The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 27, 1904, Image 8

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AI JwhiHpn fs verysiek
Grrfcs wiHsoon Ih toopf recti for prairid
fires -
Otto RedfeldL has moved into his now
Bull Ltiuw at Lebanon Miiy 21 Score-
Rudolph Qnurdor was iu Lebanon
with bous Sniiirdiiy
Rev Scbfiold preached a Rood snrmon
Sunday his tovt was Romans 828
Wm R Pennington will put up wind
mills for Wm Sullivan and Mrs Pool
this ivck
Polo Conrad is homo from Canada
Ho will maUo bis homo at present with
John Hangs
Isaac Orr h ironn to Ireland Ho
will come back ny wiy of St Louis aiul
see the worlds fair
1 Fred Bumlierirr was hauling wheat
to Lebanon the 21st Mr Bamesbergor
had his house painted recently
Little Paulina Harsch fell from a horso
nnd broke her arm Inst weok She was
taken to Bartley to hnvo the bone set
North of Lebanon Miss Jennie Ryden
was married to Mr Boyles Wednesday
May lath They will live north of Bart
The cement sidewalk in front of the
now brick stores foiis been laid and the
people were using them Saturday for the
iirst time
Walter M Pennington and family were
down to church Sunday from Missouri
Ridge precinct They took dinner at
John Ilooblers
Henry Johnson and Bessie Hale and
Sarah Huff had a runaway the other
day No bones were broken but they
got a good shaking up
The following telephones were installed
recently Wm R Pennington Walter
Devoo A Guy residence Jolly Steph
ens Devoe Thomas Bros business
Pelton Fritzinger have rented the
Soverns building and are selling ice
cream soda pop etc They have a new
talking machine to draw the crowd
John Adams has a new talking machine
Dkvoe Sovekns Mr Robert W De
voe of McCook and Miss Maude Soverns
of Wilsonville were united in marriage
by Rev Scofield at the home of the
brides parents in Wilsonville Wednes
day May 18th in the presence of about
40 invited guests relatives etc of the
contracting parties MissEdna Soverns
played the wedding maich The bride
was prettily gowned in cream colored
crepe Cut flowers in profusion jessa
amine and carnations filled the house
with their fragrance The reception was
-given at the home of tho grooms parents
in Lebanon Friday May 20th Many
pretty valuable and useful presents
were received both at the wedding and
At the infare Mr and Mrs Devoe at
tended church in Lebanon Sunday and
in the afternoon drove over to Bartley
where they took the train for McCook
in thei evening They went to house
keepingin a cosy home already in wait
ing forthem The groom is our popular
clerk of the district court- The bride
tone of our successful accomplished
Fchool teachers We wish them happi
The first annual exercises of gradua
tion of the Lebanon high school will be
held on Wednesday evening June 8th
at which time will be given the follow
ing program
Glass song
v Invocation Rev Scofield
Vocal solo Angels Ever Bright and Fair
Mrs Scofield
Salutatory Bessie Slutts
What we Gain by the Study of Nature
Alleen Guy
r j Eunice Kinkead
Duet 1 Alta McCarty
Nebraska Lottie Horton
v i a The Last Rose of Summer
Klob Songof Mo
Eddie Morris
Value of Good Manners Anna Garrett
Violin sold Ora Bod well
The Panama Canal and Its Influence on the
Worlds Commerce Rov Clark
Bertha Kinkead
Trio -Alta McCarty
Eddie Morris
Valedictory Aure Daffer
Presentation of diplomas
ChairinacrBoard of Education
The graduates are Bessie Slutts Al
leen Guy Anna Garrett Roy Clark Lot
tie Ilorton Aure Daffer
Class colors Cardinal and white Mot
to -Truth Our Guiding Star
Teachers Lottie Watkins principal
Emma Hoobler and Viola Devoe
Members board J W Slutts E E
Devoe and D P Hupp
Garden and field seeds at Waites
Do Not Be Imposed Upon
Foley it Co Chicago originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foleys Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered for
the genuine Ask for Foleys Honey and
Tar and refuse any substitute offered as
no other preparation will give the same
satisfaction It is mildly laxative It
contains no opiates and is safest for
children and delicate persons Sold by
AficMttlen v - -
jfSick headache results irom a disor
dered stomach and is quickly cured by
ChamberlainJs Stomach- and Liver Tab
lets rFor sale by all druggists
I suffered terribly and was ex
tremely weak for 12 years The
doctors said my blood was all
turning to water At last I tried
Ayefs Sarsaparilla and was soon
feeling all right again
Mrs J V hiala Hadlyme Ct
No matter how long you
have been ill nor how
poorly you may be today
Ayers Sarsaparilla is the
best medicine you can
take for purifying and en
riching the blood
Dont doubt it put your
whole trust in it throw
away everything else
5100 a bottle Ail druKtsts
Ask vour doctor what he thinks of Avert
Sarsaparilla He knows all about this Brand
