The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 27, 1904, Image 1

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McCook Decides to Celebrate
At a meeting of businessmen nnd
others hold in the court house Tuesday
evening it was determined to have acel
ebratii n this year of an appropriate
Mayor F M Rathbun was made chair
man of the meeting and L W McCon
nell secretary
An executive committee was formed
as follows with Mayor Rathbun as ex
oflicio chairman of the committee each
committeeman being chairman of the
special sub committee for which ho was
named Subscriptions L W McCon
nell stands and privileges G B Berry
advertising Lon Cone amusements
11 H Tartsch music and speakers G
II Thomas barbecue J E Kelloy
On Wednesday evening these chair
men met and completed their respective
committees by adding the following
named goutlemeri
Stands and privileges G B Berry C
B Gray Advertising and transporta
tion Lon Cone M Lawritson G W
Scott S B McLean Amusements II
II Tartsch G B Berry S C Beach
Subscriptions LW McConnell G E
Thompson W M Lewis W T Colo
man Music and speakers G II Thom
as D E Smith S C Beach Barbe
cue E Kelley J II Bennett J
M Trammell David Magner D C
Marsh W F Everist
All that need bo added at this time is
that it is the purpose to have an old time
celebration Tho committees have gone
to work at once with a will and the re
sults of their labors will bo announced
in duo time
McCook Junior Normal School
Applications are already coming in
from teachers expecting to attend the
session of tho Junior Normal School
and the indications are that the attend
ance will be largo Ample provision
must bo made to care for them when
they arrive The committee having the
schools affairs in charge will put some
one in tho field at once to learn of all
available rooming and boarding places
there are in town They desire to know
where rooms ale lie can bo secured where
board alone can be secured and where
board and room can be had together
Many of the visiting teachers will de
sire to do light housekeeping and those
who havo rooms adapted to this pur
pose will confer a favor by making the
fact known A few inquiries have been
written in as to whether it will be possi
ble to secure work in payment for teach
ers board through the summer The
committee is especially anxious to sup
ply citizens with enough of such help
and they will bo glad to know in advance
this yearbf the desire for it
Decoration Day Programme
Tho services will bo held in the
tist church at two oclock sharp in the
afternoon Rev Harmon Bross depart
ment commander of Lincolnwill deliver
the address Tho programme is as fol
Music America
Reading orders by tho adjutant I
Prayer Rov C R Betts
Music Quartette
Reading of Lincolns Gettysburg address
Miss Mabel Wilcox
Music Male Quartotto
Addressto Unknown Dead
Music solo Mrs Charles Wayne Britt
Address Department Commander Bross
Members of J K Barnes post Ladies
circle old soldiers and sailors are re
quested to meet at the post room at one
to form column and march to
tho church
It is requested that flowers be left at
the post room by 9 oclock in the morn
ing for the decoration of graves
Decorating committee G W Dillon
W S Fitch J V Andrews Henry
Gale J W Underbill J A Brinton
Memorial Sunday Exercises
Memorial Sunday will be observed by
the post and circle in tho Catholic
church Rev J J Loughran will de
liver the sermon on that occasion at 10
oclock in tho morning All members
of J K Barnes post Ladies circle old
soldiers and sailors are requested to
meet at tho post room at 9 oclock in the
morning to form in column and march
to the church A committee of the La
dies circle and a detachment from the
post will meet at the church Saturday
afternoon at 330 oclock to assist in
decorating the church for the occasion
New Methodist Church
The plans and specifications for the
new church will be in the office of H H
Berry every day except Sunday from
May 21 to the night of June 1st for the
use of any who desire to bid on the
work only for the new Methodist church
of McCook The committee reserves
right to reject any or all bids All bids
must be in the hands of D C Marsh
secretary of building committee riot
later than 6 oclock p m on the first
day of June 1904
Order Building Committee
The postoffice will observe Decoration
Day General delivery will be open from
S to 9 in the morning and from 2 to 3 in
the afternoon Money order department
will not be opened at all for business on
that day
The Tribune understands that Rev
E R Earle of the Episcopal church
contemplates changing his place of resi
dence from Arapahoe to McCook
