The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 17, 1904, Image 4

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t UPftM 1
Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription a Year in Advance
G W Norris Rod Willow County
Philip Giioni Danbury
C E Eldred McCook
James Hatfield McCook
The Alliance newspapermen like
some favored housewives of much inge
nuity and greater energy hnvo the hap
py faculty of making much out of little
2000 In Premiums
Is offered for County Collective Ex
hibits at the Nebraska State Fair to be
hold at Lincoln August 29th to Septem
ber 2 1001 and these premiums will bo
paid in full without discount It is
also provided that all County Collective
Exhibits which meet certain require
ments as specified in the premium list
shall bo awarded at least 8100
Harvest will soon be at hand and this
is the best time to secure choice speci
mens of grain and grasses for n
tivo Exhibit In each congressional dis
trict in the state the following premiums
are offered to school children for collec
tions of both native and cultivated
grasses viz To any pupil or student 18
years of age or under of any school dis
trict in cither the First Second Third
Fourth Fifth or Sixth congressional
district in Nebraska
Best and largest collection of nativo
grasses 810 Second best o
Best and largest collection cultivated
grasses 10 Second best 3
The total amount thus offered is S1S0
or 30 to each congressional district
These are premiums worth striving for
and now is tho time to begi making the
Send to R W Furnas Brownville
Nebraska for a premium list which
gives full particulars
The Richest Man In the World
The richest man in the world can not
have his kidneys replaced nor live with
out them so it is important not to neg
lect these organs If Foleys Kidney
Cure is taken at the first sign of danger
the symptoms will disappear and your
health will be restored as it strengthens
and builds up these organs as nothing
else will Oscar Bowman LebanonKy
writes I have used Foleys Kidney
Cure and take great pleasure in stating
it cured me permanently of kidney dis
ease which certainly would have cost
mo my life Sold by A McMillen
Worlds Fair Rates to St Louis
via Burlington Route
Tickets to St Louis and return good
for 15 days 2233 good GO dajs S24S0
good all summer S29S0 For full in
formation about train service and other
details see the ticket agent
The St Louis exposition the greatest
show the world has ever seen is now
complete and in harmonious operation
and it will be a lifetimes regret if you
fail to see it
When the Sap Rises
weak lungs should be careful Coughs
and colds are dangerous then One
Minute Cough Cure cures coughs and
colds and gives strength to the lungs
Mrs G E Fenner of Marion Indsays
I suffered with a cough until I run
down in weight from 14S to 92 pounds
I tried a number of remedies to no avail
until I used One Minute Cough Cure
Four bottles of this wonderful remedy
cured me entirely of the cough strength
ened my lungs and restored me to my
normal weight health and strength
Sold by LW McConnell
Protection is Panic Proof
is the title of the recent speech of Sena
tor J H Gallinger of New Hampshire
The speech has been issued in document
form by the American Protective Tariff
League One copy will be forwarded to
any address upon postal card request
addressed to W F Wakeman General
Secretary 339 Broadway New York
Ask for document No 78
Cheap rates to Colorado and Utah
points will be in effect from June 1st to
September 30 Enquire at ticket office
Black Hair
I have used your Hair Vigor I
I for five years and am greatly n
I pleased with it It certainlv re- I
stores tne original color to gray
hair Itkeepsmyhairsoft Mrs
Helen KilkennyNew Portland Me
Ayers Hair Vigor has
been restoring color to
gray hair for fifty years
and it never fails to do
this work either
You can rely upon it
for stopping your hair
from falling for keeping
your scalp clean and for
making your hair grow
100 s bottle All droKltU
If your druggist cannot supply you
eend us ono dollar and we will express
too a bottle Be sure andgive the name
tout nearest cxihbm wv uuiCh
J C AYER CO Lowell Mass
Fifty Years he Standard
Improves the flavor and adds to
ihe healthfulness of tht food
Every season has its own peculiar
charm but no month in this latitude is
so universally beloved as June The
cooler days of the early spring recalled
too vividly the chilling blasts of winter
Tho excessive heat of the older year is
not felt in June Perhaps it is because
climatic conditions are conducive to our
physical comfort that we like the month
so well June rather than May should
bo called the month of llowers All na
ture seems instinct with life exuber
antly glad The tree3 are full in leaf
The prairies assume their richest mantle
The flowers are all abloom The mourn
ing dove calls frorrtho distance The
meadow lark sings in the pastuio The
robin iterates his monotonous melody
The mocking bird in the ecstacy of joy
makes night resound with music
The storms intensify the glories of
this season The winds blow with
frightful violence The rains come in
dashing toi rents The lightnings il
lumine the daikness Tho thunders
seem to shake the very universe to its
foundations The manifestations of the
forces of nature awe and inspire us