old familr medicine Follow his advice and
we will be satisfied
J C ATEK Co Lowell Mass
IM fe2A iiWiAi
r it St-
GraeefHfl women
A Deslro for a Perfect Figure is Inseparable
from a Lovo of tho Beautiful
The scent of the violet or rose is as
precious as the lovely flowers whose
breath they are and while the livesof
flowers are brief and we can only enjoy
them for a day the beautiful woman gives
the pleasure of her fragrance to us as a
permanent blessing the soft fragrance
of a beautiful woman suggests purity
health and elegance she is the refinement
of civilization an index always of good
taste and an unerring badge of gentility
Female Regtxlaor
in regulating the lunar periods in woman
permits of no wrinkles pale cheeks or
tortured nerves and shapeless figures It is
Natures remedy The druggist may offer
something else and call it just as good
but the menstrual organs will not be de
ceived and permanent injury may result
rry our Regulator Of all druggists i
Our treatise on Woman mailed free
Mrs Dye of Lebanon is visiting friends
here this week
J L Sargont is having a lightning rod
put on his house
James Sims shipped one car of hogs to
St Joe this week
Mrs E B Young closed a successful
term of school Friday of last week
Mabel Whitaker of McCcok was over
to attend the commencement exercises
Frank Burbridge of Indianola made a
brief call at his fathers Monday even
Mrs Bolimier of Lebanon is visiting
hur daughter Mrs E B Young this
John Nellie and Mrs Boyer went over
to Indianola to attend the funeral of
Miss Neal
Rev Harmon Bross of Lincoln will
preach the Memorial sermon in the Con
gregational church next Sunday
Mrs Cohorn of Cedar Bluffs died of
heart disease last Sunday morning and
the remains were laid to rest in the Dan
bury cemetery
Mr and Mrs A C Furman of the
News returned home last Friday even
ing from a short visit to the St Louis
exposition They report a fine time
The commencement exercises were
largely attended There were ten grad
uatesseven young ladies and three young
men the largest class in the history of
the Danbury school
William Greenway while working on
Sam Bastians windmill jumped to the
ground alighting on a spike which pen
etrated his foot and necessitates his
using crutches to get around
The Richest Man in the World
The richest man in the world can not
have his kidneys replaced nor live with
out them so it is important not to neg
lect these organs If Foleys Kidney
Cure is taken at the first sign of danger
the symptoms will disappear and your
health will be restored as it strengthens
and builds up these organs as nothing
else will Oscar Bowman Lebanon Ky
writes I have used Foleys Kidney
Cure and take great pleasure in stating
it cured me permanently of kidney dis
ease which certainly would have cost
me mv life Sold by A McMillen
A T Wilson has subscribed for 160
acres of land in Arizona
The rains of Tuesday and Wednesday
were well received by the farmers
Mrs Martha Johnson and Mrs T M
Campbell called on Mrs A T Wilson
Sunday afternoon
In the absence of Elder Hardaway
Rev W J Crago will hold the quarter
ly conference for Rev Tirrill south of
McCook next Saturday and Sunday
May 2S and 29
Rev Meeker of Bartley held the third
quarterly meeting at Garden Prairie on
this charge last Saturday and Sunday
He was expected at Box Elder Sunday
evening but on account of a funeral at
Garden Prairie it was impossible for him
to get here in time for service
On Sunday May 22 at the home of
Mr and Mrs Paul Stone in the presence
of many invited guests their daughter
Miss Maude was united in marriage to
Mr George Harrison Rev Crago offici
ating Mr and MrsW A Stone acted
as groomsman and bridesmaid After the
ceremony dinner was served Mr and
Mrs Harrison received many nice and
useful presents Maude came here two
years ago and has made a great many
friends who are pleased to have her re
main in the neighborhood George came
here when a small boy and grew Jo man
hood in this vicinity and his many
friends wish him and his bride a long
happy and prosperous life
Some friends of W M
Kansas are here on a visit
Rozell from
Henry Cochran took a wagon
load of
iat nogs to market this week
Uncle Billy left Wednesday night
Some say he has gone to California
Jacob Howell and Roy Coleman drove
down to McCook fjo meeting Sunday
W M Rozells new houseis enclosed
and the roof on It is 26x28 feet with
16 fpot posts
Frank -Coleman who is working for
the railroad company in McCook spent
Sunday with the homefolks
HG Phelps and family drove up from
McCook Saturday
M C Reynolds returned from Omaha
Wednesday evening
II E Patterson of Peru Nebraska is
here looking after his interests here
Ball game on home diamond Culbort
son vs McCook high school Saturday
Mrs M S Salchell was called to the
deathbed of her father in StocktonKua
