Official Paper of Redwillow County By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance REPUBLICAN TICKET CONGRESSIONAL KEPKKBENTATIVE FIFTH DISTRICT G VV Norris Rod Willow County COUNTY ItUPUKSENTATIVE Bronchitis I havekeot I toral in my house for a great many years It is the best medicine in the world for coughs and colds J C Williams Attica N Y All serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat You can stop this at first in a single night with Ayers Cherry Pectoral Use it also for bronchitis consumption hard colds and for coughs of all kinds Three iet 25c 50c 1 All inrfttt Conmlt yoar doctor If ho ma Uke It then do M ho iyi U ho telU yoa not to take it then dont Uko It Ho knowi Jto it -with blm Wo ro iHlHng J U A W I Philip Gliem Danbury COUNTY ATTOKNEY C E Eldrod McCook COMMISSIONER Jnmo9 Hatfield McCook Alliance goes McCook ono better July 1st their postoffico will become a second class ojlico Civic prido pays knockers never It is still n difficult matter to show J IT Agor that the Burlington machine got side tracked at the la8 Republican convention oven since the headquarters have been moved to Omaha The death of Matthew Stanley Quay United States senator from Pennsyl vania removes a captain of politics of the highest rank He will bo remember ed and go down in history as ono of the greatest political organizers of his day He was not a great nor a good man He was a successful political leader with whom success was first and method a secondary matter Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks oflice since last Thursday ovoninjj W A Dolan to I Spencer wd to n lif nw qr 1000 00 Citizens Bank to J B Colling wd to part of sections and 4 in 3 20 i00 00 V Franklin to J B Colliup wd to s hf sy qr and no qr and lots 3 and 4 in section and w hf nw qr sv qr so qrseqrnwqr 4-3-29 2400 00 C J Furer to W B Downs wd to nw 2000 00 M H Brennan to J J Hogan wd to s hf nw qr 17-1-29 GOO 00 T P Shively to C J Furer qcd to nw 100 J B Colling to V Franklin wd to so qr 1500 00 United States to F AT Pennington pat to so qr United States to C Harrison pat to w hf sw qr so qr sw qr and sw qr so qr 25-2-27 H C Rider to Ed Jeffries wd to torylot 15 00 A C Crabtreo to E Korstian sd to sw qr 3-2-30 A C Wieho to G H Thomas wd to lot Am block 12 First McCook 1700 00 E E Smith to J E Jones wd to lots 15 and 1G in block G Esther Park Bart ley J Saylor to G W Saylor wd to se qr Lincoln Laud Co to B G Gossard wd to part no qr 30-3-29 M Smith ot al to M E Corbin qcd to lots 9 and 10 in block 51 Hartley McCook L and L Co to J Harkey wd 30 00 300 oo 200 00 15 00 to ne qr so qr and so qr ne qr in section 9 and nw qr se qr and sw qr nw qr in section 10-2-27 400 00 Zella Cutler to Mary E Waito wd to lot 8 in block 14 Second McCook 1500 00 Eufus Harp to W G Harmon wd to lot 4 in block 11 West McCook 700 00 Bachel R Berry to Clara Hileman wd to lot 7 and s hf S in block IS First Mc Cook 1900 00 W Washburn to Margaret Lord wd to lot3in block3G Indianola 100 A Startling Test To save a life Dr T GMerritt of No Mehoopany Pa made a startling test resulting in a wonderful cure He writes A patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages caused by ulcera tion of the stomach I had often found Jblectnc Bitters excellent for acute stomach and liver troubles so I pre scribed them The patient gained from the first and has not had an attack in fourteen months Electric Bitters are positively guaranteed for dyspepsia in digestion constipation and kidney trou bles Try them Only 50 cents at LW McConnells Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice June 1 1904 Bauer Conrad Pettit Harriet Brower Fred Smith Clara Emerson Emo Wickman Henry Lamb Lelia Ward B L 2 When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster Protection is Panic Proof is the title of the recent speech of Sena tor J H Gallincer of New Hamnshire The speech has been issued in document form by the American Protective Tariff League One copy will be forwarded to any address upon postal card request addressed to W F Wakeman General Secretary 339 Broadway New York Ask for document No 78 Fifty Years the Standard BAKING POWDffi Improves the flavor and adds fo Ihe healihfulness of the food PRIOE BAKING POWDER OO CHICAGO PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY NOTES There are authors to whoso works wo turn always with confidence with full faith that we shall at least be enter tained Kate Douglas Wiggin is one of theso Whenever a new book of hers is announced we buy it because wo know that it is worth reading The author is not given to disappointing her public Her latter books fulfill the promise of her earlier work Of all who aro now producing she is the brightest and most sprightly Her last book is Rebecca of Sunny brook Farm It has been widely sought in the few months since its issuance and one who reads it is not surprised at its popularity It is a story that will inter est children and at the same time one from which their elders will derive the keenest enjoyment Without plot it is the record of a series of incidents rather than a novel Rebecca was a little pirl of about thirteen years when the story opeus one of seven children whom a widowed mother struggled to feed and clothe and educate The mothers two maiden sisters who were in comfortable circumstances offered to relievo the widow of one of her charges and Re beccabecauseshe could bo betterspared than any of the others was sent to the great brick house in the