IT I R- r a i I e DOCTOR ADVOCATED OPERATION MADE KNIFE UNNECESSARY EVA BAttTTTO 133 East 12th MltS St New York City N writes I -suffered for throe years with leu corrhea and ulceration -of the -womb The doctor advocated an operation which I dreaded very much andstrong ly objected to fro under it Now I am a changed woman Pcruna cured mc it took nine bottles but I felt so much improved I kept taking it 3ts I dreaded an operation o much I -am to day in perfect health and have not felt bo well ior fifteen years Mrs Eva Ilartho Mrs Senator Roach of Lari wore N Dak Mrs Senator War ren of Cheyenne Wyo Belva Lockwood and Mrs General Long street of Washington D C9 are among the prominent ladies who indorse Peruna Miss Helen Kolof Wis writes Several limes during the past two years or more my system lias been greatly in need of a tonic and at those times Peruna has been of great help in building up the system restoring my appetite and securing restful sleep Helen Itolof Miss Muriel Armitage 30 Greenwood Ave Detroit Mich District Organizer of the Royal Templars of Temperance writes as follows I suffered for five years with -uterine irregularities which brought on hys teria And made me a physical wreck I tried doctors from the different schools of inedicinebut without any perceptible change in my condition In my despair I called on an old jiurse who advised me io try Pcruna and promised good results if 1 would persist and take it regularly I kept this up for six months and steadily gained strength and health- and when I had used fifteen bottles I considered myself entirely cured I am a grateful happy woman to day Miss Muriel Armitage Missliucy M Riley 33 Davenport St Cleveland Ohio writes I wish to add my indorsement to thousands of other women who have been cured through the use of Peruna I suffered ior five years with severe J BBS EVA BARTHO i backache and when weary or worried in the least I had prolonged headache I am now in perfect health enjoy life and have neither an ache or pain thanks to Pcruna Lucy M Riley It is no longer a question as to whether Peruna can be relied on to cure all such cases During the many years in which Peruna has been put to test in all forms and stages of acute and chronic catarrh no one year has put this remedy to greater test than the past year If all the women who are suffering with any form of female weakness would write to Dr Hartman Columbus Ohio and give him a complete descrip tion of their symptoms and the peculi arities of their troubles he will imme diately reply with complete directions for treatment free of charge Address Dr Hartman President of The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio MaDnHsMiMaHHBaaaaHnnaqnatnMBaHiBBHHMBMHMMMwHflMwi -- 1 r it lNUr HvuauUiHi wMmJ SU ffJM WW- Take -Down Repeating Shotguns Dont soend from 50 to 200 for a nun when for so much less money you can buy a Winchester Take Down Repeating Shotgun which will outshoot and outlast the highest priced double barreled gun besides being as safe reliable and handy Your dealer can show you one They are sold everywhere FREE Our 100 Paqc Illustrated Catalogue WINCHESTER REPEAT1HG ARMS CO NEW HAVEN CONN J0 GET AGRASP fev Jpr ON OUR TRADEMARK 8k f GET TO KNOW IT WHErTYOU SEE If k mf AND THEN NEVER BUV STARCH WITHOUT Ul lm m OEFIANCE STARCH IS WITHOUT EQUAL tf IS GOOD lgL M IT IS BETTER IT IS THE BEST AND MORE OF IT FOR TEN W M CENTS THAN ANY OTHER STARCH IT WILL NOT ROT THE EH S CLOTHES YOUR GROCER HAS JLOR WILL GET IT IFY0U Ji ASK FOR IT s s a a u m JM k SATISFACTION OR MONEYBACK jgg MANUFACTURED BYi mf TheDERANCESTARCHCO T lNEWS IN NEBRASKA1 i DISCUSSES THE REVENUE LAW Business Remedy and Not a Retalia tory Measure LINCOLN The railroads of Ne braska found an eloquent defender in W G Sears one of the authors of the new revenue law Before the state board of equalization ho declared that the revenue law was a business and not a retaliatory piece of legislation If farm property had been increased it was not just to raise the railroad assessment for that reason alone He asserted that farm property ought to ie raised and that the authors of the JjM had this object in view He main tained that year after year the rail roads had paid taxes in cash while others had not He said the stock and bond theory of railroad assessment seemed good but the state board would have to look out for the in flated values of stocks and bonds Ho said the Chicago Minneapolis St Paul road in his neighborhood had been built at an expense of 1G000 a mile It had been bonded for 32000 He thought the latter was the value of the