Spend ono day in contemplation of the
wonders and the beauties of the world
Go into the meadows or stroll along
some tree lined stream Listen to the
wild notes of the birds among tho bran
ches to the chirp of summer insects in
the grass to the ripple of the flowing
river Watch tho sunbeams glinting on
the wnters the dew drops sparkling on
the foliage the grasses bending before
the breezes the cloud forms chasing
one another through the sky Spend
the day for onco away from men in
what may seem the abandonment of
idleness and say when the day is done
if it has not been well spent
Do not pry into the affairs of nature
Far more pleasure and profit will be de
rived by him who looks at the flowers
with the eyes God gave him than by
him who examines them with artificial
aids A minute inspection will but re
veal the details of their construction It
will not discover their secrets Be con
tent to accept effects without inquiring
as to causes Your questions will be re
ceived in immeasurable silence When
you are worthy when your mind shall
be capable of grasping the truth when
you are ready for the revelation know
ledge will blaze in your firmament more
brilliantly than the sun shines in the
heavens and you shall know all that is
compulwith to your understanding
You cannot learn more rapidly than it is
intended that you should The wise
men of all ages have sought in vain for
solutions to the same problems tnat
trouble you Their questions were im
pertinent Did we know the answers
the fascination of mystery that shrouds
the secrets of creation would be dispell
ed and knowing life would cease to in
terest If there were nothing more for
us to learn existing would no longer be
worth enduring
A Startling Test
To save a life Dr T GMerritt of No
Mehoopauy Pa made a startling test
resulting in a wonderful cure He
writes A patient was attacked with
violent hemorrhages caused by ulcera
tion of the stomach I had often found
Electric Bitters excellent for acute
stomach and liver troubles so I pre
scribed them The patient sained from
the first and has not had an attack in
fourteen months Electric Bitters are
positively guaranteed for dyspepsia in
digestion constipation and kidney trou
bles Try them Only 50 cents at LW
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by tho McCook postoffice June 13 1904
Dearfleld II A Phillips D D
Galbreath L T Smith J E
Greon Mrs W A Smith Phemmer
Thome fc Gleason
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmkll Postmaster
Whooping Cough
In the spring of 1903 my children
had whooping cough says Mrs DW
Capps of Capps Ala I used Cham
berlains Cough Remedy with the most
satisfactory results I think this is the
best remedy I have ever seen for whoop
ing cough This remedy keeps the
cough loose lessens the severity and
frequency of the coughing spells and
counteracts any tendency toward pneu
monia For sale by all druggists
Sick headache results from a disor
dered stomach and is quickly cured by
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab
lets For sale by all druggists -
M M Breo had business in the city
Cecil Baldwin spent Sunday in Mc
Cook with friends
G W Trimpy and wife drove to Mc
Cook first of week
C W McMillen and family visited
tho home folks over Sunday
Ona Reynolds visited with Mrs Frank
Henderson at McCook Tuesday
The childrens day exercises at the M
E church were postponed until next
Rev Satchell went to Minden Tues
day morning to attend the Epworth
League convention
Alice Warren Grace Ford Feme
Solomon Mabel Conway Lottie Whit
lake and Maggie Trimpy are attending
tho normal at McCook
David Knowles our popular young
operator was sent to McCook Tuesday
where he has a position in the dispatch
ers office with an increased salary
The funeral service of the late Grand
ma Turner was held in the Presbyterian
church Sunday afternoon at 230 Rev
Mitchelmore conducting the services
She was one of our most respected wo
men and was a member of the Presby
terian church and a good consistent
Christian She leaves to mourn her loss
three daughters and a number of grand
children who have the sympathy of the
community in their bereavement
A leap year party was given at the
opera house Saturday evening in honor
of Mrs Lois Davies of Kansas The
young people assembled at the opera
house at 730 and began the evening
program with music Then followed
the various amusements provided for
the occasion The bashful young men
wore kindly looked after and we are
sure the young ladies were capable of
doing it in a most agreeable manner
Dainty refreshments were served during
the evening and at 12 oclock they wen
ded their way homeward voting it a
howling success
Ladies and Children
who cannot stand the shocking strain of
laxative syrups and cathartic pills are
especially fond of Little Early Risers
All persons who find it necessary to take
a liver medicine should try these easy
pills and compare the agreeably pleas
ant and strengthening effect with the
nauseating and weakening conditions
following the use of other remedies
Little Early Risers cure biliousnesscon
stipationsick headache jaundicemalaria
and iiver troubles Sold by L W Mc
Grace Brown visited Wednesday
J W Epperly and daughter Rena
visited in Indianola Wednesday
Baxter Row e and family spent Wed