distant town in which the maiden sisters lived It is not difficult to imagine the dreary life led by Rebecca in the big brick house with the two austure nmidfin aunts Rebecca was an unusually bright and witty little little girl the fortunate pos sessor of a sunny disposition and a de sire to do what was right Otherwise her life would have been far more diffi cult than it was One cannot read the pages of this remarkably clever book without feeling the deepest sympathy for the little heroine whose aunts with out intending to be cruel made existence all but unendurable The book though brimming with humor has a strain of pathos that adds to its charm There is not a dull line in it Mrs Wiggin has the rare and happy faculty of letting the facts toll their own story She does not find it necessary to preach and moralize as so many authors do and yet she teaches the profoundest truths in the most impressive fashion Rebecca is a book well worth the time required to read it It is so much su perior to the average novel of the day that one considers himself fortunate in finding a bit of literature about which he can cheerfully say something good L W McConnell does not hesitate to recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to his friends and cus tomers Indigestion causes more ill health than anything else It deranges the stomach and brings on all manner of disease Kodol Dvsnetosia Corn di gests what you eat cures indigestion dyspepsia and all stomach disorders Kodol is not only a perfect digestant but a ujjub uuuuing tonic as well Kenew ed health perfect strength and increas ed vitality follow its use Less Than Half Rates to St Louis and Return On Mondays June 6 13 20 and 27 the Burlington offers tickets to St Louis and return at 1475 good for seven days considerably less than one fare for the round trip Tickets are good in coaches and chair cars seats free The magnificent exposition is now complete and yin harmonious operation You will regret it all your life if you fail to see this wonderful exposition Illustrated folders free and full infor mation on application to Burlington Route agent or to L WWakely general passenger agent Omaha Neb 6 3 3ts Ladies and Children who cannot stand the shocking strain of laxative syrups and cathartic pills are especially fond of Little Early Risers All persons who find it necessary to take a liver medicine should try these easy pills and compare the asreeablv ant and strengthening effect with the nauseating and weakening conditions following the use of other remedies Little Early Eisers cure biliousnesscon stipationsickheadachejaundicemaIaria and liver troubles Sold by L W Mc- uonneu Notice of Dissolution The partnership existing between Phelps Boatman has this day been dis solved by mutual consent Mr Boatman retiring Tne accounts of the firm will be collected by Mr Boatman Phelps Boatman McCook Neb May 18 1904 Sick headache results from a disor dered stomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab lets For sale by all druggists S3S5iSSSgaSH - ii rniwiiwvii Notice to Farmers In going over the B M in the cen tral and western parts of tho state I note an unfavorable condition in a large percent of the wheat and oat fields caused by tho heavy rains in the early part of May Tho surface is packed and crusted and spots of greater or less mag nitude in nearly all fields have a light green color and the loaves are narrow and point straight up While tho dry ing out by evaporation has much to do with this there is another trouble the lack of air which is shut out by this crust The pores of this crust are daily being made smaller by tho upward move ment of tho magnesia salts and alkalies These aro being brought to the surface by the moisture which is under this condition fast escaping when and how to harrow Dont get into grain that is six or more inches high when the dew is on Wait just long enough in tho morning for the blades to dry off and no longer Set the teeth slightly slanting not too much and as a rule harrow crosswise of tho rows break the surface tnorougnly Grain that is six inches high or over thick with good width of blades and of good color needs no harrowing If this advice seems too radical then just try a part of your field even a small part and in two weeks bo kind enough to report to me the results Yours for better crops W H Campbell Lincoln Mebraska CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Evening service at S oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughkan Pastor Christian Bible school every Sun day morning at 10 oclock Preaching every alternate Sunday at 11 a m and 8 p m Social service every alternate Sunday at 11 a m Good music An invitation to all G T Burt Pastor Congregational Sunday school 1 0 am Y P S CEat 7 p m Morning subject Hours of Labor and of Rest Evening Aim Prayer and confer ence meeting on Wednesday evening A welome to all to all services George A Conrad Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in tho month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m Morning prayer at 11 andevenincr praver and sermon at S The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector First Baptist Church Sermons at 11 a m and 745 p m Bible school at 945 a m Junior society at 3 xi m B Y P TJ at 745 p m Prayer meetincr Wednesday evening 8 p m Morninq Echoes From the Anniversaries In the evening Ninth Commandment Thou shalt not bear false witness A cordial welcome to all C R