Mr and Mrs S H Blum of Palisade
visited relatives and friends hero over
Mrs Ona Rush of McCook visited her
aunt Mrs HG Marks and family Sun
day last
Misses Gail Thomas and Alda Smith
of Trenton took in the ball game here
Miss Blanche Benedict went to Hnes
Center first of tho weok to teach her
class in music
Dr and Mrs F II Bostock of Hayes
Center visited their sou and family in
this burg Sunday
Frank J Uassler came in from Exeter
Saturday evening to visit his brother
Joe and family for several dtija
Misses Etta Jones Ellen Williams
Maggie Whittington Messrs Will Wil
liams Prof Pate of Trenton took in the
school entertainment Saturday evening
Miss Edith Santee departed Sunday
morning for her home iu Orleans Neb
where she will spend her summer vaca
tion She will visit her sister Medora
in McCook en route
Miss Blanche Kelso primary teacher
at this place departed for her home in
Ilubbell Neb Monday morning Miss
Kelso made many friends during her
short stay hero
Henry Kleven entertained a number
of his gentlemen friends Tuesday even
ing at his home in honor of Principal
E A Brittenbam The boys admit hav
ing a fine time Those present were
Charles Knowles Casper Iloagen David
Benedict Henry Wallingford and Frank
The entertainment given by the Cul
bertson high school Saturday night was
attended by a large number of patrons
and citizens of this place and was
thoroughly enjoyed Without giving a
detailed account of the exercises wo will
say that several parts weie well rendered
reflecting no little credit upon teachers
and pupils participating in the program
After all however theie is a question
whether the time exponded in ttiese an
nual school entertainments could not be
more profitably employed in the regular
school work
The Culbertson ditch has been over
hauled and is now in splendid working
order due to the indefatigable efforts of
E E Maxon and C H Meeker of Mc
Cook The ditch was in very bad shape
owing to the rotten condition of tho
wooden flumes which have been in use
since the ditch was first constructed a
dozen years ago We understand that
it is the intention of the Standard Beet
Co to replace these old structures with
steel pipe or earthen dams or dykes
which will make this ditch one of the
most successful in the west
The Standard Beet Sugar Co is bus
ily engaged in thinning the beets in its
400 acre field north of town It is an in
teresting sight to witness from 75 to 100
children crawling along the beet rows on
thejr hands and knees thinning but the
beets so that one plant is left standing
every six to eight inches The children
are paid by the row and work under
overseers who are held responsible for
the work It will take eight or ten days
yet before the company will get through
with the work of thinning and all who
wish to witness the scene can do so with
in the time mentioned
The telephone service installed by the
Nebraska Telephone Co in Culbertson
is something wonderful to contemplate
Two party lines connect us with the
McCook exchauge each line having 20
or more subscribers and it is a rare
thing to get a chance to use the line in
case of an emergency When Sallie Jones
who by the way is one of the most ppr
sistent users of the line calls up Willie
Smith at McCook which is quite fre
quent the conference usually lasts from
an hour to an hour and a half all the
other subscribers on the line are com
pelled to wait until Sallie and Willie get
through with their silly twaddle which
all are compelled to hear We are living
in hope that the company will put up an
extra wire and make it possible to hold
a conversation with some privacy The
Wray Telephone Co is building from
the west and will have its line completed
I dont think we could
house without Thedfords
Draught We have used it in tha
family for over two years with tha
best of results I have not had c
doctor in tho house for that length
of time It is a doctor in itself and
always ready to mako a person well
and happy JAMES HALL JaCk
eonville 111
Because this great medicine
relieves stomach pains frees the
constipated bowels and invigor
ates the torpid liver and weak
ened kidneys
is necessary in the home where
Thedfords Black Draught is
kept Families living in the
country miles from any physi
cian have been kept in health
for years with this medicine a3
their only doctor Thedfords
Black -Draught cures bilious
ness dyspepsia colds chills and
fever bad blood headaches
diarrhoea constipation colic
and almost every other ailment
because the stomach bowels
liver and kidneys so nearly con
trol the health
to Trenton in a few days Wo are in
formed it is their intention to build on
through to McCook when we will at
least have tho opportunity of choosing
between competing lines
When the Sap Rises
weak lungs should bo careful Coughs
