The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 20, 1904, Image 4

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    - m7i vmrs T
Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
G V Norris Rod Willow County
Philip Gliom Danbury
C E Eldred McCook
Jnni03 Hatfield McCook
To railroad employes the recent de
cision of the United States supremo
court relieving railroads of liability in
case of accidents the result of employes
negligence is the most startling and
paralyzing blow that railroad men have
received in a half century Five of the
nine supremo judges held to this proposi
tion and four favored the more rational
view that the operator is the agent of
tho employer and as such his negligence
rendered tho employer liable for damage
or death caused thereby
Fifth District Committee
Hastings Neb May 1H Special to
tho Bee Tho following are the new
congressional committeemen for the
Fifth district Adams county J V
James Chase V C Hill Dundy L
Warren Franklin James Lantz Furnas
T A Boyd Gosper Walter Smith
Harlan A If Goser Hayes John U
Christner Kearney S C Stewart
Nuckolls V F Buck Phelps H Bush
Red Willow W A MeConl Clay Harry
Thomas Hitchcock W E Van Petten
Frontier J A Williams Hall John
Brinnezor Perkins B F Hastings
Webster J S White George Allen
was made chairman of the congressional
committee and J E Kelley of McCook
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoflice May 17 1904
Breach Fremont Mitchell IS H
Cramer George Sherwood Grace
Hay George Smith Anna l
Hisiti Jacob Whitney J F
Keller Ferdinand Weiers Harry
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
A Cure For Piles
I had a bad case of piles says G F
Carter of Atlanta Ga and consulted
a physician who advised me to try a box
of De Witts Witch Hazel Salve I pur
chased a box and was entirely cured It
is splendid for piles giving relief in
stantly and I heartily recommend it to
all sufferers DeWitts Witch Hazel
Salve is unequalled for its healing quali
ties Eczema and other skin diseases
also sores cuts burns and wounds of
every kind are quickly cured by it
Sold by L W McDonnell
Protection is Panic Proof
is the title of tho recent speech of Sena
tor J II Gallinger of New Hampshire
The speech has been issued in document
form by the American Protective Tariff
League One copy will be forwarded to
any address upon postal card request
addressed to W F Wakeman General
Secretary 339 Broadway New York
Ask for document No 7S
Degree Work and Banquet
The Knights of Pythias conferred the
third degree of Pythiauism upon Princi
pal Briltenham of Culberison on Wed
nesday evening of this week After the
work a banquet was spread in the
castle hall It was withal one of those
enjoyablo affairs for which the Pythian
boys are truly famous
One of tho greatest blessings a modest
man can wish for is a good reliable set
of bowels If you are not the happy
possessor of such an outfit you can
greatly improve the efiieiency of those
you have by the judicious use of Cham
berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets
They are pleasant to take and agreeable
in effect For sale by all druggists
Whooping Cough
In the spring of 1903 my children
had whoaping cough says Mrs DW
Capps of Capps Ala I used Cham
berlains Cough Remedy with the most
satisfactory results I think this is the
best remedy I have ever seen for whoop
ing cough This remedy keeps the
cough loose lessens the severity and
frequency of the coughing spells and
counteracts any tendency toward pneu
monia For sale by all druggists
Soft and crooked bones mean
bad feeding Call the disease
rickets if you want to The
growing child must eat the
right food for growth Bones
must have bone food blood
r rt have blood food and so
on through the list
Scotts Emulsion is the right
treatment for soft bones in
children Little doses every day
give the stiffness and shape
that healthy bones should have
Bow legs become straighter
loose joints grow stronger and
firmness comes to the soft
Wrong food caused the
trouble Right food will cure it
In thousands of cases Scotts
Emulsion has proven to be the
risrht food for soft bones in
Send for free sample
Pearl Street New York
50c and ioo all druggists
Fifty Years the Standard
Improves ihe flavor and adds to
the heaithfulness of the food
Risk Is Assumed By the Employe
Washington D C May 1G The su
premo court of the United Slates today
laid down the principle that a telegraph
operator for a railroad company and a
lireman on a railroad engine are fellow
