i Mw sfflssaaaessess t mm 00fe pftttyt Official Paper of Redwillow County By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance REPUBLICAN TICKET CONGRESSIONAL REPRKSEKTATIVE FIFTH DISTRICT G W Norris Red Willow County COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE Philip Gliom Danbury COUNTY ATTORNEY C E Eldred McCook COMMISSIONER Jn nios Hatfield McCook VESTpoeket delegations are usually obnoxious to independent men of spirit They are never so distasteful to some as when they are not on the delegations Nevertheless thoy ought not so to be chosen But they always are The Tribune sees no indication for a hope oven that they soon will be otherwise elected J W Crabtrek state inspector of high schools for the Nebraska universi ty has boon elected principal of the Peru state normal school succeeding W A Clarlr The inspector is well qualified in every respect and his selection will doubtloss clarify a rather muddled state which has obtained in that educational institution for some time Commissioners Proceedings McCook Neb May 24 1901 The board of county commi sioners metpursu nnt to adjournment Present J II Bciinott DA Waterman and Samuel Preiner county conimis sionors C E Udred county attorney and E J Wilcox county clerk The minutes or the previous meeting wero read and upproved The resignation of J E Dolph overseer road district No 41 was read and on motion accept ed On motion II E Woods was appointed ovorseer road district No 41 to fill vacancy Tho following ofllcial bonds were examined and on motion approved E F Couse overseer road district No 10 J N Smith ovorseer road district No 19 On motion the following resolution was adopted RESOLUTION Resolution ordering opening of Road No 172 Be it resolved By tho board of county com missioners of Red Willow county Nebraska that the road overseer of road district No 15 bo and he hereby is instructed to oien up road number 172 on tho location as determined by Surveyor Andrew Barber Adopted by tho board of county commissioners of Red Willow county Nebraska this 24th day of May 1904 Attest E JWilcox J H Bennett County Clerk Chairman On motion by Premer seconded byWaterman tho treasurer was instructed to refund to school district No 2 the sum of 718 tho amount of ftaxes assessed against lots 7 S and 9 in block 25 Indianola for tho years 1902 and 1903 said tax being illegal and unauthorized for tho rea son- that at the time taxes wero levied sum property was owned and used by said school dis trict oxolusivcly for school purposes Tho following claims wero audited and al lowed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw warrants on tho county general fund levy of 1S03 in payment thereof as follows James McAdams mdso for paupers 10 00 A Guy samo as 00 J A Wilcox same 51 05 W C Bullard coal for paupers 8 00 E G Caine Co samo 8 35 Barnett Lumber Co samo 8 00 L W McConnell drugs for paupers 10 75 RoselandParson board of paupers i 75 H Kapke same 5 00 Mary Nichols house rent for pauper 10 00 McCook Electric Light Co lights for Apr 1 90 McCook Brick Co completing jail rooms as per contract 335 00 F D Burgess balance contract plumb ing and heating jail 136 00 Pado Son ollico furniture 6000 and coffin for pauper 2000 SO 00 State Journal to supplies 130 15 A C Fnrman printing claimed S350 al- lowedat 100 James Williams surveying road No 379 15 15 C F Babcock viewing road No 381 5 00 R W Devoe ollico expense 2 00 EJWilcox same 11 15 Ben G Gossard same and faro for pau pers 67 40 J H Bennett commissioner service and mileage 2S 40 D A Waterman same 23 70 Samuel Premer same 11 50 And on tho county bridge fund levy of 1903 as follows W C Bullard lumber 53 30 Barnett Lumber Co lumber 53 10 E Oxley hauling lumber 13 00 Henry Cochran bridge work 5 00 N W Bakor same 4 00 And on tho road fund levy of 1903 as follows C H Angoll road work 5 25 C H Angell same 3 00 II F Neuman same 10 10 The claim of Pade San for 4500 for the fu neral expenses of Bert Flaherty was allowed and treasurer ordered to pay same out of the funds of the estate of said Flaherty now in the hands of the county treasurer un motion tne uoara aajournea to meet as a board of equalization June 14 1934 Attest E J Wilcox J H Bennett County Clerk Chairman SHYLOCIt Shylock was the man who wanted a pound of human flesh There are many Shylocks now the convales cent the consumptive the sickly child the pale young woman all want human flesh and they can get it take Scotts Emulsion Scotts Emulsion is flesh and blood bone and muscle It feeds the nerves strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole body For nearly thirty years Scotts Emulsion has been the great giver of human flesh We will send you a couple of ounces free SCOTT St BOWNE Chemists 40G 415 Pearl Street New York jgK and jioo all druggists