The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 10, 1904, Image 8

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SESolomon was in Franklin coiaty
first of week
Orphn Snlchell wont to McCook first
of weok to visit friends
Ona Reynolds spont Wednesday in
Palisndo visiting friends
Feme Solomon visited with Trenton
friends from Friday to Sunday
vJohn Brown and wife visited with E
E Maxon and fumily at McCook Sun
Xoyd Jennings and Darvy Burnett of
McCook visited friends in this city
II Wallingford C Hoagen and E M
Reynolds attended the dance at Trenton
Saturday evening
J W Bradley D L Shumaker DM
Benedict W ISCrowell and R Knowles
attended the ball game at Trenton Sat
Mrs Fannie Brown returned from
Stratton first of week accompanied by
her niece Caroline Wilson who will visit
here for several days
II W Bostock went to Stratton
Thursday evening Harry was one of
the participants of the commencement
program given there Friday evening
Mrs C W Benedict of Trenton and
her friend Miss Conklin of Franklin
visited with relatives and friends here
Friday Miss Conklin took No 14 for
her home th same evening
At tho meeting of the school board
Monday evening Grace Ford was elect
ed teacher of the second primary room
The board could have made no better
choice as she is a very efficient teacher
and has earned the respect of all who
00w her
About seventy five of our citizens
members of the M E church pleasantly
surprised the pastor and his wife M S
Satchell and wife at the church last
Wednesday evening it being tho happy
occasion of their 23th anniversary A
silver offering amounting to about 15
was presented to the happy couple
Dainty refreshments were served and all
departed at a late hour having spent a
most delightful evening
Cured His Mother of Rheumatism
My mother has been a sufferer for
many years with rheumatism says W
II Howard of Husband Pa At times
she was unable to move at all while at
all tunes walking was painful 1 presen
ted her with a bottle of Chamberlains
Pain Balm and after a few applications
she decided it was the most wonderful
pain reliever she had ever tried in fact
she is never without it now and is at all
times able to walk An occasional ap
plication of Pain Balm keeps away the
pain that she was formerly troubled
with For sale by all druggists
Fine growing weather
J F Miller left Tuesday for his home
at Friend
The farmers in this locality are busy
killing weeds
Isaac Johnson was calling in this
neighborhood last Friday
Some of the young people called on
the Misses Uhren Sunday afternoon
Rev Crago will preach at this place
next Sunday both morning and evening
Elmer Shepherd and wife of Spring
Creek visited with T M Campbell and
family Sunday
Mrs Foster who has been visiting her
brother P E Stone returned Tuesday
to her home in Denver
Charles Bolles returned home first of
the week from Lincoln where he has
been attending the state university
Mrs E C Lakiu of Indianola is
visiting her sons and daughter Fred
and Frank and Mrs John Morosic this
7 eek
Do Not Be Imposed Upon
sFoley Co Chicago originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foleys Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered for
the genuine Ask for Foleys Honey and
Tar and refuse any substitute offered as
no other preparation will give the same
satisfaction It is mildly laxative It
contains no opiates and is safest for
children and delicate persons Sold by
A McMillen
The Gerver boys are listing in crops
Benjamin Bros are at listing at this
We have had two good corn growing
J A Hoffman is fencing a pasture on
Mrs Cora Hartman was a McCook
patron the 7th
Its a boy born June 6th and Harry
Rowland and wife are the happy parents
The photo agent for the enlarging of
photos and picking up the dollars from
the people is at work in this section of
Disease takes no summer
f you need flesh and
strength use
Scotts Emulsion
summer as in winter
Send for free sample
409 415 Pearl Street New York
50candJ1oo all druggists
At th Price of Suffering
Woman on her way to semi invalidism
caused by pregnancy suffers much pain
Ignorance prompts her to suffer alone
in silence and remain in the dark as to
the true cause motherhood
Mothers Friend takes the doctors
place and she has no cause for an inter
view She is her own doctor and her