servants and that tho negligence of
the former causing the death of the lat
ter in tho operation of trains was a risk
tho fireman assumed and was not a
ground for damages against the railroad
Tho case was that of Alline A Dixon
against tho Northern Pacific railroad
company for damages for tho death of
her husband C A Dixon a fireman on
tho road killed in a collision caused by
too negligence oi a telegraph operator
The opinion delivered by Justice Brew
er answered two questions certified from
tho United States court of appeals for
tho Eighth circuit as follows
First When a local telegraph opera
tor is called on specially by a train dis
patcher to give information relative to
tho arrival of a train at his station to
enable the dispatcher to formulate orders
for tho movement of other trains does
the local operator in tho matter of giv
ing such information act as a fellow
servant of the train operatives in such
sens that the master h not liable to
train operatives who a ro injured by obey
ing an erroneous order of the dispatcher
that was induced by false information
given by the local operator
The answer to this question is The
telegraph operator was under the cir
cumstances described a fellow servant
of tho fireman
Second Is the neeliirpnce of a local
telegraph operator and station acent of
a railway company in observing and re
porting by telegraph to the train dis
patcher the movement of trains past his
station which caused the injury or death
of a fireman of the company without any
fault or negligence of the train dispatch
er tne negligence of the vice principal
for which the company is liable in dam
ages to the fireman or his personal rep
resentatives or is it the neelicence of a
fellow servant of the fireman the risk of
which the latter assumes
Answer The negligence of the opera
tor was the negligence of a fellow ser
vant of the fireman the risk of which
the latter assumed
A dissenting opinion was delivered by
Justice White and concurred in by the
chief justice and Justices Harlan and
McKenna In this dissenting opinion the
view was expressed that the operator was
the agent of the employer and as such
his negligence rendered the employer
liable for damages for death caused
The opinion was further exnressed
7 to 11 in block 55 Bartley
A Procter to W F Buchanan qcd to
nwqr 30-1-30
J F Stenner to E E Smith wd to lots
9 and 10 in block 54 Bartley
GeorRe Yost to Mrs David Diamond wd
iu iuu 1 iu uiuck i rirsc jmcuook
G H Warren to J N Brownwd to n hf
ne qr 7-3-26
C II Taylor to C H Taylor wd to c hf
sw qr 7-4-28
United States to C H Taylor oat to e
that the courts decision would create
much confusion
Do It Today
The time worn injunction Never put
off til tomorrow what you can do today
is now generally presented in this form
Do it today That is the terse advice
we want to give you about that hacking
cough or demoralizing cold with which
you have been struggling for several
days perhaps weeks Take some reliable
remedy for it today and let that rem
edy be Dr Botchees German Syrup
which has been in use for over thirty
five years A few doses of it will un
doubtedly relieve your cough or cold
and its continued use for a few days will
euro you completely No matter how
deep seated your cough even if dread
consumption has attacked your lungs
German Syrup will surely effect a cure
as it has done before in thousands of ap
parently hopeless cases of lung trouble
New trial bottles 25c regular size 75c
Li v McUonnell
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last Thursday evening
Lyman Jennings to G W Jones vd to
lots 1 to 11 in block 55 Hartley 137 00
G W Jones to AJCrawmer wd to lots
hf sw qr
Lincoln Land Co to A McCarty wd to
lots 9 10 11 in block 12 Lebanon 175 00
A C Crabtree sheriff sd to o hf se qr
z5 and s in
I L Kennedy to F M Kennedy wd to
whfswqr 24-2-29
M A Crowe to M A Carmichaol wd to
lot 1 in block 21 Indianola
G B Morsan to A VauVleot wd part
swuw 20-1-27
62 60
1 00
125 00
1000 00
1 00
235 00
500 00
60 00
60 00
You cannot have good health unless
your kidneys are sound for the kidneys
filter the blood of impurities which oth
erwise act as irritating poisons and
break down the delicate organs of the
body and cause serious trouble If you
have kidney or bladder trouble and do
not use Foleys Kidney Cure you will
have only yourself to blamo for results
as it positively cures all forms of kidney
and bladder trouble Sold by A Mc
Made Young- Again
One of Dr Kings New Life Pills
each night for two weeks has put mo in