Betts Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Preaching at 11 and 8 Morning subject Labor and the Christian Sabbath Class meeting at 12 Epworth League at 7 Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 815 Brother Got will preach in South McCook Saturday night I will preach there Sunday afternoon at 3 Baptismal services at the church and river Sunday June 12 M B Carman Pastor ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Simeon Billings death is expected at any time now J Will Johnson returned a few days since from his tour west Miss Irene Morgan is the guest of her sister Mrs P M Dickey Mrs C L Fahnestock went down to Lincoln this morning on 12 H H Berry and the drum corps were interested in the Decoration day exer cises in Palisade Mrs P M Appel departed on Nol Monday for her home in Cheyenne vis iting in Denver until today Dr A P Welles while in Lincoln Wednesday on business was taken quite ill and telegraphed for Mrs Welles to come down Mrs Joseph Robidoux and daughter of Benkelman were guests of Mrs Jos Menard Sunday and attended Memorial services in St Patricks Mrs Adele Phelan entertained an Alliance friend Mrs Hiller this week Wednesday evening she had in a com pany of lady friends in honor of her guest Mr and Mrs Orson Lees three months old babe died on Sunday morn ing of pneumonia after a short illness Rev Carman held brief services at the residence in the afternoon after which tne remains were buried in Riverview The Man Who Toils Is the man who ought to have the best things to eat because his system re quires it Workingmen and everybody else who want the best meat come to our shop We run the best butcher shop luwu uur piace is ciean Tne meat we sell is tender and fresh The prices we ask are low enough to suit anybody If you knew how particular we are to give satisfaction youd never buy elsewhere Anton Magnet Prank of Students A book by Captain Mnrkliam of the British army tells of experiences in Westminster school London some thing over half a century -ago He de scribes the handings of those days The back of the hand was extended while the master standing behind smote it with a rod which curled over n little and left a cut and the culprit facing the school observed the eti quette of the occasion by wearing an expression of scornful amusement Captain Markham also descriAes tan ning which was administered with the butt end of a rod upon the backs of the boys legs He recalls the code of honor which was merciless to the boy who broke his word or allowed another to suffer for his offense but permitted any amount of humbugging of a itr Yiien disinclined lor scliool you said I dont feel very well sir and before the master inspected your tongue you gave the upper surface a hard pressure with your upper teeth and out came a tongue white enough to satisfy any doctor Umlercronml Watern The earth contains an abundance of water even in places like some of our great western plateaus where the sur face is comparatively arid The great est depth at which underground water can exist is estimated to be about six miles Below that It is believed tho cavities and pores of the rock are com pletely closed The amount of water in the earths crust is reckoned at nearly a third of that contained in the oceans so that it would cover the whole surface of the globe to a depth of from 3000 to 3500 feet The waters underground flow horizontally after sinking below the unsaturated zone of the rocks but in the sands of the Da kota formation which supply remark able artesian wells the motion does not exceed one or two miles a year The underflow toward the sea beneath the great plains may sometimes take the form of broad streams or moving sheets of water but the movement is excessively slow Youths Companion Indians Have Iliircl Teeth I dont care for Indians as patients said a dentist the other day No it Isnt that they are objectionable per sonally it is just because there is no money to be made out of them at regu lar rates The hardness of an Indians tooth is something to marvel at and if I had many of them to treat I should be forced to have instruments of un usual strength made to order Tho ordinary kind wont stand the pressure I filled one cavity in a red mans tooth the other day and before I got through I had turned the edges of no less than twenty drills There isnt much money in that sort of work is there And talk about the Indians vaunted stoi cism and imperviousness to pain Why that fellow yelled every time I touched him Ive had six-year-old children be have better in the chair Philadel phia Record Sentiment Versus Fact That the advance preparation of speeches will not always conform to circumstances Avas made evident dur ing a flag raising at a public school The young orator had been speaking for several minutes when he advanced to the front of the platform raised his hand with a dramatic gesture to tho flag on the staff above him and shouted See yon flag throwing its protecting folds to the breeze of freedom It was a pretty sentiment but the breeze didnt bear out the picture The flag to which all eyes were imme diately turned hung as limp as if it had been dipped in water Grievances Every day in the year the average man has a grievance On the last day in the year he has probably forgotten the other 304 Three hundred and sixty five days in the year he has poured his particular grievance into the ears of some poor devil who has troubles of his own Whats the use of it Dont kick Let the other fellow do the kicking and give him