Coleman 10 00 F M Colfcon 5 00
CLDoGroffCo 10 00 Dr S C Beach 5 00
WC Bullard 10 00 B G Gossan 5 00
GWBeck 1000 GW Norris 5 00
A S Kennedy 10 00 McCook Laundry 5 00
C K Putnam 10 00 Zint Menard 5 00
J HGrannis 10 00 Steve Wilson 5 00
Martin Com Co 10 00 CDCurtis 5 00
U SLand Olllco 10 00 Pade Son 5 00
J E Kelley 10 00 Barney Hofer 5 00
ConeBros 10 00 F D Burgess 5 00
LW McConnell 10 00 C E Eldred 5 00
ME Knipple 10 00 CIHall 5 00
Morgan Leach 10 00 F M Kimmell 5 00
DCMarfh 10 00 EJMitchell 5 00
HPSutton 5 00 L O Melius 5 00
Mrs JFKendlen 5 00 R M Osborn 5 00
SamHornback 5 00 W H Ferguson 5 00
CH Boyle 5 00 Silver Highland 5 00
Ludwick Son 5 00 Easterday Co 5 00
WW McMillen 3 00 II II Berry 3 00
W BFoarn 2 50 WRStarr 2 50
Robert Gunn 2 50 HJPratt 2 50
Dr Hare 2 50 Geo B Berry 2 50
W B McClain 2 50 J E Nolms 2 00
JMRupp 200 EarlMurray 2 00
TADesmond 2 00 Wm Zint 2 00
WH Ackerman 2 00 DDiamond 2 00
COBrown 100 CCFahronbruck 100
A J Markwad 100 CJRyan 100
H M Ireland 100 R J Predmore 100
GW Predmore 1 00 James Cain 1 00
W H Hallman 100 R Parsons 50
Concessions 35 00 Total 022 00
Parties who have subscribed or paid
in money for the celebration whose
names do not appear please report same
to F M Rathbun chairman Fourth of
July committee
An itemized list of expenditures will
be published later
The one hundred and twenty eighth
anniversary of the declaration of inde
pendence of the American colonies will
be celebrated in this city in a befitting
manner It is a day that all true Amer
icans love to honor not only on account
of the heroic deeds of our forefathers
but also because it marks the dawn of
liberty and equality before the law
In order that all persons may have an
opportunity to celebrate this our natal
day all places of business within the city
are requested to close at one oclock p
m for the day and that all the citizens
meet at the several places of amusement
and assist the committee in making this
day one long to be remembered by the
people C J Ryan Mayor
The city ordinances making use of
firecrackers and other fireworks subject
to the permission of the mayor Notice
is hereby given that any and all kinds of
fireworks are forbidden to be exploded
on the streets and alleys of the city of
McCook on the fourth day of July next
during the day time and the city mar
shal and special police will be on hand
and promptly arrest any persons violat
ing this order Fireworks may be used
on the streets such as are not forbidden
by the ordinances in the evening pro
vided that they be not exploded under
or near any passing team
C J Ryan Mayor
A Very Heavy Quartette
The advantage of raising a good arti
cle is understood and appreciated by O
L Thompson and son Don who are
gradually working into the thorough
bred stock business This week F S
Wilcox bought four hogs from them
The animals were ten months old Their
combined weight was 2450 pounds
which at 450 amounted to 811025 The
hogs were thoroughbreds Mr Thomp
son and son are also raising thorough
bred horses and cattle on a small scale
Former McCook Boy Won Second
In the Carr oratorical contest at Grand
Island Tuesday of last week R I Ben
jamin formerly of our city won second
prize His topic was Am I My Broth
ers Keeper He was one of eight soph
omores in the competition The third
prize was won by J N Davis of Hol
For Sale at a Low Price
For thirty days I am offering for sale
a steam threshing outfit comparatively
new and in good running order Does
fine work Call or write
J H Warfield box 238 McCook Neb
Sun and rain umbrellas from 50c up
at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Newest designs in 12c ginghams just
added to our assortment The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co
Gasoline stoves are a summer neces
sity Coleman has the best makes the
American market affords
Mens suits 350 500 650 800
1000 1250 and 1350 boys suits 85c
to 400 at The Thompson Drv Goods
See W C Bullard before you let your
contract for concrete walks He has an
expert to put them down and furnishes
Now is a good time to paper and paint
The paper hangers and painters are not
rushed and we have the paper and paint
McConnell Druggist
Dotted Swisses in beautiful colorings
for dresses have just been received by
The Thompson Dry Goods Co Also
new organdies dimities lawns and mer
cerized novelties These all in addition
to the large general line of such goods
making the largest line in this region
Cards are out announcing the ap
proaching wedding of Mr John C Mar