sawwjJtmaajswTf frng nwmw Fifty Years he Standard 499 BAKING WWW Improves the flavor and adds to tho healfhfulness of the food PRICE BAKING POWDER CO CHICAGO Sampson liusu carries his arm in a sling the result of striking a horse with his fist Mrs Kobert George has gone to Lin coln on business She may conclude to locate there John Clouse is having his new shop painted Jinks Fletcher is doing the artistic work Thomas Nuttycomb and wife are the proud paronts of a fine daughter born Thursday May 19th The Misses Elma and Elsn George went to Farnam last week where they will make an extended visit Mr and Mrs W B Downs were in itiated into the O E E Wednesday of this week After tho ceremony the lodge enjoyed a sumptuous supper Miss Maud Vickery for three years primary teacher in our school will go to Minco Indian Territory where her par ents reside the first of next week A gentleman from Spencer Iowa was in Bnrtley this week looking for a farm and is negotiating for the fine home north of town owned by Dan Wolfe Miss Gertrude Stennerof Blakeman Kansas is here on a visit to relatives and friends and assisted in the exercises of the graduating class of our schools The little daughter of Leonard Harsh was thrown from i horse last Thursday receiving a dislocation of the elbow joint and a fracture of the bones above and below the elbow Commissioner Premer was a McCook visitor Monday looking after county business Thursday of this week he had a bridge put in over Creek5 near tho J O Miller farm Rev B Howe of Cambridge preached the baccalaureate sermon to the gradu ating class of our high school Sunday evening The sermon was a very able one and highly pleased the audience Miss Lucy Peake nicely entertained her pupils last Friday treating them to ice cream and cake No teacher ever won the favor of the patrons and love of the pupils more than has Miss Peake during her three years as teacher in our school Galen McKean died at 730 a m Thursday morning The funeral was held in the M E church Friday at 2 p m Mr McKean was injured by the the fall of a smoke stack while working for the B M railroad company at Edge mont S D a year ago last February His spine was injured and he has never been well since Small grain is growing rapidly The corn is nearly all planted and most of it is up and growing well The stand is satisfactory The beets that were not planted too deep are doing nicely Some were planted so deep they could not come up and the labor and seed are lost Beet growing is profitable in this locality but the work must be done right and at the right time to mako a success of the bus iness The following persons graduated from our high school this year and received their diplomas Thursday evening Laura Anne Glandon Earle William Glandon Marguerite Belle Meeker Anna Eliza beth Weimkirch and William Wendell Reimer The following program was ex ecuted March Sadie Hamilton Invocation Vocal solo Clara Meeker Oration Excelsior Laura Ann Glandon Quartette Orntinn TTifli Aim WilllnTnWpnAll Rmmnr Vocal solo Grace Brown Oration Tho Two Paths Anna Elizabeth Weimkirch Duet Sadie Hamilton and Blanche Miller Oration Lifes Lessons Earl William Glandon Instrumental solo Gertrude Stenner Oration The Crown of Self Mastery Marguerite Belle Meeker Vocal solo Maud Vickery Presentation of diplomas Quartette Benediction The exercises were very interesting and entirely satisfactory to the large au dience which filled the M E church to overflowing We wish the graduates each a long and prosperous life in which their highest aim may be improvement always learning every day something to elevate themselves and others L W McConnell does not hesitate to recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to his friends and cus tomers Indigestion causes more ill health than anything else It deranges the stomach and brings on all manner of disease Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di gests what ou eat cures indigestion dyspepsia and all stomach disorders Kodol is not only a perfect digestant but a tissue building tonic as well Renew ed health perfect strength and increas ed vitality follow its use Do you need more blood and more flesh do you need more strength this spring Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will bring them4 all If it fails your money back 35 cents Tea or tablet form L W McConneel Whooping1 Cough In the spring of 1903 my children had whooping cough says Mrs DW Capps of Capps Ala I used Cham berlains Cough Remedy with the most satisfactory results I think this is the best remedy I Lave ever seen for whoop ing cough This remedy keeps the cough loose lessens the severity and frequency of the coughing spells and counteracts any tendency toward pneu monia For sale by all druggists Mwawjasg INDIANOLA Dr J MBrown