The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 20, 1904, Image 1

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    5fW - TV
Another Sad and Fatal Accident
Brnkonian Gcorgo KSnyder wns fatal
ly injured last Saturday morning about
one oclock in the McCook yards while
assisting in making up fast freight No
77 by being knocked down by tho cars
nnd run over He lingered till Monday
morning when death came to his relief
about eleven oclock
Brakeman Snyder was in tho act of
turning off tho angle cock at the rear of
tho cars when more cars wero shunted
in against tho string of cars moving tho
cars a fow feet knocking Mr Snyder
down and between tho rails and running
over ono of his legs causing terrible in
juries from which ho could not recover
Tho injured man was pinioned down by
tho car and it was necessary to use lift
ing jacks to raise it from his leg and re
lease him
Tho remains wero shipped to his for
mer home Lincoln Tuesday morning on
No 2 where tho burial was made soon
lifter tho arrival of the train in tho capi
tal city
Tho deceased was best known in the
city perhaps as a musician of finest at
tainments but hold tho high esteem of a
largo number of those in tho railroad
employ having been for a number of
years in the train service of tho company
and popular with both oilicials and men
In this hour of deepest sorn w and be
reavement the stricken wife and brother
have tho wealth of profoundestsympathy
of this entire community
Tho deceased carried 82000 insurance
in tho A O U W SG0O in tho Bur
lington Voluntary Relief and 600 in
tho Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen
George R Snydkb was born i n
Bloomdale Ohio October 12th 18G3
Ho camo to McCook in tho summer of
1S93 to play in the band Ho served tho
company as night caller for a fow years
and entered tho train service in 1899 as
brakeman lie was united in marriage
with Miss Clara Sullivan in Lincoln
December 23 1S95 who and a little
daughter survive him
Tho body of George R Snyder tho
Burlington brakeman who died on Mon
day morning ns a resuk of injuries re
ceived while coupling cars at McCook
on Saturday was brought to tho city on
Burlington train No 2 yesterday Tues
day for interment in Wyuka The fu
neral party was met at the depot hero
by representatives of tho B R T Short
services wero held at tho grave Mr
Snyder formerly lived in this city nnd
his wife has relatives here Mrs Snyder
nnd her child were accompanied to Lin
coln by Mr and Mrs E M Snyder Mrs
H P Sutton and by P M Washburn
II C Brown C J Snell C R Liggett
R M Douglass and T A Nash who
represented the B R T and the O R
C These members of the party returned
to McGook last evening Wednesdays
Lincoln Journal
New Methodist Church
The plans and specifications for the
nev church will be in the office of H II
Berry every day except Sunday from
May 21 to the night of Juno 1st for the
use of any who desire to bid on the
work only for the new Methodist church
of McCook The committee reserves
right to reject any or all bids All bids
must be in tho hands of D C Marsh
secretary of building committee not
later than 6 oclock p m on the first
day of June 1901
Order Building Committee
Concrete Sidewalks
We aro now ready to make contracts
for concrete sidewalks in McCook We
have employed an expert to put down
these walks and guarantee their dura
bility Barnett Lumber Co
Cow and Calf for Sale
Fresh Inquire at Ludwicks furni
ture store
American Beautj corsets are sold
with this guarantee Money back after
four weeks actual wear if dissatisfied
Sold onlv by The Thompson Dry Goods
A sanitary wash towel given free
while the supply lasts to each lady who
makes a purchase of us Ask for one
McCoxjcell Druggist
See W C Bullard before you let your
contract for concrete walks He has an
expert to put them down and furnishes
Those enamel lined refrigerators at
Colemans are made of hard wood
They aro the latest thing out in that
line See them
B B non explosive compound made
an old stove new for Martin Commission
Co Seo them S D McClain
Hose hose fittings sprinklers in fact
all the requisites for keeping your lawn
green at W T Colemans
Boys and girls gauze union suits at
the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Boys Norfolk suits S275 and 350 at
the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Two toned all over laces at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
Garden and field seeds at Waites
Detroit vapor stoves at Waites
McMillen prescription druggist
Go to Waites for garden hose
Ice cream soda at McConnells
Kafir corn seed at Colemans
In our stock you will find a var
iety of suitable designs for each
room in the house Our assort
ment is such that you can carry
out almost any kind of a decora