nesday with Mr Grimes and wife
O L Wilson and wife left Thursday
for a visit to the eastern part of tho
Blanche Miller went to Cambridge
Thursday to have some dental work
Rev Meeker is in Minden this week
attending a convention of the Epworth
League v
Jinks Fletcher is moving into the
brick residence formerly occupied by
Milan Beeson
Anna Weimkirch and Marguerite
Meeker went to McCook Tuesday to
attend normal
Mrs Marts has been very sick for
some time but wo are pleased to hear
she is getting better
Every available boy and girl who de
sire to work are earning plenty of money
in the beet fields now
Levi Richmond celebrated his birth
day last week pleasantly with relatives
and friends receiving manv valuable
A young gentleman from Ohio visited
several days here with Mr Dietsch and
family returning Wednesday to his
eastern home
Charles Catlett returned home last
Friday from Wesleyan university at Lin
coln He will be engaged in farming
now until school begins in September
Mrs Hopwoods mother brother and
sister arrived here from Iowa last Friday
for a visit Her brother is looking over
the country with a view of investing in
David Beaman and mother are in
Omaha where she is having her eyes
treated by a specialist It is the sin
cere wish of her many friends that her
sight may be restored
Last Sunday was celebrated here by
tl e A O U W in their memorial cere
monies Hon G W Norris delivered a
very interesting address on the occasion
The M E church was crowded with at
tentive listeners who were held willingly
for about an hour in a heart to heart talk
by Mr Norris presenting the useful and
practical duties of life so impressively as
to be long remembered
You cannot have good health unless
your kidneys are sound for the kidneys
filter the blood of impurities which oth
erwise act as irritating poisons and
break down the delicate organs of the
body and cause serious trouble If you
have kidney or bladder trouble and do
not use Foleys Kidney Cure you will
have only yourself to blame for results
as it positively cures all forms of kidney
and bladder trouble Sold by A Mc
Mrs John Neel spent Sunday with
friends in Cambridge
Fred Vering and daughter Katie drove
to the county seat Saturday
Mrs Pete Spohns visited this week
with her parents in Culbortson
Earl Calhoun of McCook visited Sun
day with the family of W II Alien
Frank Lackej camo in from Iowa
Sunday evening for a short visit with
Otis Coburn wife and son loft Wed
nesday for a short visit with relatives in
the east
Mrs J L Gentry who has been ro
coiving treatment in Lincoln came homo
Tu sday
Prof Wynno of Bartley was in town
Saturday and Sunday the guest of Rev
Crippen and family
Bert Stevenson and wife of lfolbrook
visited a few days this week with her
sister Mrs Lawritson
Mrs Andy Lord and daughter Mabel
departed Tuesday evening for Denver on
a short visit with her brother
Ollie Gotschall of Danbury came in
Wednesday from Lincoln whore she has
been working for the past few months
George Cramer and family who re
cently moved to California wo undei
stand are on their way back to Nebras
ka the land of promise
Mrs Conklin and two children who
have been visiting her sister Mrs E J
Enfield for the past few weeks left for
their home in California Tuesday
Rev Crippen Grace Andrews Sadie
McNiel and Gladys McCool went to
Mindon Tuesday morning as delegates
to the Epworth League convention
Katie Vering Edna Ilolcomb Ethel
Sheridan Lydia McCool Josie Fox Ida
Donnelly Anna Vering Bertha Thorn p
sun and Mr Kincaid went to McCook
Sunday evening to attend the normal
Tho school board met last Saturday
evening ana elected an the teachers ex
cept the principal for the coming year
The following are the ones elected Ena
Gambsyprimary room Edna Reynolds
2d primary room Miss Burgus inter
mediate room Mrs Brown grammar
One of the greatest blessings a modest
man can wish for is a good reliable set
of bowels If you are not the happy
possessor of such an outfit you can
greatly improve tho efficiency of those
you have by the judicious use of Cham
berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets
They are pleasant to take and agreeable
in effect For sale by all druggists
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Class meeting at 12 Epworth League
at 7 15 Prayer meeting every Thursday
evening at 815 Preaching at 11 and Slo
M B Carman Pastor
Christian Bible school every Sun
day morning at 10 oclock Preaching
every alternate Sunday at 11 a m and
S p m Social service every alternate
Sunday at 11 a m Good music An
invitation to all G T Burt Pastor
Congregational Sunday school 1 0
a m l if s u hi at i p m Jrayer
and confernce meeting on Wednesday
evening Sunday morning subject A
Conquering Faith A special Child
rens Day service in the evening A
welome to all services
George A Conrad Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m
Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer
and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in
the month Holy Communion at 7 30 a
m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
First Baptist Church Sermons at
11 a m and 745 p m Bible school at
945 a m Junior society at 3 p m B
Y P U at 7 1a p m Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening 8 p m Morning
The Value of Church Attendance
