K i few k Ki 3 X TO it t i Made Young- Again Ono of Dr Kings New Lifo Pills encb night for two wcoks has put mo in my teens tiRiiin writes D II Tumor of DempHoytown Pa Theyre the best in the world for liver fltorrmch and bowels Purely vegetable Novec eripo Only 25 conla at L W McConnolls drug store tii fji 5 tit ty tit tit tit tit tit Ai ttV tit tit tit tit tit fi tit tt Qt tit it tie tie tit tic tit tft tie tit tit tit tit tit tit tit tit tit tit tii tit tit tit tit tit tii tit tie i tii tii Are You Going to the St Louis Exposition If so you want a Worlds Fair Money Order TT TT7CT7 ATT7 TCCTTTTTi T3V The First National Bank drawn on a St Louis bank and payable without identi fication These orders ob viate the necessity of carry ing large sums of money on the person If you wish to know more about them call at the bank V W V 7 t1 CJl 0JO XJi i W 51 N W TO S ifl 56 ji fc S 3 W W j n M ffl W P v f C J fl ltf 1 j Itfl J 5 sjji inn ra 2 IT A E- PETTY Proprietor Cheap rates to Colorado and Utah points will bo in effect from Juno 1st to September 10 Enquire at ticket office Garden and field seeds at Wnitos A STORY WITHOUT WORDS McCook Laundry Phone 3o Jh A fji Mtf IlS - i W Home Comforts It doesnt matter what you want to buy theres only one Best place to get it In the way of Furniture Rugs Cur tains and the like our sjore is far and away the Best place The reason for this is that we dont dabble in lines outside our busi ness We keep a sharp lookout for the best things going in House Furnishings and people who buy of us get the benefit Our stock is large not the prices P ro s p X TO TO f J H LlJLJJJJ LUQWICK a M PMorais at Mil Cost i OF RAW MATERIAL Over 30000 of company stock to be disposed of by June 5th Prior to the building of a new and modern photographic studio we will positively dis pose of all company stock on hand at actual cost of the raw material Come at once and take ad vantage of our disadvantage We MUST SELL Prices will run from 35c per 2 dozen up Remember all our photographs are fully guaran teed or money cheerfully refunded Tie i ill iu hi Plot Studios JTcCook and Cambridge Neb jl Every Half Born ii 1304 j To every child born in thisvicinity during 1904 The Model Shoe Store will give a Solid Gold Ring FREE No other condition except that you bring the child in to the store We measure the finger you wish the ring for and give you a certificate You can come i n the following week and get the ring A new and special line of Bootees for the baby just received Our spring and summer stock of Ladies and Gentlemens Footwear is now complete THE MODEL SHOE STORE McCook Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Fireman C II McBrido is on the sick lint Mrs R Koebe visited in Holdregt last ivpmU Machinist Apprentice E P Smith is on tho Hick list E A Bocock visited friends in Ifold rego over Sunday i Ex Fireman Charles Blackburn was in tho city Thursday G II Watson coal inspector was in tho city Wednesday Engines 196 382 and 1G1 left Tuesday morning for llavelock shops Conductor A L Knowland resumed his run on tho road Tuesday A W Catnpain night fireman in the roundhouse resigned Thursday Engineer Stevo Finn has returned from his trip to Beardstown 111 A R Geddps ofR B As office spent Sunday with friends in Iloldrego Fireman O V Eberman returned on Tuesday fiom his visit in Denver Fireman and Mrs J W Hasty wore Arapahoe visitors last of week past Dispatcher J F Forbes arrived home Monday on No 1 from his Chicago trip Mrs Jacob Schlagel is visiting rela tives aud friends in Culbertson this week Will A Weintz is expected to arrive home from Immanuel hospital Omaha this week Soon tho old guard of the Burling ton will be but a reminiscence under tho Hill regime Switchman H L Kimbell of Oxford has retired from the companys service without opposition Supt Campbell commenced work on the improvement and enlargement of his residence this week Mrs Paul Miller nnd three children are visiting relatives in Sutton expecting to be gone thirty days Dispatcher R B Simmons is still fur ther improving his residence property on North Main A front porch is the latest The Tribune learns with regret that Engineer Thad Shepherd is one of the five enginemen at Fnirbnry let out of the service of the Rock Island compauy on account of slack business and necessary retrenchment M E Weils former round ho use fore man in Alliance was a passengron train 41 Tuesday for his home in Sheridan having been in Lincoln to arrange for a transfer to a position in thatcit whith er he expects soon to move his family Alliance Times Juno 1st John Francis tho Burling ton G P T A will become general passenger agent of tho Burlington lines east of the Missouri river with head quarters in Chicago LWWakely will succeed Francis iu Omaha W A La lor assistant general passenger agent in Chicago will go to St Louis to have charge of all lines east of the river Prince Thilip Ernest Fuerstzu Hohen lohe Schillingfurst and party of German royalty passed through McCook Sat urday night on No 3 occupying their own private car In addition to the dis tinguished prince there were in the party Princess Elizabeth Pass Hohenloho his sister Count Graff Rumorskirch of Vi enna captain of the Austrian life guard Mrs Borgnis and her daughter Anina They were