tive scheme you wish Let us
show you what wo have
McUonnell JLruggist
Engineer Rodstrom is off on sick list
J Lessor of boiler gang is on sick list
Engineer Pronger has returned to
Fred Briggs was visiting in Lincoln
last week
Engine 332 D4 is running out of Mc
Cook now
F DuLaney boilermaker apprentice
has resigned
Fireman O V Ebormnn is visiting in
Denver this week
W II Anderson was up from Have
lock over Sunday
Fireman II II Sheelor and wife aro
visiting in Orleans
I B Woigel has been employed as a
brakeman this week
F D Griffetbs of Holyoko was at
headquarters Monday
G Fred Kinghorn is in tho yard vice
Edgar Smith for a few days
J W Chase was visiting in Omaha
and Havelock last of last week
Byron Campbell is in the telegraph
servico in tho McCook office again
M B Cavanaugh of Iloldrego was
visiting friends here first of week
Conductors R M Douglass and E M
Cox aro on tho sick list this week
Chief Dispatcher Mills was over tho
division with the test car this week
W P Bross and O Kunkle wero fish
ing on the Imporial line Wednesday
Bruce Berry and Bruce Campbell
were visiting in Lincoln last of week
Engineer Sanborn and Fireman Huet
were at headquarters close of last week
Conductor L S Watson has been on
tho 127 while Conductor Cox has been
Brakeman L D Burney enjoyed a
brief vacation and fishing at Cambridge
this week
1 L Rodstrom of tho switch engine
was sick Sunday but reported for duty
again Monday
Dispatcher J F Forbes was a passen
ger on 12 Monday for Chicago to be
absent two weeks
Engineer and Mrs Thomas Ortou
were guests of Mr and Mrs E C Mc
Kay first of the week
Dispatcher JBCulbertson has purch
ased Roy Klevens cottage and will move
into the same June 1st
Brakeman J A Roark and Brakeman
G P Roark have been transferred from
headquarters to Denver
Engineer Stephen Finn was called to
Beardstown 111 this week on account
of serious illness of his mother
Commencing with June 1st so rumor
hath it tho Cheyenne branch will be
managed direct from McCook the office
of assistant superintendent to be abolish
ed at Holyoke
G F Hancock a well known cattle
man of Barr Colorado was killed on
Saturday afternoon last in Denver be
tween 18th and 19th streets in a freight
accident in the Burlington yards
Conductor L C Wolff has taken a
vacation of ten days and gone to St
Louis to see tho big show Conductor
F M Washburn is punching tickets in
his stead Conductor L A Hurlburt
has the 129 in Washburns place
Conductor A L Knowland had the
first finger of his left hand amputated
in Hastings last Friday This is the
member injured in a sausage machine
about six weeks since Hope was en
tertained of saving the finger Three
cuttings wero made before satisfactory
condition of bone was found
You pay too much I can save you
money on Hamilton and Hampden high
grade watches Ciias B Morgan
Holdrege Neb
Commencement Exercises
The annual graduating exercises of
the McCook high school will be held on
Friday evening May 27 in tho Con
gregational church The large number
of friends both of the graduates and of
the public school who will wish to at
tend will tax to the utmost any audience
room we have in town The greatest
possible pains have been taken to pro
vide adequately for seating accommoda
tions This year as in years past just
as many tickets as tho church has sit
tings will be issued and this numlirr
will bo placed on sale at McConnelKs
drug store at noon Monday next May
23 A plat will show tho exact location
of each seat The charge for tickets is
a purely nominal one 20 cents and is
made that the crowd may be the more
easily controlled It is urged upon
those who desire good seats that they
secure them in advance early
The high school has prided itself upon
the character of the lecturers who have
spoken at the commencement exercises
This year it is certain that Col Cope
land will excel all his predecessors in the
degree of enthusiasm he will awaken and
in tho wholesome message ho will leave
Are You Going to Build Sidewalks
We are making a special sidewalk
brick of finest quality out of shale and
clay by special machinery and will have
a kiln of same ready for sale by June
10th Price per 1000 is 10 Wait
for them A new kiln of fine quality of
building brick just opened
McCook Brick Co
Dont fail to see McMillens large line
of wall paper before buying
Ladies gauze underwear all kinds
at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
A full stock of hose hose fittings and
and sprinklers at W T Colemans
Mens suits 350 450 500 650
750 S50 900 1000 1250 and
1350 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Fish evo pearl buttons in sizes 12
14 16 IS 30 36 40 45 and 50 from 10c
dozen up at The Thompson Dry Goods