road The estimate of the Chicago Bur lington Quincy system was dis cussed The members discussed the stock and bond theory of valuation minus the necessary credits Nothing definite was decided upon and the ul timate theory of the board is just as intangible as the most intangible form of railroad property The Burlington reports show that the capital stock is 110839100 the number xf shares of stock 1108391 and the par value 100 The shares have not been quoted on the market for more than two years dating from the consolidation with the Northern Securities company The capital is all paid up and the indebtedness is given at 156050900 less 13493 132GG securities and cash for invest ment in the sinking fund making an indebtedness of 14255776734 The gross earnings for the year in Nebras ka were 1565200081 and the op orating expenses were 829061569 Taxes paid in Nebraska amounted to 500G388 leaving a net earning in this state of 577192124 FIREMEN TO GO TO NORFOLK State Tournament to Be Held There This Year NORFOLK The firemen of Ne braska will race at Norfolk this year That was decided by the hoard of con trol of the state organization and along in the latter part of August the speedy ones from every section of the fire fighting commonwealth are com ing up here to try for the prizes The tournament was held for the first time in Norfolk last year The boys went away feeling that it had been the best tourney they ever at tended and since the day that the ex citement ended they have wantd to re turn The attendance last year was the biggest that ever happened in Ne braska and some of the fastest rec ords were made that Cornhusker carts ever saw Hastings wanted the tournament this year So did Nebraska City Sew ard was mentioned besides Hastings reported a few minutes after the de cision was made that enough money had been raised to hold the event there But the board of control had acted and the knockers out of blazes are coming un to northern Nebraska The city has raised enough funds to entertain the crowds and entertain them well Shoots Himself and Dies FAIRBURY In a barn L K Lee aged 73 years committed suicide by shooting himself in the head while temporarily insane The deceased had been an invalid for some time Expect Favorable Report LINCOLN The quarterly report of the state bonding board expected in a few days probably will show an in crease in deposits and a decrease in loans Statements already received from a number of banks seem to in dicate this condition of affairs Charley Welch an electric lineman at Lincoln fell from a thirty foot tele phone pole striking the brick pave ment on his head and receiving a shock from a live wire He was taken to St Elizabeths hospital and doctors pronounced his condition critical Buried in a Clay Bank James McMillen nad Vera Strait boys 10 years of age were buried in a clay bank near Peru and came near losing their lives The boys were playing on what is known as Indian hill and were digging a cave or play house in the side of the hill when the dirt caved in burying young McMil Ien about two feet deep and burying young Strait up to his neck He work ed himself out and went for help for the rescue of his companion Nebraska Insurance Pensioner DES MOINES la Added to the list of Indian pensioners on the books ol the Des Moines pension office is that of a Nebraska aborigine who signs it Lamb He Is said to be able to pronounce it Final pa pers in his case were made out by Agent R P Clarkson Mr Lamb is a resident of Nebraska and was a sol dier In the civil war where he distin guished himself not only by carrying arms but his serial name as well THE STATE AT LARGE The farm home of Ben Morse was destroyed by fire at Tecumseh A lodge of the Fraternal Life asso ciation has been organized at Falls City Elmer J Burkett will deliver the commencement address at Wymote May 26 The Carnegie library at Hastings will possibly be ready for dedication by July 1 North Platte expresses fear that the proposed sanitary sewer win not be completed this year Beatrice has appealed a damage suit brought by John A Forbes who se cured judgment for 750 Some corn in Cuming county plant ed on low ground failed to come up and will have to be replanted The college authorities at Bellevue are sending out the commencement programs John L Webster is to give the annual address Thursday June 9 Warren Brown one of Seward countys old and prosperous citizens passed away at his home in Seward Mr Brown lived on a farm for many years A few years ago he moved into town He leaves an aged wife well provided for He had no chil