and colds are dangerous then Ono
Minute Cough Cure cures coughs and
colds and gives strength to the lungs
Mrs G E Fenner of Marion Indsays
I suffered with a cough until I run
down in weight from 148 to 92 pounds
I tried a number of remedies to no avail
until I used Ono Minute Cough Cure
Four bottles of this wonderful remedy
cured mo entirely of the cough strength
ened my lungs and restored mo to my
normal weight health and strength
Sold byLW McConnell
Tony and John Steltzer are hauling
wheat to McCook
Charlie nnd Joe Kennedy are working
for William Bylield
Hugh Little from Hayes county trans
acted business in McCook Saturday
Fred Carter is busj killing badgers
lie has enough skins now to make him a
fine overcoat
The young folks and some of the old
ones too danced at William Doyles on
Saturday night
A prairie fire one day last week des
troyed 50 acres of wheat and 15 tons of
hay for Ed Houlihan
We were sorry to hear of Ed Cousos
illness We hope soon to hear of his
improvement aud ultimate recovery
AugusfDroll is getting bettpr Mr
Droll has been sick for about a yearand
his many friends and neighbors are
pleased to note his improvement
Wo visited the William Byfiold ranch
Sunday MrByfield has in a large acre
age of sugar beets and is still planting
His alfalfa is looking fine IIo certainly
has a fine farm
Captain John OBrien of McCook and
two little grand children drove through
this neighborhood Saturday looking
nfter their cattle The captain is going
into the cattle business on a scale
Fred Carter wont down Saturday
night to sit up with his old neighbor
and friend Ed Couse who is very sick
Mr Carter reports Ed had a bad night
but was considerably better Sunday
Sunday was Mis Josie Houlihans
birthday The writer his wife and sev
eral more friends participated with the
family in a quie observance of the happy
event Ice cream was served and a good
time enjoyed
Stops more pain relieves more suffer
ing prevents more heart aches and dis
ea es than any other remedy That is
what Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea
will do 3o cents in tea or tablet form
LW McConnell
o it s 3-
t Purest and sweetest
of ail wheat foods
2 lb packages
All high class grocers
Cured His Mother of Rheumatism
My mother has been a sufferer for
many years with rheumatism says W
H Howard of Husband Pa At times
she was unable to move at all while at
all times walking was painful I presen
ted her with a bottle of Chamberlain s
Pain Balm and after a few applications
she decided it was the most wonderful
pain reliever sho had ever tried in fact
she is never without it now and is at all
times ablo to walk An occasional ap
plication of Pain Balm keeps away the
pain that she was formerly troubled
with For sale by all druggists
Quick Arrest
J A Gulledge of Verbena Ala was
twice iu tho hospital from a severe case
of piles causing 21 tumors After doc
tors and all remedies failed Bucklens
Arnica Salve quickly arrested further
inflammation and cured him It con
quers aches and kills pain 25 cents at
LW McConnells druggist
Low Rates
Chicago and return for S2560 You
can go via St Louis for an additional
S3 50 Stopover privilege at the latter
point y 6U
A Sure Thing
It is said that nothing is sure except
death aud taxes but that is not alto
gether true Dr Kings New Discovery
for Consumption is a sure euro for all
lung and throat troubles Thousands
can testify to that MrsCBVanMetre
of ShfjpherdtownWVa says I had a
severe case of bronchitis and for a year
tried everything I heard of but got no
relief One bottle of Dr Kings New
Discover then cured me absolutely
Its infallible forcroupwhooping cough
grippneumonia and consumption Tryit
Price 50 cents and SI Guaranteed by
LW McConnell druggist Trial bottles
One of the greatest blessings a modest
man can wish for is a good reliable set
of bowels If you are not the happy
possessor of such an outfit you can
greatly improve tho efficiency of those
you have by the judicious use of Cham
berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets
They are pleasant to take and agreeable
in effect For sale by all druggists
CrTTiEssznsrcr cotjozst
Town State Date 1901
Adv Dept National Medical Co Sheldon Iowa My estimate on the number of
paid admissions to the St Louis Worlds Fair on July i 190f is
Countersigned by Dealer
Taken from the McCook Tribune
Great New Offer in the Number of
Paid Admissions to the St Louis
Worlds Fair on July 4 1904
Contest Opens March 1 Closes June 30 1904
No guesses will bo received after that date
Conditions of the Contest TESSZ
from one of our regular dealers or where we have no dealer remitting di
rect to the Company will be entitled to one guess on the number of people
that will pass through tho gates paid admissions of tho St Louis Worlds