modesty is protected Daily application
tr the breast and abdomen throughout
pregnancy will enable her to undergo the
period of gestation in a cheerful mood
and rest undisturbed
Motfiers Friend
is a liniment for external use only It
would indeed be shameful if the sacrifice
of modesty were necessary to the success
ful issue of healthy children All women
about to become mothers need send only
to a drug store and for ioo secure the
prize childbirth remedy Healthy babies
are the result of useing Mothers Friend
Our book riotherhood mailed free
Will Staplps is suffering with a lame
Jacob and Henry Harsch both have
new separators
Kev Predoehl returned home Friday
from conference
Max Grosch goes to work for John
Fritz on the river
Grandma Ferrell was taken very sick
last week bur is better
Jacob Fichtner is improving He is
using an electric battery
F S Soverns was up from Wilson
ville Saturday to see the kids play ball
Frank Vanvleet and family were over
from Kansas Sunday guests of Amos
The school held commencement exer
cises in the M E church on Wednesday
A C Bartholomew and wife attended
the decoration exercises at Danbury
Cyrus Booth and Robert Orr with
their families spent Sunday at Wm
Ivy Wood is here from Arapahoe
visiting with her grandmother Mrs H
Dr Campbell came in Saturday from
Beaver City where he has been since
Daisy and Bosa Slutts are held in
Wichita Kansas on account of the high
water and floods
Kate Kreidt visited with C C Dun
tons Sunday Mr Duntons have a
bouncing boy born May 29
Wm Troester drove over to Ash Creek
Sunday to see his father The old gen
tleman is said to be very sick
Pearl Cartwright receives cream now
for the Beatrice Creamery Co Earl
Bod well goes back to the farm
The Methodists baptized about twenty
in or near Al Bodwells grove Wednes
day Dinner was spread in the grove
Martin Johnson and Ed Morris will
go as delegates to theEpworth League
convention atMinden June 14 15 16
Clyde Meeker and family have moved
from California to Denver Mrs Meeker
is a daughter of Isaac Orr of this place
Anna Carty of McCook is taking care
of her mother Mrs Ferrel Ned Ferrel
is expected home any time from Cali
Jacob Fiechtner spent a few days in
McCook last week under the doctors
care Before coming home he drove up
to his old home in Hayes county
L C Kinder was down from Tyrone
to see the ball game Saturday He
thinks some of coming here after a few
weeks to help the carpenters catch up
with their building
We had thought that grass was to
green to burn but a peddler dropped a
match or a spark from his pipe He lit
out so did the fire A few fence posts
were burned up for Mrs Kriedt
Z B Ford brother of Mrs S R
Jolly is visiting his sister and is doing
the finishing work in Jolly Stephens
Devoes hardware He is on his way to
Oregon and will be here about a week
Rev Predoehl preached Sunday mor
ning at the Lutheran church eleven
miles northwest of here In the after
noon north of Hendley and got home by
eleven oclock Monday morning he
took tho train at Bartley for conference
Rev Pogue preached the memorial
sermon Sunday in the M E church
There were about eleven old soldiers
present sitting with the eleven that had
worn the blue was one who had worn
gray His text was taken from first
Tim 6th chapter part of the 12th verse
Fight tho good fight of faith
Wo visitor Peter Hickmans ranch in
Tyrone precinct the other day He was
shearing sheep He has a very nice
orchard What interested us most was
wild plum and choko cherries under in
tense cultivation loaded down with
fruit Surely they are better than the
cottonwood to put in your yard
Ball game Saturday Lebanon vs
Wilson ville Score 3 to 11 in favor of
Lebanon This is tho second game
Wilsonville won the other game Tho
first nines have beaten Indianola three
games this spring The play Hendley
this week The kids play with Lyle
this week Sherman and Lyle crossed
bats Saturday
P B Garrett and family left May 9th
for Kansas They will attend the Gar
rett reunion at DeSota Iowa When
Mr Garrett rented his farm he was in
tending to go to his grandmothers home
in Illinois to her family reunion There
would have been about one hundred of
her family but she was thrown from a
wagon last winter and killed Mr
Garretts fathers family will number
about thirty -five
Juggling With Dynamite