dren A telegram was received at Schuy ler by his father Joseph Pollard an nouncing the death by drowning of John Pollard at Spalding In a flood that resulted from rain Mr Pollard is a young married man who left Schuyler two years ago and went to Spalding Police Judge Cosgrave of Lincoln bound William H Wilson over to the district court and fixed his bond at 500 Wilson is the man who lured Mrs Anna Endres with her four chil dren to Lincoln under the promise of marriage and then cast her off when he had spent her money A large barn on the farm of Mrs Katherine Klattanhoff four miles northeast of Wlsner was totally de stroyed by fire with all its contents consisting of five head of horses a bull fifty head of hogs and a quantity of grain harness and lesser articles The origin of the fire is a mystery The graduation exercises took place at Auburn A class of twenty five re ceived diplomas This class is the largest that has ever graduated from high school and the first to have di plomas given them on graduating from the eighth grade Rev A D Ham mon of Stt Paul Minn gave the class address The Library board of Beatrice has elected Miss Florence Smith as li brarian at the free public library to succeed Miss Joanna Hagey who ten dered her resignation several weeks ago to accept a similar position at Lincoln Miss Smith who was form erly a teacher in the Beatrice public schools is attending college at Champaign 111 General Culver has issued an order calling for an examination of com missioned officers in the National guard to be held on June 21 at the office of the adjutant general The dates for the officers school of in struction have been set for June 21 to 25 inclusive All officers who did not pass at previous examinations and who do not appear for this one will be disqualified for commissions Mrs Mart Brake who with her hus band were former well known resi dents of Roseland township Adams county committed suicide at her home at Salem Ore a few days ago Mrs Drake had but a short period be fore been an inmate of an insane hos pital and had been sent home with the belief that she had recovered She got up in the night and walked a half mile and drowned herself The debating board of the versity has received a challenge from Drake college of Iowa requesting a debating contest with Nebraska next year No official action has yet been taken but it is thought that the prop osition will be referred Nebraska is trying to schedule debates with the larger universities of the north and east such as Michigan Wisconsin Chicago and Northwestern Governor Mickey re appointed Clhi ton Orcutt of Omaha a member of the board of trustees for the blind in stitute at Nebraska City and the Deaf and Dumb institution at Omaha Mr Orcutt was first appo nted a member of the board in 1901 by Governor Sav age at the time of the resignation of B F Allen of Wabash trom the board He is one of three members and for the last two years has been president of the board The place has no sal ary attached J D Cotton while temporarily in sane at North Plaue made a vicious attack upon his wife with a knife Lightning struck the livery barn oi Joe Harper at Shubert killling twe horses and knocking down one man Last week at Decatur 10000 rep resenting the grass and pasture an nuity of the Omaha Indians was dis tributed among members of the tribe Since then the Indians have been liv ing the life of the epicurean Bridge bonds of Loup township Merrick county to the value of 3000 have been registered with the state auditor The bonds are for the con struction of a line bridge between Merrick and Nance counties The cityof Rising has registered 6000 oi water bonds and will construct a mu nicipal water system vmv i i ri - S To be a successful wife to retain the love and admiration of her husband should be a womans constant study Mrs Brown and Mrs Potts tell their stories for the benefit of all wives and mothers Dear Mrs Pinkham Lydia E Pinkliams Vcffctahlo Com pound will make every mother well strong healthy and happy 1 dragged through nine years of miserable existence worn out with pain and weuriness I then noticed a statement of a woman troubled as I was and the wonderful results she had had from your Vegetable Compound and decided to try what it would do for mc and used it for three months At the end of that timo I was a different woman the neighbors remarked it and my husband fell in love with me all over again It seemed like a new existence I had been suf fering with inflammation and falling of the womb nut 3our medicine cured that and built up my entire system till