Have you tried a nut sundoe If you
havent you have missed a good thing
Served at McConnells fountain
Hose hose fittings sprinklers in fact
all the requisites for keeping- your lawn
green at W T Colemans
The spring is the best time to use a
good sarsaparilla Try McMillens
Refrigerators latest designs and all
styles at Colemans
Detroit vapor stoves at Waites
McMillen prescription druggist
McConnells for drugs
Mrs R F Lowman went up to Colo
rado close of last week on a visit
Mr and Mrs R W Devoe arrived
from Lebanon Suuday night on No 5
May Rittenhousk died in Chandler
Okla May 23rd after a long illness
Mrs J L Biddlecom and Edna
Mooro visited in Denver Saturday and
Mrs W D Mackechnik of Indianola
was a visitor in the countys capital city
L Oxley was up from tho eastern part
of the county Tuesday on business in
tho court house
E E Emmett state bank examiner
was in tho city this week on business
of the statos banking department
Mrs Clara Snyder arrived home
Sunday noon from Lincoln Her sister
Mrs Nellie Ilellweg accompanied her
Miss Alice Rouidoox spent the clos
ing days of last and opening days of this
weok visiting the homefolks in Benkel
J Will Johnson of Valley Grange
precinct is touring through tho Pacific
country presumably looking for a new
Private Secretary Merwin has been
over from Beaver City part of the week
attending to his duties in Congressman
Norris office
Harry D Stewart went down to Lin
coln Wednesday morning on No 2
Should something better come his way
ho will not likely decline it
Mrs W V Gage and Jack are here
from Omaha to remain during the doc
tors absence of several months in Eur
ope pursuing his study in medicine
Mrs Samuiil Patterson of Arapahoe
and guest Miss Doling of Kearney were
city shoppers Saturday evening re
turning to Arapahoe Sunday morning
Supt G II Thomas has purchased
tho A CWieho residence on North Mad
ison street MrWiehe and family will
occupy tho Westlaud house early in
Miss Edith Santee who- taught in
the Culbertson schools past school year
has been a guest of her sister Miss Me
dora Santee of our teacher corps this
Mr and Mrs B M Frees departed
Saturday morning via Red Cloud and
Superior for Chicago after an absence
in the west on business of about two
Mrs Herbert J Pratt for Miss
Coral White and Miss Gertrude Colvin
entertained the lady teachers of the Mc
Cook public schools last Friday at a
G30 dinner
Mrs C H Meeker expects to attend
the dedication of the great Church of
Christ Scientist Jin Denver Sunday
on her way home from California arriv
ing homo on Monday
J I Bascom who has been a member
of The Tribune force for about a year
departedon Sunday morning for Green
wood Cass county to take a position on
a newspaper in that burg
C T Eller has been enjoying a visit
from his cousin T J Eller of Stratton
and wife They camo down from Hitch
cock county last Saturday evening
Harvey Eller an uncle over 80 years of
age also came down from Stratton on
his way to Hastings to visit his son Rob
ert Eller
CharlesParsons son of Mr and Mrs
Roseland Parsons of our city had some
experience with the recent severe floods
in the neighborhood of Fort Collins
Colo last week He and a number of
companions had the pleasure of spend
ing 10 to 15 hours on the roof of a build
ing before being rescued No serious re
sults however
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Prayer meeting Thursday night The
fifteenth anniversary of the Epworth
League temperance exercises at 8 p m
Special services and speaking No ser
mon in the morning on account of Me
morial services
M B Carman Pastor
EpioCopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m
Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer
and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in
the month Holy Communion at 7 30 a
m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Congregational Sunday school 1 0
a m Y P S C E at 7 p m No morn
ing service on account of Memorial serv
ices Evening subject The Rewards
of Sacrifice Prayer and conference
meeting on Wednesday evening A wel
come to all to all services
George A Conrad Pastor
First Baptist Church Sermons at
11 a m and 715 p m Bible school at
945 a m Junior society at 3 p m B
Y P U at 7 45 p m Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening S p m Evening
subject Eighth Commandment
Thou shalt not steal A cordial wel
come to all C R Betts Pastor
Methodists are now holding their
prayer meetings on Thursday evenings
RevBetts writes that he would preach
Wednesday night in his former church
in Chicago and would be home either
Friday or Saturday noon
The centennial celebration of Nebras