Is no more dangerous than to neglect
kidney disorders Foleys Kidney Cure
corrects irregularities and has cured
many severe cases after other treatment
has failed It builds up the worn out
tissues and restores health and vigor
I was troubled with kidney complaint
for about two years writes A II Davis
of Mt Sterling Iowa but two bottles
of Foleys Kidney Cure effected a per
manent cure Sold by A McMillen
The death of young Mr Taylor is re
Prof McGee of Wilsonville is visiting
friends here
Danbury and vicinity is enjoying a
building boom
J L Sims shipped three car loads of
hogs to St Joe this week
Wm Greenways moved into their
fine residence first of week
O B Woods will return to Danbury
to engage in the barber trade
W W Quigley and F E Burbridge
came over from Indianola Sunday
W C Shockley is having a residence
16x24 built on his farm west of here
Dr DeMay is going to Chicago to at
tend the session of the medical school
Dr DeMay was called to Herndon
first of week to treat the millers wife
Mr Kelly of Norton Kansas was
trying to rent residence property but
W K Shepherd and daughter of
Eastern Missouri are visiting his sister
Mrs Naden
S W Stilgebouer and wife went to
Bartley to visit their son Foster and
family and returned first of wpek
Mrs E B Young went to Lebanon
Tuesday and stayed for the commence
ment exercises Wednesday evening
Louis Heston one of our old timers is
going to build a fine residence on his
homestead south of town Carpenter
Walters has the contract
Soren Simonson is building a fine
residence on his farm two miles north
east of here 20x30 and 14xl6L Car
penter Walters our rustling contractor
and builder doing the work
Married Annie Kincaid and Bert
Gotchell at George FishersSunday eve
ning at 6 oclock Rev Pogue officiating
The young people have the good wishes
of the entire community
Do you need more blood and more
flesh do you need more strength this
spring Hollisters Eocky Mountain Tea
will bring them all If it fails your
money back 35 cents Tea or tablet
form L W McConnell
I find Thedfords Blact Dranght
a good medicine for liver disease
It cured my on after ho had spent
H0O with doctors It is all the med
icine I take MRS CAROLINE
MARTIN Parkersburg W Vn
Tf your liver does not act reg
ularly go to your druggist and
sc ire a package of Thedfords
Biack Draueht and take a dose
tonight This great family
medicine frees the constipated
bowels stirs up the torpid liver
and causes a healthy secretion
of bile
Thedfords Black - Draught
will cleanse the bowels of im
purities and strengthen the kid
neys A torpid liver invites
colds biliousness chills and
fever and all manner of Bick
ness and contagion Weak kid
neys result inBrights disease
which claims as many victims
as consumption A 25 cent
package of Thedfords Black
Draught should always be kept
in the house
I need Thedfords Block
Draught for liver and kidney com
plaints and found nothing to excel
Homer and Bert Stalcup are here
visiting homefolks
Mr Stahlcup who has been seriously
ill is improving slowly
Roxy Brown of near Danbury was a
city visitor Wednesday
The people havo decided to celebrate
the 4th of July here this year
Rev Chandler of Arapahoe preached
at the M E church Sunday evening
John Ervin and John Brown of Dan
bury were on our streots first of week
J W Dolan and wife returned home
last week from their trip to California
Edna Thompson is visiting in Bartley
with her friend Pearl Lyman this week
The Independent company io putting
up a telephone line from here to Stock
Ben Akers of McCook visited fore
part of the week with his friend Leon
Delia Toogood has returned home
from Bertrand where she has been for
the past year
Wm Gentry went to Lincoln first of
week on a short visit with his wife who
is in the hospital
Frank Hardesty wife and two chil
dren visited a few days this week with
relatives in Kansas
Ross Enfield and wife of Kansas visit
ed thB latter part of last week with his
brother Ed and family
Claudia Hatcher who has been at
tending school in Lincoln returned
home Saturday evening
Mrs Lawritson and son Glenn went
to Trenton Wednesday evening on a
short visit with relatives
Mrs John Wilson who was called
here last week by the sickness of her
father has returned to her home in
Mrs Henry Ough and danghter went
down to Oxford last Saturday morning
