The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 27, 1904, Image 3

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V if
The New Pullmans
Owing largely to sunitary confildcra
jtlons tho Pullman company lias adopt
ed a new standard sleeper which lit
tle resembles the ornate cars built a
few years ago The now standard Is
severely plain and is devoid of all
scroll and grill work
Insist on Getting It
Some procors nay tliey dont lcccp De
fiance Starch because tliuy have a stock
In hand of 32 oz brands which they
know cannot ho nokl to u customer who
haii once uned the 1C oz package De
lluncc Starch for same money
A womans Idea of economy Is to
have her husband shave himself for
six months so that she can get a new
spring bonnet
Send 25 cents for Homesteaders Guido
containing 48 pages of information Official
map and full instructions how to get a
claim on tho Rosebud reservation Forbes
Locating Agency Bonestcel S D
An unbridled tongue goes with an
unburdened brain
More Flexible and Lasting
wont hhnke out or blow out Dy uslnc
Defiance Starch you obtain better results
than possible with any other brand and
one third more for same money
Leadership does not depend wholly
on leg ability
Beware of Qintments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the tente of smell
nod completely deruiiKe the wliulo nyMcm when
vikctIiik It through ihc mucous purfaces Such
unlrliM Fliuulil ncicr lie iscd except on preicrlp
Honn fniui reputalilo phyhli lann ns the damage thoy
M1 io Is ten fold to the imh joii can potfllily de
rh e from them Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured
by K I Cheney A Co Toledo O coutatiiH no mer
cury mid In taken Internally noting dlrecilv upon
tlio blood and mucous surfaces of ihc hyslem In
liuvlriK IlallV Catarrh Cure he Hire ou jret the
genuine Jt Is tuLcn Inteniallj mid made In Toledo
Ohio by V 1 Cheney fc t o Testimonial free
t ild by Trice 75c per bottle
Take flails Family llllt for com tJpjtlon
Never make a fool of yourself to
please other fools
WiggeStick i aundkv nr un
Wont spill break freeze nor spot clothes
Costs 10 cents and equals JO cents worth of
any other bluintr If your grocer does not
keep it send 10c forsamnle to The Lamidrv
Blue Co 11 Michigan Street Chicago
Uneasy lies the head whose tongue
lies harder
Keep them white with Red Cross Ball Blue
All grocers sell largo 2 oz package 5 cents
There is no short cut to happiness
Straighten Up
The main muscular supports of
body weaken and let eo under
cr Lumbago To restore strengthen
and straighten up use
4 r h V
TK jB l x WE
Price 25c and 50c
The Genuine TOWERS
35 am
It is made or the but
natenals in black orjcllow
full uiranteed and sold by
reliable dealer everrrere
TOKuniu win Bvjnnnjuu9LA
Given Away
Wrttn ijr nr itsk nnl
Alntmstlnn ffnnlnr fori
I particulars and free sauiple card of
VBo Sanitary tValf Coatliirr
Destroys disease Kcrms anil vermin i everB
ruDs or scales lou can apply it mix wim
cold water Beautiful effect in -white and
delicate tints ot a die eae brcedng ut l
of date hot water ftlue preparation Jduyfl
Aiabastine in s in packages properly la
belled of paint hardware and druc dealers
Illnts on Decorailnir and our Artists
fdeaifrce iUtusnECOGrutlUplIIUi
IUS IIatcrott l
will keep eggs fresh for a
year at acost of One Cent
a dozen At all drug and
grocery stores Sample pkg for 10 doz
eggs 5c prepaid Information free
Quincy Egg Preservative Co Quincy III
Your Jobber or direct from Factory Feorla 21L
CURES catarrh of the stomach
Turn Food Product Pavilion Into a
Reception Hall for Occasion
ST LOUIS The resourcefulness of
the Nebraska club women stood them
in good stead on Thursday the great
reception day of the seventh biennial
With tho other delegations of the
Louisiana purchase states receiving
In handsomely equipped state build
ings the Nebraska women true to
the spirit that has given them a rlaee
In the foreground established them
selves for the afternoon in the Ne
braska the pavilion conducted by a
Nebraska club woman Mrs Harriet S
MacMurphy for the demonstration of
Nebraska food products and there
between 4 and G oclock received
From a fund made up by the delega
tion the adjuncts of a reception were
supplied to supplement a welcome
unsurpassed by any other and the lit
tle reception room was taxed to ac
commodate the guests In the recep
tion line were the state officers and
club presidents and as the guests
departed each was given a spray of
Nebraska grass as a souvenir
Tfce Iowa reception was one of the
most brilliant of the afternoon Gov
ernor and Mrs Cummins received with
the officers and ex officers of the Iowa
State Federation every ex president
being in the line The handsomely
equipped building furnished an ade
quate seating capacity for the bril