my teens again writes D H Turner of
Dempseytown Pa Theyre the best in
the world for liver stomach and bowels
Purely vegetable Never gripe Only 25
cents at L W McConnells drug store
Miss Minnik Smith
Fbank Carruth was down from Den
ver Monday on business
Miss Ethel Barnett arrived home
Wednesday night from Boston
Mrs Arthur Wood will depart Sat
urday night for Livingston Montana
A J Utter left Tuesday night for
Chicago where he has secured u posi
Mr and Mrs B M Frees of Chicaeo
are guests of Mr and Mrs Albert Bar-
Dr J D Hare arrived home first of
the week from visiting the family in
Mrs F Block is visiting relatives in
Kenesaw and expects to be gone about
thirty days
Mrs V II Solliday arrived home
Sunday night from her visit in St Jo
seph Missouri with the Popes
Mrs F M Washhurn was called to
Mt Hope Wis close of last week by
the illness of her mother who died on
Mrs W M Stoker left Tuesday
night on a visit of several weeks to em
brace Weeping Water Alliance and
other points
Dr A C Harlan who recently sold
his dwelling over on
town has bought the W D Beyrer
residence on Manchester
Miss Bertha Schoiiel of Ilildreth
spent a day or two in the city early in
the week on her way home from Den
ver continuing on her home ward way
on 12 Tuesday morning
Mr and Mrs W A Dolan drove un
from Indianola Sunday and were guests
of her parents Deputy Taeasurer and
Mrs Beardslee Will drives the hand
somest span in Red Willow county
Oscar Schmitz closed a very success
ful term of school last Friday in dis
trict No 8 He gave the children each
a treat and a beautiful souvenir and
wound up with a fishing party on the
banks of the Driftwood
Miss Medora Santee was surprised
at the home of Mr and Mrs K J
Mitchell last Friday evening by about
forty children of her grade A very
pleasant and happy occasion resulted
for both teacher and pupils
Dr A P Welles of our citv was
chosen president of the Nebraska Home
opathic Medical society at the recent
state gathering in Omaha The doctor
has for years been an active member of
the society and has held other offices in
the past
J N Kirchner accompanied by his
son John and family and grandson
Willie Kirchnei came over from Hern
don Kansas Sunday and remained
until after the dedication of tho Catholic
church Tuesday morning They were
guests of his daughter Mrs James Too
hey They departed for home in the
afternoon Tuesday
Robert W Devoe clerk of the dis
trict court and Miss Maude Soverns of
Wilsonville were married at the home of
the bride on Wednesday of this week
After visiting a few days with relatives
and friends in Wilsonville and Lebanon
they will return to McCook and set up
their lares et penates in their home on
North McFarland street formerly D A
Lucas residence We congratulate
Mr and Mrs G H Smith are enter
taining their daughter Mrs Appel of
Cheyenne Wyo Last evening a few
guests were invited to the home and en
joyed an impromptu musical Mrs
Appel is a soprano singer of fine ability
and delighted the guests with quite a
number of solos showing a voice of
power range and excellent sympathetic
quality Mrs W B Mills and Mr W
J McGillin added instrumental num
bers to the program Duane E Smith
was also an enjoyable feature in bass
solo efforts Refreshments were served
The occasion withal was purely pleasur
able Mrs Appel will sing in the Catho
lic church next Sunday morning She
is also arranging for a recital for some
date next week
A New County Atlas of Red Willow
George A Ogle Co of Chicago are
gathering the data from which to make
an atlas of Eed Willow county Mr
Siegel representing the concern is now
in the county clerks office getting neces
sary facts and data from the records for
such atlas Field men will later go
over the county This firm is getting
up an atlas of Nebraska
An open coal hole in a side walk re
cently cost Omaha S900 Defective side
walks may cost McCook a nice penny
one of these days
f IT
i i
MKJMBfc Penf - y Baft B M Lfl
liftSilgMMBfct AII IaAm i JlullW UUlli UU
M45W5vWWK3SteJ5CfflaKat WfUH TVRfffiZBffl
Renominated by Acclamation as the Republican Candidate for Congressman
for the Filth Nebraska District
home from
Refrigerators latest designs and all
styles at Colemans
Mens very good blue overalls 50c at
Tho Thompson Dry Goods Gos
waists for ladies misses and
at the Thompson Dry Goods
Well what about that Fourth of July
celebration Are you talking it up It
must be a hummer And tlie log-rolling
No preaching services in the Metho
dist or Baptist churches Sunday morn
ing or evening Only morning services