shall of Lincoln and Miss Eva M Bur
gess of our city two well known and
very estimable young folks with a host
of McCook friends and admirers Wed
nesday June 29 is the day and date
They will make Lincoln their home
Rain Wind Lightning Hall
Quite a severe storm prevailed over
this section of the state Monday night
being heaviest in this immediate vicinity
from 9 to 10 oclock The heavy down
pour of rain had a vigorous accompani
ment of wind some lightning and hail
in spots A few reports of loss and dam
age come to this oflice
Jacob Longnecker of Redwillow pre
cinct had 15 head of cows killed by one
bolt of lightning
Mrs Susau Hileman I H Wassbn
and Henry Bohling were sufferers in
their sugar beet fields the beets being
denuded of leaves and considerably dam
aged Other crops on Mr Bohlingsfarm
were damaged somewhat
In the city there was some damage to
trees from tl o high wind
A horse belonging to Mrs Dr Mary
Rowland of Herndon Kansas who has
been visiting in the city for a short time
guest of her mother Mrs Ella Canaga
became frightened by the storm and
broke one of its forelegs above the knee
The animal was lariated on the common
and became entangled in its rope Be
ing her favorite driving horse the loss is
especially felt by Mrs Rowland
Some damage was done to gardens in
Coleman precincts
Childrens Day in East McCook
Childrens day was happily and suc
cessfully observed last Sunday after
noon by the Union Sunday school of
East McCook at the home of Mr and
Mrs C A Stone where at the appoint
ed hour three oclock about eighty
children andadults had assembled The
exercises consisted in songs recitations
etc by the children while a quartette
of adults provided a very enjoyable
musical program Rev Conrad of the
Congregational church delivered a short
address appropriate to the day A col
lection was taken to further the good
work Prayer and benediction by Elder
Burt of the Christian church concluded
the services of the afternoon Credit is
due all concerned those taking part in
the program and those who labored so
earnestly and energetically to make the
first Childrens day exercises a success
The home was decorated for the occasion
in patriotic colors and simple but pretty
Burlingtons New Engines
The Burlington has just received and
put to work two of the new passenger
locomotives known as the R3 type
More of the same kind will b received
soon and thus the equipment in the west
will be greatly improved These engines
are designed to pull any load that is
likely to be put behind them They
willbe used between McCook and Ak
ron As the elevation between these
two stations is 2100 feet it is a long
steady uphill pull and powerful locomo
tives are required They will be able to
take the heaviest train at least 14 cars
including heavy sleepers and make the
running time of No 3 The actual
weight resting on the drivers of these
engines is 131000 pounds and they will
carry a pressure of 200 pounds of steam
Lincoln Journal
Childrens Day at Congregational Church
The postponed Childrens day exer
cises of the Sunday school of the Con
gregational church were held in the
church last Sunday evening before the
usual largo and appreciative audience
The young members of the school had
the front of the stage on this occasion
and the little ones acquitted themselves
in songs and recitations and marches to
the evident pleasure of all A solo by
Mrs C W Britt was a special number
on the program There was a profusion
of potted plantscut flowers palms ferns
etc in the pretty decorative effect of the
evening A collection was lifted for
home missions
Vocal Music
A limited number of private pupils in
voice will be taken at the following
terms One 40 minute lesson per week
100 two 30 minute lessons per week at
75c each No pupil taken for fewer than
ten lessons By a conservatory graduate
of large experience
Chas H Miller
At Junior Normal School
Cupids Successful Work
Robert E Lee of McCook and Mabel
Conley of Denver were married Satur
day evening 3une 18th 1904 at the
home of the grooms brother in our city
Rev M B Carman officiating
Charles E Cammack and May Mc
Main both of Bartley were made hus
band and wife Monday noon June 20
1904 by Rev M B Carman at the
Methodist parsonage
Specially Low Prices
on wall paper at McMillen s drug store
Hear the music at the M E church
next Tuesday night
Coleman for fruit jars
kind and the right price
The right
Mens fancy shirts 50c to 100 at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
