i w n A cr U Made Young Again Ono of Dr Kings Now Life Pills onch night for two weeks hns put mo in my teens again writes D II Turner of Dompsoytown Pa Theyre tho beBt in tho world for liver Rtomach and bowels Purely vcgotablo Never gripe Only 25 cents nt L W McConnells drug store r m b 5 Hk to ft to w to to to 05 W to to to to to tfi to to to to to to to tfi to to to to to m to to m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Are You Going to the St Louis Exposition If so you want a Worlds Fair Money Order THESE ARE ISSUED BY The First National Bank drawn on a St Louis bank and payable without identi fication These orders ob viate the necessity of carry ing large sums of money on the person If you wish to know more about them call at the bank t ava ii v Chonp rntos to Colorado and Utah oints will bo in effect from Juno 1st to eptembor 50 Enquire at ticket office Garden and field goods atWaitws A STORY WITHOUT WORDS McCook Laundry Phono 35 JWm FW Bffiaress MSI a KR2 IUuhEmmTW ftflfA j a 1- w ii au ii u in n irtivri -v UXZ71 tVVl trMTf1fltS2j UHiiUl fi LffilJv5S iffj l ill s At i i j Mi Si ome It doesnt matter what you want to buy theres only one Best place to get it In the way of Furniture Rugs Cur tains and the like our store is far and away the Best place The reason for this is that we dont dabble in lines outside our busi ness We keep a sharp lookout for the best things going in House Furnishings and people who buy of us get the benefit Our stock is large not the prices J H m w i i i 6 nr win xt nil 2 3 liUlB K AT llll c l w w s E i II If I hit vi yUli III I 1 mMiRiiuniiillnlllll MMJma i i n m p PbotpjlB lit Actual Cost mi OF RAW MATERIAL Over 30000 of company stock to be disposed of by June 5th Prior to the building of a new and modern photogn lie studio we will positively dis pose of all company stock on hand at actual cost of the raw material Come at once and take ad vantage of our disadvantage We MUST SELL Prices will run from 35c per 2 dozen up Remember all our photographs are fully guaran teed or money cheerfully refunded roe Miiisfli riio Stldios flcCook and Cambridge Neb 1 Every Daly Bom ia 19114 1 1 To every child born in this vicinity during 1904 The Model Shoe Store will give a I SJL Solid Gold Ring FREE No other condition except that you bring the child in to the store We measure the finger you wish the ring for and give you a certificate You can come i n the following week and get the ring A new and special line of Bootees for the baby just received Our spring and summer stock of Ladies and Gentlemens Footwear is now complete THE MODEL SHOE STORE A E PETTY Proprietor McCook Nebraska lis Time Card McCook Neb MAIN LINE BAHT UKPftUT No 5 Central Time 11 11pm 2 020 am 12 820am 14 U55r M No i arrivpf from ettHt at S p in MAIN MNK WKHT IlKPAKT No 1 Mountain Time 1151 A M 11Vip m 5 7Mp i 13 850 M IMPKKIAIi LINK No 175 arrives Mountain Time 5 P M No 17rMl0iart 700 a m Sloopine diiiiiiK and reclining cliair cars tents froo on through trains Tickots t okl and hnnKuizii chucked to any point in tho United Stains or Canada For information thno tables maps and tick ets call on or write Gmurm Scott Agent Mc Cook Nebraska or 1 Fraucin General PnBHen Rnr Acont Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Emerson Hanson was in Denver Wed nesday Coal Inspector G II Watson has been here this week A new time card is in making to go into effect on Sunday June 5th f iroinan W S Bixlor has his name on the list of ailing one this week Conductor Eph Benjamin and H P Sutton woro down at Upland Thursday Engine 301 was in a slight wreck Sat urday morning near Vallery Colorado Conductor L C Wolff and brother from Colorado are taking in the StLouis fair Brakeman W V Olson of Oxford went up to Denver Wednesday on a short visit G D DeLong enrolled himself among tho machinists in the roundhouse this week A W Cam pain voluntarily retired from the position of boiler fireman this week Fireman J R Pence on account of sickness in tho family is off duty this week Conductor J J Currnn is ailing and Conductor S E Callen is on his run for a while Fireman J Al McLey was summoned to Hastings Sunday by the death of his mother Engineer