Fair on July 1901 To those who purchase a gallon can four guesses
will be allowed a five gallon can 2o guesses No limit to the number of
guesses allowed on persons complying with these terms Fill out the
coupon given below have your dealer sign it and he will send them to
the company at the end of each month If there is no dealer in your town
mail them direct to the Company This contest will positively close at
midnight June 30 1901 after which time no guesses will bo received In
case of a tie the prizes will be divided equally During this contest where
we have no dealer orders will be sent prepaid and cash must accompany
them Money on deposit at the Union Bank Sheldon Iowa to pay these
For the nearest correct estimate or guess 20000
- For the second nearest correct estimate or guess 10000
llere IS the For tho third nearest correct estimate or guess jOOO
1 For the fourth nearest correct estimate or guess 2i00
LlSt OT For the fifth nearest correct estimate or guess 1500
For the sixtli nearest correct estimate or guess 1000
lJliti For tlie next 20 nearest correct estimates or guesses each 500
Total 7000
Special Prizes
For first nearest correct estimate or guess received iu March 1I0 lbs Xational
Stock Food and 10 gallon cau Liquid Koal value 1000
For first nearest correct estimate or guess received in April one 10 gallon can
Liquid Coal value 2500
For tho first nearest correct estimate or guess received in May one 3 gallon can
Liquid Koal value 1U75
Valuable Information To aid in fothoifniiSgefigurlotlf we furnish
Total paid admissions during May to the Chicago Worlds Fair wore 1050037 Total paid
admissions during May to the Pan American Exposition at Buffalo were 599150 What
will be the total number of paid admissions to the St Louis Worlds Fair July 4 Fig
ure it out or guess at it and give in your estimate as indicated above
Keeps hogs healthy kills lice on all kinds
of animals cures tho pink eye and distem
per and is the greatest remedy for germ
diseases of animals known to modern sci
ence Sold on it merits Your money back
if not satisfied Write tho Company
stamp for free advice on all germ
diseases of animals
One quart can 100 One gallon can
300 One five gallon can 137n
Wausa Xob Dec 18 1902
I consider Liquid Koal one of tho best articles for all around purposes on the market
Fot mites and lice in chicken houses and for lice on calves and horses it is the best aud
cheapest thing I have over found Liquid Koal ought to bo on every farm Chas Ber
rifd by National Medical Co Sheldon Iowa
Phone No 20 Up-to-Date Flour and Feed store mclook flee
Office over McConnells drug store
Office Phone 160
Res Phone 131
Registered Graduate Dentist
Formerly located in At
lanta Georgia All opera
tions pertaining to modern
dentistry performed accord
ing to the latest scientific
methods used in the large
Plumber and
Steam Filter
mm iii null i in m i fii
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Halliday Waupun bclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker
Phillips Building
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13
Consultation free
Graduate Of Kansas
City Lental College
Oyer JasMcAdams
Telephone 43
McCook Nebraska
Office over Grannis store McCook Neb
and Surgeon
Office over McMillens drug store Residence
702 Main Avoune Residence phono 53 Office
phone 28 Calls answered night or day
McCook Nebraska
3Agent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Waterworks Office in Postoffice building
McCook Nebraska
Office In Court House Phone 181
McCook Nebraska
Telephone 44 p o Building
sale Always rellahlp Trfi
Mention thi Der
To William Wight G W ArbogastBarton
Snan Gardner and to all whom U
may concern
commissioner appointed to
locate a roarl
commencing at center of sw quarter of 4on
IS on the section lino that divides North Vni
Precinct from Alliance Precinct Red Vii llS
county Neb and known Arbogass si
ner and extending south diverin ir or
ft direction sufficient to aSSS high
and secure the most practicil rnnW
and coming back on tKme secUon Hno It nJ
tho or
near centor of
quarter of swf in i
andUoe the roal nw S
HyCtG0EonqE B
Vntn i m1nol Nebraska May 12 1901
m nerebr
given t w
filed in the city cCrka LL Iey M9
bond for a 1 cense to sell mnftPeatltland
and vinous liquors in the hnLSpintuons
A L Haley Applicant
In tho county court of Red willow -
Notice is hereby given that I
will sit t
county court room in McCook in i tho
on the 5th day of December imint couty
ton oclock am to examine Srt andSf f
all c aims against said estate fflimialiw
for the presentation of such claims iV1
from the 20th day of Mav TO nmoath3
limited for the paymontof deb iSil l time
of said estate iRSi8ttionent
w one ear from tho dato
Dated May 20th 1901 oreof
5 awts SL Greek
County Judge