of Bartley was a town caller Wednesday Nicholas Ploussard was down from McCook Wednesday Adam Grass of Hastings was in town Saturday on business Marion Powell came up from Lincoln last Saturday on business W G Sheppard of Cambridge was in town Thursday on business Miss Nettie Endsley of McCook visit ed with friends here this week Quite a number wero over from Dan bury Tuesday to attend the funeral Mrs Mart Akers and two children are visiting with relatives in Ludell Kansas Frank Dempster returned to his homo in Republican City last Saturday morn ing Miss Anna Smith was a guest of her cousin Grace Smith in McCook this week Mrs Fred Chessmore came up from Arapahoe and visited a few days with Mrs Shouse George Whittaker of McCook spent Saturday and Sunday with his friend Leon Russell Miss Maud Middleton of McCook vis ited a few days this week with the fam ily of John Broomfield Mrs Carmichael and daughter Maud of Cambridge attended the funeral of Miss May Neel Tuesday School was dismissed Tuesday fore noon so that the teachers and pupils could attend the funeral of May Neel Mr Quigley is still very low and suf fers a great deal in his rheumatic condi tion His demise is only a question of time Mrs Charles Russell and son Leon went up to McCook Tuesday evening on a short visit to her daughter Mrs Cora Mick The infant child of NJUerling died Wednesday morning after a lingering illness and was buried on Thursday from the Catholic church Tuesday was the hottest day of the season One case of prostration has been reported Charlie Carmichael was over come by the heat and was seriously ill for a while The old paint factory is about to com mence operations again after a few years rest People have moved in and will board the men who will work at getting out the paint Rev E B Crippen is suffering from an attack of the mumps which incapac itated him for the present from any kind of pastoral worh His three boys and daughter have all been sick but are get ting better Miss Edith A Smith and Mr Victor H McCarrick were united in the holy bonds of wedlock at the home of her parents Monday afternoon at 4 oclock Rev N H Hawkins officiating They started on No 5 the same evening for a short wedding trip through Kansas and other points before going to their new home in Bison Okla where the groom is a successful young businessman The wedding was a quiet affaironly the near relatives being present Miss May Neel died on Sunday May 22nd of diabetes and was buried Tues day morning Thus has death again come into our midst and with ruthless hand taken away from us one universally respected and beloved A fond mother and father and two brothers are left to rr rm TS - J fc6uy a mf E ILfi It Oh the Pleasures of moving day of ripping up carpets and stair rods of breaking in a new house and fitting stove pipe of eating your meals on the kitchen stairs and waiting ior tne piumDers ana tne gas man Theres a joy thats unconfined about all this and You Can Have It Once a Year but do you want it Wouldnt you give a pretty penny to escape it There is only one way viz to own instead of forever moving If you are thinking of the better way see the Secretary of the McCook Co Operative Building Savings Assn The Brownie KodaK Boy Kodaks are sold by CONE BROS Druggists t r f i aa2S The latest and best those Quick Meal gasoline stoves at Colemans Good Spirits Good spirits dont all come from Ken tucky Their main source is the liver and all the fine spirits ever made in the Blue Grass State could not remedy a bad liver or the hundred and one ill effects it produces You cant have good spirits and a bad liver at the same time Your liver must be in fine condition if you would feel buoyant happy and hopeful bright of eye light of step vigorous and successful in your pursuits You can put your liver in fine condition by using Greens August Flower the greatestxf all medicines for the liver and stomach I and a certain cure for dyspepsia or indi gestion It has been a favorite house hold remedy for over thirty five years August Flower will make your liver healthy and active and thus insure you a liberal supply of good spirits Trial bottles 25c regular size 75c L W McConnell Ladies and Children who cannot stand the shocking strain of laxative syrups and catnartic pills are especially fond of Little Early Risers All persons who find it necessary to take a liver medicine should try these easy pills and compare the agreeably pleas ant and strengthening elFect with the nauseating and weakening conditions following the use of other remedies Little Early Risers cure biIiousnesscon stipation sick headache jaundicemalaria and liver troubles Sold by L W Mc Connell A Cure For Piles I had a bad case of piles says G F Carter of Atlanta Ga and consulted a physician who advised me to