In the evening The Tenth Command
ment Thou shalt not covet Ex
2014 A cordial welcome to all
C R Betts Pastor
Rev R E Pogue of Danbury was in
the city a short time first of week
Sunday June 19th there will be a
celebration of the holy communion at
St Albans Episcopal church at 730am
Rev W E Hardaway presiding elder
of the Holdrege district who has just
returned from the general conference of
the Methodist church in Los Angeles
was in the city Monday and Tuesday
looking over tho new Methodist church
plans and site He expressed himself as
being delighted with the style of archi
tecture and the prospects for a new
Quick Arrestc
J A Gulledge of Verbena Ala was
twice in the hospital from a severe case
of piles causing 24 tumors After doc
tors and all remedies failed Bucklens
Arnica Salve quickly arrested further
inflammation and cured him It con
quers aches and kills pain 25 cents at
LW McConnells druggist
A spring tonic that cleans and purifies
and absorbs all poison from the system
Hollisters Eocky Mountain Tea will
make you well and keep you well all
summer 35 cents Tea or tablets
LW McCoell
fesg yi w jiff
Ihe Hymasi Lottery
Ah if only I were beautiful
how Happy lif -would bo
Many a forlorn maid has said this as she
looked into the mirror It is the one pos
session in the lottery of human life which
woman would not refuse
Female Regulator
for young girls on the threshold of woman
hood is invaluable When they become
pale and languid the eyes dull aching
head feet and hands cold appetite gone
or abnormal obstructed periods and pain
ful menses and their systems generally
run down they need a tonic building up
and their blood cleansed
Bradfields Female Regulator for women
is particularly valuable and useful owing
to its tonic properties and as a regulator
of the menstrual flows Painful obstruct
ed and suppressed menstruation is perma
nently relieved and all diseases peculiar
to her genital organs are cured by it
Regulator clears the complexion bright
ens the eye sharpens the appetite re
movesmuddy and blotched conditions of
the skin and cures sick headache at once
Of druggists at roo per bottle
Perfect Health for Women can
be had free by sending us your address
The Man Who Toils
Is the man who ought to have the best
things to eat because his system re
quires it Workingmen and everybody
else who want the best meat come to
our shop We run the best butcher shop
in town Our place is clean Tho meat
we sell is tender and fresh The prices
we ask are low enough to suit anybody
If you knew how particular we are to give
satisfaction youd never buy elsewhere
Anton Magner
222 South Peoria St
CnrcAGO III Oct 7 1902
Eight months ago I was so ill
that I was compelled to lie or sit
down nearly all the time My
stomach was so weak and upset
that I couldkecp nothing on it
and I vomited frequently I
could not urinate without great
pain and I coughed so much that
my throat and lungs were raw
and sore The doctors pro
nounced it Brights disease and
others said it wa3 consumption
It mattered little to me what
they called it and I had no de
sire to live A sister visited me
from St Louis and asked me if
I had ever tried Wine of Cardui
I told her I had not and she
bought a bottle I believe that
it saved my life I believe many
Avomen could save much suffer
ing if they but knew of its value
Dont you want freedom from
pain Take Wine of Cardui
and make one supreme effort to
be well Tou do not need to be
a weak helpless sufferer You
can have a womans health and
do a womans work in life Why
not secure a bottle of Wine of
Cardui from your druggist to
A Well Known Cure for Piles
Cures obstinate sores chapped hands ec
zema skin diseases Makes burns and scalds
painless We could not improve the quality
If paid double the price The best salve
that experience can produce or that money
can buy
moi f
llpfe I iiMifli k
I S sin rmM
US i i ill if
Its English
You Know
Our mutton chops are all built on the
substantial English pattern If you
want French chops we cut them that
way but you get
Fine Mutton
or Lamb
the sweet toothsome kind in either
event You never had any stringy chops
from us did you Call telephone or
send tho baby Your order will have
equally good attention
BmiL A Jm Jmm L Jr AA
Mail Cue Co
The only reliable wholesale house
between Denver and Hastings
ind Produce
We Buy in Car Lots
All goods direct from grower that
is why we can sell cheap Merch
ants headquarters
We Pay Cash for Eggs
Local and Long Distance
Phone 104
One door south of the Tribune Office
Dr S Shwartz
The Noted Eye Specialist
JUNE i8th 1904
Dr S Shwartz has
done more work
here than any other
eye specialist comes
oftener than any other specialist and is
too well known to need any introduction
His references are his patients your
neighbors and friends Difficult cases
and school children solicited A largt
stock of
artificial eyes and glasses on
hand A large portion of headaches
and hysteria St Vitus dance nervous
prostration epilepsy and other nervous
Cures Piles Permanently do iJ
DeWltfs Is the original and only pure and have failed to obtain relief from kb
i nam DeWITT n ifiStaS ZiZZTZ T
arc counterfeit msMMDrr
For Sale by L W McConnell
The Brownie Kodak Boy-
Kodaks are sold by
CONE BROS Druggists
wU u ail vuaes
Will be at the Commercial
Saturday June 18
t A
4 1