Harry Tyler 1 id over a few few trips this week on account of feel ing indisposed Asst General Supt G W Rhodes of Lincoln was at headquarters Wednes day on business Roundhouse Foreman J W Eastman was up from Oxford on company busi ness Wednesday Arthur Richardsons name is no more among the boiler makers lie resigned first of this week Henry noush disconnected himself from the pay roll of the boiler makers this week Tuesday Supt A Campbell went west on No 13 in his private car Wednesday onWes tern division affairs William Waters boilermaker appren tice retired from that branch of the ser vice first of the week Supt Motive Power R D Smith was up from Lincoln on business of his de partment Wednesday Trainmaster J F Kenyou went down to Lincoln Wednesday morning on No 2 on time card business Trainmaster T A Wilburn of Red Cloud spent Wednesday at headquarters on company business Asst Supt D F McFarland of Holy oke was at headquarters on business of his branch Wednesday The different officials from over the di vision were at headquarters Wednesday with their pay roll business George Matthews and Conrad Bespron have pried their names off tho list of roundhouse employes this week Engineer and Mrs H D Bayles and children are throwing enticing bait to the fish at Curtis lake this week R B Simmons is back in his old posi tion as night foreman since the resigna tion and departure of W M Edgar A wreck at Fort Morgan Colorado last Friday night delayed No 2s arrival here Saturday morning several hours The president of the 3 1 road in special Pullman car Starlight was a passen ger for the west on No 3 last Friday night Conductor J W Line enjoyed a short visit close of last week from his brother Walt Line route agent of an express company And Johnny Morrissey begobs gets on the third trick notwithstanding Johnny is already as tricky as that spot ted Shetland of his Roundhouse Foreman W J Krauter was down from Akron to visit his fami ly and to take in the commencement ex ercises last of last week Night Chief W M Edgar departed on Monday for Denver where he goes into Dizzy Then your liver isnt acting well You suffer from bilious ness constipation Ayers Pills act directly on the liver For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill Small doses cure ah deists Want your moustache or beard a beautiful Tirnwn av rinh fi11r9 Than nA ManBA m mbia MirP tfM Ua bUUKINIiHAMiSUYtwhiskers fjy C O pttT r P f Wtl A Co NSHL HH 111 IliltJIWH WaWCTW the employ of tho Mi ffat road tho Don ver it Northwestern as a division auper intendent C L Eaton nt Lincoln has b on ap pointed to the position of superintend ent of transportationwith headquarters in Lincoln This is a new position in Burlington management J B Carter formerly a Western vision brrkeiiuin now a con inctoroi tho Missouri iut of Coffoyvihe Kan sas wjis at lifiid Uarrors Tutsdny moot ing oldtimo fricmis He I ft he in 1895 It is rumored that the company is fig uring tu dispense with both the day yard crews at Holdrege and AUrnn Tho work of tho yard will then devolve on tho trainmen with extra pay for tho la bor performed The big new copper wiro the Western Union has boon engaged in stringing bo tweon Omaha and Denver was this week spliced together near Minden- This pro vides greater facilities for the company in the telegraph service Supt Campbell and family are occu pying tho Lawson rosidenco while their homo is being remodeled a process which will require all summertill September The Campbell residence will then bo one of the finest in tho city H O Smith assistant city ticket agont in Lincoln has been transferred to Denver aud is now chief clerk under George W Vallery in the passenger de partment in that city Mrs Smith is a daughter of Governor Mickey Conductors B L and T E McCarl were off part of tho week to attend tho wedding of their sister Mis s Hlnncho and Mr G II Thomas which occurred at Lincoln Juno 2 Conductor Doug lass had tho 103 and Conductor Best the 101 during their briof lay off Conductors R M Douglass and II R Childress in charge of the hand car specials operating with the Western Un ion Telegraph Cos force in stringing tho new big copper wire between Omaha and