bound for Denver and a short Colorado visit RAILROAD EMPLOYEES You pay too much I can save you money on Hamilton and Hampden high grade watches Chas B Morgan Holdrege Neb A Startling Test To save a life Dr T GMerritt of No Mehoopany Pa made a startling test resulting in a wonderful cure He writes A patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages caused by ulcera tion of the stomach I had often found Electric Bitters excellent for acute stomach and liver troubles so I pre scribed them The patient gained from the first and has not had an attack in fourteen months Electric Bitters are positively guaranteed for dyspepsia in digestion constipation and kidney trou bles Try them Only 50 cents atLW McConnells Protection is Panic Proof is the title of the recent speech of Sena tor J H Gallingor of New Hampshire The speech has been issued in document form by the American Protective Tariff League One copy will be forwarded to any address upon postal card request addressed to W F Wakeman General Secretary 339 Broadway New York Ask for document No 78 Juggling With Dynamite Is no more dangerous than to neglect kidney disorders Foleys Kidney Cure corrects irregularities and has cured many severe cases after other treatment has failed It builds up the worn out tissues and restores health and vigor I was troubled with kidney complaint for about two years writes A HDavis of Mt Sterling Iowa but two bottles of Foleys Kidney Cure effected a per manent cure Sold by A McMillen Notice of Dissolution The partnership existing between Phelps Boatman has this day been dis solved by mutual consent Mr Boatman retiring The accounts of the firm will be collected by Mr Boatman Phelps Boatman McCook Neb May 18 1904 I guarantee my concrete walks W C Bullard 53 cts c Druggists am R iVmmHjmmmmmmmm nwl gue If its coated your stomach is bad your liver is out of order Ayers Pills will clean your tongue cure your dys pepsia make your liver right Easy to take easy to operate 25c All druggists Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black Then use BUCKINGHAMS DYEtftlr P Hall A CoNahua nH j c u ar this welc Total Mumrentwmmm I AW ON Homer Hvw id cattle to 4 1- r He camo i j t took dowu vit ship thorn Clar n Li 1 hogs to t nb ij Monday Archi1 M i -on corn for f Pi Throe u ids from ho5 I ell ace i spin d Mr N Ijo i i rt b i Timy need so e o e a buv lines every ila so id o ar of g n i Iv i wis is- vn k i 1 dr or fii tii it tut ru uni is and in1 to - id iJ of fat j a o -7 0 JiVi n8t Spring ha fin h J f ing B - fstjck or hiped 1 gfj fk - v n hfc Mar on g M UL c iii tit muket B M E m iM I tin his E -- T ppi wl at again iiiihi V this nl ico to I thn f rmers H would never have to haul homo thoir hogs for laek of market or buyers Mis Cohorn of Traer Kansas died very suddenly on last Saturdav night Remains were buiied in tho Danbury cemetery Rev G Johnson preached tho funeral sermon Marion Powell was here first of the week looking after his stock and other interests Mrs Daisy Roberson visited with Mrs Milford Pew Saturday and Sunday Mr and Mrs D II Rittenhouse and Mr and Mrs J C Lafferty were guests of Mr and Mrs W E White Sunday Mr and Mrs -Will Macey dined with Mr and Mrs II C Plumb on that day J II icks and familv took dinner with Mrs E J Bull REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Citizens Bank of McCook of McCook Xebrus kn Chauteu No 276 Incononitl in the stato of Nebraska at the clo o of business May 11 15M RESOURCES Loans and dis countb SI7 1S78 77 Overdrafts secured and unsi cnrcd 1571 Cti Otbur real istat GW HO Curriiit expeiiMw and tasos paid 1475 fit Due from natinnaltate and private bunks nnd bniikcrbC0725 Hi Cbecks and items of xcliiifjo 1SS3 GS Cash Bills 124GG OU Speciu 5397 10 y67G bS 265551 87 LrAUIMTIES Capital stock paid in 00 Surplus fund JfOOO 00 Undivided profit 97 70 Individual deposit subject to check 96671 16 Demand cert ficates of de posit 40275 18 Time certificates of deposit 35879 50 Cashiers cliecksoutstandiiiK S2C6 05 Due to stato and private banks and bankers 21729 28 202821 17 Tot 1 20555187 State of Xobrnska County of Red Willow ss I A C Ebert cashier of tho above named bankdo solemnly swear that tho above state ment is correct and a true copy of tins report made to the state banking board A C Eiieet Cashier Attest V Fkankiix Director W B Wome Director Sub cribetl and sworn to before mo this 24th day of May 1901 II H Berry Seall Notary Public Mi commission expires Octobers 1907 ORDINANCE NO 115 An ordinance promoting public health and safe ty and protection to proierty iu the City of McCook and provide a penalty for its viola tion and to repeal Ordinance No 39 of the citv Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of tho City of McCook Section 1 Each person firm or corporation that are now or may hereafter eiiKURG in busi ness within the corporate limits of said ciy of McCook Nebraska shall at once provide erect and maintain a trash burner in which all paper rairs and other rubbish of a combustible nature the accumulation of any such business must be burned Provided that two or more doing bus iness in the same block ma join in the con struction maiutainauce and use of ono such burner Tho construction location and erection thereof shall be under tho immediate