in the Congregational church Preach
ing morning and evening in the Chris
tian church
Our inclination at this season oT tho year is
to turn from books to nature the source of all
knowledge How much better if wo went al
ways and only to the fountains head rather
than to tho lower stream whose waters from
much wauderiut throuuh uonulous reirions be
come contaminated Books worthy of tho
name are transcripts from nature ineyare
uecessarlly abridgement They tell imper
fectly but part of the story Art appeal to a
single sent e while the thins itself speaks a
lanciuiKe that every liber understands
We who live in this new and sparsely settled
land remote from what we conceive to bo the
centers of all learniuK are kivcii to lamenting
our lo jt opportunities We too would stroll
through galleries crowded with treasures of
sculpture and painting We too would visit
flliinitrl utfl tw 4 liofn fit l tlwii Iilimt T
the east side Of i 11 their Hare of music their famous men
ami women we would near the compositions
of the masters rendered by tho artists of the
operatic stage we would see the character of
Shakespeare interpreted by the greatest actors
iu the world We would hove access to those
va t storehouses of books in which are found
the recorded knowledge of the generations that
have preceded us
The stone images of men that stand motion
less and voiceless in the corridors of tlie muse
um what are they at best but counterfeits at
best are they not imperfect even in form which
is the only aspect they attempt to imitate Why
is it they seem more wonderful to us than the
originals who instinct with life the greatest
of mjsteries we seo in our daily walks And
tho paintings mere snatches from odd corners
caught on the instant and held fast until the
colors fade how are they comparable with the
landscapes we may view from every hill top
the whole world spread out before us changing
with the seasons changing with the hours
changing with the coming and going of the
clouds even with the blowing of the wind If
vou would hear music go listen to the wind
blow through th trees the water How over the
sands the meadow larks sing 111 the fields or
on a still October day when hills and valles
sleep beneath the lazy sunshine sav if the si
lence is not more eloquent than Wagnerian
overtures As for Shakespeare why if we must
concern ourselves with the affairs of other men
should wo not feel deeper interest in the gosip
of yesterday than in that of three hundred
years ago Whj should not living Americans
appeal more strongly to us than dead English
kings What do books teach us that we cannot
better learn from the things around us Noth
ing that is worth the trouble to acquire Noth
ing that we cannot learn from natures self
Every man is given power to see and know
much that he is not permitted to reveal Can
woras picture tne green iieuis or repeat the
song birds note
Stand some evening and watch the setting sun
paint the clouds that hang above the western
rim of earth If jou aro worthy you will exper
ience a thrill of ecstacy You will comprehend
tho overwhelming splendors of creation For
an instant you may realize the glories or para
dise An unseen unknown voice may whisper
a question to which jou may believe vou know
the answer Perhaps you do Perhaps the light
has come to you Jf so be content If not re
peat tho question to yourself but to no other
man for none can instruct you not even the
most learned Not even books will help you
For you tho solution is hidden somewhere
about the universe perhaps in a budding
flower perhaps in some wood birds song per
haps in tonights moon rise Rut the secret
made yours by patient search and inquiry is
yours forever You cannot communicate it to
any living being
To William Wight G WArbogast R Burton
Su an Gardnerand to all whom it may concern
The commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at center of sw quarter of section
IS on the section line that divides North Valley
Precinct from Alliance Precinct Red Willow
county Neb and known as Arbogasts sw cor
ner and extending south diverging in an east
erly direction sullicient to avoid the high bluffs
and secure the most practical route for a road
and coming back on tho same section line at or
nea rtho center of sw quarter of section 19 and ex
tending due south along the section line to the
sw corner of section 19 and terminating thereat
and to vacate the road now laid out along said
section lice has reported in favor of the loca