liant function
Fire Discovered While Train is Run
ning at High Speed
SIDNEY The Burlington Billings
Denver train known as No 301 due
here at 5 a m did not reach here un
til 1140 a m and after a short stop
proceeded on its way to Denver
When out fourteen miles from here
the Pullman sleeping car was discov
ered to be on fire Conductor Ryan
immediately transferred the passen
gers to the day coach and everybody
tried his utmost to extinguish the
flames but the fire had made such
rapid headway that tlie car was burn
The train was running fifty miles
an hour and the greatest excitement
prevailed and at one time it was
thought the entire train would be
The sleeper was a new ten section
Plluman and had only been in serv
ice a short time
A Farmer Severely Beaten
FREMONT Chris Thompson a
Sounders county farmer was severe
ly beaten a day or two ago by a cou
ple of tramps He was out working
with a team on his farm and had tak
en out a jug of water which he left
at one end of the field near the road
The two tramps evidently thinking
that the jug contained something
stronger came along and emptied the
jug after first taking a drink When
he reached that end of the field he
had some words with them about the
matter and both pitched onto him
He is a strong powerful man but no
match for the two and they pounded
him so badly that it was some time
before he regained consciousness
Irrigation Matters
The Belmont Irrigating Canal and
Water Power company of Omaha has
filed amended articles of incorpora
tion providing for a capital of 450
John Potmesil of Dunlap Dawes
county has filed application with the
state board of irrigation for permis
sion to use water from the Niobrara
river for the irrigation of 5S0 acres
The cost of his plant is stated at 625
Panic Narrowly Averted
BEATRICE A panic was narrowly
averted at the Paddock opera house
during an entertainment given by a
moving picture show The cover
over the machine caught fire and
masy instantly broke for the door
but the flames were quickly extin
guished and quiet was restored by
several officers who stood at the main
Three Years in Penitentiary
NELSON Joseph Hastey of Supe
rior who has been in the county jail
for the past three months awaiting
trial on the charge of criminal as
sault appeared in district court and
pleaded guilty and received a set
tence of three years in the peniten
The right-of-way for the Omaha De
catur Northern Suburban road has
been secured all but a few pieces
near Tekamah and the prospects are
for active operations in grading etc
between Tekamah and Decatur as soon
as the grade stakes can be driven
Stallion Attacks Man
LINCOLN An angry stallion came
near killing his owner Oscar Port
lock a Bethany machinist When
Portlock entered the stable early in
the morning the animal did not step
aside as he was ordered to do The
man gave him several sharp cuts
with a -whip The stallion infuriated
seized Portlock by the left arm
dashed him on the floor of the stall
and shook him about as a cat does
a mouse The mans cries of pain
and terror brought some neighbors
to the rescue
Families are arriving to work In the
beet fields around North Platte
The Auburn Canning Factory com
pany is making arrangements to dou
ble its capacity for corn
The prospects for a large fruit crop
in the vicinity of Stanhaur were nev
er better than at present
Polk countys total assessment this
year will be between 200000 and
So00000 Last year it was between
70000 and 90000
Right Rev Bishop Bonacum of Lin
coln administered first communion
and confirmation to a class of sixty
children at Stanhaur
Alex Robinson one of the pioneer
merchants of South Auburn has sold
his stock of boots and shoes clothing
and furnishing goods to A F Wick
stram of Omaha
A move is -on foot in Beatrice to
celebrate the Fourth of July in true
American style The Commercial club
and the fire department will hold a
meeting to perfect arrangements
The old homestead of the late Sen
ator Paddock located just north of
Beatrice and which consists of a
modern dwelling and one block of
ground has been sold to Emil Lang
of that city
John W Ladd returned to Creigh
ton from Neligh having in his pos
session the black mare that was stol
en from his livery barn Mr Ladd
was unable to obtain any tangible
clew as to who store the horse
Work on the big ditch in Burt coun
ty is only waiting the arrival of nec
essary machines and will be pushed
as fast as possible This will be the
largest ditch in the state outside some
of the irrigating ditches in the arid
regions of the state
Fire from unknown origin was dis
covered in the barn of George Wigton
at Hastings The barn two ponies
buggy and harness feed and hay and
the household furniture or Mrs G E
Pueket which were stored there
were totally destroyed