trv a box of De Witts Witch Hazel Salve I pur chased a box and was entirelycured It is splendid for piles giving relief in stantly and I heartily recommend it to all sufferers DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled for its healing quali ties Eczema and other skin diseases also sores cuts burns and wounds of every kind are quickly cured by it Sold by L W McConnell Warning You cannot have good health unless your kidneys are sound for the kidneys filter the blood 6f impurities which oth erwise act as irritating poisons and break down the delicate organs of the body and cause serious trouble If you have kidney or bladder trouble and do not use Foleys Kidney Cure you will have only yourself to blame for results as it positively cures all forms of kidney and bladder trouble Sold by A Mc Millen A spring tonic that cleans and purifies and absorbs all poison from the system Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well all summer 35 cents Tea or tablets LW McConnell MBIHBBBiwflHSE mi m mi en an a moct mmbm1 - Congratulations Exchange Hands While Honest John extends congratulations and best wishes to all High School graduates and to their proud par ents the compliment is repeated by all his customers who CONGRATULATE THEMSELVES after making their purchases of Dress Goods Trimmings Waistings Etc at his store Special attention was given this season to his stock of White Goods and White Wash Trimmings and in order to complete the summer gown you should not fail to see his handsome assortment of Muslin Underwear as it contains ttfe very best values to be obtained in the city Kabo Corsets XvV 7rV A 81 Kabo Corsets have no brass eyelets and the new stock including many girdles for summer has just arrived Buy the best They fit the best They wear the best Kabo Corsets there the best Phone 16 mourn her untimely death May was a lovely girl and her friends are legion She was sick but a short time when the summons came Her death is especially sad she being an only daughter The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the bereaved ones in their great sorrow McCOOK NEBRASKA Blue Front fyJ0gjBK Jf Zm T 1 I 1J J M n wi Fine Turnouts Either Single or Double Phone 36 Rear Palmer House McCook Nebraska W H ACKERMAN Prop Dainty Chops From Poor Lamb Not possible no more than fine tender beef from an aged country bull It takes thefinest fattest corn fed and grass fed stock to produce tender and juicy meat TOUGH STRINGY TASTELESS meat is enough to make anyone cross and ugly Come here and get the right kind cut right and priced right We know youll come again D I A specialty of office supplies The Tribune m The Man Who Toils Is the man who ought to have the best things to eat because bis system re quires it Workingmen and everybody else who want the best meat come to our shop Wo run the best butcher shop in town Our place is clean Tho meat we sell is tender and fresh The prices wo ask are low enough to suit anybody If you knew how particular we are to give satisfaction youd never buy elsewhere Anton Magner Martin Com Co The only reliable wholesale house between Denver and Hastings JOBBKRS IN ruitsand Produce We Buy in Car Lots All goods direct from grower that is why wo can sell cheap Merch ants headquarters We Pay Cash for Eggs Local and Long Distance Phone 101 One door south of the Tribune Office iTcCOOK NEBRASKA MI AM r S Shwartz The Noted Eye Specialist OF DENVER WILL BE IN McCOOK June 17 and 18th AT COMMERCIAL HOTEL Dr S Shwartz has done more work here than any other eye specialist comes oftener than any other specialist and is too well known to need any introduction His references are his patients your neighbors and friends Difficult caspa and school children solicited A large stock of artificial eyes and glasses on hand A large portion of headaches and hysteria St Vitus dance nervous prostration epilepsy and other nervous conditions are caused by eye strain Dont feel discouraged because you have failed to obtain relief from itiner ant spectacle venders I guarantee satisfaction in all cases Will be at the Commercial Hotel Friday and Saturday June 17 18 ike Wals hi DEALER m POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank flcCook - Nebraska DeWitt DeWitt 13 the name to look for -when you go to buy Witch Hai cirLl DeWitts Witch Halel Safv ta t original and only gemjlre tn fJJS tft t Is made from the unadulterated WitchHazel H0thes aro counterfeits base Imi tations cheap and worthless -even dangerous DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salv fSPedlfor Blind Ifeedffig Bums n11 IWn Sprains LaceraMens AlsoCutl Contusions Boils CarbundesSSf Diieasef ShlJ SALVE PREPARED Jf ECDeWitt4Cochict For Sale by L W McConnell - w J8 n i 17 3k If lA W U Si f f A1 - I r 4 if s f if I 111