on a short visit with her daughter Mrs
Andy Dyer
Mrs Charlie Walls and son Bergus of
Holdrege came up Tuesday evening for
a snort visit witn 01a inenas ana ac
Childrens day exercises were obser
ved at the Christian church last Sun
day evening The fine program prepar
ed was appreciated by all
A Sure Thing-
It is said that nothing is sure except
death and taxes but that is not alto
gether true Dr Kings New Discovery
for Consumption is a sure cure for all
lung and throat troubles Thousands
can testify to that MrsCBVanMetre
of ShepherdtownWVa says I had a
severe case of bronchitis and for a year
tried everything I heard of but got no
relief One bottle of Dr Kings New
Discovery then cured me absolutely
Its infallible for croup whooping cough
grippneumonia and consumption Try it
Price 50 cents and 81 Guaranteed by
LW McConnell druggist Trial bottles
Ross Grisell is making improvements
on his barn
May Haiuing has returned home from
a visit with her aunt
David Bush made a trip to Lincoln
the fore part of this week
Edna Thompson of Indianola is visit
ing Pearl Lyman this week
Edith Ogg is here from Missouri
visiting with friends and relatives
Luther Bush returned from the peni
tentiary at Lincoln Tuesday He is
out on parole
Mrs Crocker and son of Sigourney
Iowa are here on a visit with her sister
Mrs T Ginther
Mae Bush has gone
work in the
to Indianola to
Robins restaurant Joe
will be lonesome
Charlie Camack took out a load of
new furniture Wednesday His bachelor
days will end soon
Henry Butherus is improving his resi
dence with a nice coat of paint Jinks
Fletcher is the artist
A special pension agent was in town
this week taking depositions in regard
to Mrs Crosbys claim which we hope
will soon be allowed
Quick Arrest
J A Gulledge of Verbena Ala was
twice in tho hospital from a severe case
of piles causing 24 tumors After doc
tors and all remedies failed Bucklens
Arnica Salve quickly arrested further
inflammation and cured him It con
quers aches and kills pain 25 cents at
LW McConnells druggist
Everyone is plowing corn these days
Burt Hocknell is working for George
Tom Chamberlain lost a fine milch
cow Monday
Matt Uhren was visiting with friends
here Sunday
Toney and John Steltzer are going to
start up their show July ith
Nellie and Katie Kennedy were visit
ing with Delma Carter Thursday
Clyde Marriott and family and Mrs
DeHart ate ice cream with MrKennedys
Fred Carter was visiting with Ed
Couse Sunday He reports him getting
better but still pretty weak
Eobert Moore is not very well He
caught a severe cold some time ago and
dont get over it His many friends
and neighbors hope for his steady re
James Kennedy and Ed Burns from
Fillmore county are visiting with Matt
Kennedy tho formers brother They
are looking over the country with a view
of locating They are well pleased and
may move hero next spring
Roy and Frank Coleman put up a new
J W Corner and wife were McCook
visitors Thursday
Uncle Billy Colman has returned in
stead of going to bte his girl in Califor
nia He went to near Chicago then to
Peoria and on to St Louis and spent a
few dnys at the worlds fair He travel
ed nearly 1700 miles and the trip has
done him cood Uncl says that at
least one fourth of the ground in Illinois
and Missouri is not touched yet Corn
stalks are standing just as they were
last fall The mo t of the corn planted
is just about taken by weeds A largo
share is not up yet It was twenty five
years ago last Sunday that Wm Cole
man first came into this township More
to follow later
Made Young Again
One of Dr Kings New Life Pills
each night for two weeks has put me in
my teens again writes D II Turner of
Dempseytown Pa Theyre the best in
the world for liver stomach and bowels
Purely vegetable Never gripe Only 25
cents at L W McConnells drug store
lAJ r vi r9 t I 1h ifl tu bKJS
am ty appetizing
V lb packages
All high class grocers
To Prevent Hog Cholera
Prom appearing on your farm
Be prudent this year and pre
vent a repetition of the losses
of previous jears
Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee
U A ru
Dolmout S D Dec 17 1902
I ued L K for hog cholera and it was all
right It cured my hew I had tiirpu sick ones
and they all got well and done fine I also
used it for chicken lice and lnits and it is all
you claim for it Itis the only Medicine for hop