Reports from over Hall county say
some sections of the county is being
infested by cut worms and that they
are doing considerable damage to
early vegetation The farmers say
the only thing that will stop them is
lots of wet weather this having kill
ed them off last year
A committee consisting of the fol
lowing well known residents of Elm
wood have been chosen to perfect ar
rangements for the annual district
reunion of the Grand Army of the
Republic which will be held June
30 to July 4 inclusive John A Stork
James Woodard E T Comer Willis
Bartlet and H Denman
The tower of the main building of
the Fremont normal school caught
fire on account of the electric light
wires becoming crossed It was put
out by the students before the de
partment arrived and without much
damage being done For a time there
was considerable excitement around
the buildings
Grain rates for northwestern Ne
braska territory were adjusted on a
basis which was not disclosed by the
railway freight agents Apparently
there was some disagreement between
the various roads for the Chicago St
Paul Minneapolis Omaha will pub
lish a tariff without reference to the
rates agreed upon by the Willmar
Sioux Falls and the Northwestern
Sheriff McBride received a tele
phone message from Murdock Cass
county saying that his general mer
chandise store was burglarized again
and three watches rings and other
valuables to the amount of 300 taken
This is the second visit of burglars
to this store within ten days the
sheriff returning yesterday with two
men accused of breaking in this place
May 9
The preliminary examination of
William L Newby an attorney of
Friend on the charge of uttering a
deed knowing it to be forged and
fraudulent was had before Justice J
V Shestak at Wilber and the defend
ant held for trial at the next term of
district court under 1000 bail which
was given
The saloons of Loren Bennett and
Peter Sorhen and the hardware store
of the Edwards Bradford company at
Elgin were entered Some money
and goods were taken in each place
Sheriff Frisbie came with the hounds
from Neligh but the rain since the
raid had spoiled the scent and the
dogs could do nothing It is suppos
ed to have been the work of home
The body of William Edison a la
borer was found under the bridge
over the upper end of the mill pond
at Irvington The body was identified
by Zach Ellis the storekeeper there
who formerly was a detective on the
Omaha police force Mr Ellis says
he saw Edison near his store Monday
nicht and that he was considerably
under the influence of liquor The
supposition is that Edison fell into
the water by accident and not design
Mrs Hannah Bowman one ot the
pioneers of Stanton county died Sat
urday of old age The deceased was
born in Ohio eighty four years ago
and moved with her parents to Indi
ana at an early age In 1S68 she
came to Stanton with her husband
and family She was the mother of
nine children four of whom are liv
ing Two of her sons Eli and Brad
ley live in South Dakota William
near Lincoln and one daughter Mrs
F M Moorhead lives in Stanton
with whom the deceased spent the
latter days of her life
lu iwtifcwwTrf1lt rif11
In Society
A woman in society is obliged to keep
late hours She must attend receptions
and balls She seldom allows herself a
quiet evening at home Her whole
time is taken Tip in keeping engage
ments or entertaining in her own home
Her system becomes completely run
down as a consequence She soon finds
herself in a condition known as sys
temic catarrh This has also been called
catarrhal nervousness
If every society woman could know
the value of Peruna at such a time if
they could realize the invigorating
strengthening effect that Peruna would
have hor much misery could be
Letters from society women all over
the United States testify to the fact
that Peruna is the tonie for a run
down depleted nervons system
Tired Nervous Aching Trem
bling Sleepless Bloodless
Renovates Regulates Re
A Pretty New York Womans Recovery
tho Talk of Her Numerous
Mrs J E Finn 83 East High street
Buffalo X Y writes
Peruna Medicine Co Columbus Ohio
Gentlemen A few years ayo I liad
to give up social life entirely as my
health was completely broken down
The doctor advised a complete rest for
a year As this was out of the ques
tion for a time I began to look for
some other means of restoring my
I had often heard of Peruna as an
excellent tonic so I bought a bottle to
see what it xcould do for me and it
certainly took hold of my system and
rejuvenated me and in less then lico
months I was in perfect health and
now when I feci worn out or tired a
dose or tico of Peruna is ell that I
need Mrs J E Fitin
Mrs J W Reynolds Elkton Ohio
I owe my health and life to Peruna
We rarely call in a physician in fact it
has been years since 1 have taken any