ka Methodism will be held in St Pauls
church Lincoln June 8th and 9th un
der auspices of the four annual confer
ences of the state
Concrete Sidewalks
We are now ready to make contracts
for concrete sidewalks in McCook We
have employed an expert to put down
these walks and guarantee their dura
bility Barnett Lumber Co
A Splendid Baccalaureate Sermon
Tho baccalaureate sermon to the class
of 1901 delivered by Rev J J Loughran
in St Patricks church last Sunday
evening as usual called out a larger
company of people than any audience
room in the city can possibly accommo
date Many were unable to secure seats
and others were deterred from going by
thojtnowledgo that tho standing room
only sign would be displayed Every
available foot of space was utilized and
fully 500 people were taken care of
Tho baccalaureate is properly one of
the red lotter functions of commence
ment week and that of 1901 was no ex
ception to the rule It was a brilliant
inspiring affair and scene It will leave
happy impressions with all who attend
ed as graduates teachers parents or
simply auditors
From a knowledge of the broad in
telligent and liberal viows held by Rev
Loughran along the lines of education
and witnessing his evident interest in
the public schools of the city and in its
library The Tribune was led to expect
a sermon worthwhile one full of whole
some instruction and advice and lacking
not in a high key of inspiration and in
centive It was not disappointed The
theme was education nnd it was hand
led from the four fold viow point of a
rounded and complete education as com
prehended in mental esthetic moral and
religious training and culture It met
with very general approval and was
much enjoyed and appreciated After
the sermon there was a brief musical
program A fine duo I Will Extol
Thee by Mr S D McLean and Mr J
R McCarl an inspiring duet by Mrs P
M Appel of Cheyenne Wyoming and
Mr Roswell Cutler of our city O Salu
taris Hostia Concluding with a brief
evening service of the church with Miss
Millie Elbert at the organ and Miss
Rose Elbert Miss Sadie OConnell and
Mrs Avolena Perrine singing the vocal
The decorations of dedication time
were still in place and served the pur
poses of the occasion and evening very
- - i
One Was Quite Painfully Hurt
School children in numbers living in
South McCook have been making a
habit of piling into J P Notleys wagon
noontimes and riding home notwith
standing Mr Notley has mildly remon
strated with them on account of possi
ble accidents from overcrowding Wed
nesday noon the usual program was on
The horse became frightened at some
object in the road and shied with sud
denness and speed with the result that
three or four girls were thrown out of
the wagon and one of them a young
daughter of Sam Simmons was quite
painfully though not seriously injured
Tried Same Old Game
The two crooks JakeKohn and Henry
Woodman incarcerated in our county
jail for robbing Peter Sheas big store
and who escaped from the jail in Mc
Cook thought to gain their liberty from
our jail and to that end sawed one of
the steel locks off filled the space with
soap and awaited a favorable opportuni
ty to go butSaturday night a town man
was put in jail and accidentally he took
hold of the lock and it came off at his
touch The prisoners were then search
ed and an aluminum comb etc were
found upon their persons They will
now be kept in the cages Red Cloud
Commercial Advertiser
If You are Going to Paper
you should investigate our line of wall
paper All the staple things and a lot
of new things and novelties Ingrains
moires silks tapestries granites tiles
etc carried in stock as well as a com
plete line of mouldings and beads
McConnell druggist
Notice To Citizens
There will be a public meeting in the
court house Tuesday evening May 31
1904 at eight oclock for the purpose of
considering the question of sewerage for
McCook C II Meeker will be present
FM Rathbun Mayor
Special Sale
Remarkable values in ladies tailor
made suits at greatly reduced prices a
saving of 335 to 50 per cent See Mrs
L F Griggs
Plants Plants
Tomato and cabbage several varieties
25c per 100 3 blocks north of brick
schoolhouse M L Rishel McCook
Boys Wanted
to work in beet field L W Brinton
2o miles northwest of town It
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the coupty clerks office
since last Thursday evening
George Howells to Barnett Lumber Co
wd to lot 9 in block S Willow Grove ad 75 00
G Hoffman to A German wd to lot 20
in block 2 Willow Grove ad 535 00
LeRoy Kloven to J B Culbertson wd
tolotlblk 24 First addition 1900 00
L Boatman to O R Redding wd to lot