H P Waite Co have a large as
sortment of preserving kettles See
McMillen druggist makes a specialty
of fine stationery writing and pencil
If you need a mower buy the Giant
Ideal It is taking the lead all over the
Mens and boys balbriggan union
suits 50c to 125 at The Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
The Piano Big mower is none too big
in the alfalfa field See the big fellows
at Colemans
Sunday evening July 3d Rev C R
Betts of the Baptist church will preach
a sermon on Patriotism
Thft Masonic hrethran and friands ara
celebrating St Johns Day at Byfields
gruvu a icw uiiica caat ui iuo itj y kuuajr
Fourth of July Prizes
The committee on sports announces
the following prizes
The tallest man on the ground Box
cigars at J H Bennetts
Homeliest man on the ground Pair
suspenders at J F Morgans and 50c
laundry bill at McCook laundry
Shortest man on the ground Bottle
wine at W M Lewis and 5 lb bucket
of lard at Antonf Magners
Handsomest woman on the ground
Silk mull waist at The Thompson Dry
Goods Cos and ladys handkerchief at
James McAdams
Handsomest baby on the ground Toi
let sot at L W McConnells and pair
babys shoes at A E Petty s
To the man with the largest feet
Ring of bologna at D C Marshs bot
tle of beer at Louis Floischmans and
bottle of cough medicine at Allert Mc
To winner of girls footrace A dish
at M E Knipples
To winner of boys footrace a hat at
C L DeGroff Cos
To man who- can yell loudest Silk
handkerchief at J F Morgans and
pound plug of tobacco at A S Kenne
To couple wedded on stand 40C0
bedroom set at J II Ludwick Sons
rocking chair at Pade Sons gasoline
stove at W T Colemans tea kettle at
H P Waite Cos ham at D C
Marshs 50 pounds flour at E BOdells
half ton of coal at W C Bullards 50
pounds flour at McCook Milling Cos
D E Barnes representing Maynard
Merrill Co addressed the assembly
this week
Miss Caldwell will open the Model
School June 27th which will add to the
interest and attendance of the normal
Supt G H Pickett of Hayes county
and Supt James OConnell of Hitch
cock county were official visitors Thurs
day of this week
One of the most instructively enter
taining talks of the normal up to date
was that of last Monday morning by
Frank Roberson
Queen Esther will be given under
direction of Prof Miller in duo time
The regular chorus and drill practices
are held on Tuesdays and Fridays An
invitation is extended vocalists in the
city to assist in the production of this
pretty tuneful cantata
The total enrollment is now 116 It is
divided between the seven counties as
Red Willow county G9
Frontier county 14
Hitchcock county 10
Hayes county 8
Furnas county 5
Chase county 6
Dundy county 4
This attendance compares very favor
ably withthat at other normals and
with the attendance of last year This
year so far Holdrege has about 130 in
attendance North Platte 121 Alliance
Andrews McCarl
Cambridge Neb June 21 At the
home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs
Thomas Andrews three miles southeast
of Cambridge Miss Cassie Andrews and
Mr Thomas E McCarl of McCookNeb
were united in marriage Miss Andrews
is a daughter of one of the wealthy stock
raisers of Nebraska her father owning a
very valuable ranch on the Republican
valley in Furnas county She is an es
timable young lady who has a large
number of friends here Mr McCarl is
one of the most popular young men of
McCook He is employed by the Bur
lington route as conductor Special to
Lincoln Journal
The joung couple are now enjoying
a brief honeymoon at the St Louis
fair Upon their arrival home they will
go to housekeeping in Mrs Vina Woods
south cottage which is in readiness for
their reception The Tribune heartily
You pay too much I can save you
money on Hamilton and Hampden high
grade watches Chas B Morgan
Holdrege Neb
The Tribune acknowledges courtesy
of Western Union Manager Heber in re
ceiving Repnblican national convention
bulletins which were posted on Tribune
window yesterday
Local Manager E E Maxon of the
Standard Beet Sugar Co states that
sugar beets are in very encouraging con
dition just now in this section of the
The Cecilian Concert Co at the M E
church Tuesday night June 28 Get
your ticket reserved at McConnells Sat
urday morning
When using Lincoln Absolutely Pure
Paint you have a guarantee as to dura
bility and general satisfaction
A McMillen
Supply your customers with a drink
of cold water Coleman sells the coolers
at a very reasonable price
Dress skirts ready to wear or to your