St Patricks Catholic Church Dedicated Tuesday May 17 1904
An English Gothic from the point
view of art it is perfect in its solid sim
As to its appointments and furnish
ings they are the latest most approved
and up-to-date
The Midland Glass and Paint Co of
Omaha furnished the art windows
They are works of art in fact and are
said to be the prettiest in the Lincoln
diocese The League of the Sacred
Heart donated the large front window
which contains a full length figure of
Christ exposing His heart an emblem
of love
The church is illuminated by electri
city the globes being placed in the ceil
ing Twenty five candle power Merid
ian white frosted lamps are used giving
a soft mellow and beautiful effect
A modern pattern hot air furnace
provides tho necessary warmth
The Brulmaier Co of Dubuque la
made the pews and altar The altar is
a superb and impressive Gothic effect in
butternut wood and gold
The architects have not overlooked
its acoustic properties they are quite
perfect a conversational tone being
audible distinctly in every part of the
An excellent and praiseworthy feature
of the construction is the inclined floor
Handsome Edifice Crowded to Witness the Solemn
and Impressive Ceremonials Superb
Historical Sketch
St Patricks Catholic church of our
city was solemnly dedicated to the wor
ship and servico of God Tuesday morn
ing with all tho pomp and splendor and
ceremonial of tho great church The
Rt Rev Bishop Thomas Bonacum of
Lincoln officiated assisted by Rev
Daniel Fitzgerald of Grafton Rev LW
Winzel of Ilorudon Kansas and Rev J
W Glenn of Atwood Kansas in addi
tion to tho local pastor Rov J J Lough
Tho procession was formed before the
altar at ten oclock and in turn the ex
terior and interior of tho edifice were
formally dedicated by the bishop and
assistants according to tho impressive
and elaborate ritual of the church
After the concl usion of this ceremonial
solemn high mass followed conducted
by Rev Daniel Fitzgerald of Grafton as
celebrant with full chorus choir and
orchestra Dr S C Beach directed
tho music with Miss Millie Elbert as
organist Tho choir was constituted as
follows Sopranos Mrs Peter Foxen
Miss Rose Elbert Miss Sadie OConnell
altos Mrs George Elbert Mrs Avoline
Perrine tenors S B McLean J W
Selby J A Beyrer bassos J A
Schmitz J R McCarl Tho orchestra
was composed of W J McGillin violin
U B Clark cornet J A Gaarde clari
net II P Sutton bass violin The
mass sung was Henry Farmers superb
production in B flat which was finely
Following the celebration of the mass
Bishop Bonacum delivered the sermon
of tho occasion His theme was Tho
Cardinal Doctrines of the Church of
Christ which was given comprehen
sive and finished treatmont by the
bishop and was a strong statement of
the faith as held by tho church in whose
episcopacy he serves
Then ensued the most impressive
scene and coremony of tho dny tho con
firmation of a class of 84 girls and boys
and a few adults The forty or more
girls were dressed in white and wore
white veils It was a beautiful incident
a tender appealing one to all During
this sacrament two fine musical num
bers wero rendered An Ave Maria
by Mesdames Foxen and Elbert and a
duo I Will Extol Thee by Messrs
McLean and McCarl
Tho decorations of the church wero
simple but pretty and effective Stream
ers of rod white and blue bunting were
draped from the ceiling in graceful
curves and folds A wealth of potted
plants cut flowers etc on altar windows
and other points of vantage gave a bright
dash of color to the scene
Rov Loughran and tho members of
St Patricks parish are proper subjects
for congratulation upon tho fact and
the manner of celebrating its consumma
With a brief account of the dedication
description of the church and sketch of
tho organization The Tribune submits
two half tones one of the new church
and the other of its pastor They speak
for themselves
The new church property embracing
parsonage lots etc is ono of the most
valuable in Southwestern Nebraska and
is no less a joy to the parishioners than
a credit to the city of McCook
A happy feature of this dedication is
the fact that the church is absolutely
free of indebtedness and tho unpleasant
task of raising tho shortage at the dedi
cation was thus obviated Would such
were the case at all dedications
In making inquiries as to date of dedi
cation of the original churchthe opinion
was expressed that it had never been
formally dedicated and The Tribune
has no data to the contrary How
is it
F - -- - iTSSfsfe5 J jnHH
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n mi in nf ii-in- -- ifnilfMHTfllrTW
an essential in the modern audience
In summing up the excellencies of the
building one who has been over the dio
cese and has seen every church therein