40 in block 2 South McCook 500 00
J M Boatman to O R Redding qcd to
lots 60 61 62 in block 3South McCook 1 00
Lincoln Land Co to M Einkead wd to
lot 16 in block 2 Lebanon 150 00
Henry Kildau to J W Shirley wd to
lot 6 in block 25 McCook 1000 00
John Hoff to C L McKillip wd to lot 9
in block 25 McCook 900 00
Citizens Bank to John Hoff qcd to lot 9
in block 25 McCook 1 00
United States to I F Bunker pat to
nwqr 19-2-26
United States to G W Conrad pat to
shf sw qr se qr sw qr and sw qr se qr
264 30
M R Loomis to W A Dolan wd to n
hf nwqr 324 23 1200 00
J Robins to H Butherus wd to lot 11
and 12 in block 47 Bartley 375 00
Dr John Dill Robertson formerly an
operator in the McCook telepraph office
was chosen president of tho Eclectic
medical society of Illinois in Chicago
last Friday
Room for rent over the market See
What Credit Is Doing for Our Young- Men
It will in all probability bo a surprise
to many of our McCook friends and citi
zens to know what credit is doing for
our young men at tho presont time It
simply urtres them on to buy what they
dont need and pay exorbitant prices for
goods they could get elsewhere for cash
at a liberal discount
Beware young men of those so called
jolly good fellows who endeavor to make
you believe they are your best friends
when in reality they are your worst en
emies and are leading you on to de
struction They will inform you that
your credit is good here take all you
want and so leading you on until there
is enough against you to cause your in
evitable ruin Then comes the result of
the good fellowship and credit extended
to you in tho guise of friendship Your
wages are garnisheed your position gone
You are made a fugitive from your
friends and last but not least your
trunk is sold to defray expenses
Take the advice of t uccessfull men
like Russell Sage the great financier
who says young men should look for bar
gains in their clothes etc just as they
would were they buying stocks in wall
street But bargains can only be ob
tained when you are buying for cash and
can take the liberty of asking how much
and investigate what others are wanting
for the same article But under tho cir
cumstances of credit you never inquire
the price only the exclamation charge
it when you immediately become under
obligation to your creditor and by the
time you realize you are made a tool of
tho results as above are tendered you
All that you obtain through tho prof
fered friendship is the result of credit
This is not by any means a comedy but
a tragedy enacted occasionally usually
during pay days One instance of this
occurred recently Two estimable young
men realized their mistake and attempt
ed to buy for cash what they really need
ed but it was too late Their so called
friends saw them getting weaned rtway
from them and as they already owed
enough to their creditors for them to
strike the results were as detailed above
Councilmanic Doings
City council met in regular session
Monday evening all present but Perry
Bills as follows were allowed and war
rants ordered issued on proper fund
Barnett Lumber Co 191 20
M ROsborn 4 00
CCBrown 1 25
BMR R Co 97
C G Coglizer 4 00
McCook Republican 23 70
State Journal Co 5 4S
McCook Electric Light Co 87 CO
W C Bullard 195 00
P 22 10
George Schmidt 5 00
EdFitzgorald 50 00
CBGray 60 00
JohnEkstedt 50 00
Frank D Burgess 3 72
Lon Cone Bro were granted a drug
gists license
Report of police judge accepted and
approved It showed that 11980 in
fines had been received by the police
judge The total number of complaints
filed during tho year ending April 1st
1904 was 05 s
Bond of police judge approved
Ordinances 114 and 115 were passed
George E Thompson was chosen a
member of the library board vice R A
Green removed from the city
Report of the street commissioner was
Adjourned to Tuesday May 31
Post Nuptial Reception
The first post nuptial reception for
Mrs C C Barker waa held Tuesday
afternoon at the home of herfather John
Robert Phelan Mrs Barker was as
sisted in receiving by Mrs Phelan and
Mrs Davis Mrs Schars and Mrs
Broome assisted in serving tea During
the reception a large number of lady
friends called and were pleasantly enter
tained Tho parlors were decorated with
branches of apple blossoms secured from
the orchard The second reception will
be held on Tuesday af ternnon May 31
Alliance Grip
Meeting- of Board of Equalization
Notice is hereby given that the Board
of County Commissioners of Red Willow
county will sit as a board of equalization
of assessment June 14th 15th and 16th
on which dates the assessments will be
equalized and adjusted 5 27 3ts
E J Wilcox County Clerk