cholera I think Gotlieij Jekke
Harrington Neb Dec 11 1902
I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased
with it I am sure I saved my hops with it last
year and am going to keep it in stock all the
time as it is tho best thing I ever had on the
place for everything it is intended for Itis
pood for chicken cholera lice on stock insects
of all kind it will destroy all kinds
if W Woman
Manufactured by the National Medical Com
pany Sheldon Iowa
Trade Marks
Copyrights e
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention la probably patentable Communica
tions strictly confldentlal HANDBOOK on Patents
Dcub hot uiucai uKBucy iur securing patents
Patents taken through Munn Co
special notice without charge lntha
mmnK Mtmmmi
A handsomely Illustrated weekly Largest cir
culation of any scientific Journal Terms S3 a
year four months L Sold by all newsdealers
fflUNNCo36tBfoad New York
Branch Office 623 F SU Washington D C
Sealed bids will be received at the office of the
city clerk McCook Nob until 12 oclock M
Monday Juno 20 1901 for all sidewalks and
curbs to be constructed until May 1 1903 All
bids to be submitted as follows
Flag stone per square foot
Cement per square foot
Concrete persquarefoot
Vitrified hard paving Brick per square foot
Tiling per square foot
Curbinc of above materials per lineal foot
lS inch and 24 inch 5 inches thick
All labor and materials to be furnished bv tho
bidder and subject to the provisions of Ordi
nance No 113 The council reserves the right to
reject any or all bids C I Hall
City Clerk
for the fiscal year 1901 by the Council of tho
City of McCook
Resolved By tho Mayor and City Council of
the City of McCook Nebraska that tho follow
ing be tno estimate ot expenses lor said City of
McCook for the fiscal year commencing Mav G
1904 c
For salaries of officers other than policed 500 00
Making and repairing alleys streets and
cross walks 1000 00
Pay of firemen and supplies 500 00
Rent of water hydrants 2200 00
Supplies rent claims elections and
printing 1400 00
Lighting streets 1400 00
Library fund 600 00
Interest on bonds and sinking fund 1000 00
Total 8600 00
The entire revenues of tho city for the year
ending May 5 1901
General fund 1010 92
Occupation fund 315S 96
Water fund 2707 96
uigntiunu 1656 34
11531 18
The entire expenditures of tho city for the
fiscal year ending May 5 1904
General fund 2745 27
Occupation fund 2818 75
Waterfund 2126 56
Light fund 1053 03
Passed and approved this 9th day of May 1904
C I Hall F M
City Clerk Mayor
McConnells drug store
Office over
Office Phone 160
Res Phone 131
Registered Graduate Dentist
Formerly located in At
lanta Georgia All opera
tions pertaining to modern
dentistry performed accord
ing to the latest scientific
methods used in the large
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Halliday Waupun bclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker
Phillips Building
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13
Consultation free
Graduate of Kansas
City Lental College
Over Jas McAdams
Telephone 43
McCook Nebraska
Office over Grannis store McCook Neb
and Surgeon
Office over McMillens drug store Residence
702 Main Avoune Residence phone 53 Office
phone 28 Calls answered night or day
McCook Nebraska
CSAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Waterworks Office in Postoflico building
BTcCook Nebraska
Office in Court House Phone 181
McCook Nebraska
Telephone 44 p o Building
sasbsssfe ffi55sj
square JPHILA
-Mention tiUBDer
To William Wight G W Arbogast RBurton
QTS Gardnerand to all whom ft may concern
Ihe commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at center of sw quarter of section
P8n Mc 1ethB dines North Valley
--v- t1 Vucu Red Willnro
county Neb and known as Arbogasts cSE
ner and extending south diverging in aTo
erly direction sufficient to avoid the high bfSffs
and secure the
and practical routo for a road
coming back on the same section H ZJl
sKrifS2 hi s SF
section line has reported in favor 0 tW1
office onr befSS SoSf tLthWofjuly3
thereto p Ta uvw VJOHt reference
t fi
Dated May 20th 1904 uate
SLGEEEV County Judge
Stops more pain relieves more suffflr
mg prevents more heart aches and dfa
eases than any other remedy TW
what Hollisters RockXJntain
will do 3o lea
cents in tea or tablet form