tion thcreofandall objections thereto or claims
for damages must be tiled in tho county clerks
office on or before noon of the 13th day of July
A D 1904 or said road will be established and
vacated is stated above without reference
thereto E J Wucox County Clerk
By Geokge B Beuiit Deputy Vi0 4t
Indianola Nebraska May 12 1901
Notice is hereby given that A L Haley has
filed in tho city clerks office his petition and
bond for a license to sell malt spirituous
and vinous liquors in the building on lot 21
block 39 in the Second ward original city of In
dianola from May 1 1904 to April J 1901
A L Haley Applicant
In the county court of Redwillow county Neb
In the matter of the estate of John H Ludwick
Notice is hereby given that I will sit at the
countj court room in McCook in said countv
on tho nth day of December 1904 at the hour of
ton oclock a in to examine adjust and allow
all claims against said estate The time limited
for the presentation of such claims is six months
from the 20th day of May 1904 and tho timi
limited for the payment of debts and settlemen
of said estate is one jear from the date hereof
Dated May 20tb 1904
5 204ts S L Geeen County Judge
jt 1
-v i vi u -
s a s
W a
wm 1 Jl BL
limiim It
llm wmliMmlmm
Oh the Pleasures
of moving day of ripping up carpets
and stair rods of breaking in a now
house and fitting stove pipe of eating
your meals on the kitchen stairs and
waiting for the plumbers and tho gas
man Thores a joy thats unconfined
about all this and
You Can Have
Once a Year
- but do you want it Wouldnt you
give a pretty penny to escape it There
is only one way viz to own instead of
forever moving If you are thinking of
the better way see the Secretary of the
McCook Co operative
Building Savings Assn
The Noted Eye Specialist
and 18th
Dr S Shwartz has done more work
here than any other eye specialist comes
oftener than any other specialist and is
too well known to need any introduction
His references are his patients your
neiguuors ana inenas JJilticult cases
and school children solicited A large
stock of artificial eyes and glasses on
hand A large portion of headaches
and hysteria St Vitus dance nervous
prostration epilepsy and other nervous
conditions aro caused by eye strain
Dont feel discouraged because vnn
have failed to obtain relief from itiner
ant spectacle venders I guarantee
satisfaction in all cases
Will be at the Commercial Hotel
Friday and Saturday June 1T 1S
The Brownie Kodak Boy
Kodaks are sold by
The Man Who Toils
Is the man who ought to have the best
things to eat because his system re
quires it Workingmen and evervbodv
else who want the best meat come to
our shop We run the best butcher shop
in town kjut piace is ciean xne meat
we sell is tender and fresh The prices
we ask are low enough to suit anybody
If you knew how particular we are to give
vnnrl noror hittr nlcmnlin
w J
Anton Magnerl
Www SW
Tho only reliable wholesale house
between Denver and Hastings
We Buy in Car Lots
All goods direct from grower that
is why we can sell cheap
ants headquarters
We Pay Cash for Eggs
Local and Long Distance
Phono 101
Ono dnnr south of the Tribune Office
gaaaEaiUlAUS vimwffcr H3B3
Iat chops
auu icueves in r
Not possible no more than fine tender
beef from an aged country bull It takes
the finest fattest corn fed and grass fed
stock to produce tender and juicy meat
meat is enough to mako anyone cross
and ugly Come here and get the right
kind cut right and pried right Wo
know youll come again
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block W est of Citizens Bank
i iccook Nebraska I
Are due to indigestion Ninety
nine of every
one hundred people who have heart troubS
can remember when it was simple SeS
A i eHBJ thatll casefof
VZT Ul oranic are
ui not onlv
traceable to but the
are direct
result of indi
gestion All food taken into the Lomh
which fails of perfect digestion erments aS5
H5u 1S uteres with the action of
the heart
and in the
course of
time that
dMCnevbUVilaI 0rean becomes Sed
Mr DKauble of jJ
O 1 had J
trouble and was In a bad state stomach
as I h
with it I took Kodol DysceDsia cvS 7 tfl troubIa
P Cure for
taonths and it cured me abcu fcur
Kodol Digests What You Eat
strain and ih f J Ui nervous
au Pressuxe
Bottles only SI 00 Size holding 2
ti r the
size which sells for 50c ixhl
Prepared by E O DeWTT CO CHCAQO
For Sale by L W McConnell
ue Front
f T7itt X ST ao
tt l BfateJ i W Jsw
Fine Turnouts
Either Single or Double
Phone 36
Rear Palmer HncQ
McCook Nebraska
A specialty of office supplies
The Tribute
v A