Two in One
What is that That is the new buggy
at Colemans If you want a buggy or
a nice driving wagon all in one it is the
thing to buy
Cow and Calf for Sale
Fresh Inquire at Ludwicks f urnr
ture store
Go to Waites for garden ho3e
Ladies extra fine hand turned flexi
fold slippers in all widths at Diamonds
clothing and shoe store
See W C Bullard before you let your
contract for concrete walks He has an
expert to put them down and furnishes
The Stores Should Close Evenings
and Sundays will be the topic of dis
cussion in each church of McCook Sun
day morning June 5th
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook posfoffice May 23 1904
Bolles Cora E Strently C P
Cottingham E J Simpson S W
Eghart Con Vanderhoff C R
Jay E Wauckwith Charley
King Frank Wichman Henry
Lively R L Williams K D
Phelps W R Wood J E
Wagner Jacob
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
Buy your garden tools at Waites
Commencement Exercises Tonight
Tho annual graduating exorcises of
tho McCook high school will be hold in
tho Congregational church this year
On account of a possibly fatal accident
to MrsCopeland ColCopeland will not
be present tonight and Dr W G L
Taylor professor of political economy in
the Nebraska univorsity will deliver tho
class address
Motto At the Threshold
Colors Violet and green
Beseio Ben trico Beam
Pleasures and Troubles of Lifo
Elizabeth Abigail Bosworth
Tho Man in Overalls
Roxanna Mildred ByfluldLifo in the Country
Albert Bruco Campbell
American Immigration
Genevieve Elizabeth Fitch Pioneer Lifo
Loyd Wood Jennings Class History
Eieanoro Lellew Current Events
Ethlyn Mao Middloton A Now Day
Bossio Anna lotorsonTho Lifo of a Rocluso
Frank Austin RittenhouseTho Typical Negro
Piano solo La Fountaino Jules Egghart
Mrs W B Mills
Rov G A Conrad
Clarinet solo Cuvatinu from Ernimi Verdi
Mrs J A Gnnrde
Elizabeth Abigail Bosworth
Col L F Copoland
Euphonium solo selected
Mr FA Pennell
Bessie Anna Peterson
Presentation of diplomas
Mr C W Barnes
Vocal solo
a Voices of tho Woods Watson Rubinstoin
b Violets Wright
Mrs Charles Wayno Britt
Wall Paper and Paints
Talk is cheap to see is to be convinc
ed We kindly invito you to take a look
at our wall paper Just the special de
signs in wall paper are some times hard
to find But there are such things nev
ertheless and you can find them at our
store If you have an eye for beauty a
thought for economy a desire to havo a
paint that sticks use our Lincoln Absolutely-Pure
Paints Call and see our
special designs and colors
A McMillen Druggist
New Director and Stockholder
During the business visit of B M
Frees in our city close of last week a
meeting of directors of the First Nation
al bank of our city was held and Harvey
P Sutton tho well known jeweler and
music dealer of our city was elected
into the directorate of the bank in which
he of course becomes a stockholder Mr
Sutton is a substantial addition to the
board of directors of that sound bank
ing institution which now has three
resident directors
Champion One Legged Rider of Colorado
In a broncho busting and polo playing
contest in Glenwood Springs Colorado
last Saturday Charlie Doyle the one
legged son of William Doyle of our city
won the title of the champion one legged
rider of Colorado
Are You Going to Build Sidewalks
We aro making a special sidewalk
brick of finest quality out of shale and
clay by special machinery and will have
a kiln of same ready for sale by June
10th Price per 1000 is 810 Wait
for them A new kiln of fine quality of
building brick just opened
McCook Brick Co
Since the Great Rains
you are probably thinking of putting in
some alfalfa cane or millet seed and
there wont be as good a time in a year
Remember that W T Coleman has
plenty of all these seeds
Have Cought a Good Thing
Everybody seems to have caught the
spirit of improvement in Indianola and
the very much better appearance of our
town shows for itself Indianola news
June Weddings and Graduates
W T Coleman is prepared for both
Suitable presents for one and all Ex
amine and be convinced
Piano Binder for Sale
In good condition Inquire of Wm
Heun Coleman precinct
The music will be a special feature of
the Memorial service in the Catholic
church Sunday morning Mrs C W
Britt will sing a solo Et Incarnatus
Est Mrs P M Appel of Cheyenne
Wyo will sing an Ave Maria from
Shakespeares Othello
Among the feathered tribe the prince
liest musician which makes McCook its
summer resort is the gracefully beaute
ous and vivacious mocking bird It is a
whole heavenly orchestra in itself sans
tuning discords and dissensions
Tho Franklin section 33 4 miles north