Denver met at Minden Tuesday and tho boys camo home on No 5 Will A Weintz arrived home last Fri day night from Immanuel hospital Omaha wheie he recently underwent an operation While still somewhat weak and peeked he is feeling well and rapid ly regaining strength expecting soon to be well and strong again a new man RAILROAD EMPLOYEES You pay too much I can save you money on Hamilton and Hampden high grade watches Ciias B Morgan Holdrege Neb Do It Today Tho time worn injunction Never put off til tomorrow what you can do today is now generally presented in this form Do it today That is the terse advice we want to give you about that hacking cough or demoralizing cold with which you have been struggling for several days perhaps weeks Take some reliable remedy for it today and let that rem edy be Dr Botchees German Syrup which has been in use for over thirty five years A few doses of it will un doubtedly relievo your cough or cold and its continued use for a few days will cure you completely No matter how deep seated your cough even if dread consumption has attacked your lungs German Syrup will surely effect a cure as it has done before in thousands of ap parently hopeless cases of lung trouble New trial bottles 2oc regular size 75c L W McConnell When the Sap Rises weak lungs should be careful Coughs and colds are dangerous then One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs and colds and gives strength to the lungs Mrs G E Feuner of Marion Indsays I suffered with a cough until I run down in weight from 148 to 92 pounds I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of the cough strength ened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight health and strength Sold byLW McConnell The Japanese Way The question of choice between two vases was decided by a patron In a Japanese shop when the proprietor said That smaller vase madam is thoroughly Japanese in form and deco ration That floral pattern in gold around the upper half is characteris tic and so too is the exceedingly nar row and short neck The vase will hold but a single blossom that should be long stemmed and stand upright Thus the flower will be Individualized and the vase likewise That is the Japanese way Whooping Cough In the spring of 1903 my children had whooping cough says Mrs D W Capps of Capps Ala I used Cham berlains Cough Remedy with the most satisfactory results I think this is the best remedy I have ever seen for whoop ing cough This remedy keeps the -cough loose lessens the severity and frequency or the coughing spells and counteracts any tendency toward pneu monia For sale by all druggists 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE ijmflSH Trade Marks Designs Copyrights c Anyone sending a sketch and description mar quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable Communica tions strictly confidential HANDBOOK on Patents sent free Oldest agency for securing patents Patents taken through Mann Co recelre tpceial notict without charge in tho Scientific American A handsomely lllnstrted weekly largest cir culation of anyscientlflc Journal Terms 3 a year four months JL Sold by all newsdealers MUNNCo3GJBro New York Branch ODce 625 F St Wathlngton D C pnng and Your House Needs Painting wyotrnTiJMjww3WAawiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiii u i n m uramer i are in stock in abundance Our large line of pretty wash fabrics should appeal to you on account of good value beauty and the rea sonable price at which we offer them BajlPTBIMIMIIIIIHirTMriWTgilUlMMJJgMWMmj Lll Have you see it It is the ideal cloth for suits and jackets Tis made from pure silk without dye Three differ weavesthirtysix inches wide Use the BEST SOLD BY i i h H h M n Jriia moTQ V- V I I f I 1 W Ll UCC11 I 125 Per Yard Iil WWM MWWHMI 1IIBIII II1JMI IHII II III1II HI I IIIHJWW W WW1MWMKWW 5 aBBWWMnwMMwwwwwwwMmwirnwyniaiiiri MMtwMwiiiMwwMPMWBwwMiMMWMPWMwa I i J rVJVMj 1 fc i i i ft ti I - - W -- - - - f - V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier 9 9 I CITIZENS 9 X OF McCOOK vjr a X Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 X H B U DIRECTORS BANK NEB 4 V FRAHKLIH WFMcFARLAHD A C EBERT W B WOLFE C H WILLARD