measure for 150 to 900 at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
Just the time of year to plant turnip
seed Colemans is the place to buy the
kind thatll grow
Come and see our stock if you want
something nice in harness of any kind
A good sewing machine at a moderate
price the New Royal at Waites
A specialty of office supplies
The Tribune
Nothing more comfortable than those
lawn swings at Colemans
Lace collars 35c to 400 each at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
i ii
iw9rt jt i imtr t fjy
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
g 3 M
Whottt tW
Oats 35
Rje 40
Rarloy 33
Hobs 4 V
Etfgs is
GoodButtor VZYj
McConnells for drugs
Coleman sells beet cultivators
The Tribune 52 weeks for 100
Ripe cherries for sale Phono 58
Everything in drugs McConnell
Horse covers and fly nets at Waitos
See the Ocean Wave washer before
I guarantee my coucrote walks W C
Room for rent over the market See
D C Marsh
McConnells foot powder for tirodsoro
or Sweaty feet
If you need a hay stacker see the one
Coleman sells
The Great Majestic Rangn is the
greatest stove made
Dont scaloyour fingers buy a fruit
funnel at Colemans
New potatoes are in tho local market
from surrounding farms
When you need fly nets try Coleman
and see what will happen
Local news of importance on every
home page of The Tribune
High grade organ for sale cheap Must
be sold Inquire at this ollice
The Deering hay rakes are all made
from steel Light and strong
Refrigerators a nice variety of tho
best in the market Coleman
Lace collars antl ties in great variety
at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Strays Ten head of calves Inquire
of C A Wasson Driftwood precinct
July 1st the price of house telophone
in Holdrege will bo 75 cents a month
McConnells blackberry balsam cures
colic and cholera morbus in 25c bottles
Alaska rofrigerators are the best A
fine line of them may be seenat Waites
Avenariuscarbolinum the great chick
en lice destroyer and wood preserver at
Barring hail Redwillow county will
harvest the greatest cherry crop ever
this year
The new stock of single harness is all
right for those driving wagons at W T
Concrete walks improvo your property
W C Bullard is tho man to let your
contract to
Gauze vests and pants and gauze un
ion suits for ladies misses and children
at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Lessons in drawn work at 50c for the
afternoon Also take orders for drawn
work Miss Addie Doan
Tho city authorities will do well to
take in hand the destructive youth3
who have been despoiling trees in the
city park
See W C Bullard before you let your
contract for concrete walks He has an
expert to put them down and furnishes
Say Johnny the birds are getting our
fine cherry crop Go right down to
Colemans and buy a stexiladder and
cherry stoner
Dont these hot days remind you of
ice cream Well it takes a good freezer
to make a good article of cream Colo
man dont sell any other kind
The Cecilians gave Arapahoe its best
entertainment this season S Patter
son manager opera house At the M E
church Tuesday June 23
Just as stylish equally as handsome
as the engraved are The Tribunes
calling cards printed from tho famous
and pretty Tiffany Text See our
samples and get our prices
Baby bonnets in Swiss lawn and silk
trimmed with lace embroidery ruffling
tucks and cordings from 20c to S5c at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Painted floors are cleaner and health
ier than carpets The Sherwin Wil
liams floor paint is made for floors and
nothing else Easy to put on and wears
well McConnell Druggist
Attention is directed to the card of
Mrs S E Griggs in this issue offering
her services as a professional nurse in
addition to continuing her work as a
hairdresser and doing shampooing Resi
dence two doors east of Commercial
The opera house was the scene of a
swell dance Tuesday evening by mem
bers of the Fortnightly and others
There was a fine company in attendance
and the hours were de voted to pleasure
The Pythian orchestra was the source
of musical inspiration Punch was
served during the evening Monsieur
Woolard artist
Problem A circle is 12 feet in diam
eter Find the area inclosed by its 90 c
arc and the core thereof The above
was submitted to the students of the
Normal this week and a fine 100 fan
for the first correct solution handed in
was offered by The Thompson Dry Goods
Co Numbers of replies have come in
already and at noon tomorrow the
award will be made