east of town formerly owned by the
Lytle brothers has been purchased by
John B Colling of Bondville precinct
who will occupy the place m March 190u
From every pulpit in McCook on Sun
day morning June 5th will be discuss
ed the need and the advisability of all
stores closing evenings and Sundays
See W C Bullard before you let your
contract for concrete walks He has an
expert to put them down and furnishes
Best made shoes at the lowest prices
for ladies gents and children at Dia
monds the workingmans friend
Dont fail to see McMillens large line
of wall paper before buying
A full stock of hose hose fittings and
and sprinklers at W T Colemans
We want to be your druggists Cone
Garden and field seeds at Waites
Kafir corn seed at Colemans
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Wheat ru
Rye -V
Good Butter
1000 Reward
4 00
for information leading to tho detection
of the party who shot my bird dog Wed
nesday - 1 J Reynolds
Coleman sells beet cultivators
Garden nnd field seeds at Waites
For wall paper go to Cone Bros
Jewel gasolino stoves at Waites
The Tkibune 52 weeks for 100
Garden and field seeds at Waites
Everything in drugs McConnell
Heath Milligan paint at Cone Bros
Not economy a 82500 lid on an ompty
Mangel wurzel and sugar boet seed at
McMillen has a largo and comploto
stock of wall paper
Cane Kafir corn millet and alfalfa
seed at Colemans
Those sewing machines at Colemans
are of the very best
Local news of importance on every
home page of The Tijiiiune
Fine largo line of harnesses halters
and lap robes at Colemans
And tho preachers of the city will tako
a hand in tho Sunday closing question
For tho best values in paints wall pa
per varnish stains enamel etc go to
Cone Bros
Concrete walks improve your property
W C Bullard is the man to let your
contract to
Leave orders at Cone Bros drugstore
if you want I N Biggs to hang your
wall paper
There was over 10 degrees difference
between the temperatures of Tuesday
noon and Wednesday morniug
A good assortment of varnish stains
enamels household floor and buggy
paints at McMillens drug store
Thome Gleason the Orleans pho
tographers have removed to McCook
temporarily at least Wilsonvillo Re
Thoso Erway and sled cultivators for
tending listed corn are the latest im
proved See them Every variety Cole
When shopping call and examine that
superb Argentine wear at W T Cole
mans Tho lino is completo and the
See W C Bullard before you let your
contract for concrete walks He has an
expert to put them down and furnishes
Those enamel lined refrigerators at
Colemans are made of hard wood
They are the latest thing out in that
line See them
You will find the greatest variety of
garden and field seeds at Waites Buy
early while you havo this large assort
ment to select from
The Dorcas society of the Congrega
tional church will meet at the homo of
Mrs E S Waite on next Tharsday af
ternoon at 230 oclock
A trial pair will convince you of the
superiority of the slippers that made
Rochester NY famous At Diamonds
the workingmans friend
Sunday morning June 5th tho pastor
of each church in McCook will discuss
the need and advisability of all stores
closing evenings and Sundays
Hammocks easy and breezy You
get all the air there is when you use a
hammock Our prices are right
A McMillen Druggist
Just as stylish equally as handsome
as the engraved are The Tkiboes
calling cards printed from the famous
and pretty Tiffany Text See our
samples and get our prices
Tho members of Eureka chapter No
8G O E S initiated four new mem
bers last Friday evening and afterwards
indulged in a delightful spread of re
freshments in addition to the usual
pleasant social time
Mrs L F Griggs begs to announce
that she has accepted the local agency
for the celebrated Chas A Stevens Ac
Bros ladies tailor made suits dress
patterns and ladies furnishing good3
and solicits your patronage
If you get hold of a poor paint it will
be a year or two before you find it out
and your time and money have been
wasted The Sherwin WilliamsPaint
is strictly high grade and none other
withstands the weather so well Sold
by McConnell druggist
They claim to have the largest cow in
Nebraska down at Holdrege They call
her Prairie Queen She weighs over
a ton is over 17 hands high and is 11
feet from tip of nose to tail bone They
expect to take her to St Louis
The county commissioners met Tues
day and the result of their official ac
tions is elsewhere reported in full The
next meeting of the commissioners will
be as a board of equalization June 14
15 10 And the indications are they
will have as much business as a cran
berry merchant