I was intleed like a new woman Sincerelv vours Mrs Chab F Brown 21 Cedar Terrace Hot Springs Ark Vice President Mothers Club Suffering women should not fail to profit Ty Mrs Browns ex periences just as surely as she wns cured of tlie troubles enumer ated in her letter just so surely will Lydia E Pinkhams VeKXtahlo Compound cure other women who suffer from womb troubles inflammation of the ovaries kidney troubles nurVotis excitability and nervous prostration Itead the story of Mrs Potts to alii mothers 1 V ajj jllll I I FOLLOW THE FLAG TAKE THE WABASH TO KrVV SZtA WHtFJ j r2f7jfft s Largest complete map published Copy of Presi dents proclamation Send 50c to W H PI2TE Tp The Bcnestee load Co Sonesteei B S IBtMlSIM TKBtSTWUUTY B9 l MJIWBRk SI8AIGrl5CIGAB always reliable iour JobSer or direct from Factory Peoria 111 DearMrs Pixkham During the early part of my married life I was very delicate in health I had two miscarriages and botbi my husband and I felt very badly as we were anxious to have children A neighbor who had been using Lydia K Pinkhams Vegetable Compound advised mc to try it and I decided to do so I soon felt thafc my appetite was increasing the headaches gradually decreased and finally disappeared and my general health improved I felt as if new blood coursed through my veins tho sluggish tired feeling d isappearcd and I bo came strong and well Within a year after I became the mother of a strong haul thy child the joy of our home You certainly have a splendid remedy and I wish every mother knew of it Sincerely yours Mrs Axta Pott3 510 Park Ave Hot Springs Ark If you feel that there is anything at all unusual or puzzling about your case or if you wish confidential advice of the most experienced write to 31 rs Pink- ham Lynn Mass and you will he advised free of charge Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound has cured and is curing thousands of cases of female troubles curing them inexpensively and absolutely Remember this when you go to your druggist Insist upon getting LsydizB B PSiskiaaoas WegeiaM BtampoEamda SOLD BY DRUGGISTS Sample Free ANTISEPTIC PILE CONE CO Crete Neb i I Si n i THP ON Y LBNP H TO THE WOODS FASH MAIN ENTRANCE Baggage checked to Worlds Fair grounds Stopovers allowed All Agents can route you via the WABASH For beau tiful Worlds Fair folder and all infor mation address HARRY E MO ORES Gen At Pass Dept Omaha Neb TUC IrHCV CI V VII 1 CD destroys all the flies and InC UAlOl rLI AlLLXn affordscomforttoevcry home to dining room Eloeplng room and places where PSSCWS t W7jU V2XsaZfriZZ m Tm7zm nie are trouuic tome Clean neat and will not toll or Injure anything Try thcrn once and you win never De without themIfnot kept by dealers jent j prepaid ror 20c lUROID fOHERS 110 DtKiIb i rnue BrooVJjs 3 T REE to CURE WtHLE YOl SLEEP A Large Trial Box and book of lti structions absolutely Free and Post paid enough to prove the value of PaxiineToEief Antiseptic Paxtinc is In powder form to dissolve In water non poisonous and far superior to HqukJ antiseptics contain ins alcohol which Irritates inflamed surfaces and have no cleansing prop erikti The contents of every box makes more Antiseptic Solu tion l35ts Ionjrer goes further has more uses in the family and dcei moregood than any antiseptic preparation you can buy The formula of a noted Boston physician and used with threat success as a Vasjinaf Wash for Leucorrhcea Pelvic Catarrh NasaJ Catarrh Sore Throat Sore Eyes Cut5 and all soreness of mucus membrane In local treatment of female ills Faxtiao is invaluable Used as a Vaginal Wash wo challenge the world to produco its equal for thoroughness It is a revelation in cleansing and healing power it kills all germs which cause inflammation and discharges All leading druggists keep Paitine priceC0c aboi if yours docs not send to tis for it ont take a substitute there is nothinglike Paxtine WritefortheFree Box of Faxtine to day 5PAXT0HC0 5 Pope Eldjr Boston Lawn Fence feff iff jiAiafal pfl Iron or wire many styles foi residence church school cemetery poultry and hog fence ftrm rates Send tor catalogue Chanplen loa acd Wire Works OMAHA NER PORTRAIT AGENTS Deal Direct -with Xlaauf act n r r a and Sve Honey- Our goods the best Prices the lo xest menta Delivery of all portraits guaranteed bend for catalogue and ageau price list Addrc ADAM J KSQLL CO ITew Era Bldf Chicago When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper W 1 ill Ml I 1 1 1 I i - LUrihS YYhtKt ALL tLSlh rAILSi i Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good TJe in time sola or aruggisis mm5mMMAma m V