other medicine than yours I am afraid
of drugs and although I have been sick
many times I have taken only your
medicines They are wonderful indeed
We have a very large house and enter
tain a great deal and 1 do all my own
work thanks to Peruna Mi s J W
Free Treatment for Women
Any woman wishing to be placed on
the list of Dr Ilartmans patients for
free home treatment and advice should
immediately send name and symptoms
duration of disease and treatment
already tried Directions for the first
months treatment will be promptly
mailed free of charge No free medi
cine will be supplied In the doctor
but all necessary directions will be
Read what the above ladies nave to
say of Peruna as a cure for these cases
Address Dr Hartnian President of
The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus
i Ml 1 Lyiolie is 1 j
Libbys Natural Flavor Foods are U S Y
fJnvprnmpnt insnprtcil prfprtlv nnrlcffl
s saKVi 1 Oefti i j i A
G sJx5r canned foods and are readv to serc at L
4 Svfc a moments notice
Veal Loaf Vienna Sausage Ham Loaf Boneless Chicken Ox Tongues f
Are Among the Many Tempting Luncheon Meats Ask Your Grocer Tor Them
Send for our booklet How to Make Good Things to Eat
Libby ftScNeifl Libby Chicago
H De wee Starch ts way bts t Sard cm v
I bttut H j
H Huxre testily tf Mr9Hv
H Try It oetce yours T RniAHJ
tt53 Bdw
H We ie sbc or ory Eae jff
H You cant lose Krf
M De wee Starch taa sotuter free from rtfrfa SkJK
I b nulrri the clothtt look beautiful and w not rot than KKSi
M Get U of your grocer H - t
16 osnees for 10 ceis oaMhIrd owe j f Jja J
H you get of taj ether brand lK ffi2ilriJ
fl gBSr EJ
rr749 Eiv M E 5 fn yyr ftSiSy tvffr V K
uHflnr vlEv
ifllilHH III m
Of lortoriDj M0i
Hun Use
Every child born into the
world with an inherited or
early developed tendency to
torturing disfiguring humors
of the Skin and Scalp becomes
an object of the most tender
solicitude not only because of
its suffering but because of the
dreadful fear that the disfigu
ration is to be lifelong and mar
its future happiness and pros-
perity Hence it becomes the
duty of mothers of such afflict
ed children to acquaint them
selves with the best the
purest and most effective
treatment available viz the
CUTICURA Treatment con
sisting of warm baths -with
CUTICURA Soap and gentle
anointings with CUTICURA
Ointment the great Skin Cure
Cures made in childhood are
speedy permanent and eco
6oId throughout the norll Cutleur Sotp c Oint
ment 0e Kfiolvent Oc In form of Chucotit Cnunl
Fill c per Till of 00 Depots J onilon 27 Charttr
houia Sq Jrii Hue de la Illi Boiton IS Cotum
but Ave lctter Drujr t Chrm Corp Sole Proprietor
oyiend for How to Cure Torturlnf Duazurlxz
Humori from InUucr to Agt
A Large Trial Box and book of in
structions absolutely Free and Post
paid enough to prove the value oi
PaxtineTosIet Antiseptic
Paitine Is In powder
form to dissolve la
water non poisonous
antiseptics containing
alcohol which Irritates
Inflamed surfaces and
have no cleansing prop
erties The contents
of every box makes
more Antiseptic Solu
tion lasts longer
goes further has more
uses In the family and
antiseptic preparation
jou can buy
The formula of a noted Boston physician
and used with great success as a Vaginal
Wash forLeucorrhcca Pelvic Catarrh Nasal
Catarrh Sore Throat 5ore Eyes Cuts
and ail soreness of mucus membrane
In local treatment of female ills Paxtino is
invaluable Ucd as a Vaginal Wash wo
challenge tho world to produce its equal for
thoroughness Itisarevelationin cleansing
and healing power it kills all germs which
cause inflammation and discharges
All leading druggists keep Paxtine price COc
a box if yours does not send tousforit Iont
take a substitute tbcreis nothing like Iaxtine
Write for the Free Kox of Paxtlnc to lajv
K PAXT02 CO 5 Pope Bldf Boston Hass
loekiog for a Home
Then why not keep in view the
fact that tne farming lands of
uV li hfd
5 f 1SC7
V vW
are sufficient to support a population of SOOOOOO
or oer5 The immigration for the past six fears
has been phenomena
FREE Homasiead Lands
easilv accessible while other lands may be pur
chased from Railwayand Land Companies The
zram and srazms lands of Vectern Canada are the
oest on tne continent producing the best gram
ind cattle fed on srass alone ready for market
ilarkets Schools Kuilwajs and all other
auditions make Wsti m Canada an cuvl
ible spot for the settler
Write to Superintendent ImmisrationOttawaCan
nia for a decnpme AtiaS and other inforniEtion
r to the authorized Canadian Government Acent
V V Bennett 01 New York Life Buiidias
Omaha NeD
PORTAIirK and drill any dcrtli
by team or hor e power
We chalnfre competition
Statf for f rre Iilattratrd 3o it
Cbotuut bU Mci oo I qua
ilUfitS rtrtrl ALL USE f AJLS
Best Couga syrup Taste3 Good VfC
in or arusBuits