supervi sion of tho City Marshal Section 2 It shall bo unlawful for any per son firm or corporation to keep expose for sale sell or give away within the City of McCook any toy pistol using explosives air guns caps can non crackers explosive canes rockets and any aud all lire works containing djnamite gun cotton giant powder or any other kind of explo sive of a higher grade than common gun powder Section 3 Any person or persons who shall violate anj of the provisions of this ordinance shall bo deemed guilt of a misdemeanor aud upon conviction thereof be fined in any sum not less than live dollars nor moro than fifty dollars for each offense and stand committed until such fine and costs arc paid Section 4 Ordinance No 39 passed nnd ap proved February 11th 1895 relating to tho dis position of rubbish and offal bo and is hereby repealed Section 5 This ordinance shall take effect and bo in forco from and after passage and publica tion Passed and approved this 23rd day of May 1901 F M Ratiiiidx Major Attest C I Hall City Clerk ORDINANCE NO 114 An ordinance to amend sections 1 and 3 of Ordi nance No 113 entitled sidewalks and to re peal said original sections Bo it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of McCook Nebraska thatsectious 1 and 3 of Ordinance No 113 be amended to read as follows Section 1 Sec 1 as amended XThat the con struction of all sidewalks hereinafter laid widened or rebuilt shall bo done under the su pervision and directions of the committee on streets and alley- and under such rules and lualifications not inconsistent with tho provis ions of this ordinance as the city council may from time to time adopt All sidewalks shall be laid to such a permanent fjrade as said coun cil shall direct or establish Sidewalks on Main avenue shall be not less than 14 feet wide along lots abutting said avenue in blocks 16 21 2S 15 22 and 27 original town 10 feet wide on Main avenue lots abutting in blocks y and lu and s feet wide on Main avenue lots abutting in blocks 3 and 4 original town aud 10 feet wide on lots abutting on Dennison street in blocks 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 26 29 and 30 and the same width on abutting lots on all other east and west streets within tho fire limits All other side walks within the city shall be 5 feet wide laid four inches from the lot line Curbing for 10 and 14 feet walks shall be of stone concrete or cement 5 inches thick and 21 inches wide for 14 feet walks and inches thick and IS inches wide for 10 feet walks That when a majority of the resident owners of the lots in anv block or blocks fronting on any streets in the city of McCook shall sign and present a petition asking for the construction of sidewalks along that portion of any street on which the lots of the signers of such petition shall abut the city council may by resolution order such sidewalk built provided where a majority of the resident lot owners do not sign said petition or where there are no resident lot owners abutting upon said street where said sidewalk is proposed to be built then it shall be lawful for said city council by resolution to order same constructed and provide for the expense of building said sidewalk Said reso lution shall not be passed until three fourths of all tho members of the city council shall by vote assent to the passing of the sarae Section 2 Sec 3 as amended The city clerk shall cause a copy of said resolution to be pub lished in a newspaper of general circulation in the city of McCook one publication and the publisher of such paper or his agent shall file with said city clerk an affidavit of the publica tion of said resolution as soon as the publica tion herein required is completed and such publication shall be deemed good and sufficient notice to the owners to property in front of abutting or adjacontjto which the sidewalk is to Deconstructed rebuilt or widened said affi davit of the printer or Eisagent shalljbe prima facie evidence of the publication herein requir ed and shall be carefully preserved and made a part of the records of said city Section 3 Sections 1 and 3 of Ordinance No 113 entitled sidewalks passed and approved May 10 1904 be and the same is hereby repealed Section 4 This ordinance to take effect and be in forco from and after passage and publica tion Passed and approved this 23rd day of May 1904 F M Rathbck Mayor Attest C I Hall City Clerk jF rzi and Summer Goo JZ are in stock in abundance Our large line of pretty wash fabrics should appeal to you on account of good value beauty and the rea spnable price at which we offer them smaaftiafitsarvV Have you see it It is the ideal cloth for suits and jackets Tis made from pure silk without dye Three differ weaves thirty six inches wide 125 Per Yard I 7 - - J - J if r fl Ji Ij JL J i iuli I Vt r 1 W -- - r - ji -- j V - j - 1 Vr - - - JlllWwHl A jyiiliifjijlii if hi lihiliHYliUilrrjiHiiini i nWl i j Vi--- VV- H3 flJTirw - i rr - SSsR ncnV purr rcirriy i Ml Your House Needs Painting Use the BEST SOLD BY CONE BROS Druggists fiKrKp n a jhh p V V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier CITIZENS BAN OF McCOOK NEB Paid UpCapital 50000 Surplus S5000 DIRECTORS V FRANKLIN WFMcFARLAND A C EBERT Iff B WOLFE C H WILLARD a4t dAbbs44jtotLJBbtj0bk4 5vVVwvVVvV