cause Dont bluff Some day fate is goinj to deal you a good hand Pittsburg Dispatch Pistol Worse Than Sword Damocles was viewing the suspended sword It doesnt seem to trouble you ob served Dionysius No returned his guest Now if it was only a pistol you didnt know was loaded Weakened by the mere thought he hastily turned to the butter for strength New York Tribune Over His Patients Head When the doctor who forgot what kind of medicine his patient was tak ing asked Was It a fluid medicament I prescribed for you the last time the puzzled German patient answered I dont know vot id vos You said I shud take fife drobs dree dimes a day In vater New York Press Just n Hint How appropriately the words are arranged here she remarked as she Idly turned the pages of the dictionary How do you mean inquired Mr Slowe Polk Why for instance love comes just a little before matrimony Iacky Numbers Speaking of lucky numbers they are the ones with the dollar sign before them arent they Well that depends on whether they represent what is coming to you or what you owe Chicago Post Discretion Comes WItli Years So you quarreled with your wife No sun she quarreled wid me Dont you ever answer back Jedge replied the witness Im forty year old Atlanta Constitution Blue Front JJ L MnHul gfj3 lnryllill Warning- Tou cannot havo good health unless your kidneys are sound for the kidneys filter tho blood of impurities which oth erwise act as irritating poisons and break down tho delicato organs of the body and causo serious trouble If you havo kidney or bladder trouble and do not use Foleys Kidney Cure ou will havo only yourself to blame for results as it positively cures all forms of kidney and bladder trouble Sold by A Mc MiJlen A spring tonic that cleans and purifies and absorbs all poison from the system Ilollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well all summer 35 cents Tea or tablets LW McConnell Ono of the greatest blessings n modest man can wish for is a good reliable set of bowols If you aro not the happy possessor of such an outfit you can greatly improve tho efficiency of those you havo by the judicious use of Cham berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets Thoy are pleasant to take and agreeable in effect- For sale by all druggists Wfv - ISf Ab UF n m WAWp w fiy h R solutely free rom iiusk or horn 2 lb packages All high class groccre ibfnk yWSvnSL CSTASXS fESak Fine Turnouts Either Single or Double Phono 36 Rear Palmer House McConk Nebraska W H ACKERMAN Prop II WIIIMmmmfi ifr m I rWliflll3illlil iiasw AcAzeaz v k3 of moving day of ripping up carpets and stair rods of breaking in a new house and fitting stove pipe of eatin your meals on the kitchen stairs and waiting for the plumbeis and the gas man Theres a joy thats unconfined about all this and You Can Have It Once a Year but do you want it Wouldnt you give a pretty penny to escape it There is only one wa viz to own instead of forever moving If you are thinking of the better way see the Secretary of the McCook Co Operative Building Savings Assn IMike Walshl i DEAIER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank ficCook Nebraska I Indigestion Causes CatarrH of tlie Stomach For many years it has been supposed that Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly tho opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re peated attacks of Indigestion inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus ing the glands to secrete mucin Instead of the juices of natural digestion Thl3 is called Catarrh of tho Stomach Kodol Dyspepsia Cure relieves all Inflammation of tho mucous membranes lining the stomach protects tho nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a fotrCHOVSl Dainty Chops From Poor Lamb Not possible no more than fine tender beef from an aged country bull It takes tho finest fattest corn fed and grass fed stock to produco tender and juicy meat TOUGH STRINGY v TASTELESS meat is enough to make anyone cross and ugly Como here and get the right kind cut right and priced right Wo know youll come again B j fc 0Si2M8SS7h iQEaKfcSttKiik The Brownie Kodak Boy Kodaks are sold by CONE BROS Druggists Martin Prrni Pn lis i I i I II liSIIII Siil 1 UUI The only reliable wholesale house between Denver and Hastings JOBHFRS IN rrosiseooproouce We Buy in Car Lots All goods direct from grower that is why we can sell cheap Merch ants headquarters We Pay Cash for Eggs Local and Long Distance Phone 104 One door south of the Tribune Office flcCOOK NEBRASKA 1 m f -1 4 iifliiv Dr S Shwartz The Noted Eye Specialist OF DENVER WILL BE IN McCOOK June 17 and 18th AT COMMERCIAL HOTEL Dr S Shwartz has done more work here than any other eye specialist comes oftener than any other specialist and is too well known to need any intrnrW His references are his patients your neighbors and friends Difficult cases and school children solicited A large stock of artificial eyes and glasses on hand A large portion of headaches and hysteria St Vitus dance nervous prostration epilepsy and other nervous conditions are omico u sense of fullness after eatine Indigestion r 3 Vi strain dyspepsia and all stomach troubles J dscouraged because you Kodol Digests What You Eat Tlvelt relief Make the Stomach Sweet ee vendersE I guarantee BottiMcnly RenlvitMiooholdinr2K timet satisfaction in all cases tha trial sx which ealli for 50 cents PropardbyEoDowiTTcoohiMota Will begat the Commercial Wnt i For Sale by L W HcConnell RMay and Saturday June ir l8 f V i k m