states This is the prettiest best-appointed
best finished and most up-to-date
church in Lincoln diocese Hence
the Catholic people and their kind
neighbors of McCook may well feel
proud of this new house of worship
The members of the building commit
tee Messrs J II Bennett CJOBrien
P F McKenna James McAdams and
George Elbert deserve large credit and
unstinted praise for their faithful and
efficient efforts They bought the mater
ials and hired the day labor for the con
The architects were Fisher Lawrie of
Omaha James McAdams one of the
building committee was general super
intendent of construction and purchas
ing James Rupp of Hastings was fore
man of the brick masons George
Younger of Box Elder was foreman of
the wood workers George Elbert of the
committee was foreman of the painters
and J H Yarger foreman of plasterers
The seating capacity of the church is
about 500 Its cost is in the neighbor
hood of 10000
Continued on Page Five
Result of Republican Convention
Tho result of tho Republican state
convention which met in Lincoln Wed
nesday of this week is thus summed up
United States Senator Elmer J Bur
kett Lincoln
Governor John II Mickoy Osceola
Lioutonant Governor E GMcGilton
Secrotary of State A Galusha Red
Auditor E M Searle Jr Ogalalla
Treasurer Peter Mortonsen Ord
Commissioner of Public Lands and
Buildings II M Eaton Fremont
Attornoy General Norris Brown
Superintendent of Public Instruction
J L McBrien Geneva
Presidential electors
At Largo II II Wilson of Lincoln
and James C Robinson of Omaha
Congressional First district Frank
C Barton Pawnee Second Arthur C
Smith Omaha Third A C Abbott
Pender Fourth T L Norval Seward
Fifth W P Hall Holdrege Sixth M
A Browu Kearney
Delegates to National Convontion
At Largo J E Pipor Tokamah C B
Dempster Beatrice II C Bromo Oma
ha L F M Leflang Lexington
Alternates Selby Hastings David
City I M Raymond Lincoln C E
Adams Superior E KValentine West
Congressional district delegates to the
national convention
First district W J Crnndall Firth
Frank E Helvey Otoo county
Second district Gurdon W Wattles
Herman Aye of Omaha
Third district Frank D Willinms
Albion Frank Nelson Niobrara
Fourth F I Foss Crete II M
Childs York
Fifth Adam Breede Hastings Alex
Campbell McCook
Sixth Patrick Miles Sidney R D
Harris Alliance
National committeeman Charles II
Morrill Lincoln
Death of Ellsworth Jeffries
Ellsworth Jeffries of Hayes county
died at the home of Mrs M V Fisk of
our city Monday morning of a com
plication of diseases aged 42 years The
funeral sermon was preached at the
home Tuesday afternoon by Rev M B
Carman of tho Methodist church and
burial was made in Riverview cemetery
immediately thereafter the local Wood
man lodge having the interment in
charge and escorting tho remains to tho
cemetery in a body
Ellsworth Jeffries was born i n
Huntingdon county Pennsylvania
August 18th 1S61 Was united in mar
riage there with Miss Margaret Mc
Mullin December 24th 1886 They
came to Hayes county where they have
since made their home Deceased was
brought to McCookFriday of last week
for treatment He leaves a wife two
brothers and five sisters Mrs Anna
Long of South McCook is one of the
sisters Tho bereaved wife Mrs Mar
garet Roberts a sister and Oliver Jeff
ries a brother all of Hayes county were
present at the funeral Deceased was
for nine years a member of the United
Brethren church He held fraternal in
surance in the Woodman order to the
amount of 2000 having had his mem
bership in the Uulbertson lodge
High School Commencement
About Col Cop eland the Detroit
Mich Free Press says For an hour
and a half the eloquent lecturer held the
earnest attention of the entiro audience
His power in passing from the ludicrous
to the sublime is wonderful For almost
two thirds of the time his audience
roared in laughter and during tho other
one third they listened in breathless
silence to his appeals for higher and
truer living Congregational church
Friday evening May 27
Two in One
What is that That is the new buggy
at Colemans If you want a buggy or
a nice driving wagon all in one it is the
thing to buy
June Weddings and Graduates
W T Coleman is prepared for both
Suitable presents for one and all Ex
amine and be convinced
Special Sale
Remarkable values in ladies tailor
made suits at greatly reduced prices a
saving of 33 j to 50 per cent See Mrs
L F Griggs
For Sale in Red Willow County
Southeast 14 section 22 town 3range
29 Also lot 3 block 7 First add to
McCook Enquire of B Hammer 2234
Lafayette St Denver Colo 4 29 4t
Since the Great Rains
you are probably thinking of putting in
some alfalfa cane or millet seed and
there wont be as good a time in a year
Remember that W T Coleman has
plenty of all these seeds
See W C Bullard before you let your
contract for concrete walks He has an
expert to put them down and furnishes
Mens gauze underwear in black and
colors at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Boys and girls gauze vests and pants
at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Roberts gold eyed parabola needles at
the Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Fine large line of harnesses halters
and lap robes at Colemans
Ladies percale wrappers 85c at the
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Local news of importance on every
home page of The Tribune
I guarantee my concrete walks W C
We want to be your druggists Cone
Garden and field seeds at Waites
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday inuriiim
Corn a 11
Wlioat vS
Onta 33
Kyo 7
Hoko 1 iwi
I RKH yyt
Good U utter 17
If Noah Had Lived In Nebraska
-- uu J UUIU UUL 1IIIVO IllllI lO
iiuuu tno arK hut after a few days
and nights of good old Nebraska
rain wo aro positive that Mrs Noah
would have insisted that is
tho time to clonn house And had
sllO lived in MeHnntr rr iiiflnv
- - ---www I1U1UIL
nll I 7
rl uxiii imu abllllLIIIlUWllY COIIlO lu
i f l
a mi miui iiiiui wiiuo euamei lor w
tho refrigerator or bath tub
i f r 1
ral 111011 omnia Ul JUIillilC 1UT SOIIIO OI
the older furniture somo of tho fa
mous HflHl A- il lllifrnii twInf
ri -- v tjiiiiiu 1111 x
m n 1 r
Tim hiXlinn n il rl -I I V
iuu iiuuru auu auii uieu a milliner ot
our choice patterns of wall miner
M r f 1 i
jiih iiui uucuruuun
Wn Irnniv tvn rriulr1 im lrni
v w nitu liciisu
IWrs IMoali in all these things as wo
kllOW we Clin rilinc o nvirv
v j itiuj 111
McCook And when you buy of us
you cot tho most value for vmir
g money Wo invite you to trade with
us Uonk linos DniLiists
Coleman soils beet cultivators
Garden and field seeds at Waites
For wall paper go to Cone Bros
Jewel gasoline stoves at Waitos
Thk Tkiisunk 52 weeks for 100
Garden and field seeds at Waites
Everything in drugs McCovnkll
Heath Milligan paint at Cono Hros
Mangel wurzel and sugar beet seed at
McMillen has a largo and complete
stock of wall paper
Cane Kafir corn millet and alfalfa
seed at Colemans
Those sewing machines at Colemans
are of the very best
Sun bonnets 15c to 35c at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
You should seo McMillens up-to-date
wall paper and get prices before buying
Long and short kimonos and dressing
sacques at The Thompson Dry Goods
McMillens prices as well as new de
signs and colorings 111 wall paper will
please you
For the best values in paints wall pa
per varnish stains enamel etc go to
Cone Bros
Concrete walks improve your property
W C Bullard is tho man to let your
contract to
Patent double finger tips in our 2 clasp
all silk gloves at 50c The Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
Genuine hand painted oil color pillow
tops with backs 50c at Tho Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
Leavo orders at Cone Bros drugstore
if you want I N Biggs to hang your
wall paper
Boys knee pant suits 85c 125 165
2 275 and 350 at the Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
Sun burn and tan wont worry you
this season if you will uso McConnells
Fragrant Lotion
A fine baby boy was born to Store
keeper and Mrs J C Barber Thurs
day of last week in Havelock
A good assortment of varnish stains
enamels household iioor and buggy
paints at McMillens drug store
Save your lives and property by using
B ifc B non explosive compound
S D McClaiv Sole Agent
The Lincoln absolutely pure paint is
guaranteed for three years
A McMillen Druggist
Those Erway ana sled cultivators for
tending listed corn are the latest im
proved See them Every variety Cole
When shopping call and examine that
superb Argentine wear at W T Cole
mans Tho line is complete and the
See W C Bullard before you let your
contract for concrete walks He has an
expert to put them down and furnishes
You will find the greatest variety of
garden and field seeds at Waites Buy
early while you have this large assort
ment to select from
The East McCook people have pur
chased a box car which they will move
to that addition of the city and convert
to Sunday school purposes
Just as stylish equally as handsome
as the engraved are The Tribunes
calling cards printed from the famous
and pretty Tiffany Text See our
samples and get our prices
Col Copeland for brilliancy richness
of thought convincing argument im
passioned eloquence and convulsing wit
and humor is unquestionably the peer
of any lecturer of the present time
Chicago Times
Mrs- L F Griggs begs to announce
that she has accepted the local agency
for the celebrated Chas A Stevens it
Bros ladies tailor made suits dress
patterns and